• Published 1st Oct 2018
  • 1,296 Views, 49 Comments

Reality is the Hardest Calorie to Swallow - Flutterpriest

I have a problem. I don't want to have a problem anymore. I want to look in the mirror without hating my outsides. Maybe then I can love myself. But how do I balance motivation and starvation?

  • ...

Stop Hating Yourself

I'm really tired of cutting my hooves on shards of broken mirror.

After washing my hooves, I stare at an empty spot on my wall where my mirror used to be. On the counter, a crumpled up note that says you're beautiful the way you are.

"Why can't I just get it together?" I speak to the wall.

I know I'm not speaking to the wall.

I'm speaking to the mirror that isn't there. To myself. Not to myself, but to that voice that believes it's me.

'You've done it before. What's wrong with doing it again.' I think. I don't think. I know. I don't know. I am told.

I tell myself that it's easy. I hate the way I look? Change it. One step at a time. One less thing eaten. One less calorie. It would be easy if I just stopped eating.

Or maybe it's not about the eating. Maybe it's about how it comes out. It's all science. Multivitamins. Shakes. Exercise. Sleep.

That gurgle in my stomach? That's boredom. That's my reaction to stress. That's my reaction to me, talking to myself.

Here I am. Talking to myself again.

I look at the wall, expecting to see me.

I see nothing. I see my wall. I see my mental image. Me, my folds, and I.

I see something less than a pony. Something that doesn't deserve the nice things they have.

"No," I say.

I sigh and walk out of my bathroom and into my living room. There was a bag on my entry table. My shopping. I pull out of them two things. A scale. A mirror, which has a hazy film on it. I pick both things up with my mouth and move into the bathroom. I set the scale down and hang the mirror on the nail that was there from the last one.

That night, last night, was the tipping point. It's time for change. I can't hate myself anymore. I won't let myself do it.

I check the mirror for looking 'about right.' It's tilted. But it's hung. That's what matters for now. It's not about the perfect choices. It's about making the right steps forward. Not being perfect off the bat. That's why it's a process.

I set the scale down and pause. It's large, covering nearly the entirety of my bathroom floor. I close my eyes, knowing what I have to do.

On second thought, isn't there work I need to catch up on? There's more head shots to edit.

In fact, isn't that the most important thing? My cutie mark is me. Me the way I am. My fat is who I am. This is who I'm supposed to be. This is who I deserve to be.

I sit down, staring at the scale.

This is who I'm destined to be. This is who I deserve to be. I make laughs at my own expense. I make people feel comfortable in their own skin with my own confidence. My faux confidence. The mask sure is convincing, isn't it? Wear a Rarity dress on a runway, and suddenly I'm an inspiration to plus-sizes everywhere. Heck, that one blue mare that runs the pastry shop in Ponyville still sends me letters.

What kind of pony would I be to let them down.

I raise to my hooves.

There's some pizza in the fridge. This can all wait another day. Besides, dieting is so hard.

Then a muffled voice, from the mirror. A shiver runs down your spine. I pause, recognizing those sounds. I look to the mirror, recognizing the pony in the muffled plastic over the mirror. It's me.

I grab the edge of the plastic and begin to peel. The mirror begins to reflect back, and I see myself.

"That's it. Just give up. What's the point?" I say to myself.

"I knew I would hate buying another mirror," I say to the mirror.

"But face it, you need me."

"For what?" I ask.

"You wouldn't get anything done if you didn't hate yourself."

I remain silent, glaring at my own reflection. I know it's not real. It's never real. I blink, and it's myself again. I wave a hoof. It waves back. I shake my head.

"You know, it would be easier if you just stopped eating," the mirror says.

"I've been down that road. I'm not doing it again," I growl to myself. I look to the scale.

"What's the point?" the mirror whispers. "It's not like anyone really cares."

"I do," I say. "I'm tired of feeling like crap. I'm tired of always being tired. I'm tired of not being able to do things I like. I'm tired. I'm just so tired."

"Then take a nap," the reflection says to me. "Better yet, you know what would really give you a jolt? A Hoofin Dew. You got stuff to do. What's the point in stressing out over what you eat. Aren't you stressed enough?"

"Fuck you," I say, and step on the scale.

I close my eyes. I can feel the wheel spin underneath my hooves. Then bounces backward. Then forward again. Then, it settles.

I can't open my eyes.

I can't bring myself to see. I feel my muscles shake. I feel my world melting away as my composure melts. What have I done? Why am I doing this to myself?

It's okay. No matter what the damage is, I can handle this.

"You can't handle this."


I open my eyes.

I can't breathe. I see, but can't believe. I shake. Tears well in my eyes. I feel hot but so, so cold. I feel so alone.

"Told you."

I bite my lip.

"It's bad."

"Of course it's bad," the mirror says. "What did you expect?"

"I-I-" I stammer, trying to make reasons for where there are none.

"See, this is why you go to therapy. You can't handle the stuff normal ponies just -do-."

I sigh and close my eyes again. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Not again.

"So, you've been to both ends of the spectrum now. Isn't it easier on this side of the fence?" that oh so sweet voice asks. "It's easier than starving yourself and not seeing progress. It's easier than constantly counting calories and feeling empty."

"It's not about what's easy, and you know that."

"Oh, sorry. Didn't the therapist say to deal with sources of unhealthy stress?"

"Yeah," I shout at my mirror, stepping off the scale. I raise a hoof to myself. "But I'm tired of laughing so hard that I can't think or lose my train of thought. I'm tired of random scary chest pains. I'm tired of always being hungry. I'm tired of always burping or having acid reflux so much that I eat antacids like candy. I made myself this way."

"Oh really?"

"Yes and you know it," I shout back.

"It's not your fault your friends ordered a pizza."

"It's my fault that I shoved so much of it into my mouth. I control my body. Not my hunger. Not-"

"Go on-" The mirror says to me.

I blink.

And I'm alone again.

"Now you listen to me, you bitch," I say to myself. The me that's gone. "If I have to wake up each morning just to prove you wrong, I will. I'm going to make it work this time. And maybe I won't go to all the extreme lengths I did last time. Maybe I can't lose that much weight again. But at least I can go to bed knowing I'm not going to have a heart attack. Maybe I can unclog my arteries enough to breathe again."

I walk away and move into kitchen.

"It's worthless to try!" the mirror calls back. "I give it a week. The pizza's on you when you give up."

I grate my teeth as I stomp my four hooves as I head into the kitchen, trying to drown out the noise. The silence.

I open the refrigerator. The best friend I probably have. It's a give and take relationship.

I'm tired of taking so much.

I rip out the stale, sharp cardboard box. I can feel the contents inside shift in my hooves. I can't even deny that I want it. It's not even good. Three days old. Bottom shelf toppings.

But it could taste so good. The endorphins. The rush. That taste. That shine. That melt.

Maybe one last hurrah.

I throw it on the ground and stomp on it. With each stomp more questions pop into my mind. Why am I like this? Why does this happen to me and nobody else? Why can't I just be normal? Was it how I was raised?

Maybe I can still save a slice or two.

I take the box, shove it in the trash can, pull the strings, and pull the bag out of the can.

I turn, with a smile and walk into the bathroom, where I'm waiting, hooves crossed, in the mirror.

"There. Suck on that."

"Sure, okay" I reply.

"I did a good thing. I made a success. I'm not going to eat those leftovers."

"Sure. Whatever you need to tell yourself. You still have a phone. You make money. You can break. You will break."

I growl under my breath and sit down.

"Nothing I do will ever be good enough for you, will it?"

"Isn't that the point?" I say back.

"Fine," I say. "Then maybe this isn't something I can completely do by myself. If all you're going to do is berate me, and not celebrate in my wins with me, then I have no reason to listen to your insults for my failures."

"You realize how funny what you said is, right?" the mirror replies.

"You just watch," I say to the mirror. "I'm going to make it work this time. And I'm going to trip, and I'm going to fall. But this time I'm serious. And while you may have helped me before, you made me hate myself. You made me get to where I wanted to be through making myself miserable. Well, I'm done being sad. I'm going to do this right."

I walk out as the mirror laughs.

"Sure. We'll see."

I make another step, and I hear a loud crunch. A searing pain up my hooves. I look down at the small shard of broken mirror I missed and see the blood run down my hoof.

I know everything is one step at a time, but I just wish each step was easier to take.

Author's Note:

I'm fine.

Comments ( 49 )

gg. time for me to give up

Weight loss is a hard thing, going from significantly obese to a healthy weight is sadly a long and arduous process. I can sympathize as I've had weight issues my whole life. I think the ending is on point though, yes you will stumble, you will fall, but like all worthwhile things you have to keep pushing. Also this advice a applies to a lot of things "remember simple and easy are not the same thing, some of the simplest tasks are the most difficult." Weight loss is simple it's NOT easy.

I know everything is one step at a time, but I just wish each step was easier to take.

Man... tell me about it.

When I was still living back home in Arkansas, that was how I had to live my life there. Everything was just one step at a time, and none of them were easy to make - constantly getting battered by stress, depression and all of that... it made it hard to keep taking those steps.

But I persevered and here I am now, working 5pm-8pm for $9 an hour, living in a nice apartment and ultimately living healthier. Sure some things are still a little hard, I won't deny that... but it's a step in the right direction for me and my overall health.

Stuff like this can be hard, like... really hard, losing weight, building up muscle, doesn't matter, but it's not impossible, you just have to keep your head up and keep moving.

idk if any of this makes any lick a sense but eh, I'm as profound as cheese on a bagel.

Nice story, Priest, :heart: Interesting to see this side of this particular character.

I tried to feel sympathy. I did. But this isn't learning to walk again after a stay in the body shop. It isn't dragging yourself through chemo as your body is scoured from the inside out. It isn't a bleary-eyed struggle up Mt. Motherfucker.
It's wangst over a refusal to put the fork down and go for a walk. I'm not bashing the story, it was written well and there aren't any major issues. But this protagonist sickens me on a level no headless_rainbow or displaced fic could ever reach.

Great story but the cover art is questionable.

dude its so hard to find good art of her.

As a person who has been obese, has been pure corded muscle, and currently has a solid core of muscle inside unsightly-but-healthy fat, I can say the following:
Fuck fashion! Fuck others impressions! And if your body fat percentage is less than 21%, your sweat isn't salty, and you can do serious athleticism, then to the fuck with apparent obesity!

I'm getting McDonald's ads on this fic. As well as some obviously fake diet ad...


9203815 A few months ago, I read a Discover magazine article summarizing and discussing the results of a number of decades-long population studies on obesity. The net conclusions? 90% of obesity is due to nothing more than too much calorie intake and too little physical activity.

That's it.

The genetic components are very minor and only apparent in very rare family lineages.

Exactly. Self-pity and no discipline.

You put it a bit harshly, but I agree.

I've never been obese, but I've been overweight since high school and I'm completely aware it's due to poor life choices on my part. Recently, I've been working to lose weight and while it is hard, it's not a titanic struggle. No diet or trainer, I just make better eating choices, set aside some time each day to exercise, and don't give in to cravings for fatty foods. Almost anyone who 'can't lose weight' is either going about it the wrong way or not trying hard enough.

I don't find myself in this situation ever, but I've known people in similar ones (or the reverse, where they starve themselves).

It's... not very nice.

9204614 They did point out that sociological factors did have major significance. Western-style poverty contributed heavily: the cheapest food was often exceedingly high in fats and simple carbs; while being low in fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals (this contributes to a lack of satiety, since the body is still craving nutrients, which it can only announce as more hunger). Looking at some other studies, standard welfare actually appeared to make things worse: people were given money/food cards with neither the impetus to buy healthier food, nor actually contribute in any meaningful way to society. It became a disincentive to partake in physical activity or work.

The result? Exceptionally high measures of hedonism, self-gratification; which is not only a psychological killer, but a physical one as well as the morass of self-measured comfort leads to unhealthy lifestyle overall.

Hence, you had a double whammy. People could buy high-calorie, no-nutrient food a-plenty, while sitting around stuffing their faces with it. It's the worst possible combination.

This sounds like the voice that talks to me, except it usually tells me that nobody likes me.

What a nice story.

Good on you. Not only did you identify the problem and it's solution, you have the balls to actually set things in motion. You're already better than the rest. Keep it up, Brohan.
I can't say anything about the East Coast or the South, but that's not the case here in the West. A big bag of kale is half the cost of a bag of chips (family size) to say nothing of the discounts the stores always advertise for the produce section. Hell, the field worker's do the same thing. Instead of bringing things like steamed rice with kale/PB&J sandwiches and carrots/etc, I always saw them eating pulled pork, marinated seafood, soda (a lot), or barbeque with chili. The means to fix the issue are available and often cheaper, but there's no motivation.

You do realize that no matter what, there will always be something to bring them down. Sure there are fat models and actresses but others wont see it that way. Some will simply hate themselves even if they are probably showing signs of a few pounds overweight. Im around 185lb when I should be 160lb. Somehow I feel fat, but either way, you can't change people on simply telling them to love themselves when our ancestors have always pushed the athletic look. Even to this day, some go on extreme lengths to try and lose weight. Starvation, self lacerations and even so far as to exercising to exhaustion

Yup, whenever I feel too good with myself, my mother will step up to the task of making sure nobody around her is happier than her miserable self. To the point that lately I've telling her that, if I'm so fat and she's not, then how comes that my idea of walking the dogs is a three kilometre run, while hers is a snail's race around the block.
By the way, I'm 87kg (191 Imperial), and being 1.81m (5-11 Imperial), by Body Mass Index I'm obese, and actually look fat. But by electro-analysis, my body fat percentage is 21%, which is the line between healthy and underweight. Heck: I have been gaining weight on purpose lately, because my pants were falling off!

9205191 It's very different elsewhere. Produce can be very expensive, unless you shop at stores like Aldi. Now THERE it's inexpensive, but unfortunately the garbage food is ALSO exceedingly cheap there. Guess what people choose most?

Self-discipline is a major problem. Add to that, most people don't know how to cook vegetables, and so they think they must taste awful because they've never had them made correctly.

Or you could buy smaller pants. But then again I have like 30 belts. Its good that you have a method of slowly gaining weight to better size your clothes but it would help to max your stamina a bit. Like I said, Im a bit overweight yet I can run for miles and not feel tired. Stamina and Weight are two different things.

Sometimes I actually starve myself a day or two of solid foods to push excersise. I get my foods and stuff but I just drink it instead.

If anyone asks how I eat my bell peppers with a side of fried potatoes (Olive oil on pepper) and a side of juice. I give em this.

This is a custom recipe so I don't know if you'd enjoy such salty foods.

4 bell peppers (any)
Around 1/7th a cup of olive oil
Pepper or Paprika (sauce works too)
A pinch of salt
Around 5 potatoes (peeled or not, up to you)

Cut the peppers and potatoes into small pieces (whatever size)
Fill the pan with your olive oil and let it sit for around 1 minute amd 30 seconds
Sprinkle your seasonings unto the veggies
Once the oil is heated dump the potatoes and stir till soft
Grab Another pan and fry your peppers until crunchy (add salt)
After that mix your veggies and enjoy a nice meal
Grab juice or any beverage of choosing

P.S. You can keep the oil on the food or drain before hand. Either is fine

I'm going to try and play with recipe. do you mind?

I actually wish it was true that I had control over my weight, but the fact is that it is a constant struggle between me growing fat when depressed, both gaining and losing muscle really easily, and me only ever truly losing weight through diet, which my normal level of exercise doesn't allow.
For me to buy smaller clothing is to toss money to the garbage: my smallest waist size is 35, but my tendency is to go back and forth between muscled and fat, or both, and my only way to get thin is to spend a winter in a temperate or cold climate. And here in Cancun, I didn't even bother with long sleeves last winter. So I've largely given up and buy clothing for my maximum size (38), and cinch my belt to my average size (36).
And I own around a dozen belts, but I only use three of them. The rest are legacies of when I lived in Mexico City and would deflate to a size 34 every winter.

Not at all, its not a super secret double blueberry banana nut muffin cupcake combo recipe. Its quite simple

9206712 I perfected a replica of the recipe for Grillled Chicken Capri, which was on the Olive Garden menu 'Garden Fare' many years ago.

First, prepare the roasted red pepper sauce.

Puree a jar of roasted red Italian peppers with their liquid with: a tablespoon or two of honey and salt and ground black pepper to taste. Simmer until thicker, roughly a tomato sauce consistency. (takes about half an hour)

Barbecue Glaze:

juice of a lemon
equal volume of olive ol
8 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tbs Italian seasoning
1/2 tsp salt

BBQ 2 chicken breasts cut horizontally into thin cutlets and then into 3 or 4 roughly equal-sized pieces

Coat chicken regularly with glaze mixture while BBQ-ing.

Boil 1/2 package of angel hair pasta.

Saute 1 onion and 1 bell pepper of any variety lightly in olive oil. (can also grill)

Place a serving of pasta on a plate. Place 2-3 pieces of BBQ'd chicken atop pasta with some sauteed/grilled pepper and onions. Pour some of the red pepper sauce on top.

Buon appetito!

My mom was overweight. She became diabetic. Had to be wheeled around for the last 5 years of her life. Last 6 months of her life was hell as her heart and lungs gave out.

So, yay... put the fucking fork down.

I am overweight and trying to lose. It's hard because I know what to do, but I'm so stressed out all the time and when I'm stressed I eat (dang cortisol and grellen hormones...). However, I would recommend an easy to follow diet called The Doctor's Diet. I'll post a link to the book.
Click me please!😗

That's sad. The saddest part is so many doctors won't acknowledge that traditional diabetic diets don't help. My Uncle is diabetic and, through guidance from his doctor, is able to fully manage his diabeties though diet alone, no medicine, no injections.

A great breakfast item thst I just tried and found delicious is acorn squash egg in a hole. It is quite filling, satisfying, and delicious. This morning I had an Asian inspired savory oatmeal porridge. Low callorie, filling, and satisfying.

9210268 My mom also boozed up a lot and didn't move around enough. Didn't have any hobbies. Some of the damage could have fixed.

Wow. This is a very thought provoking story. The pains of weightloss from people not satisfied with their figure or are obese. A good message


but I'm so stressed out all the time and when I'm stressed I eat (dang cortisol and grellen hormones...).

It's fine to snack, dude, as long as you do it consistently and eat healthy all the time.
And by healthy, I mean getting used to the concept of "bad instincts": if it tastes awesome, it is most likely loaded with simple sugars, salt, fat, or all of them. The road to health is paved with rabbit food and food that tastes like cardboard. Therefore, if you want to live into your 90's, get used to white rice, steamed veggies, small portions of roasted or steamed meat, and one tablespoon of low-sodium soy sauce. And also get used to the idea that salad dressings usually take away the nutritional and dietary advantages of eating a salad in the first place, so go to the basics: a very limited amount of olive oil, very little to no salt, and substitute vinegar with lime juice.

Not true on the food that tastes like cardboard part. Roasted Brussels sprouts with balsamic vinegar and parmesan is awesome, especially with a little smoked paprika and a touch of honey. Or roasted brocoli or coliflower. Savory Asian style oatmeal porridge and egg for breakfast.... I really should have been a chef.
Had a turkey sausage patty, runny over easy egg, and oatmeal this morning and worked on the mower until after noon without feeling hungry.


Roasted Brussels sprouts with balsamic vinegar and parmesan is awesome, especially with a little smoked paprika and a touch of honey.

Let's see: you are taking the healthy Belgian thingy... and adding dumb calories through cheese and honey, and likely some salt as well.
Just like I've seen many people take steamed veggies and sprinkle them with molten butter before serving them.
No wonder you can't seem to loose weight.

Try celery with just a few drops of vinegar, or just biting down a tomato. Or steamed rice. Or picking up a fruit. Now that's healthy.

Savory Asian style oatmeal porridge and egg for breakfast

Had a turkey sausage patty, runny over easy egg, and oatmeal this morning and worked on the mower until after noon without feeling hungry.

I wouldn't be surprised at all that you didn't feel hungry: depending on the size of the sausage, your breakfast had like three, four times the calorie count of mine!
My breakfast usually is one poached egg, a teaspoon of ketchup and a half litre of skim milk, or the milk and bread (without spreads). Or I eat two pancakes with marmalade if I'll have a seriously active day.
Second: snacking isn't bad on itself. One weird dietary strategy I follow is that, in the end, the stomach is a huge muscle. Try to snack on vegetables without dressings.

Furthermore: what type of mower? Did you suffer under the sun on a ride-on, push a shopping trolley motorised lawnmower, or had to put some muscle into an ancient, manual one like mine?


And you have to eat foods that satisfy or you won't make it on a diet.

It depends what you call satisfaction: the satisfaction of the need for nutrition of your body, or the satisfaction of your hind brain, which is always afraid of future famine. If your rational persona can prevail over your instincts, then you will make it regardless of anything.

I eat some 3,000 calories a day, but I also happen to pedal no less than 200 kilometres per week under normal weather. And I usually eat a lot more after doing a good ride, such as whenever I can organise some palls to do the 55km ride around the Cancun hotel zone.

Aye, well a greater activity level does require the calories to sustain it. I also have fatty liver syndrome which makes it harder to burn fat.
There's also viceral satisfaction. Flavorful foods and cooking are some of my few pleasures I can partake in. Doesn't have to be a big portion. A seasoned quarter of an acorn squash with an egg (acorn squash egg in a hole) with half a stip of crumbled bacon isn't too bad on the calories and keeps me going to lunch.


I also have fatty liver syndrome which makes it harder to burn fat.

Actually, the way I'm reading it says that fatty liver is largely caused by bad eating habits, alcohol and obesity, and the main treatment is to reduce your intake of fat, simple sugars and alcohol, and to increase your level of physical activity.
In other words, the fatty liver is a result of you eating shit, not a cause for anything.
That's like my mother complaining that her dresses don't fit her anymore. It is her who's getting wider, rather than the dresses shrinking.

There's also visceral satisfaction.

That's the instinct of looking for sugar, fat and salt.

Flavorful foods and cooking are some of my few pleasures I can partake in.

Those who undertake "food" as a hobby often end getting stuck in doorways.
You need healthier hobbies, preferably that get you out of the house.

Where do you live (within a couple square kilometres)? Let me try and compile a list of cheap, active hobbies near you.
Also, do you work further than ten kilometres from home? You are admittedly very much out of shape, but you could buy a cheap bicycle to get in shape with, and eventually build up to occasional commuting. When I lived in Canada, I lived some three kilometres from school, and I vowed not to use the bus unless I really was tired or the weather was horrible. And while rain did count as horrible to me, snow, black ice and even a blizzard counted as "challenging"... as long as I always kept my hiking stick with me.

Of course, don't expose yourself unnecessarily: I'm currently at home, twitching in worse cabin fever than I ever felt through a blizzard, because the sat images show that hurricane Michael is missing Cancun by a hair's width. And here, we are barely even experiencing any wind at all, let alone rain.

Also, if you commonly move around by public transportation, it would be a good idea to get off one or two stops before yours. Five, ten minutes of extra walking can and do make a difference if your current routine is sedentary enough.

You can still eat well and eat healthy, the two are not mutually exclusive. Healthy foods do not need to be bland and unsatisfying. A satisfying bowl of miso soup, for instance. Or 3 tablespoons oats cooked into a Chinese or Thai style porridge with mushroom chock full of onion, mushrooms, herbs and spices. Healthy, low fat and calorie, but filling, tasty, and satisfying. I have eaten quite well today and so far am under 1600 calories it is now 5 pm and I won't be having supper for a couple more hours yet. I know how to eat, I just need to control my stress snacking
As fir cycling to work; great idea, except I live too far from work to reasonably cycle. It takes around half an hour at 55 mph to get there.


You can still eat well and eat healthy, the two are not mutually exclusive.

...If you are an athlete.
In fact, have you seen what Michael Phelps eats per day?

Breakfast: Three fried-egg sandwiches with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions and mayonnaise. Two cups of coffee. One five-egg omelette. One bowl of grain. Three slices of French toast topped. Three chocolate-chip pancakes.

Lunch: One pound of pasta. Two large ham and cheese sandwiches with mayonnaise on white bread, plus energy drinks.

Dinner: One pound of pasta, an entire pizza, and even more energy drinks.

His breakfast alone has more calories than I eat on an average day!

I know how to eat, I just need to control my stress snacking

Do you know why obese people are automatically assumed to be less intelligent?
Because they commonly either make dumb dietary choices, have the self control of spoiled children, or both.
Which is your choice?

As the title of this story says: Truth is the hardest calorie to swallow.

As fir cycling to work; great idea, except I live too far from work to reasonably cycle. It takes around half an hour at 55 mph to get there.

So that would be some 35 kilometres, right?
Today, as I was doing my groceries, I was thinking about your problem. Especially when I went by the folding bicycles on sale.
If your commute is too long, then try to map parking lots or street parking areas en route to your work, and then park a few kilometres before getting to work and pedal the rest of the way. Don't be ambitious: start pedalling just two or three kilometres, then add another as soon as you feel comfortable with the distance. By the time you notice, you will be driving just twenty minutes so you can pedal thirty.
Pro-tip: try to park along a bus route that passes by your work. This way, if the weather sours up, you can ride back to your car rather than pedal under a downpour.

Option B:
Get a normal bicycle, and pedal it between home and your local commuter rail station.
it would be a light, fixed distance, but it would be better than nothing.

Option C:
Get a folding bike and pedal it to your local commuter rail station, take it with you, and then pedal a variable distance between public transportation and work.


No bus routes or commuter station anywhere near where I live. And who views fat people as generally stupid? Closed minded idiots, that's who. Again, it's the quality of the food that matters. Unless the only food that you find appealing happens to be unhealthy and fattening, it is quite possible to eat healthy, and eat hardy and lose weight. I currently am. Breakfast was oatmeal with a bacon, mushroom, jalapeno omlet seasoned with black pepper, garlic, onion, cilantro and siracha along with coffee and milk for about 500 calories. Lunch is Bird's Eye Barley and Kale, snacks are cinnamon oat Cheerios wirh piima cultured milk (heirloom home culture) and Chobani yogurt with pumpkin and spice. Not counting the spagetti squash that I plan to fix up for supper, that brings me to around 1000 calories for the day. Not too shabby, and deffinetly nit bland rabbit food. Rabbits can and do eat meat when the opportunity presents itself, by the way.


And who views fat people as generally stupid? Closed minded idiots, that's who.

The correct answer is: doctors, nurses, psychologists, and the general population.
It is actually a very well documented phenomenon:

In a study of 400 doctors:

  • 1 out of 3 listed obesity as a condition to which they respond negatively, ranked behind only drug addiction, alcoholism, and mental illness.
  • Obesity was associated with noncompliance, hostility, dishonesty, & poor hygiene
  • Self-report studies show that doctors view obese patients as lazy, lacking in self-control, non-compliant, unintelligent, weak-willed, and dishonest
  • Psychologists ascribe more pathology, more negative and severe symptoms, and worse prognosis to obese patients compared to thinner patients presenting identical psychological profiles


And even a couple of scientific studies have shown that the obese do score lower:

Not too shabby, and deffinetly nit bland rabbit food.

It doesn't matter what you eat on your meals if you aren't accounting your snacking habits.
Like my aunt Alicia, who spent like three decades on a very strict rabbit food diet at home... but who would stuff her face whenever she went to the supermarket. She in fact never lost a gram until my uncle Hector retired and put a stop to her unaccounted meals. She is now fat... contrary to being a toad.

Have you considered bringing your own healthy snacks from home?
I even bought a tiny rice cooker so I could have a tiny Japanese meal of rice, veggies and fish, steamed and sprinkled with soy sauce and vinegar, whenever I eat alone.

Note the included snacks in my food plan of the day. I also leave a little room for the late night sweet tooth. I know how to lose weight, I've done it before, and I will do it again.
Quality and portion control are key. Also, completely depriving yourself of your favorite foods frequently sets you up for failure. You just have to plan for that one cheat meal or snack in the week.

Woot! Staying under 2400 calories a day, eating well, and I'm down 6 pounds in 2 weeks.

That's very good to hear.
Just be sure to not set your goals too ambitious: that's an easy explanation for the bounce-back effect.
And today I had to taste test tamales (for work reasons), and easily ate 6000 calories. And only got in some 24 kilometres on my bicycle. And both tomorrow and Sunday will be hectic and I won't have time to exercise, nor opportunity to move myself on my bicycle (as, here in Cancun, it is nearly suicidal to pedal between 5AM and 4PM). But I already have cycling rides planed for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday... :rainbowdetermined2:

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