• Published 9th Dec 2018
  • 5,341 Views, 117 Comments

The Princess is a Filly - Art Inspired

Celestia has reached the eldest age for an alicorn, and in order to continue ruling Equestria, she must once again transform herself back into a filly.

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Prelude: One Last Cookie

"Once every ten thousand years," Celestia said to herself while her voice echoed serenely, "I grow too old for my body to sustain itself any longer. If I don't act soon, I'll be lost to Equestria forever."

She sighed, "It's not even going to matter by the end of the day... whether I eat this one last cookie or not."

That's what Celestia told herself while holding up the chocolate chip cookie to her muzzle by her magical, yellow aura. Its sugary edges seemed to shine like never before. She bit into it, and savored the delectable taste, and soft texture.

"Mmnh... Oh, I had forgotten what this tasted like."

Unfortunately, watching her weight throughout her life also inevitably meant cutting back on the sweets, but that didn't matter very much anymore. This was, after all, her very last day belonging in this world. Along with a cup of hot cocoa mixed with extra sugar, she sat within the walls of a soothing, stone structure found at the very highest point of Canterlot Mountain. Nopony but the Princesses even knew about the hot springs built there so very long ago.

"It's too bad I won't remember anything. I won't... even remember Twilight Sparkle. Nopony's even going to know about what's happening this time around... From what I gather, the legends of what happens to Luna and I somehow got lost to most of the land as time went on."

She took another bite, and inhaled deeply, her joints aching somewhat. "Luna," she quietly said to herself with a shiver. As she spoke, she also wrote everything down on a scroll just in case Luna really didn't manage to show up in time. "I can't wait this out for very much longer... Believe me, I wish I had more time, but I'm sorry. I know you thought it wouldn't happen so suddenly, too, but I can already feel myself becoming weaker, and more feeble by the minute. You and I both know what'll happen if I don't go through with this."

Just then, a figure emerged from the open, arched entrance. "I'm here," Luna voiced loudly, fighting the blizzard that roared just outside. "Don't go into the pool just yet!"

Celestia gasped with relief, and smiled at her sister who was now landing before her. She threw the scroll and quill aside, and embraced Luna one last time. Upon the hug ending, Luna would notice that Celestia had started to cry. "Luna," she said sadly. "I'm so glad that you made it."

Luna nodded, and said, "It's finding this place that slowed me down. I had forgotten how fierce the blizzard can be. Err... what is this? Cookies? Cocoa? Is that really necessary, Celestia?"

She nodded confidently, and then gobbled up what was left of the treat. After washing it down with the last sips of her cocoa, Celestia would defend, "I'm going away... Don't you think I have the right to this? Come now, Luna."

Luna glanced away at that remark, and even felt herself begin to form tears of her very own. "I'm going to miss you a whole lot."

Celestia seemed to be calmed down by now, and although she still cried, she still smiled as though everything was going to be just fine. Looking back into her eyes, Luna could see that now. "In only three thousand years, I'll be at that age. Is... i-is there any advice that you can give me? Anything at all?"

Celestia breathed, and said as clearly as she could, "Don't be afraid. We've done this a multitude of times, actually, so be strong when the time comes... just like I have to be, right now."

She turned around, and gulped her frustrations away. Luna stared onwards at the dense fog that enveloped what was justly in front of Celestia. She knew that beyond it was nothing but relaxing waters, like it were a normal bathing house. However, it was anything but normal for the two siblings.

While Celestia wandered off, and disappeared behind the curtain of smoke, Luna bowed her head with grief. Just like that, the Celestia she had known for the last several thousand years was gone. She started to stare onwards at the mist, waiting for the aftermath to emerge.

Slowly, a small, white hoof could be seen reaching out. Then another, and then her head took shape. The young Celestia was much smaller than her fully grown self, and much cuter. Still, Luna couldn't stop her sobs from overpowering her. She collapsed then and there, right before the filly that was cautiously walking towards her.

Neither said anything at all to one another at first. Luna was far too choked up by current events to hardly even acknowledge the pony now standing directly in front of her. She simply allowed the tears to flow from her eyes, but upon one of those small hooves reaching out for her, she'd stop momentarily to hear her new sister speak up for the very first time.

"Hello?" she asked curiously, her voice sounding much less mature. "Why're you crying? Did you hurt yourself or something?"

Luna did her best to hold back even more tears, and shook her head. "N-no, I'm fine. I just... had to say goodbye to somepony that I loved very much." She sniffled, and said, "That's all..."

Celestia smiled blithely, and said, "Oh, well, nice to meet you! My name is Celestia, and... that's all I know, really! I'm not exactly sure what's going on." She looked around with confusion on her face, but unlike Luna, she still smiled. Looking back at Luna, she asked her, "Who might you be?"

Luna breathed before saying, "I'm... your sister. My name is Luna, and there's much for us to..." She stopped talking for just a second, her lip quivering. "There's much for us to go over, Celestia."

Using her magic, she lifted the young princess up and onto her back. Carefully, Luna would deliver this new Celestia back to Canterlot. All the while, Luna wouldn't be able to stop thinking about how everypony was going to take this. Coming out of the blizzard finally, she'd state aloud, "Months of preparation, and I myself still don't feel as ready as I thought I would've been for this day..."

The young Celestia didn't pay much mind to this, however. She was too busy taking in all of the sights the world had to offer. From her perch on Luna's back, she could see practically everything from Las Pegasus to Ponyville. "Wow," she remarked. "There's so much out there!"

Luna giggled, and said, "Yes, sister... You and I rule as far as the eye can see. We try and bring harmony to the world to the best of our abilities, but more on that later." She gave another powerful thrust from her wings, and came floating above the palace. "For now, we need to get you situated. Not to mention, after such an ordeal, I'm sure you're just as hungry by now as I am."