• Published 9th Dec 2018
  • 5,346 Views, 117 Comments

The Princess is a Filly - Art Inspired

Celestia has reached the eldest age for an alicorn, and in order to continue ruling Equestria, she must once again transform herself back into a filly.

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Chapter Three: As Powerful As Ever

Twilight held her right hoof where a scrape could clearly be seen. She just kept observing it modestly, and then proceeded to use her magic to heal herself. "Mmh, it... still hurts slightly, though."

Celestia just blinked curiously, and asked, "But, it's all better, right? You used magic and everything. I saw you."

Twilight breathed in deeply before saying, "I can still feel the tingling sensation. It's... hard to explain."

She looked around, and tried to find something to take their minds off of her injury. That's when Celestia remarked, "I wonder how difficult it is for me to learn how to do something like that." Twilight just stared with interest. "Also, the way you somehow popped right in front of me back there was really cool, too! Seems like it might be useful for me to know how to do these sort of things, huh?"

"Oh, Celestia..." Twilight began to smile. "It might not be right away, but there's all sorts of spells for you to learn. I... doubt, though, that you're ready for that spell particularly. It's pretty advanced magic even for myself."

Celestia just blinked merely one time at Twilight's grinning face, and sighed. "Oh..."

"Plus," Twilight continued, "you'll eventually be raising the whole sun! Although, I don't think Luna said when exactly that'll be." She trailed off in thought for a second, and while she did, Celestia had a chance to look out the window and see where they were headed.

"Didn't you say that you lived in Ponyville?"

Twilight nodded, and said, "Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Looks like we're here."

Twilight glanced, and asked, "Already? Huh... We got here faster than I expected. Well, alright then. When we get to the castle of friendship, I'll settle you into your room, and then we'll have something to eat. I don't know about you, Celestia, but I wore myself out after pushing you back and forth on that swing set today."

they both laughed, and felt the chariot run over a rock. Looking at Celestia just then and there with silence suddenly surrounding the two of them save for the chirping birds just outside, Twilight thought about how every time she used that name for this filly, it reminded her of her old mentor in some remarkable way. She even began to lip the name to herself while sitting there in her seat, and accidentally questioned aloud, "C-celestia...?"

They went by some of the houses located just on the outskirts of town, and coming up to the castle of friendship, Celestia replied, "Hmm?"

Twilight gulped before saying, "Sorry, it's just... going to take some time getting used to this. You have to understand... you were..."

"I know," Celestia said, looking away, but still smiling. "It only just happened yesterday. What else is there to say? I figure nopony gets over something like this in just one day. Right?"

Twilight couldn't stop herself from sniffling. She then complimented the princess, "You're pretty knowledgable for just a little filly."

Celestia blushed, and mentioned after looking out the chariot window, "This must be your home, huh? It's awful sparkly!"

Twilight corrected her, "It's your home now, too."

As they both got out, the carriage that they were just inside of soon took off, and Twilight turned to the foal. While they began walking, Twilight mentioned before opening the doors, "It still took us an awful long time just to get here. The sun is already going down."

Celestia looked towards the sunset before heading inside, and asked, "It is?"

Twilight nodded, and Celestia followed along. They wandered through the castle with the crystal walls beside them shimmering their respective reflections, and Twilight said with a laugh, "Luna's taking care of it right now, so you really don't need to worry."

The further they went, the more questions Celestia came up with. "Are you the only pony living here?"

"No," Twilight answered forwardly. "I also have a dragon living with me. His name is Spike, although, by now he's probably either reading his comics or he's fallen asleep while waiting for my return."

Twilight continued to lead the filly princess through the halls of friendship, and into the throne room. This is when Celestia finally stopped, and stood before the wide, round table, and all of the thrones. She breathed to herself for a second, not really feeling the need to go any further.

"Celestia?" Twilight echoed from the other side of the room. She stood next to a doorway, but wouldn't proceed. "Are you coming?"

Celestia, however, failed to respond right away. She was too transfixed on observing the room. To the east was a single window stretching all they way up to the ceiling. It had a sizable platform for the sill as well. Celestia thought about how it was perfect for her to fit in, but then Twilight asked curiously, "Don't you want to see the room I've picked out for you?"

Celestia sighed, and before leaving, she looked up towards the roof where bright beams of light could be seen shining through. She was soon once again directly behind the princess of friendship, wondering what her actual room was going to be like.

Twilight opened the door, but Celestia would not go in there with her. She stood right at the line, blinking with uncertainty. "What's the matter?" Twilight asked sheepishly. "Celestia?"

"This... won't do." Twilight just stared at her, confused as to what she could possibly be talking about. What came next was nothing short of a surprise for Twilight. Although, this was something she was going to have to learn to live with: being surprised by Celestia.

Slowly, Celestia pointed with a hoof at all the walls. "Not a single window for me to watch the sunrise or sunset from. Not only that... even if there were windows, this room is primarily facing the south which has a terrible view. I could see practically everything from the earlier room." Twilight blinked at first, but after hearing this, she'd simply stare at Celestia with wide eyes. The filly continued, "I need to be able to see the outside, and preferably something with a nice view."

Twilight knew there was no such thing inside the castle except for the throne room. "Wait one moment," she pleaded. "First of all, how do you know that you're facing south? Second, I don't think we have a spare bedroom like that. Not one that you're describing, at least. This is the best one that I had to offer because it has the most space!"

Celestia shook her head, and said, "I don't need that much, Twilight. And, it's not that hard to look at the sun, and figure out which way is which based of where it's at. Look, why don't I take the window back there?"

Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing. She looked at the lone set of white comforters she had brought in for the time being which sat on the bed, and sighed. "You've got to be kidding. I mean, Celestia, that's... not even a room. It's where I go to work, and a lot of other ponies tend to visit there, too. You can be there for the night I suppose, but later on, you'll have to choose something else." She looked around, and persisted, "I think this room is still the best for you, though. I might be able to simply make you a window if you just give me a few days."

Celestia rolled her eyes with a hint of sass, and walked off. This caused Twilight to squeeze the bridge of her nose in frustration, and then, just as she looked back up to grab hold of the sheets, she noticed that they were already gone. Somehow, they had been folded, and were underneath Celestia's hoof. Twilight just knew that she hadn't seen Celestia grab them. She never even came into the room for a split second.

Following along, Twilight felt defeated. Not only that, but she also felt amazed that Celestia was already able to use her magic. She was smart, too. These things ran through Twilight's head just as she returned to the throne room only to find Celestia hard at work preparing her cozy little spot beside the eastern window. There was no doubt about it, too. That was definitely the nicest view the castle had to offer.

What really caught Twilight's eyes, though, was how Celestia went about her business. Again, she was using not her hooves, but her magic alone. Twilight wasn't sure how to feel about this. "Do... you know what you're doing right now?"

Celestia stopped abruptly, and looked over at Twilight innocently. "What?"

"I thought you couldn't use your magic yet. You made it sound as if you hadn't a clue how to do even the basics back there on the chariot."

Celestia simply shrugged while still holding everything including her pillow up above her head. "I just... sorta... started doing it. Isn't it neat?"

Twilight nodded with her mouth agape, and then asked, "I suppose tomorrow we'll have to figure out where you are exactly on your magical aptitude."

Celestia quickly made a funny face, and asked, "Huh?"

Trotting on by, Twilight explained further, "We're going to lift some more pillows using your magic. We might even get to see you lift a chair to two!"

Laying down after finishing up her work, Celestia chimed, "Oh... Okay...? Well, it's late, and, uh..." Celestia gave Twilight her best shot at acting, and tried to make it seem as if she was yawning. It didn't necessarily impress Twilight, but it did however get the job done.

"Yeah," Twilight sarcastically said. "You sound so tired." She chuckled, and then began walking off. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Good night, Twilight."

"Good night, Celestia..."

With the sound of the door closing behind her, Twilight was gone for now, and Celestia was left with just a little bit of alone time all to herself before falling asleep. She thought about the day she had recently gone through, and wondered what tomorrow was going to be like. Out the window, she could see stars, something she knew about but didn't necessarily understand just yet. There were also the clouds, the rain that was approaching Ponyville, and the thunder that Celestia could faintly see beyond an even denser haze way off in the distance.

"So many things... I wonder how it all... works..."

Her head dozed slightly while her eyes began to struggle just to stay open, and then her head fell onto the pillow underneath. Celestia had finally gone to bed, and with her sleep came many dreams. She dreamed of Twilight a little, but Luna was there the most. Little did the filly know, that's because Luna made it a point to be present for Celestia's very first slumber.

Mostly, she just observed while Celestia played, wasting no time after having discovered such a blissful place. She tried to soar over that tree from earlier, and managed to do so successfully, and then she went on to enjoy even more ice cream with Twilight. This time, however, these scoops would be twice as large, and packed with even more tasty flavors.

"I see," Luna remarked from outside the establishment. "Twilight must've taken her here. Can't say that I would've done the same, but it seems to have had a naturally positive effect on the girl." She laid down some distance away atop an egg shaped hill, and continued to watch as the dream ended. "Seems she's waking up already. I'd better be going, too. If I don't, ponies will badger me all day long about there not being a proper sunrise."

Meanwhile, as Luna got herself out of bed, Celestia was doing the same. The filly stood beyond the shimmering glass, it reflecting the pure beauty of all the stars above. Nothing could compare, though, to the beauty that was just about to arrive. Celestia, with sleepy eyes, rubbed some morning tears away, blinked, and then smiled at the looming horizon well beyond Ponyville.

It was instinctive. There's no other way that Celestia would've been able to describe the feeling that was suddenly washing over her. It was time for the sun to show itself, and all she had to do was give it that little push it so desperately needed. She had known this within her heart the whole time. Nopony even had to tell her what to do. With extreme ease, she managed to ignite the entire equestrian sky with a blazing flash of red and yellow lights. Luna, who was at the time approaching her balcony gasped at what she saw next.

Her eyes lit up with multiple, different colors due to the nearly blinding sight happening in front of her. Celestia had pulled this off all by herself, and on her very first attempt, too. Luna was petrified to say the least. She wasn't sure how to go about this, but something had to be done. Meanwhile, Celestia sat calmly with one of her front hooves sinking into her pillow.

Celestia's horn dimmed once her work was over, and she looked outside to see everypony marveling at her performance. Equestria had never seen the sky possess such radiance before. Unfortunately, Twilight slept in, and didn't manage to see the spectacle. However, Spike was just then coming around the corner. He commented to himself, "Wow!" The filly turned around to hear him continue, "I didn't think Princess Celestia could make the sky do something that beautiful!"

Just then, he spotted the younger Celestia sitting there majestically, and all by herself. It took him a moment to figure out what he was seeing, but once the filly introduced herself, Spike would become utterly speechless.

"Hi! I'm Celestia, the Princess of the Sun! I don't believe we've met. Who're you?"