• Published 5th Oct 2018
  • 2,620 Views, 98 Comments

Overqueen in Equestria - Xinrick

Mayan death timer is a thing, and I'm now a hero of a world...just in a very weird situation.

  • ...

Revelations and Step's Forward

"So...we've got a massive problem…" Tina said carefully.

"You think?" John asked, seeing the wreckage of the Spear of Adun. While the Leviathan helped keep the behemoth of a Protoss Ship from getting more damaged, it was significant enough to keep it out of the sky for a while.

“It’s quite fascinating design wise.” Helix said as she took some photos of the ship and damage. “How does it get airborne?”

“A mixture of many different technologies and psionics.” Karax answered. “Anti-Gravity field’s that link up in such a way it covers the entirety of the Spear of Adun, Pisonic Propulsion Systems that use Solarite and the power of a Star to keep it constantly going, and many other wondrous things from our Precursors.”

“I see. So is the power of a star harvested from the existing ones in the universe or does it come from a star within a generator?”

“The Spear of Adun creates its own Sun through Solarite and powerful Psionics.” Karax answered. “It’s actually quite fascinating how our ancestors create not one but three of these magnificent ships.”

“Hmm… Interesting. That gives me some ideas…” She said, quickly pulling out a notepad and in a matter of a minute filling out each page from front to back in math and hand drawn diagrams. “Send this to R&D.” She said to a worker who, with a nod, took the notepad and ran back into the HQ.

“So about how some random ass Changeling was able to blow a hole in the Spear of Adun with ease?” Tina asked carefully. “Also…was that supposed to look like a Changeling?”

“It does resemble Changelings, but something was different. He was closer to Chrysalis in looks, and aside from her Drones I’ve never seen a male Changeling before.” Helix said.

“That’s strange.” John said carefully. “So, we have a brand new threat that managed to damage the Spear of Adun a lot…but what I find weird is the…the spot where he hit it, and the lack of casualties.”

“An attack with massive damages and no casualties means he was sending a message.” Helix frowned.

“That we’re not worth the time to kill or that killing is somehow beneath him and his ‘holier than thou’ attitude?” Tina asked.

“I’m willing to bet he just has plans he considers more important than us. After all, he did say Queen Chrysalis was his family. He also called her Crippled… Which is concerning.”

“But one thing that was certain, he isn’t working with the Void.” Zegara pointed out. “I have personally felt the Void, and he didn’t have a single ounce of it in his power or his ship.”

“Hmm… Well, how long will your ship take to repair?”

“It should take…about three days to get it all fixed and get a full diagnostic on if any other systems were damaged.” Karax answered. “It’s not the worst damage the Spear of Adun has taken, but it’s still enough damage to cause concern.”

“Mind if I add a few upgrades?”

“What kind of upgrades?” Karax inquired, intrigued at what possible thing’s Helix had in mind to help the Spear of Adun.

Helix snapped her fingers, a worker ran up with a few blueprints in hand. “Some weapons, shields and a few other ideas I want to try out.”

“We’d have to check to see if you're technology is even compatible first.” Karax said. “And then see how your upgrades are to our normal systems…” Karax thought, bringing up a screen with one of his spare robot arms and looking over the Spear’s systems and thinking over a lot of possibilities with it all.

Karax was surprised how readily adaptable all of Helix’s additions were. A few minor changes or alterations and they can be safely installed without issue.

As the repairs went underway and upgrades began, the group spent most of the following days training technically and even medicine.

"I have to ask, are you just part of your species or are you both the last?" Helix asked.

“What do you mean?” Tina inquired.

"Well, do you two have a homeworld with others of your kind or not?"

“Well…” Tina started. “Me and John do have a home world but…it’s probably destroyed.” Tina said carefully.

“People went absolutely apeshit over a supposed ‘end of the world’ thing and…well personally made it happen.” John added.

"I see… and, the other two?" Helix asked.

“My home world is Aiur, a beautiful planet in the Kaprulu Sector that has survived…many tragedies.” Karax said honestly.

“The Zerg haven’t had a home world in ages, but the Zerg originated on a Planet named Zerus, where the Primal Zerg still live.” Zegara answered.

"Interesting. And where are they located?" Helix questioned.

“Aiur is in the Kaprulu Sector in the Milky Way Galaxy, many many light years away.” Karax answered.

“And Zerus is in the Central Cluster of the Galaxy.” Zegara answered.

“And since we might as well add, our planet is called Earth.” Tina added in, forgetting to give their planet's name. “And where is Earth? It’s in the aptly named ‘Sol System’, because our people were unimaginative and just said ‘it’s a system around the Sun, let’s go with that’.”

"Hm." Helix thought to herself as she began to make herself some coffee. "And tell me, are your species the only intelligent beings from your respective worlds or are/were there others?"

“Well, there are…two other races, one that was just created and the other that are beyond ancient.” Karax started. “The Hybrid, and the Xel’Naga.”

“The Xel’Naga are the perfect culmination of both Purity of Form and Purity of Essence.” Zegara answered.

“And by ‘perfect’, she means a god like people that looks like if Cthulhu had a child with a blob fish.” Tina mentioned.

“He was tortured by Amon, a tratiorous Xel’Naga that slaughtered his kin to stop the cycle.” Zegara hissed.

“Doesn’t stop it from looking like an eldritch horror mixed with a blob fish.” Tina said.

“She sadly has a point.” John sighed out. “Now the Hybrid…those were an abomination, a terrible fusion between Protoss and Zerg that had all the benefits of both, and weirdly none of the draw backs.”

“It should have been impossible, as Protoss are a race that is the Purity of Form, and the Zerg are the Purity of Essence, but Amon, an old and thankfully dead Adversary of ours, managed to use beyond advanced Bioengineering to fuse both together…” Karax shivered. “It was…horrible to say the least.”

“But they were all controlled by someone that wanted to slaughter the entirety of the known Galaxy just because he was tired of the ‘Infinite Cycle’.” Tina mentioned.

"Infinite Cycle?" Helix questioned as she took a sip from her freshly made coffee.

“The Xel’Naga weren’t immortal beings, even though they were born from the Void.” Karax started. “This is only a second hand account due to my Hierarch having personally witnessed it all, but the Infinite Cycle is a way for the Xel’Naga to…have new generations of their race.” Karax said.

“The Xel-Naga show up to a new universe or sector or what have you, sow it with life because they’re reality warpers that way, then look for two specific individuals with the Purity of Form, which is a race with the potential for incredible Psionic Powers, like the Protoss for instance, and Purity of Essence, a race that is capable of great changes in their species, like the Zerg.” Tina explained. “It was a whole thing where the Xel’Naga hand pick two from each special race, fused them together and imbued them with their own Essence to create brand new Xel’Naga.”

“But Amon, a Xel’Naga that was chosen and then grew bitter with becoming a godlike being having lost his family and friends in the process, decided ‘fuck it, let’s just force the fusion of both Purity’s and start my own cycle cause this is corrupt and bullshit’, and then killed all but 1 other Xel’Naga in two different campaign’s to rule the universe and cover it in Void.”

"Hmm. Interesting. The only reality warper I know of is Discord but his magic isn't the same as those creatures that attacked. More like his abilities exist solely to break the laws of reality whatever they may be."

“Fair enough.” John nodded. “So, why do you want to know about this little history lesson? Just to chit chat while the construction is underway or something else?”

"Personal curiosity, and potential rest stops." Helix stated as she took another drink of her coffee.

“Fair enough.” Karax nodded. “So we might as well ask, when did Genetech start?”

"About seven years ago. Though, that's what's on official paper."

“Then how long has Genetech been…officially around messing with Magicite?” John inquired.

"Officially, seven years. Unofficially. Not sure. You'd have to ask the Founder that question."

“Fair enough.” John nodded. “I suppose we’d also have to ask the founder why Genetech has been messing around with Magicite so much to do all of…this?”

"Simple. We need to survive." Helix stated matter of factly as she finished off her drink. "Tell me, how old is your species? Both of yours?"

“We Protoss are the ‘First Born’ of the Xel’Naga’s Cycle.” Karax answered

“And the Primal Zerg were around when the first Protoss were formed, giving the Primal Zerg the Purity of Essence.” Zegara answered.

“So about the start of the Kaprulu Sector, so pretty ancient.” Tina answered simply.

"Care to give a number to that for those who don't know alien history?" Helix asked with a blank look at the two.

"Maybe about...a couple hundred thousand...no, probably millions of years." John said.

"Now tell me, if your species did not chart for the stars, do you believe you'd all still exist as a race? Or would you be extinct?"

"We do." Zegara said. "The Zerg were ripped from our homeworld but the Primal Zerg still live on."

"We would have had an advanced civilization beyond what Terrans would have even without space travel." Karax answered. "Although I would shudder to not know the wonders of space travel...and the horrors there in."

"Humans have lived thousands of years without space travel so...there's that." Tina answered.

"And yet, the forces you can't control are the ones to end the lineage." Helix stated, looking into her empty cup. "Did you know when you two arrived and we detected your ships in orbit, we had all thirty four of our prototype orbital Cannons targeting them? Why, you ask. Simple. We're not dumb enough to believe everything out there is peaceful. I'm happy everything did not end badly, but that Changeling and these monsters confirm my beliefs that to survive, we can't always be peaceful, and we have to be ready to 'abandon ship' as it were."

"Speak softly, and carry a big stick." John said. "A quote from a very important individual back on earth."

"Also the guy that made it illegal to box your political rivals for not liking your decision." Tina chuckled.

"In the end, one day Equis may not be here but it's people will live on. Either cross bred into a new species or as we are scattered throughout the stars. Princess Luna is intrigued but skeptical. Princess Twilight is rather eager to work on these new developments, and Princess Cadence is rather neutral. She won't fight the changes but she believes holding true to the past is also valuable, and to that I can't argue. Princess Celestia on the other hand…"

"Doesn't want to move forward in fear it might ruin what's going on right now?" John asked.

"Not exactly. She will do anything for her subjects, and the other races. She has gone by many names over the span of her seemingly immortal life. The Goddess of the Sun. The Embodiment of Mercy. The Sun's Wrath. And, most common, A Loving Mother. Princess Celestia has a huge mother hen complex. She views all her subjects as her children, hence her nickname for us all being 'her little ponies'. I believe she more fears the idea that what we are doing now means that, as a race, we're ready to leave the nest and have outgrown our 'mother' as it were. She does Truly believe in what we are doing but she's too soft. She ordered all the dead monsters from the battle, after our examinations, cremated and placed to rest in a newly built crypt. She mourns for her own and her enemies."

"Jeez…" Tina said carefully.

"Talk about a heart of gold." John commented.

"Yes. It's why I need to ensure Princess Celestia is pushed into full cooperation. After her, Luna will no longer have her own conflicts. Simply put, help us reach the stars and I can ensure you both will be at the center of our greatest venture in business and expansion yet." Helix said with a small smile as she looked into the empty cup in her hands.

"So why is it your business is called Genetech when we've mostly seen machinery?" Tina inquired. "Cause while the tech side is fantastic for the Protoss, and possibly Terrans if they decide to venture out here, what's in it for the Zerg?"

Helix reached into her pocket, pulling out a small vial of what looked like Biomass, but seemed to give off a far more potent appearance. "It took a few tries, but our Creation Machine was even able to engineer this. Perfectly pure biomass based slightly on the samples we took from your stock. And it's perfectly programmable. It can do anything from rebuild a lost limb, replace a damaged organ by changing into said organ, create or mutate a brand new body. And, if done right, create fresh food, drinks and even terraform a planet." She handed it to the Zerg. "A sample of a promising future."

Zegara gently took it, her mandibles twitching in excitement as she saw this pure, potent biomass in her grasp. “Incredible…”

"Now then, in exchange for all these wonders, I ask you both to help me with a little project that will ensure the corporation of all, or at least three of the Princesses."

“And what’s that?” John asked carefully. “Cause honestly just from helping the Changelings and protecting Ponyville, I think they all trust us enough.”

"They trust you, but Celestia at least doesn't fully trust Genetech. Which is why I need to prove that we can keep the population safe. Ponies, Griffons, Zebra, all the intelligent races she worried over like a panicked mother." Helix said as she placed her cup on the table and looked up at the two. "We are going to revive the dead."

“That’s not how shit works.” Tina answered bluntly. “Right?”

Helix, simply smiled.

Clutch was reasonably annoyed. Her failure of a sister ended up being the diamond in the rough they needed to fully complete their mission. Revive the lost races, and continue onwards into the cosmos.

"Honestly, Clutch. Your anger has always been your worst trait." Her father, maker, his body now about her size, that in a young changeling imp stood before her as she gave him a physical.

"Am I not allowed to be annoyed father?" Clutch asked carefully. "It's not like Chrysalis, we all deemed to be a failure for her purpose, magically finding out her true purpose and showing us all up like that? Bringing you back from the brink when I…" Clutch trailed off with a growl.

"You were all built with a purpose in mind, Clutch. From the moment I pulled out the samples of myself I remolded and mapped to become the bodies you now have, you all had a specific purpose in mind. Imago, the height and peak of Changeling potential and biology. Maggot, able to consume any matter no matter how toxic and convert it into any usable materials. Larva, built to be the ideal brood mother capable of laying and conceiving hundreds of thousands. Mite, able to multiply himself indefinitely and share a single mind with each self he makes. Pupa, the perfect living weapon not only capable of instantaneous evolution as needed but her speed alone makes her nearly invisible to the naked eye. And then, you, Clutch. Your intelligence and skills at all the fields of science, mathematics, engineering, biology; can you not see what I created all of you for?"

"To bring back all life we've seen before." Clutch answered.

"And, to create life new." Her father added. "Tell me, is the universe Finite?"

"No." Clutch shook her head. "It's ever expanding since the big bang."

"And some day the far off stars we see will fade and go away, leaving only clusters of galaxies present inside an endless void, waiting for them too to die and reclaim what the big bang stole. Like I told Chrysalis, the Void is a patient entity. But I refuse to let Life and existence just go quietly into the night." Her father said with almost a growl.

“Why must we protect those that sent us to the Void to begin with?” Clutch asked, still not understanding the sudden shift from dominating their enemies like before and now to protecting the traitors.

"Would you kill a child for the crimes of their parents?"

“I’ve killed and dissected for less.” Clutch rolled their eyes. “But so far, everything about you is in perfect health Father.”

"That is excellent to hear." Her father said, redressing back into his robes, refitted for his size. "Clutch. Tell me, do you remember Trival 9?"

Clutch was caught off guard by question. Trival 9 was a world full or organic life but only plant based life. No beastial or intelligent life existed there. She had released many of her early experiments there to study the effects of their new environment and their adaptability.

“Yes father, I do remember it.” She nodded. “It’s where I let my early experiments run free.”

He nodded, grabbing his tablet and searching through it. "When we re-entered here from the void, all our old scouting and recon satellites resynchronized and submitted their data over the last few million years." He chuckled, turning the tablet to Clutch who looked and was surprised. She recognized these creatures. She called them Kerophina, a mix of nine different races she made into one. They were strong and rather resilient to hot and cold weather. These ones were slightly different. They wore hides from another experiment race she made, and carried primitive tools, mainly clay pots and bone knives. "They evolved into a dominant life form."

“Wow…” She blinked in awe. “I…didn’t think they would last that long…also a million years and only primitive tools?”

"This photo is actually from several thousand years after we were banished." He sighed, swiping to the next photo. "This, is Trival 9 now."

What Clutch saw wasn't Trival 9. It was the ruins of a once primitive empire on the verge of a technological revolution. The buildings of steel stood tall and rusting as the once paved roads were cracked and decaying. Proud monuments now decayed husks of a promising people all caked in long aged scorches and ash.

“The fuck happened!?” Clutch asked in shock.

"Asteroid." Her father said, the next to display was a video of a small moon sized rock shooting right at Trival 9, the impact sending flames, dirt, ash and fire in all directions that soon swallowed the planet in heat and fire. "No life survived." He sighed before he put the tablet down.

Clutch felt something different. She felt… pain. Pain in her chest. She felt… sad?

“What…what is this feeling?” Clutch asked carefully, putting a hand to her chest.

"Loss, my daughter." Father said as he hugged Clutch. "With great intelligence often times comes a lack of sympathy for others, or even emotions. They might have not been birthed by you, but the people who lived and existed on Trival 9 were your children regardless of how their race came to exist." He continued as he looked Clutch in the eyes. "I created you because you alone can take all the life that has occurred naturally in this universe and combine them together into brand new species. Species that can become something far greater than you ever expected."

“I…” Clutch started, trying to find the words to express her feelings. “I…I don’t know what to say Father…”

"This, Clutch, is why you exist. For my plans, our goal to work, all of you, my children, must work together."

“And what about our new visitors?” She asked carefully. “They’re about to throw a massive wrench in all our plans if they figure out how to integrate Magicite with their technology and Biomass…”

"Compared to us, they are children playing with fire. In the end, they are not our true enemy. In time they will be on our side. For now, do not fret about them. I have a bigger assignment for you to handle right now, however." Her father started, picking up his tablet again and going through the files. "Tell me Clutch. Do you know what I was working on before the rebellion?"

“A lot of things.” She answered. “But one always seemed out of reach for me to figure out, something about your Void research.”

"Specifically, how a singularity formed within the Void. The void is primarily energy, so, tell me Clutch. How does a singularity form in a matterless existence with no gravity?"

“It…must mean there was something already there?” She asked carefully. “Cause you can’t make something out of nothing, that’s not how the laws of reality work, even with our ‘God Machines’ as the Ponies call them.” Clutch said carefully.

"And yet, all my research, and all my theories lead to the same conclusion." Father said, looking up into the ceiling. "The Void only houses what falls into it, twisting and corrupting them into monstrosities. To have a singularity that just so happens that as a byproduct of it's expansion of consuming Void space and energy to make mass, life and Magicite… there are Gods. True, all powerful beings capable of creating matter and existence from the emptiness of The Void. Even if you were to theorize that the singularities come from decaying Black Holes that in itself implies am existence and universe before ours and if you state black holes form only in a universe with matter for them to absorb into a new singularity that will explode when it's black hole decays, where did that matter come from originally? How did that first singularity ever form? This realization shook everything I believe and know as a scientist."

Clutch tried to even comprehend the level her father was talking about, going through literally everything in her mind but none of it added up. “H-how? That…that all sounds impossible…”

"I know. Isn't it amazing!" Her father laughed. "As far as we've come, all we can do and accomplish and yet we are still but insects compared to an unknown higher being! Who, what and where they are are questions we may never answer but the point here is, we can take a look at what they made and learn. And I learned that, to beat the void, we must do as these gods did. We must create existence from nothing."

“B-but how father?” Clutch asked in shock. “We’re talking about levels of power that are beyond anyone’s comprehension…”

"Oh my sweet youngest daughter… I already made the next best thing!" He stated with a laugh. "In our species time, we have come across countless reality warping entities and self proclaimed gods. Then, we came here, and this 'Magic', this 'Harmony' energy was just the kick I needed to start! I took the samples of every reality warper, every 'god', our kind has studied and catalogued and compiled them all into a single living entity with all their abilities. Just add in the 'magic' and 'harmony' with a pinch of Void energy. The result has become the most powerful being on the planet they now call Equis!"

“Father, do you have any idea what you’re talking about?” Clutch asked, even though she was eager as all hell to know what he was doing, even she thought this was maybe going a little too far if her father figured out how to create a being that can bend Void to it’s will.

"Oh, I know it sounds crazy but the proof is on that planet." He then sighed. "Unfortunately, much like Chrysalis, he was left behind when we were banished. He hadn't even hatched yet. I can at least take pride in that he did well for himself, even after being turned to stone twice. In fact, his current reformation by those 'Elements of Harmony' as Chrysalis stated, is in the end better for us."

Clutch blinked. “Wait…you mean that reality warper?” Clutch asked. “No, there’s no way that creature is your…” She tried to think of any way that the Draconequus themselves weren’t their long lost sibling, that his madness wasn’t some by product of all their power. “How? Especially in his madness…if he is able to be that powerful…why is he just screwing around calling his powers ‘Chaos Magic’ if he can literally rewrite the fabric of reality to that degree!?”

"Because he had no guidance. No mentorship. He was still incubating when we were banished and unlike you all who were born fully grown and mentally adults, he was born into this world as an infant. Needing to learn and educate himself in our lacking presence. All he knows is what he learned in his years in Equis. He knows not what he truly is. And, given what he is, he is still so much a child. Despite his age."

“But…if he learns his true abilities…his true purpose…” She started carefully. “What’ll that do to a child?”

"If he's smart, he'll become afraid of them. If not, we'll have to teach him."

“This…got a lot more complicated…” Clutch said, pulling out a notebook and pen and already writing down a lot of things at blinding speeds.

"Yes, but, back on topic. My assignment for you is simple. Take unfertilized egg samples from Larva, and prepare some samples of DNA from these Equine descendants of the rebels. If we are to get them to trust us and work with us against the void, including Discord's help, then we best prepare them a gift."

"That's…" She started. "Why must we gist the traitors? They're the ones that hurt us all…"

"And the wounds will forever hurt. But remember, they are not the rebels that imprisoned us. They don't even know they all descend from Changelings. To punish a race that is so far from the ones that harmed us is like to blame the bacteria that would later evolve into the tree you walked into without noticing."

"But they're about to uncover Genesis's forretress…" Clutch said carefully. "Do you think the Goliaths will be kind in their words?"

"Honestly, I do not know." Her father said, shaking their head. "I do know this, these Void tainted abominations will not stop appearing. There is… something, working in or with The Void to speed up the Void's normally long term goal."

"That's...very concerning." She said carefully. "Maybe it has something to do with the new people? They came from the stars and seemed to act like they've fought those creatures before?"

"That is a possibility but for now, let's focus on the gift for these Equines. They are basically our Nieces and Nephews." Her father said with a smile. "We are going to gift them, an… what did they call their royalty? Right, Alicorn! Well will gift them a new Alicorn!"

"Building Alicorns? Hmm, sounds interesting." She said honestly.

"Specifically, a male Alicorn." Father added. "All the other Alicorns on this planet are female, which I find quite strange, but such a unique and powerful sub-species should have more than just four of it's kind."

"Well...it's a good thing Herds are still a thing in this world or else there might be a war because of that." Clutch mentioned.

The two humans and two aliens sharing bodies stared at what was before then in wonder and confusion.

“How in the name of hell…” Tina asked.

“It’s…incredible…” Karax said.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this…” John said carefully.

“What in the wide galaxy…” Zegara said in shock.

Before then was a pod, monitoring five large eggs each roughly the size of a Terran newborn. Each egg and it's monitor displayed a snake like being with an anthropomorphic upper half and longer snake like lower body.

"Meet the formerly extinct Vipermias." Helix said, looking over the monitors.

“So…how the hell are we supposed to bring these Naga people back to life?” Tina asked.

“Also are there more of these beings? Cause five can’t bring back a species reliably.” John made mention.

"For now there's just these five. More will be brought back after our display of their hatching to Celestia. Once she sees the Vipermias back and alive, she can't ignore the benefits of our future projects anymore."

“Fair enough.” Tina nodded. “So how’s this supposed to work?”

"Simple. Celestia is going to arrive here in just a few hours, just long enough for the little ones here to hatch. I can't wait to see the look on her face." Helix said with a grin.

"She'd be in a cuddle pile with five baby naga?" John asked

"That sounds adorable." Tina giggled.

"Well, yes I suppose it would be if not for the guilt she'll probably feel over it." Helix added.

"Guilt?" Tina inquired. "Why'd she feel guilt?"

"Remember when I said one of the names she goes by, and the only vengeful sounding one was Wrath of The Sun?" Helix asked, pointing a finger at the eggs. "They're extinction is the reason why."

"Yeah...that sounds about right." John said nervously.

"She can produce energies comparable to the sun?" Karax inquired.

"Basically." Helix said with a nod. "Story goes that back in their prime the Vipermias were a rather violent and warfairing race. In an effort to bring some form of peace and alliance to them, Celestia's student at the time, Meadow Flower, was offered as a bride to their prince. The king accepted, but the prince was not so accepting. At the wedding, he preformed an act fairly frowned upon by even the Vipermia. He ate her whole."

"Rude." John said bluntly.

"What an asshole." Tina growled.

"He then killed his parents to usurp the throne and then tried to battle Celestia. In her… anger, at both seeing her student/surrogate daughter eaten alive and then witnessing a son slay his family all in the name of war and power, her rage ended up literally calling forth the sun to Equis." Helix finished.

"Damn." Tanya said in surprise.

"The power to call forth a star like that…" Karax started, trying to think of his strong Celestia would need to be for such an outlandish feat.

"To be honest we were really lucky to even have fossils and tombs left over to gather DNA samples for this. Their empire and race at the time was completely incinerated."

"I'm surprised the planet as a whole didn't burn...or that kingdom turned into glass." John pointed out.

"It was about two thousand years ago so, aside from the story and the Badlands existing there's not much else to go on."

“Excuse me, hold up.” Tina said. “The badlands were their empire?”

“That’s a pretty big empire to just…go up in flames like that.” John said carefully.

“How did it only turn into a Desert then? Karax asked. “Even if this planet is much bigger than most other’s, the amount of energy that would take would be so astronomical that there wouldn’t even be that desert…”

“What power do these Alicorns have?” Zegara asked carefully, wondering what sort of biological nonsense had to happen on this planet to cause that much power to be formed into one single being.

"Honestly, we're not sure." Helix said with a frown. "Princess Twilight has been cooperative in helping study her elevation of powers since becoming an Alicorn. But measuring what the Princesses are or can be capable of has proven difficult. We didn't even bother with Discord given his abilities."

“By the way, who or what is Discord?” Tina asked. “Cause we’ve heard their name a few times but we never actually got an explanation on him.”

"Discord has been around for as long as our world has recorded history." Helix stated. "Some argue if he is as old or older than the Princesses mother but that aside, he is the titled God of Chaos. His magic and abilities defy not only the laws of magic, but also the laws of physics as well."

“I mean…that sounds about right, considering his name is literally ‘Discord’.” Tina said honestly.

“A being that can bend the laws of reality to his whim?” Karax said in awe.

“Only the Xel’Naga have been able to do such a thing…” Zagara said, the two aliens now wondering just what the hell they stumbled across and if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Oh he doesn't just bend them. He breaks and rewrites them. Even other gods with the ability to reshape or manipulate matter have laws to follow, but him… none."

“That should be impossible.” Karax said carefully. “Even if we involve the Void and what being’s live there…the Void still has it’s own rules and logic, sure it’s outside our own but even the Xel’Naga had to follow them…” Karax said, scratching his head as he tried to quantify the possibilities that there were thing’s above even their creators.

“Hold up…did you say ‘other gods’?” Tina asked carefully.

“We’re already breaking a law of reality as is, let’s…try not to panic about someone that can do it on a whim.” John said carefully.

"How so? And yes, there are several gods on Equis."

“I mean…reversing death?” John asked.

“I…don’t think this is reversing death.” Karax said, taking a deep breath and shelving the ‘Discord’ thought’s away for a bit. “It looks more like they used similar incubation and cloning methods like what we saw with the Hybrid, using what living DNA from the fossils and other things they managed to find and bring them back to life.”

“So Jurassic Park?” Tina asked.

“A bit yeah…” John said sheepishly.

"I don't know what that is but yes, these current eggs are effectively clones from fossils and samples from tombs. We have managed to create a complete DNA profile of eighty different specimens. So there's still seventy five in storage until after Celestia witnesses this." Helix said.

“Fair enough.” Tina nodded. “So what are we supposed to do? Cause unless it’s us saying ‘we support this’, it looks like you have everything under control.”

"You two would prefer to miss out on the show?" Helix asked. "Er, four?"

“We’d be dumb to say no.” Tina answered simply.

The time went by quickly after that, soon Celestia had arrived and soon she was brought to the incubators.

"Wh-what?" Celestia asked, looking at all the eggs and machines. "What necromancy is this?!"

"Science, Princess." Helix stated. "We are not reviving corpses and bones. It's reviving extinct beings using similar methods to how they came into existence naturally. Once we had the completed DNA sequences, we used some genetically modified snake embryos and a machine specialty built to generate the shell similar to how their kind are used too before being laid."

“It’s a marvelous bit of enginuity.” Karax said, seeing old, long dead life being brought back in such a way.

"And, these… clones… will they age and grow healthy?" Celestia asked

"As healthy as their naturally born sample sources."

"So yes?"


“To put it simply, they’re going to be brand new baby snake people that won’t be war mongering jackasses.” Tina said. “And they’ll probably see you as their mother since we all can see you grabbing all five into a big hug.”

Celestia stood frozen in place at hearing that for a few minutes.

Helix seemed to grin. "Three, two, one…"

"Fine. You're approved for all future projects." Celestia finally said.

“Cool.” Tina nodded. “So when do the little snake babies hatch?”

As if on cue, one of the eggs began to shake and soon crack.

"We should leave." Helix said, Celestia suddenly in front of said egg as if she was it's biological mother. "Let them imprint on their new mama."

"Yeesh. How long has it been since we were here?" Larva said as she and Chrysalis we're dusting and sweeping the massive chamber of pods, wires and a pool of biomass known as the Brood Chamber. Where their drones and sometimes newly birthed True Changelings were all born.

“Too long.” Chrysalis shook her head. “This is…all so weird, having everything come back and…everything going well after so long.”

"It is strange isn't it? Almost feels like a dream. We were in hibernation for all but the last year of our banishment. Save for father. The rest of us were asleep for it all. Though, I sometimes remember noises. Like an imagless nightmare."

“I’d rather not think of Nightmares right now…” Chrysalis said. “I have my family back, I have my father back, I have my home back…everything’s finally working out for once.”

"Right. Heh, it's gonna be weird using this chamber to birth creatures other than other Changelings or drones."

“Yeah…it will be really weird.” Chrysalis said nervously. “Gonna be…a whole new experience.”

"Well, if this was Father's plan since the beginning it makes sense why you and I have nipples at least." Larva said with a chuckle. "Gotta nurse those baby mammals."

“Would you believe me if I said that I…always had the urge to breastfeed?” Chrysalis asked. “Ever since I figured out what these massive jugs are…” She lightly pushed up her sizable bust. “It’s…always been an urge that I sadly never satisfied…”

"Oh, sister is that a kink I hear you admitting~"

“Call it a ‘motherly instinct’.” She said, blushing brightly at the thought of breastfeeding as a kink. “Although…that did cross my mind once or twice when I was pretending to be Shining Armor’s wife…”

"Ah, yes. That white unicorn and his bride who managed to weaponize emotional energy. Such an unexpected event. Father speculated that it was a reaction with the Harmony magic she as an Alicorn creature produces. Such fascinating if painful reaction. How far did it blast you?"

“Way too far.” Chrysalis shook her head. “It took me three days to get back to my Hive, any further away and I would have ended up in the Dragon Lands and dragon’s are not something I would have wanted to deal with at that moment.”

"Ah, yes. Those were one of the native life forms when we arrived here if I recall? Or am I thinking of those serpent people? Still strange how common serpent based life forms there are."

“You’d think there would be more Insect or other more tough life forms.” She shrugged. “But Dragon’s are native to this world, as well as those Vipermias…even though those rotten bastards deserved Celestia’s wrath…she could have at least not nearly glassed the Badlands.”

"She has such incredible power. Our scanner read she is closer to a True Changeling than the others of her species but still quite the offshoot. She isn't just absorbing energy, she is producing it at incredible numbers."

“Same with her sister Luna, that whole Nightmare Moon incident…that nearly froze half the planet.” Chrysalis said carefully.

"Yes. Normally such links to celestial bodies are not that potent or well controlled, but theirs is… unique." Larva said as she finished dusting off the pumps the biomass pours from. "So, any… romances during your time stuck there?"

“Gods I wish…” Chrysalis sighed out bitterly. “Being an ageless being that hated the world for so long…there was only three that I thought of going after…”

"Oh really? They wouldn't happen to be those ageless Alicorns would they~"

“If I were to include them, it would be six now…maybe seven if I look into Twilight a bit more.” Chrysalis hummed. “But no, two were ages ago, sadly long dead, one of them is…well Shining Armor, cause even though I brainwashed him and used him for my own ends…he’s still such massive dork and he’s so cute.”

"Does that count as Stockholm syndrome? Reverse Stockholm?"

“I mean…kinda?” She asked. “I don't know, but I had to watch over those two for a long time to make sure my plan worked…also Cadence is a bit freaky in bed…”

"Well, Don't they call her the Princess of Love? I guess she covers all its aspects." Larva said with a shrug. "So, what do you think our first mission will be once everything is all set up and ready? Being back I am dying to see how much has changed… even if the majority of the world's and species we knew are all… gone…"

“We’ll be able to bring them all back, dad promised.” Chrysalis said. “But…right now, we need to show the people of this world that we can do better, that we’re not the villains here…”

"That… will definitely be difficult. No wonder father is opening up with a male Alicorn as a gift." Larva said while rubbing her forehead. "Hmm… I wonder what else we could gift them as an apology/sign of… what did that one species call it? Trustworthiness? Good will! That was the word. So hard to remember all the variations given all the languages."

“Yeah…” Chrysalis sighed out. “It’s going to take a miracle for them to…wait, actually, they never actually saw me…like this.” She motioned to herself carefully. “They only saw me while I was half starving…or just straight starving…”

"True, though your face is still the same." Larva pointed out. "Plus, aside from me, you're the only one who is a shade of green."

“True…” Chrysalis sighed out. “What do I do? Thorax is the only one that might want to actually give me a chance, but I don’t think he’d want to listen after I threw away his offer of peace…”

"Hmm… true, very true. Hmm…" Larva began thinking to herself. "Well… I got nothing. Maybe we should talk to Imago, he has the brain for politics and things like this."

“Well…” Chrysalis started. “Technically…we are an endangered species, the ‘True Changelings’ as it were…and I’m the only one that took up Royalty…” Chrysalis hummed with some thought. “Hmm…”

"That is a good point." Both sisters jumped at the sudden Appearance of Imagi behind the two. "Galactic laws would be way more in our favor but these Equestrians would have to join the GUA…"

"How long have you been there?!" Larva yelled.

"Three minutes."

“So that’s why I kept feeling eyes watching me…” Chrysalis frowned. “It’s been a long time since I last felt that way…but what’s up Imago?”

"I was trying out some old abilities I haven't used in a while when I overheard you both talking." He said casually. "But, yes. Given the recent events with the… Equines… luckily I do believe the solution is far simpler."

“Please, cause I am at a loss that doesn’t involve some weird marriage proposal.”

"Well, we've already met a rather opportunistic business mare after landing when we first escaped. While overly paranoid, she is quite different from the rest of her kin. I am more than willing to bet despite our initial meeting, she will be more than willing to start relationships from a business standpoint, and through her and this Genetech she represents, open the doors for more political relationships."

"That… could work." Larva said. "How should we go about it?"

"Easy. She is a business mare and a Bureaucrat. I will make an appointment."

"...It can't be that simple…"

"It worked with the Zerokilops back on Hertrlot."

"...Fair." Larva admitted.

“The wonders of business and greed.” Chrysalis sighed out.

"I will handle the diplomatic stuff. However, I do believe you both may be useful in greeting Chrysalis's former hive." Imago stated. "Despite events they did want you to stay, and perhaps they should be informed on the origins of their race. After all, it's not everyday a hive's worth of drone Changelings undergoes sudden mass evolution like that."

"It was bound to happen…" Chrysalis said. "Thousands of years of breeding can cause wild things to happen."

"True, even so. Tell me, were they all descended from an original clutch you birthed or are they a mix of new and old generations?"

"A mix...I always tried to keep my clutch alive throughout the years anyway I could...some clung on, others wanted their eternal rest...or found new lives as another race believe it or not...very few and far between but it's happened."

"Hm. Interesting. Well, in any case we will have a lot of ground work to do very soon. You two best prepare before arriving at that Hive. Meanwhile I will get the computer to hack into their phone systems and call for that appointment."

"Works for me." Chrysalis nodded. "I...need to prepare for...a long talk...I just hope they won't immediately try to attack us…"

"In the event they try, bring Pupa. She can easily subdue any attackers."

"Well, let's finish up here then head off sister." Larva said as she began to quicken her sweeping.

Chrysalis nodded, sweeping up faster as well, hoping the meeting with her children and her family would go well.

Helix sat in her office. Normally she'd have paperwork at the ready but she pushed it on assistants and interns. She had an important appointment.

It was a sudden and unexpected appointment, but when her secretary got the call, Helix recognized the callers voice. "So, you make a grand show, basically crash my associates starship and now, you schedule an appointment to speak with me?" She asked. Despite the disguise, she knew it was Imago. He was shorter in this form, a greenish yellow coat replaced black chitten and an orange mane sat atop their head. Their eyes were unchanged. "You look ridiculous."

"It's been a while." Imago said. "But my choice on looks isn't what I'm here for." He said simply. "I'm here for business, something you're very interested in."

"Typically. Depends on the offer. After all you are one of Public enemies number one and frankly business with you without reason would be rather bad for business." Helix stated. "Even with reason, I'd rather not mess up the all across pass on projects I finally got out of Celestia. So, what's your offer?"

"My offer is a simple one." Imago said. "I'm offering you the stars." Imago answered simply. "Before the war that caused me and my siblings to be sealed in the Void, to a time where your 'God Engine' was commonplace." He said. "To fight the True Enemy."

Helix raised a brow. "True enemy, you mean those Fuck off monsters?" She asked, reaching into her desk and pulling a bottle of wine and two glasses. "I figured they were bad news the second their corpses entered the lab." She added as she poured herself and Imago a glass. "Hope you don't mind, I find a drink helps in talks like this."

"Classic choice." Imago chuckled. "And also, yes, those beings, replica's of the three groups a sector over from us."

"Do they have a name?" Helix asked, taking a sip of her glass.

Imago did the same. The flavor surprised him. It was not only tasty, fairly strong, but it was saturated in an earthy energy that for his palate, enriched the flavors. An unexpected but very welcome surprise.

"I haven't had wine this enriching in a very long time." Imago sighed. "But the names? Well, you already know. The constructs that have attacked my sister's brood, and Ponyville are replications of your friends, and Terrans." Imago answered simply.

"Yes, well given the… Terrans are sharing bodies with the other two, it's rather strange to see such… mutated forms. So, aside from being ugly and blood thirsty what did these things do to you?"

"What do you know about The Void?" Imago inquired. "I know our visitors have mentioned it sometimes, but what do you personally know about it?"

"Nothing much." Helix admitted. "Aside from concepts and legends, The Void is an unknown. I'm guessing the reason you ask is because you know something I don't?"

"I know a lot of things you don't know, but that's a whole other conversation." Imago commented. "No...the Void is a reality of nothing, an all consuming black abyss that takes everything and gives nothing. It's a patient and hungry beast that waits for the day all the light can no longer protect the masses...and those are the lucky ones."

"How Eldritch." Helix commented as she took another sip. "And what does this have to do with us? Or the monsters?"

“Because those monsters were sent by someone.” Imago said simply. “And they want to consume this world for their own gains, and this planet is rich in materials and energy that can do just that.”

Helix hummed, seeming to think that information over as she swirled the wine in her glass slowly. "And, what of your gains? After all, last we spoke, you gave us an Equis year before you'd challenge? Was that all hot air or are you not a man of your words?"

Imago had to admit, that stung a bit. Their return filled him with excitement and… memories. He may have spoken out of line...

“I knew I liked you.” Imago chuckled. “But I gave you that challenge to see if you were fully prepared for what’s to come next, because you may think you’re ready for war, but you’re not.” Imago stated simply. “Especially this kind of war.”

"Says who? You, or your Father you so proudly proclaimed to be his perfect clone or whatever?"

“I am his son, perfection in True Changeling DNA.” Imago answered. “And yes, I can personally attest that all of this,” He motioned to nothing in particular. “Won’t be enough for what’s to come. Only ones that might have a clue are our visitors, and even they don’t understand the full scope of what’s to come, or what you people are digging up.”

Helix simply kept an indifferent look as she swirled her wine around a few more times before finishing the glass. "Tell me, Imago. How do you believe Genetech got this far in such a short time? Heh, officially."

“Officially you ‘discovered’ Magicite, a rare material that most think comes from Volcano’s near Leylines due to it’s Obsidian characteristics, and then that kickstarted an engineering and magical revolution that this company pioneered.” Imago answered simply. “Then, how you got this far is a lot of people coming together and thinking ‘Welp, here’s this miracle material, let’s see what fantasy item’s we could create for shit’s and giggles’, which then went through it’s known process of going much farther than it normally would.”

"Heh. Now who's lacking information?" Helix asked with a small smile as she sat back in her chair. "When I was a little filly, my parents were deployed to the Minotaur Lands. One of the few in the modern age to still have wars with casualties. One day, barely a month after the last battle, the city we resided in went under attack. One minute I'm with my mother and father enjoying dinner. The next, I'm drenched in their blood." She started, taking a long breath. "In the end, the city was destroyed, and the tower it held the young and females and sick and elderly in for safety was collapsed from powerful explosive potions. I ended up the only survivor of that place."

“And I see you completely missed your own question.” Imago answered. “You asked ‘how did Genetech get this far officially’, not your backstory.” Imago pointed out. “So how does Genetech come into play?”

"It it weren't for that day, I'd have never met The Founder." Helix stated simply. "Despite my injuries, she healed and restored me. Made me better and stronger in ways I never imagined possible. In the end, not only did I owe my life, but I owed her the existence of Equines as a species."

Imago hummed curiously. "And tell me, who was this founder? Cause it sounds to me like she knows more than they let on."

"Well, history called her many things. Equines know her as Faust, bringer of the world. Celestia and Luna know her as Mother. But none of that matters to you until you remember what you knew her by." Helix said, leaning forward in her chair and leaning on her desk.

The door to the room opened and Imago immediately turned to see. Standing in the doorway was a face he never expected to see again. Hoped to never see again. She had not changed. The same pure white chitin and long red hair like strands of semi transparent hair. She was still dressed in the same uniform from the last battle he saw her in. "Long time no see Imago. How's my brother doing?"

Former Commanding Authority of the Changelings intergalactic armies… turned rebel. Tardigrade.

“Yeah…that would do it.” Imago sighed out, not having said that phrase in a very, very long time. “Father is doing exceptionally well, my little sister cured him, and he’s now reborn into a new body.”

"So he's my baby brother twice over." Tardigrade said with a pur as she walked in and sat on the Helix's desk, taking the whole wine bottle and began to swig it like a flask. "I'm glad he survived, I really am. You all survived. That's good at least."

“Yes, thankfully our father pulled us out of that final explosive you all set up for us.” He said. “And I see you’ve been busy, bringing back our ancient technology and trying to dig up the Goliath’s again, is the Void concerning you as much as it is us?”

"Yes, but it's cute you think I'm bringing back our antique tech." She said as she managed to pinch Imago's cheek before he pulled away. "Tell me, do you remember how large Equis is?"

“It’s one of the biggest planets we found on our travels Tardigrade.” He answered. “Also you do know that the Goliath’s are, while antique, one of the few creations that can rival our power well and truly?”

"Please, Imago. Call me Faust. Tardigrade was always such a mouthful. And you are right, but yes. Back on topic, this planet is abnormally large and able to so easily hold life. Remember before the war that we would wonder if it was actually hollow? Well, it is."

“And you owe father now.” Imago brought up. “Yes, I know of that bet, and father will find it hilarious he was right after all these years.”

"He'll owe me once he sees New Enercioa." Imago raised a brow. Enecrioa was the name… of the old Changeling Homeworld. "After the war, there was a split. Some became ponies, some became Griffons, minotaurs, diamond dogs, kirin, ECT. Some, some stuck to the old ways and form. So we made our home in the core of this world we fought so hard for. Changeling are not extinct my little nephew. Just well hidden."

“And…” He started. “You just…abandoned Chrysalis?” Imago asked carefully. “Even after the war ended, even after everything…you just left her to rot, blaming everyone and everything for taking away her family…thinking she was well and truly alone, the last True Changeling?”

Faust's good mood soured instantly. She sighed as she downed the entire remaining bottle and tossed it aside. "By the time we even realized she was still here. She already had her own hive, drones to keep her company and… she was happy for a while. Around that time I noticed something unique about we True Changelings left within the Core of the planet. For example. I got pregnant… as a virgin!" Faust said, falling her back to the table. "Celestia was… a little sun monster. Then it happened again and Luna. Well, the two calmed one another and… yikes…"

“I mean, that’s kind of what Larva and Chrysalis do normally…and that also explains why they’re so powerful, literally blessed by this planet with the power of an ancient Changeling General.” The changeling said honestly. “But all of this…you still could have visited her…” He took a deep breath. “At least given her something…even in her small bits of joy, she was struggling constantly…always half starved…” Imago shook his head. “Brotherly worries aside…” He took a deep breath. “The point is, there are more of our race out here…and Father has a plan to help everyone, not just this planet, but the entire Universe.”

"Sounds like Logma." Faust stated. "Ever the workaholic… had things gone differently, that war wouldn't have happened. Damn politicians… what could I even say to her? Last I saw you, I nearly gutted you. Pupa, poison gassed her. Larva… need I go on? That was brought out the worst of us, and we both know these wounds and nightmares run deeper than we'd want to admit."

“But we can change all of that.” Imago said simply. “Father has kept all the DNA samples of all the world’s we’ve been to…and with my brother’s and sister's help…we can bring them back, stop the Void from claiming more life.”

"This isn't about that!" Faust yelled, Imago standing and readying energy along his arms. "That… is what this is about. After everything we went through… how can we fix damage like this?" Faust asked, Imago looking down at his energy cloaked arms. It had been so long… since he felt terror.

“The fact that Father didn’t immediately send us to cleave this planet in half, the fact that I am here wanting to give support…the fact that Father actually needs your help to finalize all of this…what more do you want to show that thing’s are trying to be fixed?” Imago asked carefully, hating how powerless he felt against his aunt.

"Does Logma want my help? Or Genetech?" She asked with a sigh. "I know you were built to be perfect, Imago… but even you have to see the flaws that will arise if the others know I'm still alive?"

“To the first part, nobody knew you were even alive, or that other True Changelings were still alive.” Imago stated. “And secondly, if you truly thought that problems would arise, why would you be here? Especially showing you’re alive to me of all people?” Imago asked carefully. “Yes, I will agree there are many problems that would arise…but at the moment, I think there’s even greater problems going on at the moment.” Imago pointed out.

"You, are Logma's best creation. Embodying he and the Changelings can be at their peak… but, it also means you embody his flaws. Which is why I know that, when I ask you, you won't tell them about this."

“And what if I do?” Imago asked. “What if I still tell them about all of this, after I have been stuck in that damned abyss for more than a few million years unable to do literally anything besides hibernate and watch my younger sister damn near starve to death on several occasions while thinking our entire race was long since dead?”

"Then I can do this the hard way. Remember, I was there the whole time you and your siblings were made. I know how you all tick and how to remove and replace cogs and gears and not even my brother could tell. Simply, if I have too I'll take you apart, and put you back together again either as you were but modified or as my brain dead pet. Your choice."

Imago rubbed his temple. “Fine, fine…” He said carefully, looking over at Helix. “And I suppose you already knew about…at least half of this?”

"Bits and pieces. I'm her protege because I owe her my life and she admires I'm smart enough to know she doesn't tell me all her secrets. Majority of this is all news to me." Helix said with a shrug.

"Took a week to heal the poor dear." Faust sighed. "Used some of my own DNA to fix her. Technically she's Celestia and Luna's half sister."

“Interesting.” Imago hummed. “So, what events have we missed over these few millions of years?” He asked. “I have been unconscious for a vast majority of the time.”

"Well, as you can see all the factions chose shapes and forms for themselves, natural evolution outbred the need to shapeshift, however it did mutate into some highly flexible genetics allowing them to be genetically compatible with, well, any race living or dead amongst the stars." Faust said.

“One thing you can’t breed out of changelings that’s for certain.” Imago shrugged.

"Fair. That aside, the Changelings living in the core world all mostly isolated. They largely keep to themselves but there are border tunnels we used to travel back and forth to help keep tabs on the surface family… I did… help her. I didn't personally do anything but… it's not hard to make a drone using some of her DNA and calling them every so often to load them with extra energy."

“So that’s how…” He muttered.

"Like you, she'd be more afraid of me than happy. Regardless of circumstances. You'll have Genetechs help, and mine from… behind the scenes. As for the others. They'll all be helping when it's really needed."

“Alright.” Imago sighed out. “And what about the…others? Chrysalis said they’re stuck in Limbo somehow.”

"The old R&D team… they were studying this unique energy the planet possesses. For the vast majority of the time we spent after the war they studied and researched and experimented with this energy and do you know what they found out? They discovered this energy surpassed Any form of Psionics in the universe. And to put the cherry on top… it's sentient."

Imago frowned. “And…what were they calling this newfound energy?” He asked carefully.

"They didn't, the energy named itself. Harmony. It… knew things. Knowledge and sciences that even we could not believe to be true, but with it's help, we gave it a physical body for it to interact with the world. It was around that time the… incident happened. Whatever this energy is, Harmony, it's the opposite of Void. It can purify and restore any poisons be them physical or mental the Void's touch is no different. So the Void… took some action. One of their children somehow became infected, and… he became something unlike anything we've ever seen. They trapped him and each other in Purgatory. A dimension of emptiness where time, space, creation and void do not exist. The perfect prison."

“A Void Touched? Here?” Imago asked in shock. “How many others are there like this?”

"Just him. There was one similar, a race known as the Umbrum, but their species was just tainted. And they all went extinct save for one who was banished to another plane as well."

“The hell happened while we were away?” He asked.

"Too much." Faust sighed. "Now, enough sad talks. I believe you'd like to know Helix's capabilities?"

Imago raised a brow, looking over at Helix who rolled her eyes. "Humor her, or we'll be here all day… ” Helix sighed.

“Well…” He started. “I can already imagine her capabilities, you were always at least one step ahead of father in some regards when it came to bioengineering.” He admitted.

"Come now, showing is always better than telling." Faust said as she stood and began to walk out.

Helix stood with a sigh. "The saddest part is that I now know where Celestia gets it…" Helix muttered as she followed. Imago trailing behind.

“You don’t even know the half of it.” Imago shook his head, having personally experienced all of Faust's nonsense.

The group took a secret elevator to an underground location where they soon arrived inside a large training facility.

Once inside Imago reverted to his natural form, happy to shed the disguise as he waited for Helix to return from the changing room.

When she did, she wore a simple sports bra and skin tight short shorts. Her glasses were also missing and her normal bunned up mane was loose and hung just above her shoulders.

Imago had to admit… she looked very attractive for a non insecticide lifeform.

“Alright, let’s see what my aunt has given you Helix.” Imago said, wanting to see what this hybrid can do.

"We'll start with Physical abilities." Faust said as Helix vanished. Imago blinked, looking around and even adjusting his vision for Light distortion but saw nothing. He did however feel the sudden uppercut to his jaw, sending him ten feet into the air and crashing down onto his rear. He looked up to see Helix there. "Based on how Pupa was constructed I was able to improve her speed without requiring an aerodynamic body frame and she has topped her speed at a fourth that of light."

Imago jumped up. That was WAY faster than Pupa has ever ran...

“Right…” Imago said, lightly rubbing his chin carefully. “It’s been a few million years, I shouldn’t be entirely surprised you’ve made some improvements.” He said carefully.

"That's not all." Faust said, pressing a button. Imago looked up, eyes widening as a two story tall chunk of Olutrite, the densest and heaviest material in the universe fell from above. And he fell back as he watched Helix catch it with seemingly minimal effort. "Her muscles and bones can support weight and stress unlike anything else." Faust added as Helix tossed the material aside, it crushing the floor upon landing. "Her brain is also on par with five quantum computer processors, allowing her to learn and perceive all the data her body can receive and expel."

“Impressive.” Imago said simply, finding her enhancements rather intriguing.

"Now for the fun stuff!" Faust said, Helix suddenly coating her arms in energy Imago recognized as his own. "Just like you, she can weaponize her absorbed energy but also do far more than just that." Imago watched as Helix reshaped her energy, forming a blade, spear, Shield, axe, wings, armor and even replicas of herself. "She is capable of duplication just like Mite, and if need be, can swap out her energy weapons for something far more physical." Helix dispelled the energy and blades pierced her flesh, emerging into two three foot like swords with their base at her palms. "Her internal biology makes any and all known poisons null, and the kicker! She's single!"

Helix's palm blades popped off, clattering to the floor at hearing that. "Founder!" She yelled back at Faust.

"What? You need a social life!" Faust retorted.

“Oh really now?” Imago asked, his curiosity peaked. “Such a smart, talented, and beautiful woman such as yourself is single? Work alone couldn’t do that…believe me, Larva showed us that personally.”

"I know right! She's needs someone who can cuddle and fu-"

"Was this all just an excuse to set me up for some blind date again?!" Helix yelled.

"Hmm… maybe?" Faust said with a sly grin.

Helix face palmed. "Stars above you are insane…" She groaned. "And why him? Isn't he technically my cousin?!"

"Changeling Biology makes such simple issues as that null and void. Even if someone were to arise with the babies it's an easy fix. Why Logma and I experimented sexually with one another first before we got down to fooling around with others-"

"Oh Fuck I do not wanna hear about your perverted sex life!"

Even Imago had to agree. That mental image would… haunt him. While what Faust spoke was true, it was still less of a health taboo and more of a socially upsetting event. It's why many siblings or immediate family never partook, or announced, such things.

“Listen, Aunt…” Imago said carefully, trying to use his brain to think of a way to say things. “No, please for the love of whatever god is still out there, we do not need to know about your weird sex life.”

"What? It's natural and it's not like we went at it like rabbits, it was just some youthful curiosities and a few adulthood flings when work got stressful. And once when the war first broke out but that was more of a mix between farewell and cuddles than-"

"If I go on a date with him will you shut up?" Helix said, almost begging.

Faust quieted instantly, her smile wide as she snapped her fingers.

Imago and Helix suddenly found themselves in a different room, a single table with two chairs sat them and all around them were other tables with a buffet of food. Helix slammed her head to the table. "That woman… is ruthless…"

“Again, you don’t know the half of it.” He grumbled, rubbing his temples in agitation. “To this day…” Imago then whipped his head around. “Was this also a bullshit blind date on me again!” He accused Faust.

“You agreed~.” Faust giggled in sadistic glee.

Imago also slammed his head into the table.

The two sat like that for a long time before they sat upright again. "Well, at least I wasn't her only target for her insane antics." Helix sighed. She then looked down at herself. "She could have at least let me change."

“Same.” Imago frowned. “Also she’s been like this for…a very long time…a ‘Chronic Shipper’ as it were.”

"The fact the concept is universal is upsetting." Helix huffed. "And here I thought such stupidity was unique to Equines and her…"

“Trust me…it’s not.” He shook his head. “Sometimes shipping can work, but other times it’s just complete lunacy.” He glared at Faust.

“It was a one ti-” Faust tried to defend herself.

“You quite literally have a published book series on your shit taste aunt, don’t even.” Imago frowned.

"She published books?" Helix asked with a chuckle. "Well, no account for taste. I personally prefer historical fiction."

“Finally, someone with actual taste in literature.” Imago said simply. “Now, what kind of historical fiction if I may ask?”

"It's hard to find but I love stories that take place from the point of view of someone living through a major historical event. My personal favorite is The Baker. A story of a bread baker keeping his family fed and bussing going while living through the Gold Shortage six hundred years ago. It's simple but it's nice."

“A recounting from a certain point of view? Those are pretty rare even off world.” Imago said. “My preference is more in the ‘what ifs’ kind of historical fiction, showing what would happen if certain possibilities had happened instead of what truly happened.” Imago said. “I’ve read many, and honestly it’s always been difficult to truly pin down ‘favorites’, especially when you're as long lived as me.”

"Fair." Helix said with a shrug.

As the two continued their conversation, Faust took her leave. Those two will hit it off quite well, a foundation built on likes, dislikes and a mutual annoyance of her antics will surely lead to something more.

As she left she sighed. So many regrets. So many missed opportunities. The least she can do is to ensure her family will have a future they will fight for.

To be continued...