• Published 5th Oct 2018
  • 13,272 Views, 166 Comments

Luna's Daughter - Baxter1984

What would happen if Luna's daughter was raised by Celestia, and their parents, while she was sent to the moon?

  • ...

Chapter 4

“T-thank you” Cadance whispered

Smiling, Twilight nuzzled her friend. “You’re welcome.”

Cadance thought for a moment before turning back to Twilight. “What will happen after I turn eighteen?” I hope she doesn’t tell me that I will have to leave.

Twilight shook her head when she saw the expression on Cadance’s face. “Don’t worry. We won’t force you to leave after that.”

Sundance nodded “Twilight is correct. You are welcome to stay as long as you want.”

Cadance smiled at Sundance. “Thank you.”

“Your usual room has been set aside for you.” Midnight Armor added

“Thank you.” Cadance replied

Midnight Armor smiled at her before turning to his youngest. “Unfortunately, your mother and I didn’t have enough time to get a room ready for you.”

Sundance turned to Luna as well. “This leaves you with two options. The first is that you can use a guest room while we prepare yours.”

“The second is that you can move into mine until yours is ready.” Celestia smiled at her sister. “We haven’t shared a room since we were fillies.”

Luna returned her sister’s smile. “I think I’ll go with the second option.”

Celestia’s smile widened “I was hoping you would say that. We have a lot of time to catch up on.”

“You’re right.” Luna replied

Sundance and Midnight Armor smiled at each other before turning to their daughters.

Midnight Armor nuzzled his youngest. “We’ll move another bed into your sister’s room after dinner.”

Luna returned her father’s nuzzle. “Thank you, Father.”

Twilight suddenly realized that she hadn’t heard anything from Spike, Solae or Bern in several minutes. Concerned, she turned to the dragons. She noticed that Bern and Spike were quietly discussing something. Solae was smiling as she watched Spike interact with his father.

Twilight turned to her grandfather to see that he was also quietly discussing something with his children. She suppressed a sigh as her ears drooped. I know I shouldn’t feel like this, but I can’t help it. She tried in vain to stop the tears from welling up in her eyes as she turned back to Spike, Solae and Bern.

Bern suddenly sensed that someone was watching him. He glanced around for a moment before noticing that Twilight was looking at him, Spike and Solae. His eyes widened when he saw the tears streaming down her face. What’s wrong?

I-I can’t take it anymore. I have to go see him. Twilight suppressed a sob as she stood before walking away from everyone.

Bern was about to say something, but paused when he heard Cadance’s voice.


Midnight Armor, Sundance, Celestia, Luna, Spike and Solae looked at her before following her gaze to Twilight. Their eyes widened when she vanished in a flash of magenta magic.

“She was crying.” Cadance said softly

Midnight Armor, Sundance, Spike, Solae, Celestia and Luna gasped. “What?!”

Concerned, Sundance turned to her husband. “Where do you think she went?”

“I’m not sure.” Midnight Armor replied “Perhaps one of us should check her room.”

Solae was about to say something, but paused when Spike gasped again. She looked down in time to see him stand. “Spike?”

It is around that time of year. “I think I know where she went.” Spike began to run around the right side of the castle.

Sundance, Midnight Armor, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Solae and Bern stood before following him. They found themselves in a quiet garden on the right side of the castle.

Cadance looked around. “I’ve never been here before.”

“That’s because this is a special place.” Sundance quietly explained

Midnight Armor nodded “Under normal circumstances, only members of the Royal Family of Equestria are allowed to enter this garden.”

“What makes it so special?” Solae asked softly

“An important member of our family is buried here.” Celestia quietly answered

Luna’s eyes widened as she turned to her parents and sister. “D-do you mean . . .”

“Yes.” Midnight Armor draped a wing over Luna’s back. “Comet is buried in the center of this garden.”

Luna gasped softly “I-I see.”

Solae looked around the small garden. All of the flowers are different shades of blue and white. Those must have been his favorite colors. “It’s beautiful.”

Sundance looked around the garden for a moment before noticing that her granddaughter was laying down in front of the gravestone in the center of the garden. Twilight didn’t seem upset until she saw the way that Midnight and Bern were interacting with their children. However, I’m confused. Why would that have upset her? She gasped softly when she finally understood. “That must be why she is so upset.”

Midnight Armor turned to his wife. “What do you mean?”

Sundance’s ears drooped slightly as she turned to face him. “It’s clear that Twilight is genuinely happy for everyone. However, watching you and Bern interact with Celestia, Luna and Spike has undoubtedly reminded her of the fact that she will never get to meet her father.”

Everyone else gasped

Midnight Armor’s ears drooped as well. “I see.” Sundance has a good point. I have done my best to help raise Comet’s daughter, but I have never tried to take his place. He looked up when Luna silently walked towards her daughter.

Spike started to walk towards Twilight as well, but paused when he noticed that he was suspended in light blue magic. He turned to Sundance. “What are you doing? Let me go!”

Smiling sadly, Sundance shook her head as she levitated the baby dragon onto her back. “You can speak to Twilight later.”

Spike sighed “Okay”

Luna lay down next to Twilight before spreading a wing over her daughter.

Twilight’s body shook as she sobbed.

Luna nuzzled her daughter before looking at the gravestone in front of them. “Hello, Comet.” She said softly “I’m sorry that it took me so long to return.” She glanced at her daughter before returning her attention to her husband’s gravestone. “I’m also sorry that I wasn’t able to fulfill your last wish.”

Twilight lifted her head. “W-what are you talking about?”

“Your father’s final words were a request for me to take care of you.” Luna gave her daughter a sad smile. “Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to do so because I was taken over by Nightmare Forces a couple of minutes after he died.”

Celestia, Spike, Midnight Armor and Sundance winced. Solae and Bern’s eyes widened while Cadance suppressed a gasp of surprise.

“That wasn’t your fault.” Twilight quietly replied

“That’s not true.” Luna shook her head when she saw her daughter’s expression. “You don’t know what happened.”

“Yes, I do.” Twilight said softly, using her magic to dry her eyes “Grandma showed me her memory of that day.”

Luna gasped W-what?! “Why did she do that?!”

“She wanted me to know what happened in case I ended up facing Nightmare Moon.” Twilight answered

“I see.” Luna slowly replied I suppose that was a good idea. Twilight probably gained valuable information that she used when she faced Nightmare Moon.

No one noticed that Celestia’s horn had begun to glow.

Now is the time for that spell. I initially created this spell for Twilight, but I believe Luna will benefit from it as well. Celestia suppressed a sigh. I just hope this doesn’t upset them even further. She closed her eyes before casting her spell.

Twilight shifted so that she could look her mother in the eye. “Like I said, it wasn’t your fault.”

Luna opened her mouth to argue, but paused when she felt a gentle nuzzle. Surprised, she turned to see that Sundance was standing behind them. Spike jumped off of her back before laying down next to Twilight.

“Your daughter is correct.” Sundance said softly

Midnight Armor lay down next to Luna before spreading a wing over his daughter and granddaughter. Then he glanced at the gravestone. “Hello, Comet. I apologize for the fact that our conversation is going to be shorter than usual. I need to set your wife straight.”

Everyone, except for Celestia, looked up when a gentle breeze rustled the tops of the trees.

Sundance turned back to her husband. “I’m sure that, if he could, Comet would be doing that himself.”

“You are correct, Sundance.”

Luna froze. I-it can’t be . . . “T-that voice . . .” She looked up to see that the spirit of a unicorn stallion with a dark gray coat was floating above the gravestone. Her eyes widened. “C-comet?! I-is that really you?”

Twilight’s eyes were wide as she stared up at the spirit of her father.

Spike stared up at the spirit in shock. T-that is Twi’s father . . .

Sundance and Midnight Armor glanced at each other for a moment before turning back to the spirit of their son-in-law. Both of them were thinking the same thing. What’s going on?!

Solae, Bern and Cadance exchanged confused glances before turning back to Comet’s spirit as well.

Comet smiled at his wife as he floated down to stand in front of her. “Yes, Luna. It’s me.”

“H-how . . .” Luna stammered

Comet nodded at Celestia. “Your sister has created a truly powerful spell.”

Sundance, Midnight Armor, Luna, Twilight, Solae, Bern, Spike and Cadance immediately turned to Celestia. Their eyes widened when they noticed that her eyes were closed and her horn was glowing brightly.

S-she was able to call a soul from the Realm of the Dead?! “That must be a very powerful spell.” Solae whispered

Bern silently nodded I can’t even imagine how much magic it takes to accomplish something like that. H-how powerful is she?!

Sundance, Midnight Armor, Luna, Twilight, Solae, Bern, Spike and Cadance turned back to Comet.

“Celestia has already informed me of the situation.” Comet explained “I realize that this is going to sound insensitive, but I don’t have time to be gentle.”

Everyone silently waited for him to continue.

“What happened wasn’t your fault.” Comet told his wife. “It’s time to move on.”

Midnight Armor nuzzled his youngest. “Comet is correct. You’ve suffered enough.”

“I . . .” Sighing, Luna looked down. “I don’t think I can.”

“I know that you can.” Comet replied “Fortunately, you won’t be doing it alone. I am certain that the rest of our family will do whatever they can to help you.”

Luna sighed again “I-I’ll try, Comet. I can’t promise anything beyond that.”

Comet smiled “Thank you.” He glanced at something on the ground next to his right forehoof. I wonder if Celestia was able to find a way to allow me to use my magic. His horn began to glow. As a test, he caught a leaf that was floating nearby. It looks like she did. He released the leaf before returning his attention to the object that had caught his attention. Curious, he levitated it into the air before bringing it closer. I thought so. The Element of Magic has been set in this crown.

Twilight gasped It must have fallen off of my head when I lay down. “T-that’s . . .”

Comet turned towards the voice. I still can’t believe it. Twilight was only two weeks old when I died. My little girl has grown into a beautiful mare. He gently set the crown with the Element of Magic set in it on top of his daughter’s head. “I am extremely proud of you, Twilight. You were able to do what nopony else could. You saved your mother.”

Sundance, Midnight Armor, Luna, Solae, Bern, Spike and Cadance smiled at Twilight.

Twilight’s eyes widened “I . . . uh . . .”

Comet raised an eyebrow. “You fought Nightmare Moon . . . and you’re afraid to talk to your father?”

Twilight slowly shook her head. “N-no. It’s just that . . .” She trailed off when Sundance laughed softly.

“She had a similar reaction when Luna returned.” Sundance explained

Twilight blushed “Grandma! Did you have to say that?”

Sundance, Midnight Armor and Luna began to laugh. Solae and Bern smiled at each other before turning back to Sundance, Midnight Armor, Twilight, Luna and Comet.

Comet began to laugh as well. “Probably not. Even so, I’m glad that she did.” He turned to Sundance and Midnight Armor. “Thank you for raising my daughter.”

“Of course.” Sundance and Midnight Armor replied

“Speaking of the fight with Nightmare Moon . . .” Luna said slowly

Everyone turned to her.

“I was watching the entire thing.” Luna finished

Solae, Bern, Spike and Cadance’s eyes widened.

Sundance, Midnight Armor, Comet and Twilight gasped “What?”

Luna nodded to them before smiling at her husband. “Our daughter is even better at hoof-to-hoof combat than you were.”

Comet raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

Luna nodded again

Comet glanced at Twilight before turning back to Luna. “I’d really like to see that.”

“That can be arranged.” Midnight Armor responded

Midnight Armor and Luna folded their wings. Then Twilight and Midnight Armor stood before spreading their wings.

Comet, Luna, Sundance, Bern, Solae, Spike and Cadance watched Twilight and Midnight Armor take to the air.

Midnight Armor turned to face his granddaughter. “I won’t be holding back this time.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow when Midnight Armor’s horn began to glow. What is he doing? We don’t use magic during hoof-to-hoof combat.

Midnight Armor launched a powerful beam of magic at his granddaughter. Come on, Twilight. Show your father your force field.

Twilight glanced at those still on the ground. I can’t dodge the attack because it would hit Mom, Dad’s spirit, Aunt Celestia, Grandma, Solae, Spike, Bern and Cadance. In that case . . . She surrounded herself with her force field.

Midnight Armor smiled. Perfect.

Comet’s eyes widened when it easily blocked Midnight Armor’s attack. “What is that?”

Sundance laughed “Twilight calls it her force field.”

“I see.” Comet slowly replied That didn’t look like a shield or a barrier. Did Twilight create a new type of defense?

Midnight Armor used magic to boost his speed. He used this increased speed to propel himself at Twilight. He smiled when she easily blocked his first blow. Well done, Twilight. Now it’s time to show your father what you can really do. He pulled Twilight into a session of hoof-to-hoof combat that was far more intense than either of the ones that she had had with Nightmare Moon.

Comet watched in wonder. “You’re right, Luna. She is far better at hoof-to-hoof combat than I was.”

Sundance and Luna nodded

If this is what she can do without magic . . . Bern glanced at his mate. “Remind me not to anger that one.”

Solae laughed softly “Only if you do the same for me.”

Midnight Armor and Twilight landed on the ground a few minutes later.

Comet stared at Twilight for a moment before looking at Midnight Armor. “I assume you taught her that.”

Chuckling, Midnight Armor nodded. “I wanted to make sure that she could handle herself in combat.”

“Thank you, Midnight.” Comet turned to his daughter. “Where did you get the idea for your force field?”

“I wanted to create a defensive technique that was a combination of a barrier and a shield.” Twilight frowned “Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to do that. My force field has the effects of both, but doesn’t contain either of them.”

I can’t believe it. She is actually annoyed. Comet smiled at his daughter. “You may have failed to accomplish your goal, but you succeeded in creating something far more impressive.”

Sundance and Midnight Armor nodded

Laughing softly, Luna nuzzled her daughter. “Your father is correct.” I never thought I would get to say that. She turned back to her husband . . . and sighed when she saw that he was beginning to fade. “It appears that we are out of time.”

“It looks like you’re right.” Comet turned to Luna. “I’m glad that I was able to see both of you. Please thank Celestia for me.”

“I will.” Luna promised

Comet smiled at his wife and their daughter. “I love you.” He vanished before they could respond.

Even so, both of them said “We love you, too.”

Sundance and Midnight Armor nuzzled Luna and Twilight. All four of them turned when they heard Bern’s voice.

“Are you alright, Princess Celestia?”

Panting softly, Celestia wobbled a little as she opened her eyes. “I-I’m alright.”

Sundance teleported to her daughter’s side. “Are you sure?”

Celestia nodded as she leaned into her mother’s side. “That spell took more magic to maintain than I thought it would.”

Luna walked over to her sister. “Thank you.” She leaned into Celestia’s other side before nuzzling into her sister’s shoulder. “Comet asked me to thank you as well.”

Smiling, Celestia leaned down to nuzzle her sister. “You’re welcome, Luna.” She looked up when she heard hoofsteps. She raised an eyebrow when she saw the expression on her niece’s face. “Twilight?”

Twilight walked over to Celestia before using her magic to lower her aunt’s head. She made sure that her horn was touching Celestia’s before giving her aunt a large portion of her available magic.

Celestia couldn’t hold back a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

Twilight shook her head before nuzzling her aunt. “I’m the one who should be thanking you.”

Celestia laughed softly “In that case, thank you and you’re welcome.”

Sundance, Midnight Armor, Luna, Twilight, Spike, Cadance, Solae and Bern laughed as well.

Celestia returned her niece’s nuzzle before sighing. “Unfortunately, that spell only allows a soul to travel to this realm from the Realm of the Dead once. This means that Comet won’t be able to visit again.”

Luna smiled “That’s alright. I’m glad that he was able to visit.”

Midnight Armor smiled at his family. “I think we should return to the main garden.”

Nodding, everyone else followed him to the main garden.

Twilight looked towards the sound of hoofsteps to see that Blueberry was walking towards them with another cart full of food. “It is time for dinner already?”

Celestia followed her niece’s gaze. “I guess so.”

They lay down as he walked up to them. “For dinner, Queen Solae and her mate, Bern, will each be eating large bowls of jade. The ponies will be eating Fettuccini Alfredo. Spike will be eating the same dish. However, his has been prepared with several pieces of jade that were cooked with the pasta. All of you have been provided with bottles of apple juice.” He turned to Twilight. “The surprise is almost ready, princess. I will bring both of them out when they are.”

Twilight smiled “Thank you.”

Blueberry bowed to the two Royal Families before heading back to the castle.

Everyone else looked at Twilight.

Twilight shook her head before taking a bite of her dinner. “You’ll see soon enough.”

Everyone laughed as they began to eat their dinners.

They had just finished when they noticed that Blueberry was walking towards them with another cart.

Blueberry stopped at a respectful distance before bowing. “As you have requested, Princess Twilight.”

Twilight smiled “Thank you”

Blueberry lifted his head. “Please let me know how they turned out.”

“I will.” Twilight replied

Blueberry bowed again before heading back to the castle.

Spike stared at the cakes for a moment before turning to Twilight. “A-are those what I think they are?”

“Yes, Spike.” Twilight answered “Those are geode cakes.”

Spike gasped “B-but you told me that nopony knew how to make them!”

Twilight giggled “That was true at the time that I said that. However, after a lot of research, I was able to figure it out. Then I gave Blueberry the recipe.” She turned to the cakes. “The one with what appears to be amethysts is for the ponies.”

Solae raised an eyebrow. “What appears to be?”

“Those aren’t really gemstones.” Twilight explained “It’s actually sugar that has been colored and melted so that it looks like gems.”

“I see.” Bern replied “And the larger one?”

“That one is for you, Solae and Spike to share.” Twilight responded “It really is made with emeralds.” She used her magic to cut that cake into three pieces before serving them to the dragons.

Spike gasped again when he took a closer look at his slice. “There are emeralds inside the cake, too!”

Twilight giggled again “Do you like the surprise? I was originally planning to keep this a secret until your birthday.” She glanced at Solae and Bern before turning back to Spike. “However, I thought it would be a nice “Welcome to Equestria” treat for your parents.”

Spike nodded repeatedly before running to Twilight, jumping onto her back and giving her a hug. “Thanks, Twi!”

Solae tilted her head. “Twi?”

“Spike had trouble saying “Twilight” when he was very young.” Sundance explained “That was when he began calling her “Twi”. It has become her nickname.”

Solae laughed “I see.”

Celestia, Luna and Twilight raised their heads and looked at each other. All three of them said the same thing. “It’s time.”

Sundance, Midnight Armor and Spike smiled while Solae, Bern and Cadance tilted their heads in confusion. None of them noticed that Blueberry had returned to check on them.

Celestia lowered the sun before smiling at her sister. “It’s your turn.”

Luna returned her sister’s smile before raising the moon.

“I-incredible.” Bern said softly I knew that Princess Celestia could control the sun, but I never thought I’d actually get to see her do it. As for Princess Luna, it appears that the legends about her are correct. She really is the Princess of the Moon.

Solae didn’t respond because she was staring at Twilight.

Noticing this, Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Is something wrong?”

“My apologies.” Solae replied, shaking her head “I didn’t mean to stare. I noticed this earlier, but wasn’t sure how to approach the topic.”

“What are you talking about?” Twilight asked

“I can’t quite place it, but I have noticed that there is something different about you.” Solae answered Part of it is obvious. The darker parts of her mane and tail sparkle now. However, I have no idea what caused this change.

Additionally, I sense that she has more power now than she did when she hatched Spike’s egg.

“My daughter has a new role.” Luna smiled at Twilight before turning back to Solae. “That new role has come with a new title and a couple of new abilities.”

Solae and Bern exchanged confused glances before turning back to Twilight.

“What is your mother talking about?” Solae asked

Twilight blushed

Spike’s smile turned into a grin. “Why don’t you show them . . . Princess of the Stars?”

Confused, Cadance looked at Spike for a moment before turning back to Twilight. What is he talking about?

Blueberry tilted his head on confusion. I know that Princess Celestia is the Princess of the Sun. Princess Luna just proved that the legends about her are correct. She really is the Princess of the Moon. However, I thought she also had the ability to control the stars. Why did Spike call Princess Twilight the “Princess of the Stars”? He was torn from his thoughts by Solae’s voice.

Princess of the Stars?” Solae repeated

Twilight’s blush deepened as she nodded. She took a couple of deep breaths before closing her eyes as her horn began to glow.

Sundance, Midnight Armor, Celestia, Solae, Bern, Cadance, Blueberry and Spike looked on as Twilight placed the stars in the night sky.

“W-wow!” Cadance whispered I’ve never seen her do that before.

Blueberry stared at Twilight in shock. I-incredible!

T-that certainly answers that question. Solae stared up at the stars for a moment before returning her gaze to Twilight. “T-that was incredible!” She said softly “When did you gain the ability to do that?”

“Last night.” Twilight answered, opening her eyes

Solae stared at Twilight in stunned silence for a couple of minutes. Then she stammered “Y-you gained the ability to control the stars . . . last night?!”

Twilight nodded

Bern opened and closed his mouth a few times before stammering. “H-how did that happen?”

Cadance glanced at Bern before turning back to the Royal Family. That is a very good question. I hope one of them is going to answer it.

Sundance showed everyone her memory of what had happened the night before.

“I-I see.” Solae said slowly T-this means that Twilight was the Princess of the Stars all along. It’s just that no one knew about it until now. She was pulled from her thoughts by her son’s voice.

“You have to try this cake! It’s delicious!”

Blueberry smiled “That’s good to hear.”

Laughing, Solae picked up her slice. She took moment to examine it before pulling one of the emeralds off of the cake. She used the emerald to remove a small piece of her slice before putting it in her mouth. Her eyes widened as she chewed. “You’re right, Spike.” She quickly ate the rest of her slice. She looked up when she heard laughter. “Bern?”

Bern smiled at his mate. “I had the same reaction.”

Solae returned his smile before turning to Twilight. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Twilight replied “I’m glad you like it.”

Sundance, Midnight Armor, Celestia, Luna, Twilight and Cadance finished their slices before placing their plates on the cart. Blueberry pushed the cart back into the castle.

Twilight turned to Cadance. “I think we should head to your room.”

“Why?” Cadance asked

“You told me that you wanted to speak to me privately.” Twilight reminded her.

I can’t believe I forgot about that. Cadance nodded “You’re right.”

Twilight turned to everyone else. “We’ll probably be up late.”

Sundance laughed “That’s alright. We’ll see both of you in the morning.”

Twilight nodded to her grandmother before turning to everyone else. “Have a good night.”

“Good Night.” Sundance, Solae, Midnight Armor, Bern, Celestia, Luna and Spike replied.

Twilight teleported Cadance and herself to Cadance’s room.

Bern turned to Solae. “I think we should find a safe space to build a fire so we can get some sleep.”

Solae nodded “Good idea.”

“In that case, both of you should follow me.” Midnight Armor stood before spreading his wings.

Curious, Solae and Bern did the same. Also standing, Sundance levitated Spike onto her back as she spread her wings as well. Celestia and Luna glanced at each other for a moment before standing and spreading their wings. The six of them took flight. They arrived in the air above the center courtyard of the castle a couple of minutes later.

“It’s certainly large enough.” Solae commented “However . . .” She trailed off when one of the doors opened.

A unicorn stallion levitated a dozen large logs over to the center of the courtyard and stacked them in a large pile before using his magic to set them on fire. Then he headed back inside. He returned to the courtyard less than a minute later with two dozen more logs suspended in his magic. He stacked these logs not far from the fire before bowing to the alicorns. “As you have requested, King Midnight Armor.”

“Thank you.” Midnight Armor waited until the unicorn had gone back inside before turning to Solae and Bern. “Will this suffice?”

Bern nodded “This is perfect. Thank you.”

Celestia glanced at the clouds in the sky. “It looks like it’s going to rain tonight. In that case . . .” She created a roof for the courtyard that was made entirely of magic before turning to Solae. “This will allow the smoke to leave while keeping the rain out.”

Solae smiled “Thank you, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia returned the smile. “You’re welcome.”

Sundance turned to Spike. “You can sleep out here if you want. This will allow you can spend more time with your parents.”

Spike immediately nodded. “Yes, please.”

Solae and Bern smiled at each other before turning back to everyone else.

Nodding as well, Sundance levitated Spike onto the ground. “Do you think the fire will keep you warm enough?”

Spike glanced at the fire. “I’m not sure.” He shrugged “I can always go inside if I get cold.”

Celestia leaned down to nuzzle Spike before turning to Bern and Solae. “We’ll see the three of you in the morning.”

Sundance turned to Solae. “If you need anything, all you have to do is knock on the door over there.”

Solae’s smile widened “Thank you, Sundance.”

Sundance returned the smile. “Enjoy your evening.”

“I hope you do the same.” Bern replied

“We’ll see you in the morning.” Midnight Armor smiled at the dragons before teleporting himself, Sundance, Celestia and Luna to a living room that was only used by the Royal Family.

Solae and Bern lay down side by side in front of the fire. Spike hesitated for a moment before laying down in between his parents.

Twilight and Cadance appeared in the middle of Cadance’s room. Twilight started to walk over to the couch, but paused when she heard Cadance’s voice.

“I think we’ll be more comfortable over here.”

Surprised, Twilight turned to see that her friend was laying on her bed. “Are you sure?”

She’s trying to hide it, but I can tell that she’s still sad. Cadance nodded “I was hoping that we could have a sleep over after we’re done.”

Twilight laughed as she walked over to the bed. “I don’t have a problem with that.” She lay down before turning to her friend and student. “What did you want to talk about?”

“A couple of things.” Cadance answered “The first is something that I noticed about the Queen of the Dragon Lands.”

“What are you talking about?” Twilight asked

“It has to do with my sensory abilities.” Cadance explained “I noticed that she has two connections.”

“Two?” Twilight repeated

Cadance nodded “One is to Bern, but the other one . . . actually, I think it’s the first . . . anyway, the other one has been cut.”

“In a way, that kind of makes sense.” Twilight said slowly

Cadance raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve been doing some more research into what you’ve told me about your sensory abilities.” Twilight responded

I’m not surprised. “Did you discover anything?” Cadance asked

“You told me that you can only sense these “connections” from individuals who are either married or dating.” Twilight reminded her.

Cadance shook her head. “That’s not true. I sensed a second broken connection today.”

“Who was it?” Twilight asked

Cadance hesitated for a moment before slowly answering the question. “Your mother.”

Twilight nodded thoughtfully. “That convinces me that I’m right.” She noticed the confused expression on her friend’s face. “I don’t think you’re sensing the connections between other ponies . . . well, individuals.”

Cadance raised the other eyebrow. “If I’m not sensing connections . . . what am I sensing?”

“Love” Twilight answered

Cadance’s eyes widened “Why do you think I can sense love?”

“There are two reasons.” Twilight responded “The first is that, as I said, you are only able to sense these “connections” between those who are in a relationship. The second is that Mom and Solae were both married to someone that has died.”

Cadance gasped “That must be why the connections have been cut!”

Twilight nodded “You must be able to sense the cut “connections” because Mom and Solae still love Dad and Voth respectively.”

“I-I see.” Cadance stammered “I guess that makes sense.”

“I still have no idea why you are able to do this.” Twilight commented

Cadance shrugged “I don’t know why either. There aren’t any unicorns in either side of my family.”

“I’ll look into that later.” Twilight thought for a moment before turning back to her friend. “You said there were two things that you wanted to discuss with me.” She waited until Cadance nodded. “What is the second?”

Cadance blushed “I-it’s Shining Armor.”

“What about him?” Twilight asked

“I made sure that he didn’t have any connections before asking him if he wanted to go out to dinner.” Cadance replied

Twilight stared at her friend for a moment before slowly stating. “You asked him out on a date.”

Cadance’s blush deepened as she nodded.

“Well?” Twilight asked “What did he say?”

“He said no.” Cadance answered

Twilight gasped “Did he say why?”

“He told me that he doesn’t have anything against me.” Cadance responded “It’s just that he doesn’t have any interest in dating. In fact, he’s so against dating that I’m starting to think that he doesn’t believe in love.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.” Twilight said slowly “Shining Armor is extremely dedicated to Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Celestia and I. Additionally, he probably believes that a relationship would interfere with his ability to perform his duties as Commander of the Canterlot branch of the Equestrian Army.”

“That makes sense.” Cadance commented “Is there a way to convince him that he’s wrong?”

Twilight giggled “We’ll think of something.”

Sundance, Midnight Armor, Celestia and Luna appeared in the middle of the living room. Sundance and Midnight Armor walked over to a comfortable couch before laying down side by side.

Celestia lay down on the couch that sat on the other side of a wooden coffee table before noticing that her sister was still standing in the middle of the room. “Luna?”

Luna had been looking around the room. Startled, she jumped before turning to her sister. “Y-yes?”

Laughing softly, Celestia levitated her sister to her side before covering her with a wing. Blushing, Luna snuggled closer to her sister.

Midnight Armor laughed as well. “It’s alright, Luna. I don’t blame you for wanting to get a better look at your surroundings.”

Celestia nodded “Father is correct. However, it’s more comfortable to do that while lying down.”

Sundance sighed in pleasure as she lay her head on her husband’s shoulder. The four of us haven’t been able to do this in a very long time.

“A-are you going to ask more questions about what happened a thousand years ago?” Luna hesitantly asked

Midnight Armor shook his head. “Your mother and I would like to relax for a while.”

Luna sighed in relief. “I see.”

They lay like that for almost an hour before Midnight Armor noticed that Sundance was almost asleep and Luna was struggling to keep her eyes open. Laughing softly, he gently nuzzled his wife.

Startled, Sundance’s eyes flew open. “Y-yes?”

“It’s alright, Honey.” Midnight Armor said softly. “I was just going to suggest that we retire to our rooms for the night.”

“Good idea, Father.” Celestia replied “I’ll take Luna to my room.”

Sundance smiled at her children. “Sleep well.”

Midnight Armor nodded “We’ll see both of you in the morning.” He waited until Celestia had teleported herself and Luna to her room before teleporting himself and his wife to theirs.

Sundance walked over to their bed as she used her magic to pull back the covers. She yawned as she climbed into bed.

Smiling, Midnight Armor joined his wife before using his magic to pull the blankets over both of them.

Sundance rolled over to face her husband. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she whispered “It’s finally over.”

He nuzzled his wife as he used a wing to wipe the tears from her eyes. “You’re right, Honey. Our little girl has finally come home.”

She returned his nuzzle before laying her head on a pillow and closing her eyes. “Good night, Midnight.”

He pulled her close before doing the same. “Good night, Sundance.”

Both of them were asleep within a few minutes.

Meanwhile, Celestia and Luna appeared in the middle of Celestia’s bathroom.

Luna looked around in confusion for a moment before turning to her sister. “Where are we?”

“My bathroom.” Celestia answered

“What is a “bathroom”?” Luna asked

Celestia suppressed a giggle. I suppose I should have expected that. “It is a room that is used for a couple of different things.” She led the way over to the toilet. “This is called a toilet. When a pony needs to relieve themselves, they sit on this part and do what comes naturally. When they are finished, they wipe themselves with some of that paper over there and push that lever. Water caries the waste away.”

“That’s much better than what we used to use.” Luna glanced around the room before nodding towards the large square tub that had been sunk into the floor. “What is that?”

Smiling, Celestia used her magic to start the water and set the temperature. “This is a bathtub. I thought you would enjoy a bath.”

Luna immediately nodded “I haven’t taken a bath in a thousand years.”

Celestia’s smile widened “I think it’s time to change that.” She levitated a couple of towels, a bottle of body wash, another of shampoo, a brush and a comb over to the tub.

Luna walked into the bathtub as soon as it was full. She raised an eyebrow when Celestia walked in as well. “Sister?”

I have really missed hearing that. Celestia nuzzled her sister. “I know you’re not a filly anymore, but I was hoping that you would allow me to wash your mane . . . like I used to do when we were younger.”

Smiling, Luna nodded “I like that idea.”

Celestia sighed in relief as she opened the bottle of shampoo. “Unfortunately, I only have my favorite scent in here at the moment.”

“Is it still vanilla?” Luna asked

Celestia’s eyes widened “Y-you remember my favorite scent?”

Luna laughed “Obviously”

Celestia nuzzled her sister again. “I believe yours was lavender.”

“That’s right.” Luna replied

Celestia laughed “Its Twilight’s favorite as well.”

Luna’s eyes widened. “Really?”

Celestia nodded “She doesn’t know that it’s your favorite scent. Instead, it’s her favorite because she likes the flower.”

“T-that is one of my favorites as well.” Luna said softly “In fact, it’s second only to the moonflower.”

Celestia giggled when Luna yawned. “Let’s get you clean so we can get some sleep.”

Luna laughed as well. “Good idea.”

They worked together to clean Luna’s mane, tail, coat and wings before climbing out of the tub and drying off. Celestia led the way into her room as soon as they were done.

Luna glanced around the room. “Didn’t Father say that he was going to have another bed brought in here?”

Celestia shrugged “Perhaps he got distracted and forgot. No matter. My bed is large enough for both of us.”

Curious, Luna turned to the bed. Her eyes widened when she saw how large it was. “You’re right.”

“Let’s get some sleep.” Celestia used her magic to pull the covers back before laying down. She smiled when Luna joined her. “Good night, Luna.”

Luna yawned again before laying her head on a pillow. “Good night, sister.”

Celestia gently nuzzled her sister before laying her head on a pillow as well. Both of them were asleep within a couple of minutes.

The next morning, Celestia, Luna and Twilight woke to the pull of their respective celestial bodies. Twilight and Luna lowered the stars and moon. Then Celestia raised the sun.

Twilight walked out of Cadance’s room and quietly closed the door behind her before teleporting to her grandparents’ room. She laughed softly when she saw that both of them were still asleep.

Sundance woke to a gentle nuzzle. “What is it?”

“Aunt Celestia, Mom and I have just completed our celestial duties.” Twilight answered “I was hoping we could eat breakfast together before waking Cadance, Spike, Solae and Bern.”

Midnight Armor chuckled “It’s going to be a while before I get used to the fact that you wake up this early on your own.”

Twilight made a face. “I wish I could sleep in, but . . .”

“You are the only one who can control the stars.” Sundance finished

Twilight nodded

Sundance and Midnight Armor stood and stretched. Then Midnight Armor teleported the three of them to his daughter’s room.

Celestia and Luna looked up when they heard the telltale sound of a teleportation spell. They smiled when they saw their parents and Twilight.

Celestia and Luna stood and stretched before turning to the rest of their family.

“Is it time for breakfast?” Luna asked We used to eat breakfast as soon as Celestia had raised the sun, but that may have changed.

Sundance, Midnight Armor and Twilight nodded. They waited for Celestia and Luna to join them before walking into the hall.

Midnight Armor, Sundance, Celestia and Twilight gave Luna a tour of the castle as they made their way to the dining room. They found Blueberry waiting for them with a large pile of waffles and glasses of milk for each of them.

They continued the tour of the castle when they had finished eating. They walked into the hospital wing roughly twenty minutes later.

“Good morning, your highnesses.”

Surprised, Midnight Armor, Twilight, Luna and Celestia turned to see that a pegasus stallion was standing behind them.

Sundance smiled “Good morning, Frost Wing.”

Frost Wing bowed to Luna. “Welcome back to Equestria, Princess Luna.”

Luna smiled “Thank you.”

Frost Wing raised his head. “I would like to conduct a full physical exam on you, princess.” He paused when he saw her confused expression. “We need to create a medical file for you so that we can track your health.”

I suppose that makes sense. Luna nodded “What do you need me to do?”

“Nothing.” Frost Wing replied “We will do all of the work.” He gestured to the unicorn stallion next to him. “This is my assistant, Moondust.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. Moondust? “It’s nice to meet you.”

Moondust bowed “It is nice to meet you as well, princess.”

Frost Wing and Moondust spent the next hour or so conducting the physical exam and taking careful notes about Luna’s health.

Frost Wing turned to Moondust. “Please prepare the vaccines.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. This is bad. “No! Don’t give her any shots!”

Confused, Frost Wing turned to Twilight. “Why do you say that, princess?”

Twilight was about to answer the question, but paused when she heard her grandmother’s voice.

“Twilight is correct.” Sundance glanced at her youngest before turning back to Frost Wing and Moondust. “Luna hasn’t had time to adjust to the medical advances of the modern era. Unfortunately, this means that she will get very sick if you give her any modern medicine right now.”

Moondust’s eyes widened I am very glad that Princess Twilight stopped me.

“I-I see.” Frost Wing stammered “Very well. We will wait until you tell us that it is safe before we administer the necessary vaccines.”

“Thank you.” Sundance responded

Twilight sighed in relief. “That was close.”

“Thank you, Twilight.” Luna nuzzled her daughter before whispering. “Please tell me what “vaccines” are later.”

“I will.” Twilight promised

Everyone looked up when Cadance walked into the hospital wing with Spike sitting on her back.

Cadance smiled at everyone. “Good morning.”

“We thought you would be giving Luna . . .” He paused for a moment before turning to Luna. “Am I allowed to call you that?”

Laughing softly, Luna nodded “Yes, Spike.”

Spike sighed in relief. “Anyway, we thought you would be giving her a tour of the castle.” He turned to Sundance and Midnight Armor. “Mom and Dad are eating breakfast.”

Midnight Armor raised an eyebrow. “We were planning to let them sleep a little longer.”

Spike laughed “It seems that they like to wake up at sunrise.”

Sundance laughed “In that case, we should go see them.”

Everyone else nodded as they followed her out of the hospital wing.

In the courtyard, Solae and Bern were just finishing their breakfasts when the door opened. They smiled when the Royal Family and Cadance walked outside.

Solae’s smile widened as she turned to Sundance. “Good morning.”

“Good morning.” Sundance replied “I’m sorry that we didn’t come out to greet you sooner.”

“As am I.” Midnight Armor remarked “We had intended to allow the two of you to sleep a little longer.”

Bern laughed “I appreciate the thought. However, Solae and I usually wake up around dawn.”

Sundance laughed as well. “That is what Spike just told us.”

Everyone turned to Twilight when she cleared her throat. “Unfortunately, I have to leave now.”

“It’s alright.” Celestia replied “We understand.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” Spike asked

“That is up to you.” Twilight answered “You can come with me if you want. Or you can stay here and spend time with your parents.”

Spike thought for a moment before turning back to her. “I’ll come with you.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

Spike nodded “You’re going to the orphanage, right?”

Twilight nodded as well. “Today should be . . . um, interesting.”

“What do you mean?” Cadance asked

Twilight smirked “I haven’t told them that I’m coming.”

Spike stared at her for a moment before beginning to laugh. He waited until he was calm enough to speak before saying. “Now I’m definitely coming with you.”

Everyone else laughed as well.

Luna turned to Twilight and Spike. “Please let us know how it goes.”

“Don’t worry.” Spike replied “We will.”

Twilight smiled at everyone. “We’ll see you later.” She levitated Spike onto her back before teleporting both of them to her room.

Spike watched Twilight levitate a couple of quills, some ink and a notepad into one side of her saddlebags. Then she used her magic to place three thick folders in the other. “Why are you bringing that with us?”

Twilight glanced back at him. “Why do you ask?”

“If the manager is able to get his hooves on those papers . . .” He trailed off when Twilight giggled. “What’s so funny?”

“Do you really think these are the originals?” She replied

“I did, but I guess I was wrong.” Spike glanced at Twilight’s saddlebags before turning back to her. “Where are the originals?”

Twilight’s giggles turned to laughter. “I asked Aunt Celestia to keep them in her office until everything has been settled.”

Spike began to laugh as well. “Good idea.”

Twilight placed a couple of sapphires in her saddlebags before levitating her saddlebags onto her back. Then she walked into the hall. They arrived at the castle’s main entrance a couple of minutes later.

Shining Armor turned when the door opened. “Good morning, Princess Twilight. Are you ready to go?”

Surprised, Twilight stopped in the doorway. “Good morning, Shining Armor. I wasn’t expecting an escort.”

“King Midnight Armor and Queen Sundance asked me to be your escort during your trip into the city today.” Shining Armor explained

“I see.” Twilight slowly replied as she walked past him. “That might actually be a good thing.”

Shining Armor fell into step slightly behind Twilight, walking on her left. “What do you mean, princess?”

“We are going to the orphanage.” Twilight answered

“Is it finally time to move Cadance out of that horrible place?” Shining Armor asked

“Yes.” Twilight replied “I will be filling out the necessary paperwork today. She will be living in the castle from now on.”

Shining Armor sighed in relief. “Good.” I hope Cadance wasn’t too upset when I told her that I didn’t want to go out with her. She is a very nice mare, and I enjoy spending time with her, but I can’t allow myself to enter a relationship. Even if I didn’t believe that relationships are a waste of time . . . He was pulled from his thoughts by a familiar voice.

“Princess Twilight?”

Twilight turned towards the voice to see that the three stallions from the day before were walking towards her. She narrowed her eyes slightly. “Good morning, Sky Armor, Swift Bolt and Twister.”

All three of them bowed.

Sky Armor raised his head so he could look Twilight in the eye. “Good morning, princess. Do you know where I can find Cadance?”

Shining Armor narrowed his eyes as well. That poor excuse for a stallion is an insult to those with the word “Armor” in their names.

“Why do you ask?” Twilight responded

“Marble needs to speak with her.” Twister explained

Twilight turned to Shining Armor. “Didn’t you tell him that Cadance would be spending the rest of the week at the castle?”

“Yes, princess.” Shining Armor answered “I managed to catch him before he left the orphanage for the day.”

“Good.” Twilight turned back to the three pegasi. “What does he want to discuss with Cadance?”

“We’re not sure, princess.” Swift Bolt replied “He simply told us to bring her to him. That is why we need to find her.”

Spike smirked “I’d like to see you get past my parents . . . as well as most of the Royal Family of Equestria.”

Shining Armor’s body shook slightly as he struggled to suppress his laughter. That makes two of us.

“W-what do you mean?” Twister asked

“Cadance is currently with my mother, Aunt Celestia, Grandma, Grandpa and the leaders of the Dragon Lands.” Twilight informed them.

All three of the pegasi gasped in shock before turning to each other.

“What should we do?” Swift Bolt asked

“The three of you are coming with us.” Twilight answered

As one the pegasi turned to her. “Y-yes, princess.”

Twilight, Spike and Shining Armor resumed their trip to the orphanage with the three pegasi in tow.

They stopped in front of the main entrance a few minutes later.

Twilight turned to Shining Armor. “I’d like you to come inside as well.”

Shining Armor bowed “Yes, princess.” He used his magic to open the door for Twilight and Spike before following them inside. Sky Armor, Swift Bolt and Twister silently followed them.

All six of them turned when they heard a voice from the manager’s office. “It took you long enough. Sky Armor, Swift Bolt and Twister, you can spend the rest of the day in the city. Just make sure that you are back before it gets dark.”

The three pegasi immediately looked at Twilight.

Shaking her head, Twilight whispered. “Stay here and be silent. There is something that I would like to discuss with the three of you after I’m done with Marble.”

The three of them shuddered before quietly replying “Y-yes, princess.”

Unaware of this, Marble kept speaking. “Get your lazy tail in here, you worthless piece of trash. You need to do your chores. You can start by cleaning my office.” He laughed “Unfortunately for you, you won’t be going back to the castle. I’ll find some excuse to give Princess Twilight.”

Twilight, Spike and Shining Armor narrowed their eyes as they silently headed for the office.

“I know you can move faster than that, you little . . .” He cut himself off with a gasp of shock when Twilight and Shining Armor walked into his office. “P-princess Twilight?! I . . .” He trailed off when he saw the expression on her face.

“Is that how you treat my student, Marble?!” She demanded I already know the answer to that question, but I want to see if he’ll tell me the truth.

Shining Armor glanced at Twilight before returning his attention to the trembling earth pony in front of him. I wonder what she plans to do with this poor excuse for a stallion.

“O-of course not, princess!” Marble hastily replied “It was merely a slip of the tongue!”

“I highly doubt that.” Twilight responded

Marble suppressed a shudder when he heard her tone. “I-I’m sorry, princess. I didn’t know that you would be visiting today. If I had known of the impending Royal Inspection, I would have . . .” He trailed off when Twilight narrowed her eyes even further.

That is why you are apologizing?!”

Marble took a couple of steps backwards. “I . . .” He glanced around for a moment before turning back to Twilight. “Where is Cadance?”

“At the castle.” Twilight answered “And that is where she is going to stay.”

“D-does that mean she will be returning to the orphanage on Monday?” Marble hesitantly asked

Twilight levitated the quill, ink and pad of paper out of her saddlebags.

Marble nervously waited for her to finish taking her notes. “P-princess?”

Twilight finally looked up at him. “I meant what I said, Marble. Cadance will be staying at the castle.”

“W-what do you mean, princess?” Marble hesitantly asked

I guess I’m going to have to spell it out for him. “I am here to fill out the necessary paperwork to move my student out of the orphanage.” Twilight told him.

I can’t allow her to do that. Who would clean the orphanage? Marble lifted his head so that he could look her in the eye. “I mean no disrespect, princess, but you can’t do that. My conduct today aside, there is no reason for you to move her out of the orphanage.”

“I disagree.” Twilight responded “Living in the orphanage is harmful to my student’s psychological health. That gives me the right to move her into any lodgings that I deem suitable.”

“Do you have any evidence of this?” Marble raised an eyebrow when Spike laughed. “Why are you laughing?”

“You should probably go get the legal team.” Spike answered “Now.”

“Spike is correct.” Twilight commented. “Don’t worry. We’ll wait right here.”

“Very well.” Marble walked out of his office before pausing when he saw who was standing in the hall. “What are the three of you still doing here? I told you that you could spend the day in the city.”

“Princess Twilight told us that she wants to talk to us after her meeting with you is over.” Twister answered

“V-very well.” Marble stammered This day just keeps getting worse.

Marble returned roughly five minutes later. Three mares followed him into his office. “These are the only members of the legal team that were in their office today, princess."

“That makes sense.” Twilight responded “I am aware of the fact that there is a major trial taking place in Cloudsdale today. If I recall correctly, it is part of the custody battle over young Lucky Wing.”

The members of the legal team nodded.

Marble raised an eyebrow. How does she know about that?! I didn’t even know about that until a couple of minutes ago.

Twilight turned to the mares. “Good morning, Lavender, Rose and Ruby.”

As one, the mares bowed. “Good morning, Princess Twilight.”

Ruby lifted her head. “Marble informed us that you would like to move Cadance out of the orphanage.”

“That is correct.” Twilight replied “I believe that living here is harmful to her psychological health.”

“That is a serious claim, princess.” Lavender commented, also raising her head “Are you able to provide evidence of this?”

Twilight levitated her notepad over to Rose. “I would like the three of you to read this.”

Curious, Rose took it in her magic and held it so that Lavender and Ruby could also read it. All three of them gasped as they read her notes on what had happened when Twilight, Spike, Shining Armor, Sky Armor, Swift Bolt and Twister walked into the orphanage.

“I am willing to show you my memory of this morning.” Twilight commented

“That is not necessary, princess.” Lavender slowly replied

Ruby glanced at Marble. “We will be discussing your actions later.”

Lavender and Rose nodded.

Marble shuddered “I understand.”

Rose levitated the notepad back to Twilight.

Twilight used her magic to create a copy of her notes and levitated it to Rose. “This is for your records.”

Rose took it in her magic. “Thank you, princess.”

“There is more.” Twilight pulled the three folders out of her saddlebags. “I have spent the last several months collecting this evidence.”

Marble’s eyes widened. W-what?!

Rose, Ruby and Lavender walked over to the desk. They spent the next half hour reading the papers that Twilight had laid out for them.

Lavender’s eyes narrowed as she turned to Marble. “It appears that “Piece of Trash” is the nicest thing that you have called Cadance whenever she was not in the presence of a member of the legal team or the Royal Family.”

Marble winced

“You force her to clean your office, the bedrooms of the other orphans and all of the bathrooms . . . alone?!” Ruby asked

I was hoping that they wouldn’t find out about that. Marble silently nodded

“It seems that he does this every day.” Rose said through gritted teeth. “It also seems that she is forced to clean the kitchen on a daily basis . . . by herself.”

“Additionally, it seems that you have been constantly ridiculing her.” Lavender shook her head. “It is not her fault that the poor dear has yet to earn her Cutie Mark.”

Shining Armor took a couple of steps forward. “May I say something?”

Lavender, Rose and Ruby turned to him.

“I’m sure you know Shining Armor.” Twilight waited for the three mares to nod. “I asked him to escort Cadance to and from her lessons because I was concerned for her safety.”

Rose smiled at Twilight. “I’m glad that you thought of that, princess.”

Twilight returned Rose’s smile before turning to Shining Armor. “You have my permission to speak freely, Shining Armor.”

“Thank you, princess.” Shining Armor turned to the members of the legal team. “I have observed Marble encouraging the other orphans to join him in mocking Cadance for the fact that she doesn’t have a Cutie Mark. He also encourages them to ridicule her because she has sensory abilities. Unfortunately, it has gotten to the point that they are comfortable doing so in public.”

Rose, Lavender and Ruby gasped

“The three ponies in the hall were obviously about to do that when we saw them yesterday.” Spike explained

“I-I see.” Lavender stammered

Rose glanced at Ruby and Lavender. “We will have to speak to the three of them.”

Ruby nodded “We should speak to the other orphans as well.”

Lavender nodded “Good idea. We need to make sure that they understand that that type of behavior is not acceptable.”

“Agreed.” Rose and Ruby replied

Lavender, Rose and Ruby had a quiet discussion amongst themselves before turning to Twilight.

“After carefully reviewing the evidence, we have decided that living in the orphanage is harmful to Cadance’s psychological health.” Rose commented

“We believe that she should be moved out of the orphanage as soon as possible.” Ruby added

Lavender turned to Twilight. “We are aware of the fact that you are her teacher. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you would find more suitable lodgings for her as soon as possible.”

“I have already provided her with lodgings befitting her position as the student of a member of the Royal Family of Equestria.” Twilight answered “Cadance will be living in the castle until she turns eighteen. Then she will be allowed to decide if she wants to continue living in the castle or move out on her own.”

Rose, Ruby and Lavender smiled at each other before turning back to Twilight.

“That is perfect, princess.” Lavender responded

“I will be right back.” Rose walked out of the room before anyone could respond.

“She is going to get the necessary paperwork.” Ruby explained

“I see.” Twilight replied

Rose returned to Marble’s office ten minutes later with a thick stack of paper suspended in her magic.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “I was expecting paperwork, but not that much.”

Laughing, Rose, Ruby and Lavender began to go through the paperwork with Twilight.

Half an Hour Later

Twilight spread her wings, sighing in pleasure when a couple of joints popped, before folding them again.

Lavender carefully examined the forms before looking up at Twilight. “It looks like everything is in order, princess. We will begin processing these as soon as we get back to our office.”

Rose nodded to Lavender before smiling at Twilight. “Cadance is a very special young mare. Please take care of her.”

Twilight returned the smile. “I will.”

“Good.” Ruby responded “The three of us will visit her in the castle in a week or so.”

“That’s fine.” Twilight replied “However, I ask that you let us know ahead of time so that you don’t catch us in the middle of something important.”

Lavender nodded “Yes, princess.”

Spike, Twilight and Shining Armor walked into the hall before pausing at the sight of the three pegasi.

Twilight suppressed a sigh. I can’t believe I forgot about them. “I believe that Lavender, Rose and Ruby would like to speak to the three of you. Therefore, I will keep this brief.”

“It’s alright, princess.”

Surprised, Twilight turned to see that Rose, Ruby and Lavender had followed her out of Marble’s office.

Lavender nodded “I’m sure that you are busy. We can take it from here.”

Twilight smiled “Thank you. I need to get back to the castle so that I can let Cadance know what happened.” She paused “I’m sure that Cadance has personal objects in her room. Should I bring her here so that she can pack them?”

“That is not necessary.” Rose replied “We will bring her belongings with us when we visit next week.”

Ruby nodded “Additionally, we will pack them ourselves.”

“Thank you.” Twilight nodded to each of them before she and Shining Armor walked outside. The three of them arrived in front of the castle fifteen minutes later.

Twilight turned to Shining Armor. “Thank you for escorting me.”

Shining Armor bowed “You’re welcome, princess.”

Twilight spread her wings. “I should go check on everyone else.” She lifted into the air before flying towards the courtyard. “That’s weird. No one is here.” She thought for a moment. “Maybe they’re in the garden behind the castle.”

“Good point.” Spike commented

Sundance, Solae, Midnight Armor, Bern, Celestia, Luna and Cadance looked up when Twilight landed in front of them. Twilight set her saddlebags on the ground as she lay down next to her mother. Spike jumped off of Twilight’s back and lay down next to her.

“How did it go?” Sundance asked

Twilight exchanged glances with Spike before showing everyone else her memory of what happened that morning.

They stared at her in stunned silence for several minutes.

Midnight Armor shook his head. “Well done, Twilight.”

“Thanks, Grandpa.” Twilight replied

“We will discuss what happened in greater detail later.” Sundance commented “For now, I think both of you should relax.”