• Published 5th Oct 2018
  • 13,274 Views, 166 Comments

Luna's Daughter - Baxter1984

What would happen if Luna's daughter was raised by Celestia, and their parents, while she was sent to the moon?

  • ...

Chapter 6

Luna suppressed a sigh of relief. Thank you, Mother. She looked at the petitioners in front of her. “It is difficult for me to say what I think about Equestria as it is today because I returned three days ago. However, I can say that it is a very different place than the Equestria that I remember. I can also assure you that my sister, our parents and my daughter are doing their best to help me adjust.”

All of the petitioners nodded again.

Luna turned to the pony that had asked about Dream Walking. “I don’t know what you read, but I do know that I have never met another pony with the ability to Dream Walk.” She took a deep breath before adding. “I have the power to enter the dreams of sleeping ponies and affect them.”

“Does this mean that you are watching our dreams every night?” One of the petitioners asked

Luna shook her head. “I can’t see anything specific about a pony’s dream unless I enter it . . . and I only enter the dreams of those who are having nightmares.” With the exception of Mother, Father, Celestia and Twilight. “I stop the nightmare and turn the dream of the affected pony into something more pleasant. I leave their dream as soon as they have returned to a peaceful slumber. Most ponies don’t even know that I was there.” She was surprised when the petitioners let out another thunderous cheer.

“That’s amazing!”

“Are you sure that you are only the Princess of the Moon?”

“W-well, I do have another title.” Luna slowly replied

Sundance, Midnight Armor and Celestia smiled.

“Do you mind if I ask what it is?” One of the petitioners asked

Luna blushed slightly. “Princess of the Night”

“That’s very appropriate.” Another responded

The rest of them nodded.

Sundance glanced at her husband. “I haven’t heard that title in a long time.”

“You’re right.” Midnight Armor replied “However, I believe we have a second Princess of the Night now.”

Sundance stared at her husband in confusion for a moment before laughing when she suddenly understood what he meant. “Good point.”

Celestia laughed as well. “You’re right, Father.”

The petitioners looked at each other in confusion for a moment before turning to Midnight Armor.

“What do you mean, King Midnight Armor?” One of them asked

Midnight Armor smiled at his youngest. “I think you should answer that question, Luna.”

Luna laughed softly when all of the petitioners immediately turned back to her. “I’m not sure if you are aware of this, but I used to control the stars in the night sky in addition to my moon.”

Most of the petitioners nodded.

“Used to?” One of the petitioners in front of her repeated.

Luna nodded as well. “I lost the ability to control the stars three days ago.”

The petitioners turned to each other.

“I saw the stars last night.”

“I did too.” Another replied “In fact, my husband and I had a picnic under the stars to celebrate our wedding anniversary.” She blushed slightly. We did something else under the stars as well . . . but they don’t need to know about that.

Luna’s eyes widened W-what?!

The petitioners turned back to Luna.

“This means that someone has the ability to control them.” One of them commented.

“Do you know who controls the stars now, princess?” Another one asked

“Yes.” Luna answered “Twilight is the Princess of the Stars. This means that she has the power to control the stars. She has been raising and lowering them for the last three days.”

All of the petitioners stared at her in stunned silence for several minutes before letting out another thunderous cheer.

The petitioners spent the next four hours asking the Royal Family questions about the events of the last few days.

Four Hours Later

“Is everything alright?”

Surprised, everyone turned to see that Twilight and Cadance were standing in the door to the throne room. The petitioners watched both of them walk towards the dais. Cadance stopped a couple of feet in front of the dais while Twilight walked over to nuzzle her mother.

Lifting her head, Twilight smiled at her mother before turning to Sundance and Midnight Armor. “I apologize for the interruption. I just wanted to tell you that it is time for lunch.”

Confused, Celestia focused on the sun for a moment. Her eyes widened. “I can’t believe it’s already twelve-thirty.”

Sundance’s eyes widened as well. “I didn’t realize it was that late.”

“I have already checked on Solae, Bern and Spike. The three of them are in the garden behind the castle.” Twilight looked at Sundance. “Solae asked me to tell you that she has something that she wants to discuss with you.”

Sundance smiled at her granddaughter. “Thank you.”

Midnight Armor stood “Court will resume in one hour.”

The petitioners bowed before filing out of the throne room.

Sundance teleported her family, and Cadance, to the dining room.

Blueberry poked his head out of the kitchen. “I thought I heard something.” He walked into the dining room and bowed. “I have prepared two vegetable subs for each of you. Spike has two vegetable subs as well, but his has ruby pieces in place of the tomatoes. I have prepared two bowls of opals for Queen Solae and Bern.”

Midnight Armor smiled “Thank you.”

Celestia teleported everyone, and their food, to the garden behind the castle.

Solae, Bern and Spike smiled when they saw everyone. Luna levitated the bowls of opals to Solae and Bern while Celestia levitated Spike’s lunch to him. Sundance distributed the rest of the food while the ponies sat down across from the dragons.

Everyone was silent for the next fifteen minutes because they were focused on filling their stomachs.

Sundance waited until everyone had finished eating before turning to Solae. “Twilight told me that you wish to discuss something with me.”

Solae smiled at Twilight before nodding to Sundance. “There are a couple of things that I would like to discuss with you.”

I am sure that Sundance can handle this. Midnight Armor stood “Please excuse me. I need to discuss a few things with Captain Shining Armor.” I also intend to look into Marble’s actions.

Sundance nodded “We will meet back here after court ends.”

Midnight Armor returned his wife’s nod before teleporting out of the garden.

Sundance turned back to Solae. “Is everything alright?”

Solae nodded “The first concerns Captain Shining Armor.”

Sundance raised an eyebrow. “What about him?”

“We are very impressed with what we have seen so far.” Bern responded

Solae nodded again “We would like him to train a few of the defenders of the Dragon Lands.”

Cadance’s eyes widened W-what?!

“Midnight oversees, and personally trains, every member of the Canterlot branch of the Equestrian Army.” Sundance replied “This means that I need to discuss this with him before I can give you an answer.”

Bern’s eyes widened. Perhaps Solae and I should discuss this with King Midnight Armor as well.

“I see.” Solae turned to Twilight and Spike. “The second concerns the two of you.”

Twilight and Spike exchanged confused glances before turning back to Solae. Both of them asked the same question. “What is it?”

Bern laughed “Solae and I would like to know if you would mind teaching us what you showed us this morning.”

Twilight blinked “You mean target practice?”

Solae and Bern nodded

“I don’t have a problem with that.” Twilight thought for a moment before turning to Spike. “You should start by explaining the necessary fire control to them.”

Spike nodded as well. “Good idea.”

Twilight smiled when she noticed Solae and Bern’s confused expressions. “I’m sure that both of you are extremely powerful. However, this type of training isn’t about power. Instead, it focuses on the speed and accuracy of carefully controlled fire-based breath attacks.”

“I see.” Solae said slowly

Bern glanced at his mate. “Our training usually focuses on raw power.”

Solae nodded to him. “Regardless, I believe the skills gained from this type of training will allow us to finally defeat Cavel and Urin.”

“You’re right.” Bern replied

“Who are Cavel and Urin?” Spike asked

Solae sighed “Cavel is a dragon that is challenging my rule. Urin is his son.”

“They aren’t as large, or powerful, as Solae.” Bern explained In fact, Spike might be stronger than they are. “However, they are members of a species of dragon that is extremely fast. This allows them to dodge even Solae’s most powerful attacks. Additionally, they are able to attack her directly and get out of the way before she can retaliate.”

Solae was about to say something, but paused when she saw the thoughtful expression on Twilight’s face. “Twilight?”

Everyone else turned to Twilight as well.

Twilight chewed her bottom lip as she thought. After a couple of minutes, she summoned a book and opened it to a page somewhere in the middle. “I think it was over here . . . Found it.” She used her magic to enlarge the image. “Is this the type of dragon that you are referring to?”

Surprised, Solae stared at the image for a moment before turning back to Twilight. “Yes. How did you figure that out so quickly?”

Twilight blushed “I did a lot of research on dragons after I hatched Spike.”

Luna smiled at her daughter. I’m not surprised.

Solae laughed “I should have expected that.”

Twilight returned her attention to the book. “According to this, they move so fast that most attacks miss them entirely. Additionally, while they are in motion, their speed creates a thin layer of wind around their bodies. This deflects most of the attacks that do hit them. The few attacks that make it through the wind are weakened to the point that the dragon isn’t harmed. This means that they are capable of taking on dragons that are far more powerful than they are.”

Shocked, Solae stared at Twilight for a moment before slowly turning to Bern. “She knows as much about them as we do.”

Bern silently nodded

Everyone else laughed

Spike turned to Twilight. “Should we teach Mom and Dad the Multiple Blast, Fire Barrage, or Flame Burst?” Any one of them should do the trick.

“All three.” Twilight thought for a moment. “Once they have mastered them, I will teach your mother the Fireball Blast.”

Celestia smiled “Good idea.”

Sundance nodded “I have no doubt that she will be able to use it properly.”

Luna tilted her head slightly. Fireball Blast? It sounds powerful, but I have never heard of it.

Solae stared at Twilight in shock. She actually knows that attack?! I have been trying to learn that attack for years. Unfortunately, most dragons have never even heard of it.

Spike gasped “T-that’s your most powerful fire-based attack! Do you really think she’ll be able to use it?”

Twilight nodded as well. “She shouldn’t have any trouble once she masters the proper fire control.” I’ll try to teach it to Bern as well, but I don’t know if he will be able to master it.

Bern slowly turned to Solae. “T-that is more than we were hoping for.”

Bern is correct. Even so, I am certainly not complaining. Solae nodded to her mate before turning back to Twilight. “Do you really know the Fireball Blast?”

Sundance smiled at her granddaughter before turning back to Solae. “Twilight created that attack roughly three hundred years ago.”

Luna’s eyes widened. That explains why I have never heard of it.

“Y-you created that attack?!” Bern repeated

Twilight nodded again “I was trying to create a more powerful fireball attack, but it kept exploding. I spent a while trying to correct the issue before eventually deciding to use it to my advantage.”

Solae and Bern stared at her in stunned silence.

Celestia glanced at the sun before standing. “Unfortunately, Mother, Luna and I need to head back to the throne room.”

Sundance, Luna, Cadance and Twilight stood as well.

“Cadance and I need to get back to the library.” Twilight commented

“We will return here once court has ended for the day.” Sundance told Solae.

Solae nodded

“You should use this time to teach them the necessary fire control.” Twilight told Spike.

“I will.” Spike promised

Twilight turned back to Solae. “I believe it would be best if you learn that part from another dragon . . . and your son is the only dragon that I know of that has mastered it.”

Spike smiled

Solae and Bern smiled as well. “Thank you.”

The dragons watched the ponies return to the castle before turning to each other.

Standing, Spike walked a few feet in front of his parents before turning to face them. “I’m going to teach you the proper fire control the same way that Twi taught me.”

Solae and Bern immediately gave their son their full attention.

Four Hours Later

Twilight, Sundance, Luna, Celestia and Cadance returned to the garden behind the castle. All five of them jumped when a dark green flame met Spike’s light green one.

Sundance watched both of them closely. “It looks like she’s close to mastering the basics.”

Celestia nodded to her mother as both of them lay down side by side in the shade of a large tree. Cadance and Luna exchanged confused glances before joining them. Then the four of them turned back to Twilight, Solae, Bern and Spike.

Spike growled in frustration. Mom isn’t getting any better! What would Twilight do? He was pulled from his thoughts by a familiar voice.

“Good job, Spike.” Spreading her wings, Twilight took to the air. “You should take a break. I’ll take it from here.”

Spike sighed in relief. “Thanks, Twi.” He sat on the ground. I wonder what she is going to do about this.

Solae and Bern smiled at their son before looking up at the lavender alicorn that was now hovering in front of them.

“Spike also had trouble with the final part.” Twilight commented “I’ll show you how I got him to master the necessary level of control.”

Solae and Bern nodded

Twilight turned to Solae. “From what I saw, you have enough control to hit relatively small targets now. Hit this one.” She created a medium sized sphere of magic.

Solae easily hit it with a single blast of her dark green fire.

“Good.” Twilight replied “Try this one.” She created a slightly smaller sphere of magic.

Solae growled when her blast of fire missed Twilight’s magic. Narrowing her eyes, she took a moment to carefully examine the sphere. It’s slightly smaller, but that shouldn’t make a difference . . . wait a minute. Is it moving? She smiled slightly I see what she’s doing. In that case . . . She aimed another blast of fire at a point a little above the sphere.

Twilight smiled when that attack hit its mark. “It took Spike almost a week to figure that out.” She tilted her head. “Then again, he was only five.”

Solae’s eyes widened “You taught him this when he was five?!”

Twilight nodded “I was trying to help him increase the amount of control he had over his fire. I started with fine control before teaching him how to increase the strength of his attacks.”

“That makes sense.” Solae watched Twilight do the same thing with Bern. Now that he knew what to do, he mastered it in less than a minute. This means that Bern and I are doing this in reverse. It also explains why we are having trouble.

“Alright.” Twilight looked from Solae to Bern and back again. “I am going to make the spheres of magic smaller. They will also be moving a little faster.”

Solae and Bern nodded

Two Hours Later

Sundance stood “I think that’s enough for today. We should find Midnight and get something to eat.”

Surprised, Celestia glanced at the sun before turning to her mother. “I thought Father would have been here by now.”

Sundance laughed “Knowing him, he started training and forgot about the time.”

Luna laughed as well. “Some things never change.”

Celestia nodded to her sister before turning to their mother. “I don’t sense his presence in the castle. We should check his training course.”

Twilight levitated Spike onto her back and took flight. Everyone else did the same.

As they flew, Luna moved closer to Sundance. “Why are we heading to the old castle?”

“The training course in the city is for the soldiers in the Canterlot Branch of the Equestrian Army.” Sundance explained “Your father prefers the type that was used a thousand years ago. There isn’t enough room in Canterlot for both.”

“Grandpa maintains the one behind the old castle himself.” Twilight added “He only goes there when he wants time to himself . . . or is really angry.”

“I see.” Luna replied

“Why do you think he went there?” Solae asked

“Last night, Midnight told me that he was planning to personally conduct an investigation into Marble’s actions today.” Sundance answered “I am fairly certain that he is not happy with what he learned.”

“That makes sense.” Cadance slowly responded

Bern was about to say something, but paused when he heard a loud thud. Confused, he lowered his gaze to the forest below them. “What was that?”

“That was Midnight.” Sundance carefully examined the forest below them. She raised an eyebrow when she saw a flash of dark blue out of the corner of her eye. “There he is.” She dove towards the larger clearing in the forest behind the old castle.

Everyone else followed her. All of them landed next to the tree line.

Luna looked around in wonder. “It’s exactly the same as it was a thousand years ago.”

There was a large track that took up the entire clearing. However, it wasn’t a plain circular track. Instead, it looked more like a giant figure eight. There were large boulders and even larger pillars scattered in seemingly random locations around the clearing.

Solae raised an eyebrow when she took a closer look at the course. Everything is moving in random directions . . . and at random speeds.

Bern gasped when Midnight Armor raced past them. He is much faster than I thought.

Sundance sighed when she took a closer look at her husband. I don’t know what he discovered, but he is furious. Unfortunately, it will take him several hours to rid himself of his anger at this rate. She levitated Spike onto her back. “Will you please help him, Twilight?”

Twilight nodded to her grandmother before galloping towards her grandfather.

Spike smiled “This is going to be good.”

Confused, Solae turned to her son. “What do you mean?”

Spike nodded to Midnight Armor and Twilight. “Just watch them.”

Even more confused, Solae turned back to Twilight and Midnight Armor. Everyone else did the same.

Midnight Armor raised an eyebrow when he noticed someone approaching him from behind on his left side. There is only one pony who can catch up to me at this speed. He slowed down slightly and looked to the left. “What are you doing here, Twilight?”

Twilight waited until she was next to her grandfather before aiming a blow at his side.

Narrowing his eyes, Midnight Armor dodged her attack by spreading his wings and jumping into the air. “You don’t want to do that.”

Twilight teleported above Midnight Armor. Then she tackled her grandfather from above and watched him fall a couple of feet.

With a powerful flap of his wings, Midnight Armor ascended until he was level with his granddaughter. “I’m serious, Twilight. I am not in a good mood.”

Undeterred, Twilight launched a beam of magic at her grandfather.

“If you insist.” Midnight Armor raised a barrier that easily blocked her attack. He waited for her attack to fade before allowing his barrier to fade as well. Then he pulled her into a session of hoof-to-hoof combat that was similar in intensity to the one that they had shown Comet. However, this one lasted almost half an hour before they landed in the middle of the clearing.

Twilight narrowed her eyes when she took a closer look at her grandfather. Not yet. Her horn began to glow as she charged him.

Midnight Armor raised an eyebrow. I know I taught her better than that. That kind of charge will actually harm her because I am a little over twice her size. His eyes widened when she vanished. What?! He braced himself and waited for her to make her move.

Twilight appeared above him and launched a barrage of magic blasts. Then she vanished again.

Midnight Armor dodged the attack before looking up to find the space that his granddaughter had occupied was empty. “Where is she now?”

Twilight reappeared right in front of him and pulled him into another intense session of hoof-to-hoof combat.

“I-incredible!” Luna whispered H-how strong is she?!

Everyone else, except Twilight and Midnight Armor, nodded.

Midnight Armor skidded to a stop on the ground in the center of the clearing a little over twenty minutes later. Panting, he smiled slightly when Twilight came to a stop next to him.

“I . . . assume . . . you feel . . . better now.” Twilight panted

Midnight Armor caught his breath before nuzzling his granddaughter. “Yes. Thank you, Twilight.”

Smiling, Sundance walked over to them with Spike still sitting on her back. “Well done, Twilight.” She turned to her husband. “I think we should head back to the castle for dinner.” I will wait until tomorrow night before asking him what he discovered.

Nodding, Midnight Armor and Twilight spread their wings and took flight. Everyone else followed suit. They landed in the garden behind the castle in Canterlot a little over thirty minutes later.

“Welcome back, your highnesses.”

Surprised, everyone turned to see that Blueberry was standing near the rear entrance with a large cart of food.

Blueberry smiled “I have two bowls of amethysts for Queen Solae and Bern. The ponies will be eating a vegetable casserole and drinking milk.” He turned to Spike. “I have a serving of vegetable casserole for you as well. However, I cooked yours with amethyst pieces. Then I crushed more amethysts into smaller pieces and sprinkled them on top. You will also be drinking milk.”

Spike licked his lips as his dinner was placed in front of him. “Thanks.”

Twilight waited until everyone had finished eating before turning to Cadance. “Alright. Spill the beans.”

Luna stared at her daughter for a moment before turning to her sister.

Seeing this, Celestia lowered her head. “What is it?”

“What does that mean?” Luna whispered

Celestia laughed softly “Twilight believes that Cadance is hiding something from us.”

“I see.” Luna quietly replied “She wants Cadance to tell us what it is.”

Celestia nodded to her sister before lifting her head and looking at her niece.

“What are you talking about?” Cadance asked

Twilight gave her friend an amused look. “Did you really think that you were going to get out of telling us about your date with Shining Armor?”

Smiling, Sundance snuggled closer to her husband before turning to Cadance. “Twilight is correct.”

Cadance’s face turned bright red. “I . . . um.”

“Where did you go?” Twilight asked

Cadance’s blush deepened as she mumbled the name of a nearby restaurant.

Spike grinned “He took you out to dinner.” It’s about time.

Cadance nodded

“Did you go anywhere else?” Celestia asked

Cadance nodded again

“Where?” Twilight asked

“W-we went on a long walk around the city before heading to the park.” Cadance replied

Almost everyone tilted their heads in confusion.

“Why did he take you there?” Spike asked

Twilight thought for a moment before gasping when she realized something. “Of course! Last night was the last night of the carnival!”

Cadance nodded a third time. “We spent a little over an hour there before he brought me back to the castle.”

“Please tell me that he took you on the Ferris Wheel.” Spike responded

Cadance’s blush returned “We rode it twice.”

Spike smiled “Good.”

Everyone else laughed

Solae smiled at her mate. “We read about those.” Ferris Wheels sound like fun . . . especially for creatures who can’t fly. It’s just a shame that we would never fit on one of those things.

Bern nodded “You’re right.”

Twilight nudged her friend. “There’s something else, isn’t there?”

Cadance’s blush deepened as she nodded again. “I . . . um . . . it’s . . .” She trailed off when her friend laughed.

“It’s alright. We won’t make you tell us everything.” Twilight giggled when Cadance sighed in relief. “However, you will answer one more question.”

“What is it?” Cadance nervously asked

“Is he taking you out again?” Twilight responded

I should have known that she would ask that. Cadance nodded again “H-he told me not to plan anything for Saturday afternoon. Before you ask, I don’t know what he has planned.”

Midnight Armor chuckled “That’s good to hear.” I don’t think it will be another date in the traditional sense. However, I am glad that Shining Armor is spending time with Cadance.

Sundance smiled If this keeps up, he will probably fall in love with her.

Twilight was about to say something, but paused when she suddenly sensed something. She, Luna and Celestia said the same two words at the same time. “It’s time.”

Celestia lowered the sun before turning to her sister. “It’s your turn.”

Laughing softly, Luna raised the moon before turning to her daughter. Twilight smiled at her mother before closing her eyes and focusing on the stars. Everyone else smiled when the stars joined the moon in the night sky.

Opening her eyes, Twilight looked up at the stars for a moment before turning to her mother. “It’s almost time for the meteor shower.”

“You need to visit a special location so that you can learn the basics.” Luna replied “Once you have mastered that, you will be able to create a meteor shower from any location.” She smiled when her daughter nodded. “Close your eyes and focus on the stars. Do you see anything?”

Confused, Cadance turned to Celestia. “Why did Princess Luna ask her that? Twilight can’t see anything with her eyes closed.”

“Luna isn’t talking about the kind of sight that uses one’s eyes.” Celestia laughed softly when that confused Cadance even more. “This kind of sight relies on magic.” I would go into more detail, but that will probably confuse her even further.

“I see.” Cadance turned back to Twilight. I don’t understand that at all. I’ll just ask Twilight to explain it later.

Everyone else did the same.

Closing her eyes, Twilight took a couple of deep breaths before doing as she was told. “I don’t see or sense anything . . . wait . . . is that . . . a path?”

Luna’s smile widened. Thank goodness. This would have been much more difficult if she wasn’t able to find the path on her own. “That’s right. You need to follow it.”

Twilight didn’t bother opening her eyes. Instead, she nodded to her mother.

Everyone, except for Celestia, Luna, Midnight Armor and Sundance, gasped when Twilight suddenly vanished.

Celestia turned to her sister. “You should go as well. She will need somepony to guide her.” I could guide Twilight, but I think Luna should do it.

“I was planning to do that anyway.” Luna replied There are a couple of reasons for that. The first is that I promised Twilight that I would teach her. The second is there is someone that I need to speak to. She closed her eyes. I haven’t done this in a very long time.

Midnight Armor, Celestia and Sundance smiled when Luna vanished as well. Everyone else gasped in shock.

Eyes wide, Spike stared at the space that Twilight had occupied for a moment before turning to Celestia. “W-where did they go?! What did Twi mean when she said that she saw a path?”

Solae glanced at her son before turning back to Celestia. Those are very good questions.

“Luna, Twilight and I have access to a special path that we can use to visit our respective celestial bodies.” Celestia answered “I am certain that this will sound strange, but they are not inatimate objects. Additionally, they have a connection with the individuals that control their power. As such, I am able to telepathically communicate with the sun while Luna can do the same with the moon.” I am fairly certain that Luna has not done so since her return. She resisted the urge to shake her head. She is probably nervous. She turned back to everyone else. “The same applies to Twilight.”

Spike’s eyes widened “She can talk to the stars?”

Celestia nodded “She hasn’t told you about it because she doesn’t know that she has the ability to do so.”

Sundance smiled her husband before turning back to everyone else. “There are four very special stars who will be more vocal than the others. I am certain that they will welcome the chance to finally meet her.”

Midnight Armor smiled as well. “In fact, she should be hearing from them shortly.”

“Incredible.” Solae said softly

Bern and Cadance silently nodded

“There is something about this that I find strange.” Spike said slowly

Everyone else turned to him.

“What is it?” Sundance asked

“Why didn’t you tell me about this sooner?” Spike responded “The sun and moon being alive, I mean. I have been living here since Twi hatched me and I didn’t know about any of this.”

“That is a good question, Spike.” Solae commented He is much smarter than most dragons his age. She smiled slightly Twilight taught him well.

“I’m sorry, Spike.” Sundance replied “We didn’t intentionally hide anything from you. It is simply that we don’t discuss it.”

“Why not?” Spike asked “This is kind of important.”

Solae and Bern laughed softly before saying the same two words. “Good point.”

“Luna and I discovered that the celestial bodies are alive just over a thousand years ago.” Celestia responded “We immediately told our parents. They suggested that we tell the citizens of Equestria as well.” She sighed “We followed their advice, but the citizens didn’t believe it.”

“We spent a couple of years trying to convince them otherwise, but it didn’t make a difference.” Sundance’s ears drooped slightly. “Then there was the attack, Comet’s death, the dark force that suddenly appeared and took over Luna, Nightmare Moon’s appearance, the fight and Nightmare Moon’s banishment.”

Midnight Armor gently nuzzled his wife before turning back to Spike. “As I am sure you can imagine, we suddenly had several pressing matters to attend to.”

Sundance gave her husband a small smile before turning back to Spike as well. “We had to calm the situation, address the concerns of the citizens and build the new castle so that we had somewhere to live.” She sighed “Of course, we had the additional strain of dealing with the events that had rocked our family while also caring for Twilight. By the time we had reached some level of normalcy, convincing the citizens that the sun and moon were alive seemed like a trivial matter.”

I don't blame them for that. “How old was Princess Twilight Sparkle at the time?” Bern hesitantly asked

“Two weeks old.” Midnight Armor answered

Solae gasped in shock. “What?” I knew that she had lost her parents when she was very young, but this is the first I have heard about the rest of it. She turned to Sundance. “Why didn’t you tell me about this at the time?”

“Can you honestly say that you blame me?” Sundance gave Solae a sad smile. “Midnight and I had just lost one of our daughters and son in law. To make matters worse, we were caring for their newborn daughter while struggling to keep our family and country together.”

“Then there is the fact that the relationship between our countries was in its infancy at the time.” Midnight Armor remarked “In fact, that is why we postponed our initial meeting. It is also the reason that Sundance was the only one who made the first trip to meet you.”

“What do you mean?” Solae asked

“I was needed here in Equestria.” Midnight Armor responded “Celestia stayed here to help me with court. Additionally, the two of us worked together to care for Twilight . . . who was two years old by that point.”

“I suppose that makes sense.” Solae tilted her head slightly. Voth was extremely offended because he thought Midnight Armor was avoiding him. In fact, he believed that Sundance was the only one with the courage to face us. It was then that he decided that I would handle all negotiations between our countries. I chose to deal exclusively with Sundance because she had earned my respect.

Sundance snuggled a little closer to her husband.

Solae looked up at the stars. Over the years, Sundance has told me several stories about her family . . . well, she told me very little about Luna. I suppose that topic was considered too sensitive for outsiders. Regardless, the real reason I came to Equestria thirteen years ago was that I wanted to meet Twilight. Having her study Spike’s egg was just a convenient excuse to make the trip. She glanced at her son. I was thoroughly surprised, but extremely happy, when she hatched Spike.

I think we should get back to the original topic. Celestia turned back to Spike. “To answer one of your earlier questions, Luna and Twilight took a path that leads to what Luna and I call “The Stars”.” She closed her eyes and focused on her connection to the sun. How are things going up there?

There is no need to worry. Everything is going according to plan. In fact, Selene just asked me for the necessary magic. I know that this was your plan, but I still need to ask. Do you give your permission for me to take the next step?

Of course. Celestia opened her eyes and looked up.

Confused, Spike looked up as well. “Why are we looking at the moon?”

“You will see soon enough.” Celestia smiled when the moonlight suddenly got brighter. “Good.” That is exactly what I wanted to see.

The moonlight faded a few moments later.

Sundance turned to her daughter. “Did you do what I think you did?”

It is done.

Thank you, Solara. Celestia smiled at her mother. “I asked Solara to give Selene extra magic tonight. Selene used that magic to restore Luna to her proper form.”

Midnight Armor smiled as well. “Good idea.”

“Who are Solara and Selene?” Bern asked

“Solara is sun’s name and Selene is the moon’s name.” Celestia answered

Cadance’s eyes widened. “What?!” I didn’t know that they have names!

Sundance smiled at the young pegasus. “As Celestia said earlier, the sun and moon are not merely objects that move through the sky. Therefore, it is only natural that they have names.”

“They didn’t always have names.” Midnight Armor laughed softly when he saw Cadance, Solae, Bern and Spike’s confused expressions. “In fact, they were rather upset when they realized that. They tried to come up with their own names, but didn’t know where to start. As such, they asked Celestia and Luna to name them.”

Sundance nodded. “Celestia and Luna considered several names before finally settling on Solara and Selene.”

“If that is the case, why does everypony call them the sun and moon?” Cadance asked

“Good question.” Spike remarked “That would be like ponies calling me “the dragon”.”

Solae laughed “Good point.”

“Luna and I gave Selene and Solara their names not long after we discovered that the sun and moon were alive.” Celestia explained In fact, we did that only a couple of weeks before the first fight with Nightmare Moon. “We told the citizens about the new names soon after we came up with them. Unfortunately, they refused to use them.”

Midnight Armor shook his head as well. “Sundance and I waited until the chaos surrounding the first fight with Nightmare Moon had settled before asking them why. They stated that the sun and moon were the only things that they could rely on to never change. As a result, they couldn’t accept the fact that the celestial bodies were alive . . . or the fact that they had names. We spent a few more years trying to convince them before deciding that it wasn't worth the struggle.”

“I guess that makes sense.” Spike slowly replied

Meanwhile, In the Stars

Twilight and Luna had just reached the end of the path. Neither of them noticed that the sun and moon were silently watching them.

Smiling slightly, Luna looked at the stars for a moment before turning to Twilight. I wonder how she is going to react.

Twilight didn’t notice because she was staring around her in shock. “W-wow. If I didn’t know better, I would swear that we are . . .”

“Standing among the stars that you now control?” Luna laughed softly when Twilight nodded. “That is exactly where we are.”

Twilight immediately turned to her mother. “What?!”

Four stars had been calmly looking at the rest of the night sky. Startled, they turned at Twilight’s shout.

“Well, now.” The first one said slowly. “This is unexpected.”

“Agreed.” The second replied “It appears that we have visitors.”

“That hasn’t happened in almost a thousand years.” The third commented

“If memory serves, our visitor at the time was Celestia.” The fourth remarked

“You are correct.” The second star responded “She brought an adorable surprise . . . and grave news.” The surprise was a little alicorn filly. Celestia told us that the filly was Luna’s daughter. Now that I think about it, that filly is a grown mare now. I wonder how she turned out. Her star flickered as she suppressed a sigh. The grave news was that Comet was dead . . . and Luna had been taken over by an evil force. To make matters worse, she had been forced to seal Luna in her own moon. Celestia was devastated by the fact that her sister was gone. She suppressed another sigh. Solara told us that Celestia was too upset to visit at first. Now she is simply too busy . . . or too exhausted after long days in court.

Twilight tilted her head slightly as she looked around. Okay, this is weird. I hear voices. Please tell me that I am not going crazy.

Luna watched her daughter carefully. It looks like she hears something. She smiled That is a very good sign.

Twilight took a couple of steps forward and looked up. As strange as this sounds, I am pretty sure that the voices are coming from those stars.

“S-she is looking directly at us.” The fourth star said softly

“You’re right.” The third quietly replied “Can she hear us?”

“Perhaps we should ask her.” The first star turned to Twilight. “Can you hear us, young one?”

All four of them gasped in shock when Twilight nodded.

“This is most unusual.” The second star remarked

“Agreed.” The first star responded H-how is this possible? Who is that mare?!

The third star took a closer look at the ponies in front of them. The one with the blue coat looks familiar, but I can’t quite place her. I don’t recognize the lavender one at all.

Twilight flicked an ear in their direction before turning back to Luna. “What is going on, Mom?”

“That is a good question.” The fourth star remarked

Luna laughed “I will answer your question in a moment.” She turned to the moon. “It has been a long time, Selene. I know that my appearance has changed, but I trust that you recognize me.”

“Of course, Luna.” Selene said softly “It has been far too long. I am relieved to see that you have been restored to your true self. You must tell me what happened when the seal broke.”

The stars gasped in shock.

“D-did she say Luna?!” The first star stammered

“That is correct.” Selene responded “I can’t believe none of you recognized your granddaughter.” I can understand why they don’t recognize Twilight Sparkle. They haven’t seen her in a thousand years . . . and she was just a foal at the time. However, they have seen Luna in that form before.

It was Twilight’s turn to gasp in shock. “W-what?!”

I will answer Selene’s question before addressing my grandparents. “As you know, the seal that kept me on your physical surface broke three days ago.” Luna replied

“Nightmare Moon immediately returned to Equestria.” Selene commented

Sighing, Luna nodded “Unfortunately, she was able to defeat Mother, Father and Celestia relatively quickly.”

The stars gasped in shock again.

“How was Nightmare Moon defeated?” Selene hesitantly asked It couldn’t have been Luna. Nightmare Moon was in control of her body when the seal broke.

“The pony standing next to me took care of that.” Luna smiled at Twilight before turning back to the moon. “I would like to introduce all of you to my daughter, Twilight Sparkle.”

The second star gasped in shock again. That is the filly that Celestia brought here a thousand years ago?!

The third star took a closer look at Twilight. She must be extremely powerful if she defeated Nightmare Moon.

The other stars gasped in shock as well.

“Twilight gathered the new wielders of five of the Elements of Harmony together before somehow managing to bring back the Element of Magic . . . which she now wields.” Luna’s smile widened “She faced Nightmare Moon in combat before using the Elements of Harmony to free me.”

“Incredible!” Selene said softly

Luna turned so that she was facing the four stars directly. “That night, my daughter was finally able to claim her birthright. She is the Princess of the Stars. In fact, she has been raising and lowering them for the last three days.”

“T-that must be why she is able to hear us.” The third star slowly replied

Selene turned back to Twilight. “Well done, Twilight.”

The second star laughed softly. “I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised. She is our great granddaughter.”

The other stars laughed as well. All three of them said the same thing. “Agreed.”

“I am sure that there is more to your tale, but we will get to that in a moment. There is an important task that needs to be taken care of first.” Selene turned to the sun. “If you would be so kind, Solara?”

Solara spoke with Celestia for a moment before turning back to the moon. “Of course, Selene.” The light from the sun brightened for a couple of moments before returning to normal. “That should be enough.”

“Thank you.” Selene focused her magic on Luna.

Everyone else looked on as Luna was surrounded in a sphere of pure moonlight. When the light faded, Twilight gasped in shock.

Luna was now only a foot shorter than Celestia. The color of her coat had deepened to a deep, soothing sapphire. Her mane and tail looked like the stars in the night sky and gently flowed like her sister’s.

Luna slowly opened her eyes. “Thank you, Selene. That is much better.” She turned to the sun. “Thank you as well, Solara.”

“You are most welcome, Luna.” Solara laughed softly “You should thank your sister as well. This was her idea.”

Also laughing softly, Luna shook her head. “I should have known that she would do something like this.”

Even her voice is different. It is deeper . . . and more powerful. Eyes wide, Twilight took a couple of steps towards her mother. “M-mom? I-is that really you?”

Luna turned back to her daughter. “Yes, Twilight.” She smiled “I have regained my proper form.”

“W-wow.” Twilight carefully examined Luna’s new form. “It’s different, but I like this form better.” She made a face. “It felt really weird to be bigger than you.”

Shocked, Luna stared at her daughter for a moment before beginning to laugh.

Everyone else immediately joined her.

When she had finished laughing, Luna draped a wing over her daughter’s back and pulled her closer. She nuzzled Twilight before looking up at the stars. “It has been a long time, Grandmothers and Grandfathers.”

All four of them brightened significantly.

“Welcome back, Luna.” The first star replied. I know that she can’t hear me anymore, but it feels rude to not respond.

The second star flickered slightly before turning back to Twilight. “Please step forward, young one.”

All four stars brightened a little more.

Smiling, Luna folded her wing. It is time.

She must be talking to me. Twilight took a couple of steps forward. “Y-yes?”

“First, I would like to introduce myself.” The second star replied “My name is Emerald and I am Sundance’s mother.”

“It is nice to meet you.” Twilight slowly replied Am I supposed to use her name or call her Grandma? Calling her Great Grandma would just be weird.

Emerald laughed softly “Close your eyes and use your magic to examine your surroundings.” I could simply tell her what she needs to do, but I want to see if she can figure it out herself. That should show me how in tune with the stars she really is.

“O-okay . . .” I don’t know what I expected her to say, but that wasn’t it. Twilight did as she was told.

At first, Twilight didn’t sense anything unusual. Then she noticed a trace of magic. That’s Aunt Celestia’s magic. What was she doing to the stars? She carefully examined her aunt’s magic. I get it. It is left over magic from when she controlled them. She tilted her head thoughtfully. That’s weird. I don’t know how I know this, but those stars aren’t in their proper places. Opening her eyes, she looked around for a moment before settling her gaze on an empty patch of space next to the moon. They should be over there. She closed her eyes again as she spread her wings. Let’s see if I can fix that.

Luna’s smile widened. That’s it.

Twilight’s horn began to glow. I need to move them carefully. She thought for a moment. Hmm. Just to be on the safe side, I will move them one at a time.

Emerald looked on as her star was surrounded with Twilight’s magenta magic. Impressive. Her magic is much stronger than I expected. In fact, Twilight’s magic appears to be even stronger than Sundance’s. Her star flickered I didn’t think it was possible for anypony’s magic to be stronger than my daughter’s.

“Are you alright, Emerald?” The first star nervously asked

“Don’t worry, Ocean.” Emerald replied “I am unharmed. Our great granddaughter is being extremely careful.”

“Ocean?” Twilight quietly repeated That name hasn’t been used in centuries.

Luna laughed softly “That is Mother’s father’s name.”

I guess that explains why he is worried. Twilight carefully moved Emerald’s star to its proper place next to the moon and released her magic.

Emerald’s star brightened considerably. “Well done, Twilight. This is where my star was supposed to be all along.”

“Why were you in the wrong spot?” Twilight asked

Ocean chuckled “I love Celestia, but she doesn’t know much about the night sky.”

It is clear that Mom can’t hear them, but I think she should be the one to respond to that. Twilight repeated what Ocean had just said.

Thank you, Twilight. Luna laughed as well. “I am not surprised. She is the Princess of the Day.”

Ocean laughed a little harder. “Good point.” I am glad that Twilight did that.

“At first, she was careful to place us in our proper places when she raised our stars at night.” Emerald explained

“However, as the years passed, she slowly moved us to our current locations.” Ocean finished

Twilight giggled “That must be why Grandpa was the one to teach me about the stars.”

“Grandpa?” Ocean repeated

“I’m sorry.” Twilight replied “That is what I call my grandfather. Grandpa is short for Grandfather. Before you ask, Grandma is short for Grandmother.”

“That makes sense.” Emerald commented

Twilight carefully moved Ocean’s star to its proper place before turning to the two remaining stars.

“My name is Dark Flame.” The third star remarked “I am sure that you have already figured this out, but I will say it anyway. Midnight Armor is my son.”

I saw that coming. Twilight smiled at his star as she surrounded it with her magic. She carefully moved Dark Flame’s star to its proper position across from Ocean’s. That leaves one place left in the diamond. She turned back to the fourth star. I don’t know her name yet, but I am pretty sure that she is Grandpa’s mother.

That star brightened. “It is nice to finally meet you, Twilight. My name is Honey. This probably won’t come as a surprise, but I am Midnight Armor’s mother.”

I thought so. Twilight carefully moved Honey’s star to the empty spot across from Emerald’s and allowed her magic to fade. That completes the diamond, but I wonder why Mom placed them like that. I’ll ask her about that later. “That takes care of that.”

Luna gently nuzzled her daughter. “Well done.” I am surprised that she was able to move stars on her first try. It took me several months to reach that level.

Twilight was about to respond, but paused when she suddenly sensed something. Her eyes widened when she realized what it was. “I forgot about the meteor shower!” She turned to her mother. “It’s supposed to start any minute . . . and I still don’t know what to do!”

Ocean, Emerald, Dark Flame and Luna laughed.

“Calm down, Twilight.” Honey said softly “We will help you.”

In Canterlot

The other members of both Royal Families, and Cadance, were still in the garden behind the castle. All of them were looking up at the beautiful night sky.

Sundance smiled when she saw the first shooting star. “She did it.”

Also smiling, Midnight Armor spread a wing over his wife’ back as more stars moved across the sky. “Well done, Twilight.”

“Its beautiful.” Solae said softly

Everyone else nodded. They made an unspoken decision to watch the rest of the meteor shower in silence.

In the Stars

Just over an hour had passed since the meteor shower had started. Luna and Twilight were lying side by side on a cloud that Luna had created for them to relax on. Most of that time had passed in silence as most of them watched Twilight work.

Twilight didn’t know this because her eyes were closed. She carefully guided the last few meteors across the sky before allowing her magic to fade. She let out a sigh of relief as she opened her eyes. I’m glad that’s over. I am also glad that I don’t have to do that very often. “That took more magic than I expected.”

“Even so, you did a wonderful job.” Emerald commented

“Emerald is correct.” Dark Flame remarked “Especially when you consider the fact that this was your first meteor shower.”

Laughing softly, Luna gently nuzzled her daughter. “Don’t worry. It gets easier with practice.”

“I hope so.” Twilight replied

“There is one thing that puzzles me.” Ocean said slowly

Twilight looked up at his star. “What is it?”

Ocean spoke slowly as he tried to put his thoughts into words. “It is rare for a pony to be able to control the stars with such ease. I understand that you are the Princess of the Stars, but there has to be another reason.”

“Good point.” Honey said thoughtfully “It took Luna several months of practice to reach the level that Twilight has achieved in less than two hours.”

“Hmm.” Dark Flame thought for a couple of minutes before turning back to Twilight. “What is your specialty?”

“Magic.” Twilight answered

Ocean barely managed to suppress a gasp of surprise. That is Sundance’s specialty!

Emerald gasped when she suddenly remembered something. Wait a minute. “I seem to recall hearing that you wield the Element of Magic as well. Is that true?”

Twilight nodded

“This means that she has the necessary affinity with the stars and the necessary control over magic in general.” Dark Flame slowly responded

“You’re right, Flame.” Honey replied “That has to be it.”

Twilight leaned closer to Luna before whispering her question. “I thought his name was Dark Flame. Why did she call him Flame?”

Fortunately, I don’t need to hear them to answer that question. “For the same reason that Mother calls Father by the first part of his name.” Luna quietly responded

I guess that makes sense. Twilight lifted her head and turned her attention back to the stars. “What do you want me to call you? Just calling you “great grandmother and great grandfather” would get confusing because there are two of each. It wouldn’t be right to use your names, but . . .” She trailed off when all four of her great grandparents laughed. Why are they laughing?

“I believe I speak for all of us when I say that you may address us the same way that you address Sundance and Midnight Armor.” Ocean answered

“Didn’t you say that you call them Grandma and Grandpa respectively?” Honey asked

Twilight nodded again

“That will take some getting used to, but I believe it is the best option.” Dark Flame remarked

“Agreed.” Ocean replied “You may use those titles for us as well. Then add our names after the title so that everypony knows who you are speaking to.”

“I would like you to use the last part of my name.” Dark Flame added

“Alright.” Twilight replied

Luna stood. “I believe we should head back to Equestria before Mother and Father get too worried.”

“Good idea.” Twilight stood as well.

Luna turned back to the stars. “Grandmothers and Grandfathers. I know that I no longer possess the ability to hear you. Even so, I just wanted to wish the four of you a good night.” She raised an eyebrow when Twilight stared at the stars for a moment before beginning to laugh. “Why are you laughing, Twilight?”

“G-grandpa Ocean j-just said . . .” She paused to get her laughter under control. Then she used a forehoof to wipe the tears from her eyes. “T-that was funny.” She turned back to her mother. “He said that that isn’t what he asked to be called.”

Luna gave Ocean’s star an amused look. “Nice try, Grandfather. It will be a while before I get accustomed to calling you that.” She shook her head. “I am still getting used to being called “Mom”.”

Twilight immediately began to laugh again. Everyone else quickly joined her. When they had finished laughing, Luna and Twilight turned toward the path that led back to Equestria.


Pausing, Twilight looked over her shoulder. “Yes, Grandma Emerald?”

Emerald levitated something to Twilight. “Please give this to my daughter.”

Curious, Twilight turned to face the stars again as she took the object in her magic. She gasped softly when she realized what it was. “It’s a white diamond . . . and it has already been cut into a six-pointed star.”

“I thought Mother already had one of those.” Luna commented

She did, but Nightmare Moon shattered it when she destroyed part of the old castle. Selene quietly explained Solara told us that Celestia spent hours looking for it in an attempt to cheer her mother up. Sundance was already devastated by the fact that she had just lost you, but she was even more so when Celestia found it in pieces. Apparently, your mother refused to replace it because that diamond was the last thing that her mother had given her before she died.

Luna’s ears drooped. “I see.”

Emerald was determined to make her a new one. It took her a long time to find a suitable replacement. Then she took her time carefully cutting it into its current shape. Selene laughed softly In fact, she went through dozens of diamonds before settling on the one that she gave Twilight.

Thank you for telling me, Selene. Luna said softly

Twilight thought for a moment before smiling. “I’ll ask the Royal Jewelers for a gold chain and turn this into a necklace. I will give it to Grandma as soon as it is ready.”

Emerald gasped softly “Thank you, Twilight. I am certain that she will love it.”

“I have a better idea.” Honey turned to her husband. “Would you mind helping me?”

“Of course.” Dark Flame replied

Twilight looked on as they focused their magic on a particular part of space. What are they doing?

Dark Flame and Honey finished their task almost twenty minutes later.

Honey levitated a gold chain to Twilight. “Use this for Sundance’s necklace.”

Taking the chain in her magic, Twilight sat down where she stood and focused her magic on the objects that she held in her magic. “The spell that Grandma taught me a few decades ago should do the trick.” She used her magic to carefully attach the diamond to the small gold loop and complete the necklace. “There.”

Luna’s eyes widened “It’s beautiful.”

“Take this as well, Twilight.” Dark Flame levitated something to Twilight. “Please give it to my son.”

Twilight’s eyes widened when she saw what it was. “A dark blue topaz.”

Dark Flame chuckled “Solara told us that Celestia told her that he has been looking for one, but is unsatisfied with the ones that those “Royal Jewelers” tried to give him.”

Twilight nodded “He’ll love this one.”

“That is good to hear.” Honey and Dark Flame responded

Luna smiled at the stars. “It was nice to spend time with all of you, but we really must be going.”

“Have a good night.” Twilight added

Everyone else watched them until they were out of sight before turning to each other.

“That was a very nice visit.” Honey commented

“Agreed.” Emerald replied “It was nice to see Luna again. Additionally, our great granddaughter has grown into a lovely mare.”

“And an extremely powerful one.” Ocean added

Dark Flame laughed softly “That is the understatement of the century.”

All of them went back to looking at the night sky.

In Canterlot

Everyone smiled when Luna and Twilight suddenly appeared.

Midnight Armor folded his wing as he stood. “Well done, Twilight. That was a beautiful meteor shower.”

Sundance stood as well. “Midnight is right.”

Solae smiled at Luna. “Congratulations on being restored to your proper form. It looks very good on you.”

Luna returned the smile. “Thank you.”

Spike nodded “I like your starry version much better.”

Everyone immediately began to laugh.

Sundance waiting until she had finished laughing before turning back to Twilight. Her eyes widened when she saw what her granddaughter had suspended in her magic. “T-twilight . . . w-where did you get that?”

Solae exchanged confused glances with Bern before turning to Spike. “Do you know why Sundance looks so shocked?”

Equally confused, Spike shook his head.

Twilight followed her grandmother’s gaze to the necklace. “Grandma Emerald gave me the diamond and asked me to give it to you.”

Sundance gasped softly “R-really?”

Midnight Armor tilted his head slightly. I wonder why Twilight called Emerald that.

Twilight nodded “I told her that I wanted to put it on a chain so that you could wear it. Grandma Honey and Grandpa Flame created the chain and gave that to me as well.” She shrugged “I just had to put them together.” She levitated the necklace to Sundance. “Here you go.”

Midnight Armor suppressed a chuckle. She did the same for my parents.

Sundance carefully took it in her magic. “T-thank you, Twilight.” She stared at the necklace for a moment before turning back to Twilight. “How did Mother know that I needed a new one?”

Bern raised an eyebrow. Mother? He leaned closer to his mate. “What are we missing?”

“I’m not sure.” Solae quietly replied “I will ask her later.”

Bern nodded to her before turning back to the alicorns.

“Solara told her.” Luna gave her mother a sad smile. “Additionally, Selene told me what happened to the other one.”

“I see.” Sundance slowly replied

Midnight Armor gently took the necklace from Sundance. “Allow me.” He placed the necklace around his wife’s neck. After a moment’s thought, he cast a Protection Spell on it. “That should keep you and your necklace safe.”

Too choked up to speak, Sundance just nuzzled her husband.

Solae smiled I have never seen her like this. She looked at the necklace. It is beautiful, but there must be another reason for her reaction. She was pulled from her thoughts by Twilight’s voice.

“Grandpa Flame asked me to give you this.” Twilight levitated the topaz to her grandfather.

Midnight Armor’s eyes widened slightly “How did he know . . .” He trailed off when Twilight giggled.

“Solara told them that you were looking for one.” Twilight explained

“I see.” Midnight Armor carefully examined the gemstone that he held in his magic. It’s perfect. “Please thank him the next time you see him.”

“I will.” Twilight promised

The alicorns lifted their heads when they heard someone clear their throat. Surprised, all of them jumped slightly before turning to Solae.

“My apologies.” Solae said softly “I did not mean to startle you.”

Regaining her composure, Sundance smiled at her friend. “It’s alright. Is there something that I can help you with?”

“Bern and I have a couple of questions.” Solae replied “The first is more of a statement.”

“What is it?” Sundance asked

“This is the first time that I have heard you mention your mother.” Solae commented

I should have known that she would catch that. Sundance’s smile faded slightly “That is because both of my parents died almost eleven hundred years ago.”

Solae winced “I see.”

Midnight Armor’s ears drooped slightly. “My parents died around the same time.” He smiled at his youngest before turning back to the dragons. “Luna found a way to attach their souls to stars that she had just created.”

Twilight’s eyes widened as she turned to her mother. “You can create stars?!”

“Not anymore.” Luna laughed softly when she saw her daughter’s confused expression. “I lost that ability when I lost the ability to control the stars.”

Twilight’s eyes widened even further. “Y-you mean that I have the ability to create stars in addition to moving them?!”

Laughing harder, Luna nodded “You need to master several other skills first, but you will eventually reach that level.”

Comments ( 39 )

Just a minor comment / nitpick and this is purely a matter of headcannon and personal prefrence but while i like that you have made your own charicters and cannon here i've always liked the 'fausticorn is C and Ls mother' head cannon

what can i say im a lauren fandbrony *shrug*

I don't have a problem with that. As you said, it is your personal preference. However, I created my own characters for Celestia and Luna's parents because I didn't want to be like everyone else. *shrugs* That is my personal preference.

and that salright in my book, represent yoself my authoring friend and dont let nopony tell you what should or shouldnt be in your stories

rock on

It’s really good to see this story updated, I’ve had it on tracking for a while.
I loved the parts with Spike and his parents!
Looking forwards to more!

holy Library Twilight another chapter after a year finally maybe it will continue

Yes a new chapter cant wait to read it and i hope this story continues

Sundance smiled If this keeps up, he will probably fall in love with her.

You mean he'll shoot her in the knees from 120 km away with Aratech Sniper Rifle with a Tri-Light Scope?

I liked the chapter.

I like the names you chose for all the alicorn family.
In fact, I think I already borrowed Luna & Cele's parents' names for one story as I think your names and descriptions of them are just perfect for who they could be.

As for this chapter...
I enjoyed it.
You certainly have a way of writing that just is you. I don't see it anywhere else on this site and it gives a mark to your stories wich helps make them further different. Which is good...
It had been a while so I had to reread a few previous things to get up to speed and I'm back into feeling this story. Spike showing off his accuracy to his parents was fun and I can imagine how dangerous it will make those two big dragons once they master the same techniques.

Twilight is a real superpower (perhaps too much?) going up against her granddad and more like she continues to do. She's very impressive. Kinda making Luna look bad :twilightsheepish: I am assuming from all of this that Luna is one proud mother...
I almost kinda am wanting to see Twilight fail at something... Or at least have her mother need to step in and help a few times.

Spikes parents continue to be cool.
Celestia feels like she has less significance in this story than I'm used to seeing of her. Her parents are alive and helping rule (so shes not all solo) wich is good for her mind but oh boy, does that change a lot of things that are established in the show.

Mother & Daughter going up into the night sky was a cool scene and would make for good visuals if ever something like this had happened in the show. Meeting the grandparents was a parallel to your other fic and it's nice to see the rather cool ideas being carried forward like this.
The budding Shining & Cadence is something I'm hoping to witness more of in this story as it could be very cute and I enjoy seeing those to together.
The gifts from the stars show just how powerful those old beings continue to be. I think its neat that they continue to have this greater family connection.

Do you know what I would be up for next (besides some Shining & Cadence cuteness)?
More mother / Daughter bonding.
Twilight should take Luna out somewhere... experience another town or city. Get in some quality time and continue to build on their relationship that had been put on hold due to the 1000 year gap.
Also. More randomly... Cake.
I'm keen to see Celestia and the love of her life... cake. (well I actually ship her with Discord, but hey... Cake is such a well established thing with her...)

Anyhoo... good chapter.
I look forward to more.

Great update my friend. More please

Thanks for updating again! :twilightsmile:
Good chapter.

I got that reference. Gotta love HK-47

HK-47 is best assassin droid.

I completely agree, HK-47 is definitely best assassin droid

Normally when I find a fanfic like this, I'm excited. I love alternative history and background. But I feel like you're missing a lot of subtle stuff. There was action, dialogue, but it felt, I dunno, too fast paced? Don't get me wrong, I loved the concept, but that's as far as I got. I didn't absorb the story, I forget most of the characters and the interactions felt stiff.

If you'll let me, I could help edit this and make it flow better of give you some ideas on how to flesh out this story.

I appreciate the criticism. This is only my second story. Therefore, I am bound to make some mistakes. As for the offer, I appreciate it and will keep it in mind for the future.

No problem. I am actually writing a fantasy novel myself and am learning on my own for the most part how hard world building and story telling are. If you would grant me permission, I would like to edit your first chapter of that's alright. Show you what I mean. And maybe it'll help. I'm not pressing, just happy to help wherever I can. :pinkiehappy:

Again, I appreciate the offer. However, I must respectfully decline. For now at least, I don't want anyone else working on either of my stories.

*Bows* of course. Keep up the stories, I love both of them so far.

*bows in return* Thank you. As I said earlier, I will keep your offer in mind and let you know should I change mine.

Thank you again. May Celestias sun shine bright, Luna's moon glow humbly and the stars shine brilliantly for you.

Gah another story of yours that I love! I do have to mention that luna and two haven't been spending much time together, I would also think they would sleep in the same bed

Thank you :twilightsmile:

However, I have to ask . . . which two should she be spending more time with Midnight Armor and Sundance or Celestia and Twilight? Either way, I am working on the next chapter. At the moment, I am focusing on some Mother-Daughter time . . . I'll let you guess who the "Mother" and "Daughter" are.

After this, To Love the Moon is next.

That's a fair question...hmm I honestly don't know what I would do if I was luna in this story...honestly now that I think about it she's doing perfectly fine can't wait for more awsome chapters

Honestly they've all been missing mother-daughter bonding time. Why not go for a three-way?

I know. At the time, I was trying to do something in particular with her in this story . . . It just didn't quite work.

Will there be a continuation of this story?

Yes. I'm sorry about the delay. It has just been one thing after another the last couple of years. I am working on the next chapter and plan to post it within the next week or so.

* Three months have passed*
files.everypony.ru/smiles/68/bd/237257.png - Not good, sugarcube, not good.
I'm sorry, but, Goodbye.

My apologies. I am certain that you understand that things come up sometimes.

In my case, My mother suddenly called me to tell me that she was going in for surgery to remove pre-cancerous cells around two internal organs. The problem was that my father was recovering from a different surgery that he had had a few weeks prior. (And I didn't even know that he had fallen, let alone had surgery . . . apparently, my mother thought she could handle it on her own.) He had fallen and broken his hip so badly that his entire leg bone was replaced with a steel rod. As one might expect, he is still restricted to wheelchair aside from a few extremely shaky steps to get to said wheelchair. As I am sure that you can imagine, she didn't want to leave him (and their 2 dogs) home alone and stranded because my mother had to drive to the hospital (4 hours away from their house) in their only car.

Being duitiful daughters, one of my older sisters flew down to be with our mother while I drove down (both of us live several states (and a 2 day drive) away from our parents) to be with our father; care for him, the house and the dogs as well as taking my father to various post surgical medical appointments.

Again, my apologies. However, as stated above, I suddenly had a lot on my plate. I am certain that you can understand why my focus was on my parents . . . and not anything online.

I am not a touchy person and I will never wish harm to another, unless he deserves it. If by my actions I have caused something painful, I am very sorry. I apologize.
Whatever the case, may God's blessing be with you. Keep doing what really matters. Maybe we'll meet again later.
Once again, I apologize for causing you pain.

It's fine. I'm sorry if I came across as angry. I was just annoyed with the situation as a whole. (Mostly that I hadn't been informed about my father's condition until my mother realized that she needed help . . . and that only happened because she had to go in for surgery. She actually told me that she initially planned to send Dad to a inpatient care center for a while, but couldn't afford it. Of course, my sister and I immediately dropped everything and went to help them.)

I don't blame you (and other readers) for being upset about the delay in new chapters. That is why I decided to also post my response to you as a blog post to let everyone know the reason for the delay.

I am glad that you like my story enough to be angry at the lack of new chapters and (as I said in the blog) will post new chapters when I am certain that the quality will be worth the wait.

I had the same question . . . then I decided that it would be best if I didn't ask.

I guess some people are just looking for trouble or attention

Great story by the way, can't wait for future updates

Thank you. Don't worry. Updates to both of my stories are coming.

Thank you for replying, that's great to hear hope you're having a nice day

I was doing a Deadpool vs Deathstroke Death Battle reference.

I love this story so much I’ve read it 3 times and was wondering when the next chapter is coming and I hope it’s going to be a mother daughter day out like with Luna and her mother or twilight with Luna and I hope the story continues.

Just found this story. Hoping it will again update. Added to read list. :twilightsmile:

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