• Published 7th Oct 2018
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The Sixth Child - LibraryNexus

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Fazbear Family

November 13, 1987

The small child was awakened by the growling of her stomach. She blinked her eyes, taking in her surroundings. Grey walls and faded drawings looked back at her, mainly featuring a bear, a rabbit, a chicken, and a fox. She looked to her protector, who was still asleep, yet ready to wake up to protect his den, along with his wounded friends.

Her stomach growled again, reminding her that she had needs as well. She looked again at her protector, who still hadn’t moved even after all of her squirming.

She poked him, trying to wake him up. When he didn’t react, she poked him again. When that didn’t work, she punched him.

Freddy Fazbear woke up in the darkened room. His head was unusually clearer than when he woke up during the night. However, that thought was put to the side as the pony he was holding moved in his grip.

He loosened his arms to let her move out, but she just sat up and rubbed her tummy.

Hungry, the bear thought. Carefully rising to his feet, he picked up the pony and headed to the kitchens.

“Y’ar, what ya got there, Cap’an?”

Freddy stopped and turned to face the speaker. Foxy had risen up from his slouch and was looking at the creature in Freddy’s arms.

“I think it’s a pony,” Freddy said, feeling like he was stating the obvious.

“A pony?” a new voice asked. Freddy and Foxy turned around to see Chica starting to stand up, with Bonnie waking up.

“Yes,” Freddy confirmed, showing off the pony who was looking at his three bandmates.

“What’s he called?” Bonnie said, speech unhampered by his lack of an upper jaw.

Chica whirled on the one-armed rabbit. “She’s a girl, not a boy!”

“Lass, just ‘cause yer the only girl in this here port,” Foxy began.

“Actually, I have to agree with Chica on this,” Freddy interjected.

Chica squealed and clapped both of her stubs together as Foxy and Bonnie shared a look.

“Still, what are you going to call her?” Bonnie finally said.

Freddy looked down at the creature in his hands. “I don’t know,” he admitted.

“Posey!” Chica said, eagerly.

Foxy shook his head. “She doesn’t look like a ‘Posey,’ lass,” he said.

Chica turned on the fox. “I didn’t hear you suggesting anything, you mangy fox!” she said.

“Oh, I do have a suggestion! She looks more like a Firefly!”

“Actually, those are butterflies.”

The animatronics turned to Bonnie. “What?” Chica asked.

The rabbit animatronic pointed to a trio of pink insects that were on the pony’s flank. "Those are butterflies, not fireflies.”

“I think she’s reacting to butterflies,” Freddy said.

Indeed, the pony was perking up whenever the word was spoken and was turning to face the animatronic who was speaking it.

Freddy look at the pony. “Is your name Butterfly?” he asked.

The pony shook her head.

“Butterflies?” Chica asked.

Another head shake.

“Shutterfly!” Foxy chimed in.

That got a raised eyebrow.

“Fluttershy?” Freddy tried again.

The pony nodded her head, then hugged him.

“Her name is Fluttershy!” Chica cheered.

There was a loud grumble that caused the animatronics to jump.

Fluttershy sat up and rubbed her tummy.

“Oh, are ye hungry, little matey?” Foxy asked.

Fluttershy nodded.

“I was taking her to the kitchens when you lot woke up,” Freddy offered.

“Is there even any food there?” Bonnie wondered, putting his hand to his chin.

“Oh, oh!” Chica squealed, jumping up and down. “I can make her a pizza!” She stopped bouncing and looked at the end of her arms. “Or I would if I had hands.”

“Don’t worry, Chica,” Freddy said, as Fluttershy pawed at the chicken’s arms. “We can help you make it.”

“Argh, don’t worry lass!” Foxy said, rummaging in a box and pulling out three hands. “The blackguards didn’t take all me spares!”

“I wondered why the Mangle had three legs,” Bonnie said, as Foxy removed his hook, replacing it with a hand. “Hey Foxy, do you have a spare arm?”

“Sorry, Mr. Bonnie, but it’s currently holding up a head of that two-headed copy.”

“Well, we all know management are a bunch of cheapskates,” Bonnie said, as Foxy began working on Chica.

“I am going to get the kitchen ready,” Freddy said, getting ready to go. “Are you coming, Bonnie?”

He gave a one-arm shrug. “I’ve got nothing better to do.”

“Good. We can get everything set up while you two finish up in here.”

Foxy threw a salute. “Aye, aye, Cap’an!”

When Foxy and Chica got to the kitchen, Foxy took a moment to take a look at a room he had never been in before. It surprisingly not a large room, being less than half the size of one of the Party rooms, most of it taken up by a large oven and a walk-in freezer. On another wall was a industrial-size dishwasher that was used to clean up the dishes from the large crowds that came during the day. A set of shelves was set up to hold the clean dishes before they were put away. A long counter was set up so that multiple pizzas could be worked on at the same time. A kitchen island was set in the middle of the floor, to be used for special dishes.

Fluttershy was sitting on the island, next to a bunch of cooking equipment. She was watching Freddy and Bonnie looking inside the freezer arguing on what to get out of it. “Okay, I get why we’re getting pineapple and green peppers,” Bonnie was saying, “But why do we have to get onions?”

“Onions are actually pretty good on pizza,” Freddy replied, holding a package of them. “You can hardly taste them.”

“Do you even know if ponies eat onions?”

“Well you don’t know either so… sardines?”

“She might like sardines!”

“Bonnie, you’re the only one here who likes sardines on their pizza!”

“No, I’m not! Foxy likes them!”

“Mister Bonnie, despite being a pirate and a fox, I don’t like the slimy little fishies,” Foxy finally said. “I actually enjoy a straight pepperoni meself.”

The other two animatronics realized that they had an audience. “How long have you been there?” Freddy asked.

“Ever since the onions,” Chica said, flexing her new hands. “What have you guys gotten out?”

“We got the tools as well as the dough, cheese, and sauce,” Bonnie said, pointing out the items. “Then we started arguing about the other toppings.”

Chica huffed and stepped forward. “Let me do this,” she said, moving to pick up the dough. “And did any of you try asking Fluttershy?”

The two animatronics shook their heads sheepishly.

“I don’t believe the little matey knows what she wants yet,” Foxy said.

Indeed, the little pony had her head tilted to the side, looking confused.

Chica sighed and shook her head. “I’ll make a pepperoni tonight. I think ponies can eat meat.”

“Isn’t that horses?” Bonnie asked.

“Never mind, it’s still a safe choice.”

Putting a pizza together was a quick process. When there was four persons helping the process along, it goes even quicker.

So, things turned out that the pizza was put into the oven at a quick pace with Chica and Freddy watching it while Foxy and Bonnie ended up entertaining Fluttershy as well as discussing their new charge.

“How come we didn’t notice that she was a pegasus?” Bonnie asked as she laid on her back and played with the wires he had in place of his left arm.

“I blame the fact that meself was more distracted by the fact that a living pony was among us,” Foxy said, as he scratched at her side, causing her leg to kick occasionally.

Bonnie used his hand to spread the feathers of Fluttershy’s left wing. Old memories filtered in from somewhere. “I think that her feathers are almost fully in, but her wing still need to do a bit of growing before she can take off.”

“How do you know that?” Freddy asked, coming over.

Bonnie focused. “I think that someone left a book about birds behind once.”

“Do you remember who?”

“No, no, no! Not B_n___! Not-"



“Pizza’s ready!” Chica called, carrying over a platter. Putting it down, she revealed a pizza cut into ten pieces. Pulling out a server, she put a piece on a plate and set it in front of Fluttershy.

Fluttershy sniffed the slice of pizza before taking a small bite. Which turned into another and another bite. Before long, the piece of pizza had disappeared, except for a few slices of pepperoni.

“Well, I think we can assume that she doesn’t like pepperoni,” Bonnie said.

“Quite a shame!” Foxy said, eyeing the pizza longingly.

Fluttershy saw this and pushed the pan closer to him.

“For me?” Foxy asked. “Don’t mind if I do!” He then picked up a slice and put it in his mouth.

“Foxy, don’t eat that!” Chica cried.

“Why no’?” the fox asked, his voice muffled.

“We can’t eat food, we’re robots!”

“Oh,” Foxy said. “Wait… then how come I be eating it?”

The others blinked and looked closer at Foxy. While there was some sauce on around his mouth, there no sign of it falling out of his head. Foxy then opened his mouth, revealing that the slice had disappeared entirely.

“No clue, but I’m not complaining,” Freddy said, helping himself to a slice.

The other two followed his example, although Bonnie took a minute to figure out he had to maneuver his slices to his endoskeleton mouth. Between the four of them, they finished off the remainder of the pizza.

“We definitely have to do this again,” Bonnie said as they put away the food and set the dishes in the dishwasher for the morning crew.

“Definitely,” Chica said, looking at her hands. “Foxy…”

“It’s alright, lass, ya can keep them,” the pirate said. “I don’t think those privateers will notice anything different.”

Freddy picked up Fluttershy, who was beginning to hop from hoof to hoof. “I think I better take her to the restroom,” he said. “It’s almost six anyway.”

“I’ll finish up in here while you do that,” Chica said.

“And I guess me and Foxy will get back to Supply and Repairs,” Bonnie said.

“You do that,” Freddy said. “Well, good day everyone.”

Fluttershy waved as she and Freddy headed to the restaurant while Bonnie and Foxy headed back.

“Hey, Foxy.”

“Yes, Mister Bonnie?”

“Do you think that we forgot something?”

“I can’t be ‘membering nothin.”

“Never mind then.”

Nobody noticed the golden bear slouched up against the island.

“Okay,” the new night guard said. “I think the phone guy was messing with me about these old guys. I mean all they have done so far is go to the kitchens, OH NO, I FORGOT TO WIND THE MUSIC BOX! I WOKE THE BABY!”

“SCCRRREEEE!!!” the Puppet screamed, jumping towards him.