• Published 7th Oct 2018
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The Sixth Child - LibraryNexus

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November 18, 1987

Foxy woke up as Fluttershy crawled into his stomach. It almost been a week since the little pony had dropped into their lives, and the group had fallen into sort of a routine. When night fell, they would migrate to the kitchen, where Chica would bake a pizza that Fluttershy could eat, and they could enjoy. While that was cooking, the animatronics would find some way to entertain Fluttershy, from playing games with her to watching old black and white cartoons on an old TV.

During the daytime, there were different challenges. They were pretty sure Fluttershy wasn’t supposed to be in the restaurant, and they were sure that if she was discovered, she would be taken away. So, Foxy had hit upon the idea of having her hide inside of their mascot costumes. While all of them were nervous of this idea for some reason, nobody had a better one. Somehow they had managed to convey this plan to the tiny pony, and she had done it whenever an employee had come into the room. And as most of the employees had been noticeably skittish about going near the infamous animatronics let alone looking inside of them, this had worked out pretty well.

Although, the wisdom of this idea was called into question as a pair of human men entered Supply and Repairs, one of them carrying a toolkit. “I still don’t get why we have to get this old mangy robot ready,” one of them said as they walked in.

The other man, dressed in a pair of overalls, rolled his eyes. “It’s because this kid wants to have Foxy host his birthday party,” he said tiredly.

“Oh, and that Toy thingie looks like a piece of junk,” the first man finished.

The second man sighed. “Yes, so we have to make sure that the original Foxy is in presentable shape.”

“I don’t even why I’m here, I’m just the janitor.”

“The boss wanted you here because you are one of the only employees here who has had previous experience working with machinery-”

“And I told the guy who hired me that I wasn’t going to work on anymore haunted machinery!”

“You know those are just rumors.”

“Nobody ever proved them wrong! Look, I think the duck just twitched!”

Foxy bit back a snicker as the second man turned to face Chica. “Now I know you’re just jumpy,” he said while Fluttershy snuck out of Foxy and into Freddy. “Now stop lollygagging and help me give Foxy his update.”

The named pirate stood still as the second man messed with the back of his head. After that, he came back around holding a small machine that had a thin piece of plastic sticking out of it. “Strange,” he said.

“Strange what? Strange as in something interesting, or ‘oh, god, oh god, we’re all going to die?’”

“This programing is highly sophisticated for its time. I’m seeing less glitches that what I was expecting.”

“So, we don’t have to do anything?”

“No, I still have to install the update management gave me, and you are going to help me get the old Captain dressed up properly.”

“Okay, okay. But if this guy attacks us, I’m outta here!”

“They want to do what?” Freddy asked later that night.

Foxy was almost bouncing in place. “They’re gonna put me in the show!” he said excitedly.

He had undergone a transformation since that morning. He was now in a fully repaired suit, with none of his metallic parts or wires showing. His hook had been polished to a shine, and his optics were fully colored in.

“That’s great Foxy!” Chica said, putting a fresh pizza down. “You’re finally going out!”

“Oh, it’s more than that, lass,” Foxy said.

“What do you mean?” Bonnie asked, picking up a slice.

Foxy grinned. “Haven’t ya been listening to the patrons, Mister Bonnie?” he asked. “Apparently most of ‘em are creeped out by the copies and remember us with fondness. So, if I am as good as one of the copies, there be a good chance for us to get back onstage!”

“Wow,” Freddy said, genuinely impressed. “You have put a lot of thought into this.”

“That’s something I thought he never could do,” Chica said.


“It is a good idea,” Bonnie added. “Banking on the nostalgia feeling might be a good way to get us back in circulation.”

“Yar. Even if me doesn’t work out, at least I’ve been onstage.” Foxy picked up Fluttershy. “Ya hear that, little matey?” he asked. “Uncle Foxy is going to be in the show!”

“Yay! Unca Foxy!”

Everyone stopped. “Did Fluttershy just speak?” Bonnie asked.

Fluttershy turned to the rabbit. “Unca Bon!” she said.

Bonnie was stunned. “She did,” he said. “I’m an uncle. A freaking uncle!”

“Oh, oh!” Chica cooed, bouncing over to her. “What am I? What’s my name?”

Fluttershy looked at her. “Aunchic!”

Freddy chuckled at the look Chica had upon learning what Fluttershy had called her. “And who am I?” he asked.

“Dada Ber!” Fluttershy said, hugging him.

Freddy was pretty sure he had a goofy look on his face. He just couldn’t find it in him to care.

“So, are ya excited for my show, Lil’ Matey?” Foxy asked.

Fluttershy nodded quickly, looking like a bobble-head doll for a moment.

“Hold on there,” Freddy said. “What makes you think that she’s going to see your show?”

Foxy looked at Freddy. “Because the lass wants to see it?”

Indeed, Fluttershy appeared to be excited, doing a little cute dance.

Freddy turned to Fluttershy. “Are you sure about seeing this, Fluttershy?” he asked.

Fluttershy nodded.

“Uncle Foxy is going to perform his show during the day, when you are normally sleeping.”

Fluttershy tilted her head.

“It means that you are going have to wake up early if you want to see it.”

Fluttershy nodded her head.

“Which means that you have to go to bed now.”

Fluttershy jumped into Freddy’s arms.

Foxy chuckled. “The lass be very determined, Cap'an” he said.

“Yeah, I don’t think you’re going to win this one,” Bonnie said.

Freddy chuckled. “Alright, I’ll put her to bed,” he said.

“Good day, Fluttershy!” Chica said, waving to the little pegasus.

“Good day!” Bonnie said, waving as well.

“Sweet dreams, Lil’ Matey,” Foxy said. “I’ll be watching for ya tomorrow.”

Fluttershy waved to them as Freddy carried her back to Supply and Repairs. Once inside, he set Fluttershy and kissed her. “Good day, Fluttershy,” he said.

“Night, Dada Ber,” she said, kissing him back.

Freddy smiled as he went back to the others.

Fluttershy looked at a darkened corner. “Night, Pap Pap,” she said before going to sleep.

He was startled when she spoke to him. He hadn’t expected her to see his puppet, or to be called a title he had thought lost long ago. But being called that was… nice.

He once again renewed his vow to stop Him, and to protect this small child, no matter what it took.

Jeremy looked at message he had received from management. They wanted him to chaperone some kid’s birthday party? Well, at least he was getting paid extra for this.

The man in purple smiled in his secret place. Everything was going according to plan.