• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 1,602 Views, 163 Comments

Ballistics of Romance - Cytotoxin

There should be a rational and logical way around romance, right.... RIGHT!?

  • ...

Neverday - Lucid Dreaming

Sighing, Twilight punted her pillow with hoof. She just couldn`t get comfortable. Sleeping on the back, as she liked, was out of question at the moment - wings haven`t dissipated yet, and it was pretty certain that crushing fragile appendages would hurt. Not that much, per ce, but still quite enough to possibly keep her up whole night. Unfortunately, sleeping on her front proved to be less then comfortable. She needed some kind of distraction.

She let out another sigh and cast a discreet light before herself, levitating notebook in front of her nose. This particular one was used to keep her notes and observations on dating. Applejack was apparently heterosexual, she recalled, checking her notes. She could see that her offer unsettled Applejack. Chances are that if she, Twilight, were to find herself hopelessly in love with Applejack, orange mare would not budge on this. Not without something drastic happening to her. She briefly wondered if any of the stallions in the town had any designs on Applejack. Farmer was pretty attractive, after all, in a simplistic healthy way.

Rainbow Dash... was uninterested, plain as day. That revelation came quite out of left field, she mused, as she tapped the pencil against the scroll. It`s been "common knowledge" that Rainbow Dash is homosexual. Apparently, that "common knowledge" stemmed from the fact she tried to go out with some of the local stallions and utterly failed to find the concept enticing. That led Twilight to wonder how come none of the local mares made a pass on Dash before. Or maybe they did and Dash turned them down. But why then the assumption of her interest would be there? She shook her head. Maybe it was because Dash looked like living breathing stereotype of butch dyke.

Of course, Rainbow Dash also had certain obtuseness about her - she tended to dismiss things out of hoof only to find them enticing once she was forced, coerced or challenged into them. Maybe Dash would find sex more attractive then dating. That is, assuming she never had sex before. Maybe she did and felt nothing about it, just like she felt nothing about a kiss Twilight stole. Oh well, she could ask Dash about it later.

Twilight let go of the light spell and set the notebook on the night table. Now... nope. No sleepiness still. She groaned. Time to use artillery. Rifling thought her mind, unicorn recalled what she could about sleep-inducing spells. Needlepoint`s Knockout... No, that`s for medical anaesthesia. It was never meant to be self-cast. OK, what else. Giggler`s Sleeping Prank? Great, except it caused the affected pony to wet the bed as well. Hm. Lucid Dream?... Well, that caused to share dream with somepony else... And she had nopony nearby. So she`d share the dream with nearest creature that`s currently dreaming. That would be either Spike, or one of her neighbors. Likely Spike. Yuck. She shared dream with him a couple of times - not an easy experience, considering his dreams were pretty much a temple to Rarity.

Speaking of Rarity... Twilight blinked as she remembered about her date with Rarity. Scheduled for Friday. No doubt, Spike wouldn`t be happy about it. She supposed she should feel guilty, but... After seeing Spike`s dreams, she came to a startling conclusion that Spike wouldn`t know real Rarity from a knot in the wood. His "love", if it could be called so, revolved around his mental image of Rarity - which had next to nothing in common with bona fide article. Twilight sorely hoped he`d outgrow it on his own.

Argh, this is going nowhere! She rubbed hoof over her nose irritably. At that rate, she`d have to cast location spell just to catch her train of thought. Wait.. LOCATION SPELL! EUREKA! Combining Lucid Dream with Contagion`s Attraction would let her share the dream with somepony who WANTED to see a dream about Twilight Sparkle. Grinning at her own craftiness, she cast the spell... And nothing happened. ...Right. It was not a certainty anypony wanted to dream about her to begin with. Disappo...


Twilight looked around warily. How strange. She was in the tiny kitchen, wearing an apron. Pot bubbled merrily on the stove, and almost absentmindedly, she reached out, grasping ladle in her telekinetic grip and stirring the soup within. It smelled wonderfully. "I`m a cook?" - she quipped incredulously, glancing around. "More like... housewife." - voice was gratingly familiar, and yet... Twilight was certain she heard it before, but only for a brief time. A daily acquaintance, most likely. Who?

She turned around, and came practically nose to nose with Trixie. "You?..." - exclaimed lavender mare incredulously, taking a step back. Trixie chuckled. She was dressed in her usual garb of cape and hat - only in this dream, her clothes were quite obviously expensive. Instead of dyed and painted linen, it was silk, and stars were little gems grafted into the fabric magically. "Hello there, dear. Is the dinner ready?" - she quipped rather amiably.

Trixie? Dreaming about her, Twilight, being a housewife? To whom? To Trixie? Holy bucking Discord riding Nightmare Moon, what the bloody hell? Shocked and confused, Twilight turned around, checking the pot. "A minute or two still, darling." - she responded cautiously. No need to disrupt the normal flow of dream just yet. Trixie flopped on the chair, smiling slightly. "Trixie had a lucrative day. Tiring, but lucrative." - she offered, stretching out.

"Really? Do tell, dear. I like to hear about your work. It`s always incredible to hear what great and powerful things you`ve accomplished." - she cajoled, stirring the pot again. If Trixie wanted to dream about this? Twilight would milk it for all that it`s worth. Blue mare let out a soft laugh - "Trixie was performing at the circus in the morning. Nothing too grandiose, just the usual routine. It was great enough to attract mayor`s children, though, so in the evening Trixie was performing a private show at mayor`s banquet. Good payoff, although Trixie feels she could`ve done more if she had the time to put some stage equipment in place. Oh well."

Taking the pot off the stove, Twilight levitated it on the counter, lading out the steaming broth into two bowls. She wondered if Trixie`s dream would entail some particular kind of denigration for her - like, not being allowed to eat with Trixie or something equally unsavory. However, judging by Trixie`s reaction, she did exactly what was expected. Interesting. Twilight levitated the bowls to the table, quickly throwing together the rest of necessities to enjoy a meal, like spoons, bread and other things.

Trixie sampled the broth and smiled again. "That tastes great, Twilight." - she offered, dipping a slice of bread into the soup and nibbling it. Quirking brow, lavender mare took a sit across Trixie and took a spoonful of broth herself. It was indeed good. Time to up the ante. "I tried really hard for my beloved." - she offered, taking a bite of bread to stifle the groan that she just HAD to let out at the corniness of that line. She saw Trixie`s eyes widen in alarm. OK, now that was a dream flow disruption. Dream had Trixie cohabitating with Twilight, clearly. Surely, a mere suggestion of intimacy wouldn`t turn Trixie`s dream into nightmare?

Trixie put her hooves on the table, pushing the bowl of soup to the side. "...Alright, Twilight. Trixie had enough of this charade. Why are you in Trixie`s dream?" She facehoofed at Twilight`s dumbfound expression - "Oh, come on, Twilight Sparkle. Trixie is an expert in illusion magic. Would you really expect Trixie not to notice she`s sharing dream with you?"

Twilight nipped her lip. What to do, what to do? She decided to seek refuge in audacity - by being honest. "I had no idea it would be your dream I`d end up in." - she offered, blushing slightly - "I cast Contagion`s Attraction over Lucid Dream. Just wanted to end up in the dream of somepony who`d want to dream about me." Trixie blinked. Twice. Then again. "...You`re a dirty mare, Twilight Sparkle." - she offered at last, - "Jumping into dreams about you?..."

"What do you mean, dirty!? It`s not like I did that to do something weird to whoever... And looks who`s talking. It was YOU who wanted to dream about me, remember?" - Twilight exclaimed in indignation. Trixie facehooved. "For crying out loud, Twilight Sparkle. What kind of dream would you expect anypony to have, if they want a young attractive supple mare in it? Chances are it would be a wet dream. DUH." - she retorted - "If Trixie were a stallion, you`d probably be bent over that table already, sheesh."

"...It`s charming to know you`re entertaining such notions about me, Trixie, really." - responded Twilight acerbically, - "But I don`t think I`m interested." "If so, why did you cast the spell, Twilight Sparkle?" - offered Trixie, covering her eyes with hoof, - "Trixie refuses to believe you`d fail to realise the fact you`re effectively seeking a wet dream with your direct participation." Twilight fought the blush as she retorted - "Not everypony has as dirty mind as you do, Trixie. Speaking of which, WHY ME? And what`s up with that getup? Dreaming of domestic abuse or something?"

Trixie jerked up, staring at Twilight with alarm and a touch of disgust - "What? No! Heavens, you`re one messed up mare, Twilight Sparkle. Did you seriously came into my dream expecting to get raped, Discord touch you? ANSWER ME, YOU... YOU..." Twilight`s face matched the alarm and disgust readily as she yelped - "What? NO. Celestia forbid, not in a thousand years!.. I swear, I didn`t even think I`m jumping into wet dream."

"...Trixie sees we both are rather... indignant about the idea, as it were." - offered blue mare after a few moments of tense silence, - "She proposes we assume you indeed jumped into dream not for salacious reasons... As long as we can assume that Trixie was not thinking of Twilight due to salacious reasons either." Letting out a huff, Twilight nodded, - "Very well. Let us assume for now that neither of us harbors indecent thoughts towards the other. But that brings up the question - why is that you wanted to dream about me?"

"...Trixie does not rightly know." - admitted illusionist after some silence - "Trixie thinks she just wants some closure on the whole... incident in Ponyville." Lavender mare nodded, as she pulled her bowl of soup closer and took another spoonful. No point in letting good food go to waste, even if it`s just dream food. Right? "Go on, Trixie. I`m listening." - she offered. Chuckling, Trixie took a spoonful of soup herself. "Very well. Trixie was very angry for a while, you know. Trixie is not meant to be taken that seriously. She only plays tricks on ponies as a part of show. It usually goes off really well - ponies who would take up Trixie on her challenge first are usually loudmouths nopony around likes anyway, so they`re fair game to trick." - she offered between the spoonfuls of soup - "So Trixie was livid about having a monster sicced on her in Ponyville."

"Wait a second. We didn`t sic any monsters on you. Ursa Minor was woken up by two colts who didn`t know any better." - responded Twilight. Trixie shrugged - "Trixie knows that much now. At the moment, however, Trixie was pretty certain those two ruffians were there just to watch the bear trample Trixie. After all, monsters like Ursa don`t usually have lairs so close to towns - it would take a unicorn to bring out an Ursa out of mountains where they usually prowl."

"Fair enough. But you said you know better now. What changed?" - inquired Twilight curiously, as she nipped on the piece of bread. Blue mare chuckled. "Would you believe nothing? Trixie reached Springwell on hooves two days after, still quite livid, and contacted her insurance agency. Trixie wanted to sue Ponyville for that... incident." - she offered, sighing - "Agency investigated, however, and they brought back proof that attack was not set up by anypony intentionally. Insurance covered the losses Trixie suffered, so... Trixie has no more beef with Ponyville... Though, Trixie can say for sure she won`t be performing in that particular burg anytime soon."

Twilight mulled things over. It was quite nice to see Trixie does not harbor much of a grudge against Ponyville, but... there was still an issue as to what exactly Trixie felt about her. "Well, that is nice. But why did you want to dream about me?" - she quipped, looking on illusionist inquisitively. "Why, Trixie was curious. It was very surprising to find a unicorn of such power in a little burg like that." - Trixie responded, flicking her mane, as she reached for another piece of bread - "And so, Trixie found out that you are Princess Celestia`s personal protege. Which explained a lot to Trixie. Oh, and there`s also a little issue of Trixie wanting to say 'thank you'."

Twilight dropped the spoon. Fortunately, it landed into her bowl. "..Did you just... thank me?" - she asked, incredulously. Trixie winced, pain clearly seen in her expression. "...Is that so strange?" - she offered in clipped tone, - "Trixie is not stupid, Twilight Sparkle. She knows she may have had been killed that night if not for you. So yes, Trixie feels thankful to you. It hurts Trixie`s pride to admit she was saved, but Trixie values her life more then her pride."

Suddenly, Twilight felt like the worst pony in Equestria. "...I`m sorry, Trixie. I seriously misjudged you." - she offered, contrite expression on her face, - "And, for what`s it`s worth, I`m glad you are alive and well." Trixie`s hurt impression waned, replaced by mostly neutral frown. "Trixie wished she could say that in person, but... Trixie does not want to visit Ponyville again." - she offered and offered a little smile - "Trixie guesses saying it in lucid dream is good enough."

Staring at the mare across the table, Twilight made a snap decision. "You know, I know how to make it a little better." - she offered, standing up and stepping around the table, coming next to Trixie. Illusionist blinked, looking at the mare next to her with a peculiar expression - "...What do you have in mind, Twilight Sparkle?" In lieu of answering, Twilight leaned forward, her lips pressing against Trixie`s for a second. "Maybe Trixie is just having a wet dream about Twilight. Or maybe Twilight is having wet dream about Trixie? Who knows." - she murred.

Blinking, Trixie pulled back a bit - "Twilight... Trixie wants to, but it would never work out... Trixie can not give up her life, and Twilight certainly can`t give up hers... And as things are, dreams are the only place where Trixie and Twilight can even meet." Twilight let out a soft laugh, tinged with just a bit of sadness - "Twilight is well aware of that, Trixie. But Twilight thinks both her and Trixie need... a closure." Slowly, blue mare leaned to lavender one, light dimming out as the dream took a sharp turn towards erotic.