• Published 18th Oct 2018
  • 596 Views, 4 Comments

Fumblings of Fatherhood - Synesisbassist

A single father of the most adorable filly in all the world, meets fate one day when he comes face to face with another in the same position. Though, vastly different, he makes it his mission to help the Human in raising his own daughter.... A Robot.

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Making a friend, or two.

Author's Note:

Thanks for taking the time to click on this, and I hope you enjoy some feels. This will be continued in the future, not sure when yet, but I'm not going to abandon this idea.:twilightsmile: This will probably be my last thing posted before my big project starts in November! Until then, see you in the next update! ~Syn

It was a little past noon, on the third Sunday of July. The birds were chirping happily, and the ponies were out enjoying a warm and relaxing day. The bright summer sun shined down on the expansive grassy fields, around the small hamlet. Though, for once in its recent history, the little town of Ponyville was quite quiet. It seemed no raging monster, or evil entity was attempting to besiege the town today. So the citizens were seizing the opportunity, soaking in the wonderful rays of sunlight.

It was at a small park, that a lone stallion was sitting atop one of the benches. With newspaper in hoof, the stallion would read a few lines before glancing over the top, looking at a small filly who played in the sandbox. A short black mane rested on his head, barely shifting as he kept glancing up at the foal that played before him. Light green eyes blinked a few times, as the filly waved at him. Lifting a dark grey hoof, the stallion waved back as she resumed playing. The stallions name, was Duskhoof. A simple stallion from Trottingham, he had come to Equestria shortly after his daughter was born to escape… Well, it’s best not to talk about that... With a cutie mark depicting a roll of parchment being written on by a blue feather, with a small red heart in the middle. The stallion was a thinker, he was thoughtful and kind. The same things he had taught his daughter, though she sometimes struggled to think before she spoke!

“Look daddy! I’ve made a castle!” The brown coated filly giggled, proudly displaying her little castle made of sand to him, her larger than average ears twitched as she laughed. His smile grew as the filly named Molasses, or Mole for short, grabbed her little shovel with magic, and started filling her bucket. Duskhoof felt guilty each time she used it though, sure, she was really talented in her own right, but as a simple earth pony, he couldn’t help but feel inadequate.

But her smile would always wash those feelings away. The innocence in that laugh, the way her ears would flop around, and the joy of knowing he helped create and will continue to shape the young filly into a proper mare, filled him with satisfaction. But he didn’t get time to think about that any longer, as a small orange and white blur, shot past the bench and quickly joined little Mole, in the sandbox. Dusk almost had to do a double take. He had never seen this other filly before, her orange tail was cropped short, her mane was almost non-existent, only long bangs covering part of her right eye and face.

But Faust bless his soul, his little Mole quickly smiled and offered the new filly one of her buckets. “The brown one yours? She’s got your eyes after all.” A male voice said from beside him, as a weight sat on the other end of the bench. Now Dusk had to do a double take. The human of Ponyville was currently sitting beside him, almost as if he was like any other pony. Silver, he thought his name was, Dusk remembered other ponies mentioning him before. Upon noticing the wide eyed staring, the bearded man chuckled. “Its fine, I get it all the time. Names Leonidas Silver, or you can just call me whatever you’d like. Most ponies just call me Silver, sounds more ‘pony-like’ I guess” He stuck out a hand, which Dusk let wrap around the end of his hoof in a small shake. “That’s Kiva, my little girl.”

Looking back at the two fillies, Dusk watched as they played in the sand. Taking turns filling the buckets, and both attempting to build castles. Mole was squeaking happily, while giving Kiva some pointers on how to build them even better. Though, it was at this point, when something seemed, off about her. Beating him to the question, the silver-eyed man crossed his leg. “Before you ask, yes. She is a robot. It was the best I could get, not being a full blooded Equestrian and all... But, I’m happy and so is she.” Putting his arm over the back of the bench, the two watched as the girls laughed, Mole had accidentally leaned too far and knocked over her own castle. Now the two were hard at work building one together, for Mole.

Taking a moment to think, Dusk tilted his head to the side. “Does she have a mother? Or is it just you?”

Glancing out the corner of his eye, he watched as Silver let out a sigh. “No, it’s just me. Never really got close to any mares, if you catch my drift. Turns out, some ponies are still afraid of me.” Shrugging his shoulders, the man ran a hand through his hair and sighed sadly. “Is what it is I guess. But, now that I have Kiva, she’s all I need anyways.” Nodding in understanding, Dusk turned back to watching. They had ditched the sandbox, and were currently playing on the small jungle gym, playing what could be described was a simple version of tag. Though, was more akin to a ‘follow me!’ style of game.

“It’s nice seeing her get to play with other foals, most of them are really mean to her. Calling her names and the such, it really discourages her, the poor thing.” Wiping the start of a tear from his eye, Silver smiled while giving a small wave as Kiva slid down one of the slides behind Mole. There was a few minutes of them just sitting in silence, watching as the two darted, laughed, booped and tumbled around the entirety of the park. They made sure not to leave one square foot of grass untouched, no tree unclimbed; or at least attempted, before collapsing into a heap, each one trying to tickle the other.

“Does this get any easier?” The human asked suddenly though quietly, his voice heavy and almost shaking as he rested his head on his hands. His eyes watching as Mole scurried over; giving a very short and quick hello! before grabbing what looked like a colouring book from a pair of saddlebags sitting beside the bench and brought them back to Kiva. They quickly got to scribbling stuff, chattering happily back and forth.

Dusk wiggled closer, gently patting the man on the back. “I’d be lyin if I said it did. But, the proud feelin does get better as time goes on. Watching your little one grow and mature. That's what makes it all worth it, aye?” His accent lacing every word he spoke, only seeming to enhance the message behind them, his head turning slightly.

“You’re right, though it seems everyday is a struggle. Trying to balance her life as much as I can, provide a nurturing environment for her. Somedays I question if I bit off more than I could chew...”

His heart feeling for the man, the stallion shuffled even closer and gave him a small hug. “Well, as my old man used to say. ‘Dusk, live your life to the fullest, because you never know when it’s going to end.’ And it’s true. He passed shortly after I turned the big two zero.” Swallowing the lump in his throat, the earth pony laid his head against Silvers shoulder. “An I can tell ya, you’d wouldn’t be as happy deep down, as you are right now without her. And I can see, she looks up to you. Just like my own flesh and blood does. Blood may be thicker than water, but love for somepony else, whether it be a friend, brother or daughter. That...” His hoof poked the mans chest. “Will be with you forever.”

Taking the words for a moment, Silver thought deeply turning his head to see the stallion smiling back. He searched his eyes, finding kindness and sincerity in the pools of green. “You’re right Dusk. Thanks, really. It means a lot to hear somepony say that to me. Living in your own little world for so long, it just feels hopeless some days.” Patting the grey coated pony on the back, Silver sat up and took a deep breath.

It was then, that the two galloped over, Mole holding a drawing in her magic, and Kiva in her mouth. “Daddy! I drew you this!” The brown filly squeaked, shoving the crude, but cute drawing into Dusk’s face. It showed her and Kiva, giving a muzzle nuzzle, with the words ‘Best Freinds Forver’ misspelled, and written in different colours along the top.

Kiva was more hesitant, but she gently offered Silver her drawing. It showed what he could figure was him, bending down to hug the little robopony. They were both crying, but with smiles. Along the top, it said ‘No matter what happens daddy… I love you.’ Unable to hold back tears, Silver grabbed his daughter tightly and held her close.

Kiva nuzzled his neck, sniffling quietly. “I love you daddy.”

Glancing over at Dusky and Mole, the two knowingly nodded as Silver laughed happily. “I-I love you too Kiva, forever and always.” Mole let out a happy whinny, bouncing on her hooves a few times.

“You’re doing a great job Silver, keep it up. If you ever need anything, just let me know, ok? My door is always open for a friend. Come on Mole, time to go home for the day.” With that, he headed off to pick up her colouring books and crayons.

Letting the creamsicle coated filly, Mole hugged her tightly, shifting from hindhoof to hindhoof. “I-I’ll see you again, right Kivo the robo?” Giggling at her the nickname she had given her friend, Kiva nodded while hugging back tightly.

“Of course Moley! You’re my new best friend!” It was then that Dusk had returned, calling for Mole. They broke the hug, both looking quite sad before Kiva booped the unicorns muzzle. “We’re BFFs now! I’ll see you later, ok?” With teary eyes, the large eared filly nodded before giving one last tear filled hug, reluctantly pulling away to follow her father out of the park.

Waving all the while, Kiva watched as Mole and Dusk turned around the corner and out of sight. Yawning, the robopony hopped up on the bench, nuzzling into Silvers side as the sun set. Her eyes closed, tired from all the playing. “Let’s go home Kiva.” Lifting the sleeping filly up, Silver left in the opposite direction, only stopping to glance back at the place where he’d met one of his greatest friends. Promising himself to come back tomorrow, Silver turned heel and headed home. Today, was a good day after all...

Comments ( 4 )

I love this story. There’s so much heart and sentiment in it, and it just puts perfect words towards my friendship with Syn and our feelings for our characters as well.

Please sir may I haves the More? This was just so heartwarming and made me shed a tear or thirty!

Might we have more? No?

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