• Member Since 12th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 10th, 2023


I write stories mostly revolving around romance concering the protagonist and a princess or princesses. I am a Royalty Writer and consider little to no other kinds of writing, save for few exceptions.

Comments ( 89 )

Kind of missing the human tab

You should add human to the title, so we know there will be a human there, about the story, it has a good start, i want to see where this is going, also i hope you have an explanation about why cadance knows about humans, it cant be the mirror.

Oh shoot. My bad! Been a while since I've done this!

Thanks for letting me know!


Excited to see where this goes.

Okay...i like this. You have my attention.

O snap! Okay, now I'm definitely interested. Don't stop. I wanna see where this goes....

Well that was a Suspenseful Chapter! I'm excited for the next one.

“No, or at least, I hope not. My point was that it may have taken more than one or two of them to carry you. I’m hoping it took maybe 3 or 4.” I nodded and began to caress my chin in thought.

It's a bit jarring to have some numbers be spelt out and have other numbers typed as actual numbers in the same sentence.

Ah, indeed I see your point. I'll remedy that in chapters to come.

He said " unknowing to myself she was studying me." And after "Still, it was innocent and I couldn’t think about that now". Its not clear if he know or not if she is studyng him.

They way I've written that is to convey somewhat his thoughts to the reader; by that I mean he assumes things that other people (in this case, ponies :P) are doing, when in reality it could be and often is something completely different.

I'm basically adding to his flaws in his thinking, as James is the kinda guy who can read into people very well and isn't surprised because of it. By doing that, I'm essentially trying to make him a believable character who screws up and struggles once in a while (like us all).

Despite the fact that it took a little while it's still good that you updated. I've seen too many HiE stories die after two chapters

I like it! I hope there will be more chapters.

So I just read this as soon as I replied to your PM and I gotta say, this has been a very interesting read so far... Let's see where this goes... I rarely ever comment anymore, but I'll keep watching to see where this goes...

That ending though, I got a perfect comment on it-

Zoidberg: *Ahem* Anyway the 'plot thickens' s- *gets shot by multiple bullets*

Me: Shut up Zoidberg.

Anyone doesn't know this, it's a reference to one of the videos from vanossgaming. They're really hilarious.

Well done, I do like that reference :D

Ooh, could you do a Chapter with a Flashback to after the Invasion and before Cadence's confession? :raritystarry:

Yes I can do that, I was planning on it

Nuclear launch detected!

Well, that was fast.

Normally, I'd leave stories that move at such a quick pace... But for some reason, I don't wanna leave this one. Not sure why. Well, props to you. Keep it up.

The reason for doing that was to, well, shake up the reader. Basically I wanted to drop a bombshell. This story isn't supposed to move that quickly, though.

Thanks for staying with me! :D

“...because I’m in love with you.”

well that escalated quickly.

Why isn't there a Chrysalis tag?

*Presses Red Button*

I Regret Nothing! :trollestia:

Because she was merely there during the attack. She does not have enough relevancy to this story to warrant a tag.

I will be writing a story with Chrysalis in it, though. :)


I see what you did there ;)

Shining: cadence i love you
Cadence: good bye big naze

HAHAHAHAAHA more more more :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Easy solution! James needs to form a herd with Shiny and Cady! I think Cady is enough a mare for two stallions! It would be perfect! And hey, Rarity could join to get her handsome Prince! ...yes, I am a little weird.

He'd have to watch out tho, What if Luna and Celestia want in on the herd? Maybe even Twilight. Some strange shit could go down....

Humans DO have that line of charm... especially considering he mentioned Luna being interested in him in this chapter...



You know, this is just a beginning story of how James gets here... as for a herd, well...

You may have read my mind...


Oh I love you already. So many authors avoid Herding in their stories... ...but really, it solves SO MANY PROBLEMS!

I'm digging this so far. I was really worried you were just going to have Cadence fall in love, call off the wedding, and then for everyone to think this was totally normal behavior for reasons. This feels much better. Everyone is acknowledging that Cadence is acting weird, Shining Armor is rightfully upset, Twilight is curious, and Celestia is basically doing mom things while quietly sussing out what the hell is going on. You're doing a good job with the characters, nice job so far.

Also... herds ftw, though I've always found the multiple male ones a bit odd. That just isn't a thing that happens to equines naturally to the best of my knowledge. At least in horses, stallions get rather murdery when other stallions try to get close to their mares. Just a thought, I'm curious to see where this is going!

You know. I am glad this chapter came out the way it did. It paces out the romance and can give more room to grow if you are truly setting up James and Cadance. Many writers tend to fall into a trap where its like...."btw.... I love you" by chapter 2 with no real context to go with it. Glad you gave a reason plus way to excuse yourself of pacing it out.

Oh and friendly heads up. Her name is spelled Cadance. I was wondering why for a moment something was off when ever I read her name.


Oh shoot thanks for the heads up, my friend. Been a while since I looked it the spelling :D

And thank you so much for the review, I love reviews that display reason for liking something I've done. Gives me real inspiration, yknow?

As for a male being in the herd, no thanks my friend XD

And thanks for the long review, I love 'em to bits; it really helps me with my ever-lacking motivation to write (for some reason I hit writer's blocks 24/7)


Glad to help! I've done a decent bit of writing and an ungodly amount of beta/editing work on other stories, so if you're looking for more detailed feedback I'm happy to provide it.

Again, quick progress. But for the first time, it's being done right. I'm not sure how to explain it, but I just really like this story. Well done.

:moustache: Moustache for you.

Comment posted by Oops door deleted Nov 16th, 2018

What about flurry heart

She doesn't exist, this is set during the wedding. Flurry Heart was after the wedding, with Shining. As of yet, she is not part of the timeline.

I may at some point take you up on that offer, my friend. Thank you so much :)

Is Luna getting on this action If she still interested

Maybe, maybe not. Wait and see, mein freind.

chapter 1:
“I was knocked out and drug here against my will...” - dragged here
chapter 2:
"the queen of the Chrysalids" - Changelings
chapter 3:
"That the Changlings" - Changelings

Ok, first of all I don't normally comment on the stories, but this I feel I really should. I'm really charmed by this, it feels quick but we'll done, it also makes me feel expectant for more, I'm worried tho, stories with this pairing are rare and it's common that at some point, dies, it's sad to see such potential, so I hope it doesn't happen Whit this one, keep it up, really happy about everything so far.:pinkiehappy:

two crystal guards on James

Um... You mean Canterlot guards, right? :rainbowderp: Pretty sure the crystal empire and crystal guards aren't a thing yet. :twilightsmile:

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