• Published 5th Nov 2018
  • 1,239 Views, 24 Comments

My Little Mages: Academia Amina - Foxhelm

Following the defeat of the Storm King, what's next for Twilight? Well open a school of course, what could go wrong.

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First Class

Three days later, at the waterfall that was just north of Magiville, there was a new addition to the town. A large purple wood structure was built into the mountain side of the waterfall, with walkway to the school and the front door had heater shield with the main star of Twilight’s aura mark with renderings of the five other Elements of Harmony when they were wielded by Celestia and Luna, and a six gem green in color. Inside the school’s atrium, there was inground pond which circled a fountain. Beyond that, there were various hallways to several classrooms and a few offices. However, the focus is currently in the schools’ atrium as Twilight’s friends were all dressed in long brown skirts with long sleeve blouses that matched the color of their Element of Harmony, with Starlight wearing green, with their Aura Marks stitched into their dresses. “This is too much! Too much!” Rainbow groaned as she hovered above everyone and pulled at her hair.

Rarity looked at herself and everyone over, “You think so?” the enchantress asked uncertainly about the elementalist’s reaction. “I had hoped that if we dressed the part it would help us feel the part!” Rarity almost exclaimed as she started to walk away.

“Not your dress!” Rainbow clarified as she landed and took a breath. She then pointed to the surrounding, “This!” she then waved to the six present, “Us!” She then looked to the ceiling, “Teaching?!” she asked almost rhetorically. She sighed as she landed and buried her face in a curtain, “They're gonna think I'm an egghead!” she almost shouted.

Pinkie smiled as she pulled out her hair a party cannon, “Well, the students are gonna love my confetti cannon class. It's gonna be…” she paused for a second for dramatic effect, “a blast!”

Fluttershy took a moment to look in the mirror, she took a breath. “Um, hello there. I'm your teacher. I hope you enjoy the class. But if you don't enjoy it, that's okay, too.” it was clear the druid was trying to build but confidence for the classes ahead. The fact that Fluttershy didn’t move from her spot even as she backpedaled with her words was a decent improvement in the druid’s demeanor.

Applejack smiled at Fluttershy’s progress in her confidence. However, Applejack took a moment to think about what Rainbow said. She couldn’t help but shake her head in doubt about all this, “I don't know about all this.”

Twilight and Spike then come down, Twilight matching her friends with her blouse matching her Element of Harmony, “It's going to be fine.” she said as she gave an air of confidence. “Everything about this school just feels right,” she said as she walked past everyone and stood in front of the door.

“See?” Starlight asked with a cheer. “If Twilight isn't stressed, you've got nothing to worry about,” she said with confidence in Twilight’s plan.

Applejack was not so convinced and looked squarely at Twilight, “And you're sure you want us to be teachers?” she said as she gestured to everyone. “In classrooms?” she asked as she gestured to the school.

Twilight nodded, “The MEA is very clear about how schools should be run.” she said as she levitated a copy of the MEA guidebook. “We have a huge responsibility, and I need you all to do this by the book.” she then turned her focus to Pinkie solely, “That means no cannons in class, Pinkie.”

Pinkie Pie: “Aww,” Pinkie whined as she put her party cannon back into her hair and pulled some from the left sleeve of he blouse, “not even a teeny cannon?” Pinkie asked as she revealed a tiny party cannon before it fired.

Twilight shook her head, which prompted the trickster to put the cannon back up her sleeve, “I know it's not some big adventure against the forces of evil,” she stated, “but this could be the most important thing we've ever done.” She said as she looked at each of her friends. “I can't run a school of friendship without my best friends! Can I count on you?” she asked. Everyone silently nodded.

Just then a bell rang, “First day at school!” Pinkie shouted. “So many new people!” Pinkie then started to skip to the door.

Twilight grabbed Pinkie before the trickster could open the door. “One more thing, Mysticans will not be our only students. Princess Celestia helped me reach out to our neighboring and allied kingdoms. After all, friendship is something that needs to be shared with everyone.” the bell rang for the second time. “Positions everyone!” Twilight ordered as everyone took a few steps into the atrium so that the students that had enrolled could enter. Twilight then opened the doors and a small army of Mysticans about five to eight years younger that than Twilight and company came in. Everyone chattering all the while. Twilight then clapped her hands as she hovered over everyone. This got everyone’s attention and they all turned to face her. “Welcome to the School of Friendship!” Twilight greeted with her arms open as if to welcome everyone. “ I'm your headmistress Princess Twilight Sparkle.? She then pointed to the Starlight, as the binder was walking towards a table with booklets, “Please follow Counselor Starlight to sign in and get your class assignments. Then we can show you your living quarters!”

As the students began to gather an Earthborn young man with light sea green eyes bumped into something. The Earthborn, in addition to his eyes, had hair that was a mix of light cyan and moderate opal. He wore a pale spring bud unbuttoned shirt over green shirt with knee-length shorts that were blue in color with two sets of three sea turtles along the legs. The Earthborn lad actually bumped into a male harpy about his age with blue feathers. The harpy’s crown feathers was a lighter blue with amber tips. The two turned to face each other, “Whoa, sorry!” the Earthborn said as he offered his right hand to the harpy, “I'm Sandbar!” The harpy just looked at the hand. “Are you a student here too?” the recently identified Sandbar asked.

The harpy rolled his eyes, “No, I thought I'd just randomly stand here and assume anyone would walk into me.” the harpy replied with sarcasm dripping in his voice.

There was a ruffle of feathers of a much older male harpy, seemingly in his late seventies with a blind and likely dead left eye, flew up to the two, “Gallus!” the older harpy cried before he began to wheezes and cough.

That shortness of breath was recognized by Rainbow and she flew up to the scene. “Grandpa Gruff?” she asked the older harper. Gruff nodded as he recovered and the two fist-bumped. “What are you doing here?” Rainbow asked.

Grampa Gruff then pointed to the younger harpy, “Flew all the way from Gryphonstone to introduce Gallus.” Gruff then flew behind the recently identified Gallus and shoved him into Rainbow, “Here. He’s your problem now.” Gruff then flew off to leave the school only to hit one of the walls and pretty elected to say until the youngsters left.

Gallus and Rainbow recovered from the meet and greet. Gallus looked at Rainbow, “Rainbow Dash, right?” he asked. Rainbow nodded with a grin. “Gilda told me about you.”
Gallus informed Rainbow of how he knew of Rainbow. He then looked at Rainbow’s attitude and the school, “You're a teacher? Huh. Thought you'd be... cooler.” He then flew to join the formed line leaving Rainbow stunned.

“Pink-haired party planning honorary ork!” bellowed a humanoid as he entered. The humanoid while was taller and more muscular than the average human, was not quite a match for Big Mac of Rockfoot. His hair was three shades of tangelo and from his head was a set of large gray horns and a crown of black metal. Over his shoulders was a light green shawl over a grayish-blue shirt that went down to his knees with brown pants that went to his ankles with grayish-blue leggings with sandals that gave it an appearance of hooves.

“Prince Rutherford!” Pinkie cheered as she skipped over to the recently identified humanoid and the two hugged. After they finished the hug Pinkie spotted a younger female humanoid of the same type as the recently identified Rutherford, she lacked a crown and had two pink bows over her ears with braided hair.“It’s so good to see you again, so who's this?” she asked as she pointed the girl.

Prince Rutherford placed his hand reassuringly on the girl’s shoulder, “This Ork Rutherford’s second cousin’s-in-law on mother’s side daughter, Ork Yona.” Rutherford then took a step to the side so that Yona and Pinkie could greet each other with the Ork first hug. “She come to human school,” Rutherford said as the two ended the hug. “Make it better,” Rutherford concluded.

“Yona can't wait to meet humans and tell all about Yakyakistan!” Yona cheered as she jumped into the air and landed, however, she stumbled in her landing and yielded in fear as she lost her balance.

However, before Yona could crash into anything, the younger ork was caught by Applejack, “Easy there, Sugarcube. How about I show you around before you destroy the place?”

Also among those present, were two dragons. Both were walking on four legs, the larger one was blue and the smaller one was orange in scale color. While the exact length of the two was not easily determined, had they stood on only their hind legs, the blue dragon would stand around six feet and seemed to be comparable in age to Twilight Sparkle, this was Dragon Lord Ember. The smaller dragon would stand about the same height as the other students. “The dragons are better than this!” the smaller dragon complained. “Why am I even here?”

Ember snorted in agitation, “Because as your dragon lord, I'm ordering you to be here!” she nearly roared and the younger dragon. Ember then turn and spotted Spike, “ Hey, Spike!” Ember shouted with a cheer in her voice.“Meet Smolder!” she requested.

Spike turned and rushed over to greet Ember with a rub of each other’s forehead. “Great to see you, Ember!” Spike said after the greeting. He then turned to Ember’s left and then back to Ember in utter befuddlement, “Uh, which one is Smolder?” Ember then turned to the recently identified Smolder. Smolder rolled her eyes in disbelief before she turned to see another dragon which shocked everyone.

Thorax then walked on to the scene “Ocellus!” he said to the dragon that caught the other dragons off guard, “What did we talk about?” he asked not unlike a father scolding a child. The fourth dragon was engulfed in what looked like a blue flame to reveal a young light elf girl. She had pink hair with cyan eyes. She was dressed in pale arctic blue, shirt with gray pants with a three-part belt around her waist. Over her shoulders were two shawls. One went around her upper torso and was light amaranth in color, one over it was brilliant amaranth and seemed to look like an insects’ elytra. The recently identified Ocellus looked to the ground in slight shame. Thorax took a breath, “I told you, stay in your own form. It's the polite thing to do.” He turned to Fluttershy who walked up to the scene, “Sorry, she's shy.”

“What is that?” came an excited young woman’s voice. They turned to see a female aasimar that was about as old as Ocellus and Smolder. The aasimar had pink feathered wings, and long blue and bluish-gray hair. She wore magenta and orchid-colored shirts and pants. “No way! I didn't know humans could turn into dragons and back?”

Thorax shook his head with a slight smile. “We’re not humans. That was a close guess, but we’re light elves and yes we can do that.”

Another aasimar, looking to be in his mid-forties with purple wings. “Hail, King Thorax. Allow me to introduce myself. I am General Seaspray of Her Majesty Queen Novo's Navy. I would like to introduce the Queen's niece, Silverstream and I implore you to pardon the lass.”

The recently identified Silverstream hovered to be everyone, “This place is amazing!” she shouted. “I've spent so much of my life in a coral reef, underwater. I was a mermaid, but now I'm an aasimar. Long story.” she explained, “Anyway,” she started to speak before she saw something, “WOW! Is that an ork?!” she shouted before she started to fly.

As the students themselves were starting to leave the atrium to their dorm rooms and a short tour of the school, lead by Starlight and the other instructors. All the remained were Twilight and the guardians. “Thank you for supporting the grand opening of our school!” Twilight declared to the others present as she levitated to the rest in attendance pallets for the Family and Friends Day“I hope you'll all join us for Friends and Family Day to see the amazing progress your students are making!” The guardians all accepted the pallets and began to leave.

Over the next two weeks, things started out well as Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity started to find the best means for them to convey their knowledge and wisdom not only for what the school was chartered to actually teach but other subjects necessary for taking their education anywhere else in Mystica and or seeking employment, such as history, various sciences (hard and soft); including agriculture, husbandry and veterinary, various home economics, namely repairs, replacements, budgets, and fine-tuning social skills. While many of the subjects were in line with the MEA guideline, the methodology of the five, while seeming to be productive, was not.

Thus as the first week tracked into the second, Twilight began rearranging things, altering class sizes, seating setup, teacher’s location, etc to fit with the guidelines of the MEA. While the overall quality of the education didn’t seem to lack, the presentation and reception of the material day by day, class by class, hour by hour, seemed to die and as the second week reached the middle of it, several students, namely the five foreign exchange students were questioning if this was at all worth it.