• Published 5th Nov 2018
  • 1,239 Views, 24 Comments

My Little Mages: Academia Amina - Foxhelm

Following the defeat of the Storm King, what's next for Twilight? Well open a school of course, what could go wrong.

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Own Rules

About an hour and a half later, outside of Twilight’s still sealed school. Twilight, her friends and the students were greeted by Princess Celestia and the guardians of the five foreign exchange students, “Twilight! I was so relieved to get your letter!” Celestia almost exclaimed as she the guardians sans Gruff embraced their respective student.

“And so will her majesty Queen Novo,” Seaspray informed. “I am glad you're alright, Silverstream!” he said as he ended his hug.

“Uncle Seaspray,” Silverstream said with slight embarrassment. Everyone turned to face Silverstream with questions, “He’s my dad’s big brother.” she answered.

As everyone gave an ‘oh’ of acceptance, Gallus turned to Grampa Gruff, “Don't expect a welcome party from me, sonny!” he then reached his right wing out to grab Gallus’ own, “It's time you got home!” he ordered.

Gallus smacked Gruff’s wing away, “I'm not leaving.” the younger harpy challenged.

Grampa Gruff was taken aback as he took a step back “Whaaaat?” he asked in utter bewilderment.

“None of us are.” Ocellus declared as she looked at Thorax. She then lowered her head as she recalled her position among elves, “Sorry, King Thorax.” she squeaked.

Prince Rutherford and Ember both turned to each other in confusion, “Rutherford don't understand.” he stated plainly. “This human joke?” he asked.

“No. We're going back to school!” Smolder answered the ork prince.

“How?” Ember asked and pointed to the magical seal. “You can't even get inside!” she pointed out.

Twilight smiled as she pulled her magic into a ball in her right hand and then sent a beam at the lock and after almost half a minute of her magical beam striking the lock it, the lock and chains shattered. “School is back in session!” Twilight declared and the students cheered in response.

A portal formed in front of the school’s front door. A second later Neighsay jumped through the portal and that had appeared and noted the dissolving magical chains which sealed the school, “Who dared remove an MEA seal? And by what authority do they claim?” he asked.

Twilight step forward to confuse, “Twas I, Neighsay, And I did so as a princess of the Everfree Principality of Mystican in Dream Valley. Now I respectfully ask you to step aside, or classes will start late.”

“Not even Princess Celestia has unilateral authority to remove an MEA seal. And since you failed accreditation because the school was disorganized, the teachers were unqualified, and the premise harbors dangerous and unpredictable "students" who could put Mysticans' lives in danger!” Therefore classes won't start at all. The MEA has spoken, and none shall pass!”

“Only if this was an MEA school.” Twilight countered then presented to Neighsay a copy of her letter to withdraw her application for accreditation. “This should have been sent to a few hours ago, that is my fault. But as you can see…”

“Yes, yes, you no longer seek MEA accreditation.” Neighsay cut her short. “But this school still cannot operate with a comparable…” Neighsay stopped as Twilight dropped a large book at Neighsay’s feet that was about twice the size of the MEA guidebook.

Neighsay levitated the book and started to read it, “As you can read, this school has its own rules. I know, I…”

“Wrote it.” Neighsay finished. “Yes, your articulation is all over this,” Neighsay said as he stopped reading. He then let the book fall to the ground. “Do you sincerely intend to allow these foreigners to attend your school, changing the rules for them!” He challenged the princess.

Twilight nodded, “Yes, I do intend to have these students attend this school and any other who wishes to attend.” Twilight continued. She turned to the six students present. “For every friendship is special and thus needs a unique way to teach it, something I am reminded of every day most recently by them. But I will not be changing the rules, I will not be following MEA guidelines, nor will this be subject to them because as soon as you accepted the withdrawal of my application for accreditation…”

“You made your point.” Neighsay cut her short. He then turned to Celestia, “Princess Celestia, you cannot be backing this blatant circumvention of MEA jurisdiction.?” he questioned Celestia.

“Neighsay, this is not a debate you can win,” Celestia said as she stepped forward to talk to Neighsay. “I know you are concern about the future of Mystica and that one door that seemed to have no guard left open is an open invitation for threats to come in masking as allies. But we must take this chance with our neighbors. Much like how the founders took the chance to unite properly following the first Hearths Warming.”

“An appeal to history, I expected a better counter-argument than a logical fallacy.” Neighsay retorted. He then turned to the leaders, “But I suppose you would have to make that call, you are a politician first and foremost.” he huffed and began to turn to leave.

“Chancellor, I promise you my school will help protect Mystica,” Twilight added before the chancellor left.

Neighsay turned to take one last look at Twilight and scowled at her, “Or destroy it!” he finished and then jumped through the portal.

As the portal closed the students cheered and were about to proceed into the school.

“Hmph, how's this school going to be any different from last time?” the old harpy asked the question on pretty much every other leader’s mind, but none seemed to want an answer.

“This brand new school of friendship…” Twilight started to sing, from almost out of nowhere.

“STOP!” Ember shouted causing everything to come to a screeching halt. “If you promise to not sing, Smolder can stay!” Ember pleaded.

“Wahoo!” Smolder cheered as it was clear she got to stay.

Prince Rutherford placed his hand on Yona’s shoulder, “If dragon stays, Yona stay.” he declared. Yona then tackled him with a hug.

Thorax laughed at the sight before he placed both his hands on Ocellus’ shoulders, “I know you will make us proud, Ocellus.” Ocellus was about to cry a tear in joy but wiped the tear away.

Seaspray smiled at Silverstream and looked at the school, “You belong here.” he said as he turned back to Silverstream. “Now, can you show me those 'stair' things you mentioned?” he asked her as Silverstream gave incoherent squeals.

Grampa Gruff prepared to fly off but stopped as he noticed that Gallus was not coming along, “What? You belong at home! You think I care if you've made friends?” the older harpy asked rhetorically and wanted to leave. Gallus, however, gave Gruff big puppy eyes and started whimper in a plea to stay. “Alright!” Gruff shouted, “Just stop doing that!” The students then cheered as they all rushed into the school.

The leaders then started their departure, as Starlight nudged Twilight, “Guess I make a pretty good guidance counselor, huh?” she asked rhetorically as she and Twilight's other friends walked into the atrium of the school.

“Yes!” Twilight answered and the levitated the book that she present to Neighsay. “And writing a rulebook was the most fun ever!” She shouted as she hugged the book with a massive grin on her face. She then started to fly ahead, “I can't wait to start working on the new lesson plans!” she shouted. However, she stopped as she heard Rarity cleared her throat. Twilight then turned and gave a nervous laugh, “...with some help from my friends.” She corrected as she hugged her friends.

Author's Note:

And that was the answer to School Daze. Let's see the...
"It seems my little protege's plan worked after all." Yes... School Ra
"Open up your eyes." The Mov
"Now the magic is my salvation", Legend of ...
"I wish you'd all just go away and leave me alone!" Mirror Mag...
"I'm sitting here alone"... and Forgotten Friendship/Most Likely to be Forgotten
Well, this was a lot faster then I expected. Looks like I'll have the Season Nine opener done for the Season Nine Finale. Honestly, I hope for a ten season, just to cover a few more stories (CMC Dream trilogy and Rainbow Key Quintet and the rest of the Great and Powerful amendments)

Comments ( 11 )

I am sad that there won’t be a 10th season of mlp
Oh did you see the sneak peek of the new Equestria Girls special that is coming out 2019

No, I haven't seen it yet. As for possible Season 10, all we can do is wait and see

So, why couldn't they appeal the assessment aside from plot reasons?

less paperwork

I just realized something. Celestia could have said that if the present nations had bad intentions toward Mystica, they would have carried them out when they attended the Friendship Festival or that Neighsay's distrust of their allies to the point of insulting them to their faces angered them to the point that they were ready to declare war on the slightest provocation. Just saying.

To be completely honest, I found this story to be a little TOO similar to the actual episode. And I found the majority of Season Eight to be a huge disappointment with a lot of wasted potential. Still, I AM mature enough to respect your right to write the story you way you want to.

I honestly didn't have a problem with Season 8 over all. But I get why others do.

Let's just say that Celestia knows Neighsay and knows that those arguments wouldn't convince him as he would be looking at the situation as a slippery-slope, also Celestia knows Neighsay is not a politician or politically savvy as her as his focus is ensure the standards of Education in Mystica and for the most part the international optics don't come to play in his busines. She also would know that at Neighsay's heart and soul his concern is about the safety of the students at attend MEA certified schools and by extesion Mystica and given the still recent take over by the Storm King's armada and let's not also forget Tirek, Chrysalis' invasion of the capital, Celestia knows that Neighsay's concern is to not let another thing like that happen again, even if that means stepping on some allies' toes.

Literally the last story I can read right now. Since I haven't finished season 8 yet.

Hurry up and watch it soon

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