• Published 8th Nov 2018
  • 2,454 Views, 14 Comments

You Don’t Have To Be Shy With Me - Stormbringer

Fluttershy and Twilight find that what started in the Smokey Mountains had continued to grow.

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Twilight’s first reaction was that she couldn’t think of any eyes she’d ever seen that were more beautiful.

Fluttershy thought that Twilight’s face was so cute that she could just squeal.

They drew the other close and continued the deep kissing from the previous evening. But then it hit both at the same time and the look of surprise and confusion was mirrored on the other’s face.
Most of all, the warmth and dampness of their groins couldn’t be ignored. Along with a feeling that they’d discover was called ‘afterglow’. Something they’d only read about before.

They both realized that they were in Fluttershy’s bed, holding the other quite closely. They sat up and separated.

“Uh… Good morning, Fluttershy,” stammered Twilight trying to think this out. She’d no memory of getting into the bed with Fluttershy or what might have went on there.
“G… Good morning,” said Fluttershy, in a barely audible voice. She too had no idea of the happenings in her bedroom either.

Have to get to the castle,” said Twilight, trying to think what to say and not panic. “Mayor Mare is coming by for a meeting this morning.”

“Applejack is bringing Winona by for a bath and brushing, I guess I need to get ready for that.” Said Fluttershy, not sure what to say as well.

The two got out of bed and went down to the first floor and to the front door. Twilight opened the door to leave.

“Twilight, wait please,” said Fluttershy reaching out a forehoof to Twilight’s foreleg. “Before you go, Twilight, were we really kissing, not just this morning but last night as well?”
“Yes,” said Twilight nervously.

“Did we…
Do anything else…
In the bed?” Asked the Pegasus.

“Honestly, Fluttershy,” said Twilight, “I have no memory of going to bed with you.”
“Me either,” said Fluttershy. “I think we, for the time being, just consider that we were tired and slept in the same bed. Nothing else…

Don’t you?”

Twilight smiled at the logic and felt a bit of relief and a strange touch of disappointment. It reflected on Fluttershy’s face as well.
“That sounds good to me,” said Twilight.

The two smiled and Twilight started to leave, again, Fluttershy stopped her friend again.

“Twilight, are you regretting kissing me?” asked the Pegasus.
“No,” said Twilight working up a smile at that memory, “not at all. I’m finding that I’m regretting not doing it sooner.”
“Good, me too,” said Fluttershy smiling a smile the same smile Twilight was showing. “Then I’ll see you later?”
“I would really like that,” said Twilight still standing in Fluttershy’s open door. “Can you drop by the castle later? For dinner perhaps.”
Fluttershy smiled a little blushing smile and nodded affirmative.
Twilight and Fluttershy spontaneously leaned into the other and kissed a respectable ‘goodbye kiss’. The kiss broke and the two smiled.
Twilight trotted off toward town, passing AJ and Winona coming down Fluttershy’s path.
“Hey AJ,” said Twilight.
“Morning, Sugar Cube,” said AJ a little confused after seeing Twilight kiss Fluttershy and leaving her cottage this early in the morning.
Fluttershy just leaned against the doorframe with a dreamy look in her eyes. Twilight’s flanks never looked so good as at this moment. She was so lost in thought that she didn’t notice Applejack standing right in front of her.
Applejack saw the look on Fluttershy’s face, looking back at Twilight who had a happy spring to her trot.

‘Ho Doggies!’ thought the cowpony, figuring what had happened. She was happy for her friends, ‘way to go, Sugar Cubes!’

“Uh… Fluttershy?” said AJ.

Fluttershy came out of her haze.

“Oh, hello Applejack,” said Fluttershy, “come in please.”

Applejack came in and had a short conversation about Winona. Then she turned to leave but she stopped.

She had to ask.

“Fluttershy,” said AJ choosing her words carefully, “if’n it ain’t none o’ my business, tell me. But is there somethin’ ‘tween ya an’ Twi?”
“Applejack,” said Fluttershy, “I don’t know yet. But it just might be possible that there’s something starting.

At least I’m hoping so.”

“Well Ah’m happy fer both of yen’s if’n there is,” said Applejack. “But be careful Fluttershy. There’s still a mess o’ ponies out there that don’t like mare-lovers, even here in Ponyville. Why? Ah ain’t got no idea. We all know there ain’t ‘nough stallions to go ‘round.
And ya can take my word fer it, ya ain’t gotta be a mare-lover to enjoy the charms and company of another mare. (AJ winked, Fluttershy understood what was being hinted at.)
Ah guess they think that we mares that can’t find a feller have to live without love. But Ah say buck ’em, but that’s me.
Oh! Sorry Fluttershy, Ah didn’t mean to talk like that in front o’ ya.”
“That’s okay,” said Fluttershy snickering, “I say buck ‘em too.”
The two friends started to laugh.

Twilight could hardly keep focused on business with Mayor Mare. Twilight caught herself more than once about to call the Mayor; Fluttershy.
She’d listen, but her mouth was still feeling the kisses she could remember from last night and this morning.

After the meeting, Twilight went to seek out the one pony that might be able to help answer some questions. Twilight was very green at affection and relationships.

Rarity opened the door. There stood Twilight with an odd look.
“Come in Darling,” said Rarity. “You looked worried, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing wrong, Rare,” said Twilight, coming into the boutique, “I guess I’m just a bit distracted.”
“Well, let me get us some tea, and you can tell me what’s got you so distracted.”

Rarity sat while Twilight went over the prior evening’s events from the time Fluttershy dropped off Owlowiscious to the goodbye kiss this morning. And how hard it was to keep her mind on business with the mayor and not think of the shy Pegasus.
When Twilight finished, Rarity sat quiet for a moment, then;

“That sounds nice and innocent enough, Twilight. So what’s the problem?”
“I… I don’t know if I had sex with Fluttershy.”
“And?” asked Rarity with a raised eyebrow.
“And I’m confused. If we did, what do I do?”
“Well Darling,” said Rarity, hiding amusement at Twilight’s naïveté, “you’re just going to have to do the ‘right thing’ and marry her.”
“Do you really think so?” said Twilight taking Rarity seriously. There was a beautiful vision of Fluttershy in a pure white dress in her mind.
“No!” said the white Unicorn laughing at Twilight’s reaction. “Twilight, I know you were raised a little more traditionally by Princess Celestia. But really, if you and Fluttershy did have sex, then that would mean only one thing…”
“And what’s that?” asked Twilight.

“That the two of you had sex.

Believe me, there are ponies to whom sex is just recreation. I’m not saying that sex isn’t something special, with that special somepony. And I don’t discount romantic relations and cultivating long term intimacy.
But to have a friendly ‘role in the hay,’ even with a close friend, is nothing to panic about.
And let’s face it. Fluttershy is a very good looking mare. If the right situation had ever presented itself, I wouldn’t have been opposed to having my tongue in her marehood.”
“I didn’t know you’re a mare-lover.”
“I’m not darling,” said Rarity. “Friends are friends, love is love, sex is sex.
Labels are what’s artificial, they keep ponies separated. Yes, I’ve had relations with stallions in the past, but the same with mares.
And if it’s with a friend, the more the better.
Let’s say for my part, I occasionally know the athletic and recreational pleasures of Rainbow Dash. Not to mention the ‘down home’ hospitality of Applejack.”
“I never knew,” said Twilight looking surprised and sounding slighted, “I wonder why nopony has ever approached me?”
“You’ve never asked, Darling. But more importantly, you’ve never appeared interested. We do respect that choice and we’ll never push it on anypony. Even a pony with very cute flanks (Rarity winked, Twilight blushed).”
“And that’s all it takes? I always assumed that there was dating, hanging out and allowing affection to grow. Not just; ‘hey! ya wanna do it’?”
“It isn’t quite that simple. But think about it. It was simple enough for you and Fluttershy to get horse-apple faced and do the nasty.
But truthfully, and don’t tell anypony, but I think Pinkie Pie has wanted the situation to happen with you. You’re a cute mare after all.”
“Wow,” said Twilight, thoughtfully, “not that I was looking for it,…

But wow!

I wonder why I’ve never heard of any of this.”
“Don’t think of your friends as a bunch of whores or sluts. We love our friends. You’ve seen the depth. I don’t think any one of us would think twice about giving their life for the others. That’s a bond of love and respect beyond ‘just physical’.
And Twilight Darling, I’m lady enough to not ‘kiss and tell’. And our friends respect all of our group and know not to brag about such things. And you know how hard that might be for Rainbow Dash.”
Both mares giggled at that.
“As to Fluttershy,” continued Rarity, “I’ll admit to a certain jealousy of her. I work hard to keep up my looks. But she just seems to exude an inner and outer beauty that’s impossible to copy. She’s so effortlessly ladylike that I sometimes want to smack the horse-apples out of her!”
Twilight was looking shocked at this.
“Twilight Darling,” said Rarity thinking about what that just sounded like. “I’m not serious about that. I love Fluttershy and admire her graceful beauty. I think it’s that innate innocence she has.”
“So what do I do, Rare?”
“Let me ask you this, did you enjoy kissing Fluttershy?”
Twilight nodded.
“Is it something you’d want to do again?”
“Yes,” said Twilight.
“Is that a yes; ‘if it happens again, it happens’. Or is it a; ‘Sorry Rarity, I need to go kiss Fluttershy now’?”
“More the second than the first.”
“Does that feel wrong?”
“No Rare,” said Twilight, “it really doesn’t.”
“Then that’s your answer.”
“But what about my parents?” asked Twilight.
Rarity understood what might be the real issue with Twilight’s trepidation.
“What about your parents, Darling?”
Twilight was quiet for a moment.
“I’ve never heard my parents say anything about mare-lovers, good or bad.”
“Are you a mare-lover?” asked Rarity.
“I don’t know,” said Twilight, “I know that I’ve never been attracted to mares. But I could say the same with stallions.”
“Well, do you love Fluttershy?”
“I don’t know,” said Twilight, “I really, really like her. I think with what’s happened, I think I could see a deeper relationship with her.
I know that I’ve felt some attraction to her for a while now, but I never tried to figure how much or how deep.

I don’t know if I love Fluttershy…

But I think I could.”

Rarity hugged Twilight. Rarity could feel some tears against her coat.
“I’m so confused Rare,” said Twilight. “I want to be true to my heart, but I don’t want to lose my family’s love.”
“So you plan on leaving Friendship Castle and moving back in with your parents?”
Twilight looked confused.
“No, why do you ask?”
“Well, if you aren’t wanting to move home, then why would you be bothered with what they might think about you and your marefriend? (Twilight’s face lit up at the term marefriend).

You are a princess Twilight!

For Celestia’s sake, you’re the master of your life. As I’ve tried to tell you before, embrace that part of your life!

Be a princess!

Be bold!

Live the way you think the Princess of Friendship should live!

And if your family loves you, then they’ll accept you and any pony you’re close to.”
Twilight smiled and hugged Rarity again.

“Thank you Rare,” said Twilight, “I knew you were the right pony to go to.”
“Was there ever any doubt?”
The two friends laughed and Twilight left to go back to the castle.