• Published 8th Nov 2018
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You Don’t Have To Be Shy With Me - Stormbringer

Fluttershy and Twilight find that what started in the Smokey Mountains had continued to grow.

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CHAPTER EIGHT: Confrontation

Sheik Hasson ben-Eazi was in the back of an enclosed wagon. It was comfortable and richly decorated. The horse was sitting on a pile of velvet cushions. Fluttershy was at the back of the wagon, secured to the wall.
“Come now, little one,” said the sheik in a voice with an odd accent. “In my country, it’s considered a great honor to have a sister or daughter in a harem.
If you just give in to the inevitable and give yourself to me now. You’ll find what riches and joy it would bring you.”
Fluttershy stayed against the wall, looking down and silent.
Luckily for Fluttershy, the ‘bride’ could be intimate with the prospective husband before any wedding. But it had to be willingly or it was a great taboo that would bring great shame and bad luck if forced. It would be considered rape. And there was one punishment for rape in Saddle Arabia, and the sheik was rather comfortable with his head still attached to his neck.

The wagon stopped, this was not planned.

“Excuse me, little one,” said the sheik exiting out the front.

Fluttershy had tried to be brave in front of her captor. But with him out of the wagon, she broke down crying hard.
“Oh Twilight!” said Fluttershy between sobs, “where are you, my love?”

Little did Fluttershy know, Twilight was right outside confronting her captors.

The sheik saw, blocking their path a Pegasus with rainbow mane and a purple Alicorn. The Alicorn looked most fierce.

“Sheik Hasson ben-Eazi,” said Twilight, “I am Princess Twilight Sparkle. I’m so sorry to interrupt your noble self. But there’s been a great misunderstanding. I know you being a fellow noble, you’ll be most cooperative to correct this.”
The sheik walked to before Twilight. He was at least as tall as Celestia. He stopped, and to the shock of his entourage, bowed to the princess.

“How may I assist, Your Highness.”
“You received into your care,” said Twilight trying to pick words that would not accuse or cause consternation, “a Pegasus Pony named Fluttershy from a pony named Cumulonimbus. As it happens, he had no right to do this. She was taken by force and violence from her mother and brother.”
“You present a most serious charge,” said the sheik, “and only because you’ve been so polite and understanding, have I listened to you.
But the transaction was legal by Saddle Arabian standards. And because it happened in my personal wagon, it was done on Saddle Arabian soil.
Plus you only have your word on this. Not that I dispute your honor, Your Highness. But there is no other evidence.
On top of that, I would never do anything to besmirch my honor and take a bride in such a manner.”

By now the entire entourage was surrounding Twilight and Rainbow. They were all a little uneasy that these two ponies didn’t appear the least bit intimidated being so outnumbered at least 15:1.
The sheik turned to Cumulonimbus and spoke low.
“Is what they say true?”
“Of course not, my lord,” said the rough Pegasus stallion.
Then turning back to Twilight.
“I’m sorry, Your Highness,” said the sheik, “without more evidence, I can’t help you.”

At that moment Zephyr walked out of the woods. Cumulonimbus looked nervous at this.

“Hey, Princess Twilight. It turns out a bear really does go in the woods.
Hey Nim!” said Zeph, recognizing the others there, “I think I made a big mistake when I handed over my sister for my gambling debt.”
“Is that the problem?” said the sheik. “By our laws, that is a legitimate transaction.”

It was a bit unnerving the way Twilight was looking. She stuck a hoof to her mouth and blew a loud whistle.
The next thing heard was the breaking of wood from behind the wagon.

“If you are violating Saddle Arabian sovereignty and diplomatic immunity, this will be war!”
Several of the sheik’s retainers rant to the back of the wagon only to either fly through the air away, or run screaming.
“Sheik,” said Twilight even more smug. “The ponies of Equestria would always respect Saddle Arabian sovereignty and diplomatic immunity. But that doesn’t or never has extended to creatures of the forest.”
The moment was upset by the sound of a very loud roar. Turning, the sheik saw a very large brown bear. He was carrying Fluttershy.

“Get my bride from that thing!” commanded the sheik.

“YOU’LL DO NO SUCH THING!” called Twilight in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

Many of the horses had to cover their ears.

“How dare you interfere!” said the sheik, starting to show true colors. “She’s mine and there is nothing you can do about it, if you don’t want war.”

Twilight was still grinning, she was about to play the ace up her sleeve. Twilight’s aura Surrounded the sheik and dragged him to herself, muzzle to muzzle.
“You say you want to threaten war?” said Twilight in a most unnerving way, “what do you think your government would think if they found that you came to Equestria on a diplomatic mission only to kidnap a princess’ wife!”
“Wife?” asked the sheik in surprise.
“Wife!” said Twilight, “Butterfly, come here please.”
Harry put down his friend and Fluttershy ran to Twilight. They kissed a long deep kiss.
“Wife?” whispered Fluttershy.
“I’ll explain in a bit.” Said Twilight giving her wife a kiss on the cheek.

“Your Highness,” said the sheik, regretting his previous position, “had I known, none of this would’ve happened.”
Nim started to fly away but a purple aura held his hooves to the ground. Harry went over and scowled at the bruit.

“With your permission, Your Highness, may I take the reprobate back to Saddle Arabia with me to face justice?”
Nim looked concerned, he’d heard about Saddle Arabian justice and the harsh penalties.

“You may,” said Twilight, “if I have your word of honor he will not be put to death.”
The sheik grinned.
“Of course, Your Highness,” said the sheik, “If I kill him, then he can’t learn anything.”

The two laughed. The sheik’s retainers bound and gagged Cumulonimbus.
Then the sheik turned and addressed Fluttershy with a bow.
“I’m sorry, My Princess. Please forgive my ignorance. I hope you aren’t too shaken by the experience.”
“No I’m not,” said Fluttershy, not knowing how to take the apology, “thank you, you did treat me well.”
“Farewell, princess, we take our leave of you.”

The sheik bowed, Twilight nodded. Then the large horse called out in a native language. The group turned to leave. They picked up Cumulonimbus and threw him in the back of a wagon like a sack of potatoes.

The group watched as the sheik’s caravan went out of sight.
Rainbow released a breath, Twilight had asked her to let herself do all the talking. Twilight, Rainbow and Harry all hugged Fluttershy.

“Well sis,” said Zephyr, “I guess I’m off the hook now.”
All the ponies looked at him with shock.
“Have you learned nothing?” asked Twilight. “You still have to answer for pandering, kidnapping and ponytrafficking! You sold your sister into sexual slavery! You think an ‘I’m sorry’ will take care of that?”
“I didn’t sell…”
This time the blast of magic completely vaporized his mane style. Zeph screamed like a foal.
“If it were up to me,” said Twilight, “I’d have let the sheik take you as well. But you’ll have to answer to Celestia. But more frighteningly, you’re going to have to answer to your parents.”
“And they probably aren’t going to be the push overs you were used to in the past,” warned Rainbow Dash.

They decided to stay there for the night and head to Canterlot in the morning. Harry was still Zephyr’s ‘chaperone’.

They’d finished a dinner and was relaxing around a campfire. They didn’t worry much about dangers of the wild. Aside from Twilight’s magic, Harry was a good deterrent from most perils of the forest, short of timber wolves.

It was dark now as they sat by the fire, Fluttershy had Twilight explain about the whole married thing. Twilight related the wedding by proxy and how Rainbow stood in for her as best mare. Even how Celestia kissed Rainbow and how the ruler was expecting Rainbow to take her out.
Fluttershy kissed Twilight deeply and then said.
“You know, Twilight,” said Fluttershy, “we’re not really married as of yet.”
“What do you mean, Butterfly?”
Fluttershy got up and walked toward Twilight’s tent.
“We haven’t had a wedding night yet,” said Fluttershy with a sexy voice. “We have yet to consummate our marriage.”
Twilight got up to follow, she had the largest of smiles.
“Ooh!” said Zephyr, “you’re not going to do that stuff with us here?”
“Don’t worry,” said Rainbow, “you’ll have company tonight. And if you’re getting frisky, I’m sure it won’t be a problem.”
“I knew you’d come around Rainbows,” said Zeph reaching a hoof out to Rainbow.
Rainbow reached out and slapped the hoof away.
“I was talking about Harry!” said Rainbow.
3 ponies and a bear laughed, Zephyr didn’t find it funny.

It was hours later, the woods were quiet except the sounds of the night insects and other woodland creatures.
Twilight and her now wife were laying on their backs holding hooves, only now getting control of their deep breathing.

Twilight turned and faced Fluttershy, Fluttershy did the same.

“Butterfly, honey,” said Twilight, “are you disappointed that we had to be married this way?”
“No my love,” said Fluttershy, giving Twilight a little kiss. “I would’ve liked to have a big ceremony, a beautiful dress made by Rarity and all our friends in attendance. But to know that we are truly married makes me beyond happy. To be Mrs. Fluttershy Sparkle is a thrill beyond thrills.”
“Well you know that there will be more pomp and circumstance coming. You married a ruling princess, even if it is the Princess of Friendship. That makes you princess consort. Beware of Rarity, you know how much she’s always wanted to be a princess!
So there will be a ceremony to crown the princess consort. But I’m sure Rarity will want to make a magnificent dress for both of us.”
“I don’t care,” said Fluttershy, “I love you so much. And its such a pleasure that our wedding night is out in nature.”
“My love,” said Twilight, “you may be a princess now, but you’re the queen of nature and the empress of my heart.”
Fluttershy giggled and said:
“If I’m empress, then I command the lowly princess to make love to me, I don’t think I’m quite sated yet!”
“Yes, greatness!” said Twilight.
Fluttershy didn’t get to say anything. Twilight was already kissing her new wife unmercifully.