• Published 3rd Mar 2019
  • 1,586 Views, 26 Comments

A blind perspective - Light Heart101

When Fluttershy loses her vision how will she deal with it?

  • ...

Fixing the broken pieces.

Fluttershy felt like she was somewhat comfortable with navigating without her vision now. It wasn't perfect yet, but it wasn't something she feared anymore. It seemed like the more she was willing to open her mind to be willing with her disability the more used she was to the obstacles that once towered over her. She spent most of the morning doing her morning chores with Pinkie Pie. Having someone so unpredictable around her made things a little difficult, but it was good to have company.

While Pinkie helped fill the bird feeders she decided to ask her a question that was bugging her. "Hey Fluttershy, I noticed that the doctor is supposed to come tomorrow. How are you feeling?"

Fluttershy lowered her head a bit, but it wasn't like she was trying to hide from the question. She looked like she was thinking of both of the paths in front of her. "I don't know. I still wonder what will happen when the doctor takes off the bandages, but I'm not scared anymore. The only thing I'm really worried about is what will happen to the animals."

Pinkie instantly brushed it off. "Don't worry about it. With the five of us helping and with several kids who would love to learn about what you do, you'll be fine."

Fluttershy smiled. She enjoyed Pinkie's optimism. As she listened to Pinkie hop down she walked over to where she was. "So, what else do you have planned today?"

"Well, the others are going to be pretty busy with the school today, and I didn't have much of a plan for today."

A small grin formed on Fluttershy's face as an idea came to her. "Um, are you okay with me trying something?"

Fluttershy could only guess what Pinkie's face looked like. "Um, okie dokie. What are you planning?"

Fluttershy started making her way to the pathway in front of her house. "You'll see."

Fluttershy listened as the pink pony bounced behind her. "Ooooooooooo, things are always fun when you get sassy."


All of the students were confused when they were asked to assemble in Fluttershy's class.

As everybody made their way to their seats Gallus leaned over to Smolder. "Do you have any idea why we were dragged into here?"

Smolder shrugged. "I only know as much as you do, which is nothing. Frankly I'm a bit more worried about..."

She was instantly cut off by Fluttershy's voice. "Thank you all for coming today. I hope you all studied what we were talking about last time. We are going to be continuing the study of herds and how they function."

Everybody was shocked that Fluttershy was actually there with her eyes still bandaged. Gallus was about to raise his claw, but he realized that it was a pretty dumb idea. "Uh, are you sure you can teach us? You are still... Uh."

Fluttershy figured that he wouldn't be able to finish the sentence he started. "Don't worry. I'm still able to teach you what I know, but don't expect me to reference the books. So, last week we talked about how stronger members of the pack will often be expected to help lead and carry the pack. Today we will talk about how all of the members of the pack work together to care for the young and get food. Quick Step, is it alright if you wait until the class is over before you walk out?"

Everypony turned to see a earth pony who was trying to sneak out of his seat. He looked confused and embarrassed. "How did you know?"

Fluttershy grinned. "I simply heard you moving. Now let's continue."

The rest of the class went rather smoothly. All of the kids were amazed by Fluttershy's skills, but they all realized that her blindness didn't really change her. She was still the kind, soft spoken teacher she always was. It was weird when she was able to tell when they were whispering.

As the class finished and everybody was starting to make her way to the next class Starlight Glimmer walked in. "Hey Fluttershy. I didn't expect you to try being here until after the doctor checks on you."

Fluttershy just smiled as she picked up a card that a young pony left her. Admittedly it wasn't the smartest gift, but it was the thought that counted. "I was, but a pony named Summer Dew encouraged me to not let my eyes restrict me. I might not be able to go over written tests anymore, but I can still help these kids. Twilight approved it, so here I am."

Starlight placed a hoof on her shoulder. "I was actually hoping that you could help me with somepony. Were you able to tell who was missing from class?"

Fluttershy tried thinking about it. The only way she was able to tell who was whispering was by remembering the seating arrangement. When everyone was walking in and out she couldn't distinguish whose steps belonged to who. "I don't know."

Starlight sighed. "Silverstream hasn't come to class for the last few days. She has confided herself to her bedroom. It just started with her not paying attention in class, but it got worse since then. She's still upset about what happened to you. I've tried talking to her, but she's not even talking to her friends at this point. If this gets any worse... I'd hate to think about what she would do."

Fluttershy was shocked by what she had heard. She didn't think how much Silverstream was personally hurting until now. She took a deep breath as she started thinking about what Silver has been through. "So she's still in her room?"

"Yes. She hasn't even eaten for the last two days. It's starting to affect her health. If this continues I'll have to call for her parents. I thought it might be better if you talked to her personally."

Fluttershy could feel the tension in Starlight's voice. She only had one question for her. "Why haven't you brought this to me sooner?"

"I thought you were still struggling with your own problems. I didn't want to make things worse for either of you."

Fluttershy sighed. "I understand. Can you take me to her room. I'm not too familiar with the dorms."

Starlight took her hoof as if to say yes. They made their way down the hallways until Fluttershy could hear a door open in front of her.

Starlight tried to speak softly. "Hi Silver. How are you feeling?"

"Leave me alone."

Fluttershy couldn't hear any energy in Silver's voice. It sounded flat and empty. If she wasn't being led by Starlight she never would have guessed it was her. Fluttershy felt like it was a good idea to speak up. "Hi Silver. May I come in?"

Fluttershy could hear the faint sound of bed sheets rustling. Finally a small voice spoke up. "Okay."

Fluttershy slowly made her way in. She was cautious because she wasn't sure what all was in the room. She was literally walking blind into this. Starlight led her to what she assumed was the edge of a bed. They were all silent for a moment as Fluttershy was trying to think about what to say. "I heard you were having problems."

A weak voice replied to her. "Are you going to get your sight back, or is this permanent?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "I don't know yet. I want to talk to you about what happened. I haven't told anypony about this, but after I lost my vision I was angry."

Fluttershy could hear Starlight's nervous chuckle. "Um, I don't think we should..."

Fluttershy raised a hoof. "Um, I'd like to finish. I was mad at Discord for not being able to help me. I was mad at you and Pinkie Pie for letting this happen, but there was one pony that I hated the most. Me. I so scared about never seeing again that I started to isolate myself. I was visiting with my friends, but my heart wasn't there. I wanted things to go back to where they were, but I had to accept that it might not happen. I had to get over being angry at the world and learn to live with it. I had to stop pitying myself and just move forward. I'm not mad at you anymore. The only pony that still holds a grudge against you now is you. I forgive you for what happened. Can you forgive yourself?"

After a moment of silence Fluttershy felt Silver's arms wrap around her as Silver started crying. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you. I couldn't do anything. If I never mixed that stuff you never would have gotten hurt. I'm... I'm so sorry."

Fluttershy pulled her into a hug. "Shhh. It's alright. You never could have known what would happen. It's not your fault."

Fluttershy continued to hug her as those built up emotions finally escaped. After Silver was through crying Fluttershy could hear her trying to get up, but only to fall on the floor. Fluttershy and Starlight helped her up on to her hooves. They could tell that the last two days with no food and not moving exhausted her. They helped her to the cafeteria where they helped her regain her strength. Both Starlight and Silver were a bit shocked when Fluttershy asked if they had any cupcakes for dessert. They spent the rest of the day talking about the last week. Fluttershy actually did most of the talking. She explained what happened to her since the incident. They didn't pay much attention to the other students who were listening.

Soon the sun had set and Starlight knew that Fluttershy had to go home and rest for tomorrow. As Starlight helped Fluttershy up Silver asked one last question. "When will you know If you'll be able to see again?"

Fluttershy smiled. "Tomorrow. Don't worry about it. I know everything will be fine no matter what happens."

As Fluttershy made her way outside she felt a form of confidence come over her. There were only a few hours till her fate was sealed, but there was nothing holding her down anymore. She had full faith that she wouldn't have to fear whatever the future held for her.