• Published 3rd Mar 2019
  • 1,586 Views, 26 Comments

A blind perspective - Light Heart101

When Fluttershy loses her vision how will she deal with it?

  • ...

One question.

Fluttershy got up rather slowly that day. She knew what awaited her. Even though she knew she didn't have to fear this anymore, but it still felt like that there was a knot in her stomach. She felt Angel give her a small hug as she left her bed.

Fluttershy sighed. "I know angel. Today is the day."

Fluttershy made her way down the slide that she was finally used to. As she walked into the kitchen she heard Discord in there trying to act optimistic and cheerful. "Good morning Fluttershy. I thought I'd be a darling Draconequus and make some breakfast. Do you like fruit salad. Admittedly I did toss the stuff all over the place, but the animals love it."

Fluttershy nodded and sat down to a large bowl with only a little bit of fruit in it. She was pretty silent as she ate.

Discord knew that his chaos wouldn't be able to ease the tension much. "How are you feeling."

Fluttershy nervously chuckled at the thought of what what was going to happen. "Nervous. I know that I don't have to worry about what will happen to me if I'm blind, but I'm still wondering what will happen when the doctor takes off my bandages."

Fluttershy could feel discord give her a gentle hug. "I understand. Well, not really. I guess it's be like me turning int an earth pony and not knowing if I'd be able to turn back. All I can say is that I'll be there no matter what happens. If anything the animals will have to get used to having me around."

Fluttershy smiled. "Will you be there?"

Discord sighed. "I'd love to, but Celly insists that I show up to talk to her as a part of my parole. Are you okay with this? I could turn Celly's cakes into brussel sprouts. That'll keep her busy."

Fluttershy would have rolled her eyes if they weren't covered. "It's alright. I don't want you to get in trouble with her again."

Discord chuckled. "Hey, I only messed with her cake 217 times. She'll get used to it." Fluttershy just shook her head no. "Alright, if you want this to be a boring meeting. I'll be back as soon as Celly is done playing 20 questions."

Fluttershy smiled. As she finished her meal she heard a knock on the door. Discord snapped his fingers and Spike was instantly teleported inside the room.

As Spike was trying to get his bearings Discord started joking with him. "Where have you been? Your mother and I have been worried sick about you. Have you eaten? You looked starved. I'll make you some breakfast, but this is the last time I'll let you go out for a night at Timmy's house."

Spike chuckled a bit. "Very funny Discord. I'm just here to take Fluttershy to the castle."

Fluttershy slowly stood up. "Wish me luck Discord."

As she started to walk out the door she heard Discord speak up. "Hey Spike. Give her these when she gets the results."

Fluttershy could hear something teleport into Spikes arms. As they walked out Fluttershy asked the obvious question. "What did he give me?"


Fluttershy was a little curious by receiving a rather simple gift from the lord of chaos. "Really?"

She could hear Spike smell the flowers. "They do smell like cotton candy."

She gave a small laugh as she admired his chaotic way of caring.


Everybody was nervously waiting in the throne room of the castle. Everybody was silent as they waited for Eagle Eye to show up. The tension was so thick that not even Pinkie Pie was talking. Nobody knew what to say. Even with all that they have been through they couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness.

Once again it was Dash who had to break the silence. "Arg! What's taking that doctor so long? Does he always have to keep us waiting all day?"

Twilight sighed. "He didn't give us a specific time. I guess there's nothing we can do for now but wait."

Dash just groaned as she slumped back into her seat. "He could literally wait until Luna sets the moon up in the shy. Is he planning on catching the last train to Ponyville?"

Applejack placed a hoof on Dashes shoulder. "Frankly it is a little nerve racking waiting to find out what will happen."

While the other girls were talking Rarity noticed Fluttershy's nervousness. "Are you okay darling?"

Fluttershy's head was still lowered. "I don't know. I can't tell what I'm supposed to feel right now. It feels like I'm Dash waiting for the next Daring Do book."

Dash pulled the book out from under her seat. "Hey! I'm only halfway through this one. It's not like I'm just waiting day and night in front of a bookstore waiting for the next book."

Pinkie smiled and jumped behind Dash. "Of course not! You usually start the week after you're done."

Everybody chuckled at the joke. Fluttershy could feel a small relief from having her friends around her. She smiled as she turned to them. "Thank you girls. I don't know how I could do this without you."

Twilight was glad to see a smile on Fluttershy's face. "It's what friends are for. Whenever you need help we can always drop everything to help you."

As everybody gathered into a group hug they heard Starlight walk in. "I'm guessing I missed something again."

Twilight chuckled. "Nothing much. Just us all remembering what it means to be a true friend."

Starlight smiled as he used her magic to open the other door. "I'm glad you learned that again. Well, I hope you're all ready. I ran into our friend on the way in."

As the door was opened Eagle Eye walked in. "Good morning everybody. I'm sorry for being late. This is my first time in Ponyville and this castle is a bit of a maze. You might want to consider a doorbell."

As Twilight started to make a note to the list of things she needs in the castle Fluttershy walked forward. "How are you doing doctor?"

His eyes perked up when he saw her in a fairly good mood. "I'm doing fine. I'm glad you were able to keep your spirits up. It's a hard thing to do in times like this. Are you ready for the moment of truth?"

Fluttershy took a few deep breaths before answering. "No, but that hasn't stopped me yet. Let's do this, um, if that's alright with you."

Eagle smiled as he got out his medical kit. "Alright. Is it alright if you all close the doors? I don't want to expose her eyes to too much sunlight yet."

Dash nodded as she quickly closed the doors.

Eagle took a deep breath as he got out a pair of thin scissors. "Alright Fluttershy, I want you to place your hooves in front of your face and close you eyes."

Fluttershy nodded and did what he said. Everybody watched as he cut the bandages off of her. He proceeded to take them and throw them away. All that was left was a couple of small pads that covered her eyes. He took both of them and threw them away as well.

Everybody held their breath as Eagle continued. "Alright, now open your eyes slowly and tell me what you see."

Everyone could see her open those light blue eyes that were lost to the world for so long. She squinted at first while having to blink several times. Her eyes were focused on her hooves.

After a few seconds that felt like hours she finally spoke. "Good... Better..."

An exited look came over Eagles face. "You can see?!? How good is your vision?"

Fluttershy turned over to him. "I think Rarity is going to ask you out for a date."

Eagle chuckled a bit. "She's going to be upset when she finds out I'm married."

As tears started running Fluttershy's cheek everybody swarmed her with a group hug. The pure joy in the room was unmeasurable. Eagle smiled as he watched this scene unfold.

Dash was the first pony to thank Eagle. "You did it doc! You actually did it!"

Eagle pulled a pair of dark sunglasses out of his bag as he smiled. "The body did most of the work. I only played a small role in helping it along. I think you all did more to restore her vision than I did. Fluttershy, I want you to wear these for the rest of the day. Going from pure darkness to good vision can have it's affects. I don't want you to expose your eyes to strong lights till tomorrow. I'll fill out a prescription for some eye drops for you just in case. If your vision gets worse of if there's any other problems I want you to see a doctor right away."

As he started to make his way to the door Fluttershy called out to him. "Uh, Dr Eagle! Thank you."

He smiled again before he walked out.

Pinkie Pie started bouncing around the room. "IknewitIknewitIknewit! We need to have a big "Fluttershy got her vision back" party! We won't play pin the tail on the donkey though. It'll be weird. We might have to wait till tomorrow so nobody will think that she's still blind, and I can use the disco ball."

As Pinky Pie started ranting about her plans Twilight noticed Fluttershy was still looking at her hoof with tears running down her cheek. Twilight wrapped a hoof around her. "Are you alright?"

Fluttershy nodded as she was still crying these joyful tears. "Yes. It's just that I got to experience my life without my eyes, and then I got them back."


Fluttershy made her way outside wearing her new shades. Her senses were almost overwhelmed by everything she saw. She could once again see the trees swaying, the ponies doing their daily routine, the blue sky, and so many other things that she once took for granted. As she started wondering around town she saw an earth pony who wore dark shades. She had a yellow coat and an orange mane. Her cutie mark was a rain drop that reflected the sun. Fluttershy only had one guess of who that was.

She quickly made her way over to her. "Summer Dew, is that you?"

The pony grinned and turned to her. "I hope so. It'd be strange if it wasn't. It's nice to hear your voice again Fluttershy. What's the news?"

"I can see again! My vision is back." As Fluttershy was sharing her excitement she instantly realized what she was boasting about to her. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset. I was just exited."

Summer just chuckled. "Why would I be mad from hearing that my friend got better. You don't need to be scared of offending me just because I'm always going to be blind. I'd never want you to stay hurt."

Fluttershy was glad that she was so understanding. "Thank you. That wasn't just for understanding, but for helping me. I didn't think about how I could live with being blind until you stepped in. You please forgive my wording opened my eyes to a whole new world."

Summer smiled. "Do you want to know something? I've met several ponies who have accidents that lead to disabilities. Somehow I always seem to find them. Once they can get past the pain and worry they tend to find that they can always keep moving. I don't have a real job, but this is what I'm good at. Helping them get past the tears and back into the sunlight. I should be thanking you Fluttershy. It's ponies like you who give my life meaning."

Before Shy could say anything they heard a male voice calling for Summer. She smiled and gave Shy a hug before walking away. Fluttershy could only smile as she reflected on the last week.

No matter how dark things tend to get there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Never give up on life. No matter how broken you are there is always hope, and who knows? You might find yourself stronger than ever before.

Comments ( 16 )

Okay. I'm intrigued to read this.

You should be aware though, that spelling mistakes in the description and missed capitalisations in the chapter titles will put potential readers off.

Now this looks interesting...

It's Pinkie Pie. I assume we get an explanation as to why Discord can't heal her?

I loved this, it was so sweet!

So, I need to capitalize the first letters in all of the words in the chapters?

Not to sound rude, but you misspelled lose in both the short and long description. it should be "loses her vision"

Thank you for pointing this out. I have fixed it.

I was mildly annoyed at having discord be nerfed at first because I'm a huge discord GOD of chaos fanboy, but I guess having a omnipotent god solve all your issues isn't that great for story writing. In the end I enjoyed this story greatly.

Thank you. Admittedly working around Discord was a challenge, but I came to the conclusion that he's the lord of chaos, not of order. Thank you for accepting my nerfing, even though any discord fan would hate it. I'm glad you enjoyed the story for what it is.

Aw man, why didn't I read this sooner?

Author's note in chapter 3 sort of spoiled the ending, but I wasn't surprised that such a fic of this length would have Fluttershy's blindness be temporary. Part of me wanted it to be permanent just to see how much things would have stayed the same as different (and because it's sort of my "thing").


This was AMAZING. Silverstream‘s reaction, Discord‘s support... it was all so well written and believable and heartwrenching! :fluttercry:

I cried.

good read very nice

Do you like fruit salad. Admittedly I did toss the stuff all over the place, but the animals love it."

Discord knew that his chaos wouldn't be able to ease the tension much. "How are you feeling."

Use question marks.

I guess it's be like me turning int an earth pony and not knowing if I'd be able to turn back.


Pinkie Pie started bouncing around the room. "IknewitIknewitIknewit! We need to have a big "Fluttershy got her vision back" party! We won't play pin the tail on the donkey though. It'll be weird. We might have to wait till tomorrow so nobody will think that she's still blind, and I can use the disco ball."

Use single quotation marks.

"I can see again! My vision is back." As Fluttershy was sharing her excitement she instantly realized what she was boasting about to her. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset. I was just exited."


~ ~ ~

Apart from some trivial spelling mistakes, it is a very sweet little story. Faved. :heart:

Wow, that’s one of the best stories of all Fimfiction :fluttershysad: :yay:

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