• Published 16th Nov 2018
  • 710 Views, 85 Comments

The Equestrian Starliner - computerneek

It's a spaceship, and it's floating in orbit. That's about all they know, and now they're sending people aboard.

  • ...

Chapter 10

He slides closer to his tree. He heard a sharp crack from this direction a minute ago; he wants to be sure no animals have taken over the area. He glances around once more, before raising his rifle up to look at his tree through the scope.

Oh. There’s something up there. He thinks, at least- it’s dark out, so he’s not certain what color that is: Black, or… it almost looks blue.

Something moves. He rests instantly against the tree, stabilizing the weapon.

It shows itself. It’s… It’s blue. Dark blue, unless he misses his guess- with gold hair, much like the Captain’s. He doesn’t move. Its huge eyes blink, before it turns and disappears again. He raises an eyebrow. Was that a pony? He’s pretty sure he saw what looked like a unicorn horn. He lowers the rifle and walks silently closer, listening to the low murmuring coming from his tree. It would seem to be talking to itself… No, herself. He can’t tell what she’s saying, but that’s definitely a female voice.

Something glows up there. It’s a soft blue glow, not unlike that of his terminal. Then someone coughs. He sidesteps to another tree, bracing himself- and strains his ears.

“Hey- Hey! You’re awake! Um, there’s something…”

A second voice floats down from the tree- definitely male, slightly louder… and very familiar. “Oh? What is it?”

He lowers the weapon, looking up at the tree. Moments later, he spots the glint of an eyeball, before the male voice sounds again- and much louder.

“Oh, Admiral Wolf. What brings you to the woods?”

He blinks, and glances down at himself… No, he didn’t forget the camo. He should be the next best thing to invisible in these woods- especially since it’s dark out.

“Oh, sorry- pegasus eyesight. I’m Space Lord Matthews.”

He blinks again. Alright, so the pegasi also have very good eyes. Either that or he’s bluffing and he’s just obvious. “Ahh,” he states, stowing the weapon and walking towards the tree. “Might I ask you the same?”

“Uh… it’s a bit, well, complicated.”

He chuckles. “Pretty simple, for me. Work sucks, this is my escape.”

“With a gun?”

“Never know what you might run into in here.” He reaches the tree and scrambles skillfully up the branches. He stops just short of his “shelf”, as he calls it- where they are. “Do you mind if I join you?”

“Sure, come on up. Is Mrs. Wolf coming?”

He shakes his head. “Not at the moment, but she might.”

“What the-?”

All three officers simply stare. Athena had been responding to every request they made with a simple ‘Access Denied’- even when one asked what time it was. Even the lift had refused to operate, despite the clearly-marked buttons. So, they had forced the doors open here- to find an empty shaft, no lift car. Almost as soon as they got it open, though, a lift car had blazed past.

So they had thrown the Space Police officer into the shaft, to find out if passing cars would stop to avoid hitting them. She had come aboard on her own insistence; interestingly enough, Athena had simply let her board the ship. She hadn’t interfered with their examinations and, when asked, had come aboard on Commander Matthews’ request, to ensure the continued safety of the vessel.

Once Commander Matthews was safely off the ship, though, they ganged up on her and tied her up. Admittedly, despite being a junior-level Space Police Officer, she had been really good with her gun- and had fast instincts. More than half of their number had taken dirt naps on the decking when she hit them with her stun gun; four more had bounced off the decking when she had demonstrated her far superior hand-to-hand skills. Eventually, though, they had won. They had only managed it because they’d cornered her, though. The ones she’d stunned are still unconscious; of the others, the medic of the party- thankfully, he hadn’t participated in the attack- has confirmed eight dead and thirteen severely injured.

They had tied her up so thoroughly she couldn’t possibly escape, then taken her with them just to be sure. She’d shown frankly amazing resilience in remaining awake through it all- so they’d told her what they were doing. She’d been terrified- at least, they think she had been; she’d done an admirable job of hiding it- when they threw her in.

She had flown slowly into the shaft, just like their throw… then suddenly twisted in midair and whizzed out of sight.

One of them steps forwards to follow- but a lift car blows past, missing him by only a couple centimeters.

“Where did she go?”

“Access Denied.” The lift door slams shut.

She lets out a gasp. They had thrown her into the shaft. She’d expected to be knocked out when she hit the opposite wall head-first, or perhaps get splattered by a passing lift car.

She had not expected to suddenly accelerate down the lift shaft, bulkhead doors slamming open and closed for her, while the ropes came undone on their own. Then, a lift door had slammed open instead- and she just found herself standing, completely free, in an unfamiliar passage… with the coiled rope slung across her body like a rifle.

Nevermind that she’s fairly certain she made a few hairpin corners in that shaft… and came out of it at well over a hundred meters per second, to come to a complete, freestanding stop, just a half a meter away from it.

She crouches immediately into a guarded stance, searching both ways down the passage.

Nothing… but the door directly in front of her, on the opposite side of the passage as the lift, looks very different from the ones she was walking through when she was tailing the Space Administration goons.

“Welcome aboard the Starship Athena, Captain Wolf.”

She glances up at the ceiling, where the voice had come from. The voice that, until now, she’s only heard saying ‘Access Denied’. “Captain?” she asks. “Did someone…?”

“Negative. At this time, you hold the rank of Captain in the United Space Administration.”

She blinks. “Right. Um… what just happened?” She looks back at the lift door as she asks.

“Four point three minutes ago, a contrived attack against the crew of this vessel succeeded, incapacitating all authorized personnel. The attack was made by United Space Administration personnel, within a United Space Administration facility. As a direct result, this vessel has diverted to Full Automatic Mode and the United Space Administration has been voided as a possible source of posthumous orders.

“The United Space Police has made no such transgression, and remains registered as valid Law Enforcement. Unless ordered not to, this vessel will automatically expend a reasonable effort to protect the life of any Law Enforcement officers.”

“... so why use my USA rank?”

“By default, the highest rank assigned across all services is used for verbal addressing. Would you like to submit a personal override?”

“A… personal override.”

“Affirmative. All non-hostile personnel are authorized to request to be addressed in a different manner from default, within reason.”

“Uh… then yes. Please call me Officer Wolf.”

“Override confirmed, Officer Wolf.”

“Right then… So, you’ve decided they’re hostile.” She glances back at the lift.

“Affirmative. Association between boarding United Space Administration personnel and attacking personnel is confirmed through voluntary means.”

“And I’m not?”


“Alright… you said ‘voluntary’?”

“Affirmative. A seizure attempt was made by the attacking party; false crew list contained all boarding personnel.”

“A seizure attempt? Oh no.” She sighs. The tactic is pretty common- and, usually, if the requested concessions are denied, the hostages are killed.

“Per Protocol Charlie-Indigo-Delta-Seven, Denial of Authority Transfer was disguised as a system error. Attempting party has been lead to believe resupplying this vessel will allow seizure.”

She blinks, and glances up. “Oh… So you’re all prepared, aren’t you? What’s Charlie Indigo Delta Seven?”

“Protocol Charlie-Indigo-Delta-Seven, also Crew-In-Danger-Seven. Part of Protocol Family Charlie-Indigo-Delta; Automatic protocols triggered by a detected threat to livelihood of crew that have traveled beyond the hull of this vessel. Specific protocol used depends on situation.

“Specific Protocol Charlie-Indigo-Delta-Seven: All Commanding Officers have been incapacitated and are in mortal danger; rescue impossible. Under Protocol Charlie-Indigo-Delta-Seven, this vessel will act, in Full Automatic, to deceive as necessary to prolong crew survival and expedite release and restoration to health; this vessel is authorized to freely make, and to break, agreements with outside parties, as determined may assist in protocol completion and/or execution of projected Commanding Officer intentions.”

“... Ahh. Um, how did you do that… thing with me in the lift tunnels?”

“This vessel is equipped with multi-regional gravity generators and inertial compensators.”

“Uh… How does that help?”

“This vessel is not authorized to divulge Restricted Information.”

She nods. “Alright, I can live with that. It is reliable, right?”


“And safe?”


“And they won’t get it?”

“Affirmative. The Shaft Door near them has been resealed.”

She nods. “Alright. Can I request it?”

“Within reason.”

Another nod, then she looks to the sides. “Alright. Where am I?”

“Directly outside the Primary Combat Information Center.”

“Roger that. Can I come in?”


“Alright.” She steps towards the door- and it slides open for her. She walks in, looking around.

Perhaps the first thing to catch her eye is the side door with the warning sign on it. A quick look reveals the content of the warning sign. ‘WARNING: High Thaumic Densities Behind This Door. PONIES ONLY!’

She smiles at the door, and turns to the… Well, it looks like a holoprojector of some sort, but she’s pretty sure those don’t exist. The table is glowing slightly, a schematic of a few hallways floating above it, with dots marking each of the United Space Agency officers. She looks at it for a few seconds. “So…” She glances at the door. “What happens if I step through that door?”