• Published 16th Nov 2018
  • 710 Views, 85 Comments

The Equestrian Starliner - computerneek

It's a spaceship, and it's floating in orbit. That's about all they know, and now they're sending people aboard.

  • ...

Chapter 8

“Um, Captain?”

She looks up from her conversation with her father; he looks up as well.

Lieutenant Commander Sta’leen, her dull brown exec, doesn’t just bow his head. He bends his forelegs as well, producing a pronounced effect. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but we have a situation change.” He returns from his bow.

She nods. “Nice bow. What happened?”

He sighs. “The public took your reveal exactly as we expected. Millions of people, lobbying to get aboard. Athena tells me we’ve had almost a thousand electronic attacks since- right?” He glances at the ceiling.

“Rate of detected attacks has increased significantly since previous estimation. At this time, four thousand eight hundred twelve attacks have been routed successfully.”

“Right, so, almost five thousand electronic attacks. The issue… is on the official side of things. They’ve panicked- so, as of ten minutes ago, we’re quarantined aboard this ship. They’ll be launching tugs to remove the microstation shortly.”

She blinks. “Quarantined.”

He nods.

“Even though we’ve got the biggest and most capable small craft in the fleet.”

He nods again. “They’ve been quarantined with us. It’s the CDC, mostly- they’re afraid of Unkno- er, magic, and both the permanence of the transformation and what we can do with it.”


“From what I gathered when I talked to them, they’re worried there’s a major negative side-effect we simply haven’t seen yet.”

She blinks. “Let me get this straight. They think our magic might have negative side effects, so they’re locking us- as the people that have been exposed to the stuff, so at the highest risk of such- right in the middle of the only known source?”

He nods. “Yep. He said there’s no use removing us from this environment if we’re already so thoroughly exposed.”

She sighs. “Did you tell him we produce our own now?”

He shakes his head. “They still think we’re feeding off the residual energy up here. As a matter of fact, I rather suspect he thinks we’ve established some sort of physical dependence on it.”

“Right. So, they’ve forbidden us from leaving the ship, and probably cancelled all remaining crew flights, correct?”

He nods. “Affirmative.”

“I bet this means they want us to ignore stranded sailors.”

He bows his head, scowling. “Yes. They want us to report them, but not do anything.”

She sighs. “Athena? We’re going to disregard that part, okay?”

“Orders confirmed. Automatic emergency response systems remain active.”

Then she tilts her head. “Though, I’d like to avoid exposing any rescue-ees to magic, if at all possible. They don’t need to be quarantined with us- and we can use the sensor logs to prove they’re just fine.”

“Orders confirmed. Thaumic Distribution Grid online in four point seven days.”

Her dad sighs. “I bet I’m quarantined up here as well,” he states.

Sta’leen doesn’t miss a beat. “Actually, they requested that any ‘non-crew’ be returned to the surface immediately, regardless of exposure. Though, they did specify a quarantine facility to send such to.” He pauses for just a second. “At this time, they are not aware you are aboard. Athena tells me there’s a rumor going around that we’ve taken civilians aboard without their consent.”

She lets out a sigh. “Alright. What do they want from us?”

“Nothing. He said they’ll be pulling the data they need directly from our ship computers.”

She snorts. “No they won’t.”

He frowns. “They’ll be using the Delta-Seven protocol.”

She raises an eyebrow. “Oh? Athena?”

“This vessel is not required to comply with any protocol, standardized or otherwise, unless directed otherwise by authorized crew. By default, Delta Seven is blocked. All authorized crewmembers are aboard.”

“Good,” she states. “Let’s make a general information blackout to external sources, unless directed otherwise.”

“Orders confirmed. All external data access locked.”

Her father raises an eyebrow at her. “You sure about that? They’ll probably court-martial you.”

She snorts at him. “Dad, I’m a pony in command of a starship capable of destroying planets and outrunning the fastest ships the USA has to offer. What’s more, I can literally create enough energy to shatter a city in a matter of moments!” Athena had, after all, been able to confirm she’d been creating energy each time she pulled it from herself- and had estimated her capacity for such creation to be…

To be honest, ‘shatter a city’ is an understatement. It’s more of an incinerate.

He nods. “Not to mention, as I told you before, they can beg all they like, but Athena won’t listen to a word they say unless you tell her to.”

“I’m liking that thought,” Sta’leen states. Then he glances at his Captain. “Uh, so long as you don’t see fit to send me to the surface. Pretty sure I can’t do really any of that.”

She chuckles. “Nah- they’d just send you right back aboard, because you didn’t make any technically illegal orders, and we are supposed to be under quarantine.” She glances at her dad, then back at him. “So, how’s the crew?”

He nods. “The third flight has completed transformation and will be awakening shortly. The second flight has mostly finished adjusting; pretty sure the pegasi are still trying to figure out how to fly.”

She raises an eyebrow. “What about yourself?”

“I have not considered it a priority.”

“Right,” she states. “As long as you get in at least some practice before our first assignment.”

He bows his head. “Understood.” He glances at the Space Lord. “Um, Athena seemed pretty willing to take my commands when I came aboard.”

Her father scowls. “Hmm… Nothing has changed… Unless?” He looks at her.

She shrugs her wings, and looks up at the ceiling. “Athena?”

“Lieutenant Commander Sta’leen is recognized as Exec Officer aboard this vessel.”

“So… What’s the command hierarchy?”

“This vessel currently recognizes two authorized Command personnel: One Captain, Commander Matthews; one Exec Officer, Lieutenant Commander Sta’leen. The Exec Officer is not authorized to override nor violate the Captain’s orders; the Captain may freely override any order, regardless of source.”

“... Alright. What about departmental heads?”

“Department Personnel are not considered Command personnel. Department Personnel are assigned department-specific authority below the Exec Officer, with department-specific hierarchies based on rank, position, or skill. At this time, all department hierarchies are based on assigned positions from submitted crew lists.”

“Okay… how about the bridge crew?”

“Bridge Crew authority is delegated directly by Command personnel. By default, station assignment is considered equivalent to delegation of relevant authority.”

“... Ahh.” She glances at Sta’leen. “Is Command authority delegatable?”


“Right… So, what happens if all Command personnel disappear?”

“Upon the disappearance of Command personnel, relocation, establishment of communications, and, if applicable, recovery is automatic. This happened during your use of the transporters earlier.”

“Okay. What if we die?”

“If all Command personnel are confirmed deceased, Command authority will automatically pass to the seniormost passenger from the United Space Administration. If unmanned, Command authority will pass to the United Space Administration itself. If the Administration cannot be located, the vessel will divert to Full Autonomous Mode and this vessel will consider to all orders given. Priority will be given to orders given by senior personnel; orders given from within will override those transmitted from without. Such status would continue, pending assignment of new Command personnel.”

“... Roger that.” She looks back down at Sta’leen. “So, that answers that. Let’s just, uh, not die.”

Author's Note:

Yes, it's a shortie. Yes, I'm setting up for something.

No, I'm not telling you what it is. Strike that, I am- with the next chapter. In a day or two. Please guess? :trollestia: