• Published 18th Nov 2018
  • 2,056 Views, 14 Comments

Dashie's Big Mistake - FabulousDivaRarity

Rainbow Dash pranks the wrong pony, and the consequences are humiliating.

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Dashie's Big Mistake

Author's Note:

So I was reading comedic fics on here and this just sorta happened. It's my first time attempting comedy, so please be kind.

Major thanks to my Mom for her advice on what should happen here. You rock, Mom. I love you! :heart:

Enjoy the story! :pinkiehappy:


Dash’s head shot up from the cloud she was on, and she gulped. She sped off from her cloud and raced into Sugarcube Corner, looking anxious. She rang the bell at the front and Pinkie answered.

“Hey Dashie! What can I do for you?” Asked the pink mare.

“Pinkie, quick! I need someplace to hide! Can I use your party planning cave?” She asked in a rush.

“Sure! Hop on in!” She said, and Dash flew over the counter. With a flick of the hoof, a compartment in the floor opened up, and they were down in the party planning cave. Rainbow breathed a sigh of relief when the door above them closed.

“Thanks, Pinkie. Can I stay down here for a while?”
“Sure! I have to get back up to the front counter now, but I can come by and check on you later.”

“Great. Thanks Pinkie. I owe you one. Just Pinkie Promise you won’t tell anypony I’m here.” Dash pleaded. Pinkie Pinkie Promised, nodded, and bounced back up to the counter, and Rainbow took a deep breath.

“As long as no pony else knows I’m here, I should be safe.” She reassured herself. She looked around a little when she felt more relaxed. The place was huge. Streamers, Balloons, and confetti decorated the walls, along with a giant present or two. She checked and the tops of them opened, giving her a perfect place to hide if (god forbid) somepony found her down here.

She entertained herself by doing tricks around the room, knowing practice made perfect. But eventually, she grew tired and fell asleep.

It was midday in Ponyville, and Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy were visiting Pinkie at Sugarcube Corner. There was, however, one vital member of their group missing.

“Anypony seen Rainbow Dash?” Asked Applejack.

“I haven’t seen her all day.” Said Twilight.

“Me neither.” Said Fluttershy.

“Nor I.” Rarity Added.

“I saw her this morning, but I haven’t seen her since.” Said Pinkie. It technically wasn’t a lie, and she was still keeping her Pinkie Promise.

“That’s weird. I thought for sure she would be here.” Said Twilight.

“Maybe we should just give her some time. Y’all know she can be late sometimes.” Applejack commented.

They all nodded.
Just then, the bell signaling a new entry to the bakery rang. In strode Windy Whistles, looking very calm. She spied the rest of her daughter’s friends sitting at a table near the back. She smiled and went over to them

“Good afternoon, everypony.” She said, Politely.

“Hello there, Mrs. Whistles.” Said Twilight. “How are you?”

“I’m looking for my daughter, actually. Have any of you seen her?”

“None of the rest of us have, but Pinkie saw her earlier.” Said Fluttershy. Windy turned her attention to Pinkie.

“Pinkie, do you know where my daughter might be?”

Pinkie shook her head. “Sorry, but I just saw her for a little bit this morning. I don’t know what she’s up to now.” It still wasn’t a lie. Windy nodded, and was about to leave, when a faint sound made her ears perk up. She knew that sound like the beat of her heart. It was the faint sound of her daughter snoring.

Windy whipped around quicker than a tornado, and followed the sound. She pressed her ear to the floor, and though it was muffled, it was a bit louder. She turned to the girls again.

“Is there a basement here?” She asked.

Before Pinkie could say anything, Applejack spoke up. “Aw, nah. There’s no basement there. Just Pinkie Pie’s party planning cave.” She explained. Something sparked in Windy’s eyes. Then, as quick as it was there, it was gone.

“Would you mind showing me, Pinkie? It would just be super to see it!”

Pinkie began to sweat. “Well, I uh- I’m redecorating! Yeah! It’s a mess down there. I wouldn’t feel right about showing it to you when it’s not in it’s glory.”

“Would you consider showing me anyway? I’d just love to see it.” She pleaded. Her eyes were huge. Pinkie could feel herself beginning to crack under the pressure. Just then, the sound of snoring reached everypony else’s ears.

“Do y’all hear that?” Asked Applejack.

“I do, darling. But where is it coming from?” Rarity questioned. Twilight put an ear to the floor.

“It sounds like it’s coming from the party planning cave.” She said.

Pinkie was dripping in sweat at that point, but kept her mouth shut. She Pinkie Promised. She would never break a Pinkie Promise.

“Come on, y’all.” Said Applejack. Pinkie had shown her the way to enter the cave a while back, it was one of the first secrets she shared when they became cousins. Pinkie followed, ears back, as the rest of them followed her.

They dropped into the cave, and followed the snoring. As soon as Windy caught sight of her daughter, her eyes narrowed. She sat down, crossed her hooves, and waited.

It didn’t take more than a moment or two for Rainbow Dash to wake. The sound of hooves against the ground easily woke her. She assumed it was Pinkie coming to check on her, but when she opened her eyes it was to the sight of the pale blue coat of her mother.

As soon as it registered with her who was looking at her, her pupils shrunk to pinpricks.

“M-Mom. W-What are you doing here?” She asked, nervous.

“You know exactly why I am here.” Her tone was all business as she stared at her daughter. Suddenly, her voice changed, and it was sickeningly sweet. “Now Dashie, tell Mommy the truth, Did you take everything out of my kitchen drawers and change where everything was?”

“Uh, I- Um…” Her mother’s glare intensified, and she shrank beneath it. “…Yes.” It was said meekly.

Windy nodded, then spoke. Her voice still sweeter than all the sugar in the bakery. “Now then, what do you say?”

“I’m sorry.” She said. Her ears were back.

“Very good. Now, do you remember what Mommy told you would happen the next time you pulled a stunt like your last one?”

Rainbow thought a moment, before her eyes widened and pupils dilated. “No! You don’t mean-“

“Oh yes I do.”

Rainbow panicked. “I’m sorry mom! Please don’t do it! Please! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I won’t do it again! Please!” She promised.

“It’s too late for that, Dashie. You made your bed, and now you have to lie in it. Now, come with me.” She said. Rainbow followed, knowing the consequences would be worse if she disobeyed.

Windy turned to Rarity. “Rarity, dear, would you please come with us? We could use your assistance with something.”

“Oh, um… Well, alright.” Said Rarity. Windy smiled at her.

“Thank you dear. I’ll be sure to compensate you for your trouble.” She said.

With that, the three left the cave.

The next day, Windy walked with her daughter along the streets of Ponyville, occasionally hearing some snickers as they went by. “Come along, Rainbow Dash.” She said.

Rainbow Dash mumbled a distressed reply. Her mother had dressed her in a pink tutu, matching ballet shoes, and a pink frilly collar for her punishment and was forcing her to walk around town in it. And as she tried to avoid eye contact with the ponies staring at her, one thought went through her mind.

I am never pranking my mother again.

Comments ( 14 )

I kind of hope this gets a sequel where Dash DOES find a way to prank her mother, Rarity, AND the entire town (for laughing at her), but in a way where not only does she get to have her revenge, but everyone ends up enjoying themselves enough so that Dash gets away with it.
That way any damage to her reputation this might have caused has been reversed.
Plus, I don't think Dash would let something like this go unanswered, not even from her mother.

(I realize that probably won't happen, but I ended up reading this out of curiosity, and ended up feeling the need to at least get that basic idea out)

Windy definitely plays for keeps. Though I'd expect no less from the mother of Rainbow Dash.

You kept the suspense of what was going on for the whole story. I didn't know what was going on, what was going to happen, nor what would happen if Dash was 'found'. I initially believed Dash was going to do her planning in the Party Planing Cave unaware her deed had already been done.

Perhaps this is why she keeps her pranks to Ponyville?

Fun little story. You flesh out the parenting of Dashie's parents.

K first the art is Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! :rainbowkiss:

and 2nd the story is just amazing I love it keep up the amazing work. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Friendly Spartan IV deleted Nov 19th, 2018

Lol funny.

this was sweet here have a like

What the masses think of this fic...

I like it but I just wish it was longer I'm left wanting more. great story!

I liked this quite a lot, but I felt the ending was a bit lacking. The gist was good, but compared to how well the rest of the fic was written it just feels too compressed and flat.

Agreed. A few more lines at the end describing with a little more detail Rainbow enduring her punishment and humiliation (by showing her friends' reactions, for example) would've been welcome.

Damn. RD's mom is ruthless putting her in that. Now I know not to mess with her.

Mothers, amiright? They always know how to get ya.

Shame,Shame,Shame!Shame on You!
Shame,Shame,Shame!Shame on you!

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