• Published 11th Apr 2019
  • 834 Views, 5 Comments

The Bond Of Two Soldiers - SlayGuy295

Rainbow Dash wants to regain her strength, so she can defend her friends from danger. There’s only one pony who can train her, Tempest Shadow AKA Fizzlepop.

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Fizzlepop Training Session

It’s morning, Rainbow Dash immediately jumped out of bed when the sunlight shines on her. She took a quick shower and ate cereal for breakfast. She put on sweatbands on her forehead and her front hooves before heading out. She flew out of her mansion and rushes to Twilight castle.

Before the pegasus landed, she spotted Tempest Shadow outside waiting for her. Rainbow Dash did a superhero landing in front of her and immediately apologize, “I’m so sorry that I’m late! I just took a shower and eat some cereal. My daily routine every day.”

​“Actually,” Tempest told her, “you’re a few minutes early. If you were late, then I would have head over to your house and drag you out of bed.”

​“But my mansion is made out of clouds. How are you going to get up there without falling?”

​“I’ll figure something out. Now, come on. It’s time for your training.” The two trotted through the forest as they’re approaching Tempest training site. “I hope you’re prepared for this.”

​“I am so ready for this!”

​“You might wanna back down right now because there’s no turning back.”

​“Lady, I was born ready!”

​“Alright, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

When they arrived at the training ground, Rainbow Dash is completely shocked and surprised by what lies ahead. A pale of rocks lined together across ten feet, a stack of bricks on top of each other three feet tall, four iron weights, and a log. They were all set by a lake.

​“When did you find the time to set all of this up,” Rainbow Dash surprised.

​“Last night,” Tempest told her.


​“I just found them lying around. So, are you ready for this or are you just going to ask questions?”

​“Oh, I am so ready for this! Do you forget that I’m a proud member of the Wonderbolts?!”

​“You kept bragging about it, even though I beat them,” Tempest rolls her eyes.

​“Where do we start,” Rainbow Dash asks as she was stretching.

​“We’ll start with the weights.”

​“Cool. I’m always cool with lifting some weights.”

​“Oh, you’re lifting them… but not the way you think.”

When the two of them trotted to the weights first, Rainbow Dash was confused about them not having handles. “Umm… how am I going to lift them without handles?”

​“As I said, you’re lifting them but not the way you think. Now, come over here.”

The pegasus headed to the orchid colored pony and ready for further instructions. Then, Tempest began tying weights to her legs with ropes. “A weird way to lift weighs,” Rainbow tilted her head. “So, should I begin lifting them or-”

​“Just wait. Now, stay there.” The soldier trotted to the other end of the area. “Now, fly all the way over here,” Tempest shouted at the rainbow pony.

​“You want me to fly all the way over there with these weighs,” she shouted back.

​“Yeah! Unless you wanna quit right now and walk away before it gets ugly!”

​“Lady, I have been lifting weighs before and after I joined the Wonderbolts! I can handle this!”

​“Prove it!”

​“Let’s do this!”

As soon as Rainbow Dash takes off, she flies as fast as a tortoise due to the weighs. She’s only one foot above the ground as she’s struggling with the heavy weighs. She’s only twenty-four feet away from Tempest. “Come on soldier,” her trainer yelled at her, “it’s only a total of one hundred and sixty pounds!”

“ARE YOU KIDDING,” Rainbow weakly roared as she was struggling.

“I told ya you should’ve quit from the start,” she smirked. “Also, if you stop, then you have to go back to where you started and do it all over again!”


Rainbow Dash finally reached her after twenty-five minutes without stopping. When she reached her destination, she immediately falls to the ground as she was catching her breath. “Finally… I… made it…”

“Great job, rookie,” Tempest congratulates her as she stood before her. “Not bad. Now…” The pegasus eyes widen from what happens next. “I want you to fly back to where you started… with the weighs.”

“WHAT,” she immediately picked herself up as she yelled at her trainer.

“Oh yeah! Since you stop, you have to start here, fly over there, and fly back here without stopping. If you do stop, then you have to go back to where you started and start all over.” Rainbow Dash falls back to the ground after hearing the rules as Tempest chuckle to herself.

After a couple of hours, Rainbow Dash was finally finished. She would’ve been done within an hour, but she accidentally stopped and try it all over multiple times. She fell to the ground as she was catching her breath from the harsh training. Tempest tosses a water bottle at her and tells her, “Drink up! You can rest for two minutes before your next training!”

“WHAT,” the exhausted pegasus shocked. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!! I just wasted hours carrying those freakin weighs! Can I rest a little longer?!”

“I wasn’t given more than two minutes to rest when I was in the Storm King military! So, suck it up and move forward!”

The pegasus sighs angrily and drinks some water before preparing for her next training. After two minutes, she follows her trainer to her next task as she ignored her sores. “So, what’s next,” Rainbow Dash grunted.

“Next is the log,” Tempest points at the log in front of them. “I want you to carry that log in a full circle, from here to back.”

“Don’t worry,” the pegasus bragged. “I can definitely handle this! Watch me carry this-”

“I almost forgot,” she stops her from reaching the log. “Let’s make this more interesting.” Tempest grabs a rope and ties it around both of the pegasus wings. “I want you to do what I said but only on two legs while you’re carrying the log with your front ones.”

“WHAT,” Rainbow Dash yelled. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!”

“Calm down. I did it without wings and you don’t see me complaining.”


“Just do it already!”

Rainbow Dash sighs as she carefully lifted the log behind her back with both of her front legs. Before she could begin, Tempest told her, “Oh! I forgot to mention. If you stop anywhere, then you have to start all over from that location.”

“WHAT,” she yelled, causing her to fall on her back with the log.

“And you have to start from there. Now, let's get to it!”

She growled in pain as she carries the log again and began carrying it in a full circle around the area. After a couple of hours, she was done with it despite the pain from the previous training. Rainbow Dash let go of the log and fallen to the ground as she was catching her breath.

Fizzlepop drops a water bottle next to the pegasus and informs her, “Drink up because you only got two minutes to rest.” The rainbow pony whines in pain when she was told about that.

After she rested from the training, she picked herself up and heads to the next one. Her next training is with the stack of bricks. “Now,” Tempest told her, “I want you to chop these bricks with your bare hoofs.”

“You want me to chop these bricks with my hooves?!”


“All at once?!”

“Calm down. I did it myself. You can handle it.”

“Can’t I just chop some boards instead?! That’s how you do it in karate!”

“Chopping boards are for filles. Now, suck it up and chop those bricks.”

“I’m going to break my hoofs if I try to do that!”

“Just chop the bricks already!”

The pegasus sighs in defeat and trotted to the pile of stack bricks. She looks back at Tempest and her trainer gave her the ‘go-ahead’ expression. Rainbow Dash drew her attention back to the bricks and began taking some deep breaths.

Finally, the rainbow pony lifts her left hoof, slam to the bricks, and a loud crack occurred. Sadly, it wasn’t from the bricks, but from Rainbow Dash hoof. She immediately fell to the ground and began rolling side to side from the pain. “THAT FREAKIN HURT,” she cried in pain.

“Wow,” Tempest is surprised, “you really are weak. You barely even scratch it. I guess those Wonderjolts were softening you up the entire time.”

“Well,” Rainbow Dash yells in anger, “I like to see you do it!”

Tempest head to the spare pile of bricks and stand next to them. She has a bored look on her face as she yawns. Suddenly, she drives her hoof through the bricks as if they were boards. She winked at Rainbow Dash as the rainbow pegasus hang her mouth open from her performance.


“Years of training. Now, do it again.”

“I can’t break it! Look at my hoof! It’s broken!

The orchid unicorn rolled her eyes from Rainbow Dash whining and said sarcastically, “Okay then. Looks like you are weak after all. Like seriously, you made those wonder pegasus stronger than you.” The pegasus grunts angrily from her insult. “Maybe I should call them and let them show how it’s really done.”

Rainbow Dash began to grunting even more at her trainer insults. “While I’m at it maybe I should invite that evil filly, who trap you in Tartarus, to train. I’m pretty sure she can do better than you. And maybe I should invite those stallions, who easily capture you, to do this as well. I mean if they can take the amazing Rainbow Dash down-”

Finally, the rainbow pony explodes in rage and easily kicks through the stack bricks as she’s roaring in anger. Tempest stares at her with an impressive look on her face as the angered pegasus was catching her breath. “Not bad. Not bad. That was pretty impressive.”


“But you destroy it. No pain no gain.”

“Whatever. Let's get this over with already!”

The angered pegasus was about to head over to the next session until she started to cry out in pain when she landed. Both her left hoof and her right leg are injured from the bricks. When Tempest notices it, she headed over to a brush and pick out a first aid kit. She trots to Rainbow Dash and offered a hoof. “Let me bandage your hooves,” she told her with a smirk.

“This isn’t some kind of trick test, is it,” she suspiciously asks her trainer.

“No,” she chuckles, “of course not. Just let me put some medicine on your hooves and I’ll bandage them up. Unless you want to continue your training with some broken bones.”

The injured pegasus grunts in pain as she offered her broken hoof to her former enemy. Tempest open medicine gel and pour some on her hoof. “Now,” she warns Rainbow Dash, “it’s going to sting a little.”

She gently rubs the gel on the pegasus injured hoof, causing the young pony to grunt in pain. Tempest pats her trainee back, trying to calm her down. After she was done, she slowly wraps the bandage around her hoof without giving her any pain. She did the same thing with her back leg as well.

“Feel better,” Tempest asks her.

Rainbow Dash tests her bandaged legs a bit and answers, “Kinda sting a little.”

“Good. Then, let’s move on.”

Rainbow's next training session is with the pile of rocks. The rainbow pegasus was confused at first about the rocks, but she just wants to get this training over with. “So, what do you want me to do her?”

“Simple. I want you to crawl through and back on the rocks.”

“That’s it?”

“It’s that simple.”

“Well, I can easily do that!”

The eager pony was about to jump into action until Tempest pulls her tail to the ground. “Nuh-uh uh,” the unicorn taunt her. “There’s one more thing you have to do before you get started.”

“What is it?”

“Lay on the ground with your hooves behind your back and your wings together.”


“Just do it.”

Rainbow Dash lay flat on the ground and doing what her trainer wants her to do. She waited and wonder why she had to do it until suddenly Tempest ties both her hooves, legs, and wings together. The pegasus struggles to break free, but pointless. “Ha,” the enraged pony yelled. “How am I supposed to crawl without my hooves?!”

“Simple. Just use your body.”

“Are you insane?! That will seriously hurt me real bad!”

“That’s the point. Now, get to it.”

“I’m not doing this! This training is over! Cut me out of these ropes already!”

“I’ll do it if you complete this session and the next one.”

“No way! I had it! Get these stupid ropes off of me now!”

“If you’re not going to complete my sessions, then do it yourself.”

Rainbow Dash grunts in defeat and cries, “Fine! Let's get this over already!”

The rainbow pony began using her body to crawl through the field of rocks, ignoring the pain. Tempest Shadow smirks while watching the brave pegasus crawling through the rocks. Rainbow Dash grunts loudly when she receive scratches from the rocks, but still moving forward.

After she had crawled back and forth on the rocks, Rainbow Dash struggles to the grass and resting as she was catching her breath. The unicorn stood next to the exhausted pony and chuckled at her performance. She examines her scratches from the training and she was very impressed.

After two minutes, Tempest began dragging the injured pony near a lake and places her to the edge. The pegasus was furious when she was being dragged and tried to struggle free, but pointless. “What’s the big idea, lady,” Rainbow grunts.

“It’s time for your final training session for the day,” Tempest informs her.

The rainbow pony sighs in relief and said, “Good! It’s about time! Let’s get this over with! What do you want me to do?!”

“For this last one, you need to escape from your bondage in difficult situations.”

“Okay then. What kind of situation,” Rainbow tilted her head.

“Do you trust me?”

“Wait! What am I going to do on this last session-”

“I said do you trust me?”

The cyan pegasus sighs in annoyance as she’s still tied up and responds, “Yeah. I guess.”

“Said it as you mean it!”

“Yes. I trust you.”

“Thank you.”

“So, what is this last session anyway?”

“Your last session of the day is to escape from your imprisonment.”

“That’s not so bad-”

“While underwater.”


Then suddenly, Tempest shoves the unguarded pegasus into the lake without hesitating. Rainbow Dash struggles to escape from the ropes as she’s drowning, but no progress. She even tries to break free with all of her strength, but it still won’t work. The rainbow pegasus begins to lose consciousness from the lack of oxygen. She has now drowned because of her bondage.

Until Tempest dives in and rescues her trainee from death. When she brought Rainbow to the surface, she immediately removes the ropes and performs cardiopulmonary resuscitation in order to save her. Finally, the young pegasus couch out the water from her body.

“Are you okay,” Tempest asked her as she was patting her back.

“ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME,” Rainbow Dash yelled in a complete rage. “I COULD HAVE DIED YOU MANIAC!!!”

“Your welcome.”


“For saving your life.”

“Oh really,” the angered pegasus said sarcastically. “My bad! Thank you for saving me from drowning after you tied me up AND SHOVE ME INTO THE LAKE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!”

“Ha! I have gone through that when I worked for the Storm King and I made it out on my first try. If I could do it, then so can you.”

“I like to see you escape with your wings tied one! Oh, wait! You can’t because you’re a unicorn!”

“And that’s why you have failed.”

“Ah screw you!”

Tempest Shadow began trotting back to the castle to do her royal guard duties. She looks back at her trainee and tells her, “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

“For what?!”

“For another training.”


“Excuse,” she turned to Rainbow with an angry look on her face.

“You made me break my hooves! You made me crawl on rocks while I was tied up! You almost drown me! There’s no way I’m going to be attending your training sessions because they’re insane!”

“Ha! Don’t play the helpless filly card on me! You beg me to train you into a soldier, so you can protect your friends from danger! I didn’t force you to do this! I gave you a choice of back away, but you chose to push through! You cause this, not me!”

The two of them get up to each other's faces as they’re both staring deeply in their eyes in hatred. They did nothing but staring into each other's eyes for a couple of minutes. Rainbow Dash first spoke in complete hatred, “Screw… you!”

Finally, the wounded pegasus trotted away leaving her trainer alone. Tempest began to smirk as she was replacing all of the training materials back to their locations. “She’ll come back,” she talks to herself. “They’ll always come back.”

Comments ( 3 )

It's great to see this story continuing, thanks!

This is continue? Nice chapter

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