• Published 27th Nov 2018
  • 539 Views, 14 Comments

Searching for the Beat - Synesisbassist

Throughout all the hardships she's faced, Scootaloo knew that music would always be there to guide her. And it would help her soar higher than she could expect. Love, anger, sadness, all emotions she could pour into her music to wash them all away.

  • ...

Striking a Chord

Author's Note:

Thank you for taking the time to click on and read this story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. See you in a few days with the next chapter, until then, see you in the next update. ~Syn :twilightsmile:

“FUCK YOU DAD!” The man who just moments ago had a stone cold glare looked genuinely shocked when I finally burst but, but I didn’t care. Faust above the urge to just lose it all was strong, but I held back. Opting instead to just turn heel away from him and those hurting eyes. I could barely see as hot tears streamed down my face, anger, sadness and frustration boiled inside me as I ran upstairs, not even giving my dad a chance to say anything. Slamming the door behind me hard enough to cause one of the picture to fall off the wall, the frame breaking in half while the glass shattering into a million little pieces.

But I didn’t even pay attention to it.

The wind howled outside, shaking the window while the heavy rain beat down upon the glass pane. I quickly dove into my bed, burying my face into the pillows. I cried. I wasn’t afraid to admit that anymore. He taught me all of that. Always be true with your emotions, and you will be true with yourself. Lifting my head, purple eyes caught the silver gleam of the object before me. Though, seeing that made me think of him. And thinking of him, only made me cry harder.

I... Guess I should start from the beginning, shouldn’t I? My name is Scootaloo. And this, is my story.

It all started a few months ago. It was the beginning of fall season, and another lousy school year was well underway. I found myself sitting in the principal's office for what seemed like the tenth time this year, though thankfully I wasn’t alone on this occasion. Sitting across the room with a growing fat lip and a black eye, was Diamond Tiara. Her fancy clothes were dirty, a bit scuffed and the collar was torn. A testament to my grip I guess. The fiercest scowl was adoned on her face, said face had a bit of dried blood that trailed from her right nostril. A clock above us ticked the seconds by very slowly, seemingly taking forever to count the minute. “You know, if you keep that look on your face, it’ll stick.” A grin worked its way across my lips as I watched her hands curl into tight fists.

The rage in her eyes burned brighter than a bonfire at the Apple Family reunion, if looks could kill, I’d already be dead. But if her eyes were as lethal as her hands, well, you’d have a better time tickling me into submission. “Yeah, well at least I’m not a flightless bird!” Instantly the smug look on my face slipped off and I felt my heart make its way into my throat. Her eyes flashed in fear as my blood started to boil once again.

“You’d better take that back, or I’ll give you another black eye, bitch.” I spat quickly, raising my left hand towards her, which was now wrapped in bandages from our earlier ‘conflict’. Diamond’s eyes shrunk to pinpricks, sinking further back into the chair as my body moved on it’s own.

I barely got to my feet when the door opened quickly, stopping me in my tracks before they had even begun. “Enough, Scootaloo! Sit down and watch your mouth young lady. You’re already in enough trouble as it is.” Cheerilee walked into the small room with a fierce frown, followed by Filthy Rich and… My dad. I grumbled and looked away, plopping my butt back into the chair while crossing my arms while a hot wash of shame overcame me. He was still in his royal guard armour, the golden plates clinked quietly as he stepped inside the room. A large pair of white wings were folded behind his back, shifting slightly as he stepped towards me. He didn’t even get to finish his shift, again...

His sky blue eyes narrowed on my wrapped hand before darting over to Diamond’s rapidly swelling face. Putting two and two together, his eyes narrowed back at me, my own gaze turning away from him to stare at the floor. Ponyfeathers... “Scootaloo. Let’s go. Now.” His voice was deep and authoritative, I knew he was disappointed in me, though this was the first time I had resorted to violence. Hanging my head in shame, I slowly got off the chair and shuffled over to him. “You’re in deep trouble young lady.” Was all he said to me before he pointed out the door and into the hallway. I didn't even glance at Cheerilee or Filthy Rich as I walked past, though shot Diamond Tiara a dirty look on my way out.

Down the short hallway and out through the front doors, I followed my dad towards Ponyville, trying to find something to say to justify my actions. My mouth opened and closed wordlessly, as nothing came to mind aside from just a couple of words. With my hands stuffed into the pocket of my orange sweater, I scuffed the ground with my shoe, kicking a small stone a few feet away. “I’m sorry dad….” I managed to mutter just before we got into the town. With the fading sunlight sparkling off his golden armour, dad turned and looked down at me, his burgundy, shaggy hair waving in the breeze as a sigh pushed past his lips.

“I know, squirt.” His armoured hand ruffled my purple hair a bit, the cool metal making me shiver at the touch. “But you can’t go around, punching other kids in your class Scootaloo. That’s not what I taught you. Even as a Royal Guard, violence is always a last resort.” I looked down even further in shame, my heart felt like it was trying to wrench itself from my chest. “This is the fourth time you've been in trouble this month. Ms. Cheerilee thankfully decided not to expel you, but she told me once more and you’re going to be held back a year.”

Letting out a frustrated growl, I kicked another stone even further. “I-I know dad. It’s just…. She cornered me and kept making fun of my tiny wings.” When mentioned, my little wings ruffled behind me. “I just… Couldn’t take anymore. Her and that Silver Spoon girl I’ve told you about before.” Scared little girl, ran away screaming after the first punch to tattle on me. “And with my friends not around… It just sucks. I don't have anyone to talk to, or anything to keep my brain occupied.” I sulked a bit, kicking more dirt beneath my shoes. I miss Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Stupid farm work… Stupid… Whatever it is Sweetie Belle is doing. I blinked and tilted my head a bit in confusion, but I tried not to think too hard about it.

“I should have known… But my point still stands, Scoots.” Dad paused a moment to think, before a smile slowly spread across his face. “I think I got just the thing for you. But first things first, let’s go home and get some supper. It’s been a long day for the both of us.” My dad put his hand out to me, my own slipping to his grasp. He held on tightly and smiled before we headed the rest of the way across Ponyville towards home.

And just what did he have planned for me? Honestly, I was just as surprised as you might be.

It was the next day when dad woke me up really early. It was mostly dark out, my messy room blanketed in a soothing aura of calmness. Though that was quickly about to change... In a weird half asleep state, I heard him creep across my room and open the blinds, Celestia’s morning sun piercing the window and right into my closed eyes. “Blegh~” I groaned in protest, trying to roll over to the other side of my bed as I heard him chuckle.

“Up and at ‘em Scootaloo. We gotta jet in an hour. Grab a shower, I’ll have a quick breakfast ready for you.” Patting my covered leg a few times, he waited for my response, which I admit, was kinda lacking.


There was a chuckle from him as he walked back across the room and stood in my doorway. “That’s what I thought. Come on kid, we don't have any time to waste.” Cracking open my eyes and blinking away what sleep remained, I sat up while rubbing my face with both hands.

“Up… ‘m up.” Smacking my dry mouth a few times, I slid from my totally comfortable bed and my feet hit the seemingly ice cold floor. Eeping in surprise, my wings spread, giving a few flaps as I pulled my feet back. “Ack! Stupid floor.” Peering over the side of the bed, I slipped on my green unicorn slippers… What? They’re cool... Shut up! Anyways, after straightening my night shirt so the cool air wouldn't freeze my side, I groggily made my way out of my room into the bathroom. The tiny room was nothing more than a sink, toilet and a walk in shower. A small closet full of towels and other linens sat in the back corner, and a dirty clothes hamper sat by the door. It wasn't much, but I preferred showers over sitting in a bath of my own filth anyways, so I had no complaints.

Flipping the light on, my eyes met my own reflection in the mirror. I could see my hair was a mess, a serious case of bed head that had clumps and strands every which way. My purple eyes were a bit bloodshot from the terrible sleep I’d gotten, dark circles under them only reinforced the fact. My face had dried drool across my right cheek, and my shirt was wrinkled enough that Rarity was probably having a panic attack across town. With a quiet giggle to myself, I quickly removed my clothes and got ready for a nice hot shower.

Taking a few moments to gingerly unwrap my hand, I finally got the chance to get a good look at it since yesterday. Honestly it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would have been, though it did look a little messed up. A few of the knuckles had a bit of skin torn up, though thankfully they had already scabbed over and were no longer bleeding. Dark colours did show themselves in the skin where the bruises laid, but all in all I still could move my hand, albeit with a bit of pain. I guess I’m lucky I didn’t break anything. Thank Faust her face was nice and fat, helped cushion my hand! With that done, I opened the door to the shower and stepped inside while turning the water on. “C-Cold!” Jumping back from the ice cold water, I just so happened to push one of my wings into the side of the doorway. The sharp but small bit of pain shot through my body, my feet scrambling to get myself out of the shower. “Ow! Damn wall!” Letting out an irritated sigh, my hand found the knob and turned it up to a much more manageable level. As the steam quickly filled the shower, I used my hand to test it out to make sure it was just the way I liked it. “That’s better!” The water soaked my hair and quickly the rest of my body followed. Any coldness and dirt was washed off and down the drain, along with all the worries of yesterday.

I don’t feel like I really need to go into details about how I showered, so I'm just gonna skip that part if that’s fine. But I did get soap in my eyes... Stupid soap. After I washed and dried myself, along with a quick preen of my wings, I slipped back into my room to grab a fresh set of clothes. Today was looking to be a little colder than it was yesterday if the frost on the window was any sign, so a pair of dark green cargo pants, a plain white t shirt and my signature orange sweater was quickly adorned. I had to dig around in my closet again to find my body wrap for my hand. Thankfully, there was still quite a bit left and I wasted no time wrapping my forearm to my fingers, just like Rainbow Dash taught me, just in case I ever pulled a muscle or something. I made sure it wasn’t too tight and I could still flex my wiggly fingers. With a few good hand clenches, I smiled and inspected my work. “Awesome! Now… Where are my shoes?” It didn’t take long to find them as they sat by the door where I took them off the night before. They slid on with ease and I tied my rockin green kicks before standing in front of my mirror to get a good look at myself.

My messy hair looked good, partly brushed with that single swirl. Check! Adorable, purple eyes that can usually get me out of trouble? Oh yeah! A grin that- You know what, ya get the point. I look awesome! With a pair of “finger guns” thrown in for good measure, I hurried out of my room and down into the kitchen. Once there, a wall of warm air hit me quickly, the smell of fresh waffles filled the room, said fluffy treats were already loaded on a plate drizzled in syrup. Along with a handful of my favourite berries piled on top, and a single sliced banana which topped it all off wonderfully.

“Eat up kiddo.” My dad sat at the other side of the table with a mug of coffee in hand, along with the daily newspaper. He always told me coffee was an ‘acquired taste,’ though I think it tastes like hot water filtered through dirt, but whatever… Waffles! Sitting down, I quickly dug in, tearing bits and pieces of warm, fluffy heaven and stuffing them into my waiting mouth. Eating in silence, aside from the occasional murmur of delight, I made sure to guzzle the glass of orange juice that sat helplessly on the table beside me. Soon the plate was cleared and the cup was empty, a testament to how delicious breakfast had been.

“Ah~ That was good!” Rubbing my belly, I could feel a small bump coming up from my full stomach, before it eventually came out my mouth with a sharp noise. “Excuse me!” Giggling partly at the fruity taste of it, my dad shook his head before taking the dishes to the sink and grabbing his jacket.

“Glad you enjoyed breakfast, now let’s go. I don't want to keep him waiting.” Dad motioned for me to follow him out the door and into the morning bustle of Ponyville. The sun crept up over the horizon, the frost covered grass twinkled in the sunlight like tiny crystals. My eyes turned to the trees, the leaves on the branches were all different colours as fall was well under way. Red, orange, brown, even a few mixed colours dotted the branches that swayed slightly in the wind. Shivering a bit as a small breeze blew past, the cool air largely kept at bay thanks to my sweater. “Come on Scootaloo, I promised him we would be there bright and early.” Dad stopped and turned around, as he was a few feet in front of me and noticed I was lagging behind.

Shaking my head I gave a sheepish grin, rubbing the back of my neck. “Sorry Dad, just kinda zoned out.” Hopping off the front porch, I quickly caught up with him and we headed down the path and into town. Though it was bright and early, a few people were already going about their daily business. Sure it was Saturday, but the market still needed to operate so ponies could buy their groceries among other things. In the distance, the roar of the old truck Apple Bloom’s family owned, could be heard as it carried it’s cargo towards the marketplace for selling. “So, where are we going?” I asked, looking up at dad with my hands in my pockets.

He only smiled and ruffled my hair. “Don’t worry kiddo. You’re gonna love it. Trust me.” Though the excitement of not knowing was almost too much, I managed to keep my cool and just gave a firm nod. It didn’t take long for us to arrive at a seemingly random house, one that sat just slightly out of the way of a few others. Walking up to the front door, my dad knocked a few times while I looked around. Honestly, it looked like any other house in the town, a simple wooden door, stone walls and a thatched roof. But if my own house was anything to go by, the insides looked just like any modern style home. While many would think it looked slightly primitive on the outside, it was more so just to keep up with the old styling of the town. They were very livable and normal on the inside which always surprised tourists.

I could hear footsteps coming from inside the house, the lock clicked before the knob turned and the door opened. As the door swung open, I got my first look at whoever lived there. Standing in the doorframe, was a tall, older man with long, dark hair and a finely trimmed beard. The man stood almost to the top of the doorway, even towering a good half foot over my dad. He would have looked intimidating, but he had a pair of soft, brown eyes, hiding behind a pair of black framed glasses. “Ah, you must be Sky Rider.” A deep but friendly voice came from the tall man, his eyes trailed down to me and he gave a small smile as well. “And you must be Scootaloo. Well, come on in!” The man stepped back behind the door, letting me and my dad come inside.

The room was kinda small, though that was to be expected of the tiny house. A kitchen with a small table, a decent sized living room that had a door on the right side of it, probably leading to the bedroom or something. Taking a deep breath, the smell of wood filled my nose once I inhaled. Pine, maple, and a handful that I didn’t recognize from the past experience I had with trees… I had a lot, ok? The door closed behind us before the man came around in front of me and my dad, greeting us once again with a warm smile. “I’m David, though you can call me Dave.” He said, his eyes trailing down to me. He studied me as I shifted from foot to foot, feeling slightly nervous under his gaze. “Hmm, interesting… Let me see your hands?” Extending his own towards me, I couldn't help but just look at the calloused palm. Glancing up at my dad, he just slightly nodded, giving slight reassurance that it was ok. Placing my comparatively tiny left hand into the palm of David’s, I felt a bit calmer at the warm sensation. His hands felt smooth, but rough at the same time, if that makes any sense. Maybe he was a woodworker? It would explain the wood smell and his clearly worked hands.

“Um, what are you doing?” Tilting my head in confusion when he flipped my hand over and looked at my palm.

David traced his finger from my wrist to the tip of my middle finger, studying them like one would study a book for an upcoming test. “Just seeing how big your hands are. You do have short fingers, though they look very sturdy.” A friendly smile spread across his face before he nodded. “I've got just the thing, follow me.” He let go of my hand and lead us over to the door on the right hand side of the living room. “Welcome, to my haven…” Throwing open the door, my eyes went wide, the wings on my back instantly spreading in surprise.

Colours, there were a lot of colours. More than I had ever seen in one spot before. Stepping inside the room, it felt instantly cooler but the air was still fairly dry as a small machine buzzed quietly beside the door. On the walls, had to have been hundreds of electric guitars of various sizes, styles and shapes. Large boxes that I figured were guitar amps lined the floor around the room, the carpet beneath felt soft and plush as I walked further inside. Even on the left hand side was a full drum kit on a small stage, this room truly looked like a musicians dream come true

“Woah….” My eyes went wide as I looked around, never lingering for too long as to try and maximize the amount of things I could see.

David chuckled behind me, flicking a finger off one of the guitars next to the doorway. “That’s the reaction I generally get. This, is my music room. Yeah it takes up more than half the house, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He beckoned me to follow as he turned right and examined the wall for a few seconds. “Now… Where is it?” David muttered as he scratched at his beard, my eyes darting all around to try and take in as much as I could before he would interrupt me again. “Aha! Here it is!” His voice snapped me from my thoughts as he plucked a slightly shorter guitar off the wall and handed it to me. My left hand instinctively wrapped around the neck, the metal strings slightly rubbing against my fingers. “That,” he examined, pointing his hand at it “is a Jazz bass. Give it a try.”

I hesitantly took a seat upon a small stool, awkwardly holding the instrument in my hands. “Uh, how do I hold this?” David reached over, slipping the strap up and over my head, positioning my hands and arms in what I assumed was their proper places.

“Now, gently pull on the top string with the pad of your finger.” Looking down at the body of the instrument, my right hand held the neck as my left hand hovered over the strings. Slowly extending my finger, it caught on the string for a split second before it slipped out and made a small sound. Low and growly, the metal strand continued to vibrate for a few seconds as I stared in awe. “Congratulations. You just played a note.” David said before grabbing a small cable and plugging it into a small hole on the front of the bass.

The biggest grin came over my face, even bigger than when I did that double backflip on my scooter. Though a small click pulled my attention to David once again as he turned back. “Now try it again, Scootaloo.” My wings gave a small twitch behind me as my index finger once again swept over the thickest string. Though this time, it was not quiet at all. A loud note rung throughout the room, my eyes widening as my heart skipped a beat. It was as if the Royal Sisters themselves came down and touched my soul. The vibrations rattling my body as I did it over and over again.

“Oh gosh! This is soooo cool!” My fingers danced over the thick strings with no rhyme or reason, wings fluttering with pure excitement as my eyes stuck on the vibrating strings like it was the only thing that mattered. Though in that moment, it WAS all that mattered.

Seemingly pleased with me, David gave a small laugh as he watched, leaning towards me, giving a small pat on the shoulder. “You’re a natural, Scootaloo. How would you like to learn how to really play that? For real? I'd be honoured to teach you.” I stopped immediately, my head snapping back to find my dad standing beside the doorway with crossed arms.

“C-can I really dad?!” I was so excited, I had almost sprung off the stool that I was sitting on. Seeing him grin, his white teeth shining dully in the low light along with that simple nod forced a fresh surge of excitement to course through my veins. “YES!”

This time I jumped to my feet, wings abuzz with energy while the weight of the instrument fully rested on my shoulders. It was somewhat heavy, the strap clinging to my shoulders as I merely stared at it. The power I felt, that good feeling tingling every inch of my body, and I knew my heart had skipped another beat. There was only one thing on my mind. Mine and David's eyes met, and I opened my mouth to say two simple words.

“Teach me.”

I stayed there for the rest of the afternoon and well into the evening, learning the basics of the bass. I was surprised how intensely I listened to Dave speak, my mind hanging on every word that pushed past his lips. Which was odd, as in school I'd have a hard enough time listening to anything. But here, I needed this information. Craved the knowledge of how to make this instrument sing.

And he taught me. Though it was a bit hard to grasp the initial concept of my hands working in tandem with one another, fingers skipping across the strings in a weird kind of dance as my brain worked on overdrive. I messed up a few times, though David never once got upset or anything with me. He would chuckle, maybe give a few pointers here and there, but other than that he pretty much let me learn it by myself at my own pace.

It was more satisfying than landing a triple flip, seven twenty twist! Sure, I wasn't playing any rockin’ tunes yet, and it was just scales over and over for the most part... But I knew just how important fundamentals are for this kind of thing, it’s kinda like riding my scooter! You need to learn how to ride before you can really ride, if that makes any sense… The bass guitar wasn't much different from a scooter, they both required devotion, practice and time put into them to really grasp them. And grasp it I did.

We went over each note of the musical alphabet, it didn't take long to grasp the initial concept. But when he made me say each one out loud, while also playing it, that became a tough challenge. A, B, C…. I continued for each string over and over, trying to memorize what note each fret was on each string. It became almost a game, as he would play a note and then ask me to do the same while also verbally saying the letter. If anyone could make learning fun, it would be David.

But sadly, the day had to come to a close. My fingers were aching and blistered, arms tired and sore from moving so much. My stomach growled at the lack of food I'd put into myself, only a peanut butter and jelly sandwich David so graciously offered. But the smile on my face never left, even as I bid farewell to David. I was kinda sad to leave as I didn't want to stop playing and learning! But it was then, that he had a gift…

We had just gotten to the door, when David stopped us. “Hold up just one second, before you go,” he handed me the bass, placing a small amp onto the floor next to me. “I wanted you to have this. Come back next week, make sure you practice the scales, and we might be able to get into some of the good stuff. Sound like a plan, Scootaloo?”

I'll be honest, I had to keep back a few tears that threatened to fall as my hands wrapped around the polished wood of the instrument. I held it tightly, never wanting to let go as it became one of my most treasured items in the blink of an eye. “I will! I'll practice every night, I promise!” David's hand ruffled my already unkempt hair and he chuckled, those brown eyes sparkling in the dying sunlight as lips turned up in a smile.

“I know you will Scootaloo. And no matter what, never give up. Practice will always make perfect, with this, and in your life.” His words didn't fully sink in at the moment, but as I had to learn in time, he was absolutely right.

My dad and him shook hands, exchanging a brief thank you and goodbyes before we headed for home. Words kept flowing from my mouth, I knew I could be a little chatterbox when I'm excited, but this had to have taken the cake. Tiny wings buzzing all the while my skin tingled and I had to resist the urge to zip around. “... A-And then I played the whole thing by myself! I couldn't believe it!”

Thank the maker above my dad had a lot of patience, letting me ramble the entire walk home. And being the super cool dad that he is, he even carried my new amp for me! Although this was because I was pretty adamant on carrying Dawn myself, tho- Oh! I forgot to say that I named the bass not too long after I had picked it up. It was after David pulled down another one of his that he had named, explaining that sometimes musicians named their instruments that mean a lot to them, so I figured I would do the same.

Our house quickly came into view, with nothing but the porch light on to cut through the darkness. We quickly crossed the distance, and I opened the door before excitedly stepping inside. Turning the lights on, I turned back as dad walked in and shut the door behind him. Flicking the thermostat on, the heat rumbled to life, quickly filling the room with warm air. “You take these up to your room, I'll get started on dinner. Sound good kiddo? I'll make your favourite, broccoli alfredo. How'd you like that, huh?”

Dad always knew just how to make me happy. “Sounds good to me!” Gingerly taking the small amp in hand, making sure not to ding the new device on any of the walls, I managed to get both into my room. Putting the amp down on a small stool, I placed the bass right beside it so that I could grab it from my bedside with ease whenever I wanted. Although I was tempted to already play more, but my aching fingertips forced me to think twice about it.

Perfect! Now I better go wash up for supper. Dashing to the bathroom, I had to stop and glance back at Dawn for a brief moment before continuing on. Flicking on the light in the bathroom, I took a moment to just stand there and reflect on the day. And what an eventful day it was, but there was a looming thought hanging over me. Looking at myself in the mirror, I knew I had to change my attitude or else I'd get held back a year.

I knew why dad did this, he wanted to give me something to work towards, something to help occupy my mind. He tried a few times before but nothing stuck, though this time I wasn't about to let him down. A firm nod and a determined smile, I unwrapped my hand to put more healing cream on it…. What? That's what dad calls it! It was then that I could really see what my fingers looked like after all that. A few tips had blisters, some had blisters in the blisters even! Wincing a bit at the pain and turning the water on lukewarm, I made sure to clean my hands for the healing cream. Washed, dried and freshly creamed up, I left my hand unwrapped before giving myself one last look in the mirror.

Nodding, the light was flicked off as I pretty much sprinted down into the kitchen. Standing beside the blacktopped stove and watching a boiling pot, was my dad. Checking his phone, he glanced up to see the relaxed look on my face before smiling, guessing just what I had gone over in the bathroom. “Feel better kiddo?”

I couldn't help but hug him, wrapping my arms tightly around his stomach while mashing my cheek into it. “Mmm hmm. I feel heaps better. Thanks dad, for everything. I love you.” Adding that on for good measure, my head turned upwards so I could look at him.

His only response was to place a small kiss on the top of my head before turning the heat off. “Love you too. I hope you're hungry, I made lots.” A deep inhale, a relaxed exhale, and a genuine smile was all he needed to see. Scooping out a fair amount onto the pair of white plates, he placed one down at my spot at the table before taking his own seat.

Wings fluttering once or twice behind me, the delicious smell filling my nose and making my mouth water slightly. “I hope it tastes as good as it smells!” Digging in quickly, letting the various flavours tingle my taste buds for what seemed like a brief moment, before swallowing. The sauce was thick and creamy, kinda sweet but savoury, while the noodles were cooked to perfection. Not too hard, but not mushy. The large bits of broccoli were soft, with only a little bit of crunch at the ends of the stalks.

“So,” Dad began, swallowing the bite he had in his mouth before lifting his glass of water. “How are you liking it so far?” I could see the hopeful look in his eye, though he listened to me ramble and rant on the way home, I knew he wanted my honest opinion on it all.

His question did get me thinking about it, did I love it? Hate it? Or just relishing in the feeling of learning something new? Furrowing my brow, my gaze dropped down at the plate before me as if it held the answers. But thankfully I didn't have to think long, the answer already on my tongue ready burst forth from my lips after only a few seconds. “I love it.” A silly smile plastered my lips, a happy feeling bubbling up inside my stomach. “It's challenging, different and requires a lot of my focus. But it's keeping my attention ya know? Just giving me enough satisfaction to come back for more.”

Dad got up from the table, taking our now empty plates with him but not before giving me a one-armed hug. “I'm glad you're enjoying it so far kiddo, I'm gonna clean up here and then veg on the couch for a while, it's been a long week.” Glancing at the clock, I seen that it was slightly after eight PM. With nothing else much to do and with my fingers still hurting, I decided to crash on the couch with my dad for a while.

Turning on the TV, we started watching a show about some of the loggers up by the Crystal Empire. It was just me and my pops, snuggled together and watching an honestly interesting show. He brought us each a can of pop to sip on as we watched. From the trip up to the mountains, the lodgings where the workers stayed and the tools they used were all shown. Various chainsaws, most of them enchanted to cut through the crystal wood, large machines used for transport and to help transport the fallen logs to the river. It just started showing how they used these machines to get the logs down the hillside into the water below, when I started getting bleary eyed. I had been up since six this morning, plus with all the excitement of the day I was getting pretty sleepy.

I struggled to keep my eyes open, my blinks getting less and less frequent while lasting longer each time. I felt my head nod off once before I yawned, rubbing my tired eyes with the back of my hand in an attempt to stay away, but that only seemed to put me to sleep faster. Dad wrapped his arm around me, pulling my body against his. My cheek rested on his shoulder, body swaying from his movements as he hummed that same lullaby mom used to. It was warm, his hand gently rubbing my back as I failed to resist the call of slumber. “Goodnight Scootaloo~” His voice seemed to be very far away, almost like I was falling….