• Published 27th Nov 2018
  • 539 Views, 14 Comments

Searching for the Beat - Synesisbassist

Throughout all the hardships she's faced, Scootaloo knew that music would always be there to guide her. And it would help her soar higher than she could expect. Love, anger, sadness, all emotions she could pour into her music to wash them all away.

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A Foot in the Door

Author's Note:

Another chapter in the same week?! I had this written before the first chapter was posted, and wanted to give a few days for the story to mellow. Hope you enjoy this shortish chapter, more stuff will be coming soon! :twilightsmile:

And falling I did. With a tumble and a weirdly soft landing, my eyes blinking a few times as I tried to regain my bearings. Though the fuzzy feeling that was in my head never left; seemingly slowing down my processing, I could at least make out my surroundings to be…My school?! D-Did I fall asleep in class again? Though the classroom was empty and covered in a dark gloomy aura, I still managed to push myself up to my feet with no issue. Not a single soul seemed to be in the room, aside from me. The thought of being alone sending a few shivers down my spine. The clock above the blackboard didn’t even seem to be moving, as I gave it a glance while walking towards the front of the room. “H-Hello?” Although the meek call was muffled by the seemingly dense air, the classroom door creaked open loudly and suddenly, almost making me lose my footing on the wooden floor.


A bodiless voice seemed to call from the ajar door, the harsh and distorted whisper filling my head and my body. Without my own command, I closed the distance and my hand touched the handle. The metal was ice cold, chilling me to the bone the instant my fingers wrapped around the round knob. The urge to take a deep breath was strong, but it felt like I couldn’t breathe as I slowly slid the door open even further be-THWACK.

I couldn’t even see it coming, the small fist flew from the darkness and right into my left cheek. The strike sent me sprawling backwards, my arm barely managing to drop below my body to help cushion the fall. Thankful for the countless times I’d fallen off my scooter, which helped to prepare me for this. Pushing myself up a bit, my head turned back to the doorway with a quiet growl of anger. Standing there, was Diamond Tiara. The dirtiest grin on her prissy little face that I’d ever seen, arms crossed in front of her chest and I could've sworn I saw a glint in her eye. “Looks like the early bird gets a punch to the face, huh S̨c̸oo̷t͡a̸l҉oo?”

Although her voice changed when she said my name, it barely registered with me as I wanted to do nothing more than hit that bitch back. “And it looks like this snooty little “Princess” is going to get her face beat in! Rah!” Blood pumping in a mere moment, my focus was solely on her grin as I got back to my feet and cracked my knuckles. In a split second, I readied my own retaliation, but to my surprise and seemingly out of nowhere, she struck again. The hit was enough to knock me off balance, numerous stars filling my vision. With my back now upon the floor, my eyes blinked a few times as the floor creaked under the weight of my slumped body. H-How the?.... She didn’t even swing!

Pushing up, sitting on the dusty floor while wiping my bloody lip with the back of my hand, my eyes rested upon Diamond Tiara again. “Lucky shot... Though, now I’m REALLY getting mad!” Hand on my knee, I made a movement to get to my feet whe-... Face down this time, a few stars filled my vision once again, while my cheek dragged against the floor. I was sore already, tired and trying in vain to catch my breath. “Huah….Ha….” Tears streamed down my cheeks as embarrassment and frustration filled every last inch of my body, wings trying to flap behind my back in a silent protest.

“Poor S̴co͡ót̵alo̢o҉, a flightless bird who can’t even fly home. How pathetic. Can’t fly, can’t even stand up for herself. A useless person if I’d ever seen one! Honestly, you'll never be good at anything, aside from riding your DUMB scooter. Guess that's just what you are, dumb! Not talented like yours truly~ I've got money, fame, and even a cutie mark. Unlike you, little miss chicken.”

I couldn't take anymore shit as Diamond’s laugh filled my ears. It all built up inside like a full pot of water left on a red hot stove. I boiled over and there was no way to stop it.“S-shut up! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” Pounding the floor below myself with both hands, I felt it break apart and slip away. With nothing but a silent scream of terror, I fell into the dark void…



The void screamed all around, filling my head with white noise along with the sound of someone yelling my name, over and over. As I tumbled further down into the dark depths below, my hands covered my ears to try and silence the noise, but it was all in vain. It invaded my ears, my brain, and my heart with its violating sound. I tried to scream, but it couldn’t be anywhere loud enough to overcome the noise. Just to the point where I thought I’d lose it all, a soothing sound started to take over from the painful screeches.

It started quietly, drowning out the buzz with little bumps and blips, each one working its way throughout my chest. But it seemed to quickly reverberate into the darkness all around. The boundaries that I never knew were there started to seemingly tear apart at their seams as light fought to pierce the shroud. “You must be Scootaloo, well, come on in.” This new voice was very deep, soothing in a weird way, as a solitary wooden door shimmered into existence before me. Across the middle, was my name carved into the wood, very neatly, though roughly, as if done by hand.

Floating over to the only way out, I glanced over my shoulder back into the dark void, as the warmth from the door held me close. The hunger, the need of the void scared me, but also felt familiar in a weird and twisted way. Turning back, my eyes dropped to my hand, which was now coated in stitches and splotches of blood. Whether it was mine or not, was yet to be seen. “Is this what I want?” My own voice asked, though my mouth never opened once to utter them.

A large hand touched my shoulder, firm but not harmful, it didn't pull me one way or the other, just a mere observer to my dilemma. I couldn't see who stood behind, watching every single movement of mine, though it felt comforting to know I wasn't alone. Twisting the handle, the door opened noiselessly and I stepped inside…