• Published 27th Nov 2018
  • 807 Views, 35 Comments

Synchronicity - Heartshine

When I moved to Ponyville, I was lost. Then I met her, and I began to realise that there was more to my cutie mark than I could have possibly imagined.

  • ...

3 Nandemonai

I tried very hard not to panic about tonight as I dried my mane.

Was this even a date? Wouldn’t we just be new friends, going out to get to know each other better? I should have asked. Clarified this whole mess! Should have, could have… but didn’t.

The soft glow of my magic cast my steamy bathroom in a golden hue as I lashed a brush through my mane.

She’d just asked me to meet for dinner. No need to panic, I was just overthinking this. No hidden meanings, Bon Bon probably just wanted to drag my story out of stubborn old me! Totally nothing more than becoming better acquaintances. This wasn’t a date! Just dinner. Between two ponies. Who just became friends.

Brush clasped in magic, I started pacing back and forth between my bedroom and bathroom, only stopping in front of my dresser after a few passes.

Then again, there’d been a peculiar hesitance in Bon Bon’s words, how she’d asked if I was free... Was it a date, fifty-fifty chance?

Throwing towels, reason, and indecision out of the literal window, I snatched up a yellow silk ascot from a drawer and tied it around my neck. A few stray strands of mane stuck up at odd angles, but I looked presentable.

I paused a moment. I could do this. I was doing it.

This was not a date at all. It made no sense worrying about it. I’d… well, okay, I hadn’t been on a date before, but that didn’t mean anything! I’d been a very busy young mare at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns! Even Twilight never went on dates back then, and she’d turned out alright! Having her muzzle shoved in a book twenty-four seven seemed to make her happy about her love life, as opposed to…

…Being too shy to ask anypony out.

Now… Minuette and Twinkleshine always said I was hopeless when it came to noticing ponies paying attention to me. Lemon defended me each and every time, saying that, maybe, I just wasn’t ready yet. Kissing mares or stallions would come in due time.

It hurt too much at the time to admit I wasn’t sure if anypony wanted to kiss me. Moondancer always said it didn’t matter. Now, I wished she’d elaborated more. I sure sucked at picking up on hints.

I glanced up at the clock on the wall and realised it was already a quarter past six. I bolted for the door, my purse clenched tightly in my magic.

Café Hay wasn’t too far from my little home on Mercy Street. I wouldn’t dare show up late, a habit I’d picked up from Twilight. We were roommates once, for about a semester. That was... something. A change of pace, let's say.

I chuckled the rest of the way down to the café. As I arrived, I looked around the diners for hints of a two-toned mane. I found myself being the first to show. I trotted up to the maître d’hôtel and asked for a table for two. He politely seated me, taking my order for a lemonade, and left me to wait for what felt like an eternity.

“Oh my goodness, I hope you haven’t been waiting long!” Bon Bon’s voice called, dragging me back from my slow descent into flight mode.

My desire to leave — before I made a fool of myself — faded and I shook my head.

“N-no! Not long at all!” I replied, glancing away from the town’s clocktower.

I totally hadn’t been just staring at it for... Okay, only for three minutes. Not that I was counting.

“That’s good! I was hoping I didn’t scare you off by being, well, on time,” she admitted as she slipped onto the cushion across from me. “I was thinking that I’d probably be the one waiting for you!”

My cheeks warmed.

“Um… well, up until I shared a place with an old friend, that would’ve been accurate. She kinda… rubbed off on me. She was one of those ‘I can’t be tardy for anything’ kind of mares.”

Bon Bon chuckled politely before ordering a drink for herself. A cherry soda, my brain helpfully noted.

“A friend from Canterlot, I suppose?”

“You, uh, could say that,” I confessed reluctantly. “She doesn’t live there anymore, though.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. Did she move away?”

Argh, Lyra, you walked right into that one!

“Well, not too far away,” I admitted, spinning yet another half-truth. “I do see her every now and again.”

I glanced down at the Café’s menu, pinching my lips at the sheer number of options. Stupid me probably should’ve looked at it while waiting for my date to show up. No! Not. A. Date!

“Um… so… out of curiosity, uh… what is, um…?” I twirled my hoof. “This?!”

Great job, Lyra. Make it weirder by obviously trying to drop one topic for another. A more awkward one.

“Hmm?” Bon Bon replied, looking up from her menu as her husky voice lilted into a soft purr at the end of her unspoken question.

“I’m… trying to not read into this,” I said, flailing my hooves in front of me. “But am I reading into this? And… I’m wanting to know if I-I am fooling myself?”

Bon Bon set her menu down and hid her giggle behind a hoof. Resting her foreleg on the table, she thoughtfully tapped the tip of her hoof to her lower lip.

“Lyra, what do you want this to be?” she asked.

A pregnant pause set between us. Ponies usually didn’t ask my opinion! I was the friend who always went along, relieved from making choices and, worst of all, settling things.

Minuette’s explanation, given the day Twinkleshine had burst out at me for my lack of opinion, was the most concise.

‘Lyra just wants to make everypony else happy, Twinkle,’ she’d said. ‘Lyra wouldn’t know where to go lunch, just in case you hated it.’

I had opinions, of course. I would just keep them to myself. And so, now an adult, voicing my desires was still a foreign and strange experience. And yet…

I want this to be a date!” I blurted, louder than I’d intended.

The eyes of every diner turned to me. A rush of heat flowed to my cheeks as I squeezed my eyes shut and sunk myself down into my cushion.

“Lyra...?” Bon Bon asked.

She reached across the table and grasped my hoof, trying to pry it away from my eyes. I surrendered to her touch, and once I could see her again, she bore a gentle smile.

I wouldn’t mind this being a date.

The patio’s varied conversations restarted as I focused back on Bon Bon. Oh... Oh!

“I’m delighted to hear you say that. I’d... like this to be a date, too,” Bon Bon beamed, biting the left side of her lip. “Truth be told, I was hoping for such a chance the day you came back to Ponyville. I’d watched you playing your lyre in the park before the Summer Sun Celebration. I never worked up the courage to say hello, though... Remember when I told you I was glad to see you in my shop all those weeks ago? I meant it.”

My heart raced in my chest. I’d known that back there and then, that she was telling the truth. I’d known all along, and had no words to confess it.

“I had a feeling you meant it,” I admitted, poking the tips of my forehooves together. “I don’t know why but it felt genuine to me. Something in the way you said you were hoping for me. I’m so not used to it. It just stuck with me. That feeling...”

As I trailed off, searching for words, Bon Bon arched an eyebrow.

“You felt it?” Bon Bon’s surprise rang clear through her voice. “What do you mean?”

Her question rekindled the flames of embarrassment licking at my cheeks.

“I… it… I-I felt it? I don’t know how to explain,” I admitted. “It’s just something that struck me, deep in my soul.”

A brief silence fell between us, soon interrupted by our waiter. Flustered and hesitant, I randomly ordered a small salad. Now that I knew this was a date, eating didn’t really matter to me. Bon Bon ordered for herself, giving me a concerned look as she put the menu aside.

“Well, whatever it is,” Bon Bon said as soon as the waiter left, “I’m really glad that you listened! Otherwise, we wouldn’t be here!”

I nodded in agreement.

“When I hear things that feel true, I try to make sure to listen to them,” I replied after a deep breath. “I believe ponies have a lot more on their minds than they want to admit. But sometimes, it gets mumbled and wrapped in untruths. I don’t know if you get me? But I’m trying!”

“I see you’ve thought about this a lot!” Bon Bon admitted with a chuckle. “Though, to be honest, it is making me realise I don’t know much about you. Except that you’re originally from Canterlot. So, why Ponyville?”

“I wanted to get away from my parents,” I answered after a moment of hesitation. “They expected me to pursue a musical career in Canterlot, since I could probably make second chair in the Castle symphony with ease. I don’t know if that’s what I want to do, though. I just… Sorry, I’m probably oversharing for a first date. I, uh, haven’t had one before.”

Cold sweat ran down my back. Why did I admit that? Lyra, you’re so dense!

“Well, first of all, I don’t mind you sharing,” Bon Bon replied with a shrug. “You and I talked a lot about your thoughts the first day we met, and somehow I don’t see that changing. I think there are ponies who don’t do well with small talk. I get the impression you’re not one of them.”

Bon Bon set her forehooves on the table and rested her head on her knees, a cooing grin spreading across her cheeks.

“I’m not really good at it either.” She winked. “And, um, really? This is your first date?”

A merciful world would have granted me respite. Maybe, a nice falling rock striking me at that moment. It turned out the world was instead a harsh, unforgiving place.

“Y-yes,” I admitted. “I never, um, got asked out as a filly, or in the later years of my studies. I just...” I sighed. “I was too shy to ask anypony out. Sometimes, I think shyness may even have driven some ponies away. Minuette and Twinkleshine were always the prettier girls in my friend group. They actually could carry on a conversation without spacing out or suddenly having their words run away from them. That helped.”

“Do your words do that a lot?” Bon Bon asked.

“Sometimes,” I admitted sheepishly, frowning as I thought of the words stored inside my head, tightly packed together like carriages in heavy Manehattan traffic. “I have so many to say that I just end up keep them all to myself. Though, I’m sure this isn’t exactly thrilling first date questions for you.”

Bon Bon shook her head only to look off toward the clocktower.

“Oh, I disagree. It gives me some ideas on how to answer you. I kinda like to know who I’m dealing with. You’ve always been pretty honest with me, and it’s refreshing to have someone to talk to who keeps their heart on their sleeve.” She turned back to me and smiled. “It’s endearing, really. I was a little worried that you wouldn’t show tonight. Now I can see I was worried for nothing.”

“I wouldn’t’ve missed this for the world!” I blurted out, blushing bright, and even brighter as the waiter appeared with my salad and a knowing smile on his face

“Well,” Bon Bon giggled before taking a bite of her daisy sandwich, “since I have you here, do you mind if I ask you a few... first date questions?”

I nodded as I chewed on a bite of salad.

“Given the choice of anypony in the world, present company excluded, who would you want to invite to dinner?”

I mulled that over for a moment, buying myself time with another mouthful of salad.

“Princess Luna.”

Bon Bon’s eyebrows shot up as a small gasp erupted from the nearest table. Some eavesdropper apparently struggled with my answer.

“P-princess Luna? Really?” Bon Bon asked.

I took a long breath, trying to order my thoughts so they didn’t come out as word salad.

“I… feel like she needs company. To be invited to somepony’s dinner, let’s say.” I bit my lip while I lined up one word after the other. “She spent all that time alone on the moon. That must have been dreadfully lonely. She was Nightmare Moon, I know, in all her mean and scary demeanour! But, T-” I cut myself short of saying Twilight’s name. “The element bearers helped her out of that phase. She’s not that pony anymore. So now, maybe she needs ponies to welcome her back to Equestria! And I can’t help but feel like somepony inviting her to a home-cooked meal might not be a bad way to do that. Even if it’s a bit silly to imagine some random pony cooking for a princess. Take me for instance! What would I even make for dinner that would be fit for royalty?”

Bon Bon placed a hoof under her chin, thinking over my long tirade.

Do you know that you tend to say ‘I feel’ far more than you say ‘I think’?” Bon Bon pointed out.

She took a sip of her cherry soda before fixing me with a look I couldn’t quite describe. It was something between bewilderment and pride, and maybe a few other emotions that made her think enough that her brows went up and down at odd intervals.

“Well, no, not really,” I replied, shaking my head. “I hadn’t really thought of it that way. I tend to feel things. I mean, I think them as well, but... Do I really say ‘I feel’ that much?”

She nodded, swallowing a bite of her sandwich before responding.

“Just something I noticed,” she said. “It’s not a huge deal. Just kind of interesting! I think ponies are more comfortable sharing their thoughts than feelings.”

“You’re probably right. I feel like it’s easier to hide one’s true feelings behind words. Thoughts feel, um, safer to share?” I offered. “For the sake of fairness, now, who would you invite to dinner, Bon Bon?”

Bon Bon scratched her chin again.

“Well, my answer was nowhere near as interesting as yours!” she pouted. “But I would love to bring Amuse Bouche to dinner!”

Her eyes lit up at my confusion.

“Oh! She is a lovely chef who runs a very small restaurant in Stalliongrad. When I was attending culinary school, I got to complete an internship under her! She allowed me to experiment in the kitchen as her stagiaire. At least when I showed that I could keep up with some of her junior chefs. While she knew my talent was for desserts, I’ll never forget how proud she was of the little appetisers I made! The clients loved them. She taught me how important it is to pack flavour, even the subtle ones.”

She sighed, then blushed. How painfully adorable.

“I really look up to her, and would love to cook for her too. I wouldn’t be nearly as free as I am now, but, you know…” she trailed off, and took a bite of her sandwich.

“It sounds like she’s really important to you! That would be really nice to have dinner with her! Though, um, what is a... stag-y-aire?” I asked, most likely mispronouncing the word.

“A stagiaire,” Bon Bon gently corrected, making an adorably throaty growl as she pronounced the French word — which was totally not the reason why I’d mispronounced ‘stagiaire’ in the first place!

She chuckled as I went red again.

“A stagiaire is a trainee who spends a few months, or even years, cooking under a sous chef.” As I raised an eyebrow at the title, Bon Bon playfully rolled her eyes. “A line cook or a station chef. Imagine somepony in charge of cooking a specific item like fish, salad, or candies!”

“So how was it? Being a stagi-aire?” I insisted, mispronouncing it on purpose this time.

“Think of a very stressful and unpaid internship. I spent months working very long hours at Amuse Bouche’s restaurant. And honestly, I feel like I’m a better mare for it! It really made me realise that not only do I have a special talent for creating sweets, but that I really enjoy cooking!”

I smiled as Bon Bon’s passion threatened to overflow our little café table.

“She sounds like a lovely mare to invite to dinner! And… honestly, Bon Bon, I love hearing you talk about cooking! Your passion is infectious!”

I decided to omit the fact that I usually struggled making anything more complicated than say, toast.

Cutie marks only tell us what we’re good at. They are not what makes us who we are. I’m very happy that my special talent is making candy! But I have other passions in life that have very little to do with my talent,” Bon Bon said with a gentle smile. “How about you, Lyra? Do you have things that you like to do that aren’t connected to your special talent?”

I scratched the back of my head with a hoof.

“I don’t even know if my special talent is what I think it is, if I’m being honest,” I mumbled.


I didn’t want to get into my worries about my special talent, but Bon Bon’s curiosity made me want to open up to her. Just a little bit. Which was scary! I’d never been the best at saying what was really on my mind.

“This… may come out as a bit of a mess,” I cautioned.

“That’s alright, Lyra. I kinda get the impression I touched on something that’s been bothering you. Take all the time you need!” she replied, using the silence between us as an opportunity to finally finish off her sandwich.

Lost in thought, with a frown on my face, the waiter’s voice brought me back to reality, saving me from a shoddy explanation. A brief conversation later, the bill was on the table.

“How about this,” Bon Bon started, pulling her purse out of her saddlebag. “I’ll pay for dinner. Then we’ll take a walk to Ponyville Park while you try and figure out what you want to tell me.”

Shame filled me as she counted out a small pile of golden bits. I could have paid for at least half of it. I opened my mouth to protest but a gentle shake of her head was all it took to stop me.

“Thank you,” I half-whispered as we got to our hooves and left the café.

Bon Bon seemed content to let me walk in silence as we made our way through the twilight-cast streets towards the park. Every time I looked at her, she’d give me a small smile. We soon made our way down a dirt path. I was still struggling to find my words. Taking a turn on the trail, Bon Bon lightly nudged me toward the park’s gazebo.

My jaw dropped as the field around it suddenly lit up with hundreds of tiny lights. Fireflies! I’d never seen so many in one place before!

“Careful,” Bon Bon teased. “You’re liable to swallow one if you walk with your mouth open like that!”

I chuckled and closed my mouth as she settled down on the gazebo’s bench.

“That would make me trying to explain myself even harder, right?” I simpered. “If I were choking on a glowbug?”

“Oh, just a little bit,” Bon Bon said playfully. “You wouldn’t still escape giving me an explanation about what you meant back at the café.”

I took a deep breath to steady myself.

“I’m not one hundred percent sure that my special talent is playing my lyre,” I admitted. “Don’t get me wrong! I’m a very good musician. I had to if I wanted to keep up in Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. But at the same time…” I trailed off, trying to find an analogy. “You know how there’s a difference between your mother’s cooking, and that of somepony who’s special talent is cooking?”

“Well, in the case of my mother, who was rather hopeless in the kitchen, there’s quite a bit of difference,” she noted. “But, I think I know what you’re trying to say. There’s… just something special about somepony using their special talent. That little edge that my talent gives that makes my food just a bit better than anything else you’ve ever tasted.”

“Exactly!” I exulted. “I spent hours practicing. Many of the ponies with musical cutie marks did, but… I always felt like I just lacked that edge. When I play, I feel like I do well because my lyre moves ponies. Which, argh...” I bit my lip. “That’s what music is supposed to do! But other musicians can do that with any instrument. I’m not special in that way. It makes me feel like I’m stuck as a one-instrument-disaster.”

I thought back to the time at the symphony, playing during impromptu solos outside of practice. I always felt off. Like I was having a spotlight shown on me for something I couldn’t do. I dreaded the moments when I was offered solos. My parents always looked so proud when they learned I landed one. To me, though, it was akin to being handed a sentence for twenty years of hard labour.

“My lyre move ponies,” I continued, “but I am not my lyre. And yet, without it, I’m nothing. My words can’t convey my emotions. And though I tried a lot of other instruments, I feel as if I’m chained to my lyre. As if I’m reduced to express myself through it. And so I wanted to do something else. But I don’t know what.” I tugged at the ascot around my neck. “My lyre makes me feel trapped. I know you said earlier that cutie marks don’t make ponies, but… mine has always excelled at making me feel stuck in something I don’t enjoy.”

Bon Bon pursed her lips but said nothing, giving me the space to continue.

“I do like playing. I just don’t like its tendency to make me feel so… small. Again, I’m not my lyre, but I can’t help but wonder if there isn’t something special about it. That the reason why I’m good at it is because of something in the instrument itself. What if I’m just the silly filly who plucks the strings? Maybe there is something enchanted about it, and I just bring it out, right?”

“I’m not exactly up on magical theory,” Bon Bon replied with a nod, “but I have heard of enchanted instruments before.”

“Right! But my lyre isn’t enchanted, so it wasn’t that. When I was playing, though, I could feel what other ponies needed to hear.”

“What they needed to hear?” Bon Bon repeated perplexedly.

“Um, for example! During my sophomore recital, I was supposed to play Satine’s ‘Bolero in E.’ I practiced that piece for months. When it was my turn, I remember waiting anxiously in the wings as Bravura Melody was finishing up a particularly beautiful piano solo. I looked up into one of the boxes that ringed the theatre we were performing in. There was an elderly pegasus stallion sitting alone in one of them. The chair beside him was empty. I just…” I sighed. “I felt like the pretty pieces the music class had played until then had failed to reach him. There was something heavy on his heart. I couldn’t explain why. I just had this heaviness settling in my chest when I looked at him.”

I looked out over the field of fireflies, basking in the gentle fire of Bon Bon’s rapt attention.

“When it was my turn to play, I switched things up. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. He was hurting something awful, so instead of ‘Bolero in E,’ I started playing Liebevoll’s ‘Elegy for Lyre.’ It’s...”

I paused, trying to find words to describe the piece.

“It’s a very slow, heartfelt piece that ends on a bittersweet note because it’s in a flat key. Anyways, the specifics don’t matter. I never looked away from that stallion the entire performance. I played for him. The elegy was something he needed to hear. By the end of the performance, we were both in tears. The hall remained silent for a solid ten seconds before he started his applause.”

The audience followed suit. Maybe the longest applause I’d ever received… would ever receive.

“He met me backstage later,” I said, “and thanked me, saying that he’d lost his wife a few months prior. They’d always loved coming to hear the recitals at the school. He said he hadn’t realised how much he needed to cry until he heard me play. That he needed to cry for himself, and for his wife. He missed her dearly.”

I couldn’t look at Bon Bon at that point. My eyes were welling up as I gathered my broken thoughts into a barely coherent whole.

“That… probably sounds very silly. But I have always felt ponies’ emotions more strongly than others seem to. I don’t know why. When I got my cutie mark, it was because I wanted to make my friends to feel better.” I chuckled as I remember an old memory. “There was a scary storm while we were at school once. Moondancer, Lemon Hearts, Minuette, Twinkleshine — and even Twilight — were scared of the thunder and lightning. So, what did silly me do? I started playing things to try to sooth everypony. At the end of the song, I told them that we’d be safe if we were together, even when we were scared. And then and there, in a flash, was my cutie mark. So, is my special talent music? Or is it something else? I really wish I knew.”

Bon Bon made a soft humming sound, only to lay her hoof over mine. I blushed at the touch.

“It sounds like you’re able to read into pony’s hearts better than most, Lyra. Almost like it’s in your name!” She needled, shooting me with a wry grin. “But, teasing aside, that does explain a few things about why you feel so confused. Hmm…” She trailed off as it was her turn to look out to the fireflies dancing in the field. “I have a friend who may be able to help you out.”

I quirked an eyebrow at her.

“A friend? How can they help me?” I questioned, earning Bon Bon’s smile.

“Redheart is a dear friend of mine who works at the Ponyville hospital. She’s got a knack for helping ponies who feel lost. And she was telling me the other day about a patient that the hospital wasn’t sure how to work with.”

She poked my cutie mark then patted my hoof, sending sweet chills down my spine.

“She could probably use somepony like you,” Bon Bon offered. “Somepony who can hear the resonance of a pony’s heartstrings. And it could be a job!”

I gulped at the mention of work. What kind of hospital needed a washed up musical dropout like me? I somehow doubted that they wanted me to play healing music. It wasn’t like my spell repertoire included anything remotely related to medicine! I even got queasy at the thought of blood!

“Well, it can’t be any worse than me trying to buck apples,” I muttered after a moment. “My everything is still sore!”

Bon Bon laughed brightly and scooted closer, resting her muzzle between my ears.

“Is this alright?” she asked. “I don’t want to scare you off by getting too close on our first date.”

My body had relaxed the moment her chin had settled between my ears. Her shoulder pressed against mine as she leaned over me to rest on the top of my head. In truth, I wouldn’t’ve traded that feeling for anything in Equestria.

“Don’t worry about it,” I whispered, looking at the waltz of fireflies. “When I’m with you, I feel safer than I’ve ever been.”

I froze as I realised I’d overshared.

“I… I, um.”

Then, Bon Bon gently nuzzled into my mane, her breath tickling at the back of my ears.

“It’s okay, Lyra,” she echoed, her words slightly muffled by my soft mane. “You may be far from perfect, but you’re still kinda special as you are. I’m so glad you said yes to going out with me.”

“We should go out again!” I piped up with a grin. “If this job with your friend Redheart pans out, I can be the one who pays next time.”

“Lyra, Lyra…” she cooed. “You needn’t worry about that right now. Let’s just watch the fireflies and worry about cutie marks and jobs another day.”

I couldn’t agree more. As I leaned against her, the warmth of her body against mine wrapped me in unuttered glee as the twilight faded into a beautiful night.

Author's Note:

Eee! More cute things! Honestly, after writing Speak, Synchronicity is a nice fluffy, therapeutic story to write. One of my prereaders wanted me to define maître d’hôtel: which is basically the host that seats you, manages the waiters and bussers, and also manages reservations at high end restaurants.

RoMS also wondered why the heck I kept using so much french.

Comments ( 11 )

Aww^^ Cute chapter

'Lyra wouldn’t know where to go lunch, just in case you hated it.’

I like sometimes seeing less common constructions like this. Should I assume this is sort of a representation of how the Canterlotites speak, or just more of a person speech pattern of Minuette?

I really like how Bon Bon and Lyra's conversations feel genuine, and how we get to see that for each of them, specific events are personally influencing them in the present; and it's interesting to me that I've always felt that feelings were easier to share than thoughts because I’ve never been forced to justify my feelings while all my thoughts have to be sequentially logical to have validity... which sure makes me feel that I’m lazy 😜

I continue looking forward to the philosophies and views on cutiemarks as well!

My jaw dropped as the field around it suddenly lit up with hundreds of tiny lights. Fireflies! I’d never seen so many in one place before!

Invokes the art from this song for me

(although I visualise them in their pony forms)

What if I’m just the silly filly who plucks the strings? Maybe there is something enchanted about it, and I just bring it out, right?”

I haven’t read most of Background Pony, but this mystical nature of music is something that definitely draws me in! And Lyra playing in front of a crowd for one pony and the connexion they made is a really powerful scene.

I’m really glad that we get to read this story and how your characters emerge, especially since we are getting to see more background ponies devlope.

Dawww, this was adorable :pinkiesad2:
Lyra's story about her concert had my eyes leaking a bit.
I nearly forgot about this story!

I've been using Synchronicity as therapy while writing Speak. It's... nice to write something that is cute and has a few lower stakes on the drama than Speak. Plus, even though there's a lot of LyraBon stories out there, I just think they are cute! I'm glad you're enjoying it! :scootangel:

Very sweet indeed.

Utterly adorable.

"I get the impression you’re not one of them."
Was that supposed to be "I get the impression you’re one of them."? Or am I misunderstanding?

"just end up keep them all to myself"
"just end up keeping them all to myself"?

"the French word"
It's actually French here? Just checking that that's what you meant.

"I had to if I wanted to keep up"
"I had to be if I wanted to keep up"?

"wanted to make my friends to feel better"
"wanted to make my friends feel better"?

"chuckled as I remember an old memory"
"chuckled as I remembered an old memory"?

"RoMS also wondered why the heck I kept using so much french."
...Well, it hadn't occurred to me before, but now I'm also wondering that.

Another nice chapter, yes. :)

Very nice and cute. Good work!

“It sounds like you’re able to read into pony’s hearts better than most, Lyra. Almost like it’s in your name!”

Lyra Heartstings, good catch dear author. Good catch. :eeyup: Looking forward to more when it arrives.

‘Lyra just wants to make everypony else happy, Twinkle,’ she’d said. ‘Lyra wouldn’t know where to go lunch, just in case you hated it.’

There is a state worse than that. It's when one gets burned out and just chooses first roach coach, having no energy left to care...

Knowing that it is possible, I'm trying to avoid it

I highly recommend it, but like System Shock 2 or Pathologic, its very much steeped in pc. In short long, a bit difficult to get into, and the sort of game you have to play like five times to get anywhere in finding out what the hell is going on and all the nuances of the playstyle

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