• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 15,485 Views, 553 Comments

The Triumvirate - Fedora71

Three best friends end up in equestria.

  • ...

Dates, Eye's of chaos, roles

Chapter 20

“So you don’t know?” Pinkie Pie asked the raven that stood perched on Fluttershy’s back as they walked through Canterlot. “I guess I’ll have to ask a writing desk then.”

“Ummm…Pinkie,” Fluttershy said speaking barely above a whisper. “I don’t think you can ask a writing desk a question like that, or at all.”

“Don’t worry Fluttershy,” The pink pony said, “Ancro thinks he stumped me with a riddle I’ll show him. Oh look its Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy smiled softly at her friend’s constantly switching moods.
“Hi Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie yelled at the streak in the sky, “Me and Fluttershy were going to get lunch! Do you want to come?”
“I don’t think she heard you,” Fluttershy said causing Pinkie Pie to shout even louder.
Rainbow Dash stopped midflight and looked down at the bouncing pink dot. She knew Pinkie Pie was waving her down but she couldn’t hear from where she was. She performed a perfect summersault and dived down to where the Pink Pony was waiting.

Pinkie Pie hadn’t seen this and had actually started to reach for something behind her back. When Fluttershy saw it she dove for cover and put her hooves up against her ears. Rainbow Dash didn’t see it and kept her dive going. Pinkie Pie closed her eyes and shouted through the megaphone at the same time as Dash had completed her dive. The end result was Pinkie Pie shouting directly into the rainbow pony’s ear.

“Oops sorry,” Pinkie Pie said to the deafened mare, “want to get some lunch?”

“Rahrity, what in tarnation are you doing?” Applejack asked.

“I’m making an outfit, of course,” She smiled, “Pinkie asked me if I could whip together a fez for the changeling since he had offered to help Twilight and honestly it’s not like he’ll be able to escape because of it.”

“Alright, that still doesn’t explain why you are making him an outfit,” Applejack asked, “I mean isn’t he a bit responsible for Cadence and Shining Armor’s y’know…”

“A little bit yes,” She replied, “but we need his help to find the other changelings in Canterlot, besides he had at least one changeling that was with him when he got away from Twilight.”

“So you’re makin him an outfit to go with his fez?”

“Uh-huh,” Rarity said as she began to sow the pattern together.

“Hoping that him ahnd his friend’s will be more willing to help us and not run the first chance they get?”

“I know it seems a bit far-fetched,” Rarity replied, and then saw Applejack’s face, “Alright a lot far-fetched, but he is offering to help, I figured the least I could do was to make him an outfit.”

“You got a point there Rahrity,” Applejack said conceding. “But are we sure we can trust his friend’s? I mean they lied to us already and-”

“I know Applejack and believe me it does bother me to no end,” Rarity replied as she focused on her work. “That those two tricked us like that, even if it was to help out their friend.”

“Ah s’ppose,” She replied then thought about it. “Ah guess that we’d all do the same fer each other.” Applejack started to walk out of the room then paused in place.

“Wait, when did you get his measurements,” Applejack asked suspiciously.

“Oh come on now Applejack, we both know tha-“ Rarity quit the excuse and immediately gave her the details, “From Pinkie, she got them from Twilight when she was giving the examination, we first became good friends at Twilight’s first slumber party,” Applejack still looked at her suspiciously, “A tree fell into the bedroom.”

“Sorry ‘bout that,” Applejack said, “It’s jus-“

“What’s your brother’s name,” Rarity replied.

“Big Macintosh,”

“What did Spike steal from your tree’s when he hit dragon puberty,”

“The leaves,” Applejack replied, “If it wasn’t for you and Twilight’s magic we never woulda gotten them back on.”

“You don’t need to be tossing around accusations like that darling,” Rarity said driving her point home.

“Yeah, as I was saying sorry about that,” Applejack replied when she realized how awkward that the questions had made the situation. “So ya’ hear Bluebloods in the palace?”

“Yes I’ve heard,” Rarity said, “As long as he stays out of my way it will be perfectly fine, bad enough had to put up with him when I was christening that blimp.”

“Say what now?”

“Long story,” Rarity said to dismiss the subject.

“Alrighty,” Applejack replied, “I guess I’ll get them some apple pies together fer them.”

Discord watched through the dimensional in-between at Earth. He spent some time viewing the various governments of the world. He was somewhat disappointed to see the autocracies and empires gone. The world had succumbed to boredom. Politic wise at least gone were the insane mercury and lead drinkers that made this world so fun. With the exception of North Korea, a brief glimpse through the internet said that their last two deceased rulers were crazier than this one. Accept that they hadn’t threatened a power that could wipe them out in an instant. Truly technology had outdone itself with some of the new toys they had come up with.

While the majority of the world’s leaders may have gotten dull the populace hadn’t. They had become extremely creative especially on the internet. All the information ranging from history to art to porn, he knew humanity had a thing for sex but wow the sheer amount of it was mindboggling. Then there was 4chan. He didn’t know exactly what to say to or about 4chan other than what he would love to do with internet access.

‘Speaking of porn’ Discord thought as he browsed various brony sites. He wished he could keep some of the Fluttershy and Twilight stories, they were a good laugh. He nearly died of laughter when he read a ship fic on him and Celestia. Like he could ever date her, she was eons too young for him…and would be a bad influence on his daughter. Thinking of which he may want to go check up on her. Ever so carefully he started the slow process of working his way out of the in-between.

Screwball stood at the center of the alter a complex pattern drawn around the circular rock. She stood there perfectly still her eyes focused to a terrifying degree. Even after her father appeared she didn’t budge.

Discord’s shadow floated in silence watching his daughter focus in. He wished he had a pen to draw on her. It would be so funny when she finally came back to reality.

While Screwball appeared to be staring off into space. She was in fact looking deep into the very reality of the universe. A very difficult task that once begun only the one who started it would be able to end it. Actually once Discord thought about it there were alternative ways to end it, none of them could be called pleasant or what one would use on their own daughter.

“Daddy,” Screwball said in a distant voice. “Do humans have magic?”

“No Screwball they don’t,” He said with a hint of disdain. “They have technology. Why do you ask?”

“Daddy,” She said again, “While you were gone something came and peered into our world from theirs it came at the same time you left and left when you came back.”

Discord chuckled reassuringly to his frightened daughter, “Do not worry about him. He’s an old friend.”

“Could he have sent them daddy?” Screwball asked steadily working her way out of the trance.

“No,” Discord said flatly. If the draconquess didn’t have the power to bring something through dimensions than neither did he, this bothered him because there was only one other who could use magic like that and he could never interfere. Never. “Well this is a startling development.”

“Is there anything else you need me to do daddy?” Screwball said completely coming out of the trance and back to the world. She wanted so hard to help her father out of the stone and to spend time with him. She was ‘born’ during his last reign or Equestria. She had went to go to the bathroom when she had come back everything was so different and orderly. “Please?”

Discord’s shadow put his lion paw on his chin in thought. He had spent so little time with his daughter. Now it felt like he was just using her. He knew that she would be useful in the next phase of his plan. “Screwball my dear,” Discord said, “I need you to head north to the Crystal Empire. Things are going to become very chaotic up there.”

“Sure thing daddy!” Screwball said with a salute before floating northwards that unusual train like noise fading into the distance with her.
‘Soon my dear daughter soon,’ Discord thought as his daughter left. He extended his talon and snapped himself to the unicorn’s room. Best to get Stigandr off his back before he followed through on his threat.

The three mares had been walking through Canterlot looking for a café that was within their budget to eat. In retrospect they could’ve gone back to palace but the food there was so upper class. Also Blueblood was back in town and would be there. So everypony had wanted to spend as much time out of the palace as possible. So far nopony had told Rarity. Celestia also suggested that going on a walk may help them clear their heads and come up with a solution. Rainbow Dash had asked why they didn’t just use the elements of harmony. Celestia had explained that those were only for the direst of circumstances and as much as it worried her it wasn’t the direst.

They finally came to a restaurant with what appeared to be within their budget from the prices of the specials they had on the chalk board outside. That’s not what made the restaurant stand out. What made it stand out was the massive crowd that stood outside

“Whoa what’s up with the crowd at this place?” Rainbow Dash asked as they approached a restaurant. Surely the deals couldn’t be that good?

“Spitfire’s in there,” One of the ponies at the back of the crowd said. “I hope she’ll autograph this picture.”

“Well if this place is good enough for Spitfire it’s good enough for me.” Rainbow Dash said darting in without waiting for Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy’s opinions.

Shift was to put it bluntly impressed by his sister’s impersonation of Spitfire. She had everything down pat her behavior was terrifyingly spot-on. He would’ve bought her for the real thing if he didn’t know for a fact that Spitfire was practicing for her upcoming show he would’ve been fooled.

Firecracker tried to make herself as small and unnoticed as possible in the corner. On the list of things she needed to get done today being trapped in a restaurant with a bunch of Spitfire fans and Spitfire was low on her priorities. She just hope no pony did anything stupid and-

“Oops sorry!” said a rainbow maned pony as she got bumped into Firecrackers table and knocked over her drink. There was a brief moment in which they made eye contact. Firecracker hoped that that would be it and the pony would get on with her day maybe order something and get the hoof print from Spitfire and ignore her.

Rainbow Dash had been bumped back by fans. As Spitfire gingerly gave out hoof prints while in between glancing at her menu. As far as she could tell Spitfire hadn’t even seen her. She bumped into somepony’s table and spilled her drink everywhere. She quickly apologized then looked at who she was apologizing too.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie worked their way through the crowd led by a green pegasus who seemed extremely eager to get on to other orders. Fluttershy, loving the Prench theme of the restaurant immediately gave the pony her order and then waited patiently on Pinkie Pie. The Pink pony sat and stared at the menu for a few seconds trying to make heads or tails of what anything was. That was when a ruckus was heard in the corner.

“I’m leaving I do not have to put up with this.” Firecracker said trying to walk away from Rainbow Dash. She knew who she was, element of loyalty, winner of best young flyer, can perform sonic rainbooms, and apparently extremely brash and arrogant.

“Not so fast,” Rainbow Dash said putting a hoof on Firecracker’s shoulder to keep her in place. “You’re not going anywhere until the guard gets here.”

“I am a guard.” Firecracker growled for what felt like the fifteenth time. She tried to move again.

“Then you won’t mind waiting for somepony to come and verify that would you?” Rainbow Dash firmly placed her hoof on Firecracker’s shoulder.

“Do you want to keep that hoof?” She said meeting Rainbow Dash’s gaze unflinching, “You’ve got until the count of three. One, Two.”

“Excuse me ma’am,” Said a male voice from behind Rainbow Dash. “Is this pony bothering you?”

“Not really,” Rainbow Dash said, “But could you go and get some of the gua-“

“Ma’am with all due respect I wasn’t talking to you,” Shift said, “I was talking to Firecracker. She’s a customer and a member of the Equestrian guard. Now Firecracker, is this pony bothering you?”

Rainbow Dash shrunk down and blushed. She hadn’t felt this embarrassed in years. It didn’t help that everypony was looking at her as well causing her to turn an even deeper shade of red. Shift could taste the embarrassment of the cyan pony. It was salty sweet although her apparent pride made it all the sweeter.

“Wow, now that is what I call a mirror image.” Spitfire said appearing through the crowd apparently the pegasus idolized the stunt pony. It was the only explanation for the increase in embarrassment. ‘Go ahead Specs,’ Shift thought, ‘Keep pouring it on.’ It was all he could do to prevent from licking his lips as the embarrassment piled on. “You stayin out of trouble Dash?” Shift made a double take before realize the pony in front of him was Rainbow Dash. The Rainbow Dash who performs sonic rainbooms at will and the element of loyalty and who kicked his sister’s flank. He wanted to hit himself for not realizing it sooner.

“Pretty good, been keeping busy.” Rainbow Dash said a bit sheepishly. She was still a little star struck around Spitfire despite having met her three times and saved her life once. She still felt like she was talking to a big shot.

Shift watched as his sister chatted up Rainbow Dash. He had to admire his sister’s control. After the beating Rainbow Dash laid down on her during the invasion. He had always known Specs to hold a grudge yet there was no sign of one anywhere not even in her emotional undertones it genuinely felt like Spitfire was meeting with a friend. Shift wracked his mind and remembered that Rainbow Dash had spent time at the Wonderbolt academy and had even saved Spitfire’s life before. So it made sense that they would be on friendly terms with each other. Shift had a new found respect for her sister and her attention to minor details. He’d have to study up harder when impersonating a pony in the future.

Steadily the crowd either got something to eat or left after getting their autograph and picture with Spitfire. Eventually that all died down too until all that was left Firecracker, Spitfire, and three of the elements of harmony. Several of the changelings had a wary eye out for any signs of the party cannon. Granted you couldn’t tell from external but internally they were all keeping track of how many steps it takes to get out the door. Finally the rest of the ponies left until it was just Firecracker.

“Hey it’s Shift right?” Firecracker said. Shift nodded cooly. “Thanks for helping me out back there, you probably kept Rainbow Dash out of the hospital.”

“Not a problem.” Shift replied. The realized she was giving him an opening, “Hey do you wanna go and do something sometime?”

“Really like what?”

“Well ironically all that comes to mind is that Wonderbolts show that’s coming up,” Shift replied smiling goofily while rubbing one of his hooves through his mane.

“Y’know after meeting her, Spitfire’s not that bad,” She said in reply. “I’m sure I could put up with a Wonderbolts’ show.

“So is that a-“

“A yes,” Firecracker replied trying not to laugh at the green pegasus. “I’ll be by tomorrow around four.”

“Okay I’ll see you then.” He said as she walked out the restaurant and flew off. Then something unexpected happen Spitfire ran into the restaurant. Barging in just as the closed sign went up.

“I’m so sorry I’m late Shift,” Spitfire or actually Specs said gasping for air. “You will not believe the day I’ve had.”

Shift stood stock still and speechless his jaw hitting the floor his pupils dilated and he fell on his side. He should’ve known that his sister’s impression was too good to be true. There was no way the rest of the staff was going to believe this.

“…Well it’s nice to know why you were in such a hurry to learn teleportation spells.” Twilight spoke up trying to ease the tension.

“Yeah sorry we had to leave in such a hurry.”

“So how long has your friend had these delusions of perfection?”

“Well he’s been saying he’s perfect for a while now, but honestly he doesn’t believe it.” Stigandr replied,.

“But why does he say it?”

“Beats me,” Stigandr replied with a shrug. “Honestly half the time I don’t try to understand or act surprised when he says something shocking or disturbing.”

“Disturbing?” Twilight replied, “I’d put that in with Scott.”

“No Scott just doesn’t know when to stop talking,” Stigandr pointed out. “Ancro knows when too he just likes to see if he can push you any further.”

“While we’re on that subject; why are you friend’s with Scott?” Twilight asked. The sandy brown unicorn shrugged.

“In all honesty we’ve sat down and tried to figure out how it all works, why we all hang out how we get along so well.” Stigandr said, “In all honesty we’re just as lost as you. The best we can come up with is that Scott provides us with some direction otherwise Ancro and I would sit around and do nothing. However Scott is horrible at planning and typically it needs us to do the ironing out. Ancro is an excellent short term thinker he gets places and can often notice things that get by the rest of us as well as remembering small details of a conversation. Sometimes he tries to make us take note as well sometimes we pick up on it. Other times we don’t.”

“So what does that make you?” Twilight replied.

“In all honesty I’m probably the thing that prevents those two from destroying stuff.” Stigandr chuckled, “Honestly Ancro believes in winning despite the costs and Scott while he is extremely smart,” Stigandr defended mentally noting all the times he recalled small details about an airplane or its purpose or what made it unique and superior to the predecessor, “he doesn’t think long term enough and can often burn bridges.” He noted the time Scott threatened the staff of the financial aid office…by saying he was going to come back with a chainsaw, “Which is odd because when he wants to be he is very charismatic and extremely likeable. He just has the maturity of five year old.”

“I’ve noticed that,” Twilight agreed before coming up with the analogous role of the unicorn. “So you are kind of like their moral compass?”

“Yep,” Stigandr said, “That’s exactly what they say, that I’m the moral compass of the triumvirate.”

“The triumvirate?”

“Yeah, it’s a name Scott came up with one night when he was drunk, at least I think he was drunk,” Stigandr thought. “He may have just been excited.”

“For some reason him being drunk doesn’t seem that farfetched,” Twilight replied rolling her eyes.

“The sad part is he’s a lightweight.” Stigandr laughed, “He’s drunk in with half what it takes Ancro and me.”

“Really I thought griffins were supposed to have a fairly strong tolerance?” Twilight was eager she was getting more than she had expected from Stigandr. Yes she expected him to talk but she wasn’t expecting a full on profile from him.

“That makes him the exception to the rule.” Stigandr said with a smile.

“I guess it does,” She said smiling, “I’m a bit curious about talking to you though; you’ve painted a picture of your friends but not yourself really, you’ve painted your role in the group but not what you do.”

“Okay?” Stigandr said, “What do you want me to talk about?”

“Well for starters what’s your cutie mark mean?” She asked pointing to the crossed pugil sticks. “I recognize them from when I visited my brother for his graduation they’re called pugil sticks if I remember correctly.”

“Right you are Miss Sparkle,” Stigandr said trying to come up with a lie. He didn’t want to lie to her but still he didn’t want her to know that his talent was to adapt and overcome. He really didn’t want her to figure out that he was starting to overcome the ring. “It’s for aggression, I’m talented with more aggressive magic.”

“Interesting,” Twilight replied writing it down on her parchment. “Out of curiosity why didn’t you join the guard?”

That actually touched a bit of a nerve on the brown unicorn having spent ten months at Parris Island before they dropped him for medical reasons. He still wanted to go back. “I would’ve loved to but I had some breathing problems and they wouldn’t let me in.”

“Wow, I’m sorry to hear that.” Twilight spoke up after a few moments of silence. She was a bit surprised at the drop in tone for him. “Well it seems you’ve gotten over whatever your problem was. Maybe you could join in the future?”

“Maybe,” Stigandr said distantly.

“Ancro didn’t really have much time to tell you this before antagonizing Scott but he agreed to help me.” Twilight said earning a raised eyebrow from the unicorn.

“O’reily?” Stigandr replied. “Well then I guess I’ll help you in any way I can as well.”

“Hey Ancro,” Scott asked as the changeling shadow boxed. He had managed to talk Scott into helping move the mirror out of the bathroom and into his bedroom for that purpose. “How do you counter an Earth pony buck?”

Ancro stopped mid-kick. Apparently changelings had a pretty good sense of balance allowing them to be more bipedal than ponies. All it took to keep from falling over was the occasional buzz of his wings. “Watch for when they wind up and side step inwards.”

“So don’t get close like with a haymaker?” Scott asked. Remembering what the changeling had told him about them back on Earth. Good for a knockout blow but took you a lot of time to get ready, everyone saw it coming, and useless when you were in too close.

“Definitely don’t get close like with a haymaker.” Ancro stopped before laughing at the unwitting pun. Scott didn’t get it at first, “Scott, haymaker.”

The griffin laughed after Ancro elaborated on the joke. Then ruined it by explaining it, “It’s funny ‘cause they eat hay.”

“Yes Scott I know. I made the joke.” Ancro said rolling his eyes. “Want to practice on me?”

“Sure why not?” Ancro got in position and bucked Scott in the chest. The griffin stumbled back a bit before falling on his rear. “Could you wait until I’m ready?!”

“Sorry I assumed you were.” Ancro replied. Then he waited for Scott to actually be ready. After the griffin confirmed they practiced the move and any potential improvements to it that could be made. After about four minutes Scott lost apparent interest in the exercise and sat down.

“So have you come up with a way out of here?” Scott asked after a little bit.

Ancro stopped what he was doing, “Right now?” Ancro asked raising his eyebrow towards the griffin. Scott nodded in confirmation. “Our only real option is to cooperate with them.”

“Wow that sounds pleasant.” Scott replied his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Actually won’t be that bad,” Ancro replied switching to a more analytical tone, “At the very least it would let them see us in a different light and might get us some freedom or an opportunity to escape. However if we do escape then if they catch us again we are screwed.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Scott said smirking, “I was told I could leave anytime I want.”

“So you’d abandon me and Stigandr,” Ancro replied eyeing the griffin, “or would you be coming up with some clever plan to get us out?”

“I have a plan,” He said defensively.

“Really,” Ancro asked entertaining his friend. He had a bit of a sadistic streak in him and did love shooting holes in Scott’s plans to a degree. It was actually kind of fun.

Then the griffin, without missing a beat said, “I was going to kidnap Fluttershy and hold her hostage.”

Ancro was utterly speechless. Not because of what he said but the terrifying tactical sense of it. Yes he knew Scott was joking he could tell it from the emotions he was getting from the griffin. Still it terrified him to know extent that that plan could conceivably work. If you cut out the psychological damage done to poor Fluttershy and the resulting fallout from her friends, what Rainbow Dash would do to them if they didn’t get away or Rarity. Why did the image her wearing a headdress made of griffin feathers come to mind?

“Scott,” Ancro said after balancing risk and reward then remembering he already agreed to help them. “Don’t ever say that again. Besides, I already agreed to help.”

“What,” The griffin snapped, “Don’t you think you should’ve talked about it with us too?”

“I know Stigs would’ve been all for it.”

“Ancro,” Scott said, “You pissed off those changelings and they have an entire army and at least one spy at their disposal.”


“Dude,” Scott practically shrieked, “That’s like a painting a bull’s-eye on your back!”

“Wow,” Ancro said in mild surprise, “I didn’t think about that.”

“If I may interrupt this discussion,” Discord said as he slithered into the room. “I have some news.” The shadow looked around, “Where’ Stigandr?”

“He’s being interviewed by Twilight.” Ancro spoke up glad for the distraction.

“Oh well,” Discord said, “I guess I’ll tell you two then.”

“Tell us what?” Scott said. Ancro didn’t speak because he was too busy investigating Discord’s shadow. It looked more defined and concrete then it had before. The implications of what that meant relieved and terrified him.

“Well you all were sent here from your own plane.” Discord said. Scott seemed to readily except it Ancro was busy tumbling around with theories and causes in his head.

“How?” Ancro choked out, everything from the LHC to Cthulhu cult bouncing around in his head.

“I don’t know I wasn’t there.” Discord shrugged. “Still that holds up my end of the bargain with your unicorn friend, until he decides to use me for more errands.”

“In all honesty he probably will so it’ll be good for you to check up on us every so often.” Ancro said smirking. “I can’t come up with anything right now though. What about you Scott.”

“Can you bring me a cat?” Scott asked the shadow. Discord’s jaw dropped while Ancro tilted his head slightly while his eyes twitched.

“Scott, that would reveal Discord’s presence if a cat magically appeared inside the cell.” Ancro said defeating the urge to beat his head against the wall.

“What if it’s one of those umm crap,” Scott looked over to his friend, “what’s the name of the cat from Alice in Wonderland, the one that disappears and crap?”

“A Cheshire Cat.” Ancrro replied and began to beat his head against the wall. He loved Scott like brother and would risk his life for him. However asking a god of chaos for a cat was something that had transcended anything he had ever expected from the griffin.

“I’m afraid we don’t have those here but I’ll gladly keep it in mind.” Discord replied dryly before vanishing from the room.

“Scott,” Ancro said rubbing his hoof on his face, “You just gave the god of chaos a required reading list.”

(Feedback of any kind is appreciated. Leave it in the comments below or message me. Editing and artwork done by my wonderful friend Sara for commissions email her at shaya.laperro@gmail.com. A big thanks to my friends for not minding me writing about them in this manner. Please if you fav it like it. Not sure how long on the next chapter sine my dad may or may not be coming home from the hospital tomorrow (life is full of uncertainties like that), I’m redoubling my efforts to find a job (my bank account is starting to evaporate) and college is taking up a lot of time (Surprisingly English isn’t my best subject). Don’t worry I’m not going to hit the hiatus button just keeping you all informed that there may be delays.)