• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 15,485 Views, 553 Comments

The Triumvirate - Fedora71

Three best friends end up in equestria.

  • ...

Jerks, Hospitals, and Visitors


Scott landed on the outskirts of Ponyville so as to not draw attention to himself. Unfortunately, a griffon is fairly easy to notice in a town full of ponies, so his clever plan had failed. It wasn’t long before ponies were casting him curious glances. He tried to stay focused on looking for Rainbow Dash, who might know where they had their collision. Right now, Stigandr was his top priority. Then, rescuing Ancro before he did anything rash or crazy…well crazier. Then, back to finding a way home, and to save the pony world.

He started asking questions around town, seeing if anypony (a term he was finding annoying to use) had seen her. After about thirty unsuccessful minutes, he sat down at a café and browsed the menu. No point in looking on an empty stomach. He was very grateful that their number system was the same, or at least he hoped, and with pictures. All he was trying to do was look busy, and not like a crazy stalker maniac.

“HI!” His vision was suddenly flooded with a pink pony, an upside down pink pony who was staring directly into his eyes. He understandably fell onto his back, clutching his chest, trying to make sure his heart was still beating, he was comforted by the fact that it was. He stared at the pink earth pony, with the three-balloon cutie mark, as she bounced in place staring at him with a ridiculously wide grin on her face.

“What the heck was that about?!” He shouted, “are you trying to kill me?!”

“What? Of course not silly, why would I do that? I’ve never, ever seen you before and that means you haven’t met me, and that means we aren’t friends yet, which means we are going to be friends. I’m Pinkie Pie. What’s your name?”

“Scott,” he said, trying to keep pace with Pinkie Pie’s thousand words a minute.

Upon hearing his name, the pony sat down with an intense look in her eyes. She had one hoof tapping on her head, while her other front hoof supported her…knee? Elbow? He hadn’t had the courage to ask any pony about their anatomy.

“Hmmmmmmmm…well drat. I can’t come up with a song for you.”


“Oh you know, a song for when I meet somepony, donkey, or griffon new, I try to come up with one for each pony I meet.” Pinkie spoke as though this was a perfectly normal thing. He was sure Ancro would get along great with her; if he wasn’t sure he would be overloaded from the sheer amount of energy she was giving off. He swore it was palpable, he resisted the urge to see if it was, and realized why this pony was familiar. She was on the dang show. Well, as far as he knew, everypony was on the dang show, but this was one of the 'mane' cast ponies. Which meant she may provide him with a way to find Rainbow Dash! That is if she would stop talking for five seconds about how she already knew everypony. What the hell was a chimmey-cherry-chunga?

He grabbed the blabbing mare by the face, careful not to use his talons his extremely sharp talons, and closed her mouth. It still didn’t stop her from continuing to try to talk, but it let him get a word in.

“Do you know where I can find Rainbow Dash?” he asked, and she nodded her head. When he was sure the answer was yes, that Pinkie Pie knew where she was, he let go of her mouth. He realized he just broke the rule Ancro made about interacting with the mane six, and then remembered he was going to do it anyway. She kept talking as she bounded off, with Scott close behind doing a careful lookout for any ultra-horrific consequences. So far, nothing exploding or rips in reality.

Shining Armor walked into Ancro’s cell to perform its daily recharge. Shining narrowed his eyes when he saw what the changeling was doing, Ancro was standing on his rear legs and hitting the shield with his front legs.

“Hit it all you want, you won’t get out,” he said confidently. He had no love for changelings. After what they did to Cadence, and after this one impersonated his sister, it was to be expected.

“I’m not trying to break out, Shiny,” he said, continuing the barrage against the pink wall. “I’m merely staying in shape for when I do.”

“You won’t,” he said as his horn charged and a beam of pink blasted the dome. “It took an entire army to break the spell when your kind attacked, you alone cannot do it.”

“Of course I can do it. I’m perfect.”

“Sure you are.” Shining armor turned to leave.

“Give my regards to your wife,” Ancro called back, continuing to box the shell. He tasted the disdain the captain of the royal guard had shot him. He’d have to send him some flowers when Scott and Stigandr broke him out. The door slammed shut, and he was left alone again, or so he thought.

“My, my, my, you really got under his skin,” he saw his translucent reflection say, as it steadily changed. The voice and the change both excited and terrified Ancro to no end. If you had to ask Ancro, the sci-fi nerd, a question of Star Trek or Star Wars, he would say Trekkie. If you asked him which series, it would be TNG, and if you asked him his favorite character, he would say Q. The reasoning behind his reaction should be painfully clear.

“D-did you enjoy the show?” He asked trying desperately to regain control of himself.

“Oh, it was positively divine, never before had I borne witness to such primal madness. Well, except for that last time I was out, and Screwball was born... but still, you do know how to put on a show.” The reflection clapped his mismatched limbs. “it was the most fun I’ve had since I was imprisoned…again.”

“Wanna talk about it?” He asked sarcastically, trying desperately not to squee. “I’m an excellent listener.”

“No, I assure you I’m quite alright.”

“Alright, I’m here if you need an ear to talk to.” The changeling went back to shadow boxing. He suddenly stopped and turned to face the draconequus, who had taken to lying in a hammock. “I’m not trying to be rude, but how are you here? I mean how is it possible, shouldn’t you be petrified?”

“This is just a projection. I am still encased in stone, in the middle of the gardens,” he answered, not even trying to hide his disdain. “I shouldn’t even be able to do this, actually, and I wouldn’t... if it weren’t for your actions.” The changeling raised an eyebrow at the perceived compliment, from DISCORD. “Well, your kind actually started it, and gave me back some level of my senses. Then, when you started that ruckus the other night, I became able to do this.”

Ancro chuckled, keeping his boxing routine going. Discord just nodded, with an arrogant grin on his face. “Glad I could make your sentence more enjoyable.”

“I’m glad also, human.” Ancro stopped, midswing, upon hearing discord say that. He kept thinking it was to be expected that the spirit of chaos would know such things. He half expected him to be the reason he was in Equestria. “Oh, don’t worry. I know the rule. You can’t speak about where you’re from. It forces you to lie, and into so many awkward circumstances.”

“So, you know what I am,” Ancro said, regaining his composure. “What does it matter?”

“It means I can get you home,” he answered pointedly.

“Really, I’m intrigued. How?” The changeling put one of his hooves under his chin in thought.

“I’m the spirit of chaos and disharmony, of not just this plane but multiple; it wouldn’t be very difficult to open a door back to good old earth.” Discord slithered around the bubble. “All you have to do, is release me.”

“And why would I do that?” Ancro laughed. Discord looked baffled. He flipped down some glasses, and began looking through note cards he had pulled from behind his back.

“Didn’t I just explain that I could take you home?”

“Oh yes you did, but I’m not likely to leave Equestria in the talons and claws of you,” Ancro said defiantly, to an increasingly shocked Discord. He opened his mouth as though to speak, but nothing came out. “Plus, you probably have a plan worked out to deal with the elements, so the answer is no.”

Discord stood in stunned silence when he finally spoke it was with a bitter tone. “Fine then, but don’t come running back to me if you want my help.” The reflection faded, and turned back to his own. “By the way, I’m a very unfortunate enemy to make, and we both know you will starve in here.”

Stigandr clattered down the hall with the walker that had been given to him as part of his physical therapy. He loved magic. They had been healing him amazingly quickly, and he was supposed to be leaving in a week. One week too long, in his opinion. He had been doing everything he could to hurry along his physical recovery, even if it was against the doctor’s orders.

“Mister Stigandr, in all my years of practicing medicine, I have never had a patient pull more stunts than you. You are by far, worse than Rainbow Dash,” he said, standing over the injured pony as he continued to reach for his walker with speed that Granny Smith could surpass. “I’m afraid anymore incidents, and we may have to sedate you.”

'Dang...' Stigandr thought, 'almost made it to the doorway that time'. On the plus side, he felt a small twinge of pride in hearing that he had one-upped Rainbow Dash. He was beginning to go a bit nuts, trapped in the hospital with nopony to really talk to. Granted, they had been kind enough to bring him copies of preschool-level pony books so he could learn how to read, or at least try to learn to read. It had been slow going, and several times he had to ask a very stunned nurse what 'that word' was. It was, to put it bluntly, awkward, his brown coat tinged red from blushing, as it turned out the word had been a painfully simple one.

“But ah don’t wanna...” rasped an adorable Southern voice approaching the door to Stigandr’s room, his ears perked up as he tried to place.

“Ah no ya don’t want ta; but yer tonsils have ta come out.” He immediately recognized the voice of Applejack.

“Whyyy?” He deduced that meant the other voice was Applebloom.

“Because, sugar cube, if they don’t come out then they’re gonna keep making ya sick.” Apple Jack sighed like a big sister who had already explained this a thousand times before.

“When do ah get mah ice cream?”

“Ahfter you get them out.” She sighed outside his door before opening it.

“Okay...” Applebloom sighed, as she walked into the room.

“See, ya’ll even have a roommate,” she said, trying to cheer up her sister. Her grimace and tone betrayed her, though.

“Hellooo,” Stigandr said in a comically deep voice.

“Howdy,” Applejack said, tipping her hat to him.

“Hi,” Rasped Applebloom. “What happened to ya?”

“Applebloom, now don’t be rude, he may not want ta talk about it,” Applejack said, covering her sister’s mouth. “Ah’m sorry bout that.”

“It’s okay,” he answered, waving his hoof. “I don’t mind.”

“Well, if it ain’t a problem.” Applejack shrugged. “ahnd ah was a bit curious mahself.”

Stigandr chuckled, which he stopped when he felt some pain. “Well me and a friend were flying a few nights ago, and he dropped me when somepony crashed into him.”

“How high up were ya?” Applebloom asked.

“High enough to break everything,” he joked, barely containing the squee as he saw a smile creep onto Applebloom’s face, “but never mind me, what are you here for?”

“Tonsils,” she rasped.

“Don’t worry about those,” he said lightheartedly, “you wanna know the best part?”

Applebloom nodded her head, and Stigandr waved her in closer until she got her ear practically next to his mouth. “When they get taken out, you get all the ice cream you want.”

Applebloom’s eyes lit up upon hearing this news.

“Applejack, really?” She rasped.

“Of course, sugar cube.” She chuckled. “I was tryin ta keep it a surprise, but geuss the apple’s out of the barrel. Pinkie Pie was planning on throwin' ya a surprise party. Guess it’s not a surprise anymore.”

“Sorry, didn’t mean to ruin the surprise,” he apologized.

“It’s ahlright,” she said. “We were bending over backwards trying ta keep her from findin' out.” She chuckled lightly. “Didn’t catch your name, by the way.”

“It’s Stigandr,” he said. “I’d shake your hoof, but as you can see...”

“Ah understand. What brings ya ta Ponyville? Aside from the obvious.”

“Well, right now just the obvious. I have to get out of here as soon as possible and find my friends.”

“Really, who are they, if ya don’t mind me me askin'?”

“Well, one of them is in Canterlot,” he said with a sigh. “and I hope the other one is in Ponyville.”


“Yeah, kinda lost track of him after he dropped me.”

“Well, tell me what he looks lahk, ah might be able to russel him up fer ya?”

“Well, you can’t really miss him. He’s a griffon. Loud, obnoxious, rude.” He laughed, then saw the increasingly confused look of the orange earth pony's face. “...But he’s my friend, and he’s always a good laugh to have around.”

“Okay, ah’ll keep an eye out fer him.” She shook her head, “Betcha if he’s a griffon, he’s with…”

“RAINBOW DASH!!” Pinkie Pie shrieked at the floating cloud house. “RAINBOW DASH!!”

Scott was standing behind her, spacing out at the cloud house with a rainbow water fall. He was wondering what it looked like when high…not that he ever did anything like that, it was just an entertaining idea. It was at this time that he stood up and flew up, landed on the cloud doormat, knocked on the door, and passed his san checks like a boss while he leaned against one of the columns. The door flung itself open and hit him in the face; however, since it was a cloud door, there was only a 'pfft' noise as his beak stuck comically through the semi-tangible doorway. It felt like being covered in wet spider webs.

“Hello?” Rainbow Dash said, looking out the doorway. “Oh, hi Pinkie, how did you knock on my door?”

The pink party pony was on her back, laughing too hard to do anything but point at Scott, who failed a san check as he flew off screaming in the opposite direction, then landed on some nice hard solid, tangible, should exist, ground. He hugged it and tore into the grass and the dirt, kissing it like it was a long lost lover. It was five minutes before he noticed he was being watched.

“Is he going to be okay?” Rainbow Dash asked

“I don’t know; think I should introduce him to Screw Loose?” Pinkie whispered.

Scott stood up and quickly brushed himself off. “Sorry about that.”

“Is everything alright?” Rainbow Dash asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” Pinkie Pie asked, and bounced into view. “Cause you kind just ran off like that, and I was thinking, since you’re obviously not a meanie mcmeaniepants like Gilda.” Rainbow Dash snorted for some reason. “Are you a crazy mccloudphobia pants?”

“No, it’s nothing.” He grumbled, desperately trying to keep himself together amidst the bouncing and hovering ponies, san check passed. “Now, you crashed into me the other night, and I was carrying my friend. Since you’re the reason I dropped him, I think you should be the one to help me find him.” Yeah, he knew it was an accident, but still... He had just had a break down, and he genuinely felt like being a jerk to the pony he swore was a lesbian.

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that,” Rainbow Dash said, looking slightly depressed and rubbing her hoof behind her head. “I was practicing a new trick and didn’t see you.”

“Well, be more careful.” He snapped.

“He is turning out to be a meanie mcmeaniepants, after all,” Pinkie whispered to Dash. The pink pony then jumped to an inconceivable height and ran off.

(Once again going to thank my artist/editor Sara for making it grammatically correct and readable for commissions contact her at shaya.laperro@gmail.com . Like to thank my best friends that I have known for years for not complaining for me writing them into a story. Been having fun writing this so far and have not been able to really put down my laptop to stop also I’m starting a new job at a factory so I may be getting less time to do my writing. Any questions or suggestions message me and I need feedback, it lets me know I’m doing a good job and keeps my fragile ego intact.)