• Published 5th Aug 2012
  • 3,054 Views, 55 Comments

The Dash Diaries - DropTheBass133

Rainbow Dash turns to diary-writing to document her life - hilarity, fun and romance ensue.

  • ...

Chapter 2

The morning was fresh. Ponyville was full of the sights and smells of a perfect summer's day; birds flitted in and out of trees, calling to one another in intricate, musical languages; dew dappled the grasses in the fields and around the town, making them sparkle and shimmer in the slowly lifting light; ponies wandered around the town square, chatting, playing, greeting - just being idly blissful in the rising daytime. It was perfect, and the breeze softened the air and sent a cool rush through Rainbow Dash's wings as she flew overhead. She glided down through the winding streets, before landing in the square directly in front of the Ponyville Spa. Rarity's always going on about how this place helps her relax... She thought. Maybe I should check it out.

Wandering in, she took about five steps before she was stopped by a blue pony with a white cap. "Excuse me, miss. May I request that you wipe your horseshoes before entering? Spa rules, you see." she said in a thick accent that Dash couldn't quite identify. She nodded nonetheless, taking a few steps back to the doormat and running her hooves across it.
"Thank you, miss. Would you like to see the spa menu?" the blue spa-pony smiled.
Menu? thought Dash. I thought those things were just for restaurants...
"Uh, sure, thanks."
"No problem, miss." The spa-pony trotted off into what looked like a small reception-room, before returning with a pink and blue coloured leaflet marked "Ponyville Spa Menu".
"Now," she said, "what is it you will be wanting, miss...uhm..."
"Rainbow Dash."
"Miss Rainbow Dash?"
Dash glanced down at the menu and was suddenly confused by the array of spa treatments, none of which she knew the results of. Closing her eyes and wavering one hoof above the leaflet, she decided to take a lottery, jabbing her hoof down and choosing whatever it landed on.
"Ah, Relaxing Lavender and Tea-Tree Oil Bath. A fine choice, Miss Rainbow Dash." Opening her eyes, Dash grinned at her success.
"Yeah. That sounds perfect for me."

A few moments later, Dash was taken into a large room she quickly remembered. It was the same place her and the others had cured their curses from the Poison Joke; a large, circular room with a pool of water in the centre. Steam rose from the bath, and the spa-pony led Dash in and pointed.
"Here you are, miss. You may stay as long as you want, but we have another customer in soon so you may have to share. Towels are in the corner and if you want any assistance, please let me know. I'll be in the reception area."
"Okay, thanks."
As the spa-pony made her way out, Dash trotted over to the bath, dipping one hoof in gingerly. The aroma rising in streams of vapour was irresistible, and Dash breathed in slowly. Stepping into the pool, she extended her wings in the water as the wet warmth immediately enclosed her. This really was a good choice...she thought. Letting out a small sigh and wading her hooves gently through the water, Rainbow Dash settled and leaned back, closing her eyes, her thoughts once again taking over.
I have to show Applejack this bath sometime. She probably needs to relax more than me. How can anypony just work all day, every day and not bother about relaxing? Talk about work-aholic...
Dash suddenly heard a soft creaking coming from the corner of the room, and she opened one eye to see another pony walking in slowly. She was a Pegasus, light yellow in colour with a pink mane and tail, and she had a timid look on her face and a towel wrapped around her neck. It was Fluttershy.

"Oh, um, hello Rainbow Dash...I was um...here to...never mind," she stalled, turning around again. "I'll go home - I can see you're busy."
"My gosh, Fluttershy! Get over here, I don't bite!"
"Oh...I'm sorry."
"No problem, silly filly."
Rainbow Dash grinned; Fluttershy was incredibly weak and slow on the uptake, but since the day she had managed to get that dragon out of Equestria, Dash had learned her lesson about patience. Though she wasn't exactly gentle with her encouragement, Fluttershy had somehow become just the tiniest bit accustomed to it. The yellow Pegasus walked slowly over, and pulling her towel from her neck and onto a towel-rack, she slipped into the pool of gleaming water next to her friend.
"So, Fluttershy," began Rainbow Dash, lazily flitting her eyes around the room. "What's up?"
"Oh...nothing much. I finally managed to cure Frederick of that nasty head-cold he's had since last week." Frederick was one of the many mice that lived in and around Fluttershy's home. "That's pretty cool," Dash chuckled. Fluttershy smiled sweetly, slipping further into the water.
"Oh, it is. And I wrote it all in my diary so I can keep check."
"You keep a diary?"
"Oh of course! Don't you?"
"Uh...no. I've never really thought about having a diary. When I was a filly Gilda warned me against it, telling me it was for babies and dweebs..." (Fluttershy promptly shivered at the thought of Gilda, and Dash's expression grew sour.) "...but we soon found out who the real dweeb was with her, right?" Fluttershy nodded, going a little quieter, before she piped up again.
"You really should try and keep a diary."
"What for?" Dash asked incredulously.
"Well, it really helps me to record everything that happens and have a memory of every day, good or bad. It also helps me to sort through my thoughts and feelings, and sometimes, I can see how past problems have been resolved and use those as examples to help me in the future...if you see what I mean."
"So...you'd recommend keeping a diary if you have a lot of different thoughts and don't know what to do with them?"
"Almost certainly, yes."
Dash thought for a moment. That doesn't seem like too much of a bad idea...
"Do the others keep diaries, too?"
"I know Rarity does...and Twilight Sparkle. Pinkie Pie definitely mentioned it once or twice, and I did see Applejack noting something down in a book of hers labelled "Applejack's Diary", so..."
"...I'm the only one who doesn't keep a diary, in other words?" Dash finished impatiently.
Fluttershy hesitated. "Uhm...yes."
Dash laughed. "Okay...well, thanks for the info, Fluttershy. I think I have some investigating to do right now. Catch you later!"

Okay, so...I need proof if I'm gonna tag along to this diary stuff...I'll try Rarity first.
Stepping into Carousel Boutique, Rarity greeted her with a smile whilst also sewing sequins onto a shirt, her horn alight with magic.
"Why, hello there, darling! So lovely of you to pop in...how can I help you?"
"I was wondering if you keep a diary."
"A diary? Why, of course! Don't you?"
"No. But I was sorta thinking of it...what do you write in yours?"
"Only the best gossip I can find! Of course, I include details about my own life, but if a friend of mine is pairing up with a long-time crush or a favourite band is releasing a new album, my diary is the first to know!"
"So...you use your diary to secretly grass up on other ponies?"
"'Grass up'? Oh, on the contrary, Rainbow Dash! I could be documenting great moments in history by writing down the worst that gets through this town. It could save somepony's life someday!" Rarity exclaimed, gesturing wildly with her hooves.
"Oh, I'm sure it could, Rarity." Dash muttered, dead-pan.
Rarity, however, failed to hear her, too engrossed in her sewing to listen properly now she had finished her extravagant explanation. "Oh," she sighed delicately, twisting her head to one side and peering closely at the fabric. "Blue...blue...I'm not sure about the blue...Oh, but it fits with the stitching style so nicely! And the customer ordered originality, too... Rainbow Dash?"
"Do you like the blue?"
"It's fine. It could be cooler, but-"
"Oh, don't start me on that again! Fine, I'll keep the blue."
It was then Dash's turn to ask the questions.
"Yes, darling?"
"I hear Flu-...somepony say that having a diary helps you to sort through your feelings. Is that true?"
"Why yes. It's a good method of stress relief to write something down that's troubling you if you don't feel you can tell anypony. Why, is there something bothering you?"
"No, I just-"
"Are you hiding a secret crush?"
"A secret crush?! Rarity, are you kidding me?"
"No! It happens to everypony, darling."
"Ugh, yeah, whatever. Well, I've gotta go. I have...somepony to see."
"All right - I'll see you later, Rainbow Dash!"

So Rarity is a gossip in her diary. That really helps... thought Dash rather sarcastically whilst she trotted through Ponyville. She decided to visit Twilight next, swinging through the library door and waving at the lilac unicorn who was, unsurprisingly, nose-deep in a book. Realising she had company besides Spike who was clearing a shelf of dust, she looked up and smiled politely.
"Hi there, Rainbow Dash!" she said, and lifting up the book with magic, she slotted it back into one of the bookcases around the room. "Have you come to borrow a book?"
"No, actually. I was wondering something..."
"Do you keep a diary?"
"Of course I do! Don't y-"
"Oh...okay. Why do you ask?"
"Long story...Twi, what do you write in your diary?"
"Just my letters to Princess Celestia along with some study notes."
"But isn't that what you'd write in a schoolbook or something?"
"I'm not sure, everypony writes different things in their diaries. And after all, it is a good way of keeping track of my studies."
"I guess you're right. But...do you ever write anything personal in your diary?"
"I suppose so, but I don't have many personal things to write about."
"What about if you have a problem?"
"I come to you girls first, and then I write to the Princess if it's still bothering me."
Dash smiled. "I guess that would work. Well, thank you."
"No problem."
Walking out of the library, Dash thought carefully. What would I write in a diary, anyway?

Continuing her travels through the town, Dash came to a stop in front of Sugarcube Corner and took a deep breath. Pinkie Pie. Well, this should be interesting.
"Dashieeee!" yelled the pink earth-pony as Rainbow Dash wandered into the sweet store. "Hi! How are you? Come for some candy? Or how about cakes? Or ice-cream?" she babbled happily, whizzing around the shop.
"Actually, Pinkie, I just came to ask you something." Pinkie Pie stopped and grinned.
"Ask away!"
"Uh...do you keep a diary?"
A pink blur shot upstairs then back down again in less than five seconds before Pinkie Pie revealed a shining pink notebook and shoved it in Dash's hooves. The Pegasus stared at it blankly.
"There! Look? It's Pinkie-tastic, don't you think? Do you like the cupcake on the top?" Sure enough, a large picture of a cupcake was stuck on the cover of the book. Dash nodded rather slowly, trying to look amused.
"You wanna look inside? Do you? Huh? Huh? Huh?"
Opening the book, Dash saw an array of colourful drawings and photographs, each with annotations and big captions in swirled hoofwriting and completely covered in stickers and little hearts. Pinkie Pie carefully explained every one, taking her time to excitedly point out where each event took place, even though Dash knew this already. The Pegasus smiled through Pinkie's bubbly enthusiasm, her heart growing warm with memories.
"Wow, it just goes to show how much fun we all have together," Dash said once Pinkie Pie had finished. The pink pony nodded heartily.
"I'd say we have the funnest, bestest, awesomest, ponytastic-est friends ever!"
"I think I agree with you there!" laughed Dash, hugging her friend. "Thanks a lot, Pinkie Pie."
"No problem, Dashie!"

Only one pony left to visit - Applejack.
Taking a turn up the hill and flying around to Sweet Apple Acres, Dash realised it was getting darker. The sun was taking a gradual descent down the sky, lighting up the orchard with a glow of orange and yellow. Floating to the farmhouse, she noticed light coming from one of the upstairs windows, and settling herself in a tree next to it, she peered in. It was Applejack, reading a story to her younger sister Applebloom, who was snuggled up in bed.
"...so the tortoise was able to walk slowly past the hare, past the fields and the trees, and past the finishing line. When the hare awoke and realised how long he'd been sleeping, he ran and ran to the finish - but it was too late. The tortoise had already won, and the hare was amazed.
"But you're so slow!" he exclaimed.
"Slower than you, yes. But while you were cocky and proud and thought you could beat me even with a nap in between, I was honest and kept going, and because I didn't give up, I won."
And to that day, all the animals remembered not to give up, and that slow and steady really does win the race."
A smaller voice, clearly Applebloom's, could then be heard.
"That reminds me of the time you an' Rainbow Dash were in the Runnin' of the Leaves last fall!"
Applejack chuckled, a sound that reminded Dash of music. "Ah guess it was like that. An' we sure did learn our lesson that fall."
"You could never fall out with Rainbow Dash over somethin' like that, right?"
"Too right, lil' sister. Ah don't think Ah could fall out with Rainbow over anythin'."
Dash blushed, and her heart was warmed once again.
"She must be your very best friend," Applebloom giggled.
There was a wistful tone to Applejack's voice. "She is, Applebloom. She is." Snapping out of it, and regaining her 'big-sister' composure, she continued. "Right, little apple, time for bed."
"But Applejaaaack..."
"No buts. Yer havin' Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo over tomorrow and Ah don't want you to be tired."
"Fine...goodnight Applejack."
"Goodnight, Applebloom. Ah love you."
Rainbow Dash smiled at the sincerity and love in Applejack's voice.
"Ah love you too, big sister."

Seeing the light turned off, Dash decided to go home. She didn't want to disturb Applejack as the household went to bed.
"Rainbow? Is that you?"
She turned around. Applejack was out in the yard, and had spotted her in the sky. She floated down to her friend's side and grinned.
"The one and only!"
"Whatcha here for, then?"
"Uh...I...wanted to...ask you something." Dash stammered awkwardly, scraping the dust beneath her with a hoof. Applejack looked so pretty in the moonlight that she had lost track altogether.
"Sure thing, Dash! Wanna come inside? Ah think Ah have a glass of apple juice with your name on it." Applejack winked. Dash's heart fluttered and she blushed.
"O..okay, Applejack. Thanks."

The Apple family's kitchen was the first room to come across when entering the farmhouse from the back door (which the two ponies did as not to awake Granny Smith, whose bedroom was downstairs), and it was a warm, welcoming sight, even at night with the blinds closed. Small ornaments dotted the windowsills and tables, neatly arranged, with a tea-cosy on the kettle and a cookie jar on one of the counters. The whole room smelt of apple and cinnamon, and as Dash breathed in, she suddenly felt starved. I could seriously live in this house. I'd never go hungry!
But in what circumstances would she ever get to live at Sweet Apple Acres?
"So," said Applejack warmly, inviting Dash to sit at a small table with two chairs in the corner and setting a glass of apple juice in front of her. "what was it you wanted t'ask me, anyway?"
"Do you have a diary?"
Dash noted that Applejack's reaction was different from the others. "Yes, Ah do. Always seemed a bit, y'now, girly at first, but it's mighty helpful."
"What do you put in it?"
"Do you wanna see for yerself?"
Dash nodded, then blushed when Applejack got up from the table and beckoned, "It's in my bedroom if you wanna follow me."
Wow, she's letting me in her bedroom? I don't think anypony else would do that unless they were hosting a slumber party or something. AJ must really trust me.

Applejack's bedroom was beautiful - in Dash's opinion at least. It was red, but not to an overpowering level, with thick, long curtains, a neat carpet and a checkered red and white duvet on the small bed. It was so tidy, too; not a bit like what Dash had expected knowing Applejack's messy, informal demeanor. Everything was in place, and it put Dash to shame remembering her own house in Cloudsdale.
"Hmm, now if Ah can just find it..." Applejack trotted around, opening various drawers and looking on shelves until she came across an orange notepad titled, (as Fluttershy had said): "Applejack's Diary". Dash looked at the cover and the farmpony chuckled.
"Mighty obvious, Ah know. But it's got this," she said, producing a key that slotted into a padlock sealing the book by its covers. "Completely sibling-proof." she laughed, a content smile on her face. "Now, let me show you exactly what Ah wrote on one of my favourite entries."
Applejack flicked through the book, and Dash was shocked when she saw a copy of Twilight's picture - that of them both at the Running of the Leaves, stuck in on the page. It was Applejack's copy of the picture Rainbow Dash had by her bed.
"That's me!" she exclaimed in astonishment.
"Sure is, sugar! Us, me an' you. Read the entry."
Dash read it, realising how utterly flattering Applejack had been about her. "You...consider me as your best friend?"
"Of course! Ah mean, all of you girls are my best friends, but me an' you have that little bit more. It's like we're soul-sisters."
"Soul-sisters," Dash whispered, the two words fitting perfectly in her mouth as she said them. "Thanks, AJ." she said quietly, smiling at her best friend, leaning forward to hug her.
Applejack giggled and hugged back tight. "Ah never thought y'all were one fer hugs. An' thank you too, soul-sister."

As Dash flew home, the night wind blowing around her like dust, she couldn't help but think of one thing.
We're soul sisters, Applejack.

She had made her mind up about the diary.