• Published 5th Aug 2012
  • 3,055 Views, 55 Comments

The Dash Diaries - DropTheBass133

Rainbow Dash turns to diary-writing to document her life - hilarity, fun and romance ensue.

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Chapter 5

11:49am - Home
Dear diary,

I've finally decided to ask somepony about my date and what to do. Somepony clever, somepony pretty, somepony very, very experienced in the colt department...
I'm sure she'll have some interesting advice. The downside of this is that the whole of Ponyville will know about it before day's end.

Maybe that's a good thing. Then nopony will think I'm a fillyfooler anymore.

12:04pm - Carousel Boutique
I got to Rarity's place and found she was stitching up some kind of massive hat. I fail to understand why hats have to be so high.

She let the hat go, leaving it limp on the table. "Hello, darling! Is everything all right?"
"Oh, yeah, thanks. I just wanted your advice on something."
"Fire away, dear. I have as much time as you need."
I explained about Decimal, and about how he had asked me out so suddenly, and how I had no idea on how to act or what to wear for tonight. She gave me a shocked look.
"And...you only just started preparing today?" she asked. I nodded slowly. "But...why? You need to be just perfect for these things! That means getting ready before he's even thought about dating you."
Is that even possible?
"But you can still help me, right?"
"Oh, of course. It will be a little rushed, however."
"That's fine. I'd prefer to be rushed around than stuck in the same place for hours on end."

3:10pm - Carousel Boutique, after having been stuck in the same place for hours on end
Rarity is calling this rushed. I can't believe her sometimes.

On the bright side, I've learned this:
- Wear something simple but attractive and complimentary to your coat colour, plus about a ton of make-up (ugh.)
- Let him make all the "first moves", and take a step back with administrations (which basically means let him pay for everything and don't jump in for a spontaneous kiss).
- Make your conversation light but entertaining so as not to become nervous about talking to him.
- Act in a ladylike manner and show him you are capable of being reserved and polite.
- If he invites you into his house afterwards, you've done something right (I didn't bother asking what she meant by this one...)

So, I think I'm ready. I'm not too nervous.
For some reason, Rarity kept mentioning about kissing. I've never kissed anypony before.
...Do I have to kiss Decimal Point? Is that standard for dates?

I tried on my new outfit, too, which was a dark blue dress with navy horseshoes and my hair plaited back. I look quite nice in it, I think.
"How do you feel?" Rarity asked.
"Uh, good." She gave me a blank stare.
"Aren't you nervous?"
"Not really..." I shook my head. "Am I supposed to feel anything?"
"Well, if you like him enough, yes. You'll feel like you have butterflies in your stomach, and you'll want to be around him all the time. That's what happens when you fall in love."
"And if none of that happens?"
"Then he's not meant for you, darling."
I don't feel like that yet. Maybe I will later... it's just I've never thought about Decimal Point in a romantic way. I almost wish we were just friends like before. It'd be a lot less complicated that way.

4:19pm - Home
I thought, by coming home to get ready, I would be met with a quiet, Firefly-free atmosphere.


I found her in the kitchen singing out loud to Michael Buckson.

I said to her (loudly, over the music) "Hey, can you take your insanity someplace else???"
And she said, "Give over, Dash. You know how you love a bit of Thriller!"
Am I the only one with a completely mad mother?

5:45pm - My room
Actually, I do feel a bit nervous. I hope I don't make a foal of myself.
I've got my outfit on. I didn't put that much make-up on, just some lipgloss. I refuse to tart myself up like Rarity occasionally...always does.

What if he stands me up?
I'd better get going. I'm about to stand him up.

6pm - Cloudsdale Town Centre
When I got to the square, Decimal had already arrived. He had a white shirt on with a small tie and a black ribbon in his tail, and he gave a polite nod when he saw me.
"You look great, Rainbow." he smiled.
"Thanks, so do you." I replied.
No butterflies yet. Or an urge to be near him. Maybe love took a while to kick in, I figured - just like those energy saver lamps I had at home. They took forever to come on.
"So, do you want to follow me?" prompted Decimal. "I have a place reserved at the Breezy Street Diner for us." I nodded and followed after him. Although Breezy Street wasn't Canterlot, it was pretty refined - Rarity was right about colts always wanting to spoil you.

When we got to the restaurant, we were shown to our table by a waiter (who had a massive hat on - possibly one of Rarity's) and left to make our decisions.
About our food. Not about the hat.
Dessie started up a conversation, asking me how I was, and how I was getting on at work (I didn't mention the storm), and how much of a nice night it was. I responded casually, returning his questions and keeping everything as relaxed as I could, as Rarity had said to, but for some reason, he seemed on edge the whole time. It was if he was hiding something from me, as he kept stalling with his words and fiddling; pulling his hooves through his mane, fastening his tie so tight I was worried he'd strangle himself, looking around warily and so on. I got the picture that he really didn't want to be here.
Eventually, when Massive Hat Guy returned with our food (I'd ordered a parsley and hay bagel; Dessie a daisy salad), he went quiet while he ate. I shuffled my hooves awkwardly under the table. Still no butterflies.
I looked around the diner at all the other couples. They were all sitting opposite to each other, holding hooves and gazing into one another's eyes adoringly. Were we supposed to do that? I tried, haphazardly tilting my head a little and batting my eyelashes at Dessie for effect. Even though I am the pinnacle of charm and je ne sais quoi, it somehow didn't feel right. And it obviously didn't look right, either, as Dessie went a little red before asking me why I was looking at him like that. So much for knowing how to date.
Searching my mind for something to say, my brain eventually came up with the worst possible question.
"Uh... so... have you ever been out... you know...with anypony before?"
This launched Decimal into Stutter City. "Uhm... w-well....there w-was this one f-filly...in...s-school...but we never really....I-I mean... i-it never really..."
"I get you, Dessie." I said finally, slumping back in my seat a little. This failure of a date was exhausting!
"R-right..." he finished. And it was, quite literally the finish. We spent the rest of the evening in near-silence, every so often one of us opening our mouths to speak but then giving up. I was now certain that dates weren't supposed to be this way. I hadn't felt a thing for him.

At around 8pm, we left the restaurant. Decimal flew home with me, not stopping at his place to invite me in. We hung by the doorway a while, exchanging nervous glances.
"Thank you," I said finally, "for tonight. It was...good."
"No problem." he replied. No 'thank you too', no 'I really like you', no 'we should do this again sometime'.

And then it happened. He kissed me, pressing his lips to mine for a fleeting moment. He pulled away and I felt absolutely nothing. The kiss was empty, no emotions involved whatsoever. I headed for my door, getting out my keys. "Yeah, thanks." I said hurriedly.
He gave me a nod. "See you round." he muttered, before flying off into the night. I shivered on the doorstep, cold, confused and alone.

8:23pm - Home
When I got in, Mom turned around from her ironing and looked at me. "How was it?"
I said nothing, grabbed Tank off the kitchen table and went upstairs.

I don't get it!

Love is soooo confusing. Why did nothing happen?
Does this mean he's not meant for me? And am I actually, you know, his marefriend? Or fillyfriend? Or girlfriend?

Five minutes later
I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. Here I was, probably the unluckiest in love in the whole of Cloudsdale, with only my insane mother and a tortoise for company.

Does everypony fail this bad on their first dates?

Two minutes later
On the bright side, I have a day off tomorrow.

Went to say goodnight to Mom. I felt a bit bad for leaving her hanging like that.

She gave me a hug and said, "If you ever need somepony to talk to, I'm here, hon. I've been through it all."

…You know, she's usually so mad that seeing her act like a normal mother is almost frightening.

10:12pm - In bed
I wonder if I can spend tomorrow with Applejack? I bet she has more luck with colts than me.

10:21am - Sweet Apple Acres
Met up with AJ. We're currently planning how to convince Big MacIntosh to let her have the day off too.
I said, "Well, you did save my life the other day."
She went a bit red. "A-ah didn't really save yer life... more do you a favour."
"And that's good enough for you to spend time with me, right?"
"Hmm... well, Ah could give him a puppy-dog face an' say about how Ah'm an orphan and need lots of time with my friends to cope."
"AJ, he's your brother. Doesn't that make him an orphan too?"

Ten minutes later - in front of Big Mac with puppy-dog eyes on full volume
"Okay, AJ. Go ahead, present yer case."
I feel like we're being judged. We are. Is this what she has to do every time she wants a day off?

Applejack cleared her throat. "Uh, well...Ah haven't seen Rainbow in ages."
Big Mac looked at her. "You spent almost all last week with her."
"But that was last week!"
I stepped in. "Yeah, last week. She gets Rainbow withdrawal if she doesn't see me soon enough."
"Yeah, an'...an'... you haven't got that much work, right?"
"No, AJ. Jus' the whole darn orchard!"
We exchanged glances.
"B-but... big brother... Ah'm... Ah'm an orphan! Oh, darnit! Ah mean... Okay, Ah can't do pressure."
I laughed, and Big MacIntosh chuckled. "AJ, you can have today off. Jus' be in work twice as early tomorrow."
"Ah will! Oh, thank you brother!" Applejack hugged her brother tight, and I smiled.
"Eeyup. Now you two run along now before Ah change my mind."

10:49am - Ponyville
I led Applejack through the town, knowing exactly where I wanted to take her.
"Hey, Dash, where are we goin' again?"
"You'll see!" I stopped her in front of the Ponyville Spa, and she whinnied in protest, almost rearing up and galloping off.
"Ah'm not goin' in there!"
"You'll like it! It's just like going swimming. Look!"
We went in, and were greeted by Aloe and Lotus. "So surprised to see you both in here, Miss Applejack and Miss Rainbow Dash. It's unusual for you tomcolts!"
I laughed. "Well, could we have what I had the other time? The lavender and...whatever it was? It's for relaxation!"
"Of course, Miss!"

Five minutes later - The bath thingywhatsit
I never thought I'd see the day where I shared a bath with Applejack.

…Not in a fillyfooler way.

We got in and swam around a bit (and splashed around a lot), and AJ actually agreed that the bath was awesomely relaxing. We swam up to the edge and leaned against it so we could chat. I took the time to explain about my failure of a date, and she listened carefully before voicing her opinion.
"Hmm... so, you said he kissed you?"
I nodded. "How long?"
"About two seconds. Two point five if you're being...mathematical."
Applejack laughed. "Right. An' you didn't feel excited or nervous or anythin' like that?"
I shook my head.
"Well, sorry to sink yer ship, sugarcube, but Ah think yer on a train to nowhere with this guy."
"I figured so. Why am I so unlucky?"
Applejack smiled. "Yer not! It happens. An' you wouldn't be happy with him."
"Thanks. I guess I feel a bit better. I should probably break it with him." She nodded, before looking around nervously.
"Dash, Ah have somethin' to tell you..." she said.
My heart did a strange leap. Not literally, or it would have been visible. "Sure, fire away."
"You've gotta promise to not tell anypony."
"Cross my heart, hope to fly, sti- wait, you haven't murdered somepony, have you?"
"What?! No!"
"Good. Stick a cupcake in my eye. There, Pinkie Pie swore."
Applejack gave a grateful grin. "Well... it's not set in stone. Ah don't know whether anythin's real fer me yet, but it's lookin' pretty true. You see..."

The silence tore a path between us, between a few seconds that felt like an eternity.


"...A-ah think Ah'm a fillyfooler."