• Published 25th Dec 2018
  • 2,289 Views, 79 Comments

When Did This Happen - Natedogg2006

There are times in life when one has to stop and reflect on how they came to the place they are now. For Rainbow Dash, that happens while barreling down the hall to Rarity's studio to ask her a very important question.

  • ...

Final Chance and Romance

Rarity resisted the urge to comb her hands through her hair. Her nerves were getting the better of her, but she had spent way too much time on her hair to mess it up. Again. She could be calm. She took a slow breath to ease her tension.

She jumped slightly as the door bell rang, then laughed sheepishly to herself at her reaction. On the floor below her she heard heavy foot steps heading towards the front door. She positioned herself so that she could see downstairs without revealing herself.

She saw her dad reach out and open the door below. Outside of it stood her somewhat nervous looking date. Rarity had initially wanted to be able to design their outfit as well, but she had to admit that there was something authentic about the rented tuxedo cliche. And, somewhat surprisingly, it did fit them well.

Then Rarity heard what was pretty much her cue. They had been talking for a minute and now they stood in the hallway just below the stairs where Rarity could no longer see them. "I guess we'll just see if she's ready then." Rarity took one more look at herself in the hall mirror to make sure she was ready for about the three hundredth time as she heard it. "Rarity, your date is here to pick you up."

With a deep breath she started walking. She descended the stairs as smoothly as possible, the affect it was having obvious on the faces below. She was only looking at one reaction though, and the look in her dates eyes let her know all her effort had been worth it. She just hoped they didn't drool on their rather handsome suit from their now hanging jaw.

She got to the bottom of the stairs and gave an elegant turn to show the full outfit with a dramatic flourish. She then glided over to her date and gently moved their mouth back into a closed position before presenting her wrist expectantly.

Reality seeming to come back into focus her date suddenly began struggling to open a small plastic package they'd been holding. A corsage of purple and white flowers emerged and was somewhat shakily placed around her wrist. Not that they needed to confirm, but her date managed to choke out through a dry sounding mouth, "you look so amazing."

Upon holding out his hand Rarity's dad took the now empty container and exited the room. Seeing her chance, Rainbow Dash leaned in close to whisper. "How am I doing so far?" She was close enough that her lips lightly brushed Rarity's ear, sending a pleasant shiver through her.

Rarity responded by pushing her away just a little. While they were dressed up in appearance, Rainbows shoes were really boots that gave her a good couple extra inches. Combined with the fact that Rarity was wearing flats that were perfect for dancing and it meant that Rarity had to stand up on her toes to reach her dates lips and plant a single sweet kiss on them.

"You're doing wonderfully darling. And you look so good in this suit too by the way." She then pulled away and rested her head on her chest right about where she hoped it would be for most of the night. She could practically hear music already.

Rainbow was now blushing, but managed to brush it off. With a chivalrous gesture she stepped away and bowed, using her grand gesture voice to announce, "well then milady, your chariot awaits." It was a somewhat recent voice she was still working on. It was growing on Rarity, but she'd never tell her that.

Outside the drawn curtains next to the door Rarity could see Rainbows father's car. It may not be a limo, but Rarity knew that Rainbow had had no desire to get her license until just about a month ago. And for some reason it had become incredibly important. So the fact that her girlfriend was going to be driving her to prom more then made up for it.

Rarity put out her hand to beckon her to rise. "Well then. Shall we?"

Rainbow took the presented hand in her own and gently planted her lips to the dainty fingers. "We shall," she said as she began leading the way.

"Wait right there young ladies." Both turned to see both Rarity's parents had joined them, her mom holding a camera. "Pictures!!!"

Both girls blushed the whole time as she took way too many pictures in way too many poses. Her Dad had to suppress a laugh the whole time. When she had finished he stepped forward, having obvious trouble keeping his composure.

"Just you remember, that's my little girl and I expect her to be treated with respect. Have her home by eleven, not a second later." He actually managed to get just enough protective dad into his voice.

Rarity giggled just a little as the arm she was lightly holding suddenly tensed up as Rainbows posture became more rigid. "Yes sir," she managed to squeak out.

"Now be nice father, I'm sure Rainbow will be a perfect gentleman."

Whatever tension there was left was lost as the assembled party all let out a laugh. Rarity's dad himself opened the door for them as her mom suggestively told them to remember to be safe and have fun.

As they exited Rarity decided to lean over and place a small kiss on Rainbows cheek. Her mother was quick on her camera and a flash lit them up briefly.


Comments ( 30 )

Morbid curiosity as to the be safe line given the circumstances.

Oh my gods that was so beautiful.
It was awesome and amazing and aweeeee.
God I wish this story didn’t have to end it was so beautiful and loving.
It only makes me wonder what you have planned for your flutterdash story.

You really are an outstanding writer and I am so glad I started to read your fiction

Just things parents say. I was lightly trying to suggest that there was a chance Rarity may or may not have planned and rehearsed this whole thing for her fantasy.

Thank London for that one. And thanks, I had a lot of fun in this story and that chapter especially.

A great ending to a great story :rainbowkiss:

Already working on the next chapter of prom protector, and it's going to be a chapter I never really planned for. Not that I planned a lot of that story. So you'll get at least two more chapters and I look forward to your reactions.

Oh, and thanks for the fav

Five notifications just from you all of a sudden. Cool. Not sure about a sequel, but I'll think about it.

Ah. Yeah I can see that as a possibility with her.

I really cannot wait.

I love your writing dude

It was nice to see this through from beginning to end. It feels so rare these days to get a good ol' fashion multichapter shipfic that revels in the simplicity of rubbing two characters up against each other, and seeing what happens. I don't know if it's just my perception, or if this type of thing really is a dying breed these days, but I'm glad you're writing, and feel lucky that you've got a similar idea to myself of what a good romance story looks like. Thanks both for the entertainment, and the reinvigoration of my love for these characters. It's really been showing in my own writing. :twilightsmile:

That is one of the best compliments I've ever gotten, thank you so much. When I got into the show it was because the characters were well defined and interesting. I firmly believe good characters can make even bad stories good and good stories great. I don't think I deserve this praise, but I'll gladly take it.

Not sure if I've done this yet but just to be sure. Thanks everyone for getting this story up over 300 views

Been a while since I just read a straight shipfic. My choice of words being ironic considering the ship. But, this was fun.

Thank you so much. That's all I really hope for when someone reads one of my stories. This is one of my favorite of my own stories, so I'm glad you enjoyed.

Dibbity, fucking, d'aww. My heart went badump and my lips curled up at least twice every chapter. Okay, maybe they were curled throughout entire chapters, too.

Dibbity, fucking, d'aww.
I love that so much much I might start using it. Love hearing that my stories made people smile. Thanks so much for reading.

Oh, and thanks so much for the fav too.:pinkiehappy:

Thanks so much to everyone who read. Thanks for getting it up to 400 views.

I absolutely love this fic. I come back to it every now and then to reread it. Has to be one of my favorite Raridash stories I've ever found.

Been a while since I heard from you. Glad to see you're still reading. This one did become my fav amongst my own stories for a while. Haven't come back to older stuff in a while with the new projects under way.
But for you to say it's one of your favorite raridash ships..... Wow, that's high praise I won't forget.

I've actually put it into my read later again to listen to at work tomorrow. It's cute and fun and I just enjoy it. You did really well with this one, building out their dynamics. I see things like that and think how I can step up my own writing.

Oh, that's cool to hear. But what caught my attention is that I never took the time to realize you wrote too. Looks like I have some new stories for a while:pinkiehappy:

Uh oh. I hope they hold up. xD

Huh. So TIL why people want to keyboard smash at something exceptionally cute.

This story was wonderful, and thank you for putting your time and effort into writing it!

Thanks for taking the time to read and leave feed back. Thanks for the follow too, I'll keep trying to live up to it :raritystarry:

Also, today I learned what TIL stands for:rainbowlaugh:

Second time reading this, then I looked at the like bar; this story is criminally under rated. You capture Rainbow and Rarity so well, Rainbow's changes are slow and organic and make sense for her personality. I especially love that you didn't have her start using painfully sweet nicknames; their is just a certain line of sappy that never feels right for Rainbow to do.

Rainbow definitely changes more than Rarity in the end, I think Rarity mostly learns how to tease others, but it's not really a contest. I'm just glad that it was not all one-sided Rainbow changing for Rarity. It was sweet and funny.

The only thing I never did quite understand was Fluttershy setting any of this up. The why of it is a bit weird. She saw RD trying to cheer Rarity up at the prom, knew they met up before school, and then convinced everyone to play along? I suppose we will never know, but that is the only slight oddity to me.

Anyway, loved it and will check out more of your work if there is more romance like this. :pinkiehappy:

Since it is so focused on Rainbow's perspective I do think Rarity's thoughts are a little harder to understand. What I was leaning towards is that being with Rainbow helps her realize she doesn't need to always do things "the way they should be". A lady does not make crude jokes or take petty revenge, but now she has a little Rainbow Dash in her head telling her to do it.
As far a Fluttershy and the others, I could leave it a mystery or I could let you know what I imagined of how it went down.:duck:
Either way thanks for the feedback. Stuff like this is what keeps me writing. In fact I think I have a chapter of why she serves I need to make some progress on.

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