• Published 11th Dec 2018
  • 3,556 Views, 91 Comments

A Love Beyond Worlds - Viatorem

Arceus and his family visit the land of Equestria for a well-deserved break, but things get complicated when Celestia and Arceus start to develop strong feelings for each other

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Chapter XI: Making Things Clearer, Part I of IV

“How can thou remember the complete extent of thy family Arceus?” Luna asked, as she turned to see the Alpha Pokémon and her sister, who were still talking with each other about Arceus's family, despite not only not being on the train anymore but also being just a few streets away from Twilight’s castle.

“I don’t think its THAT complicated,” Arceus answered, before turning to see Celestia, “Or is it? What do you think Celestia?”

“I mean, to be fair with Luna, you needed the whole trip to talk about them,” Celestia answered.

“Yes, but that’s because we keep changing the subject the whole time,” Arceus answered, before adding with genuine confusion. “I’m still trying to understand how we went from talking about my adoptive grandson, Mewtwo, to the apparent value of desserts as an anti-invasion weapon”.

“Yeah… that’s a good question”; Celestia answered, she tried to remember what kind of confusing chain of topics she and Arceus followed to end up linking Arceus's grandson, that he had described as cold and serious, to using food as weapons, she would normally put all the “blame” on Pinkie Pie, after all, the pink pony was usually what ended up being the missing link that connected and held together an absurd conversation, however, the pink pony wasn’t mentioned until much later into the conversation, so for once she was out of the picture, resulting in Celestia simply giving up on the whole thing.

“Well, at least now I know more about your family”, Celestia said with enthusiasm, she was looking forward to seeing Arceus’s family, now that she knew a little more about them.

“And, I also learned a lot about your family, as well as your student, Twilight, and her friends”, Arceus added with the same enthusiasm as that of Celestia’s.

“Glad to hear that, it will aid to make presentations shorter, and hopefully avoid occurrences similar to what happened when thou meet Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis,” Luna said, her tone made it quite obvious that she wasn’t very fond of Arceus unintentionally intimidating her friends.

“Yes, hopefully”, Arceus answered, “I don’t really like scaring ponies, or anything for that matter, however, by what Celestia told me, introductions will still need some time, in particular when it comes to Pinkie Pie, probably Fluttershy too, but mostly Pinkie Pie, but I can handle her perfectly”, Arceus said with his normal calm tone, showing no arrogance about his capability of handling the crazy pink pony.

Celestia stopped for a second, needing time to process what Arceus just said, “No offence Arceus, but I doubt you can handle Pinkie Pie, only her family can, and even they have problems with that”.

“Celestia, I took care of almost 50 creatures with powers to manipulate the elements, climate, and even reality, since they were new-borns, I doubt a hyperactive pony will be able to overwhelm me,” Arceus answered, with a more nostalgic tone, reminiscing of the time when he taught his family how to use their powers.

“Good point”, Celestia answered, as she began to remember her school for gifted unicorns and how… challenging it could be for both her and the foal’s parents to keep some kind of order without going a little crazy.

“Eh, excuse us Arceus?” Luna asked, turning to see Arceus, “did we hear that correctly? Do thy descendants have the skills to manipulate such things as reality?”

“That’s a good question Luna”, Celestia said, also turning to see Arceus, “you didn’t tell me any of that when you told me about your family”, Celestia seemed to be a little upset with Arceus.

Arceus was taken back a little by Luna’s question and in particular, with Celestia’s attitude, he looked at the flor and after sighing, he turned to see the 2 princesses, in particular Celestia, “Look, I apologized for not telling you about me and my family's abilities, I will also be upset, after all, I will also not be very happy if there is a group of creatures with powerful abilities running around my world…”

He made a small paused, expecting for any of the two princesses to say something, but neither Celestia nor Luna said anything, so he continued with his explanation, “however, you have to understand that this travel is just a vacation for me and my family, we have recently gone through a lot of hardships, so the last thing any of us desire is causing or getting into more problems, we just wanted to relax, keep a low profile and enjoy the peace of this world”.

Both Celestia and Luna seemed to believe in what Arceus was telling them, Celestia in particular, after all, the only reason he was with her in the first place was that she and Arceus negotiated that he would stay with her while his family visited the rest of Equestria being guided by Golden Feather and one of the royal guards, at the time, not knowing the true powers that Arceus or his family had, seemed reasonable, but now she and Luna will need to need to re-negotiate them; however, she was still a little angry at Arceus for hiding such important information from her.

“Very well, apology accepted”, Celestia finally said, this took Luna and Arceus by surprise, making the lunar princess turn to see her sister with a judge full expression, while Arceus simply smiled.

Luna was about to add a protest to her stare, but Arceus managed to add a “thank you”, to his smile.

“You are welcome Arceus, however, I need to know what kind of powers your family has”, Celestia answered with a mix of her typical and more severe tone

“We also desire to send a considerably bigger group of troops to keep watch of thy family, and if necessary, deny them of access to certain areas of Equestria”, Luna, who finally saw an opportunity to enter the exchange, added, with a more severe tone than that of her sister’s.

Arceus reacted calmly to Celestia’s request, feeling relieved since he didn't cause a situation that put his family in an inconvenient position, however, this sensation was completely thrown out the window by Luna’s demands, “Princess Luna, please, I know that I don’t deserve your trust but, pleased don’t put my family into more problems, this is my fault, not theirs, I know you want to keep your and your sister’s subjects safe, but there has to be another way to keep tabs on them without having an army follow their every move”.

Celestia was taken back by Arceus words, mostly due to a memory that came rushing to her mind, she had being a position similar to Arceus years ago, just after Luna’s return, some of the nobles (and to the surprise of no one, Blueblood was among them) began to ask for certain restrictions to be put on Luna due to her past as Nightmare Moon, they also asked for a regiment of guards to keep an eye on her at all time, Celestia, of course, defended her sister and tried to keep the whole situation as a secret for Luna, fearing that it will affect the somewhat fragile emotional state she was in at the time, however, Celestia later discovered that some information inevitably slipped through the cracks, and was one of the many elements that motivated Luna to create “Tantabus”.

So with all that in kind, Celestia decided to side with Arceus, she turned to see Luna, “I have to agree with Arceus sister”, this took by surprise both Luna and Arceus, “I know he deliberately hid information from us, but he has already apologised for that and he’s willing to cooperate, and I trust him enough to believe he will”.

Arceus had to contain himself to not jump and hug Celestia, simply conforming to turn to see her, with an ear to ear smile, “Thank you so much, Celestia, for trusting in me”.

Celestia return the smile, although it wasn’t as big, “you are welcome”, she then turned to see Luna, who had clear her throat in a very low way and now was looking at Celestia with the same aggressive look she had used on the train when Celestia was looking at the sweet cart; Celestia quickly caught that her sister had some objections to make, Celestia turned to see Arceus asking, “but I still need to know what kind of powers you and your family have”, she added with what was supposed to be a sever tone but that came more as hesitant due to Celestia’s eyes constantly looking at Luna.

Arceus chuckle at the two princess antics, he was about to say that he agrees with Celestia’s terms but, before he was able to utter a word, a voice of a female creature, coming from Twilight’s castle (or at least close to it) exclaimed, “SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!” with extreme excitement.

The group turn their attention towards the castle, at first everyone was confused, although Luna and Celestia quickly shrugged off, after all, this was Ponyville, a pony screaming something at top of their longs was part of a usual day in the town, but Arceus seem to recognise the voice, turning to see the two princesses, “Hey Celestia, why don’t we ask them personally”, Arceus exclaimed with joy, before running off towards the castle.

Celestia and Luna were confused by this, but quickly began to pursue Arceus, with Golden Spear following them by foot and Night Star flying right next to him, the persecution continued down the street, Arceus quickly reducing the distance between himself and the castle, the rest of the group struggling a little to keep up with him.

Finally, the persecution ended when Arceus arrived next to the last house before the castle, where he quickly hid behind the last house of the street, allowing the group to see where he was, he even made a gesture to his persecutors with his frontal right leg, indicating them to join him in his hiding space, but not allowing any creature that was on the area of the castle to see him.

Luna was the first to arrive, followed closely by Celestia, Night Star was the next one to arrive, landing behind the two princesses, at the same time as she landed, Golden Spear arrived, as he had managed to keep up with Night not being able to fly; however, despite who had arrived first, the 4 ponies needed a few seconds to recover.

“Arceus, why did you run off like that!?” Celestia asked in annoyance, although her tone and volume were a little weak after she was trying to recover her breath.

Arceus simply turned around and playfully but gently shushed her, before making a gesture to the group to follow him, he peeked his head around the house corner, followed by Celestia who had to peek under Arceus’s head due to his height, something that was actually a first for the princess, Luna did the same thing, peeking under Celestia’s head.

Luna was surprised and a little confused about what she saw, a considerably big group of ponies, around 50 or more, of the three main types of ponies, they were accompanied by a royal guard and apparently they were following a somewhat tall white unicorn mare, some of the members of the group were kind of odd, being taller or shorter than most ponies, and other had fur and manes of odd colours and combinations, like a dark blue unicorn that had a platinum main, a grey pegasus with red eyes, a long pink mane that look similar to that of a crystal’s pony, and was wearing an incredibly simple white dress, the kind of dress Twilight would love to use, that were marvelling and studying Twilight’s castle.

“Excuse us, but who art they?” Luna asked, looking up to see her sister.

“They are Arceus’s family”, Celestia answered while looking at Luna.

“Yep”, Arceus answered with a joyful tone while looking down at the two princesses, “let’s give them a surprise, shall we?” He added with the same playful tone he had used before running off, he then left his hiding place, walking towards the castle.

“Excuse me miss”, Arceus call out, still walking towards the castle, this made every pony, including Faust and the guard, to turn to see him; Arceus then stop walking, “but screaming out loud this early in the morning isn’t the kind of good manners I taught you, isn’t that right Diancie?”

“Hi dad!” a pink pegasus filly exclaimed, before flying towards Arceus and hugging him.

“Hi Mew”, Arceus said while returning the hug.

“What are you doing here?” Mew asked after separating herself from Arceus embrace.

Arceus turned his head to where Celestia and Luna where hiding, “why don’t you asked my babysitter?” he answered with a joking tone.

“Hmm?” Mew asked, before looking over Arceus shoulder, it was then when she took notice of Celestia’s and Luna’s presence, who were now walking towards Arceus; Mew separated herself from her father and flew towards the two princesses, stopping and hovering in from of the two princesses, “Hi princess Celestia!” she exclaimed with a happy tone while waving with one of her legs.

“Hi Mew”, Celestia answered with a smile, for her it was enduring to see how much enthusiasm the Pokémon disguised as a pony showed, acting like she had known Celestia for years and not just a few minutes.

Mew then turn to see princess Luna, and with the same enthusiasm and happiness she had greeted Celestia, she asked, “Hi, who are you miss?”

“Luna, princess Luna”, Luna answered, watching the pink filly with interest.

Arceus, who had been watching the reunion between the two princesses and his daughter, turn around to see the rest of his family, “aren’t you coming to say hello?” Arceus asked, before walking towards them.

Three ponies from the group were the first one’s the get close to Arceus, one was a white with a light pinkish tone unicorn with white hair, the other one was a grey Pegasus with a golden mane, and the last one was a unicorn of as dark blue with a platinum mane, the three were a little taller than the averaged pony, but they weren’t the talest in the group.

Arceus reconciled these three ponies as his three oldest sons, better know as the “Creation Trio”: Palkia, Giratina and Dialga; the three greeted their father differently, Palkia simply said. “Hi dad”, Giratina been always so serious, used a more formal “Hello father”; Dialga used a mix of both, greeting Arceus with, “Hello dad”, however, he was a little distracted, like his mind was somewhere else.

Arceus simply greeted the three with a “Hello there”, with a cheapish tone in his voice happy to see his family again, “so, how are things going along?” Arceus asked, mostly out of protocol as he had no doubt that the four legendary Pokémon, let’s not forget that Mew was also put in charge, had been perfectly capable of taking care of the rest of the family.

“I will say that we are doing quite well,” Palkia answered with a relaxed tone.

“Indeed,” Giratina added, “things have been quite easy”.

Dialga took a little longer to simply add, “I can’t complain”.

It was then when Arceus realised that his son was distant, he wanted to ask what was wrong, but before he was able to say anything, Celestia, Luna, Diance and Faust got close to him.

“Hi Arceus,” Faust said with a smile.

“Hi, Faust,” Arceus return his friend’s greeting.

“Are you-“ It took a few moments for Faust to realise that Arceus had greeted her with her real name instead of her fake name (Golden Feather), worse he had done it next to the princessed.

“And who art thou miss?” Luna, who was right behind Arceus, asked, as she looked at Faust, who was starting to feel a little nervous, fearing that her cover might be at risk.

“Oh, she’s an old friend of Arceus,” Celestia answered, “Her name is Golden Feather, although Arceus calls her Faust,” Celestia explained to her sister.

Arceus simply nodded, not looking at the princes or Faust, and instead keeping an eye on Diance

This seen to alleviated Faust, who made a small bow, “indeed, nice to meet you princess Luna, and hello princess Celestia”.

“Please, my little pony, there’s no need for formalities,” Celestia said, as she gestures to Faust to rice, “Luna and I are in a little vacation from our royal duties, so right now we are just Celestia and Luna, two sisters visiting their family,” she added as she turned to see Twilight castle.

Luna, however, was still looking at Faust with interest, “excuse us, miss Golden Feather,” Luna asked, getting the attention of Faust.

“Yes, princess Luna, what is it?” Faust asked.

“We wanted to know what art thou doing here of all places, and why is Arceus’s family here too?” Luna asked as she looked at the colourful group of ponies travelling with the white unicorn.

“Well…” Faust answered, “Arceus asked me to be some sort of tour guide for his family while they are here on Equestria, you see I have travelled across the kingdom several times, so I know it like the back of my hoof, and well, what better place to start the tour than here? The world-renowned town of Ponyville!” Faust explained with enthusiasm, before adding with more of a carefree tone, “also, princess Twilight’s castle sticks out like a sore hoof, so Arceus’s family wanted to come and see it up close, especially Diancie,” she added while turning to see the pink legendary Pokémon, that had been talking with Arceus while Luna and Faust spoke to each other.

Going back a few minutes, around the same time as Luna asked Faust why she why they where in Ponyville; Arceus, who could see that Diance was a little distressed, walked towards her with Celestia following him.

“Diance, sweetheart, is everything alright?” Arceus, who was now standing next to Diance, asked, although he had a fairly good idea of what was wrong.

Diance, who had her hooves behind each other, and had her head down, answered with a shy tone, “It’s just, well, you are right, it was rude for me to scream like that”.

Arceus let out a small sigh, “I was joking,” Arceus answered, with a compassionate tone, “you know, trying to make a comedic and sudden entrance,” he added.

“Really?” Diance asked as she looked up, looking towards him.

“Yep,” Arceus answered, “you don’t need to apologize,” Arceus made a small paused, “well, now that I think about it, maybe you should apologize, but only to anyone you might have woken up, but considering that is winter and that most of the citizens of this town are probably on vacation, they most likely slept right through your scream, or are too lazy to go out, so if I were you I wouldn’t worry about it”.

Diance tilted her head, “well… that sounds reasonable,” she said, with a more secure tone.

“Now, can you please explain to me why you screamed? Whatever it was, it was enough to get you quite excited,” Arceus asked with a smile.

“Well…” Diance said with a tone that although hesitant, was less shy that of the one she had used before. “It’s just like I said, or well screamed,” she corrected herself, giggling a little, Arceus simply chuckled as well, and a smile appeared on his face, “This is beautiful, a palace made out of crystal recreating the form of a tree, why didn’t I think of something similar before!” She exclaimed, before flying off to look at Twilight’s castle rambling about the architecture, angles, composition of the crystal, the colours and much more.

Arceus couldn’t hear what Diance was saying, she had flown too far for him to be able to pick up anything that she was talking about, however, he still followed his daughter with his head keeping up with her if he couldn’t hear her, at least he could see what was making her this excited.

Celestia, who as said before had been following Arceus at a decent distance, got next to him, and turn her attention to the grey pegasus that was flying franticly around her old student castle, “she seems more energetic than what you described to me,” Celestia said to Arceus but without turning to see him.

“Can you blame her?” Arceus asked with an amused tone, “if you remember correctly, she’s a being of crystal after all”.

“Yes, I remember that,” Celestia answered, “I can only imagine how excited she felt, seeing something like this castle”.

“Indeed,” Arceus answered, still keeping his eyes on Diance. He kept himself silent, he had noted something on Celestia’s tone, most likely concern, but for what, he did not know, so he instead decided to wait for the princess to talk.

After a few more seconds of silent, Celestia turn to see Arceus, “Arceus can I ask you something?” she asked, her tone been more serious than before.

Arceus turn his head to see her, he knew what she was about to ask, and he didn’t like it, “yes Celestia, what is it?”

“I-is your family afraid of you?” Celestia asked, although she wasn’t so sure of her words, the expression Arceus had given her had made her wonder if she was making the right question, or even is she should be making any, but she needed to know, something made Diance and the other legendary tensed around Arceus and she wanted to know what it was, but for the expression Arceus had in his face, she knew that it was something he detested, something that made him sad, for a second, he even reminded him of herself, showing a gentle, compassionate, playful and caring face, all that in an effort to make himself look normal, to get over asome kind of fear, just like she did with her subjects, her little ponies, trying to make herself look like a normal mare, and not just a monarch with the power over the sun, all this reflection and memories of Arceus's earlier confession about hiding the kind of power his family, and more importantly, he had, made her wonder what kind of power Arceus had that even intimidated his own family.

Author's Note:

Hi everyone, I’m extremely sorry that it took me so long to finally publish an update, one will think that I will have a lot of free time thanks to the massive mess that the last 2 and a half months have been, but that has not been the case, and the response as always, is collage, I think you have probably heard this multiple times, but I’m doing more work than when I was actually going to school instead of taking online classes, is kind of ridiculous.

On top of that I have what might turn into bad news, the area where I live has not decided if the school year is cancel or not, if it’s not cancel, don’t expect any update until summer, because when I come back to school they are going to work my to death; I didn’t mention this on the last update, but if you read the authors note, you will realised that I was confident that I will be able to update soon, well, that was because at the time, my faculty was on a strike duo to problems with the director as well as administration, that was a moth before this mess started, and just a little over 4 weeks after my semester started, I was sure the strike will end before the end of march, and you know what happen on march, so basically, if the school year is not cancel, when I return to classes I will have to made up for the entire month I didn’t received classes, plus the 2 months of worthless online classes, so if that happens, don’t expect an update until the summer and I will probably will still be busy because I seriously doubt I will be able to pass all my classes…

Anyway, in less depressing news, I got an extra editor, everyone, please welcome: "Misty Dolphin", he will be helping me with the edits (by the way, fun fact, he’s actually making the edits from his PS4, impressive and odd, I must way).

As for the chapter itself, I think I didn’t make things clear, but Celestia doesn’t know that Arceus is actually a god, yes he knows he’s important, and that he’s powerful, but she still doesn’t know his true nature, this chapter will help to understand that, also, Arceus will be confronted about the true nature of his family, as well as he’s love life after all Cadence is in the castle with Twilight.

Anyway, this chapter will be divided into 2 parts (maybe even 3) I made this so it could be easier to read, write and edit, and because I wanted to give you an update, I’m still working on the story, more slowly than I will like, but I’m still at it.

Fun fact before I go: the speed at which pony and Arceus were moving during that short chase is actually based on the statistics of the games, with Arceus been the fastest, followed by Celestia and Luna, who’s speed I based on the statistics of Rapidash, although I made Celestia a little slower than Luna, why? This is princess Celestia we are talking about, “the babe of all things cake”, of course, she will be a little overweight, as for Golden Spear and Night Star, their speed came from Ponyta, although I gave Night a little advantage due to her wings

That will be all for now, take care, and I hope to see you soon /