• Published 11th Dec 2018
  • 3,569 Views, 91 Comments

A Love Beyond Worlds - Viatorem

Arceus and his family visit the land of Equestria for a well-deserved break, but things get complicated when Celestia and Arceus start to develop strong feelings for each other

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Chapter XII: Catching Up

Faust peaked her head into the room where Shining Armour and Cadence were staying, though she wasn’t interested in the married couple, but rather their daughter. Despite Flurry being clearly exhausted by all the fun she had chasing her animated plushie, Faust wanted to make sure she, and by extension her parents, didn’t wake up. Arceus had asked her to talk in the privacy of the deep hours of the night, so she would rather make sure to avoid any accidental eavesdropping; well at least eavesdropping of the pony variety, as she didn’t saw the point of doing the same with Arceus’ family.

Conjuring her authority over the world as its creator, making her entire body shine in a golden light, she ordered their bodies and minds to remain asleep until past 10:00 am. This sort of heavy authoritative approach wasn’t something she particularly liked, but she decided to make an exception for Arceus (even though he never asked her to do it); still she at least tried to make sure each group woke up at different hours. With Celestia getting to sleep until 6:00 am; while Twilight and Spike would sleep until 9:00; with Luna, and the boards the princesses had brought along as escort, were ordered to stay asleep until 11:00 am, give or take a few minutes.

I mean, I’m technically doing them a favour. Cadence and Shining probably haven’t had a sleep like this since Flurry was born.” Faust thought to herself as she made her way to the room where Arceus was staying, trying to find a good side to what she had done.

Arriving at the door Faust didn’t have time to knock before Arceus opened it. “You are late.” Arceus said, holding the clock that was at his bedside, marking 4:00 am. Though despite the late hour she wasn’t late, it was the time they had agreed on. Arceus' tone was also playful, as if trying to imitate the tone of a parent whose child had arrived late because they had gone to a party.

“Sorry dad, I had to take care of something to make sure we weren’t interrupted.” Faust answered as she walked beside him and into the room, her tone imitating an annoyed teen.

Both snickered at their little game of pretend. “You can sit in there, also I made you some tea.” Arceus explained pointing at a small table being flanked by two chairs, with two mugs on it, one with vapour coming out of it the other apparently cold.

Taking a sip of her tea before sitting down Faust made a face of disgust accompanied by a guttural sound of distaste. “This is so bitter, did you put any sugar in it?”

“Yes, two sugarcubes.” Arceus answered confused, taking the mug on his telekinesis to look at its content.

“Ah! That’s the issue,” Faust exclaimed before materialising two more sugar cubes. “I like my tea with four,” she explained as she dropped the extra cubes on the mug.

Arceus lightly shook his head. “You and your sugary nonsense, last time I saw you, you told me you wanted to stop eating so much of that thing”.

“And I did, before I took my tea with five cubes”. Faust answered, with both a smug tone and smile on her face.

Arceus just chuckles at his friend's nonsense, while at the same time both sat in front of each other. In a way it was a bit of a hilarious scene. The small size of the table and of Faust’s disguise form compared to Arceus, made it look as if Arceus was a father awkwardly trying to sit in his daughter’s kid chair for a tea party.

“So how are my kids doing?” Arceus asked blandly.

“Didn’t you ask them that already? Besides, you didn’t see them for less than a day and we barely travelled anywhere, nothing really happened.” Faust replayed, with a confused tone.

“First it was more than a day, it was some 26 ish hours,” Arceus paused to take a sip of water from his mug. “Second, can you blame me for wanting to make sure they are 100% ok?”

Faust sight before smiling at Arceus. “Good to see you haven’t changed old friend, still the old worried dad I knew, or at least the one you became after your kids were born.”

“Well, the time I spent showing them Canterlot they seem to be doing alright. They were a bit distracted though, but I don’t blame them. I suppose that like you they enjoy wilderness and rural areas more, and Canterlot being on a mountain has amazing sights to look at and get distracted by Equestria’s many villages, towns, forests and so much more.” Faust stopped to take a sip of her tea.

“In the end of the day, and after many pleas from Diancie to come, I decided that it would be best to take them to Ponyville. Besides Twilight's castle and school there isn’t much to see here.” Faust stopped for a second, before shaking her head. “Nah, that wouldn't be a good idea.”

“What?” Arceus asked intrigued.

“Well there’s the Everfree Forest and the ruins of Celestia and Luna’s old castle, but I would rather your family don’t go there.” Faust answered with quite a sharp tone.

Before Arceus could ask why, she continued. “The ruins are inside the Everfree, and not only is that place relatively dangerous, it is also packed with powerful magic creatures. And I would rather not have your kids fight a pack of Timberwolves, an Ursa Major or the adult green dragon that lives in the Everfree. Especially since the forest is close to Ponyville.”

“Alright, no Everfree.” Despite finding her tone and attitude a bit rude, Arceus answered calmly, after all, he understood why Faust had such a defensive attitude towards her own world and creations. That being said, he wanted to get back at her with a bit of teasing.

“So, Timberwolves and Ursa Major, eh?” He asked with a soft mocking tone. “I’m gonna bet one is a collection of sticks in the form of a wolf, and the other is a very big bear.”

Faust puffed her cheeks and looked away from his friend, trying to hide her blush. “Yes, you know me and my weakness for puns.”

Arceus snickered, happy that he had succeeded at teasing his friend. With that out of the way he decided to get their conversation back to his family, though not before giving Faust a small victory. “If it makes you feel better, one of the creatures I created is a massive bee with drills for hands, and the species name is beedrill.”

Faust turned to look at him, with a childish smile on her face. “What can I say, your puns kind of got to me.” Arceus added, making her chuckle.

“I knew they would get into your thick head,” Faust chuckled.

Arceus lightly shaked his head, with a small smile on his face. “Now can we please get back to my kids and your plans for their tour?”

“Ah, yes of course!” Faust answered, almost taken off guard. “Well, even though I would have preferred not to, stumbling onto Twilight might be a blessing. Ponyville is located right in the middle of Equestria, so we can either teleport or take the train to anywhere from here. Plus using Twilight’s castle as a hotel will be good for keeping my identity a secret”.

“Why is that?” Arceus asked after taking a sip of water.

“Well, as a goddess I might be able to create a sack of bits from nothing. But Golden Feather is supposed to be a columnist for the Canterlot Chronicle, so it will be more than suspicious for her to have enough money to pay for hotel rooms for more than 50 pokemon disguised as ponies. I mean, why do you think I asked Palkia to teleport us to Ponyville? I wasn’t going to waste what little money I’m supposed to have with such a short train ride.” She replied, her tone a bit sarcastic to mock the fact that Arceus hadn't thought of that.

“Oh, well, yeah… I suppose that makes sense.” Arceus was a bit flustered, feeling a bit silly he had overlooked such an obvious detail.

“It’s ok, you are just a bit distracted.” Faust said with a playful tone, her expression changing as the last world that left her mouth made her remember something. “By the way, I just remembered that Dialga is acting a bit distracted, like something back in your world is bothering him. Do you have any idea as to why?”

“No, I mean I noticed that he was acting a bit distracted.” Arceus answered, remembering that when he had called his family to the Hall of Legends, he had noticed that something was apparently bothering his son. “Maybe if he could travel back to my world to check on whatever is bothering him, he might be less distracted.”

“Good idea, if you want we can talk with him and open a portal back to your world. You know I love your son and I want him to enjoy his stay in my world so whatever helps him is ok with me.” Faust said, her mind flooded with memories of when Arceus introduced the recently born Mew, Giratina, Palkia and Dialga to her.

“Thank you Faust, that means a lot.” Arceus replied, his friend however didn’t say a thing, instead she stared at her tea, a melancholic expression on her face.

Arceus quickly noticed her mood changed. “Faust, is everything alright?” He asked, moving to try to get a better look at her face.

“What? Oh yes!...” She replied after taking a second to return to the present. “Sorry, I just got trapped in my memories for a second.”
Arceus didn’t believe her, however, he realised that whatever was bothering her, it would be better to wait for Faust to tell him about it rather than pushing her. “By the way, I’m really enjoying my visit, you did an amazing job building Equestria”.

Hearing that, Faust's mood seemed to improve, turning to see Arceus with a small smile on her face. “Thanks, but I doubt you have seen much.”

“True, but what little I saw has impressed me.” Arceus repaid, not looking at her but instead taking a sip of water with his eyes closed before continuing. “Canterlot seems like a decent place to live, though as you said, I think I prefer Ponyville, it’s definitely more cosy. Not to mention the landscape I got to see while travelling on the train.”

“Thank you, but I can only take credit for the landscape, and not all of it. Besides influencing or taking special care of some key elements, I mostly left my little ponies to do things naturally.” She answered, the smile on her face getting bigger.

“And, judging by the fact you wanted to avoid her. I suppose Twilight was one of those elements you took personal care of?” Arceus asked, intrigued as to what his friend had planned for the owner of the castle.

“Yep!” Faust answered with an energetic nod. “She, her friends, technically their families, Celestia and Luna, as well as a good part of Ponyville. Were things I crafted myself!” Suddenly, just as before, she seemed to remember something. “I mean, not everything has gone as I planned, but those are minor details. You know how this is, things progress in such a way you have to sort of change some parts of your ideas for the future.”

Hearing his friend’s words, Arceus' own memories of how ‘things haven’t gone as planned’ in his world began to emerge. Trying to not think about the pain his family, pokémons and him had gone through, his mind searched for a distraction. And to Arceus' surprise, he found it relatively quickly. It was Celestia, thinking of the princess helped Arceus calm down.

“Yes, I suppose so.” Arceus said, answering a bit absentmindedly Faust’s rhetorical question. “By the way, I have to congratulate you about Celestia, she’s well… a very enjoyable pony to be around.” Arceus added, his mind struggling to find the proper words to describe her, and feeling a bit weird about congratulating Faust for her ‘work’ making Celestia, even though not a second ago he had done the same about Equestria’s landscape.

“Thank you, though like with everything, Celestia grew and changed in different ways to what I had planned. You could say she’s more like my daughter than my pure creation. Just like a kid she evolved to become her own pony.” Faust’s tone made it clear she was proud of what Celestia had become.

“By the way, I’m glad to know you are enjoying your stay with the princesses.” She added, before taking a sip of her tea, after noticing that it was starting to get cold.

“You could say so.” Arceus replaid, his mind going back to the incident his first night in the castle, when he accidentally stared at Celestia’s rear. Feeling his face heat, he looked away, trying to hide his blushing face from his friend. Not that he needed to do that, as Faust was more focused on manipulating reality to reheat her tea.

“You know,” Faust said, before blowing on her tea. “As much as I love living among my little ponies, I kind of missed talking with a fellow creator.”

Arceus was confused, and kind of taken back by what he had just heard. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I remember you telling me you wanted to invite young creators to see your world. What happened to that?”

“I did, it’s just that, well, eh-” Faust interrupted herself with a bleh, while trying to get her ideas in order.

“Look, I misspoke. I have invited several creators to my world, I even let them create replicas of my world to get a chance to practise creating things.” She explained, now that her ideas were better organised. “And let me tell you, they have done amazing things. Some of the replicas have been relatively simple, others completely wild and almost unrecognisable to my own work. Not to mention that the few times I have travelled to new worlds, I have been able to identify little details that trace back to my own work.”

Faust seemed to stop, but before Arceus could say anything, she smelled the table. “Hay! One time I even let Zeus come visit!… Or well he tricked me into letting him in.”

“Wait what!? How!?” Arceus asked in absolute confusion, he didn’t even register that Faust had used ‘hay’ instead of heck.

“The clown used a different name! That’s how!” She explained, resisting the urge of hiding her face out of embarrassment at the memory of falling for such a basic trick.

“Apparently the Hellenics, you know his and his pantheon followers, were conquered by a people called the womans?” She stopped for a second, trying to remember the name of the conquerors. “Gomans? Tomans? Troyans? Romans? Yes! They were conquered by the Romans!”

Faust took a quick sip of her tea, only to regret it, she needed something cold and refreshing. “Anyway, these roman people adopted the hellenic cult, not before changing a few of the names. And when Zeus showed up he used the new name they gave him, Saturn.” Faust continued, saying Zeus’ new name with a mocking tone.

“And how much damage did he do?” Arceus asked, intrigued by what mess the annoying god of lighting had done.

“Fortunately, nothing, well besides making me age a few centuries.” Faust answered, a bit more calmly but definitely still annoyed about the memorie. “Since I thought he was a new creator looking for inspiration and advice, I put up some power limiters when creating the portal.”

“Power limiters?” Arceus asked with concern in his voice, looking directly at his friends’ eyes.

“Don’t worry Arceus, I didn’t put any up when I let you open a portal here. I know and trust you as well as your family.” Faust explained, noticing his friends' justifiable concerns. “Besides the limiters I put are relatively weak, an experienced and patient creator can break them. Perfect for keeping novice creators and reckless ones, like Zeus, under control.”

“Very well, and thank you.” Arceus replied, his composure and nerves relaxing. “Wait, if you had a way to keep him under control, how did Zeus manage to get to your nerves?”

“Simple,” she answered. “Even though Zeus didn’t have access to most of his powers, he could still be a problem. So I basically had to babysit him for the week or so that he stayed here.”

“Ouch!” Arceus exclaimed almost out of instinct. His mind cringing at the mere idea of such a painful task.

“Yes, it was horrible!” Faust said, while dragging down her forehooves across her face. “It was like taking care of a toddler with a knife while I only had a leash! You have no idea how thankful I was when he got bored and decided to go away. I spent almost two weeks in bed resting after that nonsense”.

“I think it is fair to say that was the worst visit you ever received.” Arceus said with a somewhat playful tone, as bad it had been, he was certain Faust now found the whole situation a bit hilarious. Yet, as he took a sip of water he noticed that his friend’s expression had changed back to a melancholic one.

“Faust, seriously, is something bothering you?” Arceus asked, extending a hoof both physically and metaphorically to her.

“No I’m-” She interrupted herself with a sigh. “To be honest, there is something… and I think I would rather tell you than keep holding it back.”

For a second she reached for Arceus’ hoof, but she ended up going back at the last second. Instead she stood up and opened a portal to the exterior, probably some local park by the look of things.

“Could we talk about it outside?” She asked not to look at Arceus. Yet he managed to catch a glimpse of her eyes, eyes that were clearly holding back tears.

“Yes, of course!” Arceus exclaimed while jumping out of his seat, quickly joining her at the other side of the portal before it closed behind them.

The place was indeed a local park, indicated by a cobble path illuminated by lampposts, with the silhouette of Twilight's castle not far away. Faust however didn’t follow the path, instead she began to walk in the grass covered in what little snow remained. Arceus walked next to her, but remained just a little behind her to more easily follow Fausts’ apparent aimless walking.

“You remember earlier, when you mentioned our old travel group. You know the ‘Royals of all cosmos’ and the ‘Four golden sisters’? Faust asked, not turning to look at Arceus, yet neither putting any attention to where she was waking.

“Yes…” Arceus replayed a bit confused, noticing that his friend was walking in circles as they made their way back to the cobble path. “Did anything happen to them?”

Faust seemed to shake when hearing that, yet she continued walking. “The royals are okay. I’ve visited them a few times, well, I technically have only seen the queen and their-”She stopped talking for a moment after almost walking into one of the lampposts, apparently while she was walking in circles, the size of said circles was decreasing. “-younger kids. Every time I’ve been to their world, the king and their first kid, the prince, are busy with something they call kata - mari? I don’t know exactly what it is, I just know that the kids and the king ask me to keep it a secret.”

Hearing her explanation, Arceus realised that the thing bothering Faust was the ‘four golden sisters’. The old triplets Din, Farore, Nayru; and their younger sister Hylia. He was about to ask what had happened to them, when Faust froze.

“Faust… we can stop if you want to.” Arceus said, putting his right forehoof on her back, trying to offer some comfort.

She instead shocked her head and continued to walk in circles, resembling more a blind animal trying to find light than the creator of a world. “Do you remember how Din was more… headstrong and rash than the others?”

“Yes. I think I mentioned earlier today that I used to find her attractive because of that.” Arceus replayed, with several ideas of what Din could have possibly done or said to hurt Faust this much making their way into his mind.

“Well she… when they were making their world… I don’t exactly know, but…” Faust stopped walking again, but before Arceus could say or do anything she opened a portal back to his room. She jumped into the bed and buried her face on his pillow, her pony disguised as Golden Feather disappearing, making a pair of wings appear at her side while making her crow, turning into an alicorn taller than Celestia, her white fur and red mane gaining a pale yet divine shine.

Arceus ran behind her, though after crossing the portal he began to move with care, slowly making its way from it to the bed. He sat on the foot of the bed, letting his friend cry in peace for a second before resting his hoof on her back, letting his friend know that he was there for her.

They spend some time like that, almost in silence if it wasn’t for Faust’s soft sobs. “I-I’m sorry… I thought walking would distract me b-but… well it didn’t work.” She finally explained between sobs.

“Is ok. Feel free to take as long as you need, I’ll be here.” Arceus replied. He sadly had experience dealing with this sort of thing because of what had happened to himself and his kids, so he knew that it would be best to just wait for her to let it all out.

Neither of them knew how long it took, but after a while Faust sobs slowed down. Finally she turned to look at Arceus, her eyes were still glassy but it seemed like she had stopped crying a while back, she also was hugging the pillow she had been crying onto.

“So… I think it would be better if I just said…” Faust said, while she was looking in Arceus’ direction, her eyes were closed.

She then took a deep breath and continued. “Hylia is dead.”

Those three words hit Arceus like a bag of bricks. The youngest of the “golden goddess”, the little sister of the triplets, someone that at some point someone he had a crush on, was dead.

“What happened?” Was all he asked. It was admittedly an stupid question, but only one time in all of his travels, did he or his travelling group come across a situation that had led to the death of a creator, or well god.

“They lost control of their world,” Faust answered with a sigh.

“When they were making their world,” she continued. “Din strength created the land, the mountains, volcanoes, oceans everything that expresses wild power, you know what she is. While Nayru brought everything under order, and Farore created all life”.

“For a long while things were peaceful, civilisations were born and species began to establish themselves.” Faust pause, using telekinesis she brought herself the mug of water Arceus’ had left on the table where the two had been talking not so long ago. She took a sip clearing her raspy and dry voice.

“I don’t know exactly what happened, if it was Din’s own rashness, or the power of what she represents lashing out. But all three lost control and suddenly monsters began to emerge from the earth, among them a vile creature known as Demise.”

Faust took another deep breath. “It brought with himself war and destruction, but most importantly, he was responsible for Hylia’s death. You remember how she was right?” Faust asked, finally looking at Arceus.
“I’m not interested in creating, but guiding and protecting.” Arceus answered, quoting something the young goddess had told the rest of their travelling group millennia ago.

“Indeed,” Faust said. “While her sisters went to the skies, Hylia stayed, guiding, protecting and leading the species of the land during the war. And while she had been victorious, Demise was just defeated, not killed. He was sealed by Hylia’s weakened divine powers, meaning he would be able to return. In the end she decided to use what little divinity she had left to reincarnate, and to influence the creation of a knife that could be born to stop Demise.”

“All while Din, Nayru and Farore couldn't do much besides influence a few things trying to help her.” Arceus added,
speaking from his personal experience.

Hearing that Faust turned to look at her friend, wondering what he had experienced. Yet she didn’t say anything, choosing to continue her narration. Arceus had given her the chance to wait until she was ready to talk, the least she could do for him was the same.

“It took centuries but it finally happened, Hylia was reborn as a girl named Zelda. She and the knight were able to defeat Demise…” Contrary to what Arceus expected upon hearing that, Faust’s expression and composure seem to become sadder.

”Yet it wasn’t enough,” Faust continued. “That monster managed to somehow bind the land and its inhabitants to a course. Ever since the sisters have completely lost control of their world, to the point even parallel timelines get created out of their control.”

“What little can be created by the cultures and creatures of the world gets damaged, destroyed or forgotten whenever those forces return; millenia have passed and they remain frozen by the course. Worst, Demise's reincarnations connection to power means Din can’t do anything as her own abilities are turned against her creation and what remains of her little sister. One of the followers of the damned bastard even kidnapped Din at some point.” Faust continued, shaking as she spoke, her mind flooded with images of something similar happening to her own creations.

Arceus moved closer to his shaking friend offering Faust a hug, she accepted without trepidation. The two stayed like that for a while until Faust calmed down again.

“You know what’s worse about all this?” Faust asked rhetorically while separating herself from Arceus. “Is that they lied to me”.

Arceus turned to look at her confused, but before he could utter a single word Faust explained herself. “For a long time Farore was the only one who visited me. The poor girl was a wreck after losing her little sister. It took me a while to convince her to bring Nayru and finally after a long while Din…”

Faust sighed, moving completely away from Arceus. Going back to lying on her belly and burying her face on the pillows. “All that I told you about Din not being able to do anything, and that maybe all this was a result of the power she represents lashing out? Turns out that Nayru and Farore had never listened to Din. They kept blaming her for everything that had happened, no matter how many times she apologised, tried to help or what she did, they still hated her.”

“Poor Din,” Arceus said in a whisper. He couldn't imagine how miserable the whole situation was for her.

“But the worst part is that they started to fight,” Faust continued. “I don't remember why, for what they told me had managed to get the whole alternative timeline under control, yet they were still mad at eachother. And I became so angry, I ended up kicking them out of here. That’s why I cut this winter short, and why I was so hostile when you tried opening a portal here. Because I was angry, and I didn’t want to feel miserable anymore.”

Faust then turned to look at Arceus. “The thing is. I don’t know if I was mad at them for lying to me, or because they started to fight, or because I miss Hylia and I blame all three.”

She then holded her forelegs out, almost begging Arceus for a hug. He obliged Faust’s request immediately, moving closer to hold her more easily.

“I’m such a terrible friend.” Faust said in a tired whimper as she apparently had run out of tears.

“No. You are not,” Arceus replayed in a reassuring tone while strengthening his hug. “It was a very emotionally charged situation, one you were very personally involved in since you knew all 4 sisters. It was bound to affect you.”

A small smile appeared on Faust’s face hearing that. “Thank you Arceus… still I should probably apologise with them, is what a good friend will do.”
Arceus broke the hug so he could look at her face, taking his forelegs to her elbows like a parent that’s trying to motivate their kid. “Indeed, but only when you are ready.” He said with a small smile on his face.

“Yes, only when I feel ready,” Faust assured him. She then slowly moved out of the bed, and once she was standing on the ground she reapplied her disguise. Her stature and other proportions diminished, her wings disappeared and her crimson mane stopped flowing. Faust was back to being Golden Feather, a normal looking unicorn that was just a bit taller than average.

“If you don’t mind, I’m feeling a bit tired.” She explained while walking to the door. Arceus didn’t blame her for wanting to sleep after such an emotionally charged explanation, he knew that he would also be quite tired if he was in the same situation.

“Go ahead, rest as long as you need.” Arceus replayed with a reassuring tone.

She made her way to the door, opened it and began to leave the room, only to turn around halfway to look at her friend. “And Arceus, I'll be here for you. We can talk about what happened to you and your family, but only when you are ready”.

Areus smiled when hearing that, “thank you Faust.” He answered in a soft tone with a nod of his head.

She then closed the door behind her, with Arceus turning to look at the table where they had started their conversation. A tear running down his face wondering what he had done to deserve such a good friend.

Author's Note:

What can I say except I’m sorry :fluttershyouch:

Man it has been over a year since the last update! The longest it took me to get a new chapter out :twilightoops: … I can’t imagine how annoying that was for you guys (or at least the few readers I have left). I mean the chapter would have probably been out before but r/place 2023 happened, and after a long week of helping my fellow bronies as well as a few friends make something else in the canvas, I was too sick of tech to finish this chapter, until this weekend that is.  

To be honest I did write a bit during the second half of 2022, and first half of 2023. Thing is most of it hasn’t seen the light of day and I doubt some of it will. To cut the explanation short:

I lost motivation to work on one of the projects (but I’m slowly regaining it), while the other… I might have to delete it. It’s an SCP fic where Dr. Bright was an integral part of the narrative. The problem is that the creator of Dr. Bright (a character that was basically a self insert) turned out to be a predator. This put the fic as well as other SCP projects in a VERY awkward spot.

It also didn’t help that during 2 months of 2022 (part of august, all of september and part of october) I had to wear a ferula, after some stray dogs chased me and caused me to fall off my bicycle and fracture my left wrist (don’t abandon your dogs people, they are at risk and put others at risk too). Something that massively affected my productivity at school, work and caused the loss of motivation I previously mentioned. 

At least one of my fics came out, a Helluva Boss fic (an attempt at horror) of less than 5000 words that took me 3 months to write (from march to june) as I was rather busy this first half of the year (hopefully I get more free time this second half). Is in my AO3 page if you want to read it: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Viatorem

That nonsense aside… Man it is good to be back to this fic! :twilightsmile: 

This will probably be the last “exposition heavy chapter” for a while. Next one will probably be short just to help build a “bridge”, as I plan to jump the story a few weeks into the future, to finally bring both Celestia and Luna into the pokemon world. After that the story will probably advance a bit faster, hopefully before the end of the year the chapter where Arceus and Celestia kiss for the first time will be out (BUT I CAN’T PROMISE ANYTHING). 

As for this chapter itself, I wanted to show a more vulnerable side of both Arceus and Faust. They are indeed the god creators (or just creators if you will), of their respective worlds, but I wanted to make sure they are characters first, gods second. The whole point of this chapter is that they can also be emotional, make mistakes and lose control of their creations. 

I decided to use the Zelda series to get this point across considering the lore of the series (with how Zelda is really a reincarnation of the goddess Hylia, meaning you can kill a god in the series). Also because I thought the sisters antagonising Din would be interesting since I see some people do the same. even though it doesn’t make sense since many times we are told she acts against the representative of her part of the triforce, Gannondor. The best example of this being how all 3 goddesses flooded Hyrule before the events of Wind Waker, not to mention her appearance as “Oracle of Season” in the Game Boy Color game of the same name, where she was victim of a kidnaping by one of Ganon’s followers: ”General Onox”.

Also, of course I couldn't lose the change to roast the greek/roman gods XD  

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. And again I apologise for taking this long. Hopefully I don’t let you wait for more chapters too long, but it all depends on things regarding school that are currently outside my control. 

Also big thanks to “BronyShot2020" who came back to edit this chapter after such a long time. You are the best mate.

Anyway, see you soon (I hope), have a good day and take care of yourselves. 

(And remember, if you want to chat with me, I’m on FiMFiction’s official discord server. Where I go by: “The_Viatorem”) 

Comments ( 5 )

Well its nice to have an update. Thanks for not forgetting your story!

These are actually fun to edit heh


Glad to know that you enjoy working in this :twilightsmile: (BTW, and I’m aware I said this a lot, but thx for coming back to edit another chapter).


You are welcome :twilightsmile: And of course I haven’t forgotten about this fic, I know it’s taking me a long ass time, but as I said before I plan to finish it even if it takes me 10 years and by the end no one is reading it! … :twilightoops: I mean I doubt it will take me that long, but you get my point

You know...if you want to make Zeus out to be an antagonist you could always go the God of War route.


Zeus isn’t really an antagonist in the story. He’s more like that annoying jackass everyone knows about, because everyone hates him.

I just enjoy roasting the Greek/Roman pantheon/gods, because honestly is both too easy and very fun. You should check “overly sarcastic productions” for some good Zeus roasts XD

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