• Published 11th Dec 2018
  • 4,221 Views, 3 Comments

Warm Cider - Naptime

To fight off the icy cold weather, Twilight invites her friends over for "A Warming Party".

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Warm Cider

Snow, snow and more snow.

With Hearth’s Warming Eve long since past, the rest of the winter season had nothing but snow to look forward to. Ponyville saw a healthy portion of the wintry season. Every day brought a fresh sheet of snow to cover the ground, further adding to the already thick blanket of snow that covered every rooftop and every street. The days were gray and the nights were cold.

Most ponies stayed indoors, only trudging outside for the bare essentials. A chillful wind made any trip through town uncomfortable and only reinforced the longing for a warm drink and a nice roaring fire. There was some attempt at clearing the cobblestone roads of the valley town, but most let the storm run its course as they remained safely indoors where it was warm.

Twilight Sparkle had invited all her friends over for what she called “A Warming Party”. It was sort of like a tea party where they could get together and join in some pleasant conversation, but the big difference here was the strong desire to stay as warm as possible against the cold weather outside. Her usual list of friends from Pinkie Pie to Fluttershy all gladly accepted the invitation and when the day came, the all gathered at Twilight’s crystalline Castle of Friendship for the festivities.

She set up the party in one of the castle’s lounges, a small, wood paneled walled room that already had a cozy atmosphere to it. It was typically a place for ponies to retire to when they needed a quiet place to read or a peaceful place to center themselves after a hectic day. The perfect place for a roaring fire to be built up and joyful company to be found.

The room was roughly the size of a small banquet hall with enough seats to comfortably fit thirty ponies within its walls. Against the farthest wall was a large bay window that curved into a half circle with panes stretching high to the ceiling. Beyond the frosted glass rained a gentle sprinkling of flurry as the snow covered Ponyville beyond bundled up for the cold evening. The large glass window was a sight to behold, but it also sapped a large amount of heat around it, making the cozy room chilly. Luckily there was a large round fireplace made of flagstone crackling in the center of the room to warm guests up.

A series of cushioned benches encircled the fireplace, providing plenty of seating for those who huddled among the warm amber glow. An abundance of blankets and pillows were provided as well to bundle under.

Warm drinks and wintery snacks were set up on a long table behind a section of bench. Spiced apple cider, hot chocolate, frosted cookies, and biscuits were all laid out on crystalline serving trays. Easy to get to, but required most to momentarily leave their warm nest of blankets to retrieve the table’s tasty treats.

Most of the guests arrived earlier in the late afternoon with Pinkie Pie and Rarity being one of the first. Applejack and Fluttershy arrived later, but there was still plenty of time left in the evening. Rainbow Dash was the last one to arrive. The snow storm outside had slowed her down immensely, forcing her to walk the entire way to Twilight’s home. When she entered the room, she found all her friends already bundled up tightly in their own corner of the room. They happily greeted the new arrival, but most of them just stayed bundled up, especially Twilight who hadn’t moved from her wrap of warmth since the beginning of the party.

The party had settled down around this time of the evening. Most of its guests had gathered whatever they needed from the table of treats and drink and had carried it all over to their designated spot around the fire. Dash was quick to grab her own cup of cider, craving something that would shake this cold that chilled her hooves. The lovely smell of orange and cinnamon wafted from the heated pot of cider as she scooped up a healthy helping of the hot drink. She even grabbed a couple cookies for good measure.

"Come on, Dash, you can warm up under my blanket," Twilight motioned the pegasus over with a blanket covered hoof.

Rainbow Dash was happy to oblige. With her cup full of steamy hot apple cider, she wanted nothing more than to duck down under some soft blankets and shake off the outside cold that still chilled her core.

Twilight opened her blanket bundle just enough to let the pegasus in. Ensuring that her cider wouldn’t spill, Dash carefully slipped right into place next to the alicorn before the blanket was draped over her shoulders. With some careful adjustments and gentle scooching, the two wrapped themselves up into a newly formed blanket bundle, free from any exposure to the open air save for their half covered heads and a single hoof for maneuvering their snacks about..

As Dash slid in closer to Twilight she couldn’t help but notice a soft plastic touching the outside of her thigh. The odd sensation made her glance down at her blanket covered legs with an inquisitive expression.

“What is...?” Dash’s question trailed off as she explored the weird texture with the one hoof she had bundled underneath all the blankets. It was something thin, lying flush to Twilight’s waistline. Additionally, sitting so close to Twilight, she could now hear faint crinklings whenever the alicorn moved. In her brief inspection of the material, she knew right away what it was. But why on earth was Twilight wearing a diaper?

Twilight met Dash’s eyes with a knowing smirk, confidently taking a sip of her cider. “Feel anything you like?” she spoke softly with a subtle giggle quivering her voice.

“What are you..?!.” Dash started to say, but stopped before quieting her voice to a shy whisper, “I-I mean why are you...wearing that?”

"The cider goes right through me," Twilight whispered so casually, nonchalantly shrugging as taking another sip of her apple cider, "plus, snuggling under a blanket, all warm. I don't need to get up for anything."

Piqued with curiosity, Dash kept her voice low and continued with her questioning. “Does...anyone else know?” she asked, throwing a quick glance around the room. Most of the other ponies were too involved in their own conversation, not to mention constantly fighting against the cold to pay the two whispering ponies much mind.

Twilight shook her head. “our little secret,” she giggled with a playful wink, “you can wear one if you’d like.”

“What?!” Dash exclaimed, momentarily breaking their mutual whispering. She lowered her head with a blush, “b-but they might see...”

“Do you wanna wear one or not?” Twilight asked.

Dash shrunk back, nearly spilling her drink in the process. Wear a diaper? Why would the coolest flyer in Equestria wear a diaper? It was strange enough that Twilight was so eager to wear one, let along visibly excited to get Dash to join in as well. But could Dash, Captain Awesome, really wear a diaper?

“Well?” Twilight asked again.

“Well...I-I guess I’ll try one,” Dash finally answered, “b-but only cuz I don’t want you feel weird being the only one.”

“Oh sure,” Twilight smirked, her horn glowing a bright magenta. Dash blushed and tried to act casual by taking a sip of her own drink. Of course Twilight would have a spell for this sort of thing.

In a bright flash, muffled by the many layers of blankets wrapped around her midsection, a thick diaper suddenly appeared around Dash’s waist. She now found her crotch enveloped by a fluffy, pillow like material that crinkled so subtly when she squeezed her legs together. It was a sudden shift texture, switching from the sturdy flatness of the wooden bench to the woven softness of a diaper. She did her best not to react to not draw attention to herself although if someone were to look carefully they might notice that Rainbow Dash was now riding a couple inches higher in her seat than before.

“Comfy?” Twilight asked once the spell was finished, “not too tight around the waist?”

“I-it’s fine,” Dash stammered out, a little stunned by the sensation of it all. Despite how weird it was to wear one, there was an undeniable pleasure that the plush diaper gave her. It made her already cushy seat even more comfortable to sit in. “J-just wish you could have warned me or something...”

“Could have laid you down on the bench instead,” Twilight suggested with a teasing smirk, “change you into one like a foal.” The comment only made Dash’s shoulders tense up beside her. “Besides if you think it’s nice now. Just wait till you use it,” Twilight smiled with a wink, taking a big gulp of her apple cider.

Dash’s cheeks flared up. “I-I’m not sure if I’m gonna...”

“I already have,” Twilight shrugged, “that’s what they’re for.”

That only made Rainbow Dash’s cheeks blush even more. She could only imagine how recent Twilight wet herself or how long Twilight was sitting in that single wet diaper. Maybe she did it recently. Maybe she peed in it as she was talking. These thoughts only made Dash even more shy about her own diaper.

To think there was only a few layers of blankets saving her from exposing herself in front of her friends. Why did she let Twilight talk her into this? She couldn’t be caught wearing a diaper. That was just something she could never do. Twilight was in the same boat as her with the added risk of being caught in a WET diaper, but Dash figured that was the point. Something told her that Twilight enjoyed the risk.

The party soldiered on as more and more warm drink and pleasant conversation was consumed by its guests. Twilight was more than happy to refresh Dash’s drink whenever it got too low, likely because she was tending to her duties as a hostess, but Dash couldn’t shake the suspicion that the alicorn had ulterior motives to such courtesy.

By the third or fourth cup of cider, Dash was starting to feel it. It started as a passing thought, but as Twilight continued passing over cup after cup of the delicious treat, Dash was starting to feel the undeniable urge to pee. It didn’t take long for all the fluids she was drinking to catch up to her, resulting in a rather full bladder.

“Quit squirming,” Twilight hissed with a whisper, nudging her companion with a hoof, “you’ll give us both away.”

Dash snapped out of daze. She only now realized that she had been crinkling up a storm, squirming and squeezing her thighs together to put off her body’s need to urinate. “But I...gotta goooo,” Dash whined in an ever quieter whisper.

“Then just go,” Twilight answered so simply, “that’s what your diapers for.”

The word ‘diaper’ made Dash lower her head as she fearfully shot a glance around the room to see if anyone heard it. Somehow even saying the word seemed taboo, as if it’d draw immediate attention to the crinkling garment that rustled between her legs. She was just starting to get use to how the diaper felt on her and now Twilight was suggesting that she’d pee in it? She couldn’t do that, could she? In front of all her friends?

“You’ll love it,” Twilight whispered with a tantalizing sweet voice right into Dash’s blushing ear, “just relax and close your eyes.” Hidden under the blankets, Twilight moved Dash’s hoof over to her crotch, placing it right on top of the alicorn’s diaper. The sodden material compressed under her hoof’s weight, squishing ever so faintly to her touch. ”Take a deep breath.”

Feeling Twilight’s wet diaper somehow made Dash feel better about wetting her own. Feel that warm squish under her hoof somehow overrode many of her body’s instinctive fail-safes that kept her from embarrassing herself. The heat radiated off the urine soaked garment with an inviting glow, daring Dash to touch it some more. Every touch made her bladder ache. She wanted this.

With hoof still firmly planted atop Twilight’s soggy diaper, Dash steadied her breath. Her eyes closed as she leaned her back against the padded bench. Relax and take a deep breath. Relax and take a deep breath.

Rainbow Dash had a lot to overcome. Peeing herself in front of her friends was quite the challenge to overcome, but with Twilight sitting right beside her, wet diaper and all, she was encouraged to keep trying. Her bladder certainly needed release. All she needed to do was convince her worried and tense mind that it was okay to do it here. She tried her best to drown out the happy chatter heard from her friends. Relax and take a deep breath.

Finally her hard work and mental control paid off, resulting in a small sputtering of urine to splash into her diaper. The garment hungrily absorbed the tiny amount of liquid, leaving behind a faintly warmer patch around the diaper’s midsection. After the single spurt followed a tiny dribble which soon gathered strength as Dash steadily conquered her body’s public pee shyness. Eventually the stream of urine turned into a full strengthed rush of warmth that filled the diaper’s insides.

Feeling the flow of liquid tickle her rump almost made her bladder snap closed once again, but she saved it by pressing her hoof deeper into Twilight’s diaper. Relax and take a deep breath. She managed to keep it together until the very end where her bladder finally emptied and rewarded her with a tingling sensation of a job well done.

Her diaper was left absolutely soaked. A straining bladder’s worth of urine taken in at once was almost too much for the crinkling padding. However, after some time had passed, the absorbent gels in the fluffy diaper were able to swell and soak up any wayward drop of urine that pooled around her butt. The already thick diaper was able to inflate a couple more inches, giving Dash a sizable bulk to squeeze between her legs.

Before she knew it, her exploring hoof that was squeezing Twilight’s diaper had migrated over to her own. Somehow touching it made it more real. She did this. She peed in her diaper. And that just made her sigh with a deep breath. She could finally relax.

“All done?” Twilight’s voice chimed in a few minutes later.

The alicorn had gleefully watched the entire thing. Even with four heavy blankets covering Dash’s urine soaked shame, an experienced diaper wearer like Twilight could read her friend’s expressions like a book. She reveled in seeing Dash’s expression turn from tense to straining to relaxed all while her eyes were closed. Unlike Dash, she didn’t need to feel the pegasus’s diaper to know what she did.

“Here,” Twilight floated over a fresh cup of cider to the blushing pegasus, “it’ll shake that winter cold off of you and warm you up some more.”

“I don’t think being warm will be a problem anymore,” Dash answered. In fact after the first half hour of being wrapped up in the blankets, keeping warm was no longer an issue for the pegasus.

“Fine, another drink will help you pee some more,” Twilight answered truthfully.

“I think I’m warming up to that idea,” Dash answered back with a giggle. Twilight joined in, snuggling in closer with a wiggle.

“Just what’er you two giggling about over there?” Applejack asked from across the room. She had gotten up to get her third glass of spiced cider.

“Oh nothing, just doing our best to fight off the cold,” Twilight replied, “we should do this again sometime.”

Author's Note:

When I was writing this I was reminded of a Halloween party I went to that was all outside. Even with costumes, things were getting a little chilly. What warmed us all up was some delicious clam chowder and spiced apple cider. Those two things were the lifeblood of the party. Up until that point I was never much of a fan of chowder or spiced apple cider. I liked my cider cold and with a dash of cinnamon on top, but having good conversation with friends circled in close groups as the host of the party was passing out cups of the hot stuff really brought me into liking those warm treats.

Where I’m going with this tangential thought is that some stories are written to capture a feeling. And for this story, it's that warm cozy feeling you get when you’re all bundled up in blankets, watching the snowfall outside.

Thank you for reading and remember to stay warm during the winter months.

Comments ( 3 )

Enjoyable and adorable
Good story

Nice little story. The perfect thing to read around this time of year, too.

good story :twilightsmile:

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