• Published 10th Jan 2019
  • 1,274 Views, 220 Comments

Sigil of Souls, Stream of Memories - Piccolo Sky

In an alternate world of shadow, steam, and danger, the future hinges on six individuals forming a new friendship.

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Daybreak: Return to Manehattan

Loud clangs rang out throughout the train car, easily surpassing the sound of the puffing steam engines. Although Dash appeared to be nothing more than flesh and bone, her punches to deflect the incoming blows of Applejack’s warhammer resonated more loudly than they had in a long time. Part of this was due to the fact that Applejack was looking particularly incensed today. She barely got one blow deflected before she immediately hammered down on Dash again. And, in spite of her being the faster of the two, the Disciple was being forced backward and made to sweat from the intensity of the practice session.

Pinkie, on the other hand, was far more casual. She was merrily bouncing around the length of the train car as if it was some sort of indoor running track, singing a variation of “1,000,000 Bottles of Grape Juice on the Wall”. At the moment, she was only to about 987,245, but she didn’t look anywhere near tiring in spite of the fact she had been in the Rogue Role since sunup.

Rarity and Fluttershy, seated on boxes nearby, were something else entirely. Both women were looking slightly dizzy and had been sweating most of the day. Their sole training for now was to try and maintain their current “double-stacked” Anima Viris, with Rarity in the Role of the Prodigy and Fluttershy in the Role of the Minstrel. Fortunately, as exhausting as it was, it was bearing fruit. They were both approaching being able to keep the forms for twenty minutes at a time already, and they were only ten minutes into their current run.

In spite of their respective strains, Fluttershy kept anxiously looking out the side of the train car, into the surrounding thick woods that still loomed large around their engine. Rarity noticed her, and reached over to pat her leg with an encouraging smile. “Don’t fret, darling. We’re going much too fast for anyone to stop us now.”

Fluttershy bowed her head a little. “It’s not that…I’m worried about the others.”

Rarity’s own look faltered and she looked to her feet and sighed. “Well, I can hardly fault you for that. It seems as if we were stuck between a rock and a hard place all along. Frankly, Twilight is the best out of all of us, even with the two of us having command of two Anima Viris to her one. I’d feel nervous enough about leaving her behind with Luna, but I’m honestly not sure whether Sombra would be more likely to attack her at Canterlot or attack her on the train, or which would be preferable. And while I might be more at ease about Sunset Shimmer now that she’s no longer acting so horrid, I’m still not entirely comfortable with leaving her alone with her.”

She paused, but inhaled and exhaled.

“But…there’s nothing for it. Twilight is the one best suited to studying a way of combating that monster, and she does have her estranged brother with her. I’m the one with more connections in Manehattan. This makes sense. We’ll just have to work extremely quickly. Once everyone is aware that there is an open route to reach Canterlot again, I’m sure we’ll have all the manpower and supplies that we need.”

Fluttershy looked up. “I suppose you’re right. At least you’ll be able to look in on your business, Rarity.”

She held a moment, but then waved her hand. “Oh, pish posh, darling. I’m sure Sassy and Coco are doing just fine without me.”

“But…wouldn’t you like to check in on Ponyville?”

Rarity’s lips parted. She hesitated again on hearing that. Before she could form a response, however, a smack rang out from Applejack’s hammer followed by a pained shout. Both of them looked at the center of the car and spotted Dash clutching one of her fingers.

“Hey, would you lay off already! What’s the big deal, anyway?”

Applejack was looking at her crossly. “The ‘big deal’ is we were ‘bout five seconds from bein’ a buncha critter food last night, and apparently that wasn’t a good enough time for ya’ to whip out your second Anima Viri! Maybe if I try an’ break a few bones o’ yours, you’ll put it out already!”

“I said to shut up about it! It’s my Anima Viri, not yours! I’ll use it when I feel like it!”

“Well, that ain’t good enough! If it’s yer own neck on the line, ya’ can do with it whatever ya’ like! But if it’s our necks, then I’d like to think we’re a bit more important than whatever shell shock bull ya’ got goin’ on!”

Dash’s eyes nearly flashed at that, and she stepped forward and brandished her fist in her face. “You don’t know a damn thing about what I’ve been through or what happened to the Wonderbolts! Don’t you tell me what to do or I’ll take that hammer of yours and shove it down your throat, got it?!”

Not one to back down, Applejack immediately hefted her weapon. “You just try it, Ms. Big Shot Huntsman! You won’t be the first mad cow I’ve put to the-”

She was cut off, and both women stepped back as Pinkie, seeming to literally spring up in their midst, suddenly inserted herself between the two of them with a hand up to either one. Her perpetual smile looked a little forced this time.

“Ooook…heh…” she said, trying to be as good natured as possible but, for once, seeming to pick up that things weren’t going that well right now. “I think you two have been at it for a little while now… Maybe it’s a good time to take a tiny break? We can sing the next round or two of the song together for the next thousand bottles? Oh, or maybe we can break into some of the cookies I packed for lunch maybe?”

The two didn’t really seem to notice her, although they went silent. They glared at each other for a moment more before both simply turned around and stormed off. They didn’t release their Anima Viris, but instead proceeded to either rear exit of the train car, opened up the doors, and stepped outside.

Fluttershy shrank back a bit at the exchange she had just seen, while Rarity let out a nervous exhale and wiped at her head. “I suppose, with everything that’s going on, we’re all more than a little on-edge at the moment. Applejack particularly so. She still has family in Appleloosa, and all of her relations are still in Canterlot including her brother…”

“Oh, it’ll be fine, Rarity!” Pinkie chirped as she turned to her and waved her off. “They got my family with them now, and my family has Maud! She always knows what to do! I’ll go get those cookies I packed in case they come back!”

Picking up her song from where she left off, she bounced to the rear entrance of the train, opened it up, and exited as well—temporarily leaving Rarity and Fluttershy as the only ones left behind. However, it took them only a moment for both of them to start growing uncomfortable.

“Some days I don’t know whether to envy Pinkie’s optimism or pity it…” Rarity muttered. “Still, I think it’s not entirely a bad thing to cling to some of it. Goodness knows we could use some at the moment.” She turned to Fluttershy. “Speaking of which, I’ve been wondering something, dear. In keeping with Ms. Pie’s optimism, what do you plan on doing after this is over?”

She looked up curiously. “Ex…excuse me?”

“It doesn’t hurt any of us to have a goal to work toward, Fluttershy. Something to remind us about what all of this is for to begin with. Now, it’s my understanding that you were not living in the best of circumstances when Twilight initially met you. And at the risk of prying or dragging out unwelcome memories, it seemed that you did not have relations at the moment, or accommodations readily available to you. I was somewhat wondering, as you’ve been so kind as to help me with my own matters, if you were interested in a position at Carousel Couture?”


“Why, of course, darling. You need not worry about presenting any qualifications. Any woman who could be self-sufficient in the near-wilderness in the ghastliness of this horrid affair I’m sure would be an asset wherever she went. There’s certain to be a position for you.”

Fluttershy didn’t answer. She stared at Rarity for a moment before she bowed her head. “Oh…” she quietly answered, but offered little more than that. She simply stared at a spot on the floor saying nothing else.

Rarity looked a bit puzzled. “I’m sorry, darling, but…did I say something to offend you?”

She shook her head. “No, it’s not that. It’s just…um…well…” She held her hands together and gripped them a bit more tightly.

“Just what?”

“I…well…I suppose I never really thought about anything like that before. I…I always kind of thought…um…” She shrank a bit more, letting her hair fall over her face.

“Thought what?”

Her voice grew quieter yet, almost inaudible over the sounds of the train.

“I’m sorry, what?”

She was still a moment, but then shook her head. “It’s…it’s nothing. I mean…I thought I’d never do anything else again after moving out there. That I’d just…stay there…until…”

“Look, everybody!”

Pinkie’s sudden and unexpected appearance in front of the two women caused both to rear back and look up in alarm at the shock. However, no sooner had they saw her grinning, happy face suddenly manifested in front of them when they realized the train was starting to slow. Not only that, but the light outside the train had gotten brighter—implying they were out of the forest.

At once, both Rarity and Fluttershy got up and to their feet, rushing over to the side car opening and looking out of the train. The forest had indeed given way, not only to a clearing but to cultivated land. They saw the familiar signs of old battlegrounds and barricades that had long since been torn apart, abandoned, and left to deteriorate and rust. As they kept watching, the sights gradually grew newer and “fresher”, proceeding forward in time until not only the barricades and weapons that were in place were newer but were actually still active. As the train kept slowing, they began to see soldiers actively maintaining the lines, although, at the moment, none of them were doing so. They were standing in awe and surprise on seeing the train engine approach.

Rarity looked ahead as their engine began to slow to a stop, and saw, at the head of the tracks, a blockade keeping it from moving any further. All around it were more soldiers, although none of them had their guns out. They were simply approaching and marveling at the sight of the approaching train. Beyond them, stretching for miles, was civilized and cultivated country along with bright, sunny skies. And flying over the final barricade were the colors of Manehattan.

They had arrived.

The arrival of the first train from Equestria in over seven years caused no small amount of buzz among the defenders of the border. It wasn’t long before the entire company in charge of that district began to gather around it, and within thirty minutes afterward every newspaper reporter and local official was swarming on the area. However, the ladies, Double Diamond (who had been delegated by Starlight Glimmer to run the train), and the few civilians familiar with engines who had been sent to assist didn’t have time to get bogged down by explanations. They quickly presented themselves and five presented their identities, and as soon as they were confirmed a wire was rushed out the capitol. Thirty minutes later, a return wire was sent to escort them immediately, and leaving the train behind they were quickly loaded onto steam carriages and sent out.

The sun was on its way down by the time they finally reached the governmental plaza in Canterlot. They were taken to one building in particular and the doors opened. No sooner had the tired ladies stepped out when they were greeted by an entire military accompaniment on the stairs. In the lead and rapidly rushing out to meet them was a familiar face.

Rarity’s eyes widened on seeing him. “Major General!”

Kibitz gave her a nod along with the others as he approached. “Ms. Rarity, Ms. Fluttershy, Ms. Dash, Ms. Applejack, Ms. Pie…it’s good to see you. I was starting to wonder if I’d ever see any of you again after so many weeks, but to have you all not only return but to return on a train that was departing Equestria has caused more than its share of shock and surprise in more people than me.” He faced the group. “I’m not sure if you were expecting me, but, following our initial meetings, the Grand Chancellor has appointed me as your official liaison for the moment. At least until someone better can be found…” He glanced over the group. “I see that Ms. Sparkle is not with you.”

“No, but she’s well-accounted for,” Rarity responded. “In fact, we’re here on behalf of a great many individuals. Major General, I hate to seem somewhat pushy, but we are on a very tight schedule. Both my friends and I have much to relate from our own personal experiences and even more to relate on behalf of others.”

“We all got one helluva pickle up north ta’ deal with,” Applejack added. “So we can’t really be draggin’ our feet around. We need to be headin’ back to Equestria as soon as possible. Hopefully with some guns.”

Kibitz looked rather confused. “I…beg your pardon? You want to go back into Equestria?”

“Look, whiskers,” Dash sighed, “as bad as things are down here, you got much bigger problems up north.”

“Yeah! All of the sugar is gone in Canterlot! All of it! I can’t make so much as a tea cake!” Pinkie shrieked in horror. “Oh…and there’s a big scary set of eyeballs in a black cloud snatching people up to take over the world.”

Kibitz blinked twice. Before he could stumble a response, Rarity let out a sigh and spoke again. “I’m afraid, in spite of the manner in which they said it, my companions are telling the truth. It is imperative that we are put in contact with someone who can appropriate materials and, dare I say, troops as soon as possible. It is also probably in everyone’s best interest that we meet with the Grand Chancellor and his advisors soon.”

The officer seemed to take this more readily, and he nodded after a moment. “Understandable, but you must realize that your very return to Manehattan has caused quite a stir. We weren’t even sure if it would be possible to move on the old rails into Equestria until today, and the fact that a train was able to arrive has shocked many. Both commercial and business heads are in an uproar along with government officials over what it means. Not to mention that we are still dealing with a rather heavy amount of consequences over what’s happened in Greater Everfree over the past few weeks. I’m afraid there’s no way I can arrange a meeting with the Grand Chancellor until tomorrow.”

Rarity looked a little deflated, while Applejack took off her hat and nearly threw it to the ground.

“Of course, that doesn’t mean we should be idle while we wait,” Kibitz continued. “I will arrange for a meeting with the Grand Chancellor as quickly as possible tomorrow morning. In the meantime, I would like to hear an account from each of you. My secretaries are at my disposal and are already waiting within. If you are not too tired from your journey, they would like to accept your dictation whenever you’re ready.”

Rarity nodded back. “Thank you, sir. I’m not so certain I can speak for my companions, but as this information must be shared immediately I will be happy to begin at once before turning in.”

As it turned out, all five ladies were happy to stay up long enough to start recounting their respective stories. They omitted some parts…mostly what they had learned from Maud Pie and the subjects that Twilight warned them to be moot about, which was mainly what had to do with the dark Anima Viris and Luna’s true identity. However, they emphasized what they seen in Equestria and Canterlot, the stories that Shining Armor had told them, and especially their encounter with King Sombra and his minions. It wasn’t until after they had exhausted themselves talking, the secretaries had departed, and they themselves retired to the rooms prepared for them that they realized that they themselves had just as many questions as the government of Manehattan did. Namely, how the world was responding to not only Sombra’s incursions but the threat of Trottingham, and what had become of the Anima Viri bearers who had been registering. Yet it was too late by then, and, tired from the long journey and dictations, they could only go to sleep.

Good news greeted them with breakfast the next morning. They were to convene with the Grand Chancellor and his cabinet in just three hours. The government was wasting little time with the information that had been relayed. Copies had been made that night and distributed to the most pertinent parties and their story was rapidly circulating, although the meeting was still desired to work out the fine, missing details.

As soon as the ladies were fed, washed, and dressed in the first pair of new clothes any of them had worn in a long while, they were off to the very governmental palace where their first interrogation had been. Fortunately, it was far more welcoming this time. The outside was only lightly guarded and supervised to avoid arousing suspicion, but many government officials…including the old agents that had been dispatched to Carousel Couture…were monitoring the inside. They were gestured to the same room as last time, albeit far more cleaned up and pleasant looking, provided with chairs, and told to wait until the Grand Chancellor arrived.

It was eerily similar to before, although now they were trusted with enough privacy to not be watched by anyone other than the two guards at the door. Pinkie had just as much energy as before and was fidgeting in her chair, but the other four were a bit more on edge. They constantly looked to the grandfather clock in the room as the seconds slowly turned into minutes.

“Well,” Rarity spoke up after a time, “I must say, even with the feel of a new, clean dress, I simply can’t be too much at ease at the time.”

“Think we’re all that way,” Applejack muttered, arms crossed. “Wish I was already poundin’ the pavement back up north…or, at least, out east. If I’m not findin’ out how the family’s doin’, I don’t see the point…”

“Let’s just hurry this up and get back there,” Dash retorted as she leaned back in her own chair, propping it up. “If there’s any way to kill that shadow thing, we’re not going to find it in a place like this anyway.”

“Actually, um…” Fluttershy spoke up, “I was thinking they might have more for us to do now that we’re here. I mean…we are supposed to be helping them out as eidolons…”

“That’s another thing. I don’t really care for that. It sounds like I’m…I dunno…something prehistoric…”

“Oh, let’s all try to be civil, at least,” Rarity spoke up. “Keep in mind we are relying on Manehattan for assistance at the moment, and they will find their resources taxed at the present time.”

No one said anything else, although both Dash and Applejack frowned.

A moment later, Pinkie raised her hand.

Applejack frowned even more. “We ain’t in a schoolroom, Pinkie. Ya’ got somethin’ on your mind, just say it.”

“You think if they take much longer, we can go outside for recess? I’d like to join that parade!”

The others looked up at her, rather confused. “Uh…parade?”

“Sure!” she chirped, leaping from her seat, running to the nearest window, and pulling aside the curtain to point. “See for yourself!”

The others, a bit bewildered, nevertheless slowly rose from their chairs and moved over to the window to look outside.

Sure enough, there was a gathering out there—although it was far from the ‘parade’ that Pinkie had mistook it for. At first, the ladies thought it was a gang of protestors. They were people of all shapes, sizes, and even walks of life, chanting and hollering as they walked down the road. There were about two hundred in all, and they were attracting more than their share of stares from the rest of the people along the sides of the road or moving around. Some were actually watching while others were shouting at them, and a few magistrates were beginning to approach as they neared the governmental square.

Most of all, they were all parading signs and large metal symbols on big poles.

“What…is that?” Fluttershy asked timidly.

Applejack leaned in a bit closer. “Are those…Harmonium symbols they’re all carryin’?”

Dash, on realizing that, scoffed and turned to head back to her seat. “Great…more idiots hoping a god’s going to bail ‘em outta this one…”

The others held on a bit longer. This was definitely not a commonplace occurrence, not in Manehattan or anywhere else. Not even in the worst days following the Lunar Fall. Eventually, however, it passed without entering the governmental square and went down another road. With that, all of the ladies returned to their seats.

It wasn’t long after that the doors opened up, allowing the official retinue to enter along with numerous secret servicepeople. Once all were inside, the cabinet officials and Kibitz themselves entered and took their places. It wasn’t until all of that was done that Fancy Pants himself entered.

Fluttershy immediately reacted on seeing him. He didn’t seem nearly as hale or hearty as the last time she had talked with him. Dark circles were under his eyes, which themselves were half-lidded, and he walked a bit slower and stiffer as he made his way to his own seat. He dropped his monocle on sitting down although he readily replaced it, but it still took him a moment to compose himself and look up with a nod.

“Good morning, ladies. I’m glad to see most of you safely back in Manehattan. I wish I could exchange more pleasantries with you but, as you may well be aware, my schedule is rather demanding as of late. Matters of national defense and international relations are quickly coming to the forefront more rapidly than they ever had following the Lunar Fall. Let us begin right away.”

What followed over the next sixty minutes was, more or less, the ladies retelling and elaborating their stories while supporting each other to work out all of the mildly contradictory details. There were numerous finer points to share, but at the end of all of it the picture that they painted showed the dire situation not only in Equestria but also throughout Appleloosa, as well as the fact that they had a boatload of refugees to work with now.

When all was finally said and done, the man sighed tiredly, looking wearier than before, and removed his monocle to polish it a moment before slipping it into his breast pocket. “It seems that even at a time of relative peace, we have more bad news to deal with…”

Applejack couldn’t keep from blurting it out. “Beg yer pardon?”

“Forgive me… The five of you have been away from Manehattan for so long that you haven’t heard the news. As it turns out, shortly after Trottingham seized the capitol seat of Appleloosa, they sent out ambassadors to all eastern countries seeking a declaration of non-aggression on all parties.”

This caused several of them to look up in puzzlement, although it gained Applejack’s ire. “Huh?” Dash echoed back. “What happened? They run out of coal or something?”

“Neither I nor my advisors have any idea, but we were hardly in a shape to refuse. The military victories that Trottingham has secured as of late are, to be honest, astonishing. It was bad enough that they managed to gain a decisive victory over the Dragonlands. But to be able to sweep the entire territory of Appleloosa in such a short war? We were beginning to calculate the chances that they had spread themselves thin enough to be manageable before the news came. They seek a new conference in two months. No doubt…they’ll be the ones dictating far more stringent terms, but so long as we have two months of no more military action we need them as talks with our long-time allies in Fillydelphia are stalling. Sadly, that’s not the extent of our woes. I don’t suppose any of you have seen the state of Manehattan?”

There was a momentary pause before Rarity seemed to get the insinuation. “Do you mean that motley crew who were parading down the street toward the governmental square?”

He nodded. “The Harmonium Faith has been increasing in activity as of late. It had practically dwindled to nothing when the shadow was over Equestria, but it revived ever since it dissipated. At first, we all just thought it was something of a return to normalcy. It’s much more than that, I’m afraid. Potentially much worse than that. That group that we turned away today was half that size yesterday. The day before it was only a few dozen people. Their places of worship aren’t just filling up. Many of their priests are beginning to say more inflammatory sermons.”

“It would seem,” the minister of the interior spoke up, “that the loss of the shadow has inspired a religious revival of sorts, especially coupled with the eidolons appearing. Many people are believing this is a sign from Harmonia, and as more arise and manifest strange abilities, they’re beginning to attract the more fanatical and extreme.”

“Speakin’ o’ that,” Applejack interjected, “how’s that PR campaign of yours goin’ on that had Fluttershy givin’ them talks?”

“Oh, very well, actually,” the public affairs minister answered brightly. “I know it was off to a bit of a rough start, but our coming forth publicly with knowledge and forthrightness to confront the emergence of the eidolons head-on inspired more confidence in the populace. We have had several individuals self report. Better yet, there have been no further incidents of…well…shall we say…‘random outbursts’.” He sighed and folded his hands. “Sadly, we believe that we have identified the majority of eidolons in Manehattan with estimates that only a small number remain fully unaccounted for. It would seem the campaign by Trottingham to assassinate as many as possible was effective across several nations. Nevertheless, we have relocated many toward the capitol. Voluntarily, of course.”

“The eidolons are the least of our priorities at the moment,” another cabinet member, this one a decorated general, spoke up. “International affairs remain the worst. Not just this business with Trottingham and Fillydelphia. It seems we’re being cut off as we speak.”

“I beg your pardon?”

Fancy Pants looked even more tired than before. “Ah yes…I had almost forgotten about that…” he half-muttered. “We have a growing situation with maritime trade, in particular the protectorate of Southern Equestria. The only land-based route to it is the Transaramasti, but we haven’t dispatched a train on that route in three years. Ever since the commerce deal with the Dragonlands fell south. Since then, it’s been only ships, but that’s quickly becoming a problem. We’ve had three of our major cargo vessels and a luxury liner disappear.”

“We first thought it was Trottingham,” the general snorted. “Assumed they were either making a preemptive strike on our commerce or encouraging piracy. They’d have nothing to gain from sinking a luxury liner, though. And they don’t have a strong navy either. Then Fillydelphian, Griffonstone, and Mount Aris ships started to go under as well. Enough to where they put a moratorium on commerce and dispatched their own navies to investigate. Well…three missing warships later and this became everyone’s problem. Finally, one of the patrol boats went off course and wandered too close to the bad side of the Teeth Archipelago. That’s where they spotted the wreckage of at least three of the missing boats. And that doesn’t make sense. Ships know well to steer clear of those by a good fifteen miles.”

He crossed his arms and leaned back.

“We sent a second patrol over. This one disappeared, just like the others…but this one got out a lifeboat. We picked it up and found just one crewman. He said he was on deck doing his job when he heard some sort of song. A song…right out there in the middle of the sea, with no other ships or land in sight. Everyone locked up and just listened to it except for him and the helmsman, and the helmsman immediately changed course right for the rocks. He tried to grab the wheel but the man wouldn’t let go, so he jumped ship while he could. Everyone else went straight for the rocks, broke the hull in two, and let it sink.”

“And here’s the rub,” another cabinet member spoke up. “As it turns out, the sailor happened to have been hiding the fact he had a Promethian Sigil appear on his right hand three weeks earlier.”

The ladies were struck. A moment later, Pinkie let out a loud, long gasp. “Oooooh! That’s just like what happened to Twilight and Sun-”

Dash quickly elbowed her chair, although several of the people in the room seemed to catch that. Rarity, coughing, quickly took control of the conversation before anything could be pressed. “We are very sorry to hear about all of this, Grand Chancellor, as well as to add yet another crisis on top of an already dire situation. However, I must insist that the matter with this ‘King Sombra’ needs to be addressed at once or else we could have another catastrophe on our hands, and our friends are currently alone in Equestria with little means to defend against it.”

He nodded back. “Of course, of course… We will start making plans immediately to requisition any materials you need. And I would very much like to take the opportunity, if I may, to utilize Canterlot as a new relay point for Manehattan into the northern part of Greater Everfree.”

That caused a small amount of discomfort among the group, but they had all assumed this would end up being the case and so they simply went with it.

“I would love if we could install a telegraph line along the way, but that might be a bit too much to hope for at the moment. Now, we are a little ‘tight’ so it will take some time to arrange a proper transport and materials.”

“That being said, we’ve been anticipating your return for some time now, and considering how much you need to be abroad, we’ve made some accommodations,” Kibitz put in. “We are assigning you a special task force at your disposal.”

“A…what?” Dash couldn’t help but blurt out on hearing that.

“A group of special soldiers and operatives to assist you on whatever you might need. Based on what you’ve said, you’ve been frequently going into combat areas or those that require, shall we say, special sets of skills. I believe you’ll also find that they’ll be quite advantageous toward defense of Canterlot until more help can be requisitioned.”

This left the ladies looking even more uncomfortable. Even Rarity had a bit of a time keeping up her own propriety. “Ahem…er, begging your pardon, sir, but I’m afraid that might be ill-advisable considering the nature of the current threat.”

“Oh, that’s the best part. Over half of this unit has Promethian Sigils of their own.”

Rarity’s eyed widened. “…Come again?”

“Most of them are from military personnel who manifested the symbols,” the general spoke up again. “We figured this was the best way they could be of use and learn to use some of those abilities for themselves. In addition, if there are any more incidents of mental compromise, you will be in the best position to deal with them as they’ll be right next to Twilight Sparkle.”

Now the discomfort was starting to become distinctive. Rarity and Fluttershy actually took a moment to look over each other uncertainly. Dash frowned and slumped in her seat and even Applejack looked a bit cross.

“At any rate, we’ll be dispatching them to head back up north before the day is over with,” Fancy Pants spoke up again, looking a bit more tired as he wiped at his head. “The rest will follow as soon as possible. For a while now, it looks as if the only communication we’ll be able to maintain is person-to-person, so it’s important that we start establishing relative commerce.” He reached into his pocket for his monocle and replaced it. “I…believe the rest of the ministers can handle things from here, so I’ll excuse myself.”

That last phrase was almost a bit jarring for the ladies, but Fancy Pants didn’t spend any more time explaining himself. He simply rose from his chair, straightened himself out, and, after some secret service members came up to his side, he turned and exited the room.

As soon as he was gone and the door shut again, Kibitz spoke up. “You’ll have to excuse the Grand Chancellor. He hasn’t been feeling well over the past two days. The constant stress has been wearing him down. At first he was staying late every day, what with all of the matters happening, but he’s been turning in more regular hours since then. Unfortunately, it hasn’t done much to alleviate his health. I’m afraid the Grand Chancellor departed a little too soon, however. There was one more matter we wished to discuss.”

“As related to you, the situation for maritime commerce has turned critical,” the former minister spoke up. “Especially with the seizure of Appleloosa. With Mount Aris currently under a blockade, that leaves only a narrow strip of land with which to ship agricultural goods throughout most of Greater Everfree. A strip of land that runs through Griffonstone, and which they have been imposing rather high tariffs upon. Furthermore, Griffonstone had been leaning toward favoring Trottingham. If they were to enter in an alliance, they could monopolize overland trade. That leaves maritime, which is now under crisis.”

“By all counts,” the general spoke up again, “we’ve determined that, even with their airships and new soldiers, Trottingham has stretched itself as thin as it can afford to. If they try making another military move right now while trying to maintain control over Appleloosa, they’ll hit the breaking point. So we figure they’ll try hurting the rest of the world economically instead through control of their farms.”

“The protectorate in Southern Equestria has gained a great deal more importance. The plantations it supports are going to be critical in the event that Trottingham decides to pursue war, but if this situation continues it won’t be safe to access them. We need to start working out how we will handle this with the local officials by having a conference, but…” He frowned at that, folding his hands. “At the moment, we can’t even guarantee the safety of a messenger, let along an ambassador.”

“Therefore,” Kibitz resumed, “although this is a bit unusual, if any of you could afford to spare the time, well…so long as you’re back here in Manehattan…and we’re still organizing supplies…we were wondering if we could have your assistance in acting as temporary envoys for our commission.”

The five looked a little taken aback, and it didn’t take long for such to be noticed, prompting Kibitz to speak again.

“Yes, I am aware this is unusual, but the one theory we have at the moment about the safety of the passage is that individuals with Promethian Sigils appear to have a resilience to whatever effect is causing ships to ground themselves. This is too serious of a matter for us to wait until we have more details. While we plan on giving the suspect ‘danger zone’ a berth, we would all feel much better if we had individuals who could seize control in time of a crisis to help ensure the ships reach their destination.”

“Ooo!” Pinkie chirped. “I’ve never been to Southern Equestria before! That sounds like fun!”

The others weren’t as ready to agree. “Look…” Dash flatly spoke up. “That sounds like something you need sailors for, not us.”

“Well, normally you would be correct, but we don’t have the luxury of having a spectrum of Promethian Sigil bearing individuals from all walks of life. Yet we understand you, at least, Ms. Dash, are something of a jack-of-all-trades and you have experience with the military.”

Dash frowned a bit more and nearly spoke up again, but was cut off by Applejack.

“Well…give us a bit of time to think about it, and we’ll pick some folks.”

Dash turned to Applejack in surprise, but she got another shock a moment later when Rarity nodded. “Yes. If you would be so kind as to allow us to talk amongst ourselves for, say, twenty minutes?”

Kibitz hesitated only a moment, long enough to exchange a glance with the other attendees, and then coughed and looked back. “Oh…of course. If you wouldn’t mind, there’s a side room just the left of this one. Could you have your discussion there?”

Rarity nodded back. “Yes. Thank you very much, sir.”

“Alright, please try not to overreact to this too much, but…I think we should stay here for the next few weeks.”

By now, the ladies had exited the previous room, entered the smaller side chamber, and, after some requesting and pushing, managed to talk the guards into stepping outside so that they could speak privately. They were now conferring with one another in a small circle. However, Rarity had hardly finished saying her piece when Dash stared at her with a raised eyebrow and a hanging jaw.

“…How am I not supposed to overreact to that?!”

Rarity winced. “Could you keep it down! No need to cause a scene!”

“Uh, hello? Anyone home? You do remember that we left Twilight and a bunch of people up in Canterlot trying to fend off whatever that big shadow monster guy throws at them next, right?”

“Yes, yes, I’m well aware of that…and I will admit that this is rather poor timing…but I don’t know when I’ll receive another opportunity like this and I simply must seize it.”

Dash crossed her arms and sneered. “This isn’t anything to do with that Carousel Couture business of yours, is it?”

“Well, I would be lying if I said I didn’t wish to check on it to see how things are going in my absence, but that alone is not the reason I wish to remain behind. The fact of the matter is I want very much to follow up on that lead I got about the Horned Trip.”

Fluttershy looked up a little. The others were puzzled. “What tip?”

“Just before the horrid business of that flood of Nighttouched attacking where Fluttershy and I were staying, I received a clue about when they’re going to make their next move. If there’s one so-called ‘industry’ that I know thrives off of chaos no matter what form it takes, it’s the black marketeering of human trafficking. I know they’ll try and honor their arrangement. And when they do, I am fully prepared to unleash the sum of my two Anima Viris upon them to shut down their business in Manehattan for good!”

Applejack looked a bit bewildered herself. “Landsakes…never took ya’ for much of the ‘vigilante’ type, Rarity.”

“Well, darling, we received these powers. I feel it’s best that we put them to good use.”

“But ya’ really think yer gonna do much good just bustin’ a few snakes in the grass?”

“I’m expecting it to be much more than that. They wouldn’t have made an arrangement a month in advance if that was the case. They must be planning to move a great number of individuals together. Especially with the borders growing as tight as they are. With any luck, I should be able to take down some people of considerable importance to their illicit little gang, and hopefully get them to spill the beans on the rest of their cohorts.”

“In the middle of everything that’s going on,” Dash interjected, “you’re willing to take all of this time out just to bust a few crum-bum heads?”

Rarity frowned. “To me it is worth far more than just ‘busting a few heads’, as you put it, Ms. Dash,” she retorted, suddenly having much greater passion and conviction in her voice. “I have a personal stake in this. It was despicable people such as this who caused me to lose my Sweetie Belle, and I am more than prepared to make sure that they don’t do the same to anyone else. Perhaps I can’t rid the world of this nefarious practice, but I can definitely make it far harder for it to take place in my city.”

A moment passed among the group. No one immediately tried to counter that last bit. Applejack, at length, let out an exhale as she adjusted her hat.

“Well hell…I’m in, then.”

Dash turned to her in alarm. “Wait, what?”

“Truth be told, I wanna stick around long enough to see what happened to my family, or if any of ‘em got as far as Manehattan or at least Fillydelphia. And I ain’t got no love for big cities myself neither. ‘Specially ones that let this kinda hogwash take place. I may not be into any of this fancy, schmancy high livin’, but I figure I should tag along to make sure the job gets done.” She turned to Rarity. “No offense, but I think you could use someone a bit more rough-and-ready for this job.”

She smiled nevertheless. “Much appreciated. And Fluttershy can help out as well!”

The woman gave a start. “Wh-what…me?”

“Why, yes, darling! You and Angel would be a godsend! I might be a fan of the odd mystery novel, but you could easily have Angel or some of the local pigeons sneak around and relay to us all we need to know! Plus, with that Minstrel Role of yours, you could disable an entire room of hoodlums if need be!”

Fluttershy winced. She started to shrink back. “I-I-I…don’t know about that…”

“Oh, pish-posh, dear!” Rarity laughed as she waved a hand at her. “It will be simple! After everything we’ve been through, a few vagabonds is nothing. Please say you will, dear. It would be ever-so-much of a help to us.”

She only continued to shrink, mumbling a little, but Pinkie seized the moment to grin and start hopping up and down. “I’ll come! Especially if it means I get to hang out at Rarity’s factory! You wouldn’t believe how frustrating it’s been over the past few weeks trying to bake without a drop of vanilla extract!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Dash exclaimed, throwing her hands up. “Listen, all of you! It’s one thing for all of us to skip on Canterlot, but aren’t you forgetting something? They only want us to stick around to put someone on that boat as guard duty to Southern Equestria! And that’ll be a month long round trip alone! I don’t think you’re going to have time to go on your little slave-freeing crusade! Someone’s going to have to tag along with them if we’re staying!”

There was a moment of silence. The ladies looked to one another briefly, before turning back to Dash.

Her face fell. “…Why are you all looking at me like that?”

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