• Published 10th Jan 2019
  • 1,274 Views, 220 Comments

Sigil of Souls, Stream of Memories - Piccolo Sky

In an alternate world of shadow, steam, and danger, the future hinges on six individuals forming a new friendship.

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Daybreak: A New Venture

Author's Note:

A bit short, but it was too long to do the next segment with it, so I broke it up.

“Well…here we are, Angel. Back in another house…”

The rabbit looked up from Fluttershy’s lap, seeming to give her a neutral stare. The woman herself was smiling, but it was clearly forced. She had been in Rarity’s home before, and hadn’t been the most at ease at that time either. Now, however, it was much worse. She having a very hard time simply sitting still in the easy chair waiting for everyone to come back.

“Just…just like old times, huh?”

The rabbit turned about and rose in her lap, making a few squeaking noises.

She sighed and slumped. “Well…no, I’m not feeling that well.”

The rabbit made some gestures.

“Yes…that’s part of it,” she quietly admitted. “I have this ‘Minstrel’ ability like Twilight said, but…but I can’t do anything for those animals. I can’t turn back any Nighttouched, and I can’t free them from that horrible…big…scary shadow thing either.” She sighed, slumping lower. “I really can’t do anything good at all, can I? I’m about the most useless out of the six of us…”

She paused.

“But…I guess I’d be lying if I said that was the main reason I’m not feeling well.”

The rabbit looked concerned, turning his head. He let out another squeak.

Fluttershy looked up to him, paused, but then nodded. “I should. It would make things a lot easier. Then I could just tell them to leave me behind and they would. But…but…” Her eyes lowered and she slumped again. “I can’t… I want to, but I can’t… Even before this happened I’ve never been that assertive… And now I’m just letting myself be pulled one way and another again… I really am hopeless…”

“Excuse me?”

Fluttershy looked up, giving a little start on realizing someone had overheard who wasn’t Angel. However, she found herself only looking at the entryway to the foyer from the factory side. Coco Pommel was standing there. Embarrassed that she had scared her, she shrank back a little herself.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Ms. Fluttershy. I just thought I heard you talking to someone in here and I didn’t want to interrupt.”

Fluttershy took a moment before she calmed herself. “Oh…um…no, it’s nothing. I was just…talking to Angel.”

“Oh, I see. In that case, have you seen Ms. Rarity?”

She nodded and gestured up the stairwell. “She went up to change a little while ago. She said she wanted to dress in something more ‘appropriate’ for what we would be up to.”

Coco looked a bit regretful. “I still think she should let the authorities handle this… So long as she’s in town, I’d prefer if she ran the business. We’re filling the uniform orders, but if our company is going to keep growing we need the public face of it for relations. Now she’s risking her neck again…” She sighed. “I guess maybe I’d understand if I had one of those…those…Promethian Sigil things. Anyway, thank you, miss.”

With that, she walked forward, up and around the foyer, and headed straight for the stairs. She was soon ascending, but halfway up Fluttershy heard the door open, followed by Rarity humming to herself as she exited. A moment later the two must have ran into each other, for Fluttershy soon overheard them speaking.

“Oh! Miss Pommel! What is it?”

“Begging your pardon, Ms. Rarity, but…” Her voice lowered, but in the silence of the foyer, Fluttershy was just able to make out what she said. “We got a telegram from the Boxers.”

A pause of silence.

“I’m sorry…they must have been waiting for you this whole time. Ever since the agents left, they’ve been hounding the factory. And…I don’t think they’re going to take another raincheck…”

A sigh, before Rarity spoke just as quietly, but still barely audible.

“Very well. Cut them a check now.”

“I thought you wanted to wait until the end of the quarter?”

“I’d rather have the peace of mind of them not harassing the business now. After what they did to Suri, I don’t think they’re to be trifled with, dear.”

Fluttershy looked up a bit more at this, but didn’t get a chance to hear anything else. Rarity soon came downstairs, smiling and beaming once again. What might have had something to do with that was the fact that she had a new ensemble with a wide-brimmed hat adjusted over one eye and a beautiful black and white “business” dress complete with a stole.

As soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs, she gave a twirl and a flourish. “Do you like it, dear? I thought it was the perfect blend of femme mystique along with a degree of deceptive innocence.”

“It’s, um…great…” Fluttershy meekly answered, thinking about what she had overheard. She nearly questioned her about it, but in the end realized there was no way to do so without making it obvious she had been eavesdropping. “Um…are you sure about tonight? I mean…it…it seems…rather scary…”

“Oh-ho, compared to what we’ve been through, darling?” Rarity waved off. “It will be fine. Now…” She looked about from one way to the other. “Where in the world is Applejack? We’ll need to leave in less than two hours to be there on time.”

As if on cue, there was a knock on the front door. Rarity turned around and, after a pause, exhaled and walked up to it. “There’s one thing I miss about those confounded agents not always being around. We had someone to handle the comings and goings.”

She soon reached the door and opened it up. Applejack was standing inside and, with a tired sigh, bowed her head and walked into the foyer. “Sorry I’m late. I’ve been all over this damn city tryin’ ta’ find some way of checkin’ on who’s over at the front line and turnin’ up nothin’. Didn’t help that every street corner had some of them Harmonium worshippers urgin’ me to repent. Shoot…I thought the Gaitians back in Appleloosa were an eyesore back when I was younger…”

Rarity looked a little uncomfortable at all that. “I’m…sorry your outing didn’t go as well as hoped, Applejack…but I hope you didn’t forget the main thing I asked you to do while you were out.”

“Yeah, yeah, keep yer dress on,” she grumbled back. “I checked out the area just like you said. ‘Sides some shady folks about, there weren’t much that stood out. It did have that one alley runnin’ straight into the drainage ditch ya’ told me to look for, though.”

Rarity lit up. “Perfect, darling!”

The farmer crossed her arms. “I ain’t too sure ‘bout that. How d’ya know fer sure that’s how they’ll be coming in?”

“Elementary, my dear Applejack,” she beamed proudly. “The only waterway in Manehattan is going to be closely guarded as will all the railways, but if they’re wanting to engage in a great deal of human trafficking at once, then the Horned Trip’s only option to maintain secrecy will be via steam wagon. And the most secretive way to do that is to bring people in right through that drainage channel. It’s like a self-contained road that bypasses the normal magistrates. Hoodlums and ruffians use it all the time in the bad parts of the city.”

“Alright…then how ‘bout this. How can ya’ be so sure ya’ can get in on the action tonight?”

“I already told you, darling. Following along with the leads I picked up on while Fluttershy and I were on tour, so to speak, it wasn’t that hard to ingratiate myself into the friends in the same circles. After that, it was simply a matter of making the right show of things, and now they believe I’m a prospective client as well.”

“They really think some gal like you is gonna be interested in…in…” She grimaced. “You-know-what? Is that how these things work in Manehattan? Because if they do, then shucks…this town’s a lot worse than I gave it credit for…”

“Well…nothing that drastic. I don’t think even I’d be able to stomach a performance saying that I was in the market for…for ‘Raspberry Tarts’. Yet the whole of this sort of shady industry is devoted to more than that, especially in the years following the Lunar Fall. Everyone…” She trailed off a moment, looking a bit more troubled, but then pressed on. “That is…just about everyone was always looking to undercut everyone else at every turn. Cheap labor seemed to be the way to go, and what cheaper labor could there be than people who you could pay pennies on the dollar for—along with constant threats to turn them into the authorities or cut off their families from their support if they tried to quit?”

“Yeah…” Applejack griped, “sounds about right fer Manehattan…”

“Anyway, that’s the cover story. Carousel Couture is looking for numerous small hands to work on the fine stitching of their new hemlines, and to that end, we would need child workers exempt from the normal rule of labor laws. That way, if nothing else, they’re guaranteed to bring a number of child workers in tonight, so we’ll be able to come to their aid if nothing else.”

“D-D-Did you say…ch-ch-child workers?”

Applejack and Rarity looked to Fluttershy. She was suddenly looking twice if not thrice as nervous as before and was shaking all over like a leaf. Even Angel was a bit disturbed by it.

Rarity, on the other hand, was oblivious. “Why, of course, darling. That’s what this whole mission is about. Making sure children don’t get sold into this horrid trade ever again.”


“You ain’t nervous, are ya’, sugarcube?” Applejack answered. “Hell…’tween me and Rarity, we already got this just about licked. You’ll just have to make sure none of these yellow-bellied varmints turn tail and run ‘fore we can get ‘em all. And that’ll be a cinch fer you with your two Anima Viris.”

Fluttershy gulped, but shook all over, saying no more. It did puzzle the two women, wondering what brought this sudden change on, but after a time they both looked back to one another.

“Alright…so we got a place ta’ be, but how are we gonna make ‘em pay other than roundin’ up a few of their lackies?”

“This is a big night tonight, Applejack. Especially if they’re indulging such wealthy people from Manehattan. They’ll be guaranteed to have some of their bigger dealers and pushers in attendance. Our goal is not so much to beat them up as to catch them all without escaping. And to do that…we will have to split up.”

Applejack and Fluttershy alike both raised their eyebrows. “Beg yer pardon?”

She held a hand to her own chest. “I will play my part as normal, but you and Fluttershy will be hiding in the shadows and getting ahold of whatever steam carriages they are using to transport individuals. Once you’re on board, and I begin the ruckus, they will no doubt flee on board the vehicles with whatever individuals they still have to try and reach their ‘depot’ points—where the true culprits will be along with more of the same cads who do the dirtier work of their human trafficking enterprise. That is where you and Fluttershy will disable them and we’ll be able to break the entire ring in Manehattan in one go. Hopefully, we’ll even manage to secure the capture of some of the larger players in this group so they’ll rat our their little friends!” She spoke this last part with an almost mystery novel gusto.

Fluttershy’s only answer was to give a small whimper, shaking harder than ever.

Applejack grimaced. “I’m kinda with her, Rarity. I mean…I can take whatever onery sons of bitches they throw at me, but I ain’t too sure ‘bout Fluttershy and you.”

“Oh, pish-posh, darling. As powerful as the three of us are? Remember, these are nothing more than common hoodlums, while Fluttershy has dealt with much larger monsters and even more vicious animals. With two Anima Viris, I doubt she can even be hurt by bullets.”


“Oh come on now, ladies,” Rarity restated, more imploringly looking at both of them. “We can’t give up now! Not after how far this has come! We have an opportunity to do a great deal of good here in Manehattan! If not for yourselves, then think about the children’s lives we’ll be saving! Think of the horrible fate from which we’ll rescue them!”

Applejack let out a sigh and finally shrugged. “Well, like I said…I’m in. But what about you, Fluttershy? You feelin’ up to it?”

She nervously looked between the two of them for a few moments. As much as she was shaking, it seemed more than obvious that the answer was no. Rarity began to look a little disappointed.

“Very well… I don’t want to force you into something you’re uncomfortable doing, darling. It’ll just be me and Apple-”


The sudden yell caused both women to look up in alarm, and even Fluttershy seemed shocked at her own volume. However, she soon shook her head.

“I-I-I mean…no, I’ll…I’ll come.”

“You sure, darlin’?” Applejack asked. “You’re lookin’ mighty jittery…”

“No…no, I’ll do it. I’m just…just a little nervous is all. I’ve…I’ve never d-d-done anything like this before.”

Rarity smiled back. “Well, neither have we, dear. That’s what makes it so exciting! You won’t regret it. Think of all of those smiling faces who will be ever so grateful to you!”

Fluttershy looked as if she was about to turn green as she slumped in her seat.

Almost two hours later, and the appointed time had almost arrived. Both Applejack and Fluttershy had changed as well. Definitely not as fancy as Rarity and more appropriate to their own respective “styles”. Applejack was dressed in the most austere and “work effective” outfit she could get in Manehattan while Fluttershy was also dressed rather simply and modestly, which was all the better for her as she was still cringing nervously about the entire arrangement.

“It’s about time to depart, ladies,” Rarity announced as she proceeded to hand out several bills to either one of them. “Now, to keep suspicion to a minimum, we should all take separate steam carriages. It wouldn’t do well for all three of us to arrive and two of us to immediately scurry off. Just remember the address.”

“Probably could just walk up there just as well,” Applejack muttered as she accepted the money. “But…gotta get outta there in a hurry too, so fine.”

Fluttershy merely gulped as she accepted her own.

“Alright, if everything is well and set up, we should-”

She was cut off by the sound of the doorbell chime. At once, she frowned and looked up, back through the foyer to the front door. Soon after, she sighed and turned around to walk up to it. “Goodness alive, who is it now? The factory closed operations for the day a half hour ago.”

She soon reached the door, unfastened the lock, and then poked her head toward the corner. She only slowly opened it a slight crack…

And jumped back in alarm a moment later as two men immediately forced their way forward. “Greetings everyone!”

Rarity was stunned. If the two men had pushed themselves in any harder, she would have sworn they were breaking in. She nearly went for her Anima Viri except the two men only stepped just inside the threshold, keeping the door from shutting again, before halting.

They were definitely the “brighter” sort of individual to Manehattan. The type that one would see loudly hawking their wares on every street corner and market stop they could get to. They were twins by the look of them, with the only real difference other than their tone of voice being that one had a large handlebar mustache. Both had boaters hats, striped short-sleeve shirts, and a couple of bow ties. Their hair had a sort of pomade in it that gave it a lustrous sheen—obviously as an attempt to increase their appeal. Rarity would have expected the likes of these individuals to fit right in on the boulevard during carnival season, but seeing them here in her house left her rather astonished.

Even more so when one turned to her. “And I believe I have the honor of being in the presence of the fine proprietor of Carousel Couture, the one and only Miss Rarity!”

“Charmed!” the other chimed in. “Ever so charmed!”

Rarity blinked a few times, still rather taken aback. “Oh, well…um…hello there, sirs. Might I ask-”

“What in tarnation are you two snakes in the grass doin’ here?!”

Rarity and Fluttershy alike both nearly jumped as they wheeled around to Applejack. Her teeth were clenched and she was glaring so hard at the two men that she seemed to be trying to bore a hole into their heads with her vision. Her hands were clenched into fists and Rarity nearly thought she would go for her hammer.

The two men, on the other hand, were as jovial as ever. “Why, could it be?”

“It is, dear brother! It’s Little Miss Applejack of Sweet Apple Acres! And all the way from Appleloosa!”

“What a coincidence, Flim!”

“I got another ‘coincidence’ for ya’…” Applejack said as she stomped forward. “My fist is about to find its way into your thick skulls! I don’t know what you’re doin’ here and I don’t care! Get out right now!”

Fluttershy was cringing in the wake of Applejack’s tirade, but Rarity remained standing there looking puzzled. “Applejack…do you happen to know these gentlemen?”

“‘Gentlemen’?!” Applejack shot back, wheeling to her. “More like ‘gentlepigs’! ‘Gentleweasels’!” She pointed an accusing finger at them. “These couple o’ snake oil salesmen are the lowest-down, no-good welchers and con men in all of Greater Everfree! Made a boatload off of the folks in my county selling crooked insurance and spring water medicine and snatched up half the property with it!” She snorted as she looked back at them. “Actually glad for the ol’ Light Eaters. Didn’t even have time to set up their new canned food plant ‘fore they came in and ran ‘em right out.”

“Ah yes, our great failed venture…” the unnamed one moaned in what sounded like exaggerated lamentation. “The great Flim-Flam Brothers Processed Foods corporation. It would have brought so much tax revenue to your sadly impoverished county…”

“A true tragedy, Flam,” the one named Flim answered, exaggeratedly going for his handkerchief before dabbing his eyes. “Yet another costly loss from those accursed Light Eaters.”

“Impoverished thanks to slimy little roaches like you!” Applejack retorted. “Now get out ‘fore I throw y’all out!”

The two remained mournful a moment longer, but then looked at her innocently. “Dear me, Miss Applejack. I don’t mean to be rude or inopportune, but I don’t believe this is your property to be telling us when and where to go.”

She began to turn red on hearing this, but before she could get out another word, the opposite brother slid up to Rarity, much to her surprise.

“Now, Miss Rarity, it’s true that our business venture in Appleloosa, which would have dutifully employed many of the locals at a steady and reliable income, was waylaid and, perhaps, even a touch short-sighted…although I do believe Miss Applejack tends to exaggerate just a little based on the fact that she decided to avoid being on the ground floor and came out ahead for it. However, as you can see, we have relocated to Manehattan and are now completely honest businessmen just like yourself. We have a new trading company that specializes in all manner of goods.”

“And one day, we hope to rival the great emporiums and establishments of Trottingham, Southern Equestria, and even Manehattan itself!” the other proudly proclaimed.

“And to that end, we wish to extend an offer of a new ground floor to you and your promising new venture.”

Rarity blinked a few times, even as Applejack got redder in the face. “I…beg your pardon, sirs, but this is all a little sudden. And I’m afraid we already have a new contract for my latest venture.”

Flim laughed a little at that. “Oho! Not your uniforms, madame!”

He smiled a bit more, a hint of craftiness in his eyes.

“I mean further north…in Equestria.”

All three ladies’ jaws dropped. “How…how did you…?”

“Oh, if you want to make it as a businessman in Manehattan, you have to keep your ears open and your eyes peeled!” Flam retorted proudly. “We pride ourselves on leaving no stone unturned in our search for a new contract!”

“And when we just happened to spot you along with our former acquaintance leaving the Congressional Square for Carousel Couture, why…we realized our ship might have just come in! After that, and poking around a little, and perhaps offering a few gifts to the right patrons, a little bird just happened to tell us that you have a new community up in Equestria trying to restart things!”

Applejack was fuming again. Rarity, however, tried to play it off as best as she could. “Well…I…wouldn’t quite call it a community, per say…”

“And all growing communities need supplies!” Flam cut off. “Tools! Medicine! Building materials! Imported food! Wagons! Sowing seed! Even, dare I say it, in the act of something unfortunate, weapons and ammunition!”

“And the brand new Flim-Flam Brothers Supply and Seed is ready to give you whatever you need, and ready to brave any and all dangers to bring it to you!” Flim proclaimed. “Whether it be impassible mountains, overgrown forests, or fields rife with the most foulest abominations imaginable, no matter the trek…provided there’s a suitable railway to take…the Flim-Flam Brothers Supply and Seed is ready for you! And at rock-bottom prices, you’re practically stealing from us!

“Oh?” Fluttershy finally spoke up, looking up a little more. “I don’t suppose you can provide clover and other vegetables for rabbit feed, could you?”

“Only all the clover, carrots, and hay you can shake a stick at!” Flam proudly proclaimed.

Fluttershy looked a bit delighted. Angel seemed to frown at her before slapping himself in the face with his own paw.

“Well, now that you mention it,” Rarity muttered, “as impromptu as your…appearance was, I do know what it means to be hungry for a new business opportunity. And the truth is so long as we have people trapped up north, they could probably use a few things…”

“Well, feel free to hire anyone but these two!” Applejack yelled back, practically indignant that they were even considering it. “They’ll cheat you out of house and home for a nickel!”

“Oh, come now, Applejack!” Flim pressed. “If everyone was considered a down-and-out lout just because of one poor business trade, why, the world itself would grind to a total halt! All we ask is for the opportunity to supply those brave souls so far north struggling to reclaim the world that was taken from all of us with everything they could possibly need! What’s the harm in that?”

She again started to tighten her fists and gnash her teeth.

“Besides!” Flam threw in, smiling a bit wider as he leaned in closer. “We thought you, of all people, would leap at the chance to restore another community that was tragically decimated by the acts of violent miscreants! Especially after the Nighttouched razed half of your old township, right down to the Gaitian Shrine!”

Something changed in Applejack on hearing that. Her eyes suddenly widened. A moment later, they narrowed again, and Rarity saw a new fury in them…one that burned hotter than ever, and yet was also restrained. She spoke through nearly clenched teeth.

“What did you say?”

“I’d gladly repeat myself,” Flam answered with a coy smile, “but I think we’d rather do so in private, wouldn’t you?”

Rarity caught on to this, beginning to look a bit more puzzled. As for Applejack, she stood there silently a moment, still clearly seething with anger, but finally relaxed her jaw. She turned back to the others soon after.

“I’m gonna see these two bits of bull dung out of here personally. Be right back.”

With that, she suddenly swerved around and seized either by the collar. Both of them winced, their smiles vanishing, before they found themselves none-too-gently hauled back out the front door. They were tossed unceremoniously onto the front portico before Applejack reached behind her and yanked the door shut with a resounding slam—leaving the foyer in silence.

The two ladies were rather dumbfounded. They looked to one another, but neither knew what to respond.

“I don’t think Applejack was very happy about those two men…” Fluttershy finally ventured.

“No indeed,” Rarity responded uneasily. “Although I couldn’t help but notice a change in her demeanor when they spoke last. It seemed to make her furious enough to show them the door personally.”

The older woman gulped. “And…she’s still out there. I hope she’s not, um…being too violent…”

Sure enough, the door remained closed for not only several moments but for a full minute. Rarity had begun to wonder what was going on, but just as she began to ponder whether or not to go to the door and see it opened again. Still looking rather cross but nevertheless a bit calmer, the farmer walked back in.

“Is everything alright?”

“Just fine and dandy,” she retorted. “Those two won’t be back ‘round these parts, so let’s not hold up any longer. I’m raring to smack in a few heads more than ever now.”

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