• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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UED: Return to Aiur

With the renegade Zerg purged from Shakuras, the Protoss were finally able to enjoy a respite from their ongoing war against the Zerg. Those who survived the Zerg onslaught, returned to their lives or began building new ones in the case of the Khalai survivors.

Wandering around New Antioch, Lyra and Sweetie observed the Protoss trying to salvage what was left of their old lives. Lyra saw Karax, who had forged her first blades and her armor, doing what he could with the skills that he possessed.

Lyra couldn’t help but feel sad for the Protoss who were victimized by the Zerg. Tears were shed from the aquamarine mare from the unfortunate display before her. In response, Sweetie gave Lyra a big hug to help her feel better. It helped a little.

In a show to improve morale for the survivors, a rite was held for all Protoss, Khalai and Nerazim, to see. In this rite, Raszagal had informed everyone that due to recent events, she was convinced that the time for her to step down as Matriarch had come. She had faith that the fighting spirit of Vorazun was what her people would need for the years to come. And so, with her last act as Matriarch, she had passed on the mantle to her daughter.

Sweetie and Lyra applauded for the new leader of the Nerazim. Those who didn’t know Vorazun were uncertain of the future, but the Ponies knew that Vorazun would lift their spirits when the time came. Those who knew Vorazun had the greatest hope for what was to come.

Selendis approached Sweetie and Lyra to speak with them, “En taro Adun, Sweetie Drops and Lyra Heartstrings. Allow me to thank you two for all that you have done in service to Aiur and Shakuras,” she said in a formal tone.

Lyra tilted her head in confusion “Uhh...you’re welcome?” she said.

“Come, we have been summoned by Praetor Artanis for an important mission.”

Selendis picked up Zeratul along the way to the Citadel where Artanis was waiting with a High Templar, the Master of the Tribunal.

Inside the Citadel, Zeratul, Selendis, Lyra and Sweetie found Artanis waiting for them.

“Many of our fellow warriors are still remain marooned on Aiur,” Artanis began. “Since the warp gate is disabled, we must travel to our ruined homeworld and rescue our wounded brethren. To facilitate their safe transport, we must place their remains within Dragoons.”

“A number of renegade Zerg Broods have taken root upon Aiur,” the Master continued. “You must recover the three stasis cells that hold the remains of our brethren and scour the nearby area of Zerg.”

Without any further word, the participants of the operation boarded ships for the long ride back to Aiur.


UED forces push against the Dominion forces on Braxis seeking access to their datanet. During one of their pushes, they encounter a small base that showed no aggressive action as they approached. A dark skinned human wearing a hostile environment suit and a red beret walked up to the group and spoke, “I’d like to talk to the one in charge if you don’t mind.”

The Marine stared at the Ghost for a moment before putting him through to his commanding officer. <“This is Vice Admiral Alexei Stukov of the United Earth Directorate. State your name and your purpose.”>

“I am Lieutenant Samir Duran of the Confederate Resistance Forces. I’ve been monitoring your attack against the Dominion, and I’d like to offer you my services and skills in return for amnesty.”

<”Intriguing. Lieutenant, you have absolutely no idea as to who we are or what we have come here to do. Why do you wish to side with us?”>

“Because my men and I have sworn to fight against the Dominion and its Emperor. Seeing as how your forces have been laying into this Dominion base, I figured we’re on the same side.”

<”I see. How exactly do you propose to be of service to us, Lieutenant?”>

“Well, I possess intimate knowledge of the surrounding area. I can show you an alternate route that leads to the rear of the main Dominion base.”

<”Very well, Lieutenant. Consider yourself and your men the first colonial conscripts of the United Earth Directorate.”>

A small Protoss fleet holds orbit over Aiur. A scan to locate the three strangely placed stasis cells was conducted before a number of Shuttles were launched from the ships. The scans revealed a number of renegade Zerg Broods near the stasis cells and in order to establish a base for themselves, they would need to clear out some of the infestation.

As they disembarked from the Shuttles, the small force was beset upon by a few Zerglings which were incinerated by Archons.

Moving up a hill, the force discovered a small Zerg base that, strangely, lacked a Hatchery. The force pushed through the base and eliminated the living structures. Acting quickly, the accompanying Probes began establishing a base and worked on getting defenses built as soon as was possible.

“We are being hailed by the Dominion flagship, Norad III,” said a UED adjutant.

Deciding to humor the Dominion before obliterating their armada with their own armada of commandeered Battlecruisers, Stukov opened a channel to listen to the enemy representative.

<”Well now, I don’t know which militia you all are from, but I advise ya to back down...NOW! I’m General Edmund Duke of the Dominion Armada. And in the name of Emperor Mengsk, I order you to surrender your forces immediately and unconditionally.”>

Stukov chuckled a little before responding. “Ah, General Duke, I expected your forces to arrive sooner. You should know that we represent not one of your rag-tag peasant militias, but the combined might of the United Earth Directorate.”

<”Earth Directorate? You mean to tell me you’ve come all the way out here from Earth?”>

“That is correct, General. We’re here to take control over this sector and its occupants for the betterment of mankind.”

<”Over my dead body. I don’t care where yer from, son. No one pushes around the Terran Dominion on my watch! All units, fire at will!”>

With that, the two fleets engaged each other. Norad III did not participate in that battle and the Dominion fleet soon found itself completely outgunned and were quickly wiped out.

With a base fully established, despite heavy Zerg resistance, Lyra and Sweetie, who personally took part in the mission, set out with a moderate Protoss force. Moving southeast, they find a minor Zerg colony cluster that was guarding more resources for them to use against the remaining two broods.

The group forced their way through the colonies and set up a small outpost with adequate defenses.

Lyra and Sweetie brought a large force of Dragoons, Zealots and Reavers to push their way through the Zerg Hive cluster north of their main base. Air support came in the form of a wing of Scouts that shot down numerous Mutalisks with their missiles. Lyra would occasionally spot a Lurker trying to dig underground and would react to that by quickly jumping into the hole it made to dismember the multi-legged beast, then leaving the hole after making a bloody mess on her energy shield. Sweetie rolled her eyes as she was beginning to think that that was starting to become a recurring theme with her marefriend.

The Reavers tore through the remnants of the base before the army regrouped to deal with the remaining Brood near the stasis cells.

The Aleksander held high orbit over the Planet Tarsonis. During their planning for the next phase of their operation, the UED discovered something on the planet Tarsonis.

“We’ve just received word from our research team that they’ve uncovered some kind of hidden weapons relay upon this planet,” Stukov began. “They report that it’s called a Psi Disrupter, and that its purpose is somehow connected with the Zerg.”

“Admiral, during the Zerg invasion of these colonies, the Confederacy had manufactured a number of portable machines called Psi Emitters which had the uncanny ability to lure Zerg to their signals,” Duran spoke. “It was rumored that they had created a specialized emitter that could disrupt the Zerg’s communications, but Emperor Mengsk was never able to find it.

It appears that this Psi Disrupter is the machine he was looking for. I must humbly suggest to you, Admiral, that the Disrupter be destroyed as quickly as possible. If it should fall into the hands of the Dominion we could face some very serious problems.”

Much to Stukov’s dismay, DuGalle agreed with Duran’s suggestion. He pleaded with his old friend to reconsider his choice, speaking of the benefit that the weapon could be against the Zerg. But DuGalle had shut down Stukov’s suggestion. Stukov could not allow the device to be lost so he began to plan in secret.

Pushing against the remaining Zerg Hive cluster was more difficult because they were not afraid to pull their punches. The Zerg near the stasis cells threw every strain it had access to against Sweetie, Lyra and the Protoss.

Using clever teamwork, Lyra sliced off a pair of Ultralisk blades, leaving the beast nearly helpless against Zealots, then Sweetie hurled the blades at a pair of Devourers who were surprised from the display long enough to get impaled on the flying blades and knocking them out of the sky.

The Zerg defenses were soon overcome by the might of their invaders and the Hive Cluster was soon wiped out, leaving only the stasis cells.

An unidentified Shuttle arrived at the scene and unloaded four Dark Templars. The intruding Protoss made an aggressive movement toward the stasis cells. Sensing this and sending a quick mental communication to Lyra, the two of them slammed the four intruders to the ground.

“What is the meaning of this?” Sweetie asked.

“The fallen brethren shall embrace the void,” one of them said before he forced Lyra off of him and dove toward one of the stasis cells, determined to destroy the Protoss remains inside.

Lyra was not having that and performed a shadowstep above the charging Dark Templar and landed with a hoof against his neck, shattering the bone and severing the nerve with the fragments..

The injured Templar was in disbelief that he had been defeated by a non-Protoss species. He soon flared into light and faded away.

Sweetie made sure that the remaining three Dark Templar didn’t pull a stunt like the other one did by showing them that she was more than prepared to eliminate all of them if they didn’t surrender.

Their morale shot from the death of their leader, Ulrezaj, the remaining Dark Templar quietly surrendered.

With the mission taken care of, Sweetie and Lyra decided to use the opportunity to search Aiur for Fenix and Raynor.

“Captain, we’ve located the Psi Disrupter. Shall we plant the explosives on it?” Duran asked.

A UED Ghost approached Duran with orders to have him relieved from the operation under orders from Vice Admiral Stukov to facilitate the Disrupter’s disassembly.

Duran shrugged. He suspected that Stukov might be acting behind DuGalle’s back and decided that if the Disrupter reappeared, he could use the opportunity to turn the two friends against each other. For now, he would simply accept his orders and return to the Aleksander.

Author's Note:

This arc will cover both the Iron Fist and Queen of Blades campaigns.

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