• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Liberty: Deja Vu

The mysterious artifact was placed on a transport vehicle and moved away from the dig site. Any remaining Dominion forces were forced to leave Mar Sara since everything of interest on the planet had fallen into the enemy’s hands and they didn’t have enough manpower to try and retrieve it.

While the artifact was being transported, Raynor contacted the Hyperion to come get them. Matt replied that they would be at his location within a few hours.

Tychus’ mysterious buyers had transferred forty-five thousand Credits into Raynor’s account for safely acquiring the artifact.

In the meantime, Raynor, Tychus, Sweetie and Lyra decided to enjoy a little more time at the bar before they went back to space.

Tychus and Raynor discussed a few minor things, such as asking him what it was like to fight the Zerg. Raynor simply replied about the horror of facing down thousands of them. Tychus also joked about how Raynor turned out to be an impressive fighter. There was also a question of whether or not Raynor’s criminal reputation played a role when he was hired as a Marshal four years ago.

Tychus noticed a photo about some Zerg hunting contest. To Lyra’s surprise, a planetary bombardment wasn’t enough to scour the planet of Zerg since there were still plenty of burrowed Zerg dens. Lyra made a note to tell Tassadar that the bombardment method was not very effective against the Zerg since they can burrow deep enough to avoid the blasts.

Once again, UNN’s ability to gather data for their news broadcasts proved timely as they mentioned the operation to attack the archaeological dig site and seized a potentially dangerous alien artifact. Mengsk held a press conference to inform the public about the potential dangers of some ‘supposedly innocuous’ relics. Sweetie had to wonder if Mengsk knew something about the artifact. Donny once again was making assumptions in favor of Mengsk while Kate was interrupted by Donny as she was telling the fact that overzealous Dominion forces were the main cause of civilian casualties. Sweetie could only pity the reporter since she had to work with that sycophant.

Raynor’s curiosity had driven him to ask the question that was on everyone’s minds, “So who’s your mysterious buyer, Tychus? Who’re we supposed to hand over this artifact to?”

“A bunch of eggheads I ran into called the Moebius Foundation,” Tychus replied.

“Moebius? They’re a legitimate research group. Why the hell are they talkin’ to you?”

“Soon as yer boy Mengsk made it illegal to trade in alien goods, they got desperate. And you know me, Jimmy - I am a great patron of the sciences.” Raynor and the Ponies rolled their eyes.

The rest of the time in the bar was spent talking about the past. Lyra and Sweetie learned a lot about the past of the two men. They learned about all the heists they pulled together, all the trouble they got into and their time in the Confederate army.

While Sweetie and Lyra told stories about their past, Tychus was not hiding his boredom at all. He really didn’t care about how Lyra was a dropout from her world’s prestigious school of magic. What did interest him a little were Sweetie’s agency stories since they were more violent than Lyra’s stories. He was more interested in their stories from after they arrived in the Koprulu sector however. Especially the times when Sweetie caused a lot of havoc as a Ghost and the fancy moves Lyra pulled off as a Templar.

About an hour until the expected time of arrival of the Hyperion, Raynor decided it was about time to meet up with the other Raiders at the evacuation zone. Everyone erred on the side of caution as they may end up fighting more Dominion looking to take back the artifact they wanted.

However, what caught them off guard was what also gave Sweetie a sense of deja vu. A large number of Zerg began landing near the abandoned dig site and establishing their positions. Sweetie and Raynor quickly came to the realization of why this was happening now, based on where they landed: the Zerg were after the artifact.

Whatever the artifact was, Sweetie noticed that the Overmind was acting restless and that Kerrigan may be after it.

Upon receiving a glare from Raynor and Sweetie, Tychus got defensive, “I swear, I didn’t know nothin’ ‘bout no Zerg.”

Sweetie sighed, “Unlike you guys, I can remember a battle like this four years ago. This is just like what happened back then, when we were desperate enough to join Mengsk’s rebel organization. So, expect plenty of Zerglings, Hydralisks and Mutalisks.”

With that warning, everyone fled the bar and headed straight for the evacuation zone to prepare for a reenactment.

Once at the base, Sweetie had numerous Bunkers built to reinforce the only bridges into the base. Numerous Missile Turrets were also built for the inevitable air attacks.

Thanks to the Reactor addon for training and manufacturing buildings, training rate for Marines was effectively doubled at the cost of being unable to train Medics since they needed a Tech Lab to create the necessary equipment.

It wasn’t long before the Zerg came running to them, tearing apart any buildings they saw along the way. When a large group of Zerglings attacked from both bridges, Sweetie weakened the enemies on one side with a Psionic Storm while a bottleneck was created on the other bridge while Lyra bound a clump of Zerglings in a Maelstrom. Marines finished off the initial wave.

Shortly after, the Raiders heard a distress signal, <”To anyone hearing this message, we’re pinned down near Backwater Station! Please assist!”>

Since Lyra held the bridge near the reported position, she headed toward the distress signal to find a number of Zerglings and Hydralisks poised to attack the soldiers. Lyra quickly cut down the Zerg with little effort.

The soldiers were grateful for Lyra’s aid and followed her back to base.

Just as Sweetie predicted, Mutalisks were on a direct course for the base. The extra Missile Turrets proved to be exceptionally effective against the flying menace.

The Zerg attacks intensified, soon, a new breed of Zerg began attacking the base. This one had a heavily armored and spiked carapace. It walked on six legs and had scythelike claws that drew attention away from its real attack where it sprays acid from its mouth. The Overmind, who remained connected to the proverbial Zerg gene bank, informed Sweetie that the new breed was a more recent acquisition called the Roach.

Another distress signal was activated in an area between their base and the main hive cluster nearby, <”Mayday! Mayday! We’re trapped by the Zerg! They’re burrowed all around us! If you can reach us, please help!”>

Sweetie took this distress call and headed toward their position. Sweetie started her attack by unleashing a Psionic Storm over a number of holes in the ground. The Zerg emerged to find who attacked them but were helpless against the invisible sniper.

The troops watched as the Zerg were gunned down. A moment later, Sweetie deactivated her cloaking to address the troops. “Hey, I know you. You’re the mercenary, Thestral. Didn’t think we’d be saved by someone so impressive.”

“How did you know what that merc looked like?” Sweetie asked, not wanting to give them a confirmation yet.

“I look things up during my downtime. Your face was recently added to the Mira’s Marauders legendary mercenaries list on her website.”

Sweetie rolled her eyes and silently cursed Mira for giving her the unnecessary popularity. As she reactivated her cloaking, she directed the troops to the base across the bridge.

A large number of Marines and Medics had been trained by the time Sweetie came back with her group. Thinking to weaken the Zerg offensive, Sweetie and Lyra advanced on the hive clusters with the group while leaving a sufficient defense.

The army engaged the nearest hive cluster and showered it with overwhelming firepower. Lyra bound some Zerg in a Maelstrom while Sweetie used her Mindblast to take out Zerg that were foolish enough to group together.

A third distress beacon was activated near their position so Sweetie ordered part of her army to rescue the holdouts. It wasn’t long before their numbers were added to their army as they laid waste to the hive cluster.

Sweetie also took in the sight of the new Zerg buildings that she saw. There were no more Sunken or Spore Colonies, there were, as the Overmind told her, Spine Crawlers and Spore Crawlers. They work similar to their predecessors except they don’t produce Creep but they are able to uproot themselves to plant themselves elsewhere on the Creep. Creep was now produced by organic growths called Creep Tumors. There were a number of changes that the Overmind would have to explain in the future.

Another thing that Sweetie noticed were the Broodlings that emerged from the remains of the larger Zerg buildings. Apparently as a sort of defense mechanism.

The army advanced north to the next hive cluster which had more security and more Spine Crawlers. A pair of Psionic Storms cut into their numbers while the Marines gunned down the Spine Crawlers. Lyra cut one Spine Crawler Tentacle and impaled it into the nearest Zerg building.

In a last and desperate defense, a number of Zerg came to the defense of the hive cluster from the remaining one in the area. These were about the size of Zerglings except they had swollen green sacs all over their bodies.

Sweetie had a very bad feeling about them and ordered the Marines to not allow them to get near them. Bullets punctured the sacs and caused the creatures to violently explode in a wave of green substance that burned everything around it. The Overmind called them Banelings, the new replacements for Infested Terrans.

With two hive clusters wiped out and Sweetie having enough surprises for one day, she, Lyra and the rest of the troops returned to base to endure the remainder of the assault.

The defense held long enough for the Hyperion to arrive and bombard the remaining Zerg in the area. <”Cavalry’s arrived! Anyone still alive down there?”>

“Good to see ya, Matt! Welcome to the party,” Raynor said.

The Hyperion landed and opened its doors to let the Raiders inside. The truck carrying the artifact was quickly driven aboard the ship. Lyra, Sweetie, Raynor and Tychus ran to the bridge where Matt was waiting. “Damn Jimmy, You’ve been holdin’ out on me,” Tychus said.

The Hyperion lifted off and moved to escape Mar Sara. A swarm of Mutalisks were determined to prevent the Battlecruiser from escaping.

Matt had the turrets firing on the Mutalisks in front of the ship as the crew prepared for a warp jump. Once the ship jumped and emerged in a relatively safe area, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Raynor was the first to recover, “What the hell happened? We ain’t seen the Zerg in years - why attack Mar Sara now?”

Matt informed everyone that Kerrigan had once again become active in the Koprulu sector.

“We always knew she’d be back. But what’s she after?” Matt asked.

Raynor knew what Kerrigan was after this time. “She’s come to finish the job.”

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