• Published 6th Jan 2019
  • 9,556 Views, 72 Comments

Don't Stand So Close to Me - Uh-hmmm

Principal Celestia is determined to be purely professional with her student, Anon. He hopes to change her mind. (RGRE)

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Comments ( 47 )

Breaking some new grounds with RGRE EqG. Kuddos.

Exciting. This is one of my favs

Wait, so Anon Sr is from our world? Damn.
This story is fucking great, you adapted the whole role-reversal thing well.

Oh those silly horse people. :trollestia:

To be fair, "hmmm" is about the same level of repartee. I would know.

Ya know...I cant understand how this made the feature box...dont get me wrong...its not bad, its not poorly written...its just bleh. Its the saltine cracker of porn...dry, flavorless, and ultimately unsatisfying...this is basically the cliff notes re-imagining of the first chunk of Lolita in a gender switch setting...but done so in second person, and with a tongue and cheek disregard for social and emotional consequences...and your prose while not poor...is terribly basic, nothing to catch my attention...*shrug* its not bad...but it really isnt good

I admit to being facetious when I described the story as "like Lolita" in a certain comments section. Looking over the sparknotes on Lolita, I cannot find the section of my story where Celestia has a lingering fascination with young boys due to an incident in her youth, nor is she repulsed by the many adult men who find her attractive, nor does she marry and divorce, nor go to jail.
I will concede that this is a somewhat vanilla student-teacher romance, and I cannot accurately tell what about it appealed to so many. As for myself, i wrote it at the time because I had not encountered a good, slow burning seduction, and tried to write one.
As for disregarding social and emotional consequences, not only do I not know what the realistic emotional consequences would be, I never intended to write about the potential scandal that might erupt.

how does one define 'slow-burning' as 4 chapters of 1000 words and 3 of 2000 words? Most stories i read have chapters each larger then your entire story and take dozens of chapters developing characters and there feeling of attraction, love and lust...you spoke on the comments section if if it was provoking thought piece... "It is a super deep narrative about the dilemma of authority figures that have social groups that are significantly younger than them, and how schools are breeding grounds for the indiscretions that naturally follow." ... it has all the depth of a kiddy pool...that's what has my goat..you speak in the comments with a great deal of intellect and composure and then your story is middle school level wank fodder...i feel...i feel lied to

That would explain why he picked Aggot as his surname. Guess he wanted to be funny with his fresh start in life.

Whenever someone says their story is "super deep" that should be triggering your sarcasm senses.
It is slow burning - compared to more immediate gratification stories. That legitimately is my frame of reference being shorter stories, where as yours is probably in comparison to novellas.

Yes yes give us more

I'm feeling the Sting from the title's reference.

9388550:rainbowlaugh: Of course, boys are icky, sticky, and mean. Don't wanna get the reverse cooties and the cheese touches from themz:rainbowlaugh::rainbowkiss:

nice reference to The Police song there.

Much too short for my tastes but in terms of little snippets of their world, it was quite fun. :twilightsmile:

At the absolute root of the conceit is the idea of one gender being culturally cautious with sex, while the other is culturally aggressive about sex. How much you think that applies or even is a useful dischotomy [sic] varies, but the customs and attitudes that attend this concept are pervasive. By reversing the gender roles, yes, you do get the male fantasy of being pursued for a change.

But there are a whole host of questions the setting raises that you are ignoring. Would you be content to be a househusband? What aspects of your personality would be perceived as masculine in this reversed setting? How would your friendship develop with RGRE stallions? Would you be willing to work within a sexist system, or would you prefer to build a space that bucks the system, in spite of the risks?

To a large degree, writing RGRE stories is about recognizing the traditionally feminine qualities within yourself, and reimagining how you would be perceived through the lens of traditional femininity.

A common, crass question I see often is, would you be a slut, or would you keep yourself pure for your waifu? Obvious condemnation of the concept of sexual purity aside, the question prompts the reader to reexamine their attitudes about sexual purity, encouraging empathy for those seen through that lens.

What I am saying is, good RGRE stories encourage the reader to reexamine their identity and the validity of societal expectations.

I never want to be someone who judges something I don’t know.  The argument you presented for the sudden interest in RGRE fics sounded intriguing, and when I saw your story had risen to the top of the feature box, I figured it was one of two things:

  1. You had successfully crafted an interesting introspective into the effects of society’s gender roles and how the reversal of them makes us feel, and therefore makes us analyze how we internalize them.
  2. Like most Feature Box stories, you capitalized on the current hotness and paired that with a formulaic concoction of a man who gets away with things that don’t work in the real world and a woman who falls over herself for him.

I wanted to be surprised.

I am not.

Let me be as clear as I can be: I fully respect others’ enjoyment of it.  I understand why. I’m not upset with that.  I’m upset that once again, porn gets yet another false defense for you to raise, and that you probably, actually believe it’s a legitimate shield and don’t understand why reading this made me not just upset, but angry.

I must highlight your own assertion that “RGRE stories encourage the reader to reexamine their identity and validity of societal expectations.”

There is no reexamination necessary here.  You have kept our stand-in male and his sex object in their typical roles.  You have added in the most arbitrary, basic flair to emphasize our expectations of gender roles and how they’re "different" in this universe.

Really, what you’ve written is a stereotypical femboy and a slutty woman.

I’m not saying this, alone, is a problem.  Porn can just be porn and ridiculous and that’s absolutely fine.  But don’t then go on to act like you have any intention of imparting insight through which we’ll learn more about ourselves and how we perceive others.  What you have here is, instead, just some clichés about men and women, flipped to their gender counterpart, wrapped in otherwise straightforward porn.

And if you did intend to give me a revelation of the mind, then hopefully you’ll re-examine how you executed this fic and how you might try harder next time. Otherwise, just accept that you’re writing porn featuring a femboy and move on.

Now, let me list the specific ways in which I am disappointed.

Anonymous “Call Me Baby Girl” F. Aggot

The name of our male stand-in delights others in the comments, so I will chalk this up to playing to your audience.  They enjoyed the comedy, so you know them well. It does, however, take me almost immediately out of the mindset of wanting to respect this as a deep and insightful work.

Unfortunately, I don’t make it very far into the fic before I realize that you are not delivering what you sold.  Anonymous is described with all the surface-level trappings that a man notices about a woman, narrated through a man’s eyes and libido.

Anonymous absently tugs at the hem of his shirt, pulling it taught across his lithe muscular torso.

A shirt being pulled tight over a pair of boobs.

He smiles at that, and slips into your office with a beguiling sway to his hips.

Baby-rearin’ hips.

The neckline of his unbuttoned polo shirt hangs loose, offering tantalizing glimpses of his pectoral muscles.

The classic boob-view lean.

Anonymous clasps his hands together, the subtle chords in his forearms flexing. Your eyes jerk back to his earnest, impassioned face.

A pose and expression only regularly seen in an anime.

You are suddenly very aware of your body, and the way Anonymous' gaze is drifting.

A… wandering eye?  Kudos, you’re right; women do ogle just like men, too.  I wish I had faith that that was the intention, however, and not just another excuse to stoke the fire Celestia’s loins.

In a fit of boyish whimsy, Anonymous stands and embraces you, his arms clasped behind your back, your now sensitive breasts pressed against the firm planes of his chest.



All right; this is the perfect time to segue into…

Principal “I’m Totally A Male Gender Role, Guys” Celestia

Overall, our sex object acts almost entirely identical to how I expect her to act in a regular pornfic.  She’s shy of Anon’s advances and embarrassed at her attraction and arousal for him.

The only societal reversals I can find are how much focus she puts on her physical arousal, and some sleazy behavior.  Of course, women get aroused just as much as men and can be equally “horndog”-like, but I’m fairly certain the way it’s presented here is intended to show how much of a typical male she is.

You close the door behind you, feeling a little nervous at the prospect of being alone in a room with the nubile young man.

You nod encouragingly, ignoring the bloom of heat in your stomach.

You lick your lips, crossing and uncrossing your legs under the desk.

You sink into your chair, feeling loose and warm in all the right ways.

The prospect of taking insight from this portrayal is actually laughable.  I mean, come on. This is exactly how 50% of female teachers in porn are written.  The other 50% are the ones seducing the student. It’s hard for me to really see this as some kind of reversed gender role when folks write female teachers this way already.

This is not how any normal teacher or principal of either gender would be acting, thinking, or feeling.  It’s fine to write and read and enjoy porn about unrealistic or abnormal situations like this, but again, I emphasize your assertion that the genre you’ve written in is supposed to make me think.

On top of that, the way she experiences arousal is, overall, so heavily saturated with “male gaze” that it hurts.  Some of the descriptors are not inaccurate, but I attribute that more to the vague language than actual knowledge. If you’re going to write from a woman’s perspective, please learn how we work, first; that is, of course, assuming you’re striving for something other than simple wank material.

And just before it can be argued: I did read this in its entirety, just to be sure I wasn’t missing anything, and sadly, I wasn’t.  I only quoted from the first chapter because that was all I needed.

Accept that either this is just typical male fantasy porn with a femboy and a “hot for student” principal and that’s totally okay, or that you have a lot to learn about what an insightful, introspective erotica should be when it actually comes to the impact and perception of gender roles.

[edit] I want to also let you know that I have not downvoted this story, because I respect it for what it is. My issue lies solely with what you claimed it was. The story, however, is not at fault for that.

First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt, however undeserved that turned out to be. I agree that this story does not qualify as "good RGRE" as described in my post, and it is unfortunate that this was what got through approval first, instead of Anon the Poniceman. I'm not asking you to give that story a chance, I recognize I have burned pretty much all the good will here. The poniceman story isn't particularly deep either, as the setting is significantly lighter and softer than the real world, even with benevolent workplace sexism and catcalling as story elements. I still stand by the potential that RGRE has specifically for fostering in males empathy for the female condition, but that potential will largely remain unfulfilled in most non-literature grade works. I apologize for getting your hopes up, and wasting your time.

Who knew I should be considering the social and philosophical ramifications while I'm wanking to pony porn?

I think you've missed the point of the story, and the RGRE as a setting entirely. That you deject the portrayal of Celestia because it's "like any other female teacher in porn" and that you take offence in the way Anon is portrayed (hell, in the way he is named) shows this best.

I mean, come on. This is exactly how 50% of female teachers in porn are written. The other 50% are the ones seducing the student.

Celestia's characters converges with that of a certain subset of female teachers in porn, yes. Your point? The cliche of student x teacher/principal has been overdone in all form of erotica to the point where any form of character pairing has been done. You are focusing on the fact that "well she acts like a sexy female teacher in the porn". You see a male student seducing a female principal, and you mentally label it as "teacher porn variant 4", despite the fact that the whole point of the RGRE premise is that it's not a male student. The reason why this story was so popular back in the RGRE general and probably why it is trending over here, is because when you read it (with clear mind and not trying to prove the author wrong), you realise just how uncomfortable the premise of a male principal falling for a female student's seduction would be in real life. It would truly be something you might see as a fetish in erotica, but just try to imagine the hell that would break loose if such an event got out in public for real. And yet, because it's a "man" with female stereotypes seducing older "woman" it's somehow... okay? Why?

The name of our male stand-in delights others in the comments, so I will chalk this up to playing to your audience. They enjoyed the comedy, so you know them well. It does, however, take me almost immediately out of the mindset of wanting to respect this as a deep and insightful work.

That you are offended by the name Anonynous F. Aggot alone leads me to believe that all this argument is futile. It's an artefact of the environment the story initially appeared, a containment board on 4chan. You are repulsed by this very environment, therefore shutting out any merit the story might have.

Unfortunately, I don’t make it very far into the fic before I realize that you are not delivering what you sold. Anonymous is described with all the surface-level trappings that a man notices about a woman, narrated through a man’s eyes and libido.

That is the whole point. The entire premise of the RGRE. To take the most egregious stereotype for each gender, flip it on its head and watch it go. You are taking issue with the punchline of the joke, the core of the premise. Anon tries to seduce Celestia all along, and does so through his ill-informed idea of being seductive. He is a slut because he chooses to be a slut. Is that a norm for males in this story? Is this how he thinks he can best get to her? We don't know. We just know that it worked.
And if you're going to tell me that men don't wear low cut shirts then well. Where do you buy your clothes?

At the end of the day I'm not sure what sudo-philosophical discussion happened that led you here, but you are still trying to downplay the popularity of a clopfic because it's a clopfic and not a philosophical treaty. The allure of RGRE for many people is that it's not some kind of an overblown monologue on truths of life some shitty writers (like myself) tend to randomly put in their stories. It's a story, a clopfic, a romance or a comedy that, by happenstance, causes you to consider the ramifications of what it means to have the stereotypical gender roles reversed. To think, how it would look like when the genders themselves were reversed here. To laugh at mares telling Anon to go back to the kitchen and realise that it actually makes you angry still. To sneak a feel when a pairing manages to find a common ground and a connection despite their world views being an antithesis of each other.

For context, before this story was published, I was arguing in a thread that RGRE can be used to make guys more sympathetic to the female experience. Then this story got through the approval queue and blew up, so it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume I meant Don't Stand So Close to Me to be an example. The pseudo-philosophical discussion that lead her here was thus something I wrote, admittedly in response to another blog post. She has since read Anon the Poniceman, and we have had a discussion in private messages where she has proved to be quite reasonable. She and I may or may not be on the same page about some things, but I think we have come to understand each other's position a bit better.

I will reiterate what I wrote already then and say that the major misunderstanding here was expecting some form of moralist treaty. It is a form that may or may not cause people to think, if by accident, rather than telling people how or what to think.

I quoted the comment, made by the author, that said RGRE was a “moralist treaty” in your words. I also said I fully acknowledged this as a clopfic and respect that.

I’m not saying this, alone, is a problem. Porn can just be porn and ridiculous and that’s absolutely fine. But don’t then go on to act like you have any intention of imparting insight through which we’ll learn more about ourselves and how we perceive others.

This isn’t a feminist SJW trying to take your porn from you, so calm down, Sparky. I was told RGRE was something, I came to see if that was true by the person who said it.

i want sequel please

Wait what does RGRE stand for again

Maybe she has a sister?

Do I smell the hint of a sequal!?

Celestia is the best cradle-robber. Change my mind
That fucking shota comment broke me

Rather heavy-handed, even for an RGRE, but still a very fun read. I did like the POVs though, it was interesting to read an Anon fic without his perspective.

I think you are taking a fanfiction based on a silly concept applied to a spin-off universe to a little girl's show about colorful talking ponies a little too seriously, friend.

I mean, I'm a proponent of the "It's more than just a little kid's show" argument, but good lord.

While I normally HATE anything that has to do with EQG, this was actually a story I can get behind. I love how Celestia's portrayed here.

But no, he was actually a patrician, bagging a stunning milf after months of seduction. You may have to step up your game.


Maybe she has a sister?


Good story! Anon Senior is a fucking chad.

This story was both hot and funny.

But there is something I'm curious about.

In our world, a man being forward in his advances is considered a creep. While a woman who is just as forward is considered a seductress.

But in an RGRE world, where gender roles are reversed,is it the men who are thought as the gender that seduces the other? They can show off skin, make bawdy comments, and openly proposition others?




That's why Anon Sr. would enjoy living in this world. Because in a world where men are the fairer sex, he can use his masculine good looks more to his advantage than he could in our world.

Yep, forward men would be the ones seen as seducers, while women who are too forward would be creepy.

Would it be ok to request we get another like this with Vice Principal Luna or Sunset Shimmer?

This line got more than a few laughs out of me and my friends

Great song reference for the title

Maybe she has a sister?

Maybe she does Anon F. Aggot Sr, maybe she does

Maybe she has a sister?

Please tell me that you made a sequel where senior shoots for Luna.

Eyyy anon good job :raritywink: :rainbowlaugh: and very nice fic :twilightblush:

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