• Published 7th Jan 2019
  • 2,906 Views, 34 Comments

Essence of Flight - Mystic Mind

Scootaloo has failed to fly, yet again. Can Fluttershy be the one pony to finally teach her?

  • ...

Learning to Fly

Scooter? Check. Warmed-up wings? Check. All-natural grass runway, complete with take-off ramp at the end? Check, check, and double check!

Everything was in place. After months of practice and observing Rainbow Dash, today, Scootaloo would finally learn to fly. Pulling down her goggles, she imagined a crowd of ponies gathered around the ramp, all watching with bated breath for the impending stunt. Projected overhead, there would be a huge magic screen, counting down the seconds to launch.

Three, she bent her knees and leaned on a hind hoof. Two, she fanned out her wing feathers, twitching the tips in anticipation. One!

And she was off! Careening down the hill like no tomorrow, her scooter rumbled beneath her hooves, its small wheels bumping across every imperfection. Soon enough, the ramp came into view. To get a decent boost, her timing had to be perfect. Grinning like a mad mare, she whizzed over its surface and became airborne. This was it. The moment of truth. Ditching her scooter, she started to flap.

She wasn’t ascending. Her flaps weren’t enough. Frantic, she pumped her wings harder, pushing every muscle in her wings to their limit. It did little good. Gravity yanked her downward, and before she knew it, she hit the ground with a heavy thump, rolling over until she skidded to a muddy stop.

She’d failed. Her goggles had snapped, and her scooter lost a wheel.

With the imagined crowd jeering with vicious boos, she pulled herself to her hooves and limped back uphill. Two minutes after she’d began her disastrous flight attempt, she reached the top, sat down and cried.

Then, out of the corner of her blurry, tear-filled vision, she spotted somepony approaching. At first, she didn't recognise the figure, but as they got closer, she made out the familiar outline of a butter-yellow Pegasus with a long, curly pink mane.

“Oh, my goodness!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “Scootaloo, what happened?”

“I’m broken!” Scootaloo sobbed. “I don’t know why I keep trying. I should know I always fail!”

“Let me patch that up for you.” Fishing out a small medical kit from her saddle bag, she took a good, long look at the heavy bruises. She then pulled out a long stretch of bandage, tearing it off with her teeth. “You really did a number on yourself, huh?”

Scootaloo blushed bright red butdid her best to make the process easier. Rolling onto her side, she raised her injured leg. Her thirteenth birthday was coming up in a couple months, yet she had never felt more childish in her life. She silently thanked Celestia her friends weren’t here to see this.

This brought on a fresh surge of tears. “I’m so pathetic,” she muttered bitterly.

“Why?” Fluttershy pulled the bandage tight and tied it together with a small knot to keep. “I don’t think you’re pathetic. Neither does Rainbow Dash, nor do your friends.”

“I am, though,” Scootallo sniffled, thumping the ground. “I just am.”

“Scootaloo, what’s gotten into you?” Fluttershy sat down, frowning a little as she spoke. “You’re normally such an optimistic filly. Please, tell me what happened. I want to help.”

That was when Scootaloo really let go, pouring out all her frustrations into a relentless torrent of sadness. “No matter what I do, I just can’t fly!” She cried, eyes stinging. “I-I wanted to impress R-Rainbow Dash on her birthaversery with a super cool aerial stunt, and now look at me. A broken mess, covered in dirt, pathetic. I’ll never be able to fly at this rate!”

“Oh no,” Fluttershy softened her voice and wrapped Scootaloo under her wing. “Why is flying so important to you?”

“Because I’m a Pegasus! Duh!” Scootaloo yelled, looking Fluttershy dead in the eye. “It’s part of who we are! We fly, we make weather; just like the Earth Ponies farm and do heavy lifting, or how Unicorns do magic and scholarly stuff. If somepony like Derpy can fly, what does it make me? Nothing, that’s what.”

Fluttershy remained silent, holding the filly close until her emotions had run their course. Scootaloo resembled Rainbow Dash so much, it was almost uncanny. She could see in her the same, fiery passion to test her limits. She knew what harsh reality felt like.

When Scootaloo's cries finally subsided, Fluttershy spoke up. “Scootaloo, do you remember the story of how I got my cutie mark?”

Scootaloo sniffled and nodded. “Uh-huh.”

“I had a lot of trouble flying, back then,” Fluttershy mused, a small smile growing on her face as she recalled simpler times. Through the endless tirade of insults, the presence of a certain rainbow-haired filly as her best friend provided much-needed sanctuary. Just thinking about her made all her troubles worthwhile. “That’s why Rainbow Dash had to find me after I fell. There was no way I could've flown back myself – even if I wanted to! While she was off having races, I could barely fly the length of the school yard.”

“But you could still fly,” Scootaloo rebuffed, hanging her head. “I'd take bad flying over no flying any day.”

“Scootaloo, can I ask you something?”

She looked up and sighed. “Go ahead.”

“How do you fly?”

Scootaloo blinked. “What kind of question is that?” She huffed, cocking an eyebrow. “If I knew that, wouldn't I be flying already?”

“That's not what I mean,” Fluttershy kept her tone calm. “I mean your technique. If you're not too hurt, could you show me how you flap your wings?”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “I don't get how it matters, but okay.”

Fluttershy's eyes went wide at the demonstration. She recognised it all: the uncoordinated wing flaps, the complete lack of any consistent rhythm to each beat – even her flight feathers were a mess. It was like looking back on her own, five-year-old self. How nopony ever noticed this, not even Rainbow dash, flabbergasted her.

“I think I understand the problem,” she said after a while.

“You do?” Scootaloo's eyes lit up, those precious few words rekindling the spark of hope in her heart.

“Do you know what dyspraxia is?”

Scootaloo tilted her head. “Dys-whatsitnow?”

“Dyspraxia. It means you find coordination difficult,” Fluttershy smiled gently. “Lots of ponies have it, including me.”

Scootaloo continued her blank stare. “I don't get it.”

“Flying is difficult,” Fluttershy admitted. “There are a lot of wing-movements you need to think about at once. For a long time, I couldn't figure it out. But that all changed, because I had an excellent teacher.”

“You mean Rainbow Dash?”

“Not exactly, but she did help,” Fluttershy chuckled. “How about I make you a deal? Once you've rested your leg, stop by sometime and help me with the animals. If you can do that, I'll teach you how to fly; my way.”

“You really mean that?!” Scootaloo almost jumped for joy, but her aching leg put a stop to that.

“Of course, I mean it,” Fluttershy ruffled Scootaloo's mane. “I'll even give you a ride home – though our first stop will be Nurse Red Heart's clinic. We need to get a good look at that leg of yours.”

Scootaloo blushed. She felt her tears returning, but this time, coupled with the most exuberant smile she'd given all week. “Thank you so much, Fluttershy!” she hugged her tight. “I'll make it the new mission for the Cutie Mark Crusaders! 'Operation: Animal Clean-Up day!'”

“Thanks for the offer, but I only need you,” Fluttershy returned the hug. “Though your friends are always welcome to stop by for tea and cake.”

“You got it!” Scootaloo saluted.

Fluttershy saluted back. “Good. Now, hop on my back. We've got a doctor to visit.”

The appointment didn't take long. Nurse Redheart had seen plenty of children injured like this before. It was almost a rite of passage to have some light spraining before hitting the big one-three. As far as injuries went, hers weren’t severe.

“Give a few days of rest and less-strenuous activity,” she instructed Scootaloo. “Be sure to change the bandages daily and return for a check-up next week.”

That meant Scootaloo would have to wait for her first flying lesson, but it she didn’t mind that much.Two years ago, it may have been, but if she learned anything from getting her cutie mark, it was patience. In the meantime, she had a much harder task ahead of her; explaining to her friends and class mates what happened to her leg.

She was glad Diamond Tiara had no longer been the token class bully.She had given her enough grief about her lack of flight before, and Scootaloo sure as heck didn't need any more of that nonsense.

To her surprise, the opposite happened. The very next day, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were the first ponies who came to check up on her – along with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom, of course. Diamond had even brought a bouquet of flowers and a pack of ice with her!

When Scootaloo summarized the reason for her injury—adding that it looked much worse than it actually was—the sense of relief between her friends was palpable.

“Ah hate to sound like my sister,” Applebloom said with a sympathetic smile. “But ya gotta be more careful in yer flyin' practice. Ye got off lucky, this time.”

“Maybe next time we could hold up a safety net,” Sweetie Belle suggested, rubbing her chin with her hoof. “My levitation spells are getting better every day, so we'd have no problem catching you if something went wrong again.”

“Or maybe some better padding for your limbs,” added Silver Spoon, placing the ice pack at the foot of the bed.

“That's real kind of you, girls.” Scootaloo placed her front hooves on her heart, feeling her cheeks redden. “But I'll be okay. Fluttershy said she'd give me flying lessons if I help out with her animals.”

Before anypony else could speak, Rainbow Dash burst through the door, shoving past Sweetie Belle and Applebloom so hard she almost knocked them over. “Scootaloo! Are you okay!?” She yelled, darting about the room in a blind panic. “Where does it hurt? Did you break your wing? How big was the fall? Do you need a glass of water? Do you–”

“Rainbow dash!” Scootaloo groaned, plugging her ears. “I'll be fine! Just stop shouting, please!”

“Oh, sorry,” Dash rubbed the back of her head and cleared her throat. “So, about your stunt. Was it one of mine?”

“No, Dash,” Scootaloo sighed, clutching the duvet cover tight. “I never got that far; I barely even got off the ground. Now Fluttershy says I have dyspraxia,so I dunno how that'll effect me.”

“Dys-whatsia?” Dash asked, her expression blank.

“That's what I said,” Scootaloo remarked. “Apparently, Fluttershy has it too. She said it means I find wing coordination difficult.”

“I don't get it.” Dash glanced at her own wings. “You just flap them at the same time. How hard can it be?”

“Actually, it's not that simple,” Diamond Tiara spoke up. “Most of my family are Unicorns, but my uncle is a Pegasus. When I insulted you...” she trailed off and bit her lip. “I mean, when I was a bully, I figured you might be like him. I thought I could use that against you, Scootaloo. I know my apology isn't worth much now, but I'm sorry. I–” she stopped abruptly, and after a moment’s pause, slumped to her haunches. “Sorry, I’m making this about me, again, aren’t I?”

Scootaloo hopped out of bed, limped over to Diamond Tiara and wrapped her hooves around her. “It's okay, Diamond. You're not a bully anymore, you're my – no, our friend. What you did in the past isn't important!”

The three other fillies joined Scootaloo to make it a group hug. “I...” Diamond Tiara hesitated, then smiled. “Thank you. All of you. To get back on topic, I'm sure you know this, Dash, but flying takes a lot of balance. Uncle Crystal Wing taught me how complicated it gets, what with all the feather movements and stuff. I guess what I was trying to say is: if Uncle Crystal Wing can learn to fly at twenty, then you can learn at any age, Scootaloo! I believe in you, just as much as any pony in this room.”

While the others released their hugs, Scootaloo only squeezed tighter. “Thank you, Diamond Tiara. You’re a great friend.”

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat again, still hovering above everyone. “Not that I wanna interrupt your little cuddle party, but I still don’t get what’s holding Scootaloo back!” She gestured to Diamond Tiara. “Also, I think you’re choking her.”

Scootaloo suddenly realized how blue in the face Diamond was getting, so she let go. “Oops, sorry,” she said with an awkward chuckle, then turned to Rainbow Dash. “Fluttershy described it pretty well. She told me flying is like a Unicorn’s spell. It needs lots of different parts to come together at once. I always thought it’d just happen naturally like it does for you, Dash.”

“Most Unicorns don’t have to think about basic spells,” Diamond Tiara added once she caught her breath. “Twilight says she can levitate a coffee cup just like you’d pick it up in your hooves, Rainbow Dash. For dyspraxic ponies? Doing lots of stuff at once takes a ton of time, since they think about every little bit separately.”

Rainbow Dash hummed for a moment. “So, if I can do everything needed to stay airborne simultaneously, Scootaloo can’t?”

“Not yet, anyway,” Scootaloo grinned in anticipation. “But once my leg gets better, Fluttershy’s gonna teach me how she learned flying. I’m super excited!”

“Y’know, I always thought I’d be the one to teach you flying,” Rainbow Dash winked at Scootaloo, but when she responded with a grimace, Dash rushed to clarify. “But, hey, whatever works for you! It doesn’t matter if it’s me, Fluttershy or some other pony. What matters most is you feeling like the awesome pony I know you to be. Flight or no flight, I just want my little sister to be safe.”

“I'll be safe, I promise.” Scootaloo wiped a tear from her eye, her expression perking up. “Love you, big sister!”

“I love you too, Scoots,” Dash replied, then shot a serious look to all other ponies in the room. “But don’t tell anyone I said that, got it?”

Scootaloo’s friends all nodded at once. “Good. Now, I think it’s time for my little sister to get some rest.” Dash swooped down and hurried everypony out the door. “The sooner her leg heals, the better!”

Scootaloo waved goodbye to her friends and hopped back into bed. “Thanks for the visit, girls,” she said, puffing out her chest. “Feel free to stop by anytime! I’ll be fit as a fiddle before you know it.”

Once the others were gone, Rainbow Dash turned back. “Hey, Scootaloo, one more thing.”


“Work hard on your flying lessons. You’ve got this!”

Scootaloo fluttered her wings. “Thanks, Dash! I won’t let you down.”

“Good. ‘Cause when you learn to fly, we’re going on a camping trip to Rainbow Falls. Just you and me.”

Scootaloo’s eyes went wide. “You really mean that?!”

“It’s a promise! Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” Dash mimed each gesture associated with the Pinkie Promise, which Scootaloo mirrored exactly and giggled. “Rest well, champ.”

“See ya later, sis!” As Rainbow Dash closed the door behind her, Scootaloo yawned, stretched her limbs and pulled over the bed covers. She hadn’t gotten much sleep the previous night, thanks to her leg.

But now, with her dream goal finally within reach, she had no trouble relaxing. Drifting off into a deep sleep, she dreamed that she was flying side by side with Rainbow Dash, at the very same place her idol trained for the Equestria Games.

Rainbow Dash could hardly contain her excitement as she flew back to Cloudsdale. “Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh!” She exclaimed, leaving multicoloured streaks in her wake as she zigzagged through the sky. “I've gotta tell somepony about this! Scootaloo's gonna learn to fly, and it's all thanks to Fluttershy!”

Spotting a lake nearby, she pitched forward and dived straight in with a huge splash. Swimming back to the surface, she relaxed and let herself float while gazing into to open the sky. Fluttershy, she thought, smiling as she imagined the soft-spoken Pegasus above her. Now there’s a face that could melt anypony’s heart. Scootaloo deserves a mare like her to help make her dreams come true.

“Hi Dashie!”

A sudden explosion of fluffy pink hair filled Dash’s vision. She nearly jumped out of her skin by how fast she shot away in surprise, skidding to a halt on the shore a second later. “Pinkie Pie! What have I told you about sneaking up on me?”

“Sorry, Rainbow Dash.” Pinkie Pie shrugged, sitting upon what looked like a pair of rotating wings fixed above a loose frame of candy canes. “What were ya thinking about?”

Dash flipped over onto her hooves and dusted herself off. “Nothin',” she lied, her cheeks still red from her Fluttershy-centric daydream. “Just stuff.”

“But you were talking about Scootaloo's flying lessons before,” Pinkie noted, peddling over to Rainbow Dash.

“Oh yeah! That's what I was thinkin' about. Totally not a cute Pegasus like Fluttershy—”

“Suuure you were, Dashie!” Pinkie winked. “So, when do they start?”

“The flight lessons? As soon as Scootaloo's leg is better.”

Pinkie's face lit up like a hearth's warming tree. “That soon? Oh, I've gotta get the party ready! She's had so much trouble with flight stuff, a 'congratulations on finally getting airborne Scootaloo!' party is just what she needs!

Before Rainbow Dash could say any more, Pinkie was off in a flash. Dash scratched her head, shrugged and hopped back in the lake to cool her burning cheeks.

She was wasting time on this stupid fantasy, anyway.

The following week just flew by. By Monday, the pain had subsided enough for Scootaloo to return to school, albeit without involvement in her P.E lesson. The following Thursday, she met up with Fluttershy again for her check-up, where Nurse Red Heart removed her bandages for the final time.

Scootaloo still felt a bit sore when walking, but a couple of prescribed painkillers here and there removed that obstacle altogether. So, as promised, she galloped over to Fluttershy’s cottage first thing the next morning.

“Oh, good to see you, Scootaloo,” Fluttershy answered the door with the same cheerful smile she gave to all visitors. “I was just preparing the animals their breakfast. Want to lend a hoof?”

Scootaloo saluted with her wing. “Absolutely! Just show me who needs what and I’ll be all over it.”

“Wonderful!” By the look on Fluttershy's face, it was hard to tell who was more excited; her or Scootaloo. “Come right this way. I think the eagle has a good lesson to teach you first.”

Scootaloo tilted her head at that odd choice of words. “I mean, eagles are cool and all. But why is a bird teaching me instead of you?”

Fluttershy let out alight giggle. “Well, they’re some of the best flyers in the animal kingdom! I’m sure you'll pick up a tip or two with me as the translator.”

“Ooooh!” Scootaloo flapped her wings in excitement. “Best in the animal kingdom, huh? They're not as good as Rainbow Dash, I bet.”

“Maybe,” Fluttershy said as she led Scootaloo through her home and into the back yard, her smile slightly wider at the mention of her friend's name. “Rainbow Dash is awesome, no doubt about that. But she's best at a specific type of flying.”

Type of flying? She thought, remembering what Diamond Tiara told her about her uncle. How could any creature be better than Rainbow Dash: master of the Sonic Rainboom?

As the pair stepped outside, Scootaloo glanced around, but couldn’t spot so much as a loose feather, let alone a fully-grown eagle. “Where is it?” she asked.

Fluttershy turned around and gestured above her. “Behind you.”

Scootaloo looked up, and sure enough, perched on the cottage roof was the most majestic bird she’d ever seen. Almost as tall as herself, standing like a statue as it scanned the Everfree Forest with a stern, focused expression. Were it not for the pristine nature of its golden-brown head feathers, Scootaloo would have mistaken it for a well-crafted gargoyle.

“Unlike ponies, eagles are carnivores,” Fluttershy continued. “Which means that they eat meat, usually from fish or small creatures. But don't worry, he won't try to eat us.”

“I know what eagles eat,” Scootaloo said, rolling her eyes. “I’m twelve, not six.”

“I just wanted to be sure, as the next part gets pretty gruesome. I have a couple of squirrels ready for Mr. Eagle's breakfast. They sadly passed away earlier this week.” Her voice changed to a serious tone. “Their last request was to become a predator’s meal.”

Scootaloo gave a solemn nod. “I hope their kids are okay.”

“Death is rough on every creature. I’m giving their remaining family some extra nuts today as a gift. I hope it will help them through it.”

“That’s nice of you.” Scootaloo smiled, hoping to steer the conversation back to a more positive direction. “So, what do you need me to do?”

Fluttershy parted the bushes behind her, pulled out a small, plastic tub and gave it to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo took the tub in both hooves. While they hadn’t been dead long, the bodies stank from the summer heat. Once she suppressed her gag reflex, she noticed something odd. “Why are they tied up with string?”

“So you can wriggle the food without touching it.”

Scootaloo furrowed her brow. “Why would I need to wriggle them?”

“Because we need to pretend they're alive.”

“Uh-huh.” Scootaloo couldn’t help but wonder if Fluttershy enjoyed grossing her out.

“I know it sounds morbid,” Fluttershy clarified, noticing the revulsion in Scootaloo’s expression. “But it’s all for Mr. Eagle’s benefit. He needs to practice hunting, after all. Plus, this will give him plenty of exercise.”

The eagle turned up its beak away from Fluttershy, as if resenting that last remark.

Scootaloo glanced back at the squirrels and gulped. This is gonna be harder than I thought…

“Would you like me to show you the technique first?”

Scootaloo thought she’d never ask. “Please,” she said, handing the box back to Fluttershy.

The second Fluttershy pulled the first squirrel out, the eagle snapped its attention toward it. Swinging it back and forth proved irresistible, so without a moment’s hesitation, the eagle bent its knees, threw open its wings and sprung into the air.

Scootaloo couldn’t help but stare at such a magnificent display of flight, slack-jawed as the eagle effortlessly dived toward the squirrel. At the last second, Fluttershy threw it, the eagle catching it in mid-air as if it were a child catching a ball. With a few more wing beats to regain altitude, the eagle returned to its perch.

“So,” Fluttershy turned back to Scootaloo, who was completely engrossed in the bird’s majesty. “Would you like to try?”

“Huh?” Scootaloo snapped out of her daydream. “Oh, sure.” Following Fluttershy’s example, she picked up the squirrel by the string and, just as before, the eagle immediately took notice. Only this time, it was looking at her.

It wasn’t until this moment that Scootaloo fully comprehended how sharp the raptor’s talons were. It had pierced through the first squirrel with ease, and if it hadn’t been for her exceptional timing, it could’ve given Fluttershy more than a few nasty cuts.

Scootaloo shuddered at the thought. As the eagle opened its wings again, she felt her knees begin to shake. Here goes nothing…

Then, the eagle was off.

A surge of panic rippled through Scootaloo’s body. She dropped the squirrel, dove out of the way and hid beneath her hooves, waiting for the end.

An end that didn’t come. Realizing that she hadn’t been skewered, Scootaloo dared to sneak a peek at the hunter.

Fluttershy stood over her, the eagle perched on her back. “Um, Scootaloo?” She asked softly, eyebrows arched. “Are you okay?”

Scootaloo sat up, her cheeks flushing bright red. “Sorry, Fluttershy,” she dipped her head. “I chickened out.”

“It’s okay,” Fluttershy placed a hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulder and smiled. “You tried your best, and that’s what matters. Besides, I think Mr. Eagle here has something to say to you.”

Scootaloo looked up as it hopped over to her. “Kee,” it chirped. With some reluctance, she extended her hoof and shook its wing. “Kee, kee,” the eagle chirped again, bowing its head.

“I didn’t know eagles could chirp.” Scootaloo threw a hoof over her mouth upon realizing what she said. “No offence, of course,” she corrected.

“Kee, ka-kee.” The eagle shrugged.

“He says ‘none taken’,” Fluttershy translated. “He just wanted to thank you for the meal and apologise for scaring you.”

“It’s… okay?” Scootaloo replied awkwardly. “Glad I could help?”

“How about we try some wing exercises before we move on?” Fluttershy suggested.

“Sure, I guess.” Scootaloo’s expression dropped. “But I kinda feel like I let you down. Mr. Eagle, too.”

“Kee, kee!” The eagle squawked, shaking its head with vigour.

“Mr. Eagle disagrees,” Fluttershy smiled at its reaction. “As do I. You did very well for a first try, and that’s all I could ask for.”

“Thank you, Fluttershy,” Scootaloo grinned back. “So, about these exercises?”

“Okay, Scootaloo, follow my lead.” Fluttershy stretched her wings. “Let’s start with something basic. Hold your wings out as far as they can go, like me.”

“Okay.” She did as instructed, neglecting to comment on how small and stubby her own wings looked in comparison.

“Now, slowly lower them down, like if you were flying through jelly.” That was a mental image Scootaloo could’ve done without. “Try to keep both wings on the same level.”

Scootaloo did her best to mirror Fluttershy’s movements, but this was easier said than done. Her left wing descended faster than the right, so she held the problem wing back until the other caught up.

“Good, now let’s do the same in reverse.”

Once more, Scootaloo ran into the problem of synchronisation. She tried moving her wings at different speeds, tensing and relaxing the muscles to get them cooperating. But no matter what she did, one always crept beyond the other.

“Ugh!” she groaned, stamping the ground. “This is hopeless. I’m never gonna get this right!”

Fluttershy frowned. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. Rainbow Dash is the expert flyer, not me.

She recalled her days at junior flight camp, where not a single teacher could be bothered to help the slow student. The sum-total of all potential stored within the Cloudsdale students was like a gold mine, waiting to be refined into something spectacular.

That meant Fluttershy got left in the dust. After all, who had time to waste on a Pegasus who could barely fly? Were it not for Rainbow Dash’s encouragement, she would never have learned to fly at all; let alone grow up to do something as incredible as creating a water tornado!

Every pony has potential, she remembered Rainbow Dash saying when they first met. You’ve just gotta keep at it! You’ll find a way!

And find a way she did. This gave a brainwave. “Angel!” She called. The little white bunny’s ears pricked up immediately. “Could you fetch my music box, please?”

Angel hopped into action, soon returning with a retro-looking black tape recorder. It’d been a hearth’s warming present from Pinkie Pie, along with a dozen cassettes of the most relaxing chill-out music she could find.

Despite her propensity to be loud and extroverted, Pinkie Pie still knew how to party soft.

With a click of the play button, a harmonious melody of traditional flutes and whistles filled the back yard.

“Let’s give it one more try,” Fluttershy said, placing a hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulder. “Then we’ll move on, okay?”

“Sure, I guess,” she replied with some reluctance in her voice.

“Close your eyes, relax and let’s move in time with the music.”

Scootaloo did so,taking a moment to get a feel for the rhythm.

“Wings up.”

Scootaloo’s wings rose without issue.

“And bring them back down.”

To Scootaloo’s surprise, her wings responded perfectly. Her muscles weren’t as tense, and her left wing wasn’t moving in fits and starts anymore.Taking a deep breath, she maintained her focus, bending her knees so the tips of her flight feathers touched the ground.

“Good job!” Fluttershy complimented, holding herself back from breaking into applause. “Now, rise again, just as slowly.”

Scootaloo already moved. She completely zoned in, as if carried along by a gentle breeze of musical notes. It was a world apart from working in silence. Even the eagle got in on the act, matching her movements beat for beat.

Fluttershy sat down, watching Scootaloo in silence as she moved with all the grace of a ballerina. She knew her own satisfaction would be but a fraction of what Scootaloo expressed with every motion. A single tear rolled down her cheek, and as it hit the ground, the music came to an end.

Scootaloo opened her eyes. “I did it!” she exclaimed, jumping for joy. “Fluttershy! Fluttershy, did you see me? Did you—” she stopped, her smile frozen.“Fluttershy, why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?”

“Oh, no. Not at all,” she sniffled, drying her eyes with her hoof. “You were amazing!”

Scootaloo leapt into Fluttershy’s waiting arms from a distance that caught the yellow Pegasus off guard. Before she knew it, the little filly had her hooves wrapped around her.

“So, what’s next?” Scootaloo asked, her voice growing in speed with each passing word. “Is it a test of how high I can hover? Or for how long? Oh, maybe I’m ready for a loop-de-loop!”

“Kee, kee!” The eagle interjected, flying back to its perch to finish its half-eaten meal.

“Good idea,” Fluttershy replied.

Scootaloo tilted her head. “What did he say?” Then her stomach growled.

“He said you should get a late breakfast.”

“Oh yeah,” Scootaloo chuckled. “I was so excited to see you, I totally forgot to eat.”

“Just like Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy teased, once more ruffling Scootaloo’s mane. She made a mental note to catch up with Rainbow Dash later that week; unaware that Dash was already watching above, heart full of pride.

After a brief snack on some alfalfa and tomato sandwiches, the Pegusi pair moved on to spreading berries among the bushes out front. A couple of sparrows soon flew in for a taste of the sweet treats.

“Now, look carefully at how the sparrows fly,” Fluttershy whispered, careful not to disturb the red-chested avians. “Can you see how they differ from the eagle?”

Scootaloo hummed under her breath. For their size, the sparrows flapped with a similar rotating motion to the eagle, in addition to the usual rises and falls. But what stood out the most was how quickly they darted through the brambles, chasing insects.

“Pretty agile little birds, aren’t they?” she answered.

“Aren’t they just?”

Only now did Scootaloo get a sense of just how big Fluttershy’s passion for animals was. Even when whispering, she exuded so much energy, her lips poised to rattle off countless facts about every creature in her care.

Scootaloo always thought of Twilight being the nerdy one in her group. But just as Twilight would chat at length about her favourite books, Fluttershy could express vast quantities of information about any animal, given the chance. It was true what Twilight said: enthusiasm showed itself in a myriad of ways, should one be willing to look.

Turning her attention back to the sparrows, Scootaloo thought about other differences between them and eagles. They had a rounder body and more developed chest muscles, their wings relatively short. They had a more elliptical shape as well, and not as broad as of the eagles, with noticeable gaps between the primary flight feathers at full spread.

“Short wings give less lift,” Fluttershy explained. “But allow for tighter turns.”

Scootaloo looked over her shoulder, considering the length of her own wings. “I’d always thought wings all worked the same, along with pony magic.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “Oh, no. It’s much more complicated than that. But you can break it into four simple rules.”

“Really?” Scootaloo beamed. “Could you show me? Please!”

Fluttershy giggled. She’d never seen somepony so excited about learning rules in all her life! “First, you need enough momentum to get off the ground. This is called thrust.” Wings unfurled, she pulled herself into the air with broad flaps, hovering a couple of feet above Scootaloo. “Facing upwards or downwards while in flight is called pitch.” She demonstrated by leaning forward so her nose was pointing down at Scootaloo.

“Next, leaning left or right helps you to turn while moving forward. It’s called roll.”

Scootaloo knew about this one. She’d seen more than enough of Rainbow Dash’s stunts to learn about barrel rolls. What she didn’t expect was for Fluttershy to execute this stunt; her right wing raised above her left to push herself into a full three-sixty-degree roll, losing a full foot in height.

“And last of all,” Fluttershy announced to her gathering audience of animals (and Scootaloo). “We have the hardest part: yaw.” She flicked the feather tips on her right wing up just a little and flew herself around in a tight circle while she maintained a perfect level.

Her demonstration finished, she landed to a chorus of applause from every creature in her cottage, including Angel. “Um, I wasn’t that good,” she muttered, hiding her beat-red face behind a wing.

“Are you kidding?!” Scootaloo bounced excitedly. “You were amazing! Flying used to be super hard for you, but now? Now you’ve perfected it!”

“It was only the basics,” Fluttershy countered, now hiding behind both wings. “It’s something every Pegasus masters eventually. I’m not a stand-out flyer like Rainbow Dash.”

Suddenly, Fluttershy felt warmth enveloping her from behind. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Scootaloo, hooves wrapped around her back.

“For me, you’re still the best teacher.” Scootaloo rested her head between Fluttershy’s wings. While she appreciated it, Fluttershy couldn’t help but wonder how she didn’t notice a filly climbing onto her.

When she realized what Scootaloo had done, her jaw dropped. “Scootaloo, did you just fly onto my back?”

“Huh?” Scootaloo was momentarily taken aback by Fluttershy’s question. “Huh, I guess I did.” She let out an audible gasp. “I did it! I did it! I finally flew! Oh my gosh, wait till Rainbow Dash here’s about this!”

“Um, Scootaloo?”

“Yeah?” So excited was Scootaloo, she hadn’t noticed her involuntary flutters lifting her into the air. Suddenly, she started swerving left and right. Before she could lose all sense of rhythm, an unexpected aid came to her rescue.

The eagle from earlier in the day swooped in, caught her between its talons and, with great care, lowered Scootaloo back onto solid ground.

“Thanks Mr. Eagle.” Scootaloo cleared her throat, hoping to retain some of her lost dignity. “Guess I got a little over-eager. Again.

“Maybe, but you also took a big step forward with your flying skills!” Fluttershy looked upon Scootaloo like she were her own foal. “So, to celebrate, how about I take you and your friends to the hayburger restaurant? My treat!”

“Yes please!” Scootaloo yelped and jumped around. “I love you!”

“I love you, too,” Fluttershy chuckled. “I guess I’m part of the family with you and Rainbow Dash now?”

“Heck yeah! Wait ‘till I tell her all about this! She’s gonna be so impressed!”

“I’m sure she will.” Fluttershy let out a wispy sigh. Out of all the things she admired about Rainbow Dash, becoming an inspiration to yet another dyspraxic filly had to be top of the list.

She only hoped that one day, she’d be ready to find a mare friend as incredible as Rainbow Dash.

After yet another tense day of wing exercises and Cutie Mark Crusader duties, Scootaloo was never happier to flop into bed, falling asleep the moment her head hit the pillow. Even in this dormant state, her mind raced with possibilities of future flight.

She dreamt of the Equestria games, sliding through a tight formation of hoops effortlessly. Images of herself weaving through the trees of the Everfree forest followed, emerging into a beautiful meadow where Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy waited.

Alas, like all dreams, they had an end. But unlike many a morning after such dreams, today she didn’t feel the urge to cry herself back to sleep and take the day off school. Instead, she felt a great deal of levity as she kicked off the bed covers.

No longer was her mood crushed between the clash of dreams and reality. Rather, she felt as light as a cloud, her head held high to greet the bright rays of the morning sun.

Trotting over to her desk, Scootaloo pulled the chair out from under it and moved it over to the window. She then climbed up, threw open the curtains, and took to observing the local birds as they flew across the bright blue sky.

Despite how close she lived to Fluttershy’s cottage, Scootaloo rarely got to see much in the way of exotic wildlife – not that this bothered her. She felt content to view whatever birds cared to grace her with their presence, no matter how common.

The first birds she spotted were the sparrows she met yesterday, darting from bush to bush, as well as the odd swallow streaking past at speed – likely with a mouth full of worms for the hungry chicks.

Even without damp weather, there were still plenty of ducks about as well, on their way back to the rivers and ponds they’d left behind in the winter. A flock of geese followed suit, descending from heights that no Pegasus could fly – not without spells or specialized equipment.

Scootaloo made a mental note to ask Fluttershy about how they could survive at such heights.

“Hey, Scootaloo!” a drawling voice wrangled her attention back to ground level. “Equestria to Scootaloo, anybody home?”

“Huh, wha—” Scootaloo jerked back in surprise, so hard she nearly fell out of her chair. Outside her window, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle stood, snickering too each other. “Y’know, you could’ve knocked on the door like everypony else,” she grumbled.

“Good morning to you, too,” Sweetie Belle teased. “Sleep well?”

“Like a baby.” Scootaloo stretched her limbs. “I was just getting ready to head for Fluttershy’s. Did you bring the list of cutie mark problems for later this afternoon?”

“About that…” Applebloom let the words hang in the air as she and Sweetie Belle looked at each other, grinning like mad ponies. “We have a special surprise just for you.”

“A surprise?” Scootaloo tilted her head. Given all her progress she’d made with Fluttershy this past week, she suspected the surprise would be something to do with flight. She had no clues about the details, though.

“Pinkie Pie helped us put it together,” Sweetie Belle continued. “When she heard about your flying lessons, she insisted we make something special, just for you.”

“Would that surprise happen to involve a party?” Scootaloo smirked, folding her arms.

“Well of course,” Sweetie Bell smirked back. “It wouldn’t be Pinkie Pie without one.”

“So, whaddya say?” Applebloom chimed in. “Wanna head over to Fluttershy's cottage t'gether? I personally wanna see what all the fuss of flyin' is about.”

“Sure!” Scootaloo hopped out of the window, flapping her wings hard to get herself airborne. Through gritted teeth and straining muscles, she managed to hover for about thirty seconds before the inevitable descent.

The fall was short, a couple feet at most, but Applebloom still stepped forward to catch her when her wings gave out. “Take it easy there, Scoots,” she said, her brow furrowed. “I don't wanna see you hurtin' yourself.”

“Sorry.” Scootaloo hung her head. “Could you girls help close the window behind me? Last time I forgot, Snips and Snails jumped at the chance to rummage through my stuff.”

“Yikes!” Sweetie Belle cringed, closing the window with her magic. “Why didn't you tell us sooner? Did they steal anything?”

“They...” Scootaloo hesitated, angry at her loose lips. “No, nothing important.”

“If it weren't important, why'd they steal it to begin with?” Applebloom pressed, though not unkindly. “Do your parents know?”

Scootaloo bit her bottom lip, which was all Applebloom needed to know she asked the wrong question.

“Oh, that's right,” she cleared her throat. “I mean, what about your guardians? The adults you live with?”

Scootaloo remained silent, the dreamy expression on her face now gone.

“Oh, my goodness,” Sweetie Belle gasped. “Scootaloo, how long have you been living alone?”

“A long time,” Scootaloo said, her voice flat and emotionless. “Rainbow Dash checks on me sometimes, but we don't live together. She's the closest I have to family.”

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle looked at each other, slack-jawed. “Scootaloo...” they said in unison, though it was Applebloom who continued. “Why didn't ya tell us sooner? I live on a farm for cryin' out loud! I know Applejack would be more than happy for you to live with us. We've got plenty of space.”

Scootaloo shook her head. “No. I didn't say anything 'cause I didn't want you girls to worry. I've had enough of ponies worrying about me. I know how to look after myself, so you don't need to drag yourselves down with my problems.”

Her expression was stern and unmoving. She had never been more serious about something in her life. A silence fell between the three fillies, until Scootaloo shrugged her shoulders and walked past her friends.

“If you wanna come with, I'm cool with it.” Her voice carried a shade more of emotion this time. “But I'm not gonna waste time arguing about parents. I've got a family; their names are Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. They're gonna teach me how to fly on my own, just like my parents taught me to survive on my own. And if that means you don't wanna be friends anymore...” she forced down the lump in her throat. Without another word, she turned away and trotted off.

High above her house, Rainbow Dash sat on a cloud. This is bad, she thought, both mind and heart racing. Really, really bad. Gotta tell Fluttershy!

Rainbow Dash paced back and forth across the length of the room. Where the heck is she?

Her question was answered by a knock on the door, which Dash raced to open. “What kept you?!” She hurriedly ushered Fluttershy inside before she could answer. “I need to talk to you about Scootaloo.”

“Why? Is there a problem with my flying lessons?”

“Oh, no, no, not at all!” Dash hurriedly corrected, noting the slight quiver in Fluttershy's voice. “You're so much better than me at teaching the basics! The problem is that I... I...”

“Rainbow Dash–”

“I love you!”

Fluttershy stared blankly at Rainbow Dash, the sudden proclamation catching her off guard. “What?” was all she could say.

“I know, I know, we've been over this. I know you just wanna be friends, and I want us to be friends. But Scootaloo doesn't have parents and watching her earn her wings ‘cause of you, it's amazing! You are amazing! I think about you all the time, Fluttershy. I keep dreaming of us together, and Scootaloo likes both of us as sisters, and she needs that, and you're so much tougher than ponies give you credit for. The dragon, the Breezies, the water tornado, the–”

“Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy grabbed Dash's hoof, silencing her ramble. “You're starting to sound like Twilight. Take a deep breath and focus on one thing at a time. What do you think Scootaloo needs?”

Rainbow Dash took a breath and looked deep into her teal-coloured eyes. “Sorry, Fluttershy. You’ve spent a ton of time with Scootaloo lately, and there’s something you need to know. I was gonna hang with her today, then I overheard something disturbing. She said she lives alone. I know she’s an orphan, but I thought she had somepony looking after her!”

“I don’t understand,” Fluttershy broke eye contact. “Um, not to make light of the situation, but why is this a problem? She seems mature enough to me.”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but after she sprained her leg? I don’t think she can look after herself. Besides, she’s a filly! There’s no way she can do everything alone. That’s why we need to fill in for her parents. Both of us.”

“Dash, I know you still have a crush on me, but don't you think you're letting it influence your judgement a little?”

Dash gave an exasperated sigh. This is gonna be harder than I thought. Letting go of Fluttershy's hoof, she turned around and jumped onto her bed, all the old emotional wounds ripping open again. In her mind’s eye, she saw it all.

Rainbow Dash saw so much of herself in Fluttershy: the powerful determination that drove her beyond her limits when called for, not to mention the resolute stare that always put misbehaving creatures in her place. And yet, she was still her own mare. All this had been enough to spark a crush on its own.

Then, the Grand Galloping Gala happened. The night Discord turned it all into a chaotic prank-fest. Rainbow Dash had spent most of the night keeping her distance from Fluttershy, not wanting to interrupt her night with Tree Hugger.

But after Fluttershy stood up to Discord, putting him in his place, she could take it no longer. She pulled Fluttershy outside, kissed her on the lips and confessed her love.

This got her a hoof to the face.

Fluttershy had apologised immediately after, but Dash knew she deserved it. What was she thinking, just out of the blue kissing Fluttershy like that? They spent the next thirty minutes talking, hashing out their feelings.

“I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy had said. “It's super sweet that you like me, but I don't feel that way about you. Besides, I don't think I'm ready for dating yet. I have too much responsibility to my animals.”

Rainbow Dash said she accepted this. She said it was all okay, that she appreciated Fluttershy's honesty.

But the truth wasn’t that simple.

She hadn’t told a soul about the aftermath. How she flew straight home, locked herself in her room and cried the rest of the night away.

Now, here she was. Just like that day, she felt the endless tug of war between her heart and her head. I screwed up again.

“Rainbow Dash?” The sweet sound of Fluttershy's voice broke Rainbow Dash from her daydream. “Are you okay?”

Dash shook her head. She gestured for Fluttershy to sit next to her. “I promise I'm not gonna kiss you again. I just wanna talk.”

“Okay,” Fluttershy joined Rainbow Dash on the bed. “Let’s talk.”

“I don't wanna make this all about me – I know I do that a lot. But this time, it's not about what I need. It's about who I am, and how much Scootaloo wants to imitate me.”

“Do you think you're a bad influence on her?”

Dash took a moment to answer. “I'm not sure. But I might be.” She recounted what she heard about Snips and Snails robbing Scootaloo. “She's been keeping it a secret for Celestia knows how many years.”

“Is that why you think she needs a guardian?”

“Again, I dunno. And that's what bugs me the most. I'm supposed to be her big sister. I wanted her to know that, even if she never flies, it doesn't stop her being awesome. But she's only twelve! What kind of big sister am I, leaving her all alone to fend for herself?”

“Dash, I know you want to be a responsible adult. But we both know Scootaloo isn't stupid. She may make mistakes sometimes, but she knows how to keep herself safe.”

“I thought so, too,” Dash looked up at Fluttershy. “But after her last stunt? If you hadn't been there to give first aid, it could've been much worse. Now on top of all this, she sees you as a big sister as well.”

Dash grunted in frustration, flopping onto her back with her hooves spread. “Argh! I don't know! I can't do this alone. I want her to have a family like any kid her age. I want her to have the best life and reach her full potential. You've done so much for her over the past week, Fluttershy. I'm so proud of you both. But what if somepony breaks in again, and we’re not there for her?

“I know I can't force you to be my marefriend, Fluttershy. I don’t wanna. But looking after Scootaloo alone? I don't know any other way, and that's what bugs me the most. I need help, but every time I think of asking, I think about the kiss again. I don't ever want to go back to that. Not ever."

Rainbow Dash sighed in defeat. "No matter what I do, I'm hurting somepony. I'm just an egghead who sucks at responsibility...”

“Don't ever talk like that again!” Before Rainbow Dash knew it, Fluttershy was on her hooves and glaring down at her.“Rainbow Dash, you are much more of a patient, loyal and above all, caring pony than you give yourself credit for. If you’d never told me about those musical exercise classes, I never would've flown at all! Because of you, I got my cutie mark! You've made my life better than it could have ever been alone.”

That made Dash speechless. To be on the receiving end of Fluttershy's stare was an indescribable feeling. She stared right back into those fiery eyes, dazzled by the fury so unbefitting of the family name 'shy'.

“I've never doubted how much you care for Scootaloo, or for me. Ever since you performed the Sonic Rainboom at the young flyers’ competition, I've cheered for you like I've never cheered in my life. You make me want to be better, Rainbow Dash. In a perfect world, I'd go out with you in a heartbeat.”

Dash sat up. “But we don't live in a perfect world, do we?”

Fluttershy shook her head and sat back down. “Do you remember the Wonderbolts Academy, Dash?”

“Boy, do I ever,” she said with a slight chuckle. “Thank Celestia I was so in the ball. Lightning Dust coulda seriously hurt you with her recklessness!”

“Lightning Dust,” Fluttershy repeated, as if mulling over the name. “You're not her. You're a world apart from anypony like her.”

“Well, yeah, obviously. What's your poi–”

“That's why I worried about you,” Fluttershy interrupted. “Even after she was expelled, I was still worrying almost as much as Pinkie Pie. I didn't show it, but I did.” Fluttershy's eyes suddenly started welling up with tears. “I don't know if I could handle a long-distance relationship, Rainbow Dash. Worrying so much about you, just as a friend, let alone a mare friend?”

Rainbow Dash shuffled closer to Fluttershy, opening her arms to invite a hug, which Fluttershy took.

“I don't even know if I like you that much,” Fluttershy’s sobs grew louder, yet her voice somehow grew thinner and coarser. “That's why I wanted to remain friends. Not just because of my animals, but also because I need to understand myself – to know if I'm ready for you. To watch Scootaloo grow as a pony through the same love? Nothing would make me happier.”

“Fluttershy, I...” Dash tried to offer some reassurance, but the words wouldn't come. This was far beyond anything she expected to deal with.

“I remember something Tree Hugger said at the gala. She said to me: ‘Find your own centre before you centre around others.’ I'd caught you staring at me several times, but I was too busy handling Discord to think about it, or that advice. Then you kissed me, and it all made sense. I don't know myself well enough to give you the answer you deserve. And now I'm hurting you because of it. I'm so sorry.”

Rainbow Dash patted her friend on the back. “It's okay, Fluttershy. I'm not gonna lie. It feels like there's a big wall between us, and that hurts. Worse than being pet-less in the winter. But I respect you. No matter what, I'll always be your friend. I know this, 'cause everything we just talked about? It shows how much of Applejack's honesty has rubbed off on us.”

That got a small giggle out of Fluttershy.

“I love you, Fluttershy,” Dash continued. “And regardless of how hard it is, I wanna make something work. For Scootaloo's sake, it’s a challenge we can take head on.”

When Fluttershy's cries finally faded, she looked up at Dash and kissed her on the cheek. “You're amazing, you know that?”

“Heck yeah, I do!” Dash said, beaming with pride. “Mother fracker, I'm awesome! And so are you.” She returned Fluttershy's kiss. “So, how about we go find Scootaloo? We can hash out any relationship stuff later, or whenever you want. But first, we make sure she knows we’re here for her. Sound good?”

“It does!” Fluttershy was smiling again, an expression which never failed to melt Rainbow Dash’s love-struck heart. “She should be at my cottage by now.”

And with that, the two left Dash’s cloud home, not knowing that Scootaloo had other plans for the day.

When Scootaloo and the Cutie Mark Crusaders arrived at Fluttershy's cottage, they found a note taped to the door.

Gone to visit Rainbow Dash. Will be back this afternoon. Birds have been fed, Angel's breakfast is on the kitchen counter. Scootaloo, feel free to show yourself in.

With no estimated time of return, the three fillies decided to head straight for their headquarters; AKA the Treehouse. When they arrived, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Pinkie Pie were waiting for them.

“Didn't expect you so early, Scootaloo,” Diamond Tiara piped. “We're just working on a couple more last-minute adjustments.”

“Adjustments?” Scootaloo cocked her head slightly. “What do you mean?”

Silver Spoon opened her mouth to explain but found herself over-ruled by Pinkie Pie. “We heard you were getting better at flying, so we built this, just for you!”

Slamming her hoof on a big red button, the tree-house shuddered as a long series of wooden panels unfolded like a concertina. Suspended on thick lengths of wire, the panels locked together to form a ramp, at least fifty meters in length, slightly curved to point over the tree tops.

“Ta da!” Pinkie threw open her front hooves, gesturing over the ramp. “What do ya think?”

Scootaloo was speechless. Did her friends really build this incredible contraption all by themselves?

“Don't you like it?” Pinkie’s boisterous expression dropped.

“Like it? I love it!” Scootaloo’s wings were already buzzing at the chance to test her flight skills. “This is incredible! Thank you all so much!”

“We've had quite a stash of unspent savings,” Silver Spoon smiled as she gestured to Diamond Tiara. “So, we figured we'd combine it and build you a runway.”

“Consider it our thanks for befriending us after all the horrible stuff we said about you.” A slight tinge of guilt still coloured Diamond Tiara's voice, which Scootaloo—as well as Pinkie Pie—responded to by embracing them in a group hug.

“You guys are the best.” Scootaloo wiped a tear from her eye. “I'm super grateful and all, but isn't this kinda dangerous? You know what happened to me last time I tried a running start.”

“We've thought of that, too.” Pinkie Pie pressed another big red button (which Scootaloo swore wasn't there before), activating another set of leavers that pulled up a large safety net a short distance from the runway’s end.

“I don't suppose you added a few sharks to jump as well?” Scootaloo snarked.

“I knew I forgot something!” Pinkie Pie stomped her hoof, giving every pony a good laugh.

Once she’d put on her helmet and shin guards, Scootaloo raced to the foot of the runway and started warming up her wings with the stretches Fluttershy taught her.

“Not gonna use your scooter for a boost?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Nah, I don't need it,” Scootaloo replied. “I need to get myself into a good rhythm before
take-off. Can't do that with a scooter.”

“If you say so,” Applebloom shrugged. “Ah don't know the first thing about flyin', so ah trust your judgement. Just be careful, okay?”

“Yeah, what Applebloom said,” added Sweetie Belle. “Me and Diamond will have our magic on standby in case you start struggling past the net.”

“Thanks, girls.” Scootaloo pulled her goggles down. “Wish me luck.”

“Break a leg!” Cried Pinkie Pie, before handing Scootaloo a porcelain leg to crack over the runway.

With the leg officially broken, Scootaloo crouched, spread her wings and tensed her muscles. The moment she felt the breeze beneath her wings, she was off, galloping down the runway as fast as her legs could carry her. Humming to the tune of Fluttershy’s music, she synchronised each flap to the beat of her hooves against the wooden runway.

Pressure building under her wings, she approached the point of no return. It was now or never.

With one final push, Scootaloo took off.

Straight away, her problems began. Her wing beats were out of time, rolling her to the right. She spread the lead feathers on her left wing to compensate, spoiling some of the air flow to level herself off.

A huge updraft surged from below, almost knocking her off course. Instead, she held her wings firm, her body held straight to let the wind carry her higher while maintaining level pitch.

Once the gust subsided, Scootaloo twisted her hindquarters to glide at a slight angle. With this motion, she intended to bank right and glade safely back to the tree house.

Yet she banked too far, and before she knew it, she’d slipped into a tailspin, losing altitude fast.

She tried to recover by raising her left wing, to flip herself into a barrel roll, but this only made matters worse. Her ground orientation lost, she spun wildly towards the runway, shooting past the net and tumbling head first through the tree house door.

A second before impact, Scootaloo closed her eyes.

But the impact wasn’t as severe as she expected. Her friends had already rushed to her side. “Scootaloo, are you okay?!” cried Sweetie Belle, her horn glowing bright.

“Ugh,” Scootaloo groaned. Pulling off her helmet, she noticed a shiny pink aura levitating her off the ground. “I’m a little dizzy, but I should be fine.”

“That was a pretty gusty move you pulled off there, Scoots.” Everypony's eyes snapped to the tree house entrance, where Rainbow Dash stepped inside with Fluttershy in tow.

Unfortunately, this broke Sweetie Belle’s concentration. A loud thud and Scootaloo’s surprised yelp followed.

“Hey, Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo rubbed the back of her head as she sat up. “What brings you out here?”

“Oh no! Let me take a look at you.” Fluttershy rushed to Scootaloo’s side and pulled off her pads.

“Ugh, Fluttershy, I'm fine!” Scootaloo rolled her eyes, blushing a little. “I'm not that hurt. Not like before.”

“She got a good save this time,” Applebloom said, referring to the Unicorn pair by her side.

“Hey, Scootaloo,” Dash sat in front of the filly. “Do you remember what day it is?”

“I know! I know!” Pinkie's arm shot up, eager to get Rainbow Dash's attention.

“Oh my gosh,” Scootaloo gasped. “Rainbow Dash, it's your birth-a-versery!”

“It is. You wanted to surprise me with flying, didn’t ya?”

Scootaloo blushed. “Yeah, kind of. That’s what I wanted to do, but I guess I screwed that up again, huh?”

“Screwed up?” Dash whisked Scootaloo off her hooves. “Scootaloo, that was amazing! Just last week, you could barely lift off the ground, and now look at you! You flew for an entire two minutes!”

Scootaloo's eyes went wide. “I did, didn't I?”

“Yep! And you remember what I promised?”

“You mean, we're going to Rainbow Falls?!”

“Heck yeah, we are!” Rainbow Dash hugged Scootaloo and ruffled her hair. “You put so much effort into Fluttershy’s lessons, we're leaving tomorrow!”

“Um, Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked, twirling a hoof on the floor. “I know this was meant for just you and Scootaloo, but do you mind if I come, too? I'm so excited to see Scootaloo progress further, especially in the presence of Equestria's number one flyer.”

Dash put Scootaloo down and rubbed her chin. “Weeell, I don’t mind so much. What about you, Scoots? It’s your treat.”

“Of course, Fluttershy can come!” Scootaloo bounced over in excitement, which made Pinkie Pie wonder if she’d been learning to move like her, too.

Rainbow Dash clapped her hooves together. “Then it’s settled! You don't mind sharing a tent, do ya, Flutters?”

Fluttershy giggled. “Not at all. It'll give us time to talk about our future together.”

“Perfect! And if things work out, we might have a big announcement to make!”

“Hey, Applebloom,” Scootaloo asked. “You have plenty of spare tents, don’t ya?”

“Ah do. Why?”

Pinkie Pie had the perfect answer to that question. “Because it’s a ‘Scootaloo can totally fly’ party, and you’re all invited!”

Every pony in the room cheered, save for Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, who were too busy staring into each other’s eyes.

The next day, at the Rainbow Falls camping grounds, a trio of tents had been set up facing each other. True to its name, the vibrant rainbow waterfalls glimmered in the summer sunshine.

“Race ya to the swimming hole!” Applebloom called, followed by a stampede of little hooves.

“Incoming!” Scootaloo pulled herself into a sharp right turn before canon-balling into the pool. She had already performed several short flights that day, testing her skills through tight turns around various obstacles. While she still struggled to stay airborne longer than three minutes at a time, bit by bit, she was improving.

For the first time in her life, her dream was in sight.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash sat in her tent next to Fluttershy. “Gotta say, Flutters. You've done one heck of a job. I've never seen Scootaloo this happy before!”

Fluttershy blushed. “Don’t forget, I couldn't have done it without your encouragement, Dashie. I learned from the best.”

“Aww, shucks, Fluttershy. You've done a ton for yourself these past few years too, y’know!”

“That's true,” Fluttershy's smile widened as she looked at Dash. “I've been thinking… every moment with you is a treasure. You were right, Scootaloo needs us both. Even if she doesn't live with us, we can still be there for her when she needs it.”

Rainbow Dash gasped. “Fluttershy... does this mean…?”

“Yes,” Fluttershy stood up and held out a hoof. “Rainbow Dash, would you be my marefriend?

“Will I ever!” Dash all but pounced on Fluttershy, planting her lips on hers for the longest kiss she’d ever given. “I love you, Fluttershy,” she said upon release. “When I'm not training with the Wonderbolts, I'll visit you. That's a Pinkie promise!

Fluttershy relaxed into Dash’s embrace. “I love you, too, Rainbow Dash. But don’t forget to take time off for yourself, either.”

“Still looking out for me, aren’t ya?”

“Of course. Together, we'll make the best adopted parents Scootaloo could ask for.”

That was when Scootaloo cleared her throat, standing just outside the tent, still dripping from her brief swim. “Dash, you were there when I talked about living alone, right?”

“Oh yeah, so I did...” Dash gave an awkward laugh. “Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on ya. I respect your privacy and all, so we're not gonna make you live with us.”

“Hey! I said I didn't need anypony’s help to live,” Scootaloo corrected, holding up her hoof. “I never said I wouldn’t want to live with somepony! Besides, who’d give up the chance to live with the best flyers in Equestria?”

Fluttershy blinked. “Wait, did you say 'flyers', plural?”

“Yep! I certainly did!” Scootaloo squeezed herself between the two mares. “'Cause I never would've learnt to fly without either of you. So, do you mind if I come by every day after school to be with my big sisters?”

“Pft, was that ever in any doubt?” Rainbow Dash waved her hoof in dismissal, and all three ponies laughed together. “Although technically, we’re your adopted parents, now aren’t we?”

If just two weeks ago, Scootaloo had been told she'd not only be flying, she’d have a new family made from the two ponies she idolized most? She would've dismissed it as a cruel joke.

But somehow, what was once a pipe dream had finally come true. Scootaloo had not just learnt the essence of flight, but also the essence of family.

Author's Note:

This fic is partially based on my own experiences as someone with dyspraxia. Obviously, I'm not a Pegasus, but for any task that requires large degrees of coordination, such as bike riding, can prove difficult for people like myself!

After seeing the new Doctor Who series finally give dyspraxia some much needed media representation? It got me wondering about other characters could have dyspraxia? And when I saw what would be the cover art, the idea clicked.

So here we are. Critiques, feedback, questions? Feel free to ask in the comments below!
Theme song: NiGHTs Into Dreams OST - Twin Seeds - Growing Wings: https://youtu.be/aJhYZoMMvos

For more information on Dyspraxia and similar developmental disorders, visit: https://dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk

Comments ( 34 )

But somehow, what was once a pipe dream had finally come true. Scootaloo had not just learnt the essence of flight, but also the essence of family.

hmmmm, yes *sniff* good story


Love this so much :raritywink:

Glad you did! It's been too long since I wrote something truly heartwarming, and it looks like it worked =D. Thanks for the comment!

Awesome, and provides a possible reason why Scootaloo has trouble

Awww, this was so sweet!
I feel like the relationship between Fluttershy and rainbow Dash could have ben presented earlier, or at least foreshadowed, as well as the fact that Scootaloo lives alone, but you definitely did bettet than i could ever do! I wanna see a sequel now :3

Much of this fic wasn't planned out in the rigid structure, but I did go back and add the scene between Dash and Pinkie Pie to give the Flutter/Dash elements more grounding. I usually don't write romances that are secondary to the plot, but I suppose it's a learning experience for me :P.

Maybe i was just focusing on the wrong things, even though, this was still a joy to read!

Will you do a sequel?

I don't usually plan sequals. I may do at some point, but for now this is just a one shot.

Also, don't sell yourself short with critiques. Your perspective is valid and will help me improve ;). For now, I've got chapters of unfinished fics to work on!

“Most Unicorns don’t have to think about basic spells,” Diamond Tiara added once she caught her breath. “I can levitate a coffee cup just like you’d pick it up in your hooves, Rainbow Dash.

Diamond Tiara is an earth pony though.

...How the heck did I miss that? I'll fix that immediately, thanks!

Great story.

And I too suffer from dyspraxia, so I know how you feel.

I’m a huge sucker for this trio (Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Scootaloo) pairing stories and your work is one of the best I’ve read of said genre. The emotions all felt real and the setup for why Scootaloo wasn’t able to fly were BRILLIANTLY done. (Even the inclusion of the FlutterDash shipping I found was well done). Excellent fic.

I like the head-cannon on her reason not being able to fly. Everyone likes a shipping and a 'adopt-a-loo' story... but if it wasn't for those two elements... I bet this could be an actual episode, Scoots just needs a alternate way to fly :)

I love scoot-adopt stories, and FutterDash :3 Just gota be realistic if was an episode.
Small edit :/ Noticed you have 'Diamond Tiara' using magic. =x Pretty sure she's an earth pony...
=o Could always be an AU though hehe...

What a wonderful story.
I like a lot of the ideas in this and I enjoyed the Flutterdash family too

Yeah, a previous comment mentioned that. I need to fix that. My mistake! Thanks for the feedback, though.

I could make it an AU and have her use telekenesis ;). Legit though, ty for the observation =3.

Sure. I hope I didn't come across as rude. I didn't mean to sound abrupt, or anything, I just sort of jotted it down when I thought about it.

Nah, it's okay! 'Twas a genuine error on my part. Thanks for the feedback :).

Nice, though the romance aspect feels a trifle rushed.

It wasn't initially planned to be included at all, so I went back and added a few bits and pieces to try and make it work.
Tis a consequence of it being secondary, really.

Fair enough. I’m probably biased anyway, I like drawn out love stories for whatever reason.

Nah, it's a fair critique. I discussed it with my editor piror to publishing; hence why I added the scene between Pinkie and Dash. I've only written one other romantic story that didn't end up in sex, so perhaps I should do more shipping of the SFW variety :P.

“I know I can't force you to be my marefriend, Fluttershy. I don’t wanna. But looking after Scootaloo alone? Maybe I'm not cut out for it. Maybe I should just leave Ponyville altogether, so she can live with her better sister…”

This paragraph, well they whole situation that prompts it ruins the story.

This isn't so much a romance as an unrequited attraction using any available method to "get a date". The use of self deprecating language that provokes your crush defending you from you, as well as guilt tripping and working different angles, well, that's pretty textbook gaslighting.

The behavior rainbow is displaying is (in the real world) a warning sign of potential abusers.

I've personally been 'they chaser' in a situation of unrequited attraction for several years. It made interaction awkward and caused plenty of heartache for myself and my friend. It eventually ended when I matured enough to leave it well alone and eventually got over it.

What rainbow in this story is doing, will only make the situation worse .
I'm downvoting this story because the dynamic shown between rainbow and flutters belongs in an rgre dominance fic, Not a fluffy heartwarmer

Glad you mentioned this story of yours over on Twitter!

It's refreshing to see a story give a reasonable explanation for Scootaloo's trouble flying. I honestly haven't read any stories that tackle the issue as well as yours did. I imagine your personal experience with dyspraxia helped in describing the issue, but the way you adapted it to the concept of pegasus flight must have taken some work.

While reading the story I did notice that there are some places here and there that could use some minor spelling or grammar tweaks. This one in particular caught my attention:

The fallowing Thursday, she met up with Fluttershy again for her check-up, where Nurse Red Heart removed her bandages for the final time.

I believe the word here should be "following" instead of "fallowing."

In any case, thanks for writing this heartwarming story!

Fixed, thank you for the feedback :).

Yikes! Thanks for bringing this to my attention. While the next line has Fluttershy scolding Rainbow Dash for thinking like this, this absolutely falls into the camp of "unfortunate implications". I'll chat with my editor to see how I can change the line to remove said implications.

Story in the feature box with mature content filter turned on!

I'm confused... What does that have to do with anything?

At the time of the edit, if you turned on the mature content filter, it was in the feature box. My first story to do so. That's about it.

Thank you so much for the glowing review!

This has been in my read-it-later for weeks.

I'm glad I finally took the time! This was very good. I love Scootafly stories.

This is one of those cases where everything just came together nicely. Partly based on my own experiences with Dyspraxia, plus being such a nerd I learn the technical details of any given subject? It pleases me to a great extent that it all worked out so well =D.

This is a great tale with Fluttershy teaching Scoots how to fly. The Flutterdash and Scootadopt aspects are a added bonus for me though it may have made the story a little crowded and loss a little focus

After a brief snack on some alfalfa and tomato sandwiches, the Pegusi pair moved on to spreading berries among the bushes out front. A couple of sparrows soon flew in for a taste of the sweet treats.

It’s Pegasi not pegusi.

That's something I fix in my newer stories.

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