• Published 6th Aug 2012
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The Lost - Lux

A student, two teachers, romance, a forbidden transformation, betrayl, and a little chaos

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Studies with Celestia

Chapter 5 – Studies with Celestia

“So now you have seen how Twist interacted with Luna,” Princess Celestia said, “but you need to see how he interacted with me. There is a reason for this, as my part in Twist’s life and his fate was just as prominent.”

The blackness around the three brightened into the familiar study area where Twist noted all of the books. Twist was seated at a desk while the younger Celestia stood at a podium next to a blackboard filled with notes.”

“…and so, it was due to the three pony types prejudices and hatreds that almost caused their own destruction, but it was through their new-found friendship that ultimately united the three tribes and created Equestria as we know it today. Do you have any questions about this, Twist?”

“Princess Celestia, can I ask you a question that’s sort of related to what you were telling about the three pony types?”

“Certainly, Twist,” the younger Celestia said, “What is your question?”

“Are some ponies born bad?”

Celestia looked in surprise at Twist as he asked the question, not expecting such a query to come from the colt. Most fillies and colts she had seen were concerned with only basic things, like having fun and making. Although elementary, these were the foundations upon which the rest of their life would be built. Very rarely did the Princess of the Sun see a pony as young as Twist so introspective about themselves and how they fit in into the world.

“Why do you ask such a question?”

“Well, when I was in the orphanage and my magic started happening, there were many ponies who were afraid of me. A few even called me bad. I’m not bad, Princess Celestia, am I?”

Celestia’s face was marked with pity for the young colt. To think that a pony that had nothing to begin with had to endure the added hardship of facing unkind ponies.

“Twist, first of all a pony isn’t born good or bad. They are born essentially like a book with no words. Then as you go through life meeting other ponies and experiencing things, you begin to fill your book with your experiences. It’s these experiences that shape who you are, but it’s also how you choose to react to them that more importantly determines your character. Then and only then you can say you’re either good or bad.”

“As for you being bad, I can say that I do not believe you to be bad. And if anypony says otherwise, you can tell them that you have a princess’s word. Remember Twist, you deserve as much happiness as any other pony in Ponytopia, even in Equestria. All you need to do is seek out that happiness, and once you have it, never let it go. And most importantly, don’t let anypony tell you that you’re not as good as them. Understand, Twist?”

“Thanks, Princess Celestia,” Twist.

“Please, call me Celestia. There’s no need for royal formalities, as you are the student of my sister and I.”

“Ok then, Celestia.”

“Now, let us resume our studies with some mathematics.”

The scene dissolved back into blackness and then into the familiar setting of the study room in the Canterlot Castle. Twilight looked around to get her bearings, wondering for a moment if where she was seeing was still the memory of one of the princesses or for real.

“So, now you know how my sister and I interacted with Twist earlier on,” Luna said, “We both taught and nurtured this pony. We both had a place in the life of this pony, and we both assumed that he was normal, save for his ability. But I can assure you that we would take the same course of action that we did then to help a pony in despair.”

“So, then how did Twist become Discord?” Twilight asked, “He seemed so nice and calm. Was it an accident or did he change on purpose?”

“Ah, Twilight,” Celestia said, “I knew you would have more questions. I can assure you that all will be revealed in time. For now it is getting late and I think this is a good place in the story to stop. I have arranged a private room in the castle for you to stay at. This will save you from journeying to and from Canterlot every day.”

“What about Spike?”

“I will send a letter to Spike telling him where you are and that you are safe. Now, it is getting close to dinner time. How about we catch up on your adventures in Ponyville while we dine.”

“That would be nice,” Twilight said, happily accepting the chance to speak to the two princesses and to then look forward to the rest of the story of Twist.