• Published 6th Aug 2012
  • 2,523 Views, 58 Comments

The Lost - Lux

A student, two teachers, romance, a forbidden transformation, betrayl, and a little chaos

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Chapter 7 – Confessional

As the scene faded back into blackness, Twilight looked in shock at Princess Luna. The look on the unicorn’s face was not lost of the princess.

“Twilight? Are you ok?”

“Princess Luna… did you … I mean were you…?”

“In love with Twist?” she finished the question.

Twilight dropped her head as if to be ashamed to even assume such a thing from a princess.

“Yes, Twilight, I was in love with Twist back then,” continued the younger Princess.

“But how … I mean, why him?”

“Twilight,” Luna said, “my sister and I are no different from other ponies when it comes to emotions. We feel the same joy, sorrow, anger, and pain. And yes we feel love too. As you know, we are long lived, so finding love is difficult. We know that ultimately the love of our lives will pass on before we do. We also know that, being royalty, we do not have many opportunities to seek out love and express it to others. Twist, by being there in the castle, was a perfect opportunity for me to feel love. I cannot tell you, Twilight, what attracted me to him, but I can tell you that I loved Twist. To tell you the truth, I still love him, not as the creature you now known as Discord, but as the handsome, intelligent stallion he once was.”

Luna paused as the memories of that time passed through her mind before continuing.

“I can tell you that this love for Twist was not immediate, what some ponies would call love at first sight. Our relationship with each other started as student and teacher. The same could be said for him and my sister. Over time, as we got to know him, and he got to know us, Twist became more like a friend to Celestia and I. But then, something happened. I cannot tell you when or how or why, but I began to have feelings for the stallion. At first I ignored them, but soon I realized it was useless to fight it. And that was when I had to tell Celestia what happened.”

With that, the image of Princess Celestia’s bedroom came into view. It was similar to the one that she had in Canterlot, with pure white walls and decorated in gleaming gold and sun symbols. Princess Celestia was getting ready to retire for the evening, removing her crown and other accessories. Then suddenly a knock was heard at the door. The younger Celestia seemed to know that no pony would be calling on her at this hour unless it was either an emergency or her sister. As she approached the door, she hoped it was the later.

“Who is it?” the white princess inquired.

“It is your sister,” a voice said from the other side of the door.

“Luna, you know it is almost my bedtime.”

“Yes, but I need to tell you something. It’s urgent.”

The white princess opened the golden door to let her sister in.

“All right, Luna. Tell me what is so important.”

“Something is happening to me, sis.”

“Are you feeling sick or hurt?”

“No, it’s just that I keep thinking about something, or somepony to be exact.”

Celestia’s expression softened from concern to an inquiring look. “I see…Luna, tell me exactly what you are feeling, and who this pony is.”

“Well, it’s Twist. I keep thinking about him all the time: when I wake up, when he’s eating with us, when he’s practicing his magic with me, every time! Oh sister, what’s happening to me?”

“Luna,” Celestia said placing a reassuring hoof on her younger sister’s shoulder, “there is nothing wrong with you. You are in love with Twist!”

“In love?”

“Yes sister. You love him. Have you told him your feelings towards him?”

“No sis. I didn’t know if it was right to involve him, being a princess.”

“Luna, love is a powerful thing, more powerful than any magic. If you truly love him, then you should have no regrets about doing so. It matters not about whom we are or that we are royalty. We deserve to love and be loved as any other pony.”

“But Twist is not like us. He will die someday, like a normal pony.”

“That is true sister. Twist is a normal pony, and one day his life will end. But you must not think about that, and it should never prevent you from being happy or sharing your love with him.”

“So, are you are giving me your blessing then, Celestia?”

“Luna, you do not need my blessing as to whom you choose, but if it makes you happy, you may have it anyway -- not as a princess, but as your sister.”

“I love you sis,” Luna said, giving her a hug.

“I love you too sis,” Celestia said.