• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Rage: Storms of Hurricos

It didn't take Spyro, Spike, and Ember long to return to Summer Forest, leaving the workers and their foremen alone to work on new idols that weren't affected by Ripto's spell, though once they touched down in front of the portal to Idol Springs, and jumped over the small river that was between them and the ground they had walked on earlier, when they first arrived in this homeworld and explored what the land had to offer. From there the siblings headed back towards the castle and dived into the water, where they charged through the small lake and went through the underwater passage that would take them inside the castle, even though Spike could have opened the hidden passageway that he revealed to Moneybags earlier, but his siblings didn't seem to mind swimming for a few seconds and he didn't mention it. Due to how short the tunnel was, it took them a few seconds to swim under the castle's wall and jump out of the pool that was inside the structure, where they climbed out and started to move back towards the area that the next two portals were in, as they needed to decide which realm they were going to tackle next. Of course the wooden gates still blocked their way, since those seemed to be an important part of the castle and it's defenses, but they were rather easy to deal with and the siblings found themselves back in the large chamber that the large tree rested in, accompanied by the portals that they were looking for, as for now they were ignoring the paths that would take them to the Speedway and the final portal of this homeworld.

"So, what are the names of the realms we have to pick from?" Spyro asked, because while he and Ember could easily read the magical writing on the portals, as it seemed rather simple when they looked at the two constructs, there was no telling if there was anything hidden in the magic, something that Spike would be able to see and tell them about before they made their decision.

"The portal that is the closest to the pair of paths, that lead to the Speedway portal and the portal that Moneybags tried to scam us into buying access to, is Sunny Beach," Spike replied, as he could see the names of the realms, just like he had seen the names for Colossus and Idol Springs earlier, and didn't question why Spike was asking him about what the realms were called, even though he knew that his siblings could read the names themselves, before he shifted his focus to the other portal for a moment, "while the one that's near the ladder, which let us find an Orb and some gems near the ceiling of this room, is Hurricos. I don't think it matters which realm we tackle first, so it all depends on what you guys want to do and where you want to go, though I'm eager to learn more about all of the realms that Avalar has, just like I read up on Glimmer, Colossus, and Idol Springs earlier."

"I'd say visit the beach, but I'm curious about Hurricos," Ember added, as while she knew that part of the reason she and her brothers had gone through the portal to Dragon Shores, to escape the odd storm that had shown up in the Artisans homeworld, she was more curious as to why someone would call their realm 'Hurricos', though her curiosity paled in comparison to Spike's burning desire to learn everything he could about these new realms.

"Hurricos it is then." Spyro stated, as he had been thinking the same thing that his siblings had said, that they would tackle the realm that was the closest to the ladder, before he focused on the portal in question and headed towards it, where Spike and Ember followed after him so they could see what was on the other side of the portal, even though they all knew that the residents of the realm would need help with something.

It took them a few seconds to get up to where the portal was located and charge through it, though when they arrived in the starting area for the new realm they were visiting, and focused on the area around them, they found that they were on an island that was surrounded by water, though it had a number of metallic looking buildings, along with some gates that had electricity dancing the two vertical parts of the structure. Where one would have figured that they could jump on some rocks and get around the gate, without having to deal with it, the siblings found that the rock to their right was tall enough to prevent that from happening, so what they needed to do was get through the gate and figure out what in the world was happening to this realm. Standing near the area they appeared in was a small person, who was about as tall as they were when they sat down, that was wearing a blue suit that covered the majority of their body, save for the mouth to be exact, and he wore glasses over his eyes, which seemed to be filled with static or something, though since he was standing near the flag that contained the emblem for the residents of this realm, they could determine that those that were like him were the ones they were helping out. The other being they noticed was easily three times the height of the siblings, who wore a black jacket that was open, brown gloves and pants, and was carrying a large wrench in one hand and had a metallic hat on his head, but the siblings had to assume, since the being was standing in front of the electric gate that was blocking their way, had to be the enemies that were bothering the residents of this realm.

The thing that caught their attention after they discovered all of that, however, was the dark sky that was above them, which was filled with storm clouds that were rumbling at the moment and the rain that accompanied the clouds, though Spike could tell they were thunderclouds and that they happened to visit the realm in the middle of a thunderstorm, only there was no thunder and lightning at the moment.

"Great, we went through the portal to Dragon Shores to escape the storm that was hitting the Artisans homeworld, only to visit a realm in Avalar that happens to be in the middle of a storm anyway." Ember remarked, where there was a slight frown on her face, as she didn't like the fact that this was happening to them at the moment, before she sighed and focused on the person that was standing nearby, showing her siblings that she wanted to get started on helping the residents of this realm and ignore the storm that was above their heads.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, boy am I glad to see you, especially since Elora told us we'd be receiving help from a group of dragons in the near future," the person said, once more showing the siblings that the residents of the realms of Avalar did know about them, thanks to Elora telling them ahead of time, though once he said that he gestured to the being that was standing near the electric gate, allowing the siblings to glance at the person in question for a few seconds, "We've always had problems with the Gear Grinders, since they enjoy bothering us and interrupting our work, but now they have gone too far, as they have set up force fields to separate us from each other. If any of you find any diodes, which are small light bulbs that the Gear Grinders have removed from the gates you'll find in our realm, you can use them to turn off the force fields and access the other areas of our realm... and I think there might actually be a diode around here somewhere, but my eyesight isn't what it used to be and I might be wrong about that."

The siblings nodded their heads and informed the small person that they were going to help him and the rest of the realm out, while at the same time Spike was going to have to open the guidebook so he could discover what the residents of Hurricos were called and what they did for the rest of Avalar, like he did for the other realms they had been to since their arrival in Avalar, before he and his siblings started to move. The first thing they did was collect the pair of gems that were on the ground and broke the straw baskets that were near the person they had spoken with, before turning their attention to the Gear Grinder that was standing in front of the force field, his wrench at the ready so he could beat one of them into the ground. Spyro, being the first one to approach the first foe they would encounter in this realm, quickly rolled to the side and avoided the incoming attack, allowing the wrench to hit the ground before loosing a burst of fire that took down the foe, though while he did that, and felt good about what he was able to do, Spike found the diode that the person had told them about and picked it up with his magic. Since the force field gate was nearby, and there was no one in the area to stop them, he slipped it into the rectangular shaped receptacle that was on the side of one of the legs of the gate, where he and his siblings watched as the force field shorted out and disappeared before their eyes, allowing them to access the next part of the realm.

When they walked through the inactive gate, and looked at the Gear Grinders that were in the area, they found that one of the foes in question was working on a metallic creation that looked like a robot or something, as it seemed to be the upper body of someone like Hunter or Moneybags, all made out of metal, with wrenches at the end of it's arms, but as soon as they came to a stop the Gear Grinder paused what he was doing and turned on the robot, showing that he was ready for battle.

Due to what they knew, from the previous realms they had taken on and the enemies they had defeated, the siblings knew that fighting a foe that had some sort of metallic armor wasn't the end of the world, as all one of them had to do was charge into the opponent in question and they would be allowed to move on, so while Spyro and Spike took care of the robot, where Spike stopped the creature with a short barrier so Spyro could charge into it, Ember tackled the Gear Grinder that was behind it, dodging the attack before jumping into the air to hit the being with her tail. As soon as her foe hit the ground Ember flamed him for good measure, making sure he was taken out and that another Spirit Particle joined the pair that surged off to another part of the realm, where she and her brothers decided not to worry about the Powerup Gate and focused on what they were doing at the moment. From there they found another diode on the ground, where Spike picked it up and store it inside his satchel until they were ready to power down the next force field, so they could progress to another part of this realm, only to walk around the decent sized piece of earth that was near them and found another Gear Grinder standing near a second diode, though he wasn't as ready as the second Gear Grinder had been, as there were no fancy moves this time, as Spike just flamed him and collected the diode as he fell to the ground. Once that was done they picked up five gems that were around the raised section of earth and then jumped onto it, smashing the straw basket that was up there and gathered both the gem that fell from it and the gem that was laying near it, before they glided over to another raised section of the starting area.

When they landed the first thing they did was smash the straw baskets that were near them and picked up the gems that ended up being freed from the containers, before picking up four more gems that happened to be in the area that was around them, only to turn their attention on the Gear Grinder and his robot, who seemed to be guarding the area, despite the fact that Spike believed the two diodes they had picked up were all they needed to move forward. That didn't stop the siblings from charging into the robot and crushed him against the rock wall that was near them, nor did it stop them from dodging the wrench that the Gear Grinder swung at them a few times, as if he was trying to get the three of them to back off or something, before they flamed him and continued to explore the area they were in. As soon as the Gear Grinder and his robot were taken care of the siblings gathered the gems that were laying on the ground, smashed the pair of straw baskets that were on a slightly higher section of the area, and ignored the rat that was scurrying away to find shelter, as they had the feeling that rats were the fodder creatures for this realm, before they found that they could hover over a slight gap to get to one of the highest points of this area. It was there that they found a couple more gems on the ground, and some straw baskets that they smashed open, before they glided over to the raised section of earth that happened to be just outside the tall building they had seen upon their arrival, but the platform was out of their reach for the moment, meaning they had to find a way to get even higher in this realm to reach that point, though the good part about that was that Spyro found some gems to add to what they were retrieving for Elora.

Once all of that was done, and Spike was sure that this part of the realm had been cleared of enemies and they had collected all of the scattered gems for now, the siblings headed towards the force field gate that was blocking the way forward and Spike slipped one of the diodes into the receptacle, effectively turning everything off, though as they walked up the metallic steps that were behind it, and across a metal bridge, he repeated the action and turned off a second force field gate, allowing them to access another section of this realm.

"Okay Spike, what can you tell us about this realm?" Spyro asked, as he was stopping them under the area that the second force field gate brought them to, as there was a decent sized area they could stand under without getting wet at all, which meant his brother could pull out the guidebook and figure out everything they might need to know about this realm and the inhabitants that they were helping, and, if they were lucky, even the reason as to why Ripto was so keen on messing with this realm.

"Well, as you might have noticed, Hurricos is a realm that is constantly being ravaged by thunderstorms, even though we've come to this realm at the end of such a storm," Spike replied, showing that they were experiencing the end of one of the storms that Hurricos experienced all the time, though he was looking down at the guidebook and the information that Elora had provided them with, as it was all fascinating and he liked what he was seeing, "and the residents of this realm, the ones that we're helping out by taking care of the Gear Grinders, breaking their robots, and taking down the force fields that have been turned on, are called Electrolls. From what I can tell, the Electrolls are the ones that build all of the pieces of machinery that the residents of Avalar use and, at the same time, the frequency of the violent thunderstorms is actually a good thing for the Electrolls, as the buildings that are scattered all around Hurricos are designed to capture the power of the lightning bolts that strike the island. The Electrolls, as it turns out, use all the power they collect from the storms to power the vast majority of the machines that are scattered throughout Avalar, by a system none of them felt like sharing with Elora, but it's simply amazing what they have been able to do with machinery and the power of nature."

"So why is Ripto harassing this realm?" Ember asked, where she could see that Spyro was thinking about this as well, because they both figured that the Gear Grinders were either being employed by Ripto to do this, or they could have been taking advantage of the lack of guards trying to stop them from messing with the Electrolls, and she had the feeling that Spike likely had an answer for them, "What does he gain from all of this?"

"Best guess, he either broke the Gear Grinders out of their holding cells and put them to work, or they're doing this because all of Avalar's guards seem to be missing," Spike replied, though that was an interesting thing to think about, as neither he or his siblings had seen anyone else besides Elora, Hunter, Zoe, and Moneybags in the castle or the area that was around it, making him wonder if there were even any guards to begin with, something that he was going to have to ask Elora the next time they saw her, which would likely be when they headed to the dungeon, "either way, what Ripto gains from all of this is a way to force the rest of Avalar to accept his rule, because if the realms that are dependent on Hurricos lose their machinery, and most of the power they need to live their lives, they'll flock to someone that might be able to restore power to their realms, even if it means submitting themselves to the rule that Ripto would force them to live under, if he succeeded in taking over Avalar."

"Huh, I never thought about it that way." Spyro said, though he couldn't fault Spike's logic, as he was the smartest out of all three of them and he knew that his brother was likely right in his thinking, though part of him wasn't sure that Ripto could have thought up such an elaborate plan on his own, not after what they had seen when they came out of the portal that the Professor used to call them to Avalar in the first place.

Spike was glad that Spyro seemed to understand what he was saying, while Ember, of course, seemed more focused on what was in front of them, so he slipped the guidebook into his satchel and indicated that they could move forward, to see what else was waiting for the three of them in the future, especially since it appeared the Gear Grinders were messing with another part of Hurricos. The area in front of them had what appeared to be metallic windmills, which were attached to buildings that had been built into the open area between two small mountains, though the blades were resting in the air, horizontal to be exact, instead of vertical like an actual windmill would have, and Spike was curious if they could use the two sets of blades to get from one place to another. In addition to that there were a few other buildings that were similar to the one that they had seen when they first arrived in this realm, smaller than the large structure, though the only other thing they noticed was that there were a few thick looking wooden windmills that didn't look like they could be taken out by a quick flame or a charge, meaning they would need to think up a way to take care of them, including the fact that the Powerup Gate was in this area. Once the siblings were gone looking around the area, from the safety of the small tunnel between the first area and this area, they moved forward and focused on the Gear Grinder that was in front of them, where they dodged the incoming wrench attacks and knocked him to the ground, allowing Ember to take him out while Spyro and Spike started to pick up the gems that were on the ground.

From there Spyro charged into the robot that was rolling their way, showing him that the Gear Grinder that had been working on it had finished his repairs and was sending it out to battle him and his siblings, only for him to break it with his charge and then dodged the wrench that was coming his way, before flaming the person that happened to be standing in the middle of the area, near the Powerup Gate to be exact. While Spyro was doing that Spike smiled as he found a diode and carefully stored it away, though Ember smashed the straw baskets that were nearby and collected the gems that were inside them, before the three of them got back together and found three more enemies resting near the edge of the area they were in, two more Gear Grinders and another robot. The Gear Grinders were easy for them to take out, especially since all the siblings had to do was dodge the wrenches that were being swung at them and then knock their foes onto the ground, allowing them to take them out with a quick flame, though as Spyro and Ember did that Spike took care of the robot, by just charging into it and let the power of his attack tear the creation to pieces. As soon as those enemies were taken care of Spyro and Ember found another pair of enemies that were lingering near the back of the area, near of the structures they had seen, and moved to take them out, though before he followed after them Spike found a second diode and added it to his collection, so he could put it and the other one inside the force field gates when he and his siblings were ready to move on to the next area of Hurricos.

The moment he had the diode, and he found that his siblings had taken out a Gear Grinder and the robot that was patrolling the area near it, they carefully looked around the area they were in and collected the gems that were laying on the ground, as well as breaking the various straw baskets that were hiding behind some of the structures, before finding an area that had three metallic vases, which they smashed and picked up the gems that had been inside them. While they did that Spike spotted something interesting, as the structure that was in this part of the area had some steps carved into the earth that was below it, which would allow them to jump up to a small walkway that gave them access to a tunnel, one that would likely take them right to where one of the Orbs was located, but for now, instead of heading in there to see what was going on, they turned around and headed to the force field gates. As they walked back to the gates in question, however, the siblings spotted one of the new circular metallic chests that were in Avalar, though this time, unlike the other realms they had visited so far, there didn't seem to be any missiles in the area for them to use on it, so they kept their eyes open for anything that might help them out in the future. Once they were done looking at the chest they approached the force field gates, where Spyro and Ember let Spike step forward and slip one diode into the first one, powering it down in the process, before they approached the second gate and took it down as well, which seemed to open the way to what appeared to be the final area they needed to clear out, before receiving the Talisman for this realm.

There was also a pair of gems that they picked up as they moved through the short tunnel between the two sections of the realm, though on the other side of the tunnel they found a Gear Grinder standing in front of them, though it wasn't hard for them to dodge his wrench and take him down, so they could explore the rest of the realm and see what else they needed to do for the Electrolls. The first thing they did was search the area and found two metallic vases off to their left, so they smashed them and collected the gems, before turning to their right and headed towards the area that were over there, a Gear Grinder and his robot, while another Gear Grinder happened to be near the edge of the section that was lower than where they were standing. Spike charged into the robot and knocked it down, breaking it like they had done to the rest of them, while Spyro dodged the incoming wrench attacks from the Gear Grinder and knocked him to the ground, allowing Ember to finish him off, before they headed down into the area that the other foe was standing in and knocked him out as well. Spike, however, climbed around the structure that had been in front of them and found some gems resting on a small walkway that happened to wrap around it, along with a few metallic vases, before he reached the area that his siblings were in and charged into the robot that was approaching them from behind, allowing them to move forward as they continued to explore this part of the realm. The next thing they did was break another robot and knock out the Gear Grinder that was near it, before doing the same thing to the Gear Grinder that was in front of the nearby gate, before discovering that they had cleared the area of enemies, so they smashed the straw baskets that were in front of the force field gate and picked up the gems that had been in them, while Spike found the diode that went to the gate and some gems to add to their collection.

Once they were sure everything they could pick up had been picked up, and that they had left nothing behind for the moment, the siblings returned to the force field gate and Spike slipped the diode into it's slot, powering the gate down while allowing them to head inside, where they found a lone Electroll that was standing near an inactive portal, all inside the small structure that the gate had been blocking, including three straw baskets and three metallic vases, which they took care of before approaching the Electroll.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, thank you for deactivating all of the force field gates in Hurricos, and teaching the Gear Grinders a lesson in the process," the Electroll said, to which he turned to the side for a moment and pulled something out of the bag that was resting near him, something that just so happened to be a dark green colored gear with a golden interior where the empty center would usually be, before the siblings figured out what the Electroll had pulled out, "The reason I'm in this building, alone, is because someone had to guard the Talisman from the Gear Grinders, as there is no telling what they would have done to it if they got their hands on it... they could have broken it or sold it off for all I know. Please, take it as a reward for all of your hard work in saving Hurricos from the Gear Grinders... and, based on what I saw you do, you three are more than capable of keeping it safe from the Gear Grinders and their allies."

Spike was more than happy to add the Talisman of Hurricos to the guidebook, because it meant that they only had two more Talismans to collect, the one from Sunny Beach and whatever the other realm was called, before he, Spyro, and Ember turned around and walked out of the area the Electroll was in, though as they left the building Spike did notice that the exit portal had turned on again, just like the other realms. As they walked back to the second area of this realm they found that the Powerup Gate had been turned on, indicating that enough Spirit Particles had been released to turn it on, and they discovered that it was a Supercharge Powerup, to which Spyro grinned as he charged through the gate and rushed towards the small thick windmill that was near one of the walls, smashing it into a thousand pieces and showing his siblings how they could remove these obstacles. The reason they knew the small thick wooden windmills were things that needed to be taken out was because they happened to be covering buttons, ones that all three of them knew that they would need to press, and Spyro did that to the one he had revealed, where they found that one of the larger metallic windmills slowed down, to the point where Spike determined that they could jump from one blade to another to reach another part of this realm. Ember repeated the motion on the other wooden windmill that was nearby and found that the button that was behind it connected to the other metallic windmill, which slowed down as well, though Spike noted that they would have to restore these to normal before they left Hurricos, though that didn't stop Spyro from using the Supercharge Powerup to smash the metallic chest and free the gems that had been inside it.

Once that was done Spike recalled that there were two more thick wooden windmills, ones that were back in the final area of this realm, and that was when Spyro and Ember used the Supercharge Powerup to charge back into the area in question, where he followed after them and watched as each of them smashed into one of the wooden windmills, though that was when they discovered that one of them contained a button that slowed down the metallic windmill that was in this area, while the other had a set of steps let them climb up to where an Electroll happened to be standing.

"Hey, do you guys see that large building over there?" the Electroll asked, speaking the moment that Spyro, who was the first one to climb the steps and pick up the gems that were on them, before he and his siblings came to a stop on the area that he was standing in, though all three of them nodded their heads as they looked at the largest building in the entirety of Hurricos, "The Gear Grinders have modified the machinery inside it so they can steal our electricity, no doubt thinking that we wouldn't notice what they were doing if they simply modified our machines, but, fortunately for us, they left a switch inside the building that should allow us to return it to normal... however, that means that someone has to jump and glide over to it to do such a thing, and none of us can do that."

"Don't worry, we can do that." Ember replied, because when she looked out at the roofs of the structures that were in the area that the Talisman had been in, while not looking at the building the Electroll wanted them to get to, she could see a path that would take them to a higher point that connected to the previous part of this realm, meaning they could use the windmills they had slowed down a minute or two ago to reach a path that would take them right to the largest building in all of Hurricos.

The first thing the siblings did was glide over to the nearest building and land on top of it, allowing them to smash the pair of straw baskets that were nearby as they waited for one of the windmill blades to near the part of the roof that they were standing on, though when that happened Ember glided over to it and made sure to land on it, leaving Spyro and Spike to do the same with the other two blades when they came near the building. After waiting for a few seconds, so the blades could be in a different position, Ember glided over to the roof of the small structure the Talisman had been located in, where she landed and smashed the two straw baskets that were there, before patiently waiting for a few more seconds as her brothers joined her. Before any of them moved forward they stared at the path that was taking them straight up to the top of the short and somewhat thin mountain that the tunnel that connected this area to the previous one had been built into, as the path they needed to take had a few pieces of machinery that were moving out of the building and then were pulled back in a few moments later, meaning they had to be quick about this and not get tripped up as they made their way through this area. Instead of going at the same time, and potentially failing at the same time, Spike and Ember took a step back and let Spyro, the dragon that perfected the art of hovering, tackle the challenge that was currently in front of them, to which he jumped onto the first piece as soon as it came out of the building and quickly jumped to the next one, finding that gliding was necessary between the first and second pieces. After that he didn't have to worry about the vertical piece of machinery that was blocking the way between the piece he was on and the next piece that he had to jump to, the one that looked like stairs, and simply glided over to it, before climbing up to the small ledge that had been carved into the mountain, where a pair of metallic vases waited for him.

Spyro took a few seconds to smash the vases before watching as Spike and Ember repeated the movements that he had just went through, overcoming the pieces of machinery rather easily and joined him without wasting any time, where the three of them glided over to the upper pass that rested above the small tunnel, only to stop when they found an Electroll waiting for them.

"You guys are doing well so far," the Electroll said, though it appeared that, while he was happy with their progress, he wasn't in the mood to talk about how he had gotten up here, but that didn't stop him from pulling out an Orb and offered it to them, accompanied by a smile on his face, "Here, you can have this Orb for good luck... and trust me, we have plenty more where this came from, so we won't have to worry about losing power in the near future."

Spike accepted the Orb and made sure it was placed in the Hurricos section of the guidebook, while at the same time Spyro collected the nearby gems that were laying on the ground, before they focused on the next part of the course that would take them to the entrance of the large building, which consisted of the larger windmills they had slowed down in the second area they cleared out. Spyro found that this was an easy obstacle to get around as well, because all he had to do was glide over to one of the blades and then use the hover technique to land on the blade, something that Spike and Ember replicated when the other blades neared them, while he focused on the other set of windmill blades, as that would bring them to the next part of the path they would have to overcome. It wasn't long before he, Spike, and Ember were on top of the first pair of force field gates, showing the Electroll that they knew what they were doing and that such a challenge was easy to overcome, before all three of them glided down to the next structure and then glided over to the raised section of earth they had spotted at the beginning of their adventure in this realm, all while picking up all the gems and smashing the couple of straw baskets that were in the way. This time there were three pieces of machinery that they had to contend with, one that was long enough to block their view of the other two, though from what they could see at the moment they would need to glide over to the other two pieces to access the area the Electroll wanted them to get into so they could fix the machinery.

As it turned out it wasn't all that hard for them to glide over the gap, hover onto the first piece of machinery, and then make their way to the building's entrance, where they found a lone Electroll making a comment about how noisy the modified factory was, to which they entered the building and simply stepped on the button that would fix everything, and that also took care of the noise as the factory returned to normal.

"You guys did it! You returned the factory to it's original settings!" the Electroll said, though that was when he spotted something inside the room they were in and rushed to see what the problem was, where the siblings watched him for a few seconds, to which he pulled out an Orb that happened to be stuck between some gears, one that wasn't damaged from what it had been subjected to, "Huh, one of the Gear Grinders must have left this here when they were done with their modifications to our factory, just to make sure we knew who was bothering us, as if we didn't already know since they're the only other species in Hurricos. Here, you guys deserve a reward for helping us out."

Spike, once again, happily collected the Orb and stored it with the others inside the guidebook, while at the same time his siblings gathered the rest of the gems that were sitting near them, though once they had everything in this area, and they were sure of that, they climbed around the edge of the building and glided down to the structure that the Talisman had been located inside. From there they made their way back to the second area of Hurricos and headed towards the odd tunnel they had seen earlier, picking up the couple of gems that they missed the first time they headed this way, only to use the platform the large structure was on and glided over to the tunnel, where they followed some gems and came to a stop at the end of the tunnel. The reason they did that was because there was an Electroll being harassed by a tall being, which was just as tall as a Gear Grinder, that had purple skin and seemed more monstrous looking than the Gear Grinders did, though as soon as it spotted them it stopped messing with the Electroll and ran down into the area that was to their right, why they had no idea. What they did, however, was walk over to where the poor Electroll was laying and helped him onto his feet, where he walked over to a tall device that was no doubt linked to the rest of the machines they had seen in this realm, and that included the odd square shaped machines that were to their right and to their left, resting in areas that seemed somewhat important to this realm.

"Drat! Those Lightning Thieves keep taking our precious Lightning Stones from their receptacles." the Electroll said, his tone informing the siblings that this was definitely an important part of Hurricos, even if it was a lower than the factory that the Gear Grinders had modified to suit their own purposes, before he looked at them for a moment, "Could you guys help me out? I need to replace all the Lightning Stones and restore power to our generator, but with those Lightning Thieves running around I can't do anything, so you'll have to take them all out as well... though I could have sworn that the guards had locked them all away, so I have no idea why they're here in the first place."

The siblings agreed to help, as that was why they had been called to Avalar in the first place, and headed down into the area on their right, where they found some interesting stones that pulsed with electricity and seemed to glow, where Spike decided that he would be the one to pick them up, leaving Spyro and Ember to focus on the Lightning Thieves, and it just so happened that as Spike was moving to place the first stone in it's receptacle one of the purple beings charged at them, only for Spike to react instead, where he blasted the creature in the chest with a small cluster of light purple colored bolts of energy that knocked it to the ground and left his siblings stunned.

"Spike, what was that?" Ember asked, because this was the first time she had seen a spell like that, and she knew that Spyro was in the same position that she was in, even though they both knew that their brother had gone through some intense training with Cosmos and the other Magic Crafters before the storm in the Artisans homeworld caused them to head for the portal to Dragon Shores.

"Arcane Missiles, a combat spell that Cosmos taught me," Spike replied, though he knew that neither of his siblings would know about this spell and proceeded to tell them about it as he placed the Lightning Stone back in it's receptacle, as he was sure that all of them were the same and that it didn't matter where each of the stones went, "it looses four bolts of magical energy at my target, as you just saw, and, because it's one of the weaker combat spells a wizard or magic user can use, I can use it a decent number of times, before I need to rest and get my energy back."

Spyro and Ember sighed for a moment, as they weren't surprised that Spike had more spells to use against their foes, and decided that they would say nothing about this, to which the siblings focused on the area they were in and what they were doing, which was Spike gathering the rest of the Lightning Stones and putting them in their receptacles, of which he counted eight in total between the two areas, while they focused on the Lightning Thieves. It wasn't long before they had to abandon the current plan, putting the Lightning Stones back where they belonged and then take out the couple of Lightning Thieves that were running around the part of Hurricos they were in, as it appeared that the purple beings loved to tear the stones out of their receptacles and put them on the ground, why the siblings had no idea and the Electroll, when asked about that, revealed that he had no idea either, since the stones were more useful when they were inside their receptacles. The real plan they used was searching the two areas the purple beings were in and flamed the Lightning Thieves once they were spotted, or use Arcane Missiles on them in Spike's case, and they did that for a few minutes before knocking ten of the Lightning Thieves out, where, to their delight, no more purple beings showed up, meaning the others were either too scared to come out or there were only ten of them to begin with. Either way that meant that Spike could handle the Lightning Stones in peace, carefully moving the eight stones from where the Lightning Thieves had placed them and returned each and every one of them to the receptacles they were supposed to be attached to, which put a smile on his face as they turned to see what happened next.

The generator that the Electroll was standing near had a few sparks of electricity dance between the prongs that were at the top of it, a sign that made the small person happy, before it sprung to life before their very eyes, which definitely made the Electroll very happy, to which the siblings headed over to him to see if there was anything else they could help him with, before heading back to Summer Forest.

"Thank you for restoring our generator to it's former glory," the Electroll told them, though that was when he pulled out an Orb and held it out towards them, showing that he was okay with handing another one over to them, even if he had no idea they had gotten two from the others so far, "I don't know why it was there, but someone mixed this Orb in with the rest of our Lightning Stones, but I want the three of you to take it as a reward for all your hard work."

Spyro and Ember waited for a few seconds, so Spike could add the last Orb for this realm to the guidebook, before they asked Sparx, Talon, and Cinder if there were any missing gems they hadn't collected, though when their dragonflies indicated that they had collected all of them the siblings headed for the exit portal so they could return to Summer Forest and see what the next realm had in store for them.

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