• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Rage: Magma Party

It didn't take Spyro, Spike, and Ember long to return to the castle in Autumn Plains, though this time around Spike was in a good mood, as they had been able to help out the Fauns and Satyrs of Fracture Hills and overcame the Earthshapers that had been bothering all of them, not to mention the fact that they were able to help out the Alchemist in more ways than one and gained all of the Orbs that Hunter had found in the area. He was really looking forward to returning to Fracture Hills at some point in the future and just take some time to experiment with the Alchemist, especially with the potions he was able to create in a matter of moments while he and his siblings were there, even though Spyro and Ember might be more interested in another aspect of the realm. One of the things he had found to be interesting was the fact that there were a few Fauns that had kissed Spyro's forehead, as a sign of wishing him good luck, but he guessed it was something that they did to certain visitors, to which he shifted his wizard hat for a moment as they headed down the passage to their right, as it was time to head to the next realm. At the same time he could see that both Spyro and Ember were happy with what they had done for the residents of Fracture Hills, which let him keep the smile on his face as they climbed up the short set of steps and followed the passage that would take them to the dungeon.

A few seconds later they came to a stop in front of the portal that would take them to the next realm that they would be taking on, since there were only two left before they faced the challenges of the Speedways and, finally, faced Ripto in the castle's dungeon, so they could put an end to his rampage and then focus on restoring order to some of the more annoyed realms, like Zephyr and Breeze Harbor.

"So, Magma Cone, that's the name of the next realm." Spyro commented, reminding his siblings of what the realm was called and what they might be expecting to find when they arrived in the starting area, where both Spike and Ember nodded their heads in agreement as they came to a stop in front of the portal in question, "I really hope its nothing like the Skelos Badlands, where we might need that heat resistance spell that you cast on us earlier, you know, the one that you cast before we started helping out the Bone Builders."

"Still, you have to admit that those two spells came in handy," Ember remarked, because she liked how Spike seemed to have a number of spells to use, depending on the situation that they found themselves in when they explored the various realm of Avalar, as it made some of the realms a little easier for them to deal with, or got rid of annoying things like the falcons that were attacking Zephyr earlier, not to mention the airship, "so I'm interested in seeing what this next realm has to offer, in terms of challenges and anything that might require Spike's spells to take out."

"Only one way to find out, and that's heading through the portal to see what we're going to be facing," Spike said, but he was happy to see that his siblings liked the fact that his magic was coming in handy for their visits to the various realms that they had visited so far, especially since he was sure there was a chance they might need his magic at some point during their adventure in the next realm.

Spyro and Ember nodded their heads in agreement, showing that, despite their own personal thoughts on the matter, they did agree with his statement and were ready to move forward, to which the three of them stepped through the portal that was in front of them and headed to Magma Cone, to see who the residents of the land were, who the enemies were, and what they needed to do to restore order to the realm. A few moments later they discovered that the starting area for this realm was a platform that had a circular wall some distance in front of them, though there was a tall volcano that looked like it was in the middle of a village of some kind, a village that reminded all three of them of the couple of houses that the Fauns and Satyrs of Fracture Hills lived in. The only difference was that these houses seemed to be made out of wood, instead of metal, and they had windows and a number of party decorations hanging from the roofs, almost like the residents of this realm had been getting ready for a celebration of some kind when they were interrupted by whoever was attacking them, which interested the siblings as they continued to look around the area that they were in. One thing they discovered right away was the fact that the volcano seemed to be spewing magma rocks or flaming boulders into the area around it, meaning that it had to be a threat to what the residents of this realm were trying to do, meaning that it was possible that the three of them would have to lose the lid, as there happened to be a metal lid attached to the top of it, one that was currently open and doing nothing.

What interested the siblings was the fact that, in the area below where they were standing, was a creature that looked like a Faun, though instead of it being one of the female ones they were used to seeing it seemed to be a male one, as he wasn't wearing a dress or anything, but it seemed like he was slightly annoyed about something, so the siblings jumped down into the area that he was standing in and approached him, as it was time to see what was going on and what they could do to assist him, and the other residents of this realm for that matter.

"Oh, Spyro, Spike, Ember, hello there." the Faun said, putting a smile on his face as he waved to them as they came to a stop in the area in front of him, showing that, despite the annoying nature of what was going on at the moment, he was happy to see them and that he was trying to be welcoming towards them, "I hope you guys didn't come to take part in the party that we were planning on throwing, because its been cancelled due to an... unfortunate event."

"Really? What happened?" Spyro asked, where he and his siblings paid close attention to what was going on, since the Faun was going to reveal what was going on to this realm and might reveal who their enemies were, because they weren't interested in the party at the moment, even if it did sound like the Fauns had something grand planned, no doubt to put Ripto out of their minds.

"The stupid Earthshapers set off the volcano!" the Faun replied, to which he gestured toward the volcano for a second as he said that, mostly to make sure the siblings knew what he was talking about, in case they hadn't noticed it when they entered the realm, before he focused on them once more and calmed down, since talking about the volcano seemed to be the fastest way to annoy him at the moment, "Can you guys help the other Fauns, in taking out the Earthshapers, and do something about the volcano?"

"You bet we can do something about the Earthshapers and the volcano." Spike answered, though he wasn't all that surprised to learn that they were dealing with familiar foes in this realm, as it appeared that the Earthshapers seemed to be one of the more aggressive races that called Avalar home, since they appeared to be harassing all the Fauns and their Satyr friends, and his siblings nodded their heads in agreement, showing the Faun that they would do everything in their power to help him and the other Fauns out.

The Faun smiled, no doubt appeased by the fact that things would return to normal soon, thanks to the siblings being able to assist them, and said nothing else, informing the siblings that they were allowed to start assisting the residents of this realm and could take the fight to their enemies, which was perfect, even though the first thing they did was break all of the straw baskets that were around the Faun, two of them to be exact, and picked up the nearby gem, before accessing the ladder to get up to the upper area and begin exploring the realm. Once Spyro reached the top of the ladder, since he was the first one to climb up it, he headed to the right and smashed a pair of metallic vases that were off to the side, as well as a glass bottle, so by the time Spike and Ember were up where he was standing he was ready to move, to which all three of them moved out. Ember spotted a lava river that seemed to wrap around the base of the volcano, one that even had a walkway for someone to walk on, so what she did was jump into the lava and used it to get around the blocked part of the curved walkway, allowing her to pick up a few gems before returning to her siblings, though it was in that moment that they found a new enemy to deal with. At first these new enemies appeared to be Earthshapers, but upon taking a few seconds to look at them more closely the siblings found that they were wearing blue pants, why they had no idea since none of the adult Earthshapers seemed to be wearing anything, though in the end that gave them the name of this type of enemy, as the smaller golems would be known as Young Earthshapers.

What really interested the siblings was the fact that the first Young Earthshaper they came across didn't have the earthen armor that protected the adult Earthshapers, so when Spyro charged into the first one he knocked it onto its back and caused it to break apart, releasing a Spirit Particle that was heading to the Powerup Gate for this realm, causing them to get moving as they continued to explore the area around the houses. One of the things they found were three metallic vases near the left side of the area that they were in, which they smashed to pieces to get at the gems inside them, and broke apart another pair of straw baskets that happened to be near where the ladder up to this area was located, though that was when they spotted something that they felt was also interesting, as there was a red x on the ground near one of the buildings. The reason that was interesting was because there happened to be a Earthshaper standing near the building in question, where one of the Fauns happened to be standing on the higher second level and was holding a large magma boulder in his hands, informing Spike that the Fauns were capable of withstanding really hot temperatures, despite their appearance, as he was sure that boulder would have burned anyone else's hands. Of course it also didn't take Spike long to see what the Faun wanted them to do, hence the reason he let Spyro charge at the Earthshaper from the front and hit him in the chest, causing him to stumble backwards and touch the red x, which was the moment that the Faun heaved the boulder into the air and threw it down at the Earthshaper, causing their foe to explode upon impact.

"Thanks for the help guys!" the Faun said, though before Spyro, Spike, or Ember could say anything he did a quick little dance and then jumped down from the area he was standing in, heading off to either help the other Fauns or continue the preparations for the party, now that he knew there were dragons helping them take care of the Earthshapers and, more importantly, the volcano.

With that Faun helped the siblings continued to explore the area around them, as in walking around the houses so they would find their enemies and take them out, and they happened upon one more Young Earthshaper, who was easy to take down with a simple charge, meaning that none of them really had to fear anything as they carefully explored the area and kept an eye out for anyone that looked like they might have some Orbs on them. As they soon discovered there was one more Young Earthshaper near a ladder that would allow them to climb up to the next part of this realm, which appeared to go up the side of the volcano that was near the houses, but even as Ember took that foe down Spike noticed some other ladders that lead up into the side of the structure, making him wonder if this was the true volcano or if there was an actual one nearby that they hadn't seen yet, where he had the feeling the latter was more correct. In fact, based on what he knew from the other realms, the interior of the metallic structure that seemed to be a replica volcano would be the best place to hide a few Orbs, and maybe a few gems as well, so he decided that he would tell Spyro and Ember his thoughts on the matter, once they were done helping the Fauns out since it appeared they were focused on that and could be letting him focus on locating the locations of the residents that have the Orbs. Because of that he was the last one to climb up the ladder that went to the next level, even though he did pick up a few gems to his left before doing so, and once he had caught up with his siblings they continued to move, by collecting the scattered gems that were on the ground and then glided over to a cliff that wrapped around the area that the village was in, allowing them to access the various metallic vases, glass containers, and scattered gems that were up there.

The end of the path they were following was right where the first Earthshaper had been located, and they even found a few straw baskets to break along the way, though once they were done following the path all three of them jumped back down into the area they had just cleared out and headed back to the ladder, so they could return to the upper level and see what else this realm had to offer them... though as they did that Spyro let Spike take care of the Young Earthshaper that was in front of them, where he surprised Spyro and Ember by simply charging him into the ground.

"What? You guys are acting like this is the first time you've seen me charge one of our enemies." Spike commented, as he could tell that his siblings were caught off guard by what he had done, since they seemed to be so used to him slinging magic around to take out the various enemies they came across, something that was due to all of the lessons that Cosmos and the other Magic Crafters had given him after Gnasty Gnorc's defeat.

"We're just so used to seeing you blast things with magic, so much so that we forget that you used to charge most of your foes into submission like we do," Spyro remarked, as that was the truth, that they were expecting him to use magic to take out the Young Earthshaper, especially after what happened in Fracture Hills and what the Alchemist was able to make in such a short period of time, but it was also nice to see that Spike wasn't relying on his magic all the time, like most of the Magic Crafters did.

Spike chuckled for a moment, as it was rather interesting to see that his siblings had been surprised by his actions, but in that instant they all knew that they had to continue forward and they did so without question, where he walked up the nearby rock ramp and broke the straw baskets that were up there, allowing Spyro and Ember to move forward and pick up the gems that were on the ground. From there he got a good look at the larger Earthshaper that was in this area, one that Ember struck in the chest and knocked backwards, allowing the Faun that was standing in the opening behind the golem to release the large boulder that had a chain and some metal wrapped around it, something that crushed the Earthshaper like it was nothing. He got the feeling that the Fauns were used to dealing with these guys, unlike the ones in Fracture Hills, and this was one of the few times they needed outside help to deal with the golems, though he decided to shelve the thought for now and focused on gathering the gems, as Spyro and Ember were in the process of smashing some metallic vases to get at the gems that were inside them. There was a ledge that he could access from the area that he was standing in, so Spike glided over to it and smashed the glass vase that happened to be over there, allowing him to jump down and join his siblings in collecting all of the scattered gems that were laying around the area they were in, and once that was done they headed to the opening the Earthshaper had been guarding, as they were sure it would bring them closer to the main cause of this realm's problems.

In the next area they found a number of gems that were just scattered in front of where an Earthshaper happened to be standing, so while Spike picked them up Ember let Spyro launch her into the air, knocking their foe backwards, which did prompt another Faun to jump onto the golem's back with what appeared to be a drill of some kind, one that caused the Earthshaper to shake before being blown to pieces. With that done, and the gems collected, the siblings found a short walkway that connected to the side of the metallic volcano, which confirmed Spike's thoughts that it was a replica of some kind since it hadn't erupted one, though that brought them to a ladder that took them up to the next level, though at the end of that walkway, near an opening of some kind, they found Moneybags waiting for them.

"Ah, Spyro, Spike, Ember, I was hoping to see you guys again." Moneybags said, his tone sounding like his cheerful self again, as if he had blocked what happened the last time the siblings found him and confronted him about what he did to both Zephyr and Breeze Harbor, something that was likely still going on thanks to all of the weapons and lies that he sold to both sides, just to incite them to fight each other.

"Moneybags, you better have a very good reason for being here," Ember growled, though as she walked towards the bear, and ignored the gems that her brothers picked up, her body shimmered for a few seconds, indicating that she was using the protection skill that was quickly becoming one of her favorite skills to use against their enemies, though her fierce gaze was locked on the bear and nothing else at the moment, "otherwise you're going to have a bad time!"

"W... W... Wait! Let's not be too hasty," Moneybags replied, holding up his hands in a manner that looked like he might be trying to calm Ember down or something, which was going to be hard to do given how pissed off Ember got whenever she thought about the war that was going on between the two realms, before he beckoned to the end of the tunnel that was behind him, were a platform happened to be resting, "Listen, the elevator in the room that's at the end of this short tunnel will take you down to where the volcano is located, where normally I would attempt to charge visitors for the ability to even use the elevator, but given, um, what's happened in the past, between us anyway, I decided to come here and make it so you won't have to pay anything at all! Meaning that the three of you will be able to use the elevator as much as you want to, without having to hand over a single gem."

"You do realize that we're not going to let you off the hook that easily, right?" Spike asked, because while he liked the fact that Moneybags was willing to let them through areas that he would normally force them to pay for, something that would have gotten old after a while, he knew that Ember was really pissed off about the fact that the bear had fueled the war between the two races and that it would take a while for her to get over it.

"I know, but I wanted to make sure you knew that I'm not charging you for this, just like I didn't charge you for the ice serpent bridge back in Crystal Glacier," Moneybags stated, showing that he understood that the siblings were angry with him and that he was trying to prove that he wasn't an enemy that they should take out, once Ripto was taken care of to be exact, even if such a thing might not be entirely possible at this point in time, given how all three of them didn't trust him and what he was saying.

Ember seemed like she wanted to say something, but Spyro tapped her and shook his head, indicating that it wasn't worth it, before heading into the room in question and jumped onto the circular platform that was the elevator, which did take him down into the area that was below them, like Moneybags claimed it would, and not a few moments later he came back up to where his siblings were waiting for him.

"See? I told you that you guys could use it, free of charge." Moneybags said, though part of him seemed worried that Ember would lash out at him anyway, just for stopping and talking to them about the elevator and the fact that they didn't need to pay to use it, hence the reason he started to head towards the metallic volcano that was behind Spike, just so he could get away from Ember.

"Hey, Moneybags," Ember stated, causing the bear to freeze for a moment when he was halfway across the path that lead back to the metallic volcano, even though she really didn't care about how he got up here in the first place, and when he turned back to face her she glared at him once more as she readied herself for what she was about to do next, since it would likely surprise her brothers a little, "BOO!"

Moneybags let out a scared scream for a second, as if he expected Ember to jump across the distance and strike him down onto the ground that was below them, but he did fall onto his back and came to rest on the walkway for a second or two, so when he regained himself he ran away sweating and very afraid that one of them was going to come after him if he stayed in this realm for too much longer.

"You know, I understand the fact that we've freaked Moneybags out, with all the times that we've struck him for all of his terrible attempts to con us, but I wasn't expecting that." Spyro commented, as he was expecting the bear to freeze and wait for Ember to lash out, only to find that it was a trick and that she had gotten him, but he had to admit that it was a bit funny to see Moneybags fall like that.

"He's lucky I didn't lash out at him, because I'm still pissed over his part in starting a war..." Ember remarked, though at the same time her scales lost the shine that she had put on earlier, indicating that she was done using that skill for the moment, before she turned towards the elevator and started to walk over to where it was resting, "Come on, we're almost to the volcano, so let's take care of it and start helping the rest of the residents with whatever is bothering them, be it more Earthshapers or some other type of foe we haven't encountered yet."

Spyro and Spike nodded their heads as they followed Ember back to where the elevator was located, though as Ember rode it back down to the level that was blow them her brothers collected the gems that were around where the elevator had been resting and then glided down to meet her, making sure to pick up the couple of gems that happened to be down there as well, before they headed for the end of the tunnel that was in front of them and came to a stop as they found the true volcano that the Earthshapers had messed with earlier. What they discovered was that there were a number of small platforms that wrapped around the river of lava that rested between them and the volcano, which just so happened to be spewing a large magma rock every now and then, sometimes two or three at a time, so Ember jumped out and crossed over the various platforms, moving around the ring as she picked up the couple of gems that were hidden around the area, before eventually returning to her brothers. Once that was done the three of them jumped over to the beginning of a new set of metal ladders, ones that seemed to wrap around bits of the volcano's exterior and would require a bit of maneuvering in order to reach the top, where the lid was located, and from just a glance they knew they would have to be careful thanks to the magma rocks. Ember was the first one to take to the ladders, leading the way forward as Spyro and Spike followed after her, being sure to replicate her movements when it came time for one of them to do the same thing, though all three of them avoided the magma rocks to the best of their abilities, though when they reached what appeared to be the end section of the ladders Spike decided to stay back and used his Arcane Missiles to blow up all of the magma rocks that were heading Ember's way, allowing her to reach her target and jump into the air.

In that moment she flipped backwards and struck the lid with her tail, forcing the entire thing to move and seal the top of the volcano in seconds, allowing her and her brothers to head over to a walkway where one of the Fauns happened to be standing, where an inactive exit portal was resting, meaning they must have reached the end of this realm and were free to do whatever they wanted.

"Wow, you guys are awesome! You managed to close the lid on the volcano... good thing to, it was starting to get a little too warm for us." the Faun said, though the siblings weren't impressed with him at the moment, because if he was standing so close to the volcano, not to mention its lid, they had to wonder why he didn't make himself the hero of this realm by closing the lid, but they said nothing as he proceeded to pull something out, "I was going to save this for the party, to offer it as a prize to one of the other Fauns, but I know the guys will chew me out if I don't do this, so here, you guys can have our Talisman."

The Talisman in question was a golden version of the volcano they had climbed up, a much smaller version that was the same size as all of the other Talismans they had collected so far, complete with a golden version of the lid that Ember had just closed, even if the lid happened to be in the up position on the Talisman, and it even had what appeared to be small red gemstones in a ring around the middle of it, but in the end Spike slipped it into the Guidebook and put it with the rest of the Talismans they had collected, before they started looking for the residents with the Orbs. Fortunately there happened to be a second Faun that was standing on a walkway, one that was rather close to where they were positioned, and it was there that they discovered the Powerup Gate for this realm, so they quickly picked up the gems that were on the floor near the Faun that gave them the Talisman and then glided down to the other one, so they would see what he needed assistance with.

"Oh, hey guys, you're just in time for the party... well, not really, since those nasty Lava Monsters have stolen all of our party hats while we were busy taking care of the Earthshapers." the Faun said, informing the siblings that all he seemed to care about was the massive party that he and the others had planned and that he might be annoyed by the fact that all of their precious party hats had been taken earlier, before he sighed for a moment as he thought about that, "You know, the party won't be the same without our special party hats."

The siblings said nothing to that as they studied the Powerup Gate that was behind the Faun, as it was a Superfly Gate and would allow them to fly all over the area that they were in, to which the three of them rushed through it and took to the air, where they found a number of red balloons floating around the area, each one having a metallic vase tied to them, and that was when all three of them got their first glimpse of the Lava Monsters. The creatures were, as the name implied, made out of lava and seemed to be partly cooled down, even though one would have assumed that the party hats would have burned up, since they happened to be wearing the stolen hats at the moment, but Spike knew that their targets would be immune to their fire breath, meaning they either needed his magic or something else. In that moment Spyro found a small magma rock, which was high in the air thanks to a small burst of steam or a small geyser of some kind, so he grabbed it with his mouth and focused on one of the Lava Monsters, where he spat out the rock and sent it flying into his target, knocking the creature out and freeing the hat in the process. In that moment Spike and Ember nodded their heads in understanding, as they hadn't thought to use the small magma rocks for such a thing, to which they separated from each other and flew around the area, allowing the three of them to tackle the eleven remaining Lava Monsters that were in this area, as well as taking out the various metallic vases that were floating around them.

It didn't take the siblings long to clear out the area of Lava Monsters, freeing the party hats from them and seeming to send them to where the Faun was standing, before picking up all of the gems that had been freed from the balloons, and once that was done, and they were sure all of their enemies had been taken care of, they returned to where the Superfly Gate was located and landed in front of the Faun that they were helping at the moment.

"Wow, you guys really are something," the Faun said, where he pulled out an Orb, one that happened to be partly covered in an orange dust of some kind, which Spike started to clean off the moment it was handed over to them, since he disliked how dirty some of the residents let the Orbs get since they found them, "You guys can have this Orb that I found, as it was mixed up with some cheese-balls that were being prepared for the party and I... well, I wanted to sample them before the party started and almost chipped a tooth on this thing."

Spyro and Ember said nothing to that as Spike finished cleaning off the Orb, though once that was done he slipped it inside the Guidebook and they left the area that the Faun was in, where they glided down to the area that the elevator was located in and used it to get back up to the area that Moneybags had been standing in when they first encountered him in this realm. The reason they were doing his was because they were backtracking to the metallic volcano that was close to the starting area for this realm, where Spyro and Ember followed Spike's lead on this one, since he had a way to get to the ladder that lead up to the opening in the side of the volcano, and sure enough they were able to glide over there and climb up the ladder. That allowed them to pick up five gems that were resting around a large hole in the ground, one that seemed to have ice crystals on the side of the tunnel, to which they descended down the tunnel and located a large ice cavern that seemed incredibly interesting to them, including the cracks that were in the middle of the massive chamber that was ahead of them. While they looked around the area they found two metallic vases and some gems that lead the way to the center of the chamber, though it was in that moment that the siblings found Hunter standing close to the end of the passage that was in front of them, looking like he had gotten over what happened in Fracture Hills and seemed to be ready for something new.

The first thing they did was pick up the gems and smash the metallic vases, gathering the last of the missing gems for this realm, as confirmed by their dragonflies when the siblings checked with them a few seconds later, before they turned and approached Hunter, as it was time to see what he was doing here and what he might need help with, just like they had done every time they had seen him in the realms they've been to so far.

"Hey Hunter, what's up?" Spyro asked, because he and his siblings had the feeling that their friend was here due to the fact that he might have found a few more Orbs, after leaving the area they had found him in back in Fracture Hills and had to free him, and they were curious as to what he wanted them to do this time to get at the Orbs that were currently in his possession, mostly because they would help them take down Ripto.

"Oh, hey guys, I honestly wasn't expecting to see you three again, so soon after what happened in Fracture Hills, but I do want to say thanks for helping me out back there." Hunter said, showing the siblings that he was grateful for the help in finding the Alchemist and getting him to deliver the potion that would free him from the rocks that had been covering his feet when they found them, before he glanced at the area that they were in for a second, "As to why I'm here, since I know you guys are going to ask me that, I'm here on another errand for the Professor, because he told me that he wanted some ice crystals for one of his experiments and this is one of the few places where you can get the crystals he wants, even if he needs nearly thirty of them, based on his estimates."

"Why would he need ice crystals?" Spike inquired, as that was something that really didn't make a lot of sense to him, and he could tell that his siblings were confused about this as well, but as he thought about what they had learned from Elora, as to what the Professor had been working on, an idea formed in his head, one that seemed to actually make sense when he thought about the other task Hunter did for the Professor, "Wait, I got it, he's experimenting with new types of Powerups, both to use in defeating Ripto and to help safeguard Avalar in the future, once everything has returned to what it was like before he and his minions starting to mess things up."

"Yeah, that's exactly what he said... you really are one smart dragon." Hunter stated, indicating that he wasn't even a little surprised that Spike had figured out what the Professor was doing, even though it would take him a long time to get to that conclusion from the few points that he had given the dragon, before he reached into his sack and pulled out two shiny Orbs, "Listen, I could use some help gathering the ice crystals that the Professor needs, so if you guys help me out I'll hand over these two Orbs I found, as they were just laying in the center of this cave, seemingly forgotten by whoever was here before us, and then we can both be on our ways once we have all the crystals we need."

It didn't take long for the siblings to agree to help Hunter out, since it was also helping the Professor out at the end of the day, and once they agreed to assist him all four of them headed out into the cave and spread out, following the trails that the ice crystals seemed to follow before they eventually jumped into the air and left the ground for a few seconds, which was the only time they could catch them. Hunter grabbed the crystals that were near him with his hands, snatching them out of the air not even a few seconds after they popped out of the ground, while both Spyro and Ember knocked each of the crystals they were after out of the air and forced them to hit the floor, which didn't damage them at all and let them collect them whenever the pair wanted. Spike, on the other claw, just used his magic to extract the crystals from the air and put the ones he was collecting in the pile that he and the others were building, even though he did pause for a brief moment to look at the interesting green hue that the crystals had, as he was expecting a blue hue, and made a note or two about it in his journal, before adding it to the pile. Eventually Hunter called it quits and the group gathered around the pile they had built, finding that they had more than what the Professor wanted for his experiments, but Spike felt it was a good idea to have some spares, just in case something happened and he ended up losing a crystal in the process, to which Hunter nodded his head and set the pair of Orbs down as he became to package the decent sized pile of crystals that they had created.

Once Spike had the Orbs inside the Guidebook, and once again made sure there were no more gems to be found in this realm, he and his siblings left the cave that they were in, by a whirlwind that had appeared while they were busy helping Hunter out, and headed for the exit portal, as it was about time they tackle the last realm of this Homeworld, see what the pair of Speedways had to offer, and finally take the fight to Ripto, so they could restore a measure of peace to Avalar and its residents.

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