• Published 16th Jan 2019
  • 1,683 Views, 37 Comments

The New Substitutes - Chemtest

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Discord takes a seat, and the President sits on the opposite side of the table, “Sir Discord, what we discuss here could have many effects on the world. Now-“

Discord interrupts him, “Before we begin, I want to make two things clear. One; I do not care about America. I do not care about your administration. I do not care for any nation out there. I know this, and I know that you know this. Two.” Discord leans forward, “I would die to protect my students, so you do not even dare to threaten them. If you lay a finger on them, and they do not conset, even verbally, then I can guarantee you that Vice President Pfaff will be getting a promotion. Three; I get bored and change the rules whenever I want. Five; this is my school, and I am the powerful one here.”

Patton smiles, “You are too paranoid of me, Discord. I came here because I respect your decision as a U.S citizen. If you say no, then I will be on my way. But I ask that you listen to my proposal, and my reasoning, first.”

Discord nods, “Very well then. You came all the way out here. I suppose I can grant you that.”

Patton nods, “Very well then. First, I would like to ask a question. What do you know of the powers you got?”

Discord smiles, slipping into his liar’s lips, “I have no idea. They just... happened. They are gone now, as well, but I can feel them deep within me. I can give my approximation of what our powers allowed us to do?”

Patton smiles, “Please, if you could. You do have first hand experience, you would know.”

Discord nods, “Well, the simplist seem to be Sombra and Tirek. Sombra has always wanted to be a medieval knight and general, that’s the main reason we’re friends to begin with. Like any good King, he decided to learn how to use a sword. His practical skills are journeyman at best. Yet when he got that power, he seemed like an expert on all weapons, even including the spear. I also think he can do something along the lines of moving fast enough as to look like he became a shadow. Tirek is more simple. He has always been a exerciser, wanting to be the coach in this school. He was never that strong though. But, from what I saw him use, it seems he was the Hulk given form. Just red instead of green. I could hear it myself, his weaker punches still made every bone in the area of Sunset’s body crack and shatter. Chrysalis seems to be able to shape shift, and that’s about all I know. She has always been very secretive, more like a CIA agent rather than a teacher.”

Patton nods, “And what about you, Discord? You definitely used the most unique powers out there. I don’t even think there is a superhero to compare it too. Maybe Loki?”

Discord laughs, “Loki? Well, I have always found him the most enjoyable of the Norse pantheon. All I know about my power is chaos. It’s indescribable to you, but it is such a pleasure to experience. It’s like when you are very sneaky, and tear a group apart from the inside. The feeling you get when you tell a lie and a group of people that were once friends fight? It’s that feeling. Smug satisfaction as you watch the Chaos, and know that you caused it all without even breaking a sweat. That rock that was thrown towards me? The molecules inside of it were friends when they were in Sunset’s magic. But when I took hold of it? They were tearing into each other, and I was a puppeteer guiding them to a proper decision. I told them to throw off the shackles of gravity and matter, and they listened. When I broke the ice; all I did was cause the ice to disagree with itself until fracturing. I teleported by convincing the universe that I was supposed to be there. I told the laws of physics that my talons were a flint and steel, and caused fire. And in the end, I convinced my body that it didn’t have transformed limbs anymore.”

Patton leans back, “That... that is very unique. You’re right, I have a hard time imaging how that works. But, anyway, onto the main point of business. You should join the special forces.”

Discord shakes his head, “Yeah, no. I’m not a soldier, I am a teacher. I dealt with Sunset because she was, and threatened, my students. I am a normal man, Patton. A normal man who has lived long due to an odd experiment, and has gained powers he has no idea how to explain. Now, I have a class to teach.”

Discord gets up, but Patton stops him, “Discord, wait. I have a second proposal.” Discord turns around to face him, “Something that won’t interfere with anything in your life. In fact, it would help you live a normal life. Discord, would you be okay if I were to have an agent do surveillance on you? He wouldn’t get in your way, only live in the town and tell me if anything odd is happening.”

Discord smiles, “Now you’re talking, Patton. Sure, I like the idea. Now, I must be going.”

Discord walks out of the conference room, and back to his class. But, as he walks past the main door, he sees three figures in the shadows.

He turns to the figures, “Come on, Chrysalis, I know that’s you.”

Three girls walk out instead. One blue, one purple, and the lead orange. The leader speaks, “Sorry, no, we’re not Chrysalis. In fact, we’re new here.”

Discord raises an eyebrow, “You are? Welp, I am not going to be stuck giving you a tour. Follow me, I can get someone who is supposed to do this.” He smiles, “You three arrived at the perfect time. The Musical Showcase is soon. Maybe you could join and score some brownie points with everyone. Eh, not like I care anyway, just felt like some exposition.” He starts to walk, “Come now, Celestia will have to put up with you.”