• Published 16th Jan 2019
  • 1,684 Views, 37 Comments

The New Substitutes - Chemtest

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Boots clack on the floor, plain to hear with the forceful footsteps.

Students are now in the minority, as the five cliques face off. Some students came dressed in black, purple, and green armor with red spike protruding from it. Said Crystals are in the middle of talking to the Scarlet Chorus. Leader of said Chorus having renamed himself to Nerat, who now wears a strange helmet with faces on it, and glows brighter green. The Changelings talk to the Disfavored. Leader of said faction now renamed himself to Ashe. The Chaos are playing ping-pong, but teleport to change sides every time they hit the ball.

The door is flung open by a bright red arm wearing a silver arm guard. Tirek storms into the room, his combat boots slamming down. He wears a black tank top and equally as black jeans, they are complimented nicely by the silver ring around his neck. His nose is pierced with a ring, matching his bright red face. He has a full on grey beard, and a grey Mohawk. His eyes are completely black except for two glowing yellow orbs. His modest muscles are shown as he slams his bag down on his desk.

He sneers at the Crystals and Changelings, speaking in a voice like a metal singer, “Look at how weak you all are. You forge alliances when anyone knows they will betray you later on. I have never felt more disdain in my life! What kind of teacher would tell his students to forge future betrayals!” He sniffs the air, and looks back at the Chaos that still play their game, “You all, back there! You have it right! Smart, not forging alliances, for you are already so... strong.” He says the last word as he sniffs the air once more. Then he shakes his head, “Listen to me children! And I shall teach you how to never lose!”

He pulls a marker out from his bag, and starts to write in the board, “Alliances will get you killed!” He underlines it, “No one can be trusted, not even your own brother! For if he finds it valuable, he will betray you at the flip of a coin! So you must learn to beat any enemy alone!”

He then draws some strange crocodile, standing up, with a bloodshot eye, “Your opponent is strong, fast, and you are not! Some of you may say this is unfair! I will tell you, that’s life! So there’s only one thing to do! Be smart! Hit where it hurts, and hit often! Your opponent will try and be aggressive back, and you will exploit their moves! Turn their weapon against them! Children, I am here to teach you an art! For they are rubber, you will be glue! I shall teach you to turn their advantages to disadvantages! So you may never need an alliance!”

Author's Note:

It’s a bit short, but I ran out of ideas.

Oh yeah, anyone getting the references?