• Published 2nd Mar 2019
  • 405 Views, 2 Comments

Mega Man I (1) - Emerldminer

Mega man was built by professor twilight to protect pony vill from doctor trixie.

  • ...

Chapter 4 Part 2

"This... is... so... heavy!" Cute Man says pulling a cage with Rainbow Dash laying in it.

"Are you calling me fate?" Dash asks as Cut Man pushes the cage next to Twilight's special cage.

"No... I'm calling the cage fate," Cute Man says leaning up against the wall. Fluttershy chuckles at the sarcasm. Twilight and Dash look at her. She then treas to hide behind her main. "Fire Man, why didn't you help me?" Cute Man asks walking over to him.

"I was watching the door just in case Megaman shows up," He says as Cute Man leans up against the wall.

"He's probably still tied up with Elec Man," Cut Man says returning to the cages.

"So that's where they're hiding," Spike says from behind a tree.

"That's not their true hideout, but that's where they are keeping them for now... what, is that?" Megaman says as a blue unicorn mare with stairs on her cape and hat walk out from the forest and into the clearing.

"Is that?"

"TRIXY," Megaman says with some anger in his voice. She walks into the wooden house. "Come on," Megaman says slowly walking to the house.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Trixy says walking up to Twilight's cage.

"TRIXY," Twilight responded gritting her teeth. "You will not get away with this!"

"O? but I already have, 3 elements are under my control, and Megaman is no were to be seen," She says walking around the cage. Twilight's eyes fallow Trixy. Then out of no were spike comes running in injured.

"SPIKE!" Twilight yells as Trixy walks over to spike.

"It looks like Elec Man got to him," Trixy says, but before she can gloat Megaman comes sliding in with his mega buster on Elec Man's weapon.

"gotch ya," Megaman says raising his buster up and shutting the electricity. Fireman and Trixy duck, avoiding the attack, but Cute Man gets a chest full of it. He collapses to the ground stunned.

"Come on Fireman, we need to leave," Trixy says turning and walking over to a rug.

"What about the ponies?" He asks walking over to her.

"We will get them next time... if they live," She says opening a trap door under the rug and jumps in.

"Goodby Megaman," FIreman says setting fire to the wall before following Trixy.

"Spike, get Twilight and Flutter," Megaman says running over to Dash's cage. Spike walks over to Twilight's cage and burns the lock, allowing Twilight to run. He does the same to Fluttershy as Megaman bracks Dash's lock. The pare run out the door with Megaman and Spike behind them.

"help..." Megaman stops to see Cute Man is stuck under a fallen beam.

"you know he's bad... but we could turn him good, NO, but YES!" Megaman thinks as he turns around and runs to Cute Man. He changes to Gut Man's weapon and quickly lifts the beam off of Cute Man.

"w-Why are you doing this?" Cute Man says standing up as Megaman drops the beam.

"This," He says pointing to the beam he just lifted. "is what true friends do for each other," Megaman says smileing.

"MEGAMAN!" Dash yells from outside. The pare turn to see the doorway blocked by 2 beams on fire. They run over and try and move the beams. The first one comes out easily, but the second one would not budge.

"No, were traped... I'm... so sorry," Cute man says closing his eyes. If he was humman, he would be cring.

"I'm sorry too," Megaman says taking a few steps back.

"w-why?" Cute man asks as Megaman runs strat at him. He slams into Cute Man, sending him strat through the beam and collapsing the building on top of himself. Then Cute man quickly gets up to see the house has colapsed.

"Megaman!" Cute man yells running to the ruble. The three ponies run over to him as he digs through the wood. The other's join in, but to no avail. "It's all my fault," Cute man says lying against a tree watching the ponies look for Rock.

"It wasn't your fault," Rock walking out of the forest.

"But it was, he didn't need to help me, that should have been me!" Cute man says pounding the ground.

"That's what friends do," Rock says smiling. Then Cute man looks to the voice to see Rock leaning up against the adjacent tree.

"MEGAMAN!" He says standing up. The three ponies look over to see Rock standing by a tree.

"Please, call me Rock," He says walking over to Cute Man.

"How the hay did you live?!" Twilight says Teleporting next to Rock.

"well, I saw were trixy whent so, I after sending Cute man through, I had just anofe time to dive for the trap door, good thing I made it or I would be dead," He explains as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash walk over to the group.

"Did you find Trixy?" Fluttershy asks. Rock shakes his head.

"It leads to a dead end about a mile from here," He explains as Cute man takes his S-boomerang off his head.

"here, you can copy my ability," Rock smiles and grabs the S-boomerang. He downloads the data from Cutman along with the weapon.

"They don't tell you anything do they," He ask as Cute man puts the s-boomerang back on his head.

"Not a thing," He says, the group burst out laughing as they walk back to town.

Dash is lying on a cloud floating through the sky.

"He could have died, then I would never know if he liked me. Maby I should tell him how I feel," her thoughts were interrupted by a shout from below.

"Hey Dash! is that you!?" She looks over the edge to see Rock laying against a tree. He smiles and she smiles back.

"Dear Celestia why does he make me feel this way?" She thinks as her heart races at 100 miles per millisecond. She hops off her cloud and glides down with ease. She lands next to Rock and sits down.

"Hey Dash, what's up?" He asks as she looks up. He chuckles at the joke. "That's not what I meant and you know that,"

"Ya, I know," She says not taking her eyes away from the sky. "The sky is just so beautiful,"

"It's now or never... maybe literally," Rock thinks as he takes a deep breath.

"Can I asks you something?" Dash and Rock say at the same time. They both look into each other's eyes, then burst out laughing. After they calm down Dash gestures for him to go first.

"Well.." Rock stops, trying to word it properly.

"Come on, spill it," She said, nudging him. That finally pushes him over the edge.

"I LOVE YOU DASH!" He yells shutting his eyes tight, ready for some kind of backlash, but it never came. Dash's eyes widen in shock.

"he-He likes me," her thoughts were interrupted when she saw a tear roll down his face. "wow,"

"I-I love you to Rock" She says, rapping her for legs around his body. His eyes slowly open to see Dash hugging him. He sighs and raps an arm around Dash.

"You sure?" He asks, she sits up never letting go of him.

"I'm sure," She says hugging him tighter.

Twilight is sitting at her desk in the library, studying a map of Equestria when the door opens. She turns to see Rock walking in smiling like a school colt who got his first mare friend.

"Hi Rock," Twilight says turning completely towards him. Rock looks at her and waves.

"Hi Twilight," he says heading to the stairs.

"Did you ask Dash out?" She asks as Rock is about to walk up the stairs.

"NNOOOPP," He replays, copying Big Mac.

"I highly doubt that," She thinks getting back to work on finding Trixy.

Author's Note:

I hope you liked that 2 parter, as always if you see any misspellings or any bad grammar tell me. Good bye:rainbowdetermined2: