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Second Chance

Author's Note:

Songs included:
Jeff Hardy & PeroxWhy?Gen- Humans Gone

“First day back to school. Are you ready,” Chrysalis asked

“Not particularly. While I have recovered from the incident; I'm still not wanting to go through it again.”

“Just take it one day at a time. As Tirek said; the past can't be changed, but the future's not set in stone,” Discord added

“I'll try my best. Thank you both for everything.”

After enjoying breakfast Discord drove Sunset to school, before parting ways. Each student she passed bowed their heads in an attempt to apologize.

‘Sorry about shoving you.’

‘Sorry for tripping you.’

Sunset headed to her locker before stopping. She saw the mural of her and wiped her eyes in response. Seeing the phoenix reminded her of the choice to remain alive; instead of succumbing to the suicide attempt.

“It's amazing.”

“Welcome back,” a voice said from behind

“Flash. Thank you for this.”

“How'd you know it was me,” he whispered

“I know one of your bandmates is an artist,” Sunset whispered

“Dammit,” he muttered before leaving

“Sunset! How have you been,” Rarity asked, running over to her

“Surviving. Just so you know, I am still disappointed in you.”

“So are we. Maybe we can repair our friendship,” Fluttershy said

“We'll see.”

“I can't believe I've been beaten on Gears of War,” Dash said angrily

“It's just a game. No need to get upset,” Pinkie chimed in

“Every time I play multiplayer; the same damn person kills me. Its irritating as hell,” Dash stated “Goes by the of ‘DarknessRisin666’. Anyone heard of them?”

“Keep playing. Maybe you'll beat them.”

“I'll try. I spent a week playing and couldn't do anything,” Dash said with a sigh

Sunset parted from the group and headed back to her locker. Upon opening it; a deluge of cards poured out. Picking a random one up, she saw it was an apology from Gilda and included a message of faith.

I'm sorry for my actions during these past few weeks. May Faust guide you back to life
-Gilda Griffin

“Oi. Why don't you put those in here? You might need the use of your locker,” Discord suggested, holding a crate

“Thank you. I am going to need room for books.”

With the two working together; the contents were cleaned up as he took the cards back to his supply closet. Sunset stored her unneeded books before heading to class.

“Welcome back to class; Sunset. You look much better,” Cheerilee said

“Thank you. I'll always remember the worst moment in my life,” Sunset replied, touching the scar

“Everyone realized their mistakes when the actual culprits stepped forward,” Cheerilee mused “Your friends were also sorry.”

“Right now, they are just students to me. It hurt when they were the first to abandon me without giving me a chance.”

“Don't hold grudges against them. They know how much damage was caused and want to be friends again,” Cheerilee warned

“I'll try to forgive them; but it certainly won't be right away. They have to earn it.”

“If that's what you want to do. It's your decision,” Cheerilee finished with a sigh

Throughout the day; Sunset heard enough apologies that she lost count. It was reassuring to know their stance; but the three that should be apologizing the most were nowhere to be found.

“They're not here,” a voice said from behind Sunset

“Who's not here?”

“My sister and her friends. Bloom and the others decided to play hooky today,” Applejack answered

“Figured. Probably scared of what I'd do to them.”

“Last time I checked; you were given a second chance at life. Don’t squander that and return to the old Sunset,” AJ suggested

Lunch time saw her just taking the food and heading outside to sit under a tree. To her surprise another student decided to join her.

“I hope I'm not interrupting you. I'm Wallflower Blush,” she said

“You're fine to stay. I just wanted to get away from the others. I'm Sunset Shimmer.”

“I've seen you around but never had the courage to say anything. I saw the paramedics loading you inside just before the holidays. I'm glad you are okay,” Wallflower admitted

“Alive; but not entirely okay. It's going to be a while before I could even call it ‘normal’. Besides; I have a lot of people to apologize to.”

“Whenever you want to get away from anyone; just head out to the garden. It might be the quietest place on campus,” Wallflower suggested

“Thank you for the offer. I might take you up on it.”

“Miss Shimmer? My sister wants to see you in her office,” Luna said as Sunset walked inside

Without an argument; Sunset trailed behind and took a seat in front of Celestia’s desk. She was trying to figure out why the visit was needed.

“Do you know why I asked you here this afternoon,” Celestia inquired

“No idea. Did I do anything wrong today?”

“On the contrary. I wanted to this back to you,” Celestia replied, handing over the journal

“Thank you Principal Celestia. I'm glad it was in safe hands.”

“It was Rainbow Dash that asked me to take it. She thought the journal didn't belong to them due to their transgressions. Now that you're back; it should be in your possession,” Celestia explained

Waiting by the statue was Discord and his truck. As Sunset climbed inside; she noticed the crate sitting on the floor.

“I couldn't let the notes go to waste. It seemed many of the students wished you would recover,” Discord commented

“That's fine. That was a reminder of my darkest moment and the reason I need to accomplish my goal.”

“The goal you haven't told us about. Hopefully you accomplish is,” he mused

The following day; Sunset decided to bring her guitar to school. Any student that didn't apologize on Monday did so; resulting in a vast majority of them regretting their actions. Others that knew she was innocent offered up appreciation for her return.

“Welcome back; Sunset. I made something you might like,” Bon Bon said, handing over a wrapped box Sunset opened

“Thank you very much. How did you know macaroons were my favorite?”

“I remember you mentioned it during freshman year. I actually keep a log of everyone's favorites to make it upon request,” Bon Bon replied

“Thank you again.”

“Hiya boss,” Snips said cheerfully

“I told you afterward the Fall Formal that I wasn't your boss anymore. I'd much rather be your friend.”

“It's good to see you back. We couldn't believe you were in the hospital,” Snails said

“The scar on my neck is proof of my suicide attempt.”

“We could have helped you if you needed it. Neither of us believed you were Anon-a-Miss,” Snips added

“You two might not; but others could've thought I manipulated you to say that.”

“Screw what others might think,” Snips said defiantly

“Yeah; screw them. We quit caring about that a long time ago,” Snails chimed in

“Glad to have the two of you whenever I need you,” Sunset said, pulling them in for a hug before leaving

“Hey; Sunset. Welcome back to school,” Gilda said

“Thank you. And thanks for the card.”

“It was the least I could do after fucking up. None of us actually wanted to see you take such measures. An occasional push or shove was just to sting your pride a little as we now wrongly scapegoated you,” Gilda replied “I'd give anything to take back what I did.”

“Unfortunately we can't. Use the mistakes of the past to prevent accidents in the future.”

“You're right. If you need help with anything; let me know,” Gilda said, giving her a fist bump

“I'll be sure to keep that in mind.”

During lunch; she finished eating and headed back to the locker in order to retrieve the guitar. Not wanting to risk damaging the electric; ‘old faithful’ was used.

“Hello my old friend. Ready to play,” Sunset mused, grabbing the case

Following the retrieval; Sunset headed to the school's music room. Instead of hearing the familiar sound of her former friends playing; a cello and piano were heard. To her surprise; Vinyl was sitting on the piano.

“Sunset; it's a pleasure to see you here,” Octavia said

“Thank you for inviting me to join you.”

“You're welcome. I guess you're wondering when I started playing,” Vinyl commented

“A little. I'm not entirely surprised you play an instrument, but didn't expect it to be piano.”

“It was my parents that enrolled me in piano lessons when I was little. Even when I started creating dubstep; they supported me in the decision. A few songs have piano in there,” Vinyl explained

“It's cool that you still continue to incorporate it into your music.”

“Do you have anything in particular you'd want to play,” Octavia asked

“Just a simple melody. I don't have an idea for words.”

With Vinyl starting a seemingly hauntingly sad melody, Octavia followed in as a backing before Sunset added a main guitar part (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tH_xsg-V2Ys; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_lZJlEkHP2M). As they lost themselves in the music; none heard the door open nor saw the group of visitors that joined them.

“Beautiful playing,” Rarity said, clearing her throat

“I never knew you played. Then again; we never did give you a chance to show us,” Rainbow Dash mused

“What exactly are you doing here for? The Rainbooms died when I was in the hospital.”

“We followed you in the hopes of learning more about you. Hearing music coming from the room; we decided to check it out,” Pinkie said

“If you're hoping to kiss my ass for forgiveness; it's not working.”

“Nothing is going to change what happened; but we'd still like to try and make things right,” Applejack replied

“I have to look in the mirror and be reminded of the suicide attempt that put me in the hospital. The five of you really have a long way to go.”

With that; Fluttershy led the dejected group out of the room, as Sunset and Octavia started putting their instruments away.

“Was that really the best thing to do,” Octavia questioned

“No; but I don't want them to know I forgive them. There's a few others that need to be I need to make amends to.”

“We hope you make the right decision with this,” Vinyl said

“If I don't apologize to them; it will haunt me.”

After getting home; Sunset pulled up MyStable and sent a few messages to a few people. She wrote the same message in a text to Rarity, before grabbing her journal.

Twilight; If you're free; could you join us this Friday after school

Nice to hear from you again. What is this about

I'll explain then. Sorry for the secrecy

I'll be there. Just let me know when to come over

“What's up,” Discord asked

“Hoping what I want can get done on Friday.”

“Let me know if you need help,” he replied “Your mom and I would be glad to assist.”

The rest of the week was a repeat of Tuesday with Sunset spending time in the music room with Vinyl and Octavia. Friday was the same; but another decided to visit.

“You really learned a lot from our time together. It sounds beautiful when you put your soul in the music,” Flash commented

“Originally, I may have used you; but I really did envy your guitar playing. Thank you for teaching me how to play.”

“You're welcome. I'm glad you were able to make use of the natural talent you possess,” he replied

“Feel free to join me by the statue when school gets out, if you want to.”

“Need us for moral support,” Octavia asked

“Thank you for the offer, but I have to do this on my own.”

“We'll hold on to the guitar in the meantime and give it to your father,” Vinyl said

“Thank you again. I appreciate it.”

Sunset left the room and had to take a few deep breaths to steady herself. Just before she could head outside; she was stopped by someone calling her.

“Sunset? Could you please follow me,” Celestia asked

“What's up?”

“Just something I'd like to discuss with you,” she replied vaguely

With that; the pair headed to the office where Luna was waiting for them, along with Discord and Chrysalis.

“Although I don't completely know what you're doing; the four of us are here for you if you need anything,” Luna said

“In that case; could I please get the awards for the past four years for the Fall Formal?”


“Luna; please grab the other students. They might want to know what's happening.”

“And if they ask about it? What do I tell them,” Luna questioned

“Just tell them to head to the front entrance. That's all they need to know.”

“What about the two of us,” Discord asked

“Did Sunset ever tell you what she had planned?”

“Nothing. Just said it was something she had to do,” Chrysalis replied

“In the meantime; just keep the students inside when they get there. Crack the door to hear what's going on.”

“Of course. You can count on us,” Discord said


After receiving the items; Sunset continued her intended path and headed outside. Waiting outside were just Rarity and her friends, which felt disappointing the other two hadn't shown up.

“Sunset? What's up and why did you have to sound so cryptic,” Rarity asked

“Give me a minute. There's still a few people that I am hoping that will join us.”

Twi; it's time to show up

As Twilight came through the portal; two other girls showed up Sunset was relieved to see.

“Sorry we're late. It took time to get from Crystal Prep,” one of the girls said

“What the hell are two students from Crystal Prep doing here,” Rainbow Dash demanded

“Wait a minute. I remember you two. Moondancer and Sour Sweet. It's been years since we've seen you,” Pinkie replied

“It's nice to see you too,” Sour Sweet replied “Now let's get this over with.”

“I asked you all here to apologize for my actions. When I arrived here; I felt like I was queen of the world and everyone was lesser than me. To that end; I tormented each of you in different ways. Sour Sweet; I start with you. During our freshman year, I made you drop out of the Fall Formal because you were beating me. This is rightfully yours,” Sunset said, handing the award over

“That's really nice of you to do this,” Sour Sweet said “Four years late, that is.”

“Moving on. Moondancer; the exact same reasoning was what caused you to quit and you rightfully deserved the award, not me.”

“Thank you for apologizing. My family wondered why I wanted to leave so badly. I tried to cover up the scars but they soon realized I was bullied,” Moondancer said

“I am so sorry that I led you to start cutting yourself. That was never my intention.”

“Bullying never was but it left marks on others,” Sour Sweet mused, point to the scar “What goes around, comes around; doesn't it!? I'd love to meet the ones that paid you back.”

“That would be nearly three-quarters of the school.”

“To the rest of you; I am sorry for originally breaking up your friendship. Seeing you happy just reminded me too much of home that I wanted to change it. Rarity; you should have won the Fall Formal our junior year. Take it.”

“Thank you Sunset. I was too stubborn to quit despite the bullying,” Rarity said, taking the award

“Finally; I come to Twilight. I tried so hard to get you to quit that I even resorted to potentially killing you and I am so very sorry. Please take your award.”

“It's not mine anymore. You deserve it,” Twilight stated

“Why exactly did you want us to take these awards,” Moondancer inquired

“I was given a second chance.”

“That's not true. We gave you a chance,” Applejack interrupted

“As I was saying; I received a second chance at life after my suicide attempt actually put me at Death’s door. Each of you were deserving of the award I stole from you and it was time to correct that mistake. I'd also want to apologize to the rest of the school for the hell I put them through. Twilight; I have to thank you for giving me a rainbow colored wake-up call.”

“I'm glad you were able to be purged of your demon,” Twilight commented “Literally; I hope.”

“It looks like you've told the school,” Pinkie mused

Sunset turned around to see students pouring out the doors in droves to head to the group. Leading the charge were Apple Bloom and company.

“We're sorry for our actions. Could you ever forgive us,” Scootaloo asked, as the three dropped to their knees

“I might forgive you; but I can never forget what happened. You caused irreparable damage that sent me to the hospital.”

“You didn't need to try and kill yourself,” Applejack replied sarcastically

“I could have helped,” Twilight added

“I wrote you countless messages that went unanswered. Just the last few were looked at. And as for my mindset; you try getting bullied without end and see where that leads you.”

“Just promise me you won't resort to such rash actions next time,” Twilight begged

“I don't need to promise that, as there won't be a ‘next time’.”

“I can't speak for anyone else; but I do forgive you,” Flash said

“How much of that did you hear?”

“Everything. The door was cracked open to allow us to listen in,” Flash admitted

“You did try to redeem yourself from earlier in the school year; even if we chose not to see it,” Micro Chips said as others nodded

“You; along with Snips and Snails spent the entire weekend cleaning the front entrance without receiving any assistance or recognition,” another added

“You tutored me in subjects I didn't know, allowing me to get my grades up,” a third chimed in

“We should have asked ourselves whether or not Anon-a-Miss was really the student we thought it was,” Lightning Dust stated

“We're as much to blame as you are. We'd hope you'd accept our apology,” Gilda said

“Your apology is accepted as I hope mine is.”

“From what see here; we don't have to worry about any other incidents of bullying taking place,” Luna mused

“No Vice-principal Luna. We all learned from our mistakes,” the students said in unison

“I'm glad that's taken care of. No one else needs to suffer at the hands of bullying,” Celestia said with a sigh “Now all that's left is to worry about your finals at the end of the semester.”

“If you'll excuse me; I need to get home,” Twilight said before heading through the portal

“What the heck? How is that possible,” Moondancer questioned

“And what about the mention of the demon,” Sour Sweet demanded

“It's better you don't know,” Pinkie replied

“Even I don't think it's possible to explain it.”

“I need to get going. Thank you for the award,” Sour Sweet said “Even if you stole it for four years.”

“It's been nice to see you again; Principal Celestia,” Moondancer said before leaving
“I'm going to head home myself. Thank you everyone for accepting my apology.”