• Published 7th Aug 2012
  • 822 Views, 18 Comments

Devil's Due: Canterlot Archives - Petro

A short story commissioned for Devil's Due.

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Prologue: The Begining of My End

Devil’s Due: Canterlot Archives, by Petro!
Commissioned for Devil's Due, by All American

Sorry about the wait AA, please don't kill me, and your official character is named "Black Powder".

Date: 3 July 2PH
Case ID: B1066
Subject: Laney, Ryan

On the night of April 24th, 2PH (Post-Harmony), subject Ryan Laney was summoned to Equestria by her highness Princess Celestia to stop Ryan from killing himself. According to the Princess, Laney is a 21 year-old male member of the long extinct species Homo sapiens sapiens, commonly referred to as humans. After he was transported from his world to ours, Laney was subdued inside his own personal chambers until he inevitably regained consciousness. After his renewed collection of sensible thought patterns, Ryan broke free from his chambers, only to be confronted with his savior and apparent bane of existence, Princess Celestia. As was expected, due to the Princess being the one who summoned him here, Ryan reacted violently. After a few relayed threats, Ryan was able to evade capture by escaping through one of the castles many windows. After leaving the castle grounds, Laney was pursued by royal guards into the inner city, where Laney was once again able to outsmart the guardsponies. After this last brush with the guard, Ryan fled the city limits and was later found lying underneath a tree approximately 1 and 3/7 kilometers away by Applejack Apple, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle. He was then led to Ponyville to meet the other Elements.

I stopped writing and took a small sip of ginger ale and ate a few crackers.

“*Sigh* Black Powder is going to kill me for this being so late. Oh well, back to writing…”

One week earlier…

I walked down the ancient stone corridors of Canterlot Castle, my hoofsteps echoing off the marble floor, sending shivers up my spine. I wondered why Celestia wanted to see me. It wasn't every day, or week, or month, or year, or, well you get the point, she doesn't need psychological help. Maybe it was about Luna, no, couldn't be. She and I met last week for her monthly checkup and our usual game of chess. Damn, she was good at chess. I, the reigning champion for 20 years before her re-harmonization, had lost my title as soon as she decided to challenge me. Apparently, Celestia had convinced a few nobles to gamble on that game, but I determined it wasn't a fair game. I didn't have a millennium of experience under my belt. Oh well. I checked my watch: 0424. Still got six minutes before I need to be in the throne room. I walked over to one of the windows and with a quick burst of dark green magic, gave it the properties of a mirror. I straightened out my dark blue bow-tie, a prize from Luna for "not going easy on her" on our fateful first chess match, which had somehow turned completely vertical. Next, I shook a few hairs out of my eye and straightened out my dark red and orange mane, which was now sporting a few silver strands here and there. Damn, I'm getting old. Well, Ash hasn't gotten his cutie mark yet and Cinder just started first grade, so I can't be too old. After straightening my vest and drying off certain parts of my coat, which had gotten wet from this morning's storm, I proceeded to the throne room. Standing at the door were two solar guards and two night sentinels. Well, I guess Luna is involved. Looking at the solar guards, I noticed something.

"Broadsword, your helmet is crooked." I stated. Quickly, In a flash of bright blue magic, his helmet fixed itself.

"How'd ya know it was me, doc?" The normally stoic stallion asked.

"You always wear it leaning towards your left eye. Anywho, are you still seeing Peace Keeper about your PTSD?"

"Yes-sir-ee, I sure am. Couldn't be here without it." he responded, "well, I guess I should let you in. I'll see you tomorrow for Ash's training."

And with that, he and one of the sentinels opened up the large oak doors leading into the throne room. I entered the grand room to see one of my old students, Twilight Sparkle, sitting at a table with Celestia, Luna, and some strange hairless-ape-thing. Twilight turned around to greet me, but without her usual smile on her face.

"You're 23 seconds late, doctor." she stated coldly.

"Well, somepony sure has the case of the Mondays a bit early." I responded in my cheery manor. That brought a smile to her face.

"Curse your accent, I drives my facial features to betray my emotional state, and, hey! You're the one who disproved that Mondays don't affect your emotions!"

It was true, I did have a Trottingham accent, and I did run an experiment on days of the week and their effects on emotion.

"Ah, it was on;y one experiment, and in order to fully disprove a theory, there must be more. Maybe you should start one."

Our conversation was cut short by the ape-thing clearing its throat. Celestia then spoke up.

"Doctor Corona, I bet you're wondering why we brought you here." She said coolly.

"Yes, and you know very well that I don't like cliffhangers."

"I would like you to meet Mr. Ryan Laney, he is our esteemed guest here in Equestria."

"If I may be so blunt, but what is he?"

"I'm a god-damned human." Came Laney's quick retort.

I turned to him and made a small bow.

"It is very nice to meet you Mr. Laney. I-"

"Mr. Laney was my dad, call me Ryan or don't speak to me." he responded coldly.

"Um... okay, Mr. Ryan."

"Drop the mister part."

"Yes sir, Ryan."

"Don't 'sir' me."

"Okay Ryan, that better? You're starting to sound like my old drill sergeant."

"Good. Military background, I like it. You're not on my list anymore, doc."

"What list?"

"Don't ask." Twilight, Celestia, and Luna all responded at once. Twilight then gave out a nervous chuckle, "I guess I should be taking Ryan back home now, we have been up all night and I need to make sure the treebrairy isn't a smoldering heap."

"But I was just starting to like the good doctor over there." Ryan protested, but was quickly knocked out by a rather overly large blast of Twilight's magic.

She then proceeded to rise, pick up Ryan in a cloud of purple magic and walk towards the exit.

"Goodbye Princesses, goodbye Doctor Corona."

As she exited I heard Broadsword's voice comment: "Where are you going with him"

"Home, and as for why he's a rag-doll, don't ask."

The old doors then slammed shut again, leaving me alone with the princesses. Knowing Celestia's raunchy sense of humor, I quickly commented: "Hrm... I wonder what they did all night." Earning me a good, hearty laugh from both of the Royal sisters, Celestia's face turning bright crimson. After that bout of laughter died down, Celestia decided to have a little fun with me.

"Wouldn't you like to know." she said while waggling her eyes at me.

I had grown immune to her jokes, but apparently Luna had not. She turned bright red and almost choked on a scone. I used a quick bit of magic to pat her on the back and resume the passage of air through her lungs. After a bit of idle chat and more sexual jokes (most of which Luna seemed confused about) Celestia resumed her regal attitude.

"On to the main point doctor, one of my generals, Black Powder, wanted me to have somepony investigate Ryan's mentality."

"And why would he want that?"

"Because I was thinking of giving him a job training some of my and Lulu's guards into a more elite fighting force."

"But why me?"

This time, Luna spoke up.

"Because nopony else is capable of understanding his mind, Ember. He comes from an extremely violent world and has been surrounded by death for a long time. We thought that since you could help me, you had the experience to help him. We understand if you decline this offer, as it would be very trying and would probably push you to-"

"I'll do it."

"Okay then, you will need to report directly to General Black Powder your findings. But understand, Ryan is not a normal patient, he is a friend. We will send a chariot to your apartment at noon, I'll make arrangements for your stay in Ponyville."

"If it's Ponyville, Can I make a special request?"

"Yes, you may."

"Can I bring my son, Ash, with me? He's probably tired of staying cooped up, watching over Cinder while Medley and I work."

"Of course, and good luck, you'll need it."

"Meh, how hard can it be?"

And with that, I left the throne room, unaware of how critically wrong I was.

Well, that's it for now. More to come later. I want everyone reading this to thank All American for...enticing me.
Until next time, Petro!