• Published 7th Aug 2012
  • 822 Views, 18 Comments

Devil's Due: Canterlot Archives - Petro

A short story commissioned for Devil's Due.

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Chapter One: The Breaker's Story

Trivia time! A. What important event happened in 1066 A.D.?
B. What famous WWII fortification am I referencing to?

After leaving the throne room I checked my watch: 0921. Plenty of time. I trotted over to the guards barracks, where I expected to find General Black Powder. I then realized that I had no idea what he looked like. I turned around to go ask one of the princesses, only to meet a large black stallion gazing down upon me like I was his next meal.

"Why so rushed, doc?" he said in a vaguely familiar rough voice.

"Oh, excuse me. Do you happen to know where general Black Powder is?"

"Hoho, you're, lookin' at 'm, doc!" he responded.

"Oh, I was told to report to you for my report, sir." I hastily said.

"Allrighty then. Let's take this up in my office." he said as he started trotting off towards the general direction of the barracks.

As we walked through the front doors of HQ, we both stopped to take off our hats. General Powder looked me over again, studying me. I met his gaze with equal strength.

"You were in the army."

"Yes, I surely was."

"When did you serve, soldier?"

"During the 2nd Gryphon War, I was there for the siege of Nesteen itself." I responded proudly.

"Really?" he asked, starting to walk off towards one end of the large building.

"Yes sir, I was CO of the 35th engineers corps."

"Wait a second, you were the one..."

"Who figured out 'The Wall'. Don't flatter me general, we're here for official business."

"B-but, you're the reason why I joined, sir!" He blabbered loudly.

I got a few strange looks, and watched a few recruits look at their general in surprise. It seemed as though we were at his office, so I tried to teleport us inside the closed door, but remembered that HQ was a non-magic area when I received a massive headache. Soon enough, a small crowd was surrounding us, sporting questions such as: "who is that?" and "what did the general just say" until somepony who had done his history recognized me and shouted, "It's 'The Breaker'!". IN a sudden upheaval, all the crowd surged forward and grew in size. After having enough, I shouted,

"ENOUGH! ALL OF YOU, AT ATTENTION, NOW" and sure enough, everypony shut up and stood at attention. "Now then, I am here on official business with general Powder and will not tolerate anymore gibber-jabber, is that clear?" I got a collective moan from the group.


"YES SIR!" came a chorus reply.

"Good, back to your posts."

As the crowd departed, I heard faint murmur about the rumors of how I broke the gryphon's stronghold. Walking into the general's office, I gave out a long sigh. After Powder closed the door, I spoke up.

"I was hoping I would never have to talk like that ever again. I guess you want to hear the story, don't you?"

"If you would be so kind, sir."

"Enough with the sir, I'm retired. I'll tell you, but business first."

"Yes sir." I looked at him.

"Sorry, force of habit."

"I know that feeling, general. My wife hit me every time I say ma'am to her, and I still do it from time to time."

"Sounds fun. As for the business, I want to know if Ryan Laney is fit for duty as a training officer. I want a report on his mentality done in two weeks. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, now tell me about the war."

"It all happened during the last days of the 2nd Gryphon War, as you should know, we were dug into the mountains outside of Nesteen..."

Deep inside one of the caves perforating the Mountains southwest of Nesteen, what was left of Onyx squad and I were pouring over areal maps of the gryphon capitol, looking for any weak points in "The Wall", a large line of artillery, ground, and areal forces that tore apart any ponies who tried to break through. We only had 3 days left of supplies before we had to use up our reserves.

"I don't know cap'n, I can't see anything, How 'bout you Icy?" Crosswind stated gloomily.

"I'm no joy either. Break?"

"Nothin'. How's a bout you Unity?"

"Well, it does seem to be a little thinner towards the eastern front, but these maps are a week old, for all we know there could be hundreds more of them just waiting there. What do you think captain?" said our only female member.

"Thats it!" I yelled. Pointing towards the northern border of the map I quickly explained, "The tunnels that 12th made! If we use those, we can get right underneath the enemy and tunnel all the way around, set it with explosives, and blow them out of the mountains!"

"No offense, cap, but weren't the tunnels collapsed?" Break asked.

"Yes and no, Break. The entrance was collapsed, the tunnels should be fine! All in?"

"Yes sir!" came my chorus.

"Good. Icy, go tell Diamond, Ruby, and Sapphire. We're leaving at dawn." Icy flew off after a crisp salute. Everyone else, get some shut-eye, tomorrow's gonna be hell."

We all woke up before sunrise to the sight of Icy cooking a grand meal for us. When it was done he said simply,

"Eat up, it might be our last meal."

(Warning: Gore)

A few moments later, the sun rose. We all walked next to each other as we headed towards the atrium of our cave home. After briefing the rest of the squads, we all set off towards our objective. It was a quiet journey, as we knew that I might very well be our last. Arriving at the target, we began to work our way through the fallen rocks, Break and another demo specialist taking the lead. everything was good and steady until we smashed through the final layer, only to find artillery barrels pointed straight towards us. They fired simultaneously, obliterating Ruby and half of Diamond, before anyone could even shout "Contact". Before I could react at seeing my brothers and sisters in arms having been blown to smithereens, Break had already incapacitated one of the cannons and was moving on towards the next one, when the operator began to fire. Crosswind only had time to scream at his brother before the small shield he put up to protect himself shattered, sending shrapnel and a cannonball bigger than his head flying towards him. We watched in horror as Crosswind flew over to the gryphon and, using the gryphon's own sword, cut him down, limb by limb, the gryphon's blood soon covering Crosswind's coat.

Once the adrenaline passed out of our collective system, we took a moment to honor the dead, both our own and the gryphons, for they too were living beings. When we were done, we entered the darkness that was the presumably gryphon-infested cave system. After a few more skirmishes and the loss of a few more good soldiers, we stopped for a breather and to eat some rations. We then resumed out march.

I guessed that we were about one-quarter way in the caves at that point, as we soon came across a massive gryphon armory that was still sending supplies out for their troops. 'I always knew the gryphs had more weapons than the reports said, this is why'. I motioned my squad back.

"Well, this is a nasty turn of events, ain't it, cap'n?" Icy said.

"How are we supposed to take this down? It's bucking huge!" Unity said rather loudly.

We heard her voice echo around the cavern once, before we heard the telltale swoop of wings. All of us took up battle positions along the entrance, expecting the worst. We weren't prepared at all for what happened next. The sound of metal on metal rang through our ears as we turned to see a large, jet-black and red gryphon, the sign of a commando, standing over the body of one of our sentries, the other slumped against the wall, his head slowly rolling in a semi-circular motion. All at once, we attacked, whether using, magic, pure strength, or knives, we all rushed to kill the commando. He easily cut down the rest of Diamond squad and all of Sapphire, only stopping when Crosswind, sliced off one of his wings. He and the commando proceeded to fight in a fast-paced tango, halting the rest of our attacks, as we couldn't afford the collateral of hurting Crosswind. Soon, they were still, locked in a standstill, Crosswind's sword stuck between the commando's twin blades. Unity quickly charged up a spell and fired at the gryphon.

Everything seemed to move in slow-motion. The behemoth gryphon's eye looking at Unity, seeing her spell release. He knocked aside Crosswind's blade and grabbed hold of him. Being used as a shield by the commando, Cross's eyes grew wide as he watched the spell hit him. He screamed out in pain as the spell started turning his body into ashes. The gryphon, without warning, sped towards Unity, first cutting off her horn, then her forelegs, followed by her head. Her mouth was open as if to say 'I'm sorry' as it slowly rolled across the floor. Stopping at Icy's forelegs. I quickly shouted at him to move, but he stayed still. I rushed the massive gryphon in a vain attempt to save Icy, but was swatted aside like a bug by the gryphon. Icy looked me dead in the eyes and smiled, knowing that he would be with the rest of his family soon. I watched in horror as the gryphon slowly walked up to him and stabbed him through the stomach, slowly moving the razor-sharp blade down, gutting him, then throwing his body to the side.

"No." I said coldly, getting up off the floor and stumbling towards him, "This ends now."

"And vhat is little pony going to do?" The behemoth mocked, "Shoot a firecracker at me, like other little pony?"

The beast walked up to me and wrapped a massive claw around my neck. He then started to walk around, me in his claw the entire time.

"I have defeated little pony's friends, and yet you do not break down? You must be heartless pony. You do not mourn your friends?" he turned to face me, "Knowing that it is entirely your fault that they are all dead, knowing that they will go unburied, without respect into the after life. Knowing that you are to blame for the families that will go without sons and fathers?"

"You forgot daughters and mothers too" I squeaked out.

"Vhat? Did little pony say something?" He threw me against the wall of the cave. "I will give you this chance to bury your dead, little pony, to let them die in peace. I do this for you little pony, because no-one must go without proper ritual into the afterlife."

"Thank you, you really are a true warrior." I moved over to my friends lifeless bodies, my horn glowing soft green as I began a spell.

"You are too kind little pony." He said, a confused expression on his face.

"And such a grand warrior deserves an equally grand cremation!" I shouted, turning around. My horn shone brightly, illuminating the cave in it's bright green glow. I then released the powerful fire spell, a signature of the Corona clan, filling the caves with a white hot flame, incinerating the gryphon commando and beginning to melt the solid bedrock surrounding us. A loud crack signaled that the weapons cache had exploded. I began to feed more and more magic into the spell, the heat from the magical fire giving me energy to work with. I lifted my head up and directed the fire to spread all around the cave system, seeing through it's magical properties as it searched through every nook and cranny, killing every gryphon, and melting out the cave ceiling.

Outside the cave, a small hunter-killer party of gryphons noticed a green glow coming from within. One of them flew off to alert his superiors as the rest entered cautiously. The green glow suddenly turned white, followed by the roar of fire as the inferno reached out. There was a loud crack as the caves to the south exploded in a grand flourish of white, red, and orange flame, followed by the rumble of the collapsing ceiling. The lone messenger flew higher to avoid the explosion. He then watched in absolute fear as a large, glowing ring formed around the gryphon stronghold. Suddenly, it exploded in a grand fashion, sending molten rock flying in every direction but down. A river of lava then flowed down into the valley city of Nesteen, covering it in a matter of minutes.

"After the supervolcano I had artificially created cooled down enough, I used some pretty basic mechanics to build a radio and call in a medivac for myself. By the time I was in Canterlot, the peace treaty was signed." I opened up a small patch in my vest, looking at the unpolished medal concealed within. "Later that day I was awarded the Royal Medal of Valor for my actions. I still keep it with me to remind myself of the ponies who died because of my actions." I looked up to see the general with his mouth open, staring at me in awe.

"Now that you know what really happened, write it down. I have to pick up my son. Have a good day general."

Well, now we know about Dr. Corona's past. But what of his future?
We'll find out in the next update of Devil's Due: Canterlot Archives!

Comments ( 1 )

Not bad so far. I am interested on how this will tie into DD.

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