• Member Since 7th Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen Dec 16th, 2023


Aspiring writer and insatiable SciSet shipper. She/her. https://twitter.com/CraftableAlice

Comments ( 148 )

Cute. Good story. Sunset has sass for days and twilight is adorkable as ever

Dangit its 3:36AM i was just about to go to sleep when i saw this, oh well i'll read it when i wake up.

Ok so i read it and i only have one thing to say.
Come on twilight its obvious she likes you just realize it already, also good work on the chapter.

Ok. Im interested. Lets see how things will play out.

Congratz, you got featured. 6/9/2019.

Maybe you’re just not looking in the right place?”

Like maybe you should be looking into girls, especially awesome redhead ones?

Just saying.

I'll be watching this. Congrats on the feature for a first chapter :twilightsmile:

Awesome first chapter bruh! Keep up the good work!

Well. Call me curious.

~Skeeter The Lurker

I'm liking every bit of this so far. Just hope it doesn't turn into some cucking/Emergence situation

Will this story have any m/f sex scenes, implied or otherwise, where the woman does most or all of the work?

“And, uh, just to be clear, I’m not actually looking for some billionaire playboy with a fetish.”

How much do you want to bet that she’s gonna end up with a billionaire playboy with a fetish?

That's a rather specific question, but I'm happy to answer it!

And, uh, spoilers I guess.

The story has two M/F scenes, the first of which has a section where the girl does all the work, but it then switches to the guy doing all the work.

I also kinda want to mention that there aren't as many sex scenes in this story as you might think. The first one doesn't happen until chapter 4, and there's only 5 sex scenes total. The fic is mainly focused on Twilight and how this lifestyle affects her. It isn't really about the porn.

Basically, if you're expecting this story to be quick clop, it isn't.

I'm already very interested in where this is going! I love the way you've written Sunset and Twilight in this. They have a great little dynamic, and I'm looking forward to seeing how you'll have Twilight play off others as time goes on.

I did plenty of research (no not that, get your mind out of the gutter)

I’m not peeking! I’m doing research for my next book!


When Twilight tells Sunset that one of the other girls is named Adagio...

Sunset: Please tell me the other girls are not named Aria and Sonata.
Twilight: Nope. They are River, Scarlet, Ocean, and Starry.
Sunset: So not the Dazzlings. That's good.

I got a little worried at first that this was headed somewhere darker but with this latest chapter I’m mush more excited to see what happens. Great job with making me care so quickly!

I know a lot of people are only here for the eventual porn (not saying I won’t enjoy it either.) but I’m genuinely more interested on the outcome of this story on a more character level, like how will becoming a porn star affect Sci-Twi’s personality, how will her relationship with adagio develop along with sunset (I know this is wishful thinking but I’m not again a polygamy thing) and just the eventuality that Sct-Twi will be found out. (My money is on one of her friends looking up porn and finding one of her videos.)

I have no idea where this is going but i can wait to find out.

Heh. Truth be told, people in adult work are as all over the place as anyone else. It DOES expose you to access to the seamier side of things, and there can be a lot of pressure for pros that can lead to mental and physical issues because it's very much a body image kind of job.

On the other hand, I've got a friend I've known for years who was one of the first Net-site amateurs. Now a Mom and kids, regular job, never did surgery or anything drastic in sex work but had her time with depression ...from after retirement, not the nekkid time.

People are still people. First relationship I had ended up driving my SOs friends out to diners late night after working a strip club. It's not a magical nympho transformation becoming a stripper, although I never could figure out how they made the appetizer vanish so fast. :)

(Strippers generally burn a respectable calorie count, and actual sex work is dehydrating and sweaty stuff too.)

Huh, so either Adagio does not know Twilight because this is an AU and the events of Rainbow Rocks never happened and this is just a normal world where all of them are just regular girls or Adagio is just pretending. I know it is tagged as an AU but it does make me wonder. Also is this a Sciset/Sunlight fic?

In any case nice writing, though it feels weird that she isn't considering the consequences of this work affecting the possibility of the difficulty this would make in her getting another job, maybe it might not affect as much in getting a job as a scientist but she would certainly say goodbye to a proper work in Academe.

Is this TwiDagio? Please say yes.

I get the feeling She’s going do a girl x girl thing and Sunny looks her up.

I think its that and a little bit of SunLight.

I would love if twilight is on only lesbian porn films, she would doubt her feelings for Sunset.

Maybe Adagio can be like "hey Sunset, I steal your girlfriend, now we are fine"

Who will find out first? My take is flutters

Hmmm i wonder if everything is going to go smoothly.
Well i guess i will find out next chapter.

The shipping will either be for sci-twi x adagio or sci-twi x sunset.

Personally I hope it’s a polygamy thing because I can’t decide.

This premise feels like it should be fun and silly and sexy but so far all I'm getting is a creeping sense of dread and unease watching Twilight's worry and nervousness as she's swept along by this tidal wave. I'm half-expecting this first shoot to be a horrifying disaster.

That said, I'm still hoping for a more positive turn of events.

And perhaps an MLP version of that classic Friends scene.


Hmm… whelp, that first chapter, and the author's reply, just set off all of my NTR warning sirens. I'm intrigued, and want to see how this goes, but am now concerned with just how devastated this is going to leave Sunset, and if its going to ruin Twilight's relationships with her friends and her family.

Wow Twilight. Just wow. Even if you're a teenager, and thus prone to making them, the number of bad decisions you just made… wow. I know without them, the story just wouldn't happen, but I'd just like to discuss what I see as the possible consequences of the chapter for her in the long run.

Now, let me preface the rest of this response with this: this is in no way a condemnation of the story the author is trying to tell here. Nor am I asking for her to change what she wants to write. Or for her to tell us what's going to happen in future chapters beyond what she already has. I genuinely want to see how this plays out as a story. And after reading "Her Knight in Sunlit Armor", I trust AliceLiz's ability as an author.

Further, I don't consider Twilight, or any consenting adult, doing porn as a bad decision in and of itself. Going into the adult film industry with full knowledge and forethought is nothing that anyone should be ashamed of or stigmatized over (despite what the backwards members of our culture would have us believe), and from interviews I've read, it can be a fulfilling lifestyle in many ways. So, no, her doing porn is not itself a problem in a vacuum.

What I want to put down are my thoughts and reactions to this chapter. And if things go the way they can go in real life, I can see things going pear-shaped if Twilight doesn't want to stay in the adult-film industry as a permanent carrier:

This first one is the one that is the least likely to happen again after this whole thing is over, but is going to be responsible for everything that happens: responding to an ad that was not only obviously sketchy, but jumping the gun without first inquiring about what the job actually is, and not reading her contract before signing it and jumping on a plane. I'll say it again, going into the adult film industry isn't a bad thing, but jumping into any situation not at least reasonably cognizant of what you're getting yourself into is beyond foolish.

Second, being in adult films can have long lasting repercussions on not only your social life, but your future aspirations, particularly if you're planning to go into academia or the sciences. And if Sci-Twi is anything like her canon counterpart, she is. Hell, she said it herself "And I thought that picking out universities and deciding on a major had been difficult." Fair or not, having been in the industry can sink her academic future harder than the U.K. sunk the Bismark.

A lot of universities, particularly the high profile ones, do not want the scandal of having former adult film stars in their program, and may very well revoke her admission if they learn about it. Or, they may kick her out if they find out after she's arrived. Even if they don't, and it gets around that she was in the industry, she's going to likely get harassed by both the other students, and potentially the professors, who can use her former status as leverage to force her to "perform" with them if she doesn't want to be kicked out of their classes or failed. Remember, she's going to be an undergrad, meaning that she's not going to be in as strong a position to fight back against it as a graduate or post-doc would, especially considering her status as a former porn-star. Undergrads are effectively "a dime a dozen" to most schools, so its no skin off their bones if they kick one out for "not meeting their ethical standards."

At the very least, she should have sat down with either Broad Strokes or the girls at the house about what the possible ramifications of taking the job were going to be before she decided to move forward and commit to it. From what they said, it doesn't seem like they would have been mad if she'd said it wasn't for her, or decided to back out when she learned what it could do to her future.

The potentially most disastrous choice she made was lying to her parents and fabricating another job. In the old days, this could have worked. But today? The internet exists. What happens when her slightly over-protective parents start asking questions, and find out that the company she's supposedly at doesn't exist? That's going to raise some serious red flags. Worse, what happens when they find out (not if, but when, because, again, internet) what she's actually doing, either through tracking her down themselves after her lie is exposed, or getting tipped off by someone who sees one of Twilight's films? It won't be pretty, because, in addition to doing porn (which based on their characterization, they would absolutely not approve of), she straight up lied to them. At best, it's going to ruin their relationship, and possibly get her kicked out of home. At worst, its going to get her disowned. Which will mean that :
A) they're not going to help with the cost of college
B) they're not likely to actually stand up for her if any of the above academic problems come up
C) she's going to be homeless when she gets back if none of her friends will take her in (see below)

Finally, how about her relationship with the Rainbooms, particularly Sunset. Again, they may have be cool with it in a vacuum, but remember it's established pretty clearly last chapter and in this one that Sunset is in love with Twilight. So what happens when she learns what Twilight's actually been up to (remember, she thinks Twilight is just doing modeling, not having sex on camera), and/or she got together with Adagio (as a bunch of people seem to be hoping)? My guess? Sunset's heart is going to be broken into a million little pieces. And if that happens, I don't see the Rainbooms being particularly happy with Twilight. After all, they've known Sunset for longer. And, honestly, who do you think they'd side with? A distraught and emotionally wrecked Sunset, or the person that, inadvertently or not, broke her heart. My money would be on the former.

So, yea, sorry for the wall of text, but after reading the chapter, those were my immediate thoughts on the potential narrative consequences of Twilight's choices. After all, as AliceLiz said, this story's not just about the porn. Its about the effects doing the porn will have on Twilight and her life. And that, if we're being honest here, includes both things that potentially good (making new friends, developing more confidence, earning a lot of money, getting together with Adagio [I'm a SunLight shipper to the core, so I personally don't consider that a good thing. But, from Twilight's perspective, it could very well be one.]), and things that are potentially very, very bad for her imediate and long term future if she's not going to stay in the adult industry.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to seeing how this all plays out.

Yea, I'm not sure Sunny would go for that in this scenario.

I mean, think about it: Sunny's in love with Twilight, but didn't confess because Twi was dating a guy. Then, after Twi gets back from the other side of the country doing "modeling work", in one fell swoop, Sunny finds out that not only did she have a chance (because Twilight turns out to be bi), she missed it because she didn't act out of fear of losing her friendship, and the person who "stole" the woman she loves happens to be a porn-star (active or not) that helped initiate Twilight into the business as well? Do you honestly think in that situation Sunset wouldn't react badly? Because her heart being torn out of her chest and crushed like a grape seems a lot more likely. (And with what groups this story is featured in, I'm honestly afraid that something like that is going to happen).

If this was a straight forward clop fic, I could see the poly thing happening. But as it is, where the author appears to be taking the narrative seriously? And has openly stated that the story is about the effects of this lifestyle on Twilight and her relationships? I'm sorry, but that doesn't sound like the kind of story where you're going to end up with a poly relationship without some serious narrative gymnastics.

I'm with ya chief. Honestly though, my tummy rumblings are that this is going to end up being NTR, with Sunset being the one who's heart gets broken. But, y'know, we can hope for the best, but emotionally prepare for the worst. I think its a good sign when a story makes me care about the fate of the characters, and boy, does this ever do that. Because I am honestly concerned how this is going to end not just for Sunset, but for Twilight as well.

Overall, good chapter. Established some character's personalities and planted seeds for future developments between them. Looking forward to where all of this is going to go (and I don't mean Twilight getting dicked on camera. After the first three chapters, I really couldn't care less about that). And, it did get me thinking about a couple of things.

One, what is Sunset's second job? She was kinda evasive about it, so it makes me wonder if its something that she doesn't want to tell Twilight about, in the same way that Twily doesn't want to tell Sunset about what her job actually is. Of course, the latter keeping it secret is going to get harder as time goes on, especially if Sunset insists on seeing some of her photo-shoots (which Twilight promised she would share last chapter. Y'know, before she read her contract and knew what she was going to be doing). That beings said, if for some reason Sunset's "second job" is also making adult films, that might actually be one of the ways I could see things not going completely pear-shaped.

Second, the dialog between Adagio and Twilight after she got off the phone with Sunset, makes me wonder if Adagio suspects that Sunset might like Twilight. Because from the questions she asked, I kinda get the feeling that she might have an inkling. And from the way Twilight described her interactions, it sounds like she might like her back, but just not realize it. Then again, I could just be reading into things because the first chapter set things up to make me root for SunLight to happen.

Out of curiosity, what do you mean by NTR? I'm unfamiliar with that acronym.

Ok that was poorly thought out on my part, I’m generally an optimist and hope for the best. And due to how well... silly this story premise I hope you can forgive me for not taking it too seriously and thinking that as a possible outcome.

No worries CarcinoGeneticist. It short for Netorare, which is a Japanese term that roughly translates as "stolen in the night". Its a rather notorious story type particularly in erotic/adult manga that's basically: "cuckolding, the genre". Here's a link to the TV tropes page, because that's going to do a better job explaining than I will.

Hey, nothing to apologize for ppg1998. There's nothing wrong with optimism, and like I said, there is a possibility. But, from a litterary standpoint, it will take some very creative narrative gymnastics given the overall tone of the story and what AliceLiz herself has said about it. She could pull it off, but it would heavily depend on Twi's actions in subsequent chapters.

Consider that AliceLiz effectively dedicated the first full chapter to establishing that Sunset has been trying to get Twilight's attention since she broke up with Timber, and probably before she got together with him in the first place, but hasn't been able to muster the courage to just flat out confess anything to her. Without the first chapter setting the tone, I could easily see this being a bit more silly a concept. I know I certainly thought that when I first saw the story. But with it? Well, that basically establishes that a) it's Sunset we're supposed to be rooting for, and b) this whole thing could easily lead to her being heartbroken. It all depends on how she learns about Twilight's involvement in the adult industry, how well Twilight can explain what that means, and how badly the whole thing hurts her, particularly if TwiDagio becomes a thing.

Trust me, I'm very much pulling for a happy ending for all parties. But I'm also familiar enough with the tropes involved in this kind of story that I hold no illusions that it could also very easily end in disaster and heartbreak. For both Sunset and Twilight.

Depending on how you interpret NTR it's already going that route since Twilight is going to be banging other people. I'm down for either Sunlight or Twidagio as the former is my favorite and there's not enough Twidagio out there. But judging by how Adagio is so far and her plans with Aria and Sonata she and Twi will probably just have a one night stand on the basis of Twi nervous to do a lesbian scene.

I'm just calling it now that while Sunset is looking for spank materiel she's gonna stumble on Twis videos since she's probably gonna be looking up nerdy girl porn to fulfill her desires.


Depending on how you interpret NTR it's already going that route since Twilight is going to be banging other people.

True. I think the biggest determiner of whether its NTR is how Sunset reacts. And that's going to depend on what Twilight tells her, and if she can get Sunset to understand that doing adult films are basically just performance art with sex. IF Sunset can accept that, and isn't hurt by what Twilight's doing, it slides out of the NTR zone. Like with just about everything, it comes down to how it affects the other person, and how honest the communication between the two is.

Regarding who Twi's going to end up with in this story, while I personally am rooting for SunLight, its really going to depend on what happens in later chapters. I can see Twi developing feelings for Adagio because she's fulfilling the same role in her life as Sunset does, just under far more stressful and intimate (proximity and sexual) circumstances, and the two of them hook up romantically. And if things go badly for Twilight once her parents and the colleges she's applied to find out she's been in adult films, she may end up going with Adagio instead of heading back to Canterlot because there's nothing left for her there (regardless of whether or not Sunset would have rejected her in the same way after finding out).

I'm just calling it now that while Sunset is looking for spank materiel she's gonna stumble on Twis videos since she's probably gonna be looking up nerdy girl porn to fulfill her desires.

Yea, that's one scenario. Another is that one of the other girls gets in touch with her because they found one of Twi's videos. Or, worst case scenario, Twi's parents show up demanding to know if Sunset knew Twilight was doing porn. Best case scenario is Twilight's honest with Sunset, tells her, and helps explain the whole "performance art" thing in such a way that it doesn't hurt her.

If I were a betting man (I'm not), I'd say $10 Sunset's doing porn too.

And so, the course is locked and the boat is picking up steam. Whether she runs straight into a reef, or threads the needle, we'll just have to wait and see. Either way, I'm onboard for the trip.

Now, I'm not an expert of human mating rituals, so I'm not sure if Twilight's sending mixed signals to Adagio. All of Dagi's blushing and such could just be her responding to the compliments and the obvious gratitude from a girl she barely knows, or it could be that she's taking those compliments as advances. While I know this is potentially going to end in a love triangle where someone gets hurt, I will continue to hope that things work out between Sunny and Twilight in a way that doesn't leave either heartbroken, because, y'know, OTP. But, if it doesn't work out, that's the author's prerogative, and I can live with it, because its the story she wants to tell.

“So, how are you gonna send her those pics?” Adagio asked.

Twilight shrugged. “I mean, In theory, all I need is a background that looks like a photo shoot set, a nice outfit and a camera.

Adagio smiled at her. “You mean like the classroom set over there, the schoolgirl outfit you’re already in, and my phone?”

Twilight giggled. “Something like that, yeah.”

Hey Twi? I don't think that hole you're digging yourself into is deep enough. Here's a new shovel. Its got a high-frequency blade on it.

If I were a betting man (I'm not), I'd say $10 Sunset's doing porn too.

Its certainly possible. But if she was, it would be very different from what Twilight's doing. Remember, Sunset was established last chapter as being homosexual, so unless she's getting extra compensation, its unlikly she'd be working with guys. That, and she's still in Canterlot, so I doubt there's a professional scene there. At most, she'd be doing amateur. If we go with the contrived coincidence that she's also working in adult entertainment, my money would be on a strip-club. Or, if we're not considering any form of adult entertainment, she could be at a warehouse or in construction. Something with heavy lifting or lots of physical activity, because she said that she would be "sweaty and exhausted." That can mean a lot of things.

Trying to find the right balance of 'Boring day job' and 'Exciting sex' was really difficult!

I think you struck the right balance for this chapter. The "This is a performance. Yes, having a guy inside me is pleasurable, but I'm just here to put on a show for the camera." mentality that Twilight maintained was ideal. Also, the quasi-banality of Jack, Rose and Steady's professionalism really helped it not feel as skeevy as it easily could have.

It makes me wonder why I thought writing about the sex industry was a good idea, when I have no friggin' idea what I'm talking about half the time.

You liked the idea and the challenge, and/or you were interested in the potential character drama that it could create? As much as I love vanilla SunLight stories (And I do. A lot.), I think that ones where there is some risk of things not working out well are far more interesting and engaging. Its easy to read something where the outcome is never in question. Its more satisfying when the "happy ending" is constantly in question, but you get it, or something like it, in the end. Or the reader's expectations get jossed, and the story sticks out even more among all others of its kind for playing against that assumption.

I kind of like how you’re subtly setting up this odd love triangle between Twi, Sunset and Dagi.

You know this might be the first time I’ve ever seen a love triangle being handled well, anyone who’s ever watched “terrible writing advice” knows horrible it can be forced into a story, but this a actually a very interesting way to handle it.

Man you just know when twi tells sunset shes doing porn and what her porn name is shes going to buy a copy of that dvd. Personally im rooting sun/twi but adagio will be the one to make her start giving females a chance i believe. Shes probably also gonna be the one that points out to twi sunset has feelings for her and push her a more stable life because porn probably is not a stable job. Age health looks if any negatives happen ...bamn never get hired again. Hmmm or all 3 could start their own production company with sunset as the director maybe even performer sometimes. Theirs plenty of talent in canterlot. Plenty of girls/guys maybe looking for a little excitement or spending money. Hell cadance might demand shining star in one so she can brag when other girls see what she gets regularly. Big mac might wanna help out a little more financially at the farm. She can have rarity make the outfits if any. Thats a avenue to branch out to clothing/lingerie wise.

When steady and adagio gave each other the look when twi mentioned she came from a small town you just know thats bad news brewing. How will her friends take it. Applejack and rarity seem the kind to criticize and judge over something like doing porn. Theyd accept it eventually but i could see them not wanting her near their sisters/family.

Hell someone on the college board might find her unsuitable for their college and attempt to stonewall her entry or worse blackmail her ...her scholarship forms if any weren't filed on time due to not being their.. mysteriously ..but he can take care of it at the snap of a finger, just gotta give him the pornstar treatment.

I like it, even that I misunderstood the chapter's title.

For a single moment, I thought the title meant Twilight actually had an STD.

Much better chapter than that.

Also, as a tip to the author: Skin cleansers. It's common to use wipes rather than tissues to clean up (less harsh), and ironically enough straight out of the pump Cetaphil is a really good way to touch up a "money shot" that's dried out a bit for photos.

Multiple cameras for shoots. Effectively gives you twice the screen time for the same amount of "action" work and means the people working a scene don't end up wearing out so much, since you can edit multiple angles together for more play time.

Now that we've passed the point of no return for Twilight, I'll comment real quick. I was going to hit you with a wall of text about where I think this story is going, but decided against it.

So I'm just going to say thay I really enjoy the story. While I dread the moment when her friends/family find out what she's up too, as most of them are not going to take it well, I'm really excited to see how this experience makes Twilight grow as a person
Oddly enough, the decision to go into porn was a great one for her in some ways, it seems.

Now I'll leave with a few predictions.

TwiDagio's going to be a summer fling, While Sunlight is OTP. Sunset is also doing sex work (exotic dancing from the sounds of it). And despite some rocky roads ahead of her, in the end Twilight'll be just fine and the experience will be an overwhelmingly positive one for her.

I know that the OTP in this fandom is sunset and sci-twi, but I’m kind of hoping adagio and twi stay together mainly because it’s a nice change of pace and it will really test both twi relationship with both sunset and adagio and see if she can keep things together even though they have gone so wrong because sunset didn’t confess her feelings at the beginning.

Fair point. I mostly say Sunlight because after the summer is over and Twi and Adagio's contracts are up, they're going to go back to their respective hometowns and move on with their lives. The only way I can see the the two staying together is if from the fallout of Twi's summer job, and the twisted web of lies she's weaving to hide it, she's forced to start a new life with Adagio in Philadelphia.

While I can see that you haven’t taken into account that maybe adagio won’t stay in her home town for long? I mean sure she will visit but I’m just saying if a relationship does blossom she would want to be close to twilight.

The issue with that is that the reason that Adagio got into porn was to earn money so she, Sonata, and Aria could get into a music college together. I will grant you the possibility of Adagio visiting Twilight on breaks, however.

Did adagio say if she personally actually really wants to do that or is it more of obligation to her family?

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