• Published 31st Jan 2019
  • 2,060 Views, 105 Comments

Sarah's Adventure's in Equestria - Zipp Storm

A Spin off of MaxTV123's Ren's Adventures in Equestria story with a a few changes.

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Episode 85: Carrie and Pawpawsaurus

"Li'l sis! Wake up!"

Yaaaaaaawn...what? I slowly began to wake up

"Big brother? What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Carrie, come on. I made a delicious breakfast." Mason smiled as he kept shaking him until I was finally up, wearing nothing more than my grey shorts and white shirt. "Come on."

"Okay..." I let out a yawn as I got out of our bed, started to put on my clothes as we headed downstairs and saw everyone was here. Ren, Kaede, and Kodiak were helping out in the kitchen while Jamie was reading a book that says "The History of Equestria".

"Oh, good morning Carrie and Mason." Jamie greeted us with a wave before looking back at his book.

"Meow." Skitty leaped over to me and leaped into my arms. "Hehe, hi Skitty."

"Meow, Meow."

"Ahh, good morning guys." I waved at them before rubbing my eyes as both Ren and Kaede walked to the table with Kodi carrying a plate of a bunch of pancakes on his back, and they had whipped cream and a cherry on top. "Whoa!"

"Hey Carrie, how you hanging?" Ren winked at me with a grin before me and big brother sat down.

"I think I'm doing well, Ren." I yawned before smiling softly and looking at Kodi, still holding the plate of pancakes. "Hm? What's up Kodi?"

"Duh, it's your! I hope you like it! Mason and the others made this for you!" Kodi barked happily, his tail wagging in joy.

"F-for me?" I asked in surprise before taking the plate off his back. "Wow! Thank you all!"

"Don't mention it. Mason taught us a little on how to make it, well all except for Ren and Jamie." Kaede sighed.

"Yeah, that was the only thing I was good at making." Ren chuckled, rubbing his head bashfully. "As for Jamie...Mason helped him out on making the pancakes, but it was kinda difficult for him."

"Sorry if I messed things up again. I haven't gotten any sleep the other night due to having a study session with Twilight." Jamie sighed before turning a page on his book. "Right now, I'm reading everything I can about Equestria."

Mason let out a sigh before turning to me with a deadpan expression and said "Apparently, Jamie told us this morning that he had to continue reading that book for a while. One is where he checks it out and reads it, the second time is where he writes everything down in his journal, and the third is to study everything about it."

"Jeez, it's like he's trying to study for an exam." Ren sighed, sweat-dropping a little. "I mean, we haven't been going to school due to us being here in this world."

"Yeah well, I want to keep up my studies, even about studying this world and being trapped in it, too." Jamie retorted before taking a bite of his pancake.

"Yeah, but there's a thing called 'over-study." Kaede pointed out.

"Don't worry guys, I'll be fine." Jamie assured with a small worried grin. "Besides, I've done this a lot back then."

"Wow, he must be extremely smart as Twilight." Kodi muttered, which I nodded in agreement.

"Oh well! At least this taste so good! Thanks big brother!" I chuckled before eating my pancakes.

"Meow." Skitty tired to get some of my pancakes, but I gently pushed her away. "No Skitty, you can't have my pancakes." I cooed.

"Meow?" Skitty went over to Skye's plate. "Get away from my plate you maggot!" she demanded in her general attitude, but Skitty gave a, "Meow, meow."

"I said no, you maggot!" Skye exclaimed.

"Meow Meow." Skitty meowed. Then Skitty took one and ran off with it. "HEY!" Skye yelled. Sarah laughed at the kitten pokemons' antics.

"Don't mention sis." Mason smiled before saying "By the way, we need to head over to Rarity's shop."

"Huh? Really?" I asked curiously. "Why's that big brother?"

"It's just...some stuff I have to do." Mason said, covering his mouth with his scarf. Huh? Wonder what my brother wants to do so badly?

"Oh yeah, speaking of which, I have to go over there as well to help Rarity out on some new clothesline." Kaede said, remembering about it.

"Oh, new clothesline?" Ren asked as Kodi hopped on his head and laid on it.

"Yeah, she says it's for a very important customer for her." Kaede explained.

"I see." Ren nodded with a smile. "Well I gotta go to Fluttershy's cottage."

"Huh? Why? Is she teaching you about love again?" Mason asked.

Teach you about love?" Skye asked with a raised eyebrow. "How do you not know about love?"

"Well yeah." Ren shrugged. "I know it sounds weird, but I don't mind."

"O-oh...I see. Sorry for overreacting there." Jamie sighed before saying "It's just that...it's weird for me to even hear about interspecies relation."

"Interspecies what?" I asked curiously.

"In other terms, two different kinds falling in love." Mason clarified.

"Yeah, this is actually quite a development. I should write that down later." Jamie said, returning back to his book.

"So anyway, yeah, it's that." Ren said. Kodi gave a soft grin before letting out a burp. "Excuse me."

I let out a giggle as I said "Yep, excuse you Kodiak."

"I see." Mason nodded. "Well, I guess me and my sister should be heading our way once she's done, okay sis?"

"I'm already done." I said, much to his surprise. He saw my entire plate already finished.

"Huh...guess you were really hungry, eh?"

"Yep! It was so delicious as always!"

"Thought so." Big brother rolled his eyes playfully before clearing his throat. "Alright, let us be on our way."

"Okay! Bye Ren! Bye Kaede! Bye Jamie!Bye everyone." I waved goodbye to them.

"See ya later, Carrie. I'll see you by noon." Kaede said with a smile.

"Yeah, bye..." Jamie waved goodbye, not bothering to look over to us as he was too busy with his book.

"See ya Carrie!" Ren waved goodbye back to us.

"Bye!" Kodi waved goodbye with a happy bark as me and big brother left the home-ship and began heading over to Ponyville. While walking there, I turned to Mason and asked "So what is it that wants you to go over to Carousel Boutique?"

"Well...let's just say it's a special surprise for a little someone." Mason winked at me, much to my confusion. Wonder who's he talking about? Wonder if it's...Huh?

"Hey! Look over there!" I pointed out to see smoke coming out somewhere in Ponyville. Mason became alarmed to see it as he widened his eyes and said "Oh no, that's coming from the same direction from Carousel Boutique!"

"Oh no!" I gasped. "What if Rarity and Sweetie Belle are in trouble?!"

"Come on!" Mason grabbed me and held me by the shoulder before running towards the scene.

We finally arrived to town and found Carousel Boutique before Mason immediately kicked the door opened with all his might as he settled me down as we rushed into the scene.

"Is everyone okay?!...Huh?" Mason blinked in surprise, finding nothing burning an a dinosaur in the shop. It was short in height but long in length. It was pink with small spines on its back and two medium spikes out to the side.

"What the heck is that thing?" Mason asked.

The dinosaur roared and started running towards us. "Yikes." The dinosaur nudged me, causing me to go into the air and land on it's back. "Carrie!"

"Big brother!" The dinosaur ran through town with big brother and Rarity chasing after it.

POV Ends

Mason's POV

"Mason!" I turned to see Ren and the others coming. "What the hell is that thing?" Jack asked.

"It's a Pawpawsaurus! And it's got Carrie? How'd it do that?" Sarah asked.

"It just ran towards us and picked up my sister." I replied. "And it's getting away."

Blitz, Blossom, Blaze, Aqua and Quake, in their chibi forms, ran ahead, "Hey guys, wait up." Sarah called. The ponies dove out of the way as the Pawpawsaurus ran through town with Carrie on it's back. "Carrie!" I called.

Carrie looked back at me, "Big brother!"

"Ugh, we're not gonna catch her this way." Ren said.

"Let me try." Skye said and she pulled out her controller and drove her helicopter in front of the Pawpawsaurus, making it stop in it's tracks.

"Alright, you maggot. Let Private Carrie go this instant. Or feel the wrath of Skye Jones!" Skye said. The Pawpawsaurus roared at the helicopter. "Don't take that tone with me solider!" The Pawpawsaurus roared again and turned around, swinging its tail and hitting the copter. "Hey!" Skye cried.

"Ha! So much for your toy." Rantaro chuckled.

"Grr.." Skye growled.

Pawpawsaurus roared again and seemed agitated, shaking his head. "Woah.." Carrie said.

"Carrie!" I called in worry. "We have to do something."

"Let me try." Sarah said and she slowly approached Pawpawsaurus. "Easy, there bug guy... I don't wanna hurt you..." she cooed. Pawpawsaurus stopped shaking his head and looked at her. Pawpaw gave a soft roar. "It's okay, Pawpaw.. I just want the little passenger on your back." Pawpaw looked at Carrie who waved to him. "We won't hurt you, we just want Carrie."

Pawpaw roared softly and layed down on the ground, allowing Carrie to get off of his back. I ran over to her and hugged her, "Carrie... are you alright?"

"I'm okay big brother." Carrie said. I sighed in relief. Sarah rubbed Pawpawsaurus' head. "Thanks big guy." Pawpaw roared softly. "Now let's get you back into a card, alright?" Pawpaw nodded and Sarah used her Element to turn Pawpaw back into a card.

Sarah picked up the card. "Got'cha."

The others came over. "Is Carrie alright?" Ren asked.

"Yes, she's fine." I said much to their relief.

"I'm glad." Ren smiled.

Carrie smiled. "Hehehe, Pawpaw was nice."

"Yes... but next time I hope he asks before he takes you on a ride." I said to her. Carrie laughed as I rubbed her head.

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